Writing not with different parts of speech. Repeat spelling

The lesson discusses the rules for determining spelling - letters, continuous and separate spelling NOT with parts of speech, gives an algorithm for choosing a spelling - letters and a method for conveniently memorizing the rules for continuous / separate spelling NOT with parts of speech.

2. Reference and information Internet portal “Russian Language” ().

Internet resources used

1. Dictionary of linguistic terms ().

2. Subordinating conjunctions and allied words ().


Russian language: Textbook for 9th grade. general educational institutions / S.G. Barkhudarov, S.E. Kryuchkov, L.Yu. Maksimov, L.A. Czech. - M.: Education, 2011.

Russian language. 9th grade: textbook. for educational institutions /M.M. Razumovskaya, S.I. Lvova, V.I. Kapinos, V.V. Lviv; edited by MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta, - M.: Bustard, 2011.

Litnevskaya E.I. Russian language. Brief theoretical course for schoolchildren. - Moscow State University, 2006.

Rosenthal D.E. Handbook of spelling and literary editing. - M.: 2012.

Unified state exam in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. Demo version control measurement materials of the 2013 unified state exam in the Russian language, prepared by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF PEDAGOGICAL MEASUREMENTS”.

Demonstration version of control measuring materials for conducting state (final) certification (in a new form) in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE in 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013 of students who have mastered the basic general education programs of the main general education, prepared by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF PEDAGOGICAL MEASUREMENTS”.

As practice shows, the particle NOT raises the most questions. Its combined and separate writing with all parts of speech is studied throughout the entire school course. Let's look at some cases.


The verb is rightfully considered the most “moving” part of speech. We describe almost every action we take with its help. Integrated and separate writing began to be studied as early as in primary school. This is explained by the fact that this rule is considered the simplest among other parts of speech. The main thing to remember is that a verb will only be written with NOT together in exceptional cases. As a rule, it is characterized only by separate writing.

To avoid mistakes, it is necessary to distinguish the verb from other groups of speech. Remember, he answers questions (inf.) what to do? (do?).

The particle is NOT used separately: NOT seen, NOT informed, DOES NOT speak.

In cases where a word cannot exist without this negative particle, we must turn it into a prefix and write it together.

For example: The boss was indignant about being late.

The weather had been violent since the evening.

There are few such words; they are considered exceptions to this simple rule.


This part of speech is sometimes called the verb form. But it is worth noting that combined and separate writing are strikingly different.

When the word we need with NOT is part of the phrase, in this case we will write it separately.

It is worth recalling the meaning of this term. A participial phrase in Russian is a separate definition expressed by a participle with words dependent on it.

For example: A wind that does not subside even for a minute would be very cold.

In this case, “not subsiding” (proverb) has with it words that are subordinate to it: “not for a minute.” We can say that in this

Now we can have no doubt that this word will be written with the particle NOT only separately.

Let's take another sentence as an example: “The unread magazine was lying on the table.”

In this case, the participle does not have any dependent words. It is a definition subordinate to the word "magazine". There is no revolution here, so we will write the participle together with the particle NOT.

Integrated and separate writing, therefore, depends on its presence or absence.


Quite often, when talking about our main action and using a verb for this purpose, we also talk about another, secondary one. In this case, we will turn to the gerund. This is exactly the function it has: to talk about the additional action of the main one.

This part of speech also causes difficulty with the use of the particle NOT. The combined and separate spelling will be similar to the verb spelling. That is, the gerund is written with NOT in most cases separately: without drawing, without writing, without having fun.

However, here too we will encounter exceptions. Firstly, these are the words that cannot be written without the particle NOT: indignantly, furiously.

Secondly, when two prefixes are combined in a word.

For example: unloving, unfinished, unfinished.

True, some linguists believe that this is one whole morpheme NEDO.


One of the most used and necessary parts of speech in our language. A noun helps us call objects by their proper names and makes our speech varied. It is thanks to him that the lexical composition of the entire Russian language is replenished. Combined and separate writing is regulated by several aspects.

Example: The enemy will never defeat us.

In this sentence, the word with NOT can be replaced with a similar synonymous word “enemy”. In this situation, the noun and the particle must be written together.

If the word cannot be used without NOT, let’s write them together: ignoramus, dunno, fable.

In order for a noun with this particle to be written separately, two conditions are necessary.

The first is the presence of opposition, which is performed using conjunctions ah, but and others.

