Prayer to Allah that all was well. Muslim fortress, Muslim prayers, dua For good luck in work and attraction of money

I, a Russian Muslim, want to tell you how I accepted Islam. Previously, being an unbeliever, may Allah forgive me, I never thought about religion, I just had my own view on it, namely: I never recognized icons, crosses, in which Christians believe. Once I asked my mother why people worship the icon, is it an idol? She replied that she did not know that it was customary, since she herself was far from religion and had no knowledge about it.

He lived in the village, after graduating from school he entered a college in Kostroma. There I met a Chechen named Ibragim, who later became my best friend. Ibrahim was not an observant Muslim, so I didn’t learn much about Islam from him, only the name of the Lord is Allah, and that’s it.

So time went on, and one day I had a problem that I did not know how to deal with. One day, sitting alone at home in the evening, I decided to turn to Allah. I think, well, I’ll apply, but they won’t shoot me for this, I’ll just try, come what may, for interest, one might say. I raised my hands up and began to ask Allah in Russian to solve my problem. After that, about four days passed - and the problem was suddenly decided in my favor. At first I was surprised, but then I said to myself: ah, nonsense, just a coincidence, nothing more. Time passed, and I had another problem that I could not handle on my own. I decided to ask Allah for help again. It's been about three days- and the problem was solved again. I was shocked and began to think a little, how is this possible? Time passed, and the third time I was overtaken by the following problem, and again I could not solve it myself. I thought: to make sure of the existence of Allah, I will ask again, the last one. And again asked for help to solve my problem. It took about a week and I got what I asked for. From all this I was just in shock! I was 17 when this happened to me. I immediately told everything to my mother, to which she said that it seemed to me, or just a coincidence, in short, she did not give it of great importance. Faith in Allah has already begun to appear in my heart, alhamdulillah!

Two years before this miracle, my mother gave me a gift in the form of a silver cross on a chain, I wore it cleanly, showing off in front of friends - I was young. When I went to bed I didn't take it off. Once, when I woke up in the morning, I did not find a cross on the chain, besides, it was fastened. He began to look for him and found him lying at his feet. Surprised: how could this happen? But he didn't give much thought to what had happened. Waking up the next morning, I saw the same thing: a chain around my neck, and a cross in my legs. After that, I tried to rip off the cross from the fastened chain - nothing happened. The third time I went to bed - and in the morning the same story: the chain hangs around my neck, and the cross lies at my feet. He told his mother, but she, as always, did not believe it, said: “This cannot be,” and began to try to break him off the chain. She didn’t succeed either: “You see how he can fly off on his own, if you don’t even rip him off with your hands.”

Then, while wearing the cross, I began to feel a heaviness on my shoulders, as if something was lying on them. And once I took it off, and over time I felt relief. I began to experiment: when I took off the cross, I felt relief, and when I wore it, I felt heaviness. I again told everything to my mother: “You see, my requests were fulfilled, now the cross flies off, and when it is on me, I feel heaviness. This is a sign from above that Allah exists, and He gives me a sign not to wear this cross, which I did not believe in, but just wore it. I said that I want to accept Islam, that this is the truth from Allah. Mom, of course, began to dissuade: “You are still young, maybe you are mistaken, come on, when you grow up a little, you will go to the army, and then you will decide for yourself whether to accept Islam or not.” This was our agreement, which I remembered.

Mom wore this cross with a chain to her friends, and they all tried to rip it off, but nothing came of them.

Time passed, I was finishing my third year, and I was drafted into the army. Taking an academic degree, he left to serve for a year. Dagestanis of different nations served with me in the army. I found out what a friendly people they are. While in the army, I thought a lot about Allah and religion in general, I really wanted to learn about Islam.

I called my mother, it turned out that she had lost her job and could not get a job anywhere. This went on for about four months, she just didn’t tell me right away that she had no money and she got into debt. And then I, who already believed in the Power of Allah, before going to bed asked the Creator of heaven and earth to help her find a job. A couple of days passed, my mother calls and says that she has found a job, very good, which suits her in everything. I said, "I asked the Lord to help you." And she, as always: “Come on, stop it ...”

