Nadezhda meaning of character name. What does the name hope mean?

Nadezhda is an ancient Slavic name with Greek roots; it used to sound like “Nadezha”. The name is a tracing from the ancient Greek name Elpis - one of the three sisters considered the main Christian virtues. Sisters Vera (Charis), Nadezhda (Elpis) and Love (Pistis) suffered martyrdom for their unshakable faith in Christ.

Previously, all three names were considered common nouns and were practically not used. The turning point occurred in 1740, during the reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. The names turned out to be practically the only ones that sound Russian in the entire list of saints.

The name Nadezhda gained the greatest popularity at the end of the 19th century, and in the 20th century the peak of popularity occurred in the 20-60s. Today the name is at the end of the second ten in popularity.

The name Nadezhda contains powerful potential, as proven by its numerous owners - all of them are extraordinary individuals who have achieved great success in life. Among them are singers Nadezhda Babkina and Nadezhda Kadysheva, actress Nadezhda Rumyantseva, ballerina Nadezhda Plevitskaya, pianist Nadezhda Rimskaya-Korsakova, writer Nadezhda Durova and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The patroness of all Hopes is Nadezhda of Rome, a young woman and martyr who was beheaded for her faith in Christ at the age of ten.

In the 2nd century, the widow Sophia lived in Rome with three daughters - Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov. The girls were raised by their mother in deep love and respect for Jesus Christ. Emperor Hadrian, who ruled at that time, wanted to get acquainted with the pious family.

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The emperor tried to convert the girls and their mother to the pagan faith, and when he failed, he ordered the girls to be brutally tortured in front of their mother Sophia. This did not break the strong-willed Christian women; they did not renounce their faith. The girls were beheaded, and their mother died of grief three days later right at their grave.

Characteristics of the name

Nadezhda’s life path will not be strewn with roses, since the name will endow its owner with a rather difficult character, combining masculine and feminine traits at the same time. The masculine principle will be felt in prudence, willpower, straightforwardness and rudeness, and the ability to accurately analyze the situation. And the feminine principle will be expressed in emotionality, sensuality, generosity and patience.

Nadya's tears are very close, it costs her nothing to cry over a sentimental film or out of sympathy for a close friend. But at the same time, she will never complain about her hardships; she keeps all problems and grievances to herself. Despite the fact that Nadezhda is an emotional person, the passions raging in her soul can only be noticed when her cup of patience is overflowing. She knows how to endure difficulties, be patient and merciful.

Nadya thoroughly analyzes everything that happens; she does not like to stand on ceremony, but prefers to act. She does not have a very good sense of humor, so those around her need to be careful with jokes - Nadezhda is touchy, and her ardor can play a bad joke on her. Categorical judgment and suspicion are its main shortcomings. For Nadya, the world is divided into black and white; for her there are no other shades. It is difficult to force her to do anything by force, but she cannot resist a kind request.

Nadezhda is a passive name, and life path It will be thorny, and happiness will be very difficult to achieve. At the same time, she is proud, and always tries to “show off”, pretending that everything is fine with her. She is a person of mood, and her behavior and reactions are difficult to predict.

She is a typical fighter for the truth, she never lies, she can be cruel and demanding. She has a clear principle: time for work, time for fun. Nadya will not chat for hours with her friends, although she is moderately cheerful and sociable. She is often considered a cold and soulless woman, but Nadya is capable of showing humanity and selfless acts. She is a great friend who will always provide support and will not leave you in trouble. But she doesn’t understand people well, which often causes difficulties.

Over the years, Nadezhda’s character becomes softer - this will happen when solidity and stability appear in her life, when she does not have to prove to the whole world that she is an individual.

Nadezhda never enters into any financial adventures; she is prudent, a little stingy and pragmatic. Even if she earns very little, she always has money, because she knows its value and knows how to manage it. She is a materialist to the core and bones; empty dreams are not for her.

A woman very often subjects her world to microscopic analysis, and, focusing on the little things, gets stuck in the unimportant, which prevents her from grasping the whole problem. At the same time, she hates interference in her affairs and prefers to act independently. She is a workaholic by nature, it is difficult to find a more responsible and conscientious person.

The ordinary life of Nadezhda is an eternal pursuit of some goal, be it a career or arranging her nest. She will not waste time on trifles, devoting all her strength to the main goal. But, despite her encouraging name, Nadya’s fate is difficult, and life will constantly test her strength.

Hope in childhood

If parents decide to name their daughter Nadezhda, then they need to be prepared for the fact that she will grow up to be an active and emotional child who does not recognize any authority. At school she will become the most diligent student, she will spend a lot of time with books and textbooks, but the girl is not endowed with special talents. From early childhood, firmness and thoroughness will be noticeable in her, which will be her faithful companions all her life.

At the same time, she cannot be called a gray mouse, and Nadya will be able to give a worthy rebuff to all her offenders. She does not mince words, and many will be afraid of her sharp and caustic tongue. In the class, Nadya will try to take a leadership position, which she often succeeds in. Since childhood she will dream about adult life, she will also grow up very early.

The girl does not like to fantasize and fly in the clouds, but she has good artistry and an ear for music. After school, she will try to become independent as quickly as possible and will fly out of her parents’ nest early.

Parents should teach their daughter to be a little more open and not hide her experiences inside. She needs to learn to be happy here and now, and not sometime in the foreseeable future. Otherwise, you can spend your whole life waiting for happiness, but never notice it. Dissatisfaction with today can make Nadezhda a complete pessimist.


Nadezhda is not in very good health, and a careless attitude towards him can only worsen the situation. Weak points are the thyroid gland, bronchi, digestive system, vision and metabolism.

Another weakness Hopes - gynecology. Infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and inflammation of the tubes are very common.

Nadya can receive and pass on diseases by inheritance, so you should not give the girl the name Nadezhda in honor of a close relative - this can lead to the child being developmentally delayed and possibly developing a mental illness.


In her youth, Nadya will often fall in love, committing one stupid thing after another, and the tragedies of youthful suffering will leave a deep mark on her soul. Love experiences can make Nadya cynical or lead to serious depression.

Nadezhda is a passionate person, capable of violent expressions of feelings. But she will not be intimate with just anyone; she needs a partner whom she will love or at least respect.

In sex, Nadezhda loves experiments and novelty, and abstinence negatively affects her character. A woman gains confidence in bed with a timid, doubting man - she is aroused by the role of a teacher. In sex, hope is a real altruist - for her, it is important, first of all, to satisfy a man so that he feels happy and grateful. Nadezhda thinks of herself last.

Hope in marriage, compatibility with male names

A happy marriage and Hope are almost incompatible concepts, although a woman does not look for anything in marriage other than simple female happiness. It often happens that a woman lives alone all her life or is a single mother.

Nadezhda needs a man with a gentle character, because it is difficult for two leaders in a family to get along. But Nadya will be very devoted to her man, will become his support and support in everything. She will become an excellent housewife who will not spare any expense to furnish her cozy nest. In the family, Nadezhda will be able to show all her best qualities which nature endowed her with.

Nadezhda’s husband does not have to worry about the family budget, since his wife is thrifty and practical. Nadezhda will definitely take financial management into her own hands; her husband will have to come to terms with this.

The greatest value for Nadezhda is her children, whom she idolizes and devotes all her time and energy to them. For the sake of the children, she is ready to limit herself in everything and make any sacrifices.

A successful marriage is possible with men named Alexander, Vitaly, Egor, Peter, Konstantin, Yuri, Gregory and Yakov. An alliance with Fedor, Anatoly, Vladimir, Ivan, Anatoly should be avoided.

Business and career

Nadezhda cannot be called a careerist, but she prefers to choose prestigious professions, such as doctor, lawyer or teacher. In any profession, she will be distinguished by perseverance and hard work; the praise of her superiors and the recognition of her colleagues are very important to her.