For example: The boy told his parents a lie.

You need to be more careful when the opposition is not explicit, but only implied: It was not my mother who called on the phone. (And someone else). This is the second condition for separate writing.

The use of the particle NOT (combined and separate spelling) in nouns, adjectives and adverbs is very similar.


In this article, we looked at cases of spelling the particle NOT with some parts of speech. As we were able to notice, there is no single rule on this matter. Integrated and separate writing not with participles, as well as verbs, gerunds and other parts of speech are different. In order to use this particle correctly, you need to ask a question about the word. This will help determine which part of speech is currently being used. After this, we can easily apply the rule necessary for each case. The main thing is to remember that every rule has a number of exceptions.

"Not with different parts of speech" is one of the topics in the Russian language that always causes difficulties. And the point here is not so much the complexity of the topic itself, but the amount of information that needs to be remembered: for a noun, the rules used for a verb are not always suitable, but try determining the combined and separate spelling of a participle by analogy with a verb is generally one of the biggest mistakes!What should you do to be confident in your knowledge and not make mistakes?

Particle and prefix

First you need to clearly delimit the particle Not and prefix Not-. The particle is always written separately, but the prefix is ​​highlighted with the corresponding sign during the morphemic analysis of the word and is its structural part. Based on this it is built general rule: Not with different parts of speech is written together if given word without Not just not used ( hate, bad weather, invincible, unexpected and so on.). Finding such words in a text is not at all difficult, so there are usually no difficulties with them.

Spelling with nouns, adjectives and adverbs

In one large group nouns, adjectives and adverbs ending in -O (cold, fast). Spelling particles Not In this case, it completely coincides with different parts of speech.

So, Not written separately:

  1. If there is a contrast with the union A (not hot, but cold; not a friend, but an enemy; not fresh, but stale).
  2. With words not at all, far away (not at all cautious; not cold at all; far from easy).
  3. With double negative ( It’s not new to anyone; news that's not interesting to anyone).
  4. When negating two signs in a row ( not high and not low).

Continuous writing Not- with different parts of speech is possible in two cases:

  1. If you can find a synonym without Not- (foe - enemy, close - close, a little - little).
  2. If the conjunction is used But in combinations like shallow but fast. Union But is adversative, however, unlike the conjunction A it may not mean opposition, but a comparison of non-mutually exclusive features.


We continue to study the spelling of particles Not with different parts of speech. The rule regarding the sacrament can easily be called one of the most controversial, because it is with it that the greatest difficulties usually arise. But let's try to figure it out.

Together Not- It is written with the participle in such cases:

  1. If there is no dependent word ( wet grass; unfinished task).
  2. If there is no opposition ( unread book; unpublished manuscript).
  3. With adverbs of measure and degree very, extremely, absolutely, almost, completely, extremely, completely, quite (extremely rash decision; almost undisturbed order).
  4. If the participle is formed from a verb with the prefix under- (misunderstood, unwashed).

With separate writing Not It's also easy to figure out:

  1. If there is a dependent word ( an essay not written (how?) on time; student who didn’t come (when?) today).
  2. If there is a contrast ( not a fictional story, but a real one).
  3. If the participle has a short form ( the story is not made up, the book has not been read).

Only separately!

There are several situations in which only separate writing is possible Not with different parts of speech. Some of them are original rules and are memorized by children in elementary school, while others are practically never encountered.

  1. With words that are written with a hyphen ( not friendly, not south-eastern).
  2. With adjectives in the comparative degree ( no better, no worse).
  3. With relative, possessive adjectives, as well as adjectives of taste and color ( not winter; not my mother's; not black).
  4. With numerals ( not one, not the second).
  5. With verbs ( didn't go, couldn't).
  6. With participles ( without being able to, without thinking).
  7. With function words: prepositions and particles ( not only, not with him, not because of him).

In addition to the fourth point: it is very important not to confuse the participle and the adjective, because in the case of a short adjective, the spelling Not will obey different rules. Compare: the girl is talented and educated And group formed. In the first case, the fact that the word educated is an adjective, indicates a nearby word of the same part of speech, and besides, the meaning is clear that this is not a gerund (the girl was not educated, but she is smart). In the second situation, it is clear that someone created the group, formed it, i.e. it educated. Consequently, different spellings are due Not different parts of speech, which include homonymous words.


