What to look for when buying a large refrigerator? Tall refrigerators Large refrigerators for the home.

A large refrigerator is indispensable for a family of several people. A built-in version with a capacity of 300-600 liters will fit well into the interior of a spacious kitchen.

None modern kitchen cannot do without such a piece of equipment as a refrigerator. This is an irreplaceable thing in everyday life, and a model correctly selected in appearance and shape will serve as a successful addition to the interior. Assortment of refrigerators in stores household appliances huge. They vary in size, volume, design, price, and can be built-in or free-standing. Large refrigerators have been in demand lately. They allow you not only to store all the necessary products, but also have a number of other advantages.

Features of choosing a refrigerator

The choice of refrigerator must be approached responsibly, having previously decided on the required model and the functions it should have. The refrigerator, regardless of its size, is the largest household appliance in the kitchen. In everyday life you can do without many items: built-in oven, vacuum cleaner, washing and dishwasher, but you can’t do it without a refrigerator.

Device dimensions

First of all, you should decide on the size of the refrigerator. It should not only meet the needs of the family, but also fit well into the existing kitchen interior. Standard sizes can be considered: 550-750 mm wide, 600-650 mm deep, 850-2100 mm high. There are “Asian type” models: they are much wider and not as tall as European ones. To make it easier to navigate the assortment, all refrigerators are divided into several groups:

"A" group

These are very small refrigerators, usually having one chamber: the freezer compartment is located inside or is completely absent. Their dimensions are usually equal: 850-1600 mm in height, 550 mm in width, 600 mm in depth. For a large or medium-sized family, such refrigerators are not suitable; rather, they are purchased for a country house, work, hotel, hostel, or as an addition to an existing refrigerator.

"B" group

Such refrigerators are considered “European type”; these are standard, familiar models for us, suitable for an apartment where three or four people live. Such refrigerators have two chambers and dimensions of 600*600 mm, a height of usually 1700-2100 mm and a volume of 260-350 liters. The freezer compartment can be located in the lower or upper part and consist of drawers and shelves. If it is located on top, it has one shelf with a door.

"C" group

These are “Asian-type” refrigerators; they are much wider than European models, but at the same time lower. The body has a rounded shape, and the freezer is most often located on top. There are both single-chamber and double-chamber ones, and the width is usually 800 mm, height 1700 mm, and volume from 200 to 260 liters.

"D" group

These are refrigerators with large dimensions, their height is from 1900 to 2100 mm, and their volume is up to 800 liters. Such models are best used for spacious rooms.

Separately, it should be said about the models of large side-by-side refrigerators: they are multifunctional and easy to use. The design provides two doors that open in different directions.

Inside there are four spacious compartments for storing necessary products. Some models are equipped with freezers with additional doors, as well as windows for storing frequently used products.

Refrigerators similar design are a real decoration of the interior. Their appearance practically never made in white, like conventional refrigerators, and the design has modern forms and can even match the kitchen unit. But such models are certainly made to order. Some refrigerators have electronically controlled touch screens, as well as many other useful parts, such as an ice storage compartment, various trays, etc.

Refrigerator volume

Usually, two types of volume in liters are taken into account: total and useful. The first is the internal dimensions of the empty refrigerator, and the second is the amount of food that can fit there. Of course, the decisive role in choosing suitable model It is the useful volume that plays a role; it ranges from 200 to 350 liters. Side-by-side refrigerators often have a capacity of 650 liters. You can purchase options with a large freezer compartment located in the lower or upper part, depending on convenience. Built-in refrigerators have a smaller volume than their conventional counterparts.

Cameras and their placement

In addition to the classic single-chamber options, there are others, more functional: two-chamber and multi-chamber. For ease of use, it is better to purchase models with a freezer compartment located at the bottom.

Single-chamber refrigerators are considered more economical in price and at the same time quite reliable, but there is a significant drawback - periodic defrosting of the freezer compartment. Modern options most often they combine three chambers, the middle of which has zero temperature and is used for storing quickly perishable products. It should have a separate door and its own temperature control.

Refrigerators with one chamber usually exist without a freezer compartment or have a very small compartment for storing food up to 2 kg. Double-chamber ones can be either single-door or with two doors. But for better preservation of cold in the freezer compartment, you should choose models with two separate doors.