Nadezhda can be successful in any profession; she can cope with any work: monotonous, creative, interesting or routine. Therefore, among the hopes you can find successful actresses, writers, teachers, politicians, managers and bankers. Nadezhda is very active and manages to do a million things in a day. Often works two jobs at once.

But still, an ambitious woman strives for power, craves a leadership position. She will be a fair, but demanding and slightly tyrannical boss.

Ambition and the desire to earn money can push her to open own business, in which she Nadya will be successful. The woman has excellent acumen, always an impeccable reputation and a great desire to earn money. Nadezhda will conduct all her commercial affairs conscientiously and strictly; her partners will very soon understand that they can rely on her word.

Talismans for Hope

  • Patron planet - Saturn. This planet will give Nadezhda strength and energy and help her win in business.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign - Libra. If you call a girl born under this zodiac sign Nadezhda, nature will endow her with nobility, perseverance and intelligence.
  • A good time of year is autumn, a good day of the week is Friday.
  • Lucky color is orange.
  • Totem animal - hedgehog. This prickly lump perfectly characterizes Nadezhda - prickly, hot-tempered, but at the same time kind and noble. In many traditions, the hedgehog represents self-defense, tireless work, perseverance, foresight and care.
  • Totem plant - calendula and maple. Calendula symbolizes love and devotion. The flowers of this plant are used as a remedy against black magic and any witchcraft. Maple is a symbol of restraint; it helps to find peace of mind, brings peace and tranquility.
  • Talisman stone - coral and opal. Coral is an amazing stone that helps you understand the mystical side of life and comprehend the secrets of existence. It bestows wisdom on its owner and modesty on spoiled and narcissistic people. It is believed that coral can protect from misfortunes, dangers and troubles. Opal bestows the gift of prophecy and sharpens intuition. But opal is not recommended to be worn all the time, as it has the ability to inspire false hopes. The magical properties of the stone are enhanced if the opal is inherited by its owner.

Horoscope for Hope

Aries- a hot-tempered, stubborn person whose actions often lack any logic. She always goes ahead, regardless of the opinions of others. An Aries hopeful has enough confidence to make others follow her. No matter how fiercely a woman argues, in the end she will always be able to save friendly relations. A Leo man is best suited for her as a partner - this is one of the most generous signs who will be able to protect the vulnerable Aries.

Taurus is an extraordinary, gifted person who always attracts attention. She is open and sincere, generous and strict at the same time. Always ready to help without demanding anything in return. The world in the eyes of Nadezhda-Taurus is stable and harmonious, since it is built on true values. She will have a stable marriage with a Taurus man, since this is double strength, perseverance and energy. Together they feel comfortable and good; together they can move mountains.

Twins- a true optimist, never falling into despair and always hoping for the best. Fame and material well-being are not priorities for her; she prefers to stay in the shadows. As a husband for Nadezhda-Gemini, a man born under the sign of Libra is best suited - they will have a simply fabulous, easy union, far from everyday life. There will be perfect mutual understanding and harmony between them, although the union may seem strange to those around them.

Cancer- a depressed and secretive person, always dissatisfied with something. Around her, everyone becomes despondent, which pushes those around her away. But at the same time, Nadezhda-Cancer has a rich inner world, she is smart and erudite. She is very vulnerable, but also vindictive. In love, this is the most devoted and unbridled woman who will never betray or deceive her husband. A Scorpio man will be a real find for her; they will perfectly complement each other in all areas of life, especially in sex.

a lion- an ambitious nature, always striving for leadership. She is hardworking and responsible, she can be trusted with any task. He treats his subordinates strictly, even a little despotic, but fairly. It is not surprising that those around her do not like her, but they treat her with respect. Good psychological compatibility is possible with a Sagittarius man, since they are emotionally similar and will be at ease with each other. Their marriage will be built on respect and partnership.

Virgo- an intelligent, calm, balanced woman, obligatory and responsible. She plans and calculates everything, so she is successful in business. She is in no hurry to open her soul, but she prefers to be in the know about everything. The union of a man and a woman born under the sign of Virgo can be one of the most successful. This is a community of two kindred souls, living with the same worries, the same problems, they even think alike.

Scales- cheerful and carefree, she easily walks through life, for which fate rewards her with luck. She is inquisitive, loves communication and values ​​her freedom very much. She is realized as a person, but she is usually unlucky in love. Nadezhda-Libra is well compatible with a Leo man - according to statistics, such a couple has the lowest divorce rate. Interest between them arises from the first minute of meeting, and life together will be full of joy, warmth and care for each other.

Scorpion- a selfish, arrogant person with a sharp tongue. She tries to take everything from life, but doesn’t like to give anything away. She is tireless and energetic, but often wastes her potential. She is conflicted, and a quiet life does not appeal to her. Nadezhda-Scorpio is a property owner, and her husband needs to be prepared for a non-boring and hectic life. Hope-Scorpio can create the most successful union with a Cancer man - it will be almost perfect couple. If fate unites these two kindred souls, they will become support and protection for each other.

Sagittarius- a mobile, successful woman who never gets tired. She often tries to solve not only her own, but also other people's problems, even if no one asks her to do so. She is a person of action who will always find a way out of any hopeless situation. Nadezhda-Sagittarius and a Taurus man can be the best lovers in bed, and in life - best friends. They are both hot-tempered and dynamic, but understand each other perfectly.

Capricorn- a reserved, thoughtful person who prefers loneliness to noisy campaigns. She is resilient, hardworking, and is not afraid of any difficulties in life. Her domineering character repels men from her, but Nadezhda-Capricorn is not very upset about this, since she values ​​her freedom. The most optimal thing for her would be an alliance with a Scorpio man - the marriage will be based on mutual respect and understanding.

Aquarius- an impressionable, vulnerable woman who takes everything to heart. She is distinguished by generosity and magnanimity, easily making concessions in order to maintain peace. Nadezhda-Aquarius can create a good and reliable union with a Gemini man. Living together will contribute to the spiritual growth of partners; they will never be bored together.

Fish- a practical, sensible woman who rarely shows her emotions. She is easy-going and caring, but if angered she can become rude and harsh. In general, this is an insecure person who does not know how to trust people. A Cancer man can become a caring husband for Nadezhda-Pisces - they are made for each other. They have a lot in common, and they achieve the greatest mutual understanding in bed.

Nadezhda is a beautiful female name, whose representatives have a strong character and determination. Due to the connection of the name with common noun vocabulary, it was not used in Russia until the beginning of the 18th century. The attitude towards him changed with the accession of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna to the Russian throne. At first it was in demand among representatives of the nobility and only in early XIX century - among all classes. The name's popularity peaked between 1920 and 1960. During this period, it ranked 8th in the ranking of popular female names. In modern Russia, parents often call their daughters this way.

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    Origin and meaning of the name

    There is an official version of the history of the origin of the name. Female name Nadezhda has Greek roots. It is a translation of the name Elpis. This was the name of one of the three sisters of the martyrs who lived in Rome in the 2nd century. The meaning of the name is “hope”. It contains one of the main virtues of Christianity - hope in our Savior, the Lord God.

    Forms of the name: Nadya, Nadenka, Nadyusha, Nadyunya.

    Name days and patron saints

    Name days according to the church calendar are celebrated four times a year: March 14 and 20, September 30, October 21.

    Patron saints named:

    • Nadezhda Rimskaya, day of veneration - September 30.
    • Nadezhda Kruglova (March 20).
    • Nadezhda Azhgerevich (October 21).
    • Nadezhda Abbakumova (March 14).