Talking about spelling Not with different parts of speech, let’s focus on personal and negative pronouns. In the case of them, everything is very simple: if there is a preposition, it is written separately ( no one with), if it is not there - together ( once).

Under- And not up to

One of the most difficult points of this rule is the spelling of verbs with the prefix under- and verbs with a particle Not and prefix before-. This means words like malnourished And don't finish eating, which at first glance are absolutely identical, but from a grammatical point of view should be written differently.

Console under- denotes a completed action, the result of which does not correspond to the norm (some linguists say that any word with this prefix means something bad): undernourish (eat little), underestimate (not value highly enough), understate (hide the truth).

In turn, the particle and prefix characterize the interrupted action: do not finish eating (do not have time to finish the meal), do not finish speaking (do not finish the speech), do not swim (do not finish the swim).

At first glance, everything is not so complicated, but sometimes situations arise when choosing between two options is not easy.

Not against neither

Another controversial topic is "Spelling Not And neither with different parts of speech." Fortunately, there are not many nuances here, so it won’t be difficult to understand the rules.

Particle Not used for:

  1. Expressions of negation ( I don't understand, not mine).
  2. Under stress in pronouns ( no one, no time).

Then as a particle neither:

  1. Strengthens denial ( there was no light or house visible)
  2. Used without stress in pronouns ( no one, never)
  3. Used in complex sentences to strengthen a statement ( wherever we went, we were greeted joyfully).

In principle, everything is not so difficult, some tasks of this kind are performed exclusively at the level of intuition, but still, knowledge of the theory can significantly facilitate the task.

We repeat

In order to consolidate the rule, it is better to repeat all the material. It is important to understand what combinations are formed with Not different parts of speech. The table will help you remember all the most important things.


Nouns, adjectives, adverbs in -O

1. Synonym without Not-

2. Not used without Not-

1. Contrast with union A

2. Not at all, not at all, far from it

3. Double negative


1. Without a dependent word

1. With adverbs of measure and degree

2. With a dependent word

Other parts of speech

1. With words that are written with a hyphen

2. With verbs and gerunds

3. With short participles

4. With possessive, relative adjectives, color adjectives

5. With numerals

6. With function words


In principle, this is where we can end the conversation about spelling Not with different parts of speech. This rule includes many subparagraphs, each of which is divided into several others - you really have to remember a lot. But, on the other hand, here and there there are overlapping points, thanks to which, of course, it will be much easier to understand. The main thing is desire, patience and practice, and the rest will come on its own.

The summary table presents material about spelling NOT with different parts of speech. The table is convenient to use as a small reference book for students when preparing for the Unified State Exam.

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“Everything is in one table. Spelling NOT with different parts of speech. Task No. 12 Unified State Exam"

Task No. 12 Unified State Exam Spelling NOT with different parts of speech

    I am writing NOT together with words that are not used without NOT (indignant, raging, hated, forget-me-not, ridiculous, careless...)

I am NOT writing separately

Either together or separately

All together or in 3 words

1 .Verb

I wasn't, I don't know

2 .Participle

Not knowing, not deciding


Not third, not five, not four

4. Relative and possessive adjectives

Not rubber, not fox

5. Adverbs not ending in -O, -E

Not suddenly, not really, not too much


Not them, not yours, not everyone, not like that

7. Comparative degree adj. And adverbs

Not lower, not stricter

8. All words with a hyphen

Not the southwest, not in my opinion


No need, no need

10. Short adjectives as an auxiliary part of the verb predicate

Not happy, not ready, shouldn't

Nouns, qualitative adjectives, adverbs ending in -O, -E, participles


    Not to be used without

Ignorant, indignant

1. There is (or is implied) a contrast with the conjunction A

Not beautiful, but ugly

Not gold (but something else, no synonym)

Not the truth, but a lie

    Can be replaced with a synonym without NOT



2.Adjs and adverbs have negative words





NOT AT ALL, etc.

Far from beautiful

3. Participles have dependent words

A problem I haven't solved

4.Short participles

The example is not solved, the window is not closed

Negative and indefinite pronouns

No one - no one with

No one - no one

No one - no one


    Distinguish verbs with the particle NOT and the prefix DO and verbs with the prefix NEDO (= lack of something)

Children in kindergarten They don’t finish their porridge. (Do they have porridge? Yes)

People were malnourished during the war. (That is, they did not have enough food)

The boy doesn't reach the bell. - The young man lacks courage. (lacks)

The preposition DESPITE (=although) the rain... and the gerund DESPITE (at it...)

