Meat calories per 100 grams. Calorie content of meat of different varieties and methods of preparation

Meat (lamb, beef, pork) is one of the most important food products, which has excellent culinary qualities. It can be easily combined with various foods (cereals, pasta, vegetables).

The importance of meat in nutrition has been known since ancient times. Meat products, rich in proteins and other components, stimulate growth and activity. Meat is more necessary during active physical labor, as well as for people at an active, young age. The quality of this product depends on how many calories are in meat, as well as on consumer characteristics and safety for the body. The calorie content of meat ranges from 120 to 500 kcal per hundred grams of product, depending on its category, variety and type.

Composition and amount of calories in different types of meat

The importance of meat in human nutrition is explained by its composition. The calorie content of meat also depends on its composition - the percentage of high-value proteins, energy- and plastically important fats, micro- and macroelements, and a number of vitamins.

The composition of meat includes, in fact, skeletal muscles, elements of nervous, connective and adipose tissue, and bones. This product also contains extractives and fat. The extractives in this product are represented by nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous compounds. During heat treatment, extractive substances determine the taste and aroma of meat. These meat components enhance the secretion of digestive juices. They have virtually no nutritional value, but they help food digest better.

The number of calories in any type of meat depends on the percentage of lipids in it. Thus, in lamb and beef the fat content ranges from 1 to 26%, in poultry meat - from 5 to 39%, in pork - from 28 to 63%. Meat is a significant source of B vitamins, especially nicotinic acid, easily digestible iron, phosphorus and pyridoxine.

Rabbit meat is a particularly valuable product. With minimal fat content and calories, rabbit meat contains a large amount of mineral components (phosphorus, iron, potassium salts), various trace elements (zinc, copper, cobalt), and vitamins. Since the calorie content of rabbit meat is low, it can be safely used in dietary nutrition. The protein of this dietary product is 90% absorbed by the human body. However, this type of meat spoils quickly. But it can be stored in the freezer for about three months.

Instead of animal meat, some people eat soy meat. The calorie content of animal meat is less than the calorie content of soy meat. The calorie content of soy meat is about 300 kcal per hundred grams of product.

Calorie content of meat in dietary dishes

To ensure that the quality of meat does not decrease, it is very important to properly heat treat it. The calorie content of meat depends on the method of its preparation, as well as on what part of the animal is used to prepare a dietary meat dish. After all, there are parts of the body that consist almost entirely of fat, and there are also those that do not contain fat in their composition. Calorie content of meat from different parts body will be different.

When preparing various dishes, it is necessary to take into account how many calories are in a particular type of meat. Poultry meat is digested much easier and better than beef or pork. The average calorie content of chicken meat per hundred grams of product will be 160 kcal. For preparing dietary meat dishes, it is better to use chicken breast. But the skin and skin are the fattest parts of the chicken.

It should be remembered that the calorie content of poultry meat depends on its category (or variety).

The lowest energy value is for boiled dietary meat dishes, and the highest for fried meat.

Meat stews occupy an intermediate position. Thus, the calorie content of beef stew is about 150 kcal per hundred grams of product. You can stew the meat with or without spices, vegetables in a tightly sealed container. Before stewing, the meat can be fried until golden brown, then add a small amount of water, cover the pan tightly with a lid and simmer until softened over low heat. The calorie content of stewed meat depends on the variety, type of meat and duration of stewing. When stewing meat, you can use various sauces.

The calorie content of boiled beef is 150 kcal per hundred grams of product, and fried beef sunflower oil– about 180 kcal per hundred grams of product.

Meat will not harm the body if consumed in moderation, in small quantities.

Since there is no point in talking about the beneficial properties of meat to those who, for fundamental or religious reasons, do not consume it, this article is for meat eaters and for those who arrange meat diets for themselves. How healthy is meat in the diet? The calorie content of meat ranks first in the food table, and some types of this product are second only in calorie content.