    Often, Saint Nadezhda of Rome is chosen as the heavenly patroness of girls named Nadezhda - the middle daughter of the pious Christian widow Sophia, who raised her daughters in the love of God. Nadezhda was executed along with her young sisters Vera and Lyubov during the persecution of Christians in Rome.

    An icon depicting the holy martyr strengthens a person’s will, gives him confidence, helps him achieve success in life and protects him from dangers.

    Nadezhda of Rome, martyr, youth

    Signs and symbols

    Lucky signs, symbols and patrons of the name are presented in the table:

    Sign, mascot or symbol Interpretation and decoding
    Patron planet - SaturnSaturn symbolizes justice and wisdom. The patronage of the planet gives a person such character traits as honesty, perseverance and constancy. Thanks to these qualities, he manages to perform well at work and successfully cope with a leadership position. Negative aspects of personality that can harm a person if he cannot overcome them: greed, vindictiveness, prudence
    Talisman stones - coral, opal, agateCoral has a beneficial effect on emotional condition a person, enhances his intuition and awakens his imagination. Opal helps its owner achieve his desired goal and attracts love into his life. Opal jewelry is recommended to be worn by people who are not afraid of change and strive to change for the better. Agate symbolizes longevity and sexuality. An agate talisman fights evil, protects against damage and the evil eye
    Name number - fiveFive people are freedom-loving individuals who are attracted by the unknown. They are inquisitive and naturally have a good imagination, so they are attracted to creative professions. Fives are emotional. Sometimes they experience doubts that deprive them of the meaning of life and self-confidence. To achieve success, they need to pacify their emotionality and learn to listen to the opinions of loved ones
    Colors - orange, brown and grayOrange color characterizes bright and positive people who are able to find positive moments in any situation. People with “brown” names are good-natured, sympathetic and hardworking, but their explosive nature often leads to irreparable consequences. They must learn to control their emotions to avoid making serious mistakes in life. Gray is the color of distrust and duality of nature. People with “gray” names try to hide from everyone in order to avoid betrayal. They only let the closest people into their circle.
    Tree - mapleMaple symbolizes self-sufficiency and well-being, and is also the personification of strong and sincere marital love. Maple talismans and amulets protect a person from the envy of ill-wishers, help him find peace of mind and give him confidence in his abilities
    Metal - bronzeBronze symbolizes fortitude, masculinity and fearlessness. Metal strengthens self-confidence, creates a positive attitude, attracts success and material well-being, and also helps to overcome mental anxieties and cope with severe stress.

    The character and fate of Nadezhda

    As a child, the girl has an unpredictable character. She constantly gives surprises to her parents and never lets them get bored. Sometimes she can be a capricious and overly emotional child. With such behavior she wants to attract the attention of adults so that they show concern for her. The girl has a strong attachment to her parents, especially her dad. She sees him as her protector, so she shares her deepest secrets with him.

    Nadezhda is a brave adventurer. She loves noisy companies and enjoys playing with her peers in the yard. The guys accept into their company a cheerful girl who loves adventure and is not afraid to break the established rules.

    At school, she is the leader in her class, as she has a bright personality and independent character. Nadezhda does not allow anyone to offend her and is always ready to fight back against offenders. Studying is not the best strong point girls, because she is restless and too stubborn. It is difficult for her to concentrate on any one activity, so she completes homework received at school under the guidance of adults. With age, she will be able to instill discipline and independence in herself, but this will require a lot of effort.

    The secret of the name lies in the duality of the character of its owner. She is gentle and affectionate with close people, but as soon as they refuse her something, she immediately demonstrates her stubbornness and independence. It can be difficult for those around her to get used to sudden changes in her mood, so the girl must learn to control her emotions.

    Nadezhda is an honest person with a strong character. She does not tolerate lies and hypocrisy, always fights for justice and never refuses people in trouble. Some people consider her a cold woman, but in reality she is not. She is sociable and cheerful, but she demonstrates this side of her nature only in front of close relatives and friends. Over the years, Nadezhda's character becomes softer. A woman learns to be more tolerant of others and understand their shortcomings.

    Characteristics of Hope:


    Description of Nadezhda’s character depending on the time of year in which she was born:

    Season Characteristic
    WinterA girl born in winter loves solitude, so she avoids others and prefers to spend time away from noisy companies. This behavior is caused by her distrust. She is trying to protect herself from betrayal and betrayal by loved ones. A person who can win the trust and respect of Nadezhda will acquire a faithful and devoted friend in her.
    Spring“Spring” Hope is selfish and vain. She is used to people around her unquestioningly obeying her will, so she does not tolerate it when they try to object or contradict her. She loves herself most of all in life, so she spares no money to satisfy her needs and desires. She has few friends because people have a hard time coming to terms with her difficult character.
    SummerNadezhda, born in summer, is sociable and cheerful. She charges with her good mood those around you. Her character flaw is that she is not used to thinking about the future, so there is no stability in her life. If a girl wants to succeed in her profession and build a strong family, she should start making plans for the future and strive to realize them
    Autumn“Autumn” Nadezhda is hardworking, responsible and disciplined. She is in complete control of her life and leaves nothing out. To find happiness, she must learn to relax and appreciate the small joys of life. A girl’s fate will turn out favorably if she has a person next to her who will help her achieve harmony with herself and the world around her.


    Nadezhda has a high immune system, so she is rarely bothered by health problems. As a child, she easily tolerates infectious and viral diseases and almost never complains of feeling unwell.

    A love of sports and leading an active lifestyle help a girl maintain high vitality and also maintain an attractive figure.

    Interests and hobbies

    Nadezhda is a very active girl, so her parents help her channel her energy in a positive direction. Since childhood, she has been interested in sports, dancing, drawing and singing. She devotes her free time to watching films and reading books. She loves to retire in silence and do her own thing. Loneliness does not depress her; she draws inspiration from it. Those close to her must respect her personal space and not try to violate it.

    The girl is inquisitive, so she loves travel, exciting excursions and hikes. He prefers to spend his holidays with his family at the sea or in the mountains. If Nadezhda has her own country cottage area, she will devote a lot of time to him, as she likes to work outdoors next to picturesque nature.

    Love and family

    Nadezhda is a beautiful, feminine girl who is always surrounded by fans. Her affairs with men, as a rule, end quickly because she is disappointed in her chosen one. This happens because she doesn’t understand people well and cannot immediately understand whether a guy is right for her.

    In relationships, she is conservative, so without love, sexual intimacy is prohibited for her. She will never go to bed with a man with whom she is connected only by passion. She will give all her tenderness to a sensitive and caring guy who managed to win her heart.

    Nadezhda is in no hurry to part with freedom and independence, so she gets married at a conscious age. In her future husband, she is looking for such character qualities as poise, reliability and fidelity. The husband should become a reliable support and support for her in life. In marriage, Nadezhda gains self-confidence and loses her former incontinence and suspicion. She is a wonderful mother and wife who devotes herself completely to her family and children.

    Favorable compatibility with:

    • Alexander;
    • Valery;
    • Vyacheslav;
    • Denis;
    • Nikita;
    • Pavel;
    • Fedor.

    Least likely to have a strong relationship with:

    • Anatoly;
    • Boris;
    • Dmitry;
    • Konstantin;
    • Roman;
    • Stepan.

    Profession and career

    Nadezhda has many talents and skills, so she can easily cope with almost any job. For her, money is just a tool to achieve her goals, so when choosing a profession, the size of the salary does not matter. main role. It is more important for her to have the opportunity to develop her potential and constantly improve her professional skills. She can achieve success in the profession of teacher, administrator, lawyer, journalist, pastry chef. She is especially good at doing work that involves communicating with people.

    Thanks to her dedication and ambition, Nadezhda is respected by her superiors and quickly moves up the career ladder.