From time to time I called up my friend Ibrahim. Once he said that he was unemployed. I was confident in the Grace of Allah and His Omnipotence and asked the Lord for a friend. The next day, Ibrahim called and said that an acquaintance had come to his father and offered him a good job with a big salary. I said that just yesterday I asked Allah to give him a job, and He, by His Grace, gave it. Ibrahim was surprised by this, as he was weak in Islam, non-observant.

When in the army I had problems with officers or soldiers, and in general any problems or difficulties, I turned to Allah, and He, the Merciful, always answered me, Alhamdulillah!

When I served and came home, I reminded my mother of our conversation about my adoption of Islam, although I was already a Muslim, without knowing it - I believed in Allah and His Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Mom agreed. I recovered in my 4th year in college and began to look for where I could get Islamic knowledge. I was looking for people in the city who could teach me to pray, because there was a great desire to pray to His Creator, Who guided me on the True Path and helped me in everything. I then learned that there is a mosque in our city, and I went there. Muslims were standing near it, I went up to them, and a conversation began. He said that I was Russian, I wanted to learn how to pray, and one person from the crowd was very happy about this: “Of course, let’s go to the mosque, I will teach you.” His name was Tagir, he was an Avar by nationality and was a murid, I learned about this later. So, he came from Dagestan to our city to spread Islam, he was engaged in dagwat. He taught me namaz, gave me the name Iman, as he saw my strong faith in Allah. Arriving in Kostroma, Tagir was constantly with me and talked about Islam. From Dagestan he brought me CDs with video recordings of speeches by Dagestan Ulama and Said Afandi (candidate of science). When Tagir left, I watched and studied these discs. I really liked how Said Afandi (r.s.) read a sermon, what he called for, and it was a tariqa, where there are a lot of useful things, for example, reading salavat to our Lord Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), where you do tavba before the Creator, and this is very important for us, sinful people, and dhikr is the praise of the Lord of the Worlds, and work on sincerity in worship is the most important thing in Islam. I would call tarikat the cream of Islam, because the most valuable thing is in it, and how beautiful the path of tarikat is, alhamdulillah!

Sitting at home, I watched a lot of lecture notes. When he came to the mosque and told everything he saw verbatim to his brothers in faith - although I don’t know how I remembered all this, having a bad memory, I think this is the barrack of Said Afandi (c.s.), who passed on to me - those who did not they knew me, they thought that I was a scientist, I came from somewhere, they asked where I studied, although I only watched what Kudiyav was saying. I began to gain knowledge, and at the same time try to spread this wonderful religion in the city. First, after talking to me, by the Will of Allah - He is the Instructor and the Merciful, two people accepted Islam. Studying and listening to Said Afandi (k.s.), he began to pray. Standing on it, with tears I imagined before Whom I stand, how Great is the One Whom I worship (Allah). I went to bed with tears, worried about the people of unbelievers, knowing that they would face eternal punishment - Hell. I constantly thought about how to explain to everyone that Islam is the truth. I knew that I would not be able to convey it to everyone, and I was worried that many did not know and had not heard about Islam, I am talking about true Islam, not about the one that we are told about in the media.

So, I became an observant of Islam. Refused everything forbidden - music, food, obscene words, views on the haram, etc. On Friday, I left classes for prayer, knowing that it cannot be missed and that it is not restored. The teachers found out that I had become a Muslim and changed their attitude towards me dramatically. Although before that I was a favorite student - I studied well and was disciplined. They called me to the teacher's room and asked why I was leaving classes on Friday. He explained that it was my duty to the Lord. They said that there is also a lot of things in Christianity, what, now the whole college should be dissolved? I answered: do what you want, your right, but I will leave on Friday, as it is pleasing to my Lord, I will answer for this before him. Time passed, a week left to finish my studies - and I was expelled from college. I was very upset and did not know what to do, what to say to my mother, I was afraid to upset her. Without telling her anything, he just came and went to the city, supposedly to study. I was completely confused, realizing that 4 years had just gone away, and no one would help me, everything was over. He began to get up for tahajjut prayer, with tears he asked Allah to help him recover in college, although this was no longer possible. They even posted an order for my expulsion on the bulletin board.