What meat can be used in dietary nutrition

To answer this question, consider the kilocalorie content per 100 g of those types of meat that can be bought in a supermarket or at the market. So:

Calorie table for meat and meat products
View Calorie content per 100 g.
Mutton 240
Beef 200
Pork 270
Pork belly 602
Veal 90
Goat meat 216
horsemeat 167
Rabbit meat 183
Pig meat 109
Broiler chickens 200
Geese 350
Turkeys 250
Chicken fillet 113
Chicken leg 184
Duck 300
Pork liver 109
Beef liver 127
Pork kidneys 92
Beef kidneys 86
Pork heart 101
Beef heart 96
Beef tongue 173
Pork tongue 208
Boiled sausage 220
Semi-smoked sausage 370
Smoked sausage 450
Hunting sausages 463

Remembering that the number of kilocalories needed by the body during the day is calculated taking into account:

  • Age;
  • Weights;
  • Growth;
  • Gender(m/f);
  • Type of occupation (physical activity).

We choose the type of meat that is most suitable for the diet. The average norm during the day is 1000 – 1200 kcal.

It should be remembered that during the diet, meat should be:

  • not salty;
  • without spices;
  • only in boiled form;
  • broth should not be consumed as food, because during the cooking process it is saturated with meat fats;
  • do not eat side dishes for meat, since the caloric composition of meat increases in interaction with other products.

Meat products

Meat products: sausages, balyks, stews, smoked meats, pates are completely excluded during the diet.

It is also important to consider that the body quickly becomes saturated with meat, but the feeling of hunger returns quite quickly. Therefore, the daily diet of meat should be distributed so that during the day you can easily cope with the irritating feeling of hunger. It is worth considering herbal soothing teas, especially at night.

When thinking about a beautiful figure, we must not forget about the health of the nervous system. The main postulate “do no harm” has not been canceled even with!

When following a diet, switching to proper nutrition and losing weight, it is necessary to include meat in the diet as a source of amino acids. Most the best option Beef is considered: its calorie content is low compared to its analogues due to the small amount of fat, and it contains compounds that are found in red meats. The product provides the body with essential vitamins, minerals and acids and gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness.

Composition and beneficial properties of beef

Beef contains the following substances:

  1. Vitamin B3. Nicotinic acid dilates small vessels and capillaries, which helps improve cerebral circulation. The substance helps eliminate cholesterol plaques and reduces the load on the arteries. Eating beef helps normalize hormonal levels.
  2. Vitamin B4. Choline takes part in the functioning of the nervous system. With a deficiency, the likelihood of disturbances in its functioning increases. The vitamin helps cleanse the blood of excess fatty acids and cholesterol. Choline helps digest food and is involved in carbohydrate metabolism.
  3. Vitamin B5. Pantothenic acid promotes the synthesis of hormones by the adrenal glands. Eating beef helps prevent the development of colitis, arthritis, allergies and heart pathologies. The vitamin improves the functioning of the immune system and the formation of antibodies. The substance reduces cravings for alcoholic beverages and helps reduce the severity of adverse reactions after drinking them.
  4. Vitamin B6. Pyridoxine takes part in metabolism. It promotes proper oxidation of fats and proteins. The vitamin prevents the development of central nervous system diseases and skin pathologies. Pyridoxine acts as a natural diuretic. When there is a deficiency, a person’s limbs go numb and suffer from cramps and spasms.
  5. Vitamin B9. Folic acid required for the creation and renewal of cells, therefore prevents the development of autoimmune diseases and the occurrence of malignant tumors. The substance regulates the activity of the nervous system. This allows you to correctly alternate reactions of excitation and inhibition.
  6. Vitamin B12. Cobalamin is necessary to normalize hematopoietic function. It is involved in the process of formation of red blood cells.
  7. Vitamin K. The substance normalizes blood clotting and prevents blood vessels from calcification. The risk of developing liver cancer is reduced.
  8. Potassium. Stabilizes the heartbeat and is responsible for normalizing water balance.
  9. Calcium. Ensures normal muscle contraction and transmission of nerve impulses. Participates in the regulation of vascular permeability.
  10. Magnesium. Responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses and the processes of muscle contraction and relaxation. Maintains the condition of bones and teeth, protects them from damage.
  11. Sodium. Normalizes water-salt balance. Sodium promotes food digestion because it activates enzymes in saliva and pancreatic secretions.
  12. Phosphorus. Participates in fat metabolism and the synthesis of essential amino acids. Without phosphorus, normal muscle and brain activity is impossible.
  13. Iron. Takes part in the formation of hemoglobin. Improves the functioning of the immune system and helps provide the body with oxygen.
  14. Manganese. Improves the absorption of ascorbic acid and promotes normal glucose perception. Regulates its level in the blood. With a deficiency, food digestion worsens, the functioning of the nervous system and brain is disrupted.
  15. Copper. Required for the conversion of iron into hemoglobin and is indirectly involved in saturating the body with oxygen. Copper promotes the synthesis of the happiness hormone.
  16. Zinc. Necessary for formation bone tissue and hair. Allows for more efficient use of vitamin A.
  17. Selenium. Prevents the occurrence of tumors and improves the functioning of the immune system.