    A woman manages finances well and has leadership qualities, so she can successfully do business. But starting your own business requires a lot of time and effort, which Nadezhda is not ready to sacrifice to the detriment of her family.

    Famous people

    Famous representatives of the name:

    • Nadezhda Konstantinovna Bogdanova is a famous ballerina whose talent was highly appreciated not only in Russia, but also abroad. In Paris, Berlin, Naples, Warsaw and other major European cities, her tours were a huge success. Her repertoire included “Giselle”, “Esmeralda”, “Gazelda”, “Debutante”, “Katarina”, “Meteora” and other roles.
    • Nadezhda Viktorovna Troyan - intelligence officer and nurse of the partisan detachments operating in the Minsk region during the Great Patriotic War. She took part in operations to blow up bridges, attack enemy convoys, and took part in battles more than once. In 1943, for her courage and heroism in the fight against the German invaders, she was awarded the honorary title of Hero Soviet Union.
    • Nadezhda Nikitichna Kadysheva - Soviet and Russian singer, soloist of the ensemble " Golden ring", People's Artist of Russia and Mordovia. The singer's creative heritage includes more than twenty studio albums. Nadezhda Kadysheva performs hits that have received popular love and calling: “A Stream Flows,” “The River Is Wide,” “The Rain Is Crying,” “Give, Birch Tree,” and many others.

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Little Nadenka has an unpredictable, sometimes unbearable character. In her crib she sleeps restlessly and cries at night, but this does not mean that she is in pain or wants to eat. She just wants to be in her mommy's arms.

Nadyushka remains attached to her parents for a long time, and she trusts her dad unconditionally, shares her most intimate things with him - she sees in her father a protector and a reliable friend. Nadya is unusually tender and affectionate with her mother, but that’s only with her. In fact, she has a stubborn, independent and willful character.

The girl Nadya is not very willing to play with dolls, preferring noisy street fun with boys - she was the leader in this company. Already in early age Nadenka is a real adventurer. She is the initiator of all the children's pranks in the yard, and not always harmless ones. Therefore, knocked knees, abrasions and bruises are a common occurrence for this child.

With age, Nadezhda's character does not change much. As a teenager, she brings her parents a lot of trouble and worry, constantly getting involved in various unpleasant stories. At this time, extraordinary tact is required in the communication between parents and the girl. It would not be superfluous to attend meetings in one of the modern Protestant parishes, where Nadya can become an active participant in youth ministry and selflessly help teachers in Sunday school. Then all teenage problems will be overcome.

Nadezhda is a born teacher. After the summer session, she will be happy to work as a counselor at a children's camp, and the children will love her very much. She takes her studies at a university or college with great responsibility; she can be sent to another city without much worry.

The girl Nadya strives for independence from her parents and, at the first opportunity, finds an opportunity to earn at least some money. She knows how to manage her time correctly, and her part-time job does not prevent her from attending lectures at the university. Nadezhda is a wonderful friend, she is always in the center of events, she is often chosen as the head of the group.

Having matured, Nadezhda does not become more flexible. She remains as impulsive as she was in childhood and adolescence. New features appear in the character of adult Nadezhda that were not there before. She is in no hurry to get close to men and keeps them at a distance.

He carefully monitors his appearance, but does not allow any extravagance in his outfit. He tries to earn as much money as possible, not wanting to bother his parents over trifles. He prefers to live independently, for which he rents a room or apartment (with his own money).

He gets several jobs and saves for an apartment, a car, furniture. Passionately wants to create a strong family and settle in his own nest. She is emotional and kind, but at times there may be outbursts of aggression and rage, followed by a state of mild depression.

At birth, parents give each child a name based on their tastes, family traditions, and country of residence. But sometimes it can be very difficult to make a choice among such a variety. And if you are expecting the birth of a girl, then this article will tell you all about the secret of the name Nadezhda and its meaning. Perhaps after reading you will finally decide and find a solution to this difficult issue.

All Christians revere the great martyred sisters, whose names are Faith, Hope, Love. They personify the three main Christian virtues. The name Nadezhda is an Old Russian translation from Greek of the name Elpis, which means faith in a wonderful future. Although the original translation sounded like Nadezhda, and it was this ancient form first it became established among the Slavs, and then transformed into the one we are familiar with.

Therefore, despite her Greek roots, it is believed that Nadezhda is Russian, Slavic origin, and its meaning is the expectation of something good, kind, joyful.

Names have been transformed throughout their existence. Various forms have emerged, some of which have become widely known, and some of which exist only in certain territories or within families. Nadezhda, of course, was no exception.

The shortened form is most often Nadya, less often Nada. Derivatives include Nadya, Nadiya, Nadena, Nadina, Dina. Name

Nadezhda in Latin letters according to generally accepted transliteration standards is written as Nadezda, but there are other options: Nadezhda, Nadejda, Nadegda, Nadyezhda, Nadyejda, Nadyezda, Nadyegda, Nadjezhda, Nadjejda, Nadjezda, Nadjegda.

Important! Hope - especially revered church name in Orthodoxy without any changes.

As for declensions, it is declined strictly according to the rules of the Russian language.

  • Them. case (Who? What?) - Nadezhda;
  • Genus. case (Whom? What?) - Hopes;
  • Dat. case (To whom? To what?) - Nadezhda;
  • Vin. case (Whom? What?) - Hope;
  • TV case (By whom? What?) - Hope;
  • Etc. case (About whom? About what?) - about Nadezhda.

It should be noted that the short name Nadya is declined, like the full form of the name.

And of course there are many endearments- Nadezhdushka, Nadenka, Nadyukha, Nadyusha, Nadyushenka. And these are just the most famous of them. Surely there are other options that someone came up with for their loved one.

Every year on September 30, all Orthodox believers celebrate the day of remembrance of the holy martyrs Faith, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia. Nadezhda's name day coincides with this date according to the church calendar. The name days of Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and Sofia are celebrated for 3 whole days, while believers praise the morality and wisdom inherent in these women. They say that babies born these days have chastity, easily create home comfort, and bring prosperity.
In the old days, on the day of the angel, birthday girls were given incense, icons depicting holy martyrs, and all sorts of goodies. And in response to birthday gifts, the happy recipients of the name baked pies and served them to the donors.

Did you know?According to research by American psychologists, people with beautiful and expressive names find it easier to move through life. They are more willingly invited to work, their wages are increased and interesting offers are made. This effect can be compared to attractive appearance: whatever one may say, it has an impact on the quality of life. That is why such a choice is a very responsible step for parents, because it affects the future fate of the child.

Let's find out what analogues of the name Nadezhda sound in different languages ​​of the world.

There is an analogue in the Ukrainian language, which, like Russian, belongs to the Slavic group of languages. It sounds like “Nadiya”, with an emphasis on “and” (Ukrainian: Nadiya).”

Due to the fact that Faith, Love and the rest are saints who are revered by the Roman Catholic Church, there are semantic analogues in some languages ​​of Western Europe.
For example, Nadezhda in English is written as Hope, read as Hope, in Greek the analogue is Elpida, in Spanish - Esperanza, in Italian - Speranza, in German - Nadja or Nadia, in French - Nadine (read as Nadine), in Polish - Nadzieja, in Chinese - 娜杰日达 (in Jo zhi da), in Japanese - 望美 (Nozomi).

The character and fate of people with this name in history

This name is quite common and in history you can find many people named by it, so you may be interested in knowing how it affects life and destiny.