Thanks to the operation of the compressor, cooling occurs inside the refrigerator. Single-chamber small models have only one compressor, while two-chamber, three-chamber or side-by-side models are necessarily equipped with two.

Large single-compressor models are more affordable in price, and the motor works on two compartments at once: refrigeration and freezer. There are also some nuances here, for example, if it is necessary to lower the temperature in any chamber, the compressor will cool both at once, thereby consuming more electricity.

Therefore, it is optimal to purchase two-compressor models in which the products will be cooled in a shorter time. In addition, you can separately regulate the temperature in each chamber.

Also, if necessary, one compressor can be turned off, for example, to wash the chamber or sort out the products there, and leave the second in working condition.

No frost system

Thanks to this technology, you don’t have to defrost the refrigerator manually. The cold air flow moves inside the chamber due to the fan. It then passes through the hose to the evaporator, and when the fan stops working, the heater turns on. With its help, frost becomes water and flows into a hot container.

Models with “no frost” save a significant amount of time, freeing you from independent defrosting. Among the advantages are the preservation of products for a long time; they do not become covered with frost and do not freeze to each other. The compressor also saves energy.

Control principle

Typically, refrigerators come in two control options: electronic or electromechanical. The first ones include a remote control and an electronic panel with a display. The latter are considered more familiar. They have a thermostat knob inside the chamber or on the outside of the body; control occurs by turning it.

Climate class

An important criterion for choosing a refrigerator is the climate class; it depends on the ambient temperature at which the refrigerator can operate. Each manufacturer defines its own parameters, and there are four classes of specific temperature conditions (in degrees Celsius):

  • N – normal: from +16 to +32;
  • SN – subnormal: from +10 to +32;
  • ST – subtropical: from +18 to +38;
  • T – tropical: from +18 to +43.

Power consumption

These values ​​are usually marked with letters: models with class “A” are considered the most economical, followed by “B” and “C”. The most expensive in terms of power consumption are the models marked from “D” to “G”, but at present they are practically not produced. To reduce energy consumption, you should consider some rules. For example, do not place the refrigerator close to heating devices or the oven, do not open the doors for a long time and do not place hot objects inside the chamber: pots, pans, baking sheets.

External and internal design


The functional features of the refrigerator certainly play a decisive role in the choice. But since this item is purchased not for one or two years, but for many years, its appearance should match the interior of the kitchen, and the interior space should be comfortable and pleasing to the eye.

Fortunately, modern technologies allow us to produce refrigerators of various designs; there are even real works of art. Some manufacturers offer, in addition to color, to decorate the model with drawings, patterns and other images. If desired, you can decorate refrigerators with glass, metal or wood.

But, when choosing an unusual model design for your kitchen, you should understand that you may get bored with it over time, or there will be a need to change the interior, then it may not fit into the surrounding space. It is much wiser to purchase a standard model, with the necessary set of functions and a stylish appearance. Another way to make the kitchen more harmonious, in a unified design, is to choose a built-in appliance option.


What the refrigerator looks like from the inside also has great importance. Depending on the model, it may have various additional devices that are convenient in everyday life, for example, shelves, which can be either glass or in the form of a lattice. The first allow you to store products isolated from each other. The latter greatly facilitate the movement of air inside. Additional shelves and trays, usually located in the doors, are intended for storing bottles, eggs, plastic containers small size, etc.

Shelves are usually glass, plastic or metal lattice. Glass ones look beautiful, are highly durable, and if they get dirty, just wipe them with a napkin. Metal grilles do not interfere with air circulation. Inside the refrigerator there are usually a large number of fasteners that allow you to adjust the height of the shelves. You can do this yourself, depending on your convenience. Built-in options have similar equipment.

The interior of the refrigerator is illuminated by one or two light bulbs, usually located in the front part. It happens that the light is located at the back wall, this is not very convenient, since only this one is illuminated.

Some models have a special shelf for bottles; it can also be placed at a comfortable height. This detail significantly saves space on other shelves and allows you to conveniently and securely place the necessary bottles.