So, I got up for tahajjut prayer and asked - and Allah gave me a person who helped me recover in my studies. I was enrolled again, many teachers' faces were twisted when they found out about it. He did shukra. I never doubted for a second the Grace of my Lord and His Power.

Graduated from college with honors. After I told my mother this story, she believed with difficulty: “How is it, expelled, and then accepted back, this cannot be!” I said: “Maybe, how else can, Allah – the Great, the All-Seeing – saw what I was doing right for His pleasure, I tried, and He did not leave me in trouble, Allahu akbar 1000 times, Allahu akbar!!!”

Another story about how I ended up in the hospital with appendicitis. When I was operated on and woke up after anesthesia, the first words I said were “Allahu Akbar!”. The doctors were frightened - the Russian guy suddenly started screaming like that, they called his mother and began to explain that they didn’t seem to touch his head, and he was shouting “Allahu Akbar!” and calls to Islam. Not yet out of anesthesia, I was taken along the corridor, and again I shouted “Allahu Akbar!”. All the patients ran out to look at me. I don't know what controlled me then. All this was told to me by my friend who was nearby: “You cried and said that you feel sorry for us, please accept Islam, you are in error, people!”

In parallel with my studies, I went in for sports, and I had good results. The coach could not believe his eyes, he asked me: “What are you doing, how is it ?!” I could not tell him that before the competition I make a dua to Allah, that all my successes are only thanks to Him. The coach wouldn't believe it. And when he nevertheless found out that I converted to Islam, he kicked me out of the hall. Again, this was a test from the Merciful Allah. Then my friends began to turn away from me, saying that I was a traitor and the like. Trial after trial overtook me, but I tried to endure and trust in Allah. I continued to listen to the lectures of the Dagestan Ulama, and when I watched the speech of the former mufti Said-Muhammad, I cried how sincere he was before Allah and how he worried about his Dagestan people. It is a pity that he is not with us now, may Allah, by His Grace, grant him the highest degrees of Paradise. I watched the lectures of Kura-Muhammad, who, like a real warrior, defending the truth in Islam, came under the Grace of Allah. And how I wanted to see them live, I thought, do these people really exist in Dagestan, and most of all, of course, I wanted to see Said Afandi at that time and take vird from him, dreamed of becoming his murid.

On the day when this tragedy happened to him, I came to the mosque, and when I bowed to the ground, I felt a strange coldness over my body, as if something had happened, someone from my family had died, I already had such a feeling before, it always matched. On the same day, Tagir called, and I learned that Saeed Afandi (KS) was no longer with us, that he had passed under the Grace of Allah as a martyr. And when Tagir arrived, he offered me to enter an Islamic institute. I was very happy with this offer - so I wanted to learn how to read the Holy Quran. I came to Dagestan, entered the North Caucasian Islamic University, which is opposite the juma mosque.

When I found myself in Dagestan, I thought that I was in Paradise - these mosques, these azans - it was surprising for me that the Name of the Creator and the Name of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) were shouting on the street, it's just wonderful to listen to!

After living in Makhachkala for a month, I went to Buynaksk to take wird to the ustaz, as I dreamed of becoming a murid. As soon as I started reading the wyrd, I began to notice changes in myself for the better - the character became better, the sabur became stronger.

In the end, I would like to turn to the brothers in faith so that they appreciate the place where they live, and this is Dagestan, where you can easily and simply observe the religion of Allah and live according to Sharia.

I always think that I am a Muslim and how wonderful it is to be a Muslim.

The Koran, which is the holy book for all Muslims, says that if you pray to Allah every day, then it will certainly be rewarded. Faith in this is so strong in the soul of every true believer that believers turn to Allah many times throughout the day, both in sorrow and in joy. Every Muslim believes that only Allah is able to protect him from any earthly evil.