  • Let's start, perhaps, with Nadezhda Ivanovna Zabela-Vrubel (1868-1913) - an outstanding opera and chamber singer. She studied at the conservatory in St. Petersburg, but began her career in Kyiv, at the Opera Theater. I. Ya. Setova. After that, she performed in many cities and her popularity only grew. Everywhere where she gave concerts, her beautiful, crystal-clear and charming voice was praised for a long time. Her husband, Vrubel, sewed her dresses of incredible beauty, in which many artists of that time depicted her. Her portraits are rightfully included in the treasury of Russian art. Throughout her life she had to endure many losses and losses. She lost her family, her son, who did not live to be three years old, and her husband was very ill, but nevertheless she did not lose courage, she was brave, proud, and did not lose her positive outlook on life.

  • Nadezhda Andreevna Durova (1783-1866) - “cavalry maiden” and writer. She became the first woman in Russian army with the rank of officer. She was incredibly brave, courageous, and took part in many battles along with men, despite the fact that her own family was against it. And Durova owes her writing career to Pushkin, who, having read her first works, encouraged her to further work on her works.

Did you know? It turns out that the ring finger is not the only one. In the USA, an unusual case occurred in which the parents, after the birth of the child, did not come to an agreement and decided that he would then choose his own name. But he, already an adult, never chose it and was forever left with only one surname - Gateward.

  • (1775-1836) - mother of the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin. She had a rather hot-tempered and stubborn character, which often caused discord in the house. Alexandra loved her eldest son less than the other children, but after a while her eyes opened and shortly before her death she realized how wrong she was. Pushkin often visited his parents, and when his mother died, Pushkin independently arranged the funeral ceremony and wished to be buried next to his mother. The poet’s friend A. N. Wulf said after Pushkin’s death that mother and son became much closer after death than they were during life.

  • (1869-1939) - not only the wife of V.I. Lenin, but also a revolutionary, activist public life. She was shy, modest, preferred solitude and did not know how to dress beautifully. She loved children very much, although she could not have them herself. She had a hard life, because her husband, Lenin, had a mistress, her husband’s relatives did not recognize her, and no one in the party took her into account either, especially after her husband’s death. Despite this, she always defended her opinion and wanted to be taken into account. She treated her husband's mistress in a friendly manner and even loved her children as if they were her own.

  • Nadezhda Rimskaya-Korsakova (1848-1919) - Russian pianist, musicologist and composer, was the wife of the famous composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. Her husband called her an extraordinary woman, and she herself considered herself unworthy of him. Since childhood, she was accustomed to living modestly and continued to behave this way throughout her life. They had many children; Korsakova was a wonderful mother and devoted a lot of time to them, despite her strong desire to take up music. She did not know how to lie and directly told her husband if she did not like something in his work. Because of this, sometimes quarrels and resentments arose, but in what family does this not happen? Rimskaya-Korsakova lived a long and happy life, which she dedicated to her children, husband and music. She outlived her husband by 11 years and died of smallpox at the age of 70.
  • (1884-1940) - a talented singer who performed songs of Russian nationalities. She was born into a peasant family, but since childhood she was drawn to the stage. Her voice charmed many, she was invited to different countries and the city, she gained great fame as a “singer in exile.” She had many affairs with men, and with her last husband she became an intelligence officer for the USSR. But, unfortunately, fate treated them cruelly: her husband, Nikolai Skoblin, died under unclear circumstances in Spain, and she was sentenced for collaborating with the USSR and sent to a women's prison in the city of Rennes in France, where she died, forgotten by everyone .

  • - famous singer, soloist in the Golden Ring ensemble. As a child, she was a very mischievous and active child; as a souvenir, she even had a scar on her forehead from one of her falls. The family was not very rich, besides, the mother died and the father soon married another woman. After this, Kadysheva’s sisters went to work at the factory, and she later joined them. It was hard, but Kadysheva did not give up and dreamed of going to Moscow to show everyone her talents. She soon succeeded and during her student years she was a great success. There she met her future husband, who, after graduation, unexpectedly proposed marriage to her. It was her husband who founded the Golden Ring ensemble, with which they toured abroad and then in their native land.

  • Nadezhda Troyan (1921-2011) - USSR intelligence officer, nurse in the “Storm” partisan detachment, awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. She was a brave and brave woman; during the war she took part in battles and military operations more than once. After the war, she graduated from the Moscow Medical Institute and was a member of many Soviet societies and unions. Her son is an excellent physician, Alexey Vasilyevich Koroteev, to whom she passed on all her knowledge and passion for this difficult work.
  • - singer, talentedly leads her song group, which performs folk songs, has the title of People's Artist of Russia. As a child, Babkina was a rather restless child and often cried. Her mother later said that she was singing like that. Since childhood, she wanted to show herself, but her parents were categorically against it and wanted their daughter to become a doctor or engineer. But Babkina was stubborn and turned for help to one of her relatives, who at that time worked as a conductor at a music school. The girl’s plan was a success and soon she became a student. Later she entered the Music Pedagogical Institute in Moscow. She gained popularity together with the Russian Song ensemble, which she herself founded.

  • Nadezhda Shvets - Russian artist, has the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine, is the chief artist of the Opera and Ballet Theater named after. N. Lysenko in Kharkov. She was born in Krasnodar into a family of doctors, but did not follow in her parents’ footsteps. She always wanted to create, so she graduated from an art school in Taganrog, where her family moved, and then from the State Institute of Painting in St. Petersburg. Shvets has incredible imagination and a sense of style, which helps her in her work as a production designer. She has many concerts and stage appearances to her name, and the famous French choreographer Maurice Bejart called her costumes ingenious at one of the exhibitions in Kyiv.

As we see, the name Nadezhda fully justifies its meaning, because the character of a woman named in this way is distinguished by faith in a bright future and enormous talent. And let your child not be particularly popular, but this name will inspire him and you to do something good for the world around him.

The most important features The character of girls and women with such names is activity, determination, determination and patience. They are often considered cold and unfeeling, but this is not true at all. They are capable of showing feelings and compassion for others, they just don’t show it outwardly.
From an early age, Nadezhda has a sense of beauty, is artistic and musical. She will copy the sounds around her and perform imaginary concerts. By the way, it is for this reason that they often begin to speak faster than other children.

An adult woman loves to participate in disputes and discussions if they can be explained logically. She is very emotional, but at the same time, if necessary, she acquires almost masculine prudence and firmness.

Thoughts about a wonderful future never leave these women, and they will always strive for it. Usually they achieve what they want, despite all the failures encountered along the way. Nadezhda is usually very attractive in appearance and the meaning of her name, as if by magic, inspires numerous fans to express their feelings in writing poetry and paintings.

As for her negative character traits, she can be too stubborn and serious when she is focused on something. She may often think too much about her work or life, subjecting it to scrutiny. And the more she analyzes, the more dissatisfied she becomes with some little things, so she cannot figure out the main problem.
From a young age, a girl loves to manage her territory, so conflicts with brothers, sisters or peers may arise. But all this can be solved by proper upbringing on the part of parents.

Important! For a girl, it is best to make a separate room where no one will disturb her from playing the dominant role. But you shouldn’t encourage this behavior all the time; you need to constantly remind the child that he won’t always be able to decide everything on his own.

In addition to the meaning of the name, we will tell you about the characteristics of Nadezhda according to the laws of astrology.

  • Zodiac sign - Libra.
  • The ruling planet is Saturn.
  • The corresponding color is orange.
  • Auspicious tree - maple.
  • The plant is calendula.
  • Animal - hedgehog.
  • The talisman stone is coral.

Character - as we already mentioned above, women with this name are characterized by a certain inconsistency of character, so it is important for them to put their character traits on the scale in equal proportions and then harmony of body and soul awaits them.

The interpretation of its letters also matters in a name, so let’s see what other qualities are characteristic of a girl named Nadezhda.

  • N . Carefulness in choosing friends and associates, honesty and hard work.
  • A . This letter endows its owner with leadership qualities and a constant desire for self-improvement. Such people are sure to achieve success in the field they choose.
  • D . They often make mistakes, but cannot admit them. Sometimes they can be impetuous and not careful enough. Romantic and charming natures, not withdrawn into themselves.
  • E . Independence from other people's opinions often leads to very few friends. At the same time, they are always open and sociable, sometimes even overly intrusive. This is how they express themselves. Behind this mask of openness and ingenuousness lies a deep understanding of things and determination to achieve the goal.
  • AND . This letter gives its owner excellent artistic qualities and an unusual inner world. Sentimental, romantic and honest, but can sometimes be petty and picky if they don't like something.

This concludes our article. We gave full description the name Nadezhda, explained its meaning in detail, examined analogues in other nations of the world, and also briefly examined the lives of people with the same name. We hope that you found it interesting and will soon decide on a name for your unborn child.

Meaning of the name

Nadezhda is the owner of a strong masculine character. She is characterized by such qualities as prudence, commercialism, determination and secrecy. At the same time, she can be passionate, tender, generous, generous and kind. In general, this is a person of mood, so you should not be surprised at the impulsiveness and unpredictability of this extravagant woman. But still, the rational grain in Hope always wins over emotions and impulses. This name contains the most powerful potential that helps fight all life’s adversities.

Characteristics of the name Nadezhda

Winter Hope modest and taciturn. She avoids others and does not like it when they disturb her peace and invade her living space without permission. This woman does not trust people, thereby protecting her heart from bitter disappointments. Earning her favor, much less her trust, is not an easy task. But if you manage to do this, then in the person of Winter Hope you will acquire a truly devoted friend with whom you can enter both fire and water.

Spring Hope selfish, vain and selfish. She's used to it
give instructions and orders, while she herself absolutely does not know how to take into account the opinions of others and adapt to circumstances. She loves herself more than anyone in the world, so she spares no effort, no time, no money on her improvement and transformation. But still, she should learn to be more loyal and attentive towards people, otherwise sooner or later she will be left completely alone.

Summer Hope - nature is light and attractive in every sense. She tries to perceive all problems philosophically, in which her natural optimism helps her. This woman really loves life, she is in a hurry to live and enjoy every new day. But still, she should think about stability if she wants to create her own harmonious family. Otherwise, she will not be able to avoid disappointments associated with love and family matters.

Autumn Hope - a hard worker who never loses sight of anything. She is responsible and practical, so there is no place for surprises in her life. But sometimes she wants to become frivolous and carefree, but she cannot afford such luxury. But in vain, because our life often consists of a series of accidents and incredible gifts of fate that we need to be able to accept. If along the way autumn Nadezhda meets a cheerful, but at the same time strong-willed man, she cannot avoid happiness in family life.

Stone - talisman

Coral, opal and agate are the talisman stones of Hope.


IN Ancient Egypt believed that coral protects from evil spirits and any negative impact. Ancient people believed that this amazing stone helped to understand the mystical side of life and comprehend the secrets of existence.

In general, coral is a symbol of joy, happiness and optimism, allowing its owner to enjoy life and all its manifestations.

This stone also calms emotions, brings peace, enhances intuition, awakens imagination, eliminates anger, and protects against accidents.

Interesting fact! Coral cannot be called a stone or classified as a plant, since it is the skeletal remains of sea creatures.


Opal is a stone that attracts love and helps in fulfilling hopes. This is a talisman of energetic, creative and talented people living with the times.

At the same time, opal (especially black) is not suitable for those who strive for a calm and measured life. At the same time, white opal is a symbol of patience and purity.

Opal has long been credited with the ability to enhance the gift of foresight.

In the East, this stone represents loyalty, love, compassion and hope.

Since opal has a variety of colors, it symbolizes changeability, as well as the inconstancy of fate, and in a positive sense, that is, it acts as a talisman that protects against monotony and lack of development, therefore it is suitable for strong people who are not afraid of change.


Agate is a stone of courageous, calm and eloquent people who attract success.

This stone symbolizes longevity and purity of feelings, charm and sexuality.

Our ancestors believed that agate was able to overcome the forces of evil and protect against damage and the evil eye.

In the Christian tradition, agate is identified with the Apostle John, and stones with red “blood” splashes are identified with Saint Stephen.

IN Ancient Greece agate symbolized fertility.



The lucky number of Hope is 5 (you can read more about this number and its influence in the article).



The element of Hope is Air (you can learn more about the influence of this element on fate in the article “Elements, planets and numbers in human life”).

Animal - symbol

Nadezhda’s totem animal is a hedgehog, symbolizing self-defense, since in case of danger it curls up into a prickly ball.

In Christianity, a hedgehog is an allegorical image of a greedy, hot-tempered and greedy person who is likened to Satan.

In Europe they believed that a hedgehog could transform into a witch, while in the East this animal symbolized wealth and prosperity, but at the same time modesty and obedience.

In many traditions, the hedgehog represents tireless work, honesty, freedom, innovation, perseverance, foresight and care.



Maple and calendula are plant symbols of Hope.


Maple is a symbol of restraint.

Among the Slavic peoples, this tree personified a loving and happy married couple.

Maple is a symbol of self-sufficiency and beauty of life, peace, love and prosperity.

Since ancient times this tree has been endowed magical properties: so, it was designed to protect against evil spells and envy.

Maple helps to find peace of mind, brings calm and gives self-confidence.

According to legend, there is a close connection between the maple and a person: it is believed that as long as a person is healthy, the maple growing near his house grows and turns green. If a person is sick, then the tree begins to wither.


In the West, calendula is a symbol of purity, perfection and longevity.

This flower personifies eternal love, which is not afraid of any obstacles.

IN love magic Calendula is one of the most used plants that can not only attract love, but also make a partner faithful.

At the same time, calendula flowers were often used as a remedy against magic and any witchcraft.


Bronze is a metal named after Nadezhda. It symbolizes masculinity, power, strength, fearlessness, and fortitude. In addition, bronze protects against negative external influences.

Auspicious day


Origin of the name Nadezhda

Name translation

From Old Russian the name Nadezhda is translated as “to hope.”

History of the name

The name Nadezhda is a Slavic name with Greek horses. It was widely used in Rus' back in the ninth century, because it was then that the Christian Elpis (her name translated as “hope”) was doomed to martyrdom.

But! In Russian, this name is derived from the verb “to act”, while in Greek from the word “will”.

Forms (analogues) of the name

Today, the most common forms of the name Nadezhda are: Nadya, Nadyukha, Nadyunya, Nadenka, Nadyusha, Nadina, Nadin, Dinusya, Dina, Nadezhdushka.

The secret of the name Nadezhda

Patrons of the name

The patroness of Hope is the youth and martyr Nadezhda of Rome.

Angel's Day (name day)

The legend of the name Nadezhda

During the reign of Emperor Hadrian, namely in the 2nd century, the pious widow Sophia lived in Rome with her three daughters, whose names were Faith, Hope and Love. The girls were raised to love and respect God.

Having learned that a pious family who believed in Christ lived in Rome, the emperor wanted to personally meet all its members. The invited mother and daughters, upon meeting with Adrian, began to profess faith in Christ, which aroused the anger of the emperor, who ordered the Christian women to be sent to the pagan so that she would convince them to renounce Christianity.

But the pagan’s attempts were in vain, and she failed to convince Christian women to change their faith.

Enraged, Adrian ordered the girls to be brutally tortured in front of their mother and each other. First they tortured Vera, the older sister, who with her humility and patience set an example for the younger sisters, who were also tortured.

The mother was subjected to torture, which was stronger than physical torture: thus, she was forced to watch the torment and death of her daughters, whose heads were cut off. But the Lord had mercy on her and on the third day after the death of the children, he sent her to rest.