    Remember the spelling of combinations with pronouns: NOTHING OTHER THAN; NONE OTHER THAN; NOTHING ELSE BUT; NOBODY ELSE EXCEPT.


One of the most difficult rules of Russian spelling is the choice of continuous or separate spelling NOT with different parts of speech. How to write NOT with different parts of speech - together or separately - we discuss in this article. Also in the article you will find examples of spelling words with NOT.

Classification is the basis of performance

A large number of elements is difficult and inconvenient to keep in memory, it is difficult to operate with them - you’ll soon forget something. But as soon as you distribute all the elements into groups, the work begins to progress. So in the case of spelling NOT with all parts of speech, the volume of material seems too large, and the rules are too scattered. However, upon closer examination, it turns out that parts of speech can be combined into several groups.

It is impossible to separate, together

And the first thing that comes to mind (and rightly so!) is those cases when the word without NOT is not used. Of course, it must be written together, because otherwise it will turn out to be a non-existent word. For example, “you can’t.” If you write it separately, what will happen? Lzya? What is this word? So, let’s immediately see if the word is used without NOT. If not, feel free to write together and don’t think about it anymore.

Separately, not together

We all know that there are a number of parts of speech that are always written with NOT separately. For example, NOT with a verb. Let's remember them all.

  • Verb (don't know)
  • Participle (not knowing)
  • Numeral (not eight)
  • Pronoun (except negative and indefinite) (not I)
  • Adverb not on -о, -е (except for negative and indefinite) (not at the top)
  • Short participle (not finished reading)

Let's supplement the list with words that make sense to remember:

not necessary, not necessary, not sorry, not ready, couldn’t, shouldn’t, not happy.

Sometimes verbs with the prefix do- and the particle NOT are confused with verbs with the prefix under- (naturally, tearing off a piece from it would be wrong). It is not difficult to distinguish them - you need to discard NOT. If the meaning of a sentence is reversed, it is a particle; It turned out to be absurd - we have a verb with the prefix under-. Example: The child did not reach the toy (the child reached the toy - opposite meaning, particle, separately). The patient did not have enough air (the patient did not have enough air? Nonsense, prefix, continuous).

Noun, adjective, adverb ending in -o, -e

These parts of speech are written according to the same rule. Together, if you can find a synonym. Separately, if there is a contrast with the conjunction A or the words “at all”, “not at all”, “not at all”, etc.

Low picket fence (=low). Not a high, but a low picket fence. Not a tall picket fence at all.

You can only remember about the synonym and try to substitute it into a sentence - the result will be the same: into sentences with opposition or the words “at all”, “not at all”, etc. You cannot substitute a synonym. Let's check it with our examples. Low=low. “Low, but low picket fence”? “Not a bit of a low picket fence”? It turned out to be absurd. We must write separately.

They are written with NOT together, unless there is a preposition that comes between NOT and the word, breaking them: no one - no one.

Full Communion

It cannot be combined with anything other than a verbal adjective.

So, the full participle and verbal adjective are written with NOT separately if

  • There is a contrast with the conjunction A
  • There are words at all, not at all, not at all, etc.
  • There are dependent words.

Participles ending in -my stand somewhat apart (favorite, stored, etc.). They are written separately with NOT, if there are not any dependent words, but only in the instrumental case without a preposition (not my favorite); all others do not affect the writing (disliked for this).

In all other cases, NOT is written together with participles.


Let's look at the table “NOT with different parts of speech” for examples.

Always separate

Verb, gerund, adverb not in -o, -e, not negative, short participle, numeral

Words: don’t, don’t need, don’t be sorry, not ready, couldn’t, shouldn’t, not happy

Wasn’t at school, didn’t come up with an answer, don’t speak Russian, wasn’t appointed as a deputy, not on the third floor, not happy about spring, don’t feel sorry for the past

Possible options

Nouns, adjectives, adverbs ending in -о, -е

Not a kangaroo (no synonym)

Untruth (=lie), not true, but a lie, not at all true

Possible options

Negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs

No one - no one, no one

Possible options

Participles and verbal adjectives

Unpainted, not painted, but whitewashed, not painted on time

What have we learned?

All parts of speech can be divided into four groups, each of which is subject to a specific spelling rule NOT. But before applying the rule, you need to make sure that the word is used without NOT.

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