The freezer compartment should also be comfortable and functional, despite the fact that it occupies a smaller area compared to the refrigerator compartment. One of the useful functions is the presence of a cold accumulator; this is necessary to maintain a low temperature for up to 24 hours in a row in the event of a sudden power outage. This battery looks like a container with non-freezing liquid and can be used not only inside the freezer, but also outside, for example, for cooling food in containers.

Freezer compartments are equipped with lattice drawers and shelves with doors. Some models have a special pull-out tray for freezing small vegetables or berries, as well as for storing molds with ice.

Built-in refrigerator

A separate item is the built-in refrigerator model. In this case, the design of the kitchen set will be organic and fit perfectly into the interior. But using this option in a ready-made kitchen is quite difficult, since it is not always possible to perfectly match the material to the existing set.

The doors of the built-in refrigerator are attached to the kitchen facade, that is, outwardly it looks like an ordinary cabinet, only its indicators and sensors are visible from the outside. Built-in options are significantly more expensive than their standard counterparts; in addition, their internal space is also inferior in size.

Models of large refrigerators

Large refrigerators are not so popular among Russian population, like, for example, the Americans. This is due to the lack of sufficient space in kitchen interior, because most of housing has a small area. But still, some models can be found and purchased for spacious apartments or country houses.


This Korean model has a stylish appearance with an unusual body design in white or black. The total volume is more than 800 liters, the usable volume is more than 600. The interior space is equipped with a minibar.


Much more spacious than the previous model, the volume is almost 900 liters. The appearance looks quite simple, without trendy design, but it has other advantages. For example, there is an alarm and door lock, an ice maker and a water and air filter.

Samsung RF34H9960S4

The largest of the listed models has a volume of 970 liters. In addition, it has many useful functions: a triple cooling ice maker, a huge freezer, etc. The price of such a refrigerator exceeds 200 thousand rubles.

Many manufacturers can offer the most voluminous models, in particular, Liebherr SBS 5712 (564 l), Electrolux ENX 4596 AOX (362 l), Whirlpool ART 920 (310 l) and WBA 4328 NFW (420 l), Sharp SJ-PT441 R- HS (437 l) and others.

  • Before purchasing a refrigerator, you need to make sure that it is able to fit through the doorway, otherwise it may be difficult to transport it to your apartment.
  • The place under the refrigerator needs to be thought out in advance; there should be no objects or structures nearby that would interfere with the opening of the door.
  • The internal chamber of the refrigerator must be made of high-quality plastic. It can be easily identified by the absence of an unpleasant odor, but the refrigerator must be disconnected from the power supply.
  • Don’t forget about the volume: for an average family of three or four people, you should choose the internal chamber dimensions of 300 liters. More is possible, it all depends on the wishes of the owners and the size of the kitchen.
  • For small spaces, you can choose a model with handles recessed into the body.
  • The noise coming from the refrigerator should not get on your nerves. There are no absolutely silent models, you need to come to terms with this, but it’s still worth paying attention to this factor.
  • Some refrigerators have special closers, which will allow you not to worry about accidentally opening the door.
  • If you are purchasing a new kitchen set, you can think about the option of a built-in refrigerator. It is slightly smaller in volume than a regular one, but you don’t have to worry about the appearance: the kitchen will look stylish and harmonious.

You should choose a large refrigerator for the kitchen if the size of the room allows it to be placed without compromising the surrounding space. In household appliance stores you can find models of attractive design and convenient functionality, including built-in options. With such a refrigerator, work in the kitchen will become several times easier, and the interior will acquire a stylish and attractive appearance.

Tall refrigerators are suitable for large families because they have large capacity. Although they require more space than low models, the parameters allow them to be installed in standard-sized kitchens.

The catalog presents two-chamber tall refrigerators with a bottom and top freezer. The volume of the refrigeration part varies from 200 to 300 kg. All models belong to economical consumption class A and will save on electricity bills.

Modern refrigerators do not require manual defrosting and support the following modes:

  • No Frost;
  • NeoFrost;
  • Nature Cool.
Freshness zones will preserve vegetables and fruits without destroying them beneficial features. If the power goes out, the refrigerators will maintain low temperature for several hours, preventing the products from spoiling.

Eldorado offers to buy a tall refrigerator using the order form on the product page. The filter by parameters located on the left will make the search more convenient, and detailed information will make the choice easier.

The large, spacious refrigerator is a complex device with an electronic control system. It is equipped with the latest climate systems and has several cooling circuits. The total volume of the cabinet is more than 700 liters.

A large refrigerator model is considered to have the following dimensions:

  • height – from 187 to 220 cm;
  • depth – from 60 to 90 cm:
  • length – from 80 to 120 cm.

Such a huge refrigerator cannot be brought through standard doors, nor can it be placed in the kitchen. Therefore, owners of country houses or apartments built according to the project can afford such kitchen equipment. Maintaining a huge refrigerator is expensive. Although it is built using economical compressors of class A+, A++, it consumes a lot of energy. If repairs happen, it will become ruinous for a poor person.

It turns out that a wealthy person can afford an expensive, spacious refrigerator. Therefore, in our country the production of two-door refrigerators has not been put into production. Mostly models from well-known manufacturers from America and Europe are delivered to customers. The Korean manufacturer of household appliances, Samsung, competes with them.

Famous models of the largest refrigerators

In addition to its solid size, a spacious refrigerator for a large family has a well-thought-out design of functional chambers.

  • Two or more doors allow you to open an insulated compartment without changing temperature regime in neighboring cells.
  • Multiple compressors provide separate circuits, allowing unnecessary chambers to be switched off temporarily.
  • availability of hygiene instruments – bactericidal lamps infrared, ultraviolet, bactericidal filters, an ozonator and a dry defrosting system make it easier to restore order and extend the shelf life of products;
  • Additional built-in devices increase comfort.

All systems operate under electronic control, taking into account how often the refrigerator door is opened, and adjust the mode every second.

With the development of kitchen design, it has become important to order a spacious built-in refrigerator along with the furniture.

Refrigerator LG GR-M257 SGK

The refrigerator with a total volume of 821 liters has a useful volume of 412/202, a built-in minibar. The worthy design of the facade is noteworthy. The drawing by Karim Rashid gives the model status. This refrigerator is equipped with one compressor with a ten-year warranty period. Refrigerators are available in black and white.

Refrigerator Samsung RF34H9960S4

It was this model that won the fight for the title of “most capacious refrigerator.” The company calls its brainchild Ultra-High Capacity, which means ultra-high, spacious. The total volume of the chambers is 970 liters. The freezer consists of two sections - 430 liters. The ice maker can freeze up to 10 kg of ice at the same time. All modern options are included in the model. This miracle costs 6 thousand dollars. In Russia you can buy a smaller model, with a useful volume of 819 liters - RF905QBLAXW.

General Electric GSE30VHBTWW and PSE29KSESS

American models are characterized by the Side - by - Side function. Hinged doors, shelves with sealing, so that when open door The cold in the cells remained. In Russia, cabinets with a capacity of 800 liters are sold in white and silver.

When choosing a refrigerator, everyone wants it to last a long time, not break down, operate silently, and at the same time have a low cost. These can be said to be the main criteria by which the search for a suitable model is made. In addition, it is important that the purchased unit matches the color of the interior, is economical and comfortable to use. If you can find a model that satisfies these requirements, then you have done a really good job of analyzing the parameters and best models. In this article we will tell you how to choose a refrigerator for your home and which brand is durable in 2017. A rating will be provided at the end of the article best refrigerators by price, quality and manufacturer, so we strongly recommend reading to the end.

Main settings

First, let's briefly look at the most important criteria for choosing a refrigerator for your home. So, the first thing you should decide before purchasing is:

  1. Equipment dimensions. There are one-, two-, three-, four-, five- and even six-chamber models. As a rule, each manufacturer has its own dimensions of its products, but they are all close to the standards and can differ from each other by no more than 5-10 cm. To choose the correct size of the refrigerator, you must first decide where it will be installed, then measure this place with a tape measure and, based on the measurements obtained, select the appropriate option in terms of height, width and depth. The most popular are two-chamber units; they have similar freezer and refrigerator compartments. They are followed by Side-by-Side, single-chamber, and then multi-chamber.
  2. Camera location. Everyone is accustomed to having a freezer at the bottom, but there are models with a top freezer. There are ones without it at all, so when choosing, pay attention to this point. We also advise you to take into account the ratio of the chambers; it happens that the freezer compartment is almost the same as the refrigerator compartment. This is very convenient for those who want to choose a device with a large freezer.
  3. Useful volume. To choose the refrigerator capacity you need to know one thing simple thing– for two people a device of 180 liters will be quite enough. For a family of 3 people, you can buy a 250-liter model, and if you have a large family (for 5-6 people), we recommend choosing equipment with a useful volume of 350 liters or more. Don’t forget about the dimensions; the volume of the camera directly affects the size of the case.
  4. Type of defrosting and freezing. We will not go into details, but will only highlight the most important information for you. Freezing can be thermoelectric (silent), absorption (noisier) and using compressors (highest noise level). In turn, defrosting can be manual (as before, unplug the equipment, wait until the chambers are defrosted, then wash the walls and wipe them dry), drip (moisture flows into the pan along the back wall) and No Frost (no frost) - auto defrosting . Most often, all clients find it difficult to decide which refrigerator is better to choose for their home - with drip defrosting or no frost. If you do not defrost the device often, we recommend choosing a more modern and reliable No Frost system. In its turn drip system belongs to the economy class, so the equipment will cost less.
  5. Climate class. The choice depends on the operating conditions of the unit, as well as the temperature in the region in which you are located. The most popular climate classes are presented in the table below. You need to select the appropriate temperature range for your own conditions.
  6. Energy class. If you want to choose an economical refrigerator for your home, pay attention to its energy consumption class. The lowest class (i.e. economy) is A+++ in 2017. Further along the alphabet and number of pluses are units with higher energy consumption (A++, A+, A, B, etc.).
  7. Functions. You must understand that the more multifunctional refrigerator you want to choose, the more you will have to pay. We recommend choosing the least sophisticated device for your dacha. But for an apartment or house, you can already invest in a model that, in addition to standard functions (for example, temperature settings), has an open door indicator, super freezing, ice maker, long-term storage of food, rapid cooling and freezing of food, antibacterial protection, etc.
  8. Compressor type. In 2017, it is already better to choose a refrigerator with inverter compressor, because it is more economical, silent and also durable. The only thing is that the inverter is afraid, so you will need to additionally protect the equipment.
  9. Number of compressors. Inexpensive refrigerators have one compressor, higher quality models have 2 compressors, which the better, which is cheaper in terms of repairs, more economical and also allows you to turn off one camera (for washing or something else), while the second one will work.
  10. Control method. Electromechanical control is more reliable and also cheaper. Electronic allows you to more accurately adjust the temperature regime, therefore it is better in terms of comfort in using the equipment. Most modern models are equipped with electronic control.
  11. Noise level. One of the most important parameters, because Almost everyone wants to choose a silent refrigerator and at the same time, it should be inexpensive but of high quality. In this regard, our recommendation as experts is to choose equipment with a noise level below 40 dB. With this indicator, the device will operate in quiet mode.

Expert advice

This is all advice regarding the correct selection technical characteristics refrigerators. Below we will look at the little things that you should pay attention to before purchasing.

What else should you pay attention to?

So, to choose a really good unit for your home, we recommend taking into account the following nuances:

  1. The shelves must be glass. Transparent glass will allow you to quickly find the right products in the refrigerator compartment.
  2. The seals around the perimeter of the door should be elastic and fit well when closing. Before choosing the option you like, make sure there is no damage, otherwise you will encounter a problem such as.
  3. Your new refrigerator and freezer shouldn't smell like cheap plastic. An unpleasant odor indicates low quality plastic, and therefore the dubious reliability of the manufacturer.
  4. Handles recessed into the door allow you to save some free space. This is especially true if you want a small kitchen.
  5. Many models, especially from Liebherr, have the ability to hang the doors on the other side. Very convenient, especially when rearranging the house.
  6. Make sure the legs are on wheels (must have at least 2). This design option will make it more convenient to transport equipment from place to place by simply tilting the body.
  7. Built-in models are well suited if you do not want to spoil the interior of the kitchen.
  8. There are many color solutions refrigerators. You can always choose a suitable design to match the tone of the kitchen. In addition, there are designer models that will become the highlight of the interior.

The best manufacturers

If you don’t know which brand of refrigerator is the most reliable and durable, we recommend that you consider purchasing products from one of the following companies:

  1. Samsung
  2. Liebherr
  3. Indesit
  4. Bosch
  5. Sharp
  6. Hotpoint-Ariston (Ariston)
  7. Gorenje
  8. Korting

Of the domestic brands involved in the production of household refrigerators, I would like to recommend a Russian company Biryusa(Biryusa), as well as Belarusian Atlant. If you want to choose an inexpensive but good refrigeration unit for your home, pay attention to these brands. In addition, the Atlant company accounts for more than 20% of sales on the Russian market, which is a leading indicator. You can find out more in our corresponding article.

Model rating

Well, we end our advice with the list of the best models in 2017. Several ratings will be provided, allowing you to choose an option for your own conditions, within reason, so to speak.

The best single-chamber refrigerators for home:

  1. Korting KS 50 HW
  2. Hansa FM050.4
  3. Liebherr TSL 1414
  4. SUPRA TRF-030

They are all small and, moreover, cost up to 20,000 rubles (or even up to 15 thousand). Choosing a single-chamber model is advisable for a summer house or office.

Of the two-chamber units I would like to recommend for home use:

  1. Liebherr CUag 3311
  2. Bosch KGN39SB10
  3. LG GA-B489 TGRF
  4. Samsung RB-30 J3000WW
  5. Gorenje NRK 6191 MC
  6. Indesit DF 4160 W
  7. ATLANT МХМ 2835-08
  8. Korting KSI 17875 CNF

As we have already said, two-door models are the most popular and also practical. Great option, which is recommended to choose for a house and apartment. If you try, you can pick up a good unit for up to 50,000 rubles.

As for side-by-side models, the best in 2017 are:

  1. Samsung RH-60 H90203L
  2. Liebherr SBS 7212
  3. Vestfrost VF 395-1 SBS
  4. Bosch KAN58A55
  5. Samsung RS-552 NRUASL

Some of the models provided in the TOP cost less than 100 thousand rubles, so even among multi-compartment refrigerators, you can try to choose a budget one that is optimal in price and quality.

  1. LG GR-N309 LLB
  2. Korting KSI 17875 CNF
  3. Whirlpool ART 9810/A+
  4. Siemens KI87SAF30
  5. Liebherr ICBS 3214

Please note that our 2017 refrigerator rating is independent. It was compiled based on ratings and reviews from experts and customers. If you want to add your opinion about the quality and reliability of these models, we recommend creating a topic in ours, which was created for refrigeration manufacturers and everyone who wants to leave their feedback.

Important Details

That's all I wanted to tell you about how to choose a refrigerator and which brand is durable in 2017. We hope you found the expert advice and videos provided helpful!

Record holder volume

The largest household refrigerator in the world is the monumental giant Grand Froid Miele, whose record volume is 874 liters. Such a monster impressed even the gigantomania-prone American market. The system distributes cooled air in such a way as to ensure uniform temperature in all parts of the refrigerator compartment. Products that are placed in the refrigerator are cooled instantly, as a result of which their optimal level of humidity is maintained. This contributes to a long shelf life while maintaining all the taste.

Unit zoning

The middle part of the refrigerator is the “fresh zone”, which is intended for perishable products - in this case it is the BioFresh zone with a volume of 100 liters, in which the best temperature for storing such products is maintained - not lower than 0.5 ° C and not higher than 3 ° C.

The freezer compartment also has a record size, its volume is 241 liters and can freeze up to 15 kg of food per hour, while no ice forms in the unit, and, therefore, time is not wasted on long-term defrosting. With this large volume It is quite possible to rent out part of the freezer.

"Smart" refrigerator

Of course, this giant is stuffed to the brim with the latest electronics, which monitors the maintenance of the required temperature. Also, this refrigerator is classified as highly economical, which is really very important with such a volume. It is firmly packaged in a durable steel casing. If your family has such a refrigerator, you can buy food a month in advance without fear that it will spoil.

Can you afford it?

All that's left is to find $10,000, and the dream refrigerator will be yours! If, of course, your family is so large that it needs such a fortress refrigerator.