Thanksgiving and Praise to Allah in Daily Prayer

The Qur'an says that the faithful should always praise and thank Allah every day.

Daily prayer translated into Russian is as follows:

“I give praise and thanks to Allah, he is the very first and the very last, before and after him there is no one! I pray to Allah, whose thoughts are deep and omnipresent! Thanks to his power, he created everything around, breathed life into the created beings and directed them on the true path. He is omnipotent, when he directs us forward, then no one will lure us to another path, and when he returns us, then there is no force on earth that can force us to move forward. It determines the subsistence and wealth of all living beings, so no one can reduce the wealth of the one to whom it is given, or add to the property of the one to whom little is given.

It determines how long each person will live. And when the believer takes his last steps on earth, he will take him to himself and reward him, or throw him into the abyss of terrible punishment. Everyone will get what they deserve. He is Justice. Pure, undefiled, and infinite are His blessings! No one can call him to account, only everyone is accountable to him for what he has done.

Muslim prayers to Allah

There are a huge number of different Muslim prayers that are read in a variety of everyday situations. For example, there are special prayers that need to be read in the morning while dressing and vice versa, in the evening while undressing. Be sure to read prayers before eating.

Every Muslim always reads a prayer when he puts on new clothes, and at the same time asks Allah to protect him from damage. In addition, the prayer mentions gratitude to the one who created the clothes, as well as the request of Allah to send him the highest blessings.

Be sure to use a prayer before the faithful leaves the house or in cases where you have to enter someone's house. In this way, honor and respect are expressed for the people whose house one has to visit.

Prayer "Kulhu Allah Ahad" in Arabic

The prayer “Kulhu Allah Ahad” is aimed at ensuring that a person can fulfill his own desires.

In Arabic, the text of the prayer reads as follows:

"Kulhu in Allah Ahad
Allahu Samad
Lam yalid wa lam yulad
Wa lam yakun llahu, kufuvan ahad.”

It is believed that this appeal is more effective if it is pronounced in Arabic. It is imperative to take into account the fact that a believer who has a pure soul and sincere thoughts can read this prayer. Otherwise, Allah simply will not hear the request and will not help. You also need to know that this prayer is not pronounced on its own. It is important to understand the very essence of the ceremony. The person for whom the prayer is offered should sit on a chair, and the one who says the prayer puts his hands on his head.

After this, the words of the prayer are pronounced. For greater effectiveness, the rite is recommended to be carried out several days in a row.

Listen to the prayer "Kulhu Allah Ahad":

The text of the prayer "Kulhu Allah Ahad" in Russian

Despite the fact that the prayer "Kulhu Allah Ahad" is considered stronger in the original language, it is allowed to pronounce its words in Russian. There are several variations of this prayer.

For example, you can pray with the following words:

“In the name of Almighty Allah, I conjure you from any illness, from any evil look, from enemies and from any grief. From the eyes of the envious, the Great Allah will heal forever. In the name of Allah, I conjure you forever."

It is important to understand that this prayer does not carry a magical connotation, it contains a philosophical and religious grain. And this is exactly what the people participating in the ceremony should fully experience. It is important to sincerely believe that Allah will hear the prayer and will certainly reliably protect the person. But this is only possible if a person has a bright soul.

Namaz is a mandatory ritual for any Muslim. He builds not only from prayers, but also from certain actions. Therefore, someone who has recently converted to Islam will need to make great efforts in order to master all the rules. Of course, at first it will be necessary to gradually study all the necessary prayers.

But first of all, you should know that there is a single prayer that can be used at any time.

It sounds like this:

“O Great Allah! We believers cry out for Your help, we ask You to help us walk the right path, we ask You for forgiveness for all our wrong actions and sincerely repent. We believe in You and rely on You. We believers praise You with all our souls. We thank you and acknowledge all your power. We reject evil from ourselves and leave all those who commit lawless and unrighteous deeds. Oh my God! We are faithful, we worship You alone, we pray to You alone, and only before You do we bow to the ground. We believers strive for You with all our soul and thoughts. We believers hope for Your mercy and fear Your punishment. Let Your punishment befall the atheists!”