Famous people

Famous singers named Nadezhda:

  • Nadezhda Babkina;
  • Nadezhda Kadysheva;
  • Nadezhda Granovskaya (Meikher);
  • Nadezhda Plevitskaya.

Nadezhda Krupskaya - wife of revolutionary V.I. Lenin.

Nadezhda Rumyantseva - famous Russian actress.

Nadezhda Bogdanova - Russian ballet dancer, not without whose participation Russian ballet established itself abroad.

The meaning of the name Nadezhda

For a child

Little Hope is a fighter for justice. She has a masculine character, so she has unquestioned authority in the company. At the same time, this child loves to argue and make trouble if something does not go according to her plan. In order to calm their daughter’s temper, Nadezhda’s parents send her to all kinds of clubs, just to channel her energy into a peaceful direction.

Nadya cannot be called an affectionate and gentle child. On the contrary, from early childhood she strives for independence and autonomy. Her emotionality and impulsiveness lead her to constantly get involved in adventures.

This girl can rarely be caught doing a quiet activity (for example, reading a book or drawing). She loves active and noisy games with boys more.

Nadya never forgives her offenders. Moreover, at the first opportunity this girl will definitely take revenge.

Studying is not the girl’s strong point, which is due to restlessness, stubbornness and narcissism. She believes that she is endowed with a brilliant mind by nature, and therefore does not pay due attention to her self-development. In addition, Nadenka does not belong to that category of responsible children.

For a girl

Young Nadezhda is impetuous and sensitive, vulnerable and at the same time cruel. She is attracted by everything new and interesting; any adventure for her is equivalent to a sip. fresh air, therefore it is quite natural that this young lady often gets into various troubles.

The surprising thing is that this girl, despite her frivolity, can be a wonderful and faithful friend. At the same time, Nadezhda herself trusts people limitlessly, which is why she herself suffers, because people take advantage of her kindness and responsiveness.

It must be said that childhood clumsiness and boyishness are replaced in youth by elegance and sensuality. Nadezhda carefully monitors her appearance and tries to demonstrate his individuality with all his appearance.

This girl strives for recognition, she wants to be the center of attention, and therefore easily opens her vulnerable soul to others. After a series of disappointments in people, she becomes calculating, pragmatic and tough. And only to those closest to her does she show such qualities as generosity, generosity and sympathy.

For woman

Adult Nadezhda knows perfectly well what she wants from life. She critically evaluates her capabilities, and therefore never takes on something that she cannot do. This position protects her from many mistakes. In addition, although Nadya is distinguished by her enviable hard work, she tries to avoid responsibility, because if something happens she is afraid of losing her authority in the eyes of others.

One of Nadya's main shortcomings is her inability to understand people, which is why she often finds herself drawn into situations to which she has absolutely nothing to do. But she will make a great friend.

The owner of this name can be tough, uncompromising and straightforward, but this is the cost of her disappointment in people. Nadezhda knows how to patiently endure all the hardships and misfortunes of life, but at the same time she needs to understand why she is doing this.

Nadya's character combines masculine tenacity and rudeness, as well as warmth and compassion. This woman is generous and prudent at the same time, practical and romantic, so she always remains a mystery to others.

Over the years, Nadezhda calms down and gains stability. Solidity and regularity appear in her life.

Description of the name Nadezhda


Nadezhda is a generous woman who takes everything to heart. This is a fighter for the truth, and this truth depends primarily on her mood. So, today she will defend some ideals, and tomorrow - absolutely opposite ones.


Nadezhda has no complaints about her health. And this despite the fact that he practically does not follow him. But still she should not forget about her nervous system, and therefore it is better to worry less and rest more.


Feminine and charming, Nadezhda is always sweet and attractive, and therefore does not lack male attention. But because of her inability to understand people in general and men in particular, she has been looking for a life partner for a long time. Moreover, she tends to rush headlong into the pool, which is why there are many romances in her life, which, alas, most often end in complete fiasco.

In relationships, she is attracted to danger, so her partner will have to try to constantly maintain this woman’s interest in him. A well-behaved housewife is not Nadezhda’s role.

The owner of this name is attracted to strong, courageous, powerful and strong-willed men who can subjugate the independent Nadya. And she will trust only the one in whom she sees real protection and reliable support. But events can develop in a different way: thus, tired of uncertainty and violent passions, she will find a quiet and calm man who will obey her.


It is common for Nadezhda to get married at a fairly early age. If this does not happen, then she, on the contrary, will delay marriage. Firstly, with age she will become more picky, and secondly, it will be difficult for her to part with her freedom.

But Nadezhda’s husband must remember that he is unlikely to be able to completely re-educate this passionate and sensual woman, and therefore if he does not stop meeting her ideal, she will easily find a replacement for him.

It is interesting that this woman chooses a calm and balanced man as her husband, far from adventures and adventures, rightly believing that one joker in her person is enough in the family.

In general, marriage turns the frivolous Nadezhda into a serious and thorough woman, but at the same time not devoid of romanticism and lively emotions.

Family relationships

Nadezhda is a hardworking housewife who devotes a lot of time to her family. She forgets about her ambitions and fun, but sometimes she also wants a holiday in life. And then the husband must take upon himself all the worries of bringing more colors into the life of his beloved.

The owner of this name is thrifty and practical, and therefore her husband can be calm about the family budget, which, by the way, is managed by Nadezhda (and in general we can say that she is slowly but surely taking the reins into her own hands).

I would like to immediately note that Nadya’s greatest value is her children, with whom she truly lives. She actively participates in their lives, helping in every way she can. For the sake of the children, she is ready to limit herself and her interests in many ways.


Passionate Nadezhda loves experiments and novelty, and this also applies to the sexual side of life. She is ready to give all her temperament and sexuality to a sensual and tender partner.

But she makes very high demands on a man, as a sexual partner, which are often quite difficult to meet. Therefore, Nadezhda has been looking for a long time for that man with whom she will be comfortable both in life and behind the bedroom doors.

It should be noted that for Nadezhda it is important to feel a feeling of love (or at least falling in love) for her sexual partner.

Mind (intelligence)

Nadezhda is smart and practical, she is prone to accurate analysis. Her thinking is quite original, but often lacks depth.


Nadezhda is a versatile woman. She can cope with any work: creative or routine, interesting or monotonous. She can be both an excellent leader and a responsible executive. Therefore, you should not be surprised that among Nadezhda you can meet women of many professions: actresses, flight attendants, artists, scientists, engineers, doctors, managers, bankers, and teachers.

But still, the ambitious Nadezhda wants to manage, and therefore does everything possible and impossible to climb the career ladder. Such qualities as determination, perseverance, hard work, responsibility, conscientiousness, pedantry and discipline help her in this.

She is more attracted to those areas of activity that require a non-standard way of thinking and a creative approach.


Nadezhda has an entrepreneurial spirit, which helps her in running her own business. In addition, this woman knows how to think analytically, which helps achieve the desired results.

She will definitely beat all her competitors, because her task is to prove to everyone that she is the best. Such ambitions become the key to her business’s prosperity.


Having settled down and gotten married, Nadezhda devotes all her free time to her family, especially her children. She also gets great pleasure from working in the garden.

Character type

Nadezhda is a sanguine person (you can read more about this type of character in the article “Elements, planets and numbers in human life”).


Nadezhda is a contradictory personality, so her reaction is quite difficult to predict. She can be practical and calculating, or she can be good-natured and overly generous. One thing is for sure - you won’t be bored with her, because this woman knows how to bring bright colors to life.

She craves acute and unforgettable sensations, so in her youth she “gets” a lot of bumps. But in adulthood it is quite difficult to “twist” her.

In general, the owners of this name are destined for an interesting life full of events and emotions.


Hope rarely relies on intuition, since it is characterized by sober calculation in actions.

Horoscope named Nadezhda

Nadezhda - Aries

This is an eccentric, stubborn and hot-tempered person who tends to exaggerate everything. Nadezhda-Aries has a flexible mind, but her restless nature always lacks emotions. Among Nadia's shortcomings are a tendency to outbursts of uncontrollable anger and ardor. Nadezhda-Aries' partner must come to terms with the fact that her actions sometimes defy logic, but this is what attracts her to this eccentric woman who will not stop until she achieves her goal. It is difficult for her to find a man who will understand her.

Hope - Taurus

This strong, independent and incredibly talented woman attracts attention wherever she goes. She is open and sincere, but at the same time she will not allow any liberties with herself. Knowing her strengths, Nadezhda-Taurus skillfully uses them for her own benefit. And in general, she is used to achieving her goals, despite existing obstacles. Nadezhda is a generous and absolutely selfless woman. She is always ready to help close people without demanding anything in return. Nadezhda-Taurus is a practical housewife who knows how to count money. Family for her is the meaning of life.

Nadezhda - Gemini

This unusual, generous and kind woman succeeds in life, and all for the simple reason that she never falls into despair and always hopes for the best. Nadezhda-Gemini does not like to put her achievements on public display, preferring to remain in the shadows. Fame and material well-being are not an end in themselves for her. Above all, she values ​​warm and trusting relationships. This woman perceives those around her as they are, and therefore she is looking for a man who will not change her.

Hope - Cancer

This is an apathetic, secretive and depressed person who is constantly unhappy with something in life. This attitude repels those around her, who become despondent around Nadezhda. Therefore, it is extremely important that this woman is surrounded by positive people who can charge her with their energy.

Nadezhda-Cancer is an interesting and erudite person with a rich inner world. She is interested in bright and impressive men with a developed imagination who are capable of performing romantic acts.

Nadezhda - Leo

A selfish, ambitious and narcissistic woman who will go out of her way to prove her superiority to everyone. Nadezhda-Leo is hardworking and responsible. She completely devotes herself to any task, sparing neither herself nor those around her. It is not surprising that Nadezhda the boss is not liked in the team, although she is respected. This woman does not tolerate criticism, because she herself tries to put up with the shortcomings of those around her. She is faithful to her friends, and if she falls in love, then once and for all.

Nadezhda - Virgo

A calm, balanced and confident woman who is smart and perspicacious. She knows how to calculate all her actions, so she prefers to plan everything clearly. Nadezhda-Virgo is very obligatory and responsible, so it is quite natural that she achieves great success in life. Many people do not like this straightforward woman, but she prefers to be honest. Any flattery disgusts her, because she herself does not like undeserved praise. This woman is attracted to cheerful and energetic men.

Nadezhda - Libra

Cheerful, carefree, simple-minded and spontaneous, Nadezhda-Libra takes life easily. This is probably why fate constantly presents her with pleasant surprises. She is interested in everything that happens around her, but such curiosity does not leave time for herself and building strong relationships. Therefore, she often arrives at the age of 30 as a self-sufficient, but lonely woman looking for love. Nadezhda-Libra chooses an interesting and erudite man with whom it will be easy to go through life.

Nadezhda - Scorpio

The caustic, stubborn and selfish Nadezhda-Scorpio belongs to that category of people who are always dissatisfied with something. She tries to take everything from life and the people around her, but she is in no hurry to give. This woman has a passionate nature, she is tireless and energetic, while Nadezhda-Scorpio often wastes her potential thoughtlessly. In general, this conflicted person does not know how to live calmly. Her personal life also resembles a volcano that is about to erupt lava.

Nadezhda - Sagittarius

This is a real perpetual motion machine that does not know fatigue. So, Nadezhda-Sagittarius succeeds everywhere, she solves not only her own, but also other people’s problems, although no one asks her to do this. She easily finds a way out of any situation. This woman prefers to act rather than philosophize. Nadezhda-Sagittarius is looking for a man to match herself, that is, equally active, decisive and purposeful. But she avoids romantics and philosophers because they tire her.

Hope - Capricorn

The closed Nadezhda-Capricorn fences herself off from others, thereby protecting herself from meanness and betrayal. At the same time, loneliness does not cause her any discomfort: on the contrary, alone with herself she feels absolutely calm. This is a thoughtful, determined, hardworking and persistent person who is not afraid of any tests. Authority and male character scare men away from her, which does not upset Nadezhda-Capricorn at all, who believes that her man will not pass by and will be able to see in her an affectionate and gentle woman who knows how to love.

Hope - Aquarius

Vulnerable, impressionable, sensitive and patient, Nadezhda-Aquarius is distinguished by generosity and magnanimity. She takes other people's troubles and adversities to heart, while rarely anyone can understand and support her. This woman makes concessions to everyone, because harmony in relationships is very important to her. This elegant and calm woman arouses genuine interest among men, who see in her a mysterious nymph who descended from heaven to earth and needs protection.

Nadezhda - Pisces

Flexible, caring and gentle Nadezhda-Pisces tries to approach life judiciously and practically. She shows her emotions extremely rarely, guided in her decisions by reason. But if you offend or anger this woman, she will become uncontrollable, cruel and rude. Knowing all the shortcomings of her character, Nadezhda-Pisces tries to isolate herself from people. In general, this is an insecure woman who needs a patient and sensitive partner who will support her in difficult times.

Compatibility of the name Nadezhda with male names

Nadezhda and Dmitry

In this union, partners do not need a stamp in their passport, but rather the opposite: Nadezhda and Dmitry enjoy their free, but at the same time harmonious relationship, in which there are no lies and mistrust. Over time, this couple may well turn out to be a strong and happy family.

Nadezhda and Alexander

Nadezhda and Ivan

Nadezhda and Mikhail

Calm and balanced Mikhail is used to leading a measured lifestyle, while Nadezhda wants adventures and surprises. If Nadya comes to terms with the fact that there will be no romance in her life, then this couple can happen.

Nadezhda and Nikolai

Surprisingly, but true: no quarrels can cause the separation of Nadezhda and Nikolai, because between them reigns real love: yes, her manifestations may be too emotional, but this suits them quite well. Sometimes you get the feeling that they are quarreling on purpose, and all for the sake of a stormy reconciliation.

Nadezhda and Igor

This union can develop only on the condition that the feeling of love between Nadezhda and Igor does not fade away. If they grow cold towards each other, then their relationship will collapse, since independent Nadezhda will not tolerate Igor’s authority.

Nadezhda and Ilya

Ilya is an ideal couple, not only at home, but also at work. And if they take up running their own business together, then they will definitely have success.

Nadezhda and Kirill

In this unstable union, the ambitious Nadezhda cannot understand Kirill’s wait-and-see attitude, waiting for fate to send him another gift. Tired of promises, Nadezhda will simply leave the uninitiative Kirill.

Nadezhda and Vitaly

This couple is blessed in heaven - this is exactly what can be said about the tandem of Nadezhda and Vitaly, who are building their family life slowly but surely. Ambitious Nadya charges her chosen one with energy, and in return receives affection and tenderness.

Nadezhda and Vadim

One can only envy this couple, because for each other they are lovers, friends, and support. In life you rarely meet people who feel each other so subtly and understand each other perfectly. Nadezhda and Vadim are destined for a happy future.

Nadezhda and Pavel

Nadezhda often uses her leadership qualities not only at work, but also at home, which negatively affects her family life. Men don't like to be pressured, especially women. And Paul is one of these men.

Nadezhda and Ruslan

This couple is not afraid of any obstacles, because they understand and love each other, and what else is needed to create a strong family in which everyone will be happy. Ruslan is ready to work around the clock just to provide for his family, while Nadezhda will be happy to maintain an atmosphere of love in the house.