The calorie content of beef is 187 kcal, the nutritional value of veal is even lower. 100 g of product contains 17-21 g of protein and 2-23 g of fat, depending on the category and fatness of the cow. If you are trying to maintain the optimal balance of BJU, but you are confused by how many calories there are in pork, replace it with beef.

Calorie content of beef, pork and other types of meat - table

It is difficult to give a definite answer to the question of how many calories are in beef, rabbit and other types of meat. The indicator will depend on the part of the body, fat content, method of preparing the product, etc. For example, the calorie content of pork ranges from 142 (tenderloin) to 602 (brisket) kcal. The average values ​​are presented in the table.

Meat for weight loss

Often, when losing weight, the first thing they try to do is exclude meat from the menu: its calorie content is high compared to fruits and vegetables, and it contains fat. However, this is a wrong decision. During the cooking process, in most cases, meat becomes less nutritious as fat is rendered.

The product contains a number of nonessential and essential amino acids in the absence of carbohydrates. Moderate consumption of meat does not cause the formation of fat deposits, because... most of compounds are consumed immediately, and proteins promote weight loss.

With an integrated approach, meat dishes help achieve the desired result when playing sports. They contain enough amino acids to form muscle mass. Fibers require a lot of energy to maintain a satisfactory condition, so the total expenditure of calories increases, including during rest. Digestion of animal proteins also requires a lot of effort on the part of the gastrointestinal tract, so part of the nutritional value goes to processing the product.

The calorie content of boiled beef is 175 units per 100 g. You can achieve lower values ​​by steaming the product and purchasing the leanest parts. Depending on the side dish, not all fats may be absorbed. Some of the energy will be spent on digestion. All factors together help achieve weight loss.

BJU in chicken

It is impossible to give an exact answer to the question of how many calories are in chicken meat. The average value is 165. The calorie content of chicken is less than that of beef, however chemical composition red meat is different. When losing weight and proper nutrition It is recommended to include both varieties in the menu.

100 g of boiled chicken contains 25 g of protein and 7 g of fat. This allows the product to be used as a source of amino acids for weight loss and muscle building. The most nutritious parts are considered to be the skin (212 kcal), wings (186 kcal) and thighs (185 kcal). In order to reduce weight, it is recommended to eat chicken fillet. Nutritional value 100 g - 110 kcal.

Harm of meat for weight loss

When consumed in moderation and choosing the right product, meat is not harmful. An undesirable reaction can occur if the rules for preparing the product are not followed or if there are no dietary restrictions. The calorie content of meat is relatively high, so a person on a diet needs to monitor the total nutritional value of a serving. Possible overeating. It is recommended to avoid fried meat, as its calorie content increases sharply due to oil.

The calorie content of meat per 100 grams varies from 120 to 500 kcal and depends on the variety, type and category. The way in which the product is prepared also plays an important role.

The benefits of meat in the human diet

The dietary appeal of the finished dish will depend not only on the number of calories in the meat, but also on its taste and benefits to the body.

The importance of meat for a complete diet is undeniable, since it is the main source of proteins, fats and a huge amount of bioactive substances needed by the body. Meat also contains iron, phosphorus and B vitamins, especially a lot of nicotinic acid.

Meat is needed most in children's and adolescence, as well as those who engage in heavy physical labor.

The calorie content of any variety depends on the volume of lipids it contains.

  • In beef and lamb cuts, the lipid content can vary from 1 to 26%
  • in poultry - from 5 to 39%
  • in pork - from 28 to 63%.

In our body, meat protein is broken down into amino acids, from which our own proteins are then built. There is no doubt that there is a lot of protein in some products of plant origin (nuts, seeds, beans, etc.).

Some people prefer soy substitutes. But here it is important to remember that the calorie content of any meat products is less than the calorie content of soy meat, which contains 300 kcal per 100 g.

No amino acids not found in plant products. But in meat the concentration of proteins is much higher, and they are absorbed by the body by 80-95%. Therefore, it must be included in the menu of physically active people and children.

  1. women and children 80 g of meat;
  2. for men - up to 150 g;
  3. for athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor - up to 200 g;
  4. representatives of the older age group - 50-80.

Nutritional value of different types of meat

If you want to lose weight, then pay attention not only to the calorie content of meat, but also to its composition. For example, chicken contains a lot of phosphorus and potassium, pork contains iron and B vitamins. Therefore, when choosing a complete diet, it is important to take all factors into account.

You should start with pork, which has the highest percentage of fat. Lean pork carbonate, which contains a lot of myoglobin, is suitable for the diet. In addition, a spatula is suitable for a healthy diet. Breast and collar should be avoided as they contain excess fat.

Pork neck calories:

  • 552 kcal per 100 grams;
  • proteins - 13.6 g;
  • fats - 31.9 g.

Calorie content of pork carbonate:

Advice from nutritionist Irina Shilina
Healthy eating incompatible with strict dietary restrictions, malnutrition and prolonged fasting. There is no need to strive for abnormal thinness by depriving yourself of food that brings pleasure. Pay attention to the latest weight loss techniques.

  • 142 kcal per 100 grams;
  • proteins - 19.4 g;
  • fats - 7.1 g.

Different types Cattle meat is comparable in terms of benefits for the body, but it is better to give preference to veal. And when choosing a variety, you should pay attention to low-fat fillets and carbonate.

The most high-calorie meat is lamb. However, the cholesterol content in it is four times less than in pork. It is also unrivaled in terms of the amount of lecithin necessary for cellular regeneration. But here, too, the back and loin parts of the carcass are preferable.

Let's compare nutritional value 100 g veal, beef and lamb carb:

Chicken fillet is considered the most dietary. It is low in calories and is the easiest to digest, and in terms of the content of proteins, vitamins and minerals it is second only to seafood.

Calorie content chicken fillet:

  • 99 kcal per 100 grams;
  • proteins - 21.5 g;
  • fats - 1.3 g.

Meat does not contain carbohydrates, so it is used as a basis in many protein diets (Kremlevskaya, Dukan, etc.). But the liver, which can also be included in diet menus, contains 4 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of product.

Calorie content of dietary meat dishes

The calorie content of the dish will directly depend on the method of heat treatment and on what part of the carcass is used. Of the by-products in diets, only liver can be found.

The calorie content of beef liver is about 125 kcal per 100 g.

Beloved by many, minced meat contains about 351 kcal, but its nutritional value will depend not only on the types of raw materials used, but also on the additives contained in any semi-finished product. Therefore, when choosing products for a specific dish, you must take into account how many calories are in the liver, minced meat or meat of the selected variety.

When preparing dietary dishes, you need to remember that the lowest energy value is for dishes made from boiled meat, and the highest for dishes made from fried meat. However, how many calories are in fried meat will also depend on the processing method.

Thus, the calorie content of a grilled dish will be lower than that of meat that was fried using oil. Stewed meat occupies a middle position between boiled and fried.

  1. Calorie content of boiled beef meat is 150 kcal.
  2. Fried meat in vegetable oil- 180 kcal.
  3. Stewed meat - 160 kcal.
  4. Beef liver stew - 131.6 kcal.

All dietary dishes are divided into groups:

  • for those who are overweight, the deciding factor will be calories: the less of them in a dish, the better;
  • dietary dishes for people with diseases of the digestive system should be lean and easily digestible, therefore it is preferable to use veal, chicken, young horse meat, and rabbit;
  • for peptic ulcer disease Lenten dishes must still have a delicate consistency (soufflé, cutlets, steamed meatballs, etc.);
  • for people suffering from high cholesterol in the blood, only pork is excluded;
  • Veal, lamb, rabbit and chicken, which contain a lot of easily digestible protein, are suitable for children.

Knowing the calorie content various types meat and the individual characteristics of your body, you can choose the most suitable method of culinary processing and the most useful rate of consumption of this product.