In addition, there is a very important prayer for beginners who are just getting acquainted with the rules of prayer.

After the obligatory prayers, the following prayer phrase should be said:

“O Allah, help me as a true believer to worthily mention You, worthily thank You and worship You properly.”

Prayer "Allah Akbar"

"Allah Akbar" in Arabic means - the great Lord. This phrase recognizes the power and power of the Almighty. In the Muslim religion, "Allah Akbar" is a formula for recognizing the Greatness of the Lord. This phrase emphasizes obedience to Allah, it is one of the phrases that reflect the true obedience to the Almighty, an oath of denial of other powers and dominions.

Every Muslim child understands what "Allah Akbar" means. This sacred phrase resounds on the lips of Muslims throughout their lives, and these words accompany all the deeds of the faithful. This phrase is always heard in Islamic prayers. It is treated as a separate prayer appeal.

It can be translated as follows:

“Thy will be done. Great Allah, not mine."

It is incorrect to refer to this expression as a war cry. It is rather a reminder for the faithful that regardless of the situation, God is Great and omnipotent. It must be remembered that success and happiness for a Muslim comes from Allah, his whole life depends on him. The believer pronounces “Allah Akbar” when he is very frightened and after that his soul will surely calm down. Because he will remember that everything is in the hands of God. With the help of this phrase, you can also remove anger from the soul, calm down and prevent wrong actions. This prayer expression is also pronounced in moments of joy and success as a token of thanksgiving to God.

Videos prayer to Allah

This article contains: Allah's favorite prayer - information taken from all corners of the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

The Koran, which is the holy book for all Muslims, says that if you pray to Allah every day, then it will certainly be rewarded. Faith in this is so strong in the soul of every true believer that believers turn to Allah many times throughout the day, both in sorrow and in joy. Every Muslim believes that only Allah is able to protect him from any earthly evil.

Thanksgiving and Praise to Allah in Daily Prayer

The Qur'an says that the faithful should always praise and thank Allah every day.

Daily prayer translated into Russian is as follows:

Muslim prayers to Allah

There are a huge number of different Muslim prayers that are read in a variety of everyday situations. For example, there are special prayers that need to be read in the morning while dressing and vice versa, in the evening while undressing. Be sure to read prayers before eating.

Every Muslim always reads a prayer when he puts on new clothes, and at the same time asks Allah to protect him from damage. In addition, the prayer mentions gratitude to the one who created the clothes, as well as the request of Allah to send him the highest blessings.

Be sure to use a prayer before the faithful leaves the house or in cases where you have to enter someone's house. In this way, honor and respect are expressed for the people whose house one has to visit.

Prayer "Kulhu Allah Ahad" in Arabic

The prayer “Kulhu Allah Ahad” is aimed at ensuring that a person can fulfill his own desires.

In Arabic, the text of the prayer reads as follows:

Lam yalid wa lam yulad

Wa lam yakun llahu, kufuvan ahad.”

It is believed that this appeal is more effective if it is pronounced in Arabic. It is imperative to take into account the fact that a believer who has a pure soul and sincere thoughts can read this prayer. Otherwise, Allah simply will not hear the request and will not help. You also need to know that this prayer is not pronounced on its own. It is important to understand the very essence of the ceremony. The person for whom the prayer is offered should sit on a chair, and the one who says the prayer puts his hands on his head.

After this, the words of the prayer are pronounced. For greater effectiveness, the rite is recommended to be carried out several days in a row.

Listen to the prayer "Kulhu Allah Ahad":

The text of the prayer "Kulhu Allah Ahad" in Russian

Despite the fact that the prayer "Kulhu Allah Ahad" is considered stronger in the original language, it is allowed to pronounce its words in Russian. There are several variations of this prayer.

For example, you can pray with the following words:

It is important to understand that this prayer does not carry a magical connotation, it contains a philosophical and religious grain. And this is exactly what the people participating in the ceremony should fully experience. It is important to sincerely believe that Allah will hear the prayer and will certainly reliably protect the person. But this is only possible if a person has a bright soul.

Prayer to Allah for help "O Allah, help me"

Namaz is an obligatory ritual for any Muslim. He builds not only from prayers, but also from certain actions. Therefore, someone who has recently converted to Islam will need to make great efforts in order to master all the rules. Of course, at first it will be necessary to gradually study all the necessary prayers.

But first of all, you should know that there is a single prayer that can be used at any time.

It sounds like this:

In addition, there is a very important prayer for beginners who are just getting acquainted with the rules of prayer.

After the obligatory prayers, the following prayer phrase should be said:

Prayer "Allah Akbar"

"Allah Akbar" in Arabic means - the great Lord. This phrase recognizes the power and power of the Almighty. In the Muslim religion, "Allah Akbar" is a formula for recognizing the Greatness of the Lord. This phrase emphasizes obedience to Allah, it is one of the phrases that reflect the true obedience to the Almighty, an oath of denial of other powers and dominions.

Every Muslim child understands what "Allah Akbar" means. This sacred phrase resounds on the lips of Muslims throughout their lives, and these words accompany all the deeds of the faithful. This phrase is always heard in Islamic prayers. It is treated as a separate prayer appeal.

It can be translated as follows:

It is incorrect to refer to this expression as a war cry. It is rather a reminder for the faithful that regardless of the situation, God is Great and omnipotent. It must be remembered that success and happiness for a Muslim comes from Allah, his whole life depends on him. The believer pronounces “Allah Akbar” when he is very frightened and after that his soul will surely calm down. Because he will remember that everything is in the hands of God. With the help of this phrase, you can also remove anger from the soul, calm down and prevent wrong actions. This prayer expression is also pronounced in moments of joy and success as a token of thanksgiving to God.

Muslim prayer for love

In Islam, as in other religions of the world, there are prayers for all occasions and, of course, a dua for love. This article will discuss how to properly muslim prayers for love. This prayer, which helps to unite two loving hearts, does not have a retroactive effect and is very strong, think carefully about whether it is really worth asking the Higher powers for help, if you agree, read Muslim prayers for love. Before the prayer, a ritual ablution (taharat, abdest) is performed, after which it is necessary to perform two rak'ahs of an additional prayer and say a Muslim prayer for love:

fa in ra’aita anna (gives the name of the girl) khairun li fi dii-nii va dunya-ya va aakhyratii fakdurhaa li,

va in kyayanet gairukhaa khairan lii minkhaa fii diinii va dunya-ya va aakhyratii fakdurkhaa lii.

O Allah! Everything is in Your power, but I am not able to do anything.

You know everything, but I don't.

You know everything that is hidden from us.

And if you think that

is the best for maintaining my religiosity and well-being

both in this world and in the world to come, help me to

to become my wife (husband).

And if the other is the best for the preservation of my religiosity and well-being in both worlds,

then help me so that the other one becomes my wife (husband).

  • 10 716
  • magician from 29-04-2015, 21:59

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Muslim prayers for good luck and prosperity

A true devout Muslim believes that witchcraft is communication with evil demons. Accordingly, they cannot be contacted so as not to stain the soul. However, according to Sharia law, a person must pray every day. There are many prayers, and each of them should be performed according to certain rules and at a specific time.

The Power of Prayer

Statistically, Islam is the second most popular religion after Christianity. It is professed by a fifth of the inhabitants of the Earth. Muslims believe that their sincere faith is devotion to God. In prayer, a person praises Allah, recognizes that only He is the Only and Mighty. Even the Prophet Muhammad bequeathed that one should pray day and night, and only then human life will gain real meaning.

During prayer, you must definitely forget about everything that remains in the material world.. It is recommended to ask for forgiveness for all the perfect deeds that were in the past and will happen one more time.

For love, peace and health in the family

When good luck is required in all matters, including love, a Muslim raises these words to the Lord:

“Verily, we belong entirely to Allah and, verily, we all return to Him. O Lord, before You I will give an account for understanding and correctness in overcoming this misfortune. Reward me for the patience I have shown, and replace the misfortune with something that is better than it.

There is also another version of it:

“O Allah, I ask You for good on the basis of Your omniscience. I ask for the manifestation of Your power on the basis of Your omnipotence. I ask for the manifestation of Your great mercy. Verily, You are all-powerful, but I am powerless. You know, but I do not know, and You know everything about the unknown! Oh Lord! If You know that this deed (called the deed, the fulfillment of which the prayer desires) will be good for my religion, for my life and for the outcome of my affairs, then predestinate it for me, make it easier for me and grant me a subsequent blessing / barakat / on this is. But if You know that in this matter it will be evil for my religion, for my life and for the outcome of my affairs, then remove this matter from me and remove me from it. And let me find goodness where it is, and then lead me to satisfaction with it.

Wanting permanent peace of mind, you must read and listen to the prayer below in audio format daily:

“Almighty Allah! I am Your servant, the son of Your servant and Your handmaid. Dominion over me is in Your [right hand]. Your decision is unquestioningly carried out with respect to me and is just. I address You by all the names by which You have called Yourself or mentioned in Your Scripture or revealed to any of Your creations or by those [names] known only to You. [I turn to You in Your name] and ask that the Qur'an be the spring of my heart, the light of my soul and the reason for the disappearance of my sadness, the cessation of my anxiety.

So that health always reigns in the family recite this prayer:

"Lord of the people! Release from the disease, heal this person, because only You give recovery. There is no more healing than what You give. Give such a healing that would eradicate the disease.

For good luck in work and attraction of money

Conspiracies to attract money must be pronounced only once a day. At the end of the prayer, it is strongly recommended to go outside and present a couple of coins to the poor. The text of the prayer is:

“In the name of Allah the Merciful. I conjure you, oh happiness! Be the master of my house. Be a patron over my bowed head. Be my family protection from poverty and sorrows. Be my Sun and blessed rain of abundance. Give us joy and long-awaited happiness. Open the gates of heaven on earth. Bring prosperity and satiety to my house. Come, come, I'm waiting for you dutifully!"

In addition, a more powerful prayer is provided in order to attract cash and good luck. However, before you pronounce it, you must follow the following rules:

  • Start fasting. The duration of all restrictions is a week. You can eat bread and drink water. This strengthens your spirit.
  • After waking up, read the Quran. Every day you need to add 10 repetitions of certain suras.
  • Before touching Holy Scripture you will need to wash yourself thoroughly so that the body becomes clean.

The prayer itself is:

“In the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful! I welcome the happiness that has come to my house! Welcome to my family! My happiness, appear near me like music! Remind me of joy and sunshine! Spill beside me with blessed rain! Appear unexpectedly like the first winter snow! Come quickly to me, just as autumn turns to winter! My happiness, bring joy and open the passage to material wealth! Thanksgiving rays will illuminate the world around. I'm waiting for you, my happiness!

Another prayer for good luck in work and attracting material wealth is also of great interest:

“In the name of Allah, the Gracious and the Merciful.

I seek refuge from the cursed Shaitan, please accept my prayer...

I seek refuge in You from worry and sorrow,

I seek refuge in You from lack of strength and laziness,

I seek refuge in You from cowardice and avarice,

I seek refuge in You from debt bondage and human oppression.

Send me what is lawful.

Take away from me what is forbidden.

And by your grace,

Please release me from wanting what is not You."

If you need to quickly repay debts, then a Muslim reads this prayer:

“O Allah, make what is lawful protect me from what is forbidden and make me, by Your grace, independent of everyone except You.”

Women, in turn, can utter such a conspiracy in order to find a decent and well-fed life.

“Oh, Great and Mighty Allah, I admire your strength, I humbly bow my head in prayer. Grant us your mercy. Grant prosperity and wealth to our home. Grant health to all who live under our roof. Grant a good path to those who bring joy to our home. Grant an easy income to my husband and master. I rely on the will of Allah Almighty!

Rituals and amulets to bring prosperity to the house

In addition to conspiracies and prayers, Muslims have amulets for all time. A talisman or amulet can be purchased or received for free. Each of them performs both aesthetic and protective functions. The amulet is completely connected with the text of the Koran. But for this item to work, you need to follow two rules:

  • To have firm confidence that it was Allah who sent him this amulet.
  • Each sign must be written in Arabic.

Talismans can look completely different. However, they have an important unifying feature - this is a case. It is necessary to put an amulet in it and carry it everywhere with you. The case is made from any material. The most important thing is to contain an object with a text from the Koran inside.. Believing Muslims are sure that if a person breaks the law, then over time the amulets lose their power.

One of the most powerful talismans is Zulfikar. That was once the name of an angel who patronized fearless wars. Today this amulet is a symbol of good luck. It reliably protects the house from thieves, and protects a person from the betrayal of friends.

In addition, thanks to him, it is very difficult to bring damage or the evil eye on a faithful Muslim. The influence of sorcerers is cut off, and evil spells are doubly returned to the one who cast them. There is also success in business.

Muslim prayer if you want to get married or get married

First, a ritual ablution (taharat, abdest) is performed, after which it is necessary to perform two rak'ahs of an additional prayer and say:

O Allah! Everything is in Your power, but I am not able to do anything. You know everything, but I don't. You know everything that is hidden from us. And if You think that is the best for the preservation of my religiosity and well-being both in this and in the future worlds, then help me so that she becomes my wife (husband). And if the other is the best for the preservation of my religiosity and well-being in both worlds, then help me so that that other becomes my wife (husband).

Dua is the most powerful weapon of the believer. Prayer is the strength of the believer. By making dua, the believer shows sincere faith, humility and hope in Allah Almighty. Can anything be stronger than the will of Allah? Getting what we want, avoiding troubles, the happiness of both worlds - everything lies in our prayers, invocations to Allah. Dua is the soul of Islam, our conversation, our solitude with Our Creator, through which we express our sincere humility and contentment with the will of the Almighty.

Dua is able to work miracles because it contains sincere faith. The hadith about the power of dua says:

“Speak to your Lord, who, if harm touches you and you turn to Him with a prayer, will take him away from you, and who, if you lose your mount in a desert place and turn to Him with a prayer, will return it to you, and who, if a drought comes upon you and you turn to Him with a prayer, will send you rain and make what you have planted grow.”(Ahmad).

Dua is so strong that even good thoughts and wishes to another person, by the grace of Allah, are regarded as a prayer to oneself:

“If the absent one prays for the absent one, then the angel says: “And the same for you!”.

Prayer overtakes a person even after his death:

“When a person dies, all his deeds cease with the exception of three: continuous alms, knowledge that (other people) can use, or a righteous child who will turn to Allah with prayers for him”(Ahmad).

For the best dua, one part of the night is allotted: “When half the night or a third of it passes, Allah descends to the lower sky and says: “Is there anyone who asks Me to grant him? Is there anyone who turns to Me with prayers so that I will answer him? Is there anyone who begs Me for forgiveness so that I can forgive him?” And so it continues until the morning dawn sparkles.(Ahmad).

The whole life of a believer is a constant striving for perfection, for perfection in one's intentions, deeds, and worship. Any dua is perfect if it is filled with sincerity and comes from the heart. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) commanded us how to make our duas perfect. For this you need:

1. Give praise to the Almighty and His prophet(peace be upon him)

“When one of you wishes to turn to Allah with a prayer, let him begin by giving praise to Allah Almighty and glorify Him, then let him invoke a blessing on the prophet, and only then ask for whatever he wishes” (Ahmad).

2. Show determination

“When one of you begins to pray to Allah, let him be decisive in his requests and in no case say:“ O Allah, if you want, grant me this, ