What affects low hemoglobin during pregnancy. Hemoglobin during pregnancy: norm and deviations

Carrying a child is the most amazing period in the life of every woman. However, often these 9 months are accompanied by feeling unwell. The main reason is a decrease in hemoglobin levels. Low hemoglobin during pregnancy occurs in almost all women. With such a diagnosis, you should not panic, it is important to listen to the doctor's recommendations and follow a diet. This problem should not be treated too negligently, as it can provoke serious problems.

Briefly about low hemoglobin

Hemoglobin is a special protein that is found in erythrocytes - red blood cells. It is by their number in the blood that its norm is determined. The main task is to carry oxygen to all cells and tissues of the body.

If a woman's number of red cells is below the acceptable norm, then such a pathology is called anemia or anemia. You can accurately determine the amount of this blood component using a special analysis that must be taken in the laboratory.

Interesting! The need for iron in the body of a future mother in the first trimester increases by 16%, in the second - by 59%, in the third - by 67%.

Almost all women who are expecting a baby face a low level of red blood cells in the blood. Hemoglobin in a pregnant woman should be at least 110 g / l. However, if its level has fallen below the permissible level, then this condition is called anemia. As a rule, this problem is successfully solved with the help of high-quality medications and proper nutrition. If left untreated, anemia can adversely affect the formation of the unborn baby.

Important! The norm of hemoglobin during pregnancy is 110 g / l and above.

During pregnancy, women distinguish between several degrees of severity of iron deficiency anemia, depending on the content of hemoglobin:

  • mild degree (110–90 g/l);
  • medium degree (90–70 g/l);
  • severe degree (below 70 g/l).

You can determine the degree of low hemoglobin using a special laboratory analysis. It must be given to all women who are expecting a baby. Based on the data received, the doctor will recommend a treatment regimen and tell you what to do in this situation.

The main causes of low hemoglobin

Important! During pregnancy, the volume of circulating blood increases. Given this moment, it is worth saying unequivocally that a decrease in hemoglobin at this time is the norm. However, if this figure is below 110 g / l, then this indicates problems in the woman's health, which may affect the development of the unborn child.

Before starting treatment, it is important to determine the root causes of this pathology. As a rule, doctors identify several main reasons that affect the number of red blood cells:

  • an increase in the amount of blood, since the child forms its own circulatory system;
  • fetal development reduces the level of iron in the mother's body, as the child requires more nutrients every day;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • insufficient amount of vitamin B12, copper and zinc;
  • taking certain medicines;
  • problems with the digestive system;
  • regular stressful situations;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • toxicosis;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Obviously, there are many reasons for the development of this disorder. Some of them are inevitable for every woman (for example, the needs of a baby). Unfortunately, other root causes need to be addressed. Good results can only be achieved with the help of medical treatment.

Low hemoglobin - symptoms of a disorder

The reduced number of erythrocytes in plasma is not always clearly manifested. When the level of iron begins to decrease, the woman feels unpleasant symptoms. However, they are not specific to anemia. The main signs of low hemoglobin are difficult to recognize, as the condition worsens and is accompanied by the following general symptoms:

  • pallor of the skin, up to cyanosis (cyanosis);
  • dizziness;
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • dyspnea;
  • fainting;
  • nails become brittle and begin to exfoliate;
  • hair loss;
  • cracks appear in the corners of the mouth;
  • heartbeat quickens;
  • tinnitus is felt;
  • insomnia;
  • dry skin;
  • perversion of taste and smell - there is a desire to eat unusual foods;
  • regular constipation.

Not necessarily a woman will feel all of the above symptoms. She may be disturbed by only a few unpleasant conditions. However, it is important to tell the doctor about this, as these may not necessarily be signs of anemia.

Complications for the mother and consequences for the child

Unfortunately, many women are not serious about low hemoglobin levels. However, an insufficient number of red blood cells in the body can lead to serious consequences for the expectant mother and the development of the baby. Doctors identify the main complications that are usually observed:

  • delayed fetal development;
  • premature birth;
  • the possibility of placental abruption, which can provoke the death of the child and mother;
  • intrauterine death of a child;
  • bleeding;
  • infectious diseases after childbirth;
  • problems during lactation.

Drugs to increase hemoglobin

To restore the norm of red bodies in plasma, doctors recommend taking medications that contain iron. Thanks to the medication, the hemoglobin level is restored. As a rule, doctors recommend such drugs:

  • totem;
  • Maltofer;
  • Ferrum Lek;
  • Tardioferon;
  • Sorbifer Durules.

Do not self-medicate and choose drugs on your own. All medicines should only be prescribed by a doctor. The specialist takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient, the course and duration of pregnancy, as well as the nature of the pathological process.

What to eat with low hemoglobin

Important! How to increase hemoglobin proper nutrition? It is always important to supplement medical treatment with proper nutrition. Together, such actions give the best result and normalize the number of red blood cells.

Unfortunately, only with the help of products it is impossible to replenish the necessary level of iron. However, this does not mean that such products do not benefit at all. The daily diet should include foods that increase hemoglobin during pregnancy:

  • meat;
  • liver;
  • various types of fish;
  • eggs;
  • pomegranates and apricots;
  • spinach;
  • peaches;
  • beet.

In the body of a woman, about 5–6% of iron is retained and well absorbed from animal products. From vegetables and fruits that contain iron, only 0.2% of this essential component is absorbed.

Prevention is the best remedy, as it helps to maintain normal hemoglobin levels. All the rules are quite simple, but effective, so every woman who is expecting a baby should know them. She should follow these guidelines:

  • spend time regularly fresh air;
  • it is important to take prenatal vitamins throughout pregnancy;
  • try to minimize stress and conflict situations;
  • give preference to proper and balanced nutrition;
  • enough rest;
  • take folic acid.

Simple tips will help maintain normal hemoglobin levels. If the number of red bodies has decreased, then it is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations and take effective drugs. Subject to the appointments of specialists, the pregnancy will go smoothly, and a healthy baby will be born.

IN female body pregnancy initiates a radical restructuring, which often causes pathological deviations of some vital signs. But far from always the results above / below the norm are a sign of deviations and danger.

The diagnosis of "low hemoglobin" is observed in 80% of girls in position. This is a fairly common phenomenon that can be found even in the normal course of pregnancy. The development of anemia is dangerous for the expectant mother and baby, but before sounding the alarm, you should understand the causes of the pathology. Having found out them, there is a chance to prevent the development of the disease without compromising health. Why does protein in the blood decrease?

Why does hemoglobin decrease in pregnant women - the main reasons

Hemoglobin is responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the cells of the body. Its level is influenced by many internal and external factors. A sharp decrease in a complex protein in the blood is caused by pathological processes in the body.

natural causes

The volume of blood after the conception of the baby gradually increases, as the fetus grows and requires more nutrients. In the first trimester, the amount of plasma in the blood exceeds the level of red blood cells and platelets, because of this, tests show a reduced level of a complex protein. By the end of the third trimester, blood clotting increases, and the hemoglobin index returns to normal.

Therefore, the concentration of protein in the blood at different stages of pregnancy is different.

If for a non-pregnant girl, protein levels of 118-145 g / l are considered normal, then after fertilization they change significantly:

  1. In the early stages of gestation, 110-165 g / l.
  2. In the 2nd trimester 105-147 g / l.
  3. In the 3rd trimester (at 30–36 weeks) it decreases to 90–100 g/l, by 38 weeks it can vary from 100 to 110 g/l.

A decrease in hemoglobin is a normal phenomenon, the fact that it does not decrease, but, on the contrary, rises or stands still, should cause alarm.

Specific and pathological causes

In addition to physiological factors that affect protein levels, there are also specific and pathological causes anemia.

These include:

  1. Short period between previous and current pregnancy. If the girl was already pregnant, then after giving birth, the body will require at least 2-3 years for rehabilitation and full recovery. Therefore, repeated early pregnancy almost always leads to the development of anemia.
  2. Multiple pregnancy. When a woman carries twins or triplets under her heart, the load on the body increases, which provokes anemia.
  3. Hormonal changes. In case of failures in hormonal background, the level of estrogen may increase, because of this, the concentration of hemoglobin decreases.

A strong load on the internal organs often provokes an exacerbation of chronic and new pathological processes.

Therefore, anemia occurs for the following reasons:

  • internal or external bleeding;
  • violations of the digestive tract;
  • oncological diseases;
  • bone marrow diseases;
  • violations of the kidneys;
  • deficiency of vitamin B 12 or folic acid;
  • infectious diseases.

In addition, drugs taken during pregnancy can have a significant impact on the development of anemia. Therefore, before the analysis, you should warn the gynecologist about what medications were taken.

Why is low hemoglobin dangerous?

The development of anemia due to low protein in the blood is a dangerous condition for a woman in a position that requires immediate therapy. Oxygen starvation threatens to harm the unborn child.

At the beginning of pregnancy, pathology can lead to the death of the fetus in the womb. In the second trimester, the disease can negatively affect the development of the brain and of cardio-vascular system child. Therefore, when a disease is detected, preventive measures should be taken immediately and complex treatment Problems.

Possible Complications

Anemia during pregnancy can provoke the following complications:

  • Preeclampsia. The disease provokes the formation of edema of the extremities. A severe form of pathology leads to miscarriage in the early stages and termination of pregnancy in the later stages of gestation (34–38 weeks).
  • Toxicosis. May occur at 8-9 months of gestation. Quite often leads to a weakening of the immune system and complications in the course of gestation.
  • Delayed development of the baby. Due to oxygen starvation, the embryo begins to lag behind in development. Such processes negatively affect the brain activity and nervous system of the child.
  • The death of a baby. With a severe form of pathology, it is observed in 15% of expectant mothers.
  • Complications during childbirth. Anemia during childbirth can lead to the discovery of profuse internal bleeding.

It is very difficult to identify the specific consequences of anemia, as the results can be unpredictable. Therefore, during the bearing of a baby, it is important to systematically do an analysis to determine the level of glycated hemoglobin. And if it has dropped or risen sharply, you need to start immediate therapy.

How is hemoglobin level determined - diagnostic measures

You can identify the deviation by external signs. With the development of anemia, the skin becomes pale or yellowish.

In addition, the following symptoms appear:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • dizziness;
  • shortness of breath;
  • fatigue, weakness;
  • decreased appetite, indifference to food;
  • specific taste preferences (I want chalk, sand, earth, sulfur);
  • increased sense of smell;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • memory losses;
  • scattered attention.

In a severe form of the disease appears:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • discomfort in the stomach;
  • insomnia;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • increased irritability;
  • enlargement of the liver.

In addition to external signs, the disease is also determined by the results of blood tests. To control the level of a complex protein, a woman is assigned to take a test once a month.

If after the first test signs of anemia were noticed, the doctor gives a referral for additional examinations to confirm the results.

They include:

  1. Serum iron analysis.
  2. Analysis for the level of vitamins B12 and B9.
  3. General analysis of blood and urine.

In the case when the test revealed low iron, but hemoglobin is normal, this means that the girl develops a pre-emic condition that requires immediate treatment. If, on the contrary, iron is normal, and hemoglobin is low, then the body lacks vitamins or there are malfunctions in the digestive tract and kidneys. With such a diagnosis, additional examination and collection of repeated anamnesis is required.

Therapeutic methods for regulating hemoglobin

Therapy of pathology is primarily aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease. Therefore, it is important before starting treatment to identify the factors that provoked deviations. Therapy should be comprehensive and take place under the supervision of the attending physician.

Sometimes additional treatment of chronic pathologies is required. With a severe form of the disease in the early and late stages of gestation, the girl can be hospitalized.

If it is not possible to raise the level of iron, then it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • on a mild degree of development of the disease, do not abuse pills, but it is best to adjust the diet by including iron-containing dishes in it;
  • with a low level of complex protein, you should drink vitamin complexes (Ferritin, Totem, Sorbifer) - which drug to choose, the dosage and course is prescribed by the gynecologist;
  • with iron levels less than 70 mg / g. a woman is given injections of iron solution.

When choosing vitamins, one must take into account the fact that iron is not compatible with calcium. Therefore, when taking pills, it is best to refuse dairy products. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe a special diet to normalize iron levels and additional preventive measures.

Prevention of hemoglobin decline in pregnant women

As preventive measures After all, the first thing to do is adjust your diet. Some products will help not only normalize the tests, but also prevent the progression of serious diseases.

IN daily menu must include:

  • lean poultry meat;
  • cereals;
  • buckwheat;
  • beans;
  • fruits (pomegranate, peach, apples, bananas);
  • vegetables (beets, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes);
  • walnuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • greenery.

It is recommended to take hematogen, often walk in the fresh air and not overwork the body. A girl in position is recommended to do gymnastics for pregnant women. This will improve motor activity, strengthen muscles and increase blood circulation in the cells.

In addition, you should completely eliminate stress, excitement, and anxiety from life. The house should have a warm, positive atmosphere. It should not be forgotten that the correctness and speed of fetal development largely depends on the emotional and physical state of health. Therefore, if there is a feeling of discomfort, anxiety or excitement, you should consult a doctor.

What can be the cause of anemia and how to deal with it, the video will tell.


Reduced hemoglobin is diagnosed in many women in position. This is a common occurrence during this period of life, as the body undergoes drastic changes. Therefore, there may be failures in the operation of some systems.

You can normalize iron in the blood with the help of medications and preventive measures. Most often, after childbirth, it normalizes on its own. In cases where the iron level remains high, you should be alert and undergo additional research to determine the development of serious diseases. While carrying a baby, it is important to take care of your health in order to endure and give birth to a healthy and strong baby.

A decrease in hemoglobin in the gestational period is a common deviation from the norm, which carries a danger for both the woman and the fetus. Many pregnant women meet with such a pathology, but not every one of them is aware of the seriousness of their situation. Why is low hemoglobin dangerous during pregnancy, and what should be done to increase it?

Hemoglobin is formed inside red blood cells. It acts as a vehicle that carries oxygen to organs and tissues, and then binds and removes carbon dioxide.

For women in position, there are individual norms of hemoglobin. Outside of pregnancy, it fluctuates between 120 and 150 g/l. During gestation, it is somewhat reduced, but its concentration should remain within the reference figures.

In accordance with the gestational age, hemoglobin norms change:

  • 1 trimester - 111-160 g / l;
  • 2nd trimester - from 105 and above g / l;
  • 3rd trimester - at least 100 g / l.

To monitor the concentration of hemoglobin, a woman regularly takes a capillary blood test. If hemoglobin is diagnosed below normal during pregnancy, anemia is confirmed. Based on the current indicators, its degree is determined and treatment is prescribed.

There are three degrees of anemia:

  • Light - the concentration of hemoglobin drops to 90-100 g / l. There are no symptoms at this stage.
  • Average - the hemoglobin index overcomes the mark of 70-80 g / l. There is a sleep disturbance, lack of appetite, weakness, muscle pain.
  • Severe - hemoglobin less than 70 g / l. The woman's health deteriorates sharply, there is a risk of abortion, death.

Low hemoglobin during pregnancy - causes

Moderate decrease in hemoglobin - physiological process caused by an increase in blood volume. If hemoglobin falls below normal, anemia develops. The reasons for its appearance are various:

  • deficiency of vitamins C and B9;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • inadequate diet;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • deficiency of zinc and copper;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • heart, kidney or liver disease;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bleeding;
  • malignant blood diseases;
  • pregnancy less than 2 years after the previous one;
  • stress, depression;
  • taking certain medications.

Anemia often develops after the 16th gestational week. The baby at this time is growing especially actively, taking all the useful substances from the mother's body. The maximum drop is noted between 30 and 34 weeks, but closer to childbirth, hemoglobin rises.

Low hemoglobin during pregnancy - symptoms

Low hemoglobin can be detected not only by the results of a routine blood test, but also by a significant deterioration in the well-being of a pregnant woman:

  • the skin is dehydrated, turns pale, may have a bluish tint;
  • weakness suddenly increases, you constantly want to sleep;
  • headache, sometimes dizziness;
  • heart rate increases;
  • chronic constipation appears;
  • "flies" flash before the eyes, noise is heard in the ears, like a waterfall;
  • it becomes difficult to breathe, shortness of breath and lack of air are disturbing;
  • pre-fainting and fainting conditions are often observed;
  • nail plates break, hair falls out;
  • do not want to eat, there is an aversion to previously favorite dishes;
  • heavy morning rise;
  • aches all over the body;
  • slightly increased body temperature;
  • cramps in the limbs.

Low hemoglobin during pregnancy - consequences

A slight drop in hemoglobin does not cause serious complications. If its level falls below 80 g / l, and there is no treatment, there are serious disturbances in the work of the female body:

  • the protective function weakens;
  • the liver increases;
  • there is heart failure;
  • there is constant fatigue;
  • limbs swell;
  • the work of the brain is disrupted;
  • increased risk of cardiomyopathy;
  • vascular atherosclerosis develops;
  • the nervous system does not work properly (irritability, panic attacks, depression are observed);
  • intestinal motility decreases, constipation is tormented;
  • oxygen deficiency causes deformation of the epithelium (cracks appear on the lips, stomatitis, erosion in the stomach);
  • the skin peels off, neurodermatitis develops.

But the most terrible consequences of anemia are directly related to pregnancy:

  • Preeclampsia. Iron deficiency during pregnancy with low hemoglobin disrupts water metabolism, all organs experience hypoxia. A woman's blood pressure rises, edema appears, and phytoplacental insufficiency develops.
  • Risk premature birth. Anemia provokes early detachment of the placenta, and childbirth begins earlier.
  • Complications during childbirth. Against the background of iron deficiency, labor activity may weaken, breakthrough bleeding is possible.
  • Violation of milk production. In women with severe anemia, there is a lack of milk.
  • Postpartum complications. Due to low immunity, the risk of infectious diseases increases.

Low hemoglobin during pregnancy: consequences for the child

The greatest threat to low hemoglobin is the fetus. long oxygen starvation causes a lack of nutrients in the baby, so its development suffers.

Among the possible complications for the fetus are:

  • Hypoxia of the brain.
  • Improper attachment of the placenta.
  • Fading pregnancy.
  • Insufficient body mass;
  • Pathologies of the respiratory and nervous systems.
  • Atrophy of muscle tissues.
  • Mental underdevelopment.

Given such complications against the background of low hemoglobin during pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo an examination in a timely manner and monitor your health.

Hemoglobin is low during pregnancy: what to do?

The algorithm for the treatment of anemia during gestation is determined by the level of serum iron. With minor anemia, a woman manages to revise her diet and choose iron-containing foods. In the middle and severe stages of anemia, iron-containing preparations are indicated.

Low hemoglobin during pregnancy - diet

What to eat with low hemoglobin during pregnancy:

  • Green vegetables.
  • Beef tongue.
  • Chicken yolks.
  • Nuts.
  • Beef liver.
  • Beets.
  • Red meat.
  • Apples.
  • Fish and seafood.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Cocoa.
  • Prunes.
  • Legumes.
  • Brewer's yeast.
  • Rose hip.
  • Pomegranate.
  • Berries, especially strawberries and black currants.
  • Carrot.

Low Hemoglobin During Pregnancy - Nutrition Tips:

  1. To optimize the daily diet of a pregnant woman, it is recommended to use cereals coarse grinding and fruit and vegetable juices.
  2. Since calcium interferes with the absorption of iron, it is necessary to postpone the use of iron-containing and dairy products as much as possible. For example, eat meat and vegetables for breakfast, and cottage cheese for dinner.
  3. For the period of treatment of anemia, it is necessary to exclude the use of caffeinated drinks, fatty foods and rich flour products.
  4. Vitamin C promotes iron absorption and folic acid. These vitamins are found in strawberries, kiwis, citrus fruits, green onions, and bananas.
  5. If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, for example, dysbacteriosis and gastritis, they must be eliminated, otherwise iron will not be absorbed.

Low hemoglobin during pregnancy - drugs

A significant drop in hemoglobin with one diet cannot be eliminated. For treatment, a woman is prescribed taking iron-containing tablets.

During pregnancy, the following medications may be prescribed:

  • Ferrum Lek - pills or injections that are prescribed twice a day for 1-3 months.
  • Sorbifer Durules - tablets with iron and ascorbic acid. Take two pills a day for up to three months.
  • Fenyuls is a highly effective drug. One capsule per day is taken, the duration of treatment is 30 days.
  • Tardiferon - iron with vitamin B9. Take 1 tablet twice a day.
  • Ferroplex - dragee with iron and vitamin C. The dose is selected based on weight.
  • Drops Maltofer - a liquid form of ferric iron. Reception from 20 to 100 drops a day is shown.
  • Totem is a brown liquid with iron, copper, manganese. Inside take the contents of 2-4 ampoules throughout the day.

Important! All drugs for anemia are forbidden to drink milk, tea or coffee. Calcium and caffeine block the absorption of iron in the intestines.

Low hemoglobin - folk remedies during pregnancy

Homemade recipes will be an effective addition to the basic treatment of anemia. But before using them, do not forget to consult a doctor!

Recipes to increase hemoglobin:

  • walnuts and buckwheat flour mix in a ratio of 1: 1, pour honey. Take 15 g per day.
  • In equal proportions, take dried apricots, almonds, raisins, honey. Eat 2-3 tbsp per day. l.
  • Grind lemon zest in a blender, 100 g of dried apricots, dates, raisins, add 150 ml of honey. The day shows a reception of 3 tbsp. l.
  • Make fresh beet-carrot juice and take a glass a day.
  • Drink 100 ml of apple-cranberry juice twice a day.

Prevention of low hemoglobin during pregnancy

It is not difficult to prevent anemia during gestation:

  • From the first days of pregnancy, you need to eat foods with iron, ascorbic acid and B vitamins. It can be greens, berries, nuts, meat.
  • To prevent hypoxia, you need to walk in the fresh air.
  • It is important to take vitamin complexes in accordance with the duration of pregnancy.
  • A prerequisite for normal hemoglobin is adequate sleep and lack of stress.

Low hemoglobin during pregnancy - reviews

Low hemoglobin is a hotly debated topic in women's forums. Almost every second woman experiences anemia during pregnancy. And if the reviews are to be believed, best option treatment - diet and taking special medications.

There are no negative effects from the treatment. True, women often complain that iron preparations cause constipation and heaviness in the stomach. But after the revision of the menu and the increase in it of dishes with a high content of fiber, gastrointestinal tract starts working fine.

If you have low hemoglobin during pregnancy, you now know how to increase it. But remember that taking any medication is possible only as prescribed by the doctor!

Video: "Is it dangerous to reduce hemoglobin in a pregnant woman"

It is one of the most common pathologies in women who are in position. Every second pregnant woman is diagnosed with mild anemia.

However, despite the frequency of this pathology, one should not underestimate the severity of reduced hemoglobin; if one is inattentive to one's condition, not only the expectant mother, but also the fetus inside her may suffer due to hypoxia and placental insufficiency.

The period of pregnancy is not only joyful moments of waiting for the baby, but also a certain level of responsibility for your life and the health of the child.

Low hemoglobin during pregnancy requires a certain diet, intake medicines, as well as timely monitoring of a complete blood count and compliance with the recommendations of an obstetrician-gynecologist antenatal clinic.

Functions of hemoglobin during pregnancy

Anemia is a syndrome characterized by a reduced amount of hemoglobin in the blood and / or the number of red blood cells.

Hemoglobin is a protein structure that provides the transport of iron and oxygen to all internal organs. Hemoglobin itself is carried only by red blood cells.

During pregnancy, a new organ is formed in the woman's body - the placenta, which also requires an abundant blood supply and nutrition for adequate life support for the fetus.

It provides the baby with nutrition, oxygen, protection from infections and immune responses; every day the baby consumes 30 grams of iron, and it is quite logical that the mother's body is deficient in it.

Iron provides a number of vital functions in the body:

  1. Transportation of oxygen to tissues as part of hemoglobin and red blood cells;
  2. Participates in the processes of hematopoiesis - Bone marrow uses iron to synthesize hemoglobin;
  3. Participates in mitotic processes - iron is part of the enzymes that synthesize DNA and divide cells;
  4. Synthesizes hormones, in particular the thyroid gland - TSH, T3 and T4;
  5. Provides cells with energy - iron delivers oxygen to energy protein molecules;
  6. Regulates immunity - iron controls the level of leukocytes;
  7. Provides detoxification of the body - iron is part of the liver enzymes that destroy toxins.

Normally, the hemoglobin level should exceed 110 g / l.

In the case of a decrease in this indicator, anemia is diagnosed, 3 degrees are distinguished:

  • 1 degree - hemoglobin 110 - 90 g / l;
  • 2 degree - 90 - 70 g / l;
  • Grade 3 - below 70 g / l.

Also important are such indicators in the biochemical analysis of blood as ferritin, transferrin and serum iron. Ferritin shows the reserves of iron in the body, its decrease indicates a true lack of iron - iron deficiency anemia, and its increase - about any chronic disease that is accompanied by iron deficiency. Transferrins are involved in the transport of iron blood vessels, and serum iron is part of the plasma.

With the help of these indicators, it is possible to learn about latent and latent iron deficiency already at the stage of preconception preparation.

In the case of a latent deficiency in the blood test, only ferritin will be reduced, with a latent deficiency, all 3 indicators will decrease.

This is a good signal to immediately correct your condition, since the chances of anemia appearing already in the 1st trimester of pregnancy are very high.

Symptoms of anemia in a future mother

Pregnancy with low hemoglobin can be generally asymptomatic, since the symptoms of a decrease in hemoglobin are mostly non-specific and occur almost immediately after a drop in hemoglobin levels.

These symptoms include the following:

  1. Weakness, increased fatigue and low performance;
  2. Cyanosis or pallor of the skin and visible mucous membranes, as well as bouts of dizziness;
  3. Tachycardia and shortness of breath even with minor physical or emotional stress;
  4. Increased fragility of nails, especially on the hands. This symptom is called koilonychia;
  5. Picacism - the appearance of specific taste preferences, for example, cravings for eating chalk or other inedible things;
  6. Excessive hair loss and increased fragility;
  7. Insomnia;
  8. Syncope or pre-syncope states.

The first degree, as a rule, proceeds without any visible manifestations. With the second degree of anemia, minor symptoms appear, to which women pay little attention.

And only in the third degree there is a combination of symptoms, which manifests itself in a fairly pronounced clinic and makes a person suffering from anemia seek qualified medical help.

Most often during pregnancy, anemia has one and the same form - iron deficiency.

However, there are many forms and varieties of anemia, such as: hemolytic, aplastic, posthemorrhagic and others, but they occur not only in pregnant women, but in people with any predispositions.

Despite the fact that iron deficiency anemia occurs in women in most cases, the provision of differential diagnosis is strictly necessary, since treatment approaches for different forms of anemia have significant differences, and during pregnancy, any pathology from the hematopoietic system must be addressed immediately.

Causes of low hemoglobin during pregnancy

Low hemoglobin during pregnancy causes: physiological changes in a woman's body naturally lead to a decrease in hemoglobin levels, as the baby grows and the gestational age increases, the following series of changes occur:

  • The volume of circulating blood increases significantly: a new organ is formed - the placenta, and with it the third circle of blood circulation; also, the fetus has its own hematopoietic organs, which daily take 30 micrograms of iron ions from the woman's body.
  • Growing needs of the fetus: starting from the 20th week of pregnancy, the fetus is actively gaining weight, every week an average of 100-150 g.
  • early toxicosis. While the body of a pregnant woman is being rebuilt to new principles of functioning, a large amount of energy consumption occurs in the body, and for them the presence of active forms of iron is necessary.
  • Hormonal changes. In the body of a woman throughout pregnancy, except for the final weeks, the hormone dominates - and. These hormones inhibit intestinal motility and motility, which reduces the absorption of nutrients, including iron ions.

Among the non-physiological causes, the following can be distinguished: a short period between pregnancies (less than two years), bleeding, intestinal dysbacteriosis, exacerbation of chronic diseases, infectious diseases, chronic stress, taking certain medications, deficiency of B vitamins and minerals (magnesium, calcium).

Possible complications of low hemoglobin

In the case of a lack of hemoglobin, iron deficiency develops, which can lead to the development of the following undesirable consequences: first, the body's immune defense decreases, the number of erythrocytes decreases, signs of a blood clotting disorder appear.

All this leads to a lack of oxygen, both in the body of the mother and the fetus, there is no full saturation with vitamins.

Low hemoglobin during pregnancy, the consequences for the child are very serious.

How does low hemoglobin affect the baby during pregnancy?

  1. Intrauterine growth retardation: as a result of fetal hypoxia, its growth and development slows down, mainly the development of the nervous system and brain is inhibited.
  2. The risk of perinatal mortality and prematurity increases.
  3. The risk of infection of the membranes increases: the risk increases by 2.5 times.
  4. 10% more likely to have miscarriages.

Low hemoglobin during pregnancy consequences for the mother.

Reduced hemoglobin during pregnancy, what threatens the mother?

  • Preeclampsia and eclampsia. Iron deficiency leads to a decrease in protein production, liver function is impaired, and brain hypoxia occurs.
  • The risk of preterm birth increases.
  • Increased risk of premature placental abruption.
  • Weakness of labor activity.
  • Infectious complications in the postpartum period.
  • Hypogalactia.

Low hemoglobin during pregnancy in the third trimester is of particular importance, since the baby requires a lot of iron and delivery is ahead.

We increase hemoglobin

Low hemoglobin during pregnancy, causes, consequences, how to increase?

In pregnant women, it is carried out both with medications and with a therapeutic diet.

Meals include: veal, liver, tongue, eggs, pomegranates, beets, peaches. Low hemoglobin during pregnancy, what to do?

Of the drug methods, preparations of bi- or ferric iron are prescribed. Depending on the severity of anemia and clinical manifestations, the doctor of the antenatal clinic prescribes the appropriate treatment.

For example, for mild anemia, multivitamin complexes Ferlatum-Fol and Maltofer are prescribed.

With hemoglobin below 90 g / l, more serious drugs are used, such as Ferrofolgama or Sorbifer Durules.


Low hemoglobin during pregnancy reviews - the best prevention of reduced hemoglobin is proper preconception preparation, as well as taking vitamin and mineral complexes, proper dietary nutrition and avoiding frequent stressful situations.

Video: Anemia during pregnancy. Physiological and psychological problems of pregnancy

Hello, expectant mothers and those who are just planning to conceive. Let's talk about frequently asked questions: is it possible to conceive with low hemoglobin? How is it going pregnancy with low hemoglobin and what are the consequences for a baby? And why do we need hemoglobin (Hb)?

Let's talk about the possibility and the need

Hemoglobin is required to “bind” oxygen, bring it to every cell, and “give it away” there. Hb - difficult blood protein that lives in red blood cells (red, blood cells).

Get pregnant with low hemoglobin can. If there are no cycle disorders and physical defects of the uterus that prevent the implantation of the embryo.

You can become a mother at 100 and at 80,and at 70 units. If you are not the Virgin Mary, pregnancy is extremely unlikely in the absence of sexual contact with a man, but otherwise everything is possible. Nature will find a way.

But the course of gestation (pregnancy) with a low level of Hb (hemoglobin) is undesirable. This is obviously hypoxia for the tissues of the fetus. Doctors usually get out of the situation by prescribing iron preparations during almost the entire gestation.

And such a mother gives birth to a completely healthy (by modern standards) toddler. Reviews on this topic are full of positive pregnancy results in mothers with initially low Hb numbers. But it is better to find out the cause before pregnancy and eliminate it.

2 words about the norm

You often hear the phrase, "low hemoglobin is the norm during pregnancy." Low Hb is not the norm. But the numbers do drop depending on the trimester:

  • on early term(1 trimester) traditional 112-160 g/l will be the norm for you;
  • in the middle of gestation ( 2 trimester ) the requirements of doctors are less strict - for you the norm is already 108-144 g/g;
  • later (third trimester) ) doctors are even less picky, the norm is 100-140 g/l.

Usually iron deficiency begins by the second half of gestation. WITH 20 weeks the volume of circulating blood increases. Your baby needs more and more iron. Hemoglobin drops severely 30 weeks gestation. The lowest numbersHb observed on 32 weeks of gestation.

A physiological drop in hemoglobin is normal. H I'm threatening a child such a state? Nothing. Does not require treatment.If your numbers do not fall into the specified parameters - do not panic, but go to the doctor! Research methods are not the same for laboratories. Therefore, recently they began to put down the norm (for their method) next to the results.

And if all such indicators are low, what do we feel?

If hemoglobin is below normal, unpleasant signs will not make you wait:

  • we look in the mirror, oh we have become pale (we need to check the hemoglobin!);
  • noticeably dizzy;
  • drowsiness does not allow you to tear your head from the pillow or insomnia torments;
  • when walking, the heart is pounding, shortness of breath is felt;
  • you feel like you are about to faint (and this is regular!);
  • constipation, strange taste preferences appeared;
  • nails and hair become brittle and thin;
  • and even carefully looking at your reflection, you noticed the cyanosis of the lips!

Run to the doctor, check blood. Symptoms are, of course, not specific. And maybe you're just tired. But it is not in vain that doctors take blood from pregnant women so often. Believe me, they are not vampires and their fangs do not grow at midnight.

Just Hb is an important indicator. And during gestation, unfortunately, variable. Consequences its reduction can cause CNS dysfunction in a baby after birth, and this will affect his whole life.

Yes, they forgot to say, a constant decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood is scientifically called - anemia ! And among the people - anemia. This is a whole galaxy of hematological syndromes, which are united just by a decrease in the concentration of Hb.

Causes of a drop in hemoglobin

Wow, the question is complex and we will have to break it into 2. First, Why the level of Hb generally decreases:

  • extreme diet or simply malnutrition;
  • puberty;
  • intestinal diseases (inflammation, erosion, ulcers) do not allow vitamin B 9 and 12 to be absorbed, and without B 12 iron does not settle;
  • internal (occult bleeding), a clear large blood loss in the recent past;
  • Few products containing protein or iron;
  • oncology;
  • taking certain medication groups (cytostatics, antibiotics);
  • dysbacteriosis (it is the normal microflora that helps to digest necessary for the body vitamins and microelements);
  • the strongest stress experienced in the recent past.

These reasons are not specific. Any person at any stage of life can become their victim. In addition, in women, anemia is due to endometriosis, heavy periods.

Second, there are reasons why women anemia can develop during gestation (carrying):

  • due to multiple pregnancy;
  • with hormonal imbalance;
  • with severe toxicosis (mommy cannot eat normally, or she has severe vomiting).

All sorts of chronic diseases can also become aggravated under the influence of pregnancy or stress. Or you conceived a baby, not having time to endure and feed the firstborn. But your "bins of iron" will be replenished only 3 years after the first pregnancy.

Anemia and hypotension - twin brothers?

Also, you ask if it anemia to low blood pressure and vice versa (low blood pressure to anemia ). Oh, well, a combination of hypertension and anemia is also possible. But more often, low blood pressure is combined with a lack of iron in the blood.

Protein deficiency Hb is equal to oxygen deficiency in organs and tissues. As a result:

  1. The vegetative (vegetative nervous system) suffers, or rather, its tone suffers.
  2. The vessels relax.
  3. The pressure drops.

It is this mechanism that links anemia and low blood pressure.

What threatens the situation for the baby and mother?

Let's make a table, so it will be clearer:

Consequences for the childWhy is low Hb dangerous for mom
prematuritysevere late gestosis
light weightearly rupture of amniotic fluid
violation of the development of individual organsfainting and injury
breathing problems after childbirthhypotension of the myometrium (uterus)
increased susceptibility to infectionspremature delivery
fainting followed by trauma

How to prevent "collapsed" hemoglobin

"Who is guilty?" have already found out. One more classic question remains what to do ? First of all, we use what we have at hand - food. How to boost hemoglobin will be prompted by a nutritionist, choosing diet:

  • buckwheat porridge;
  • pomegranate or pomegranate juice;
  • dried fruits (dried apricots) and compote from them;
  • liver and meat;
  • persimmon and carrots;
  • eggs.

It is believed that iron deficiency is better replenished by eating meat products. After all, 6% of iron is absorbed precisely from animal products and only 0.2% from plant foods. Nutrition should be complete. You must definitely receive protein from food.

Avoid stress, and plan conception in advance to solve all the problems of your body before pregnancy, and not after the fact.


What to eat we figured out, go to treatment . Doctors believe that little ferrum (iron) comes with food, so there is no way without medicines. Therefore, we will have to talk about methods of treatment. What to take, that is, the choice of drug better left to the discretion of the doctor. Not all of them contain the right dose of funds.

Remember that you swallow the capsules "painlessly", and the tablets tint your teeth. If you cannot swallow capsules, ask your doctor to prescribe syrup. You can also brush your teeth after each dose.

Injectable intramuscular drugs leave behind black and blue marks on the buttocks (like bruises). This does not mean that the nurse is not qualified. Peculiarity drug. There are also forms for intravenous administration.

During pregnancy at reduced hemoglobin is most often prescribed:

  • iron salts;
  • ferrum hydroxide.

Oral medications (by mouth) are the most commonly prescribed forms by doctors:

  • Totem or Ferronal, Hemofer or Tardiferon, Ferrlecit, Heferol, Ferrogradum (these are all analogues);
  • Ferrum Lek, Maltofer;
  • Fenyuls (contains not only an iron preparation, but also a group of vitamins).
  • Hematoges n (iron and nutrients, but this form is more suitable for children from 3 years old).

There are many more preparations and their forms. The choice of treatment and method will depend on the duration of pregnancy and the degree of anemia.

Answer to the question

And you often ask if the level of ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) depends on the level of hemoglobin. Many blood parameters are indirectly related, in fact, everything. With severe anemia, the repulsive forces between the formed elements of the blood (for example, erythrocytes) weaken. Erythrocytes quickly unite into groups and settle, the settling time is reduced.

So, normal anemia = low ESR.

If you have low hemoglobin and very elevated ESR is an anomaly. Run to the hematologist!

But, girls bearing offspring, let's not panic. Of course, everyone knows that ESR rises during inflammatory processes, but the erythrocyte sedimentation reaction is slightly increased in the norm:

  • in pregnant women;
  • old people;
  • patients undergoing surgery.

And in the treatment of anemia, the Hb indicators did not have time to stabilize, the ESR indicator has already returned to normal (increased). In any case, if there are problems with the blood formula, a doctor's consultation is only beneficial. expectant mother and her baby.

This concludes our review of the topic. We hope you liked the article and share the text with your friends through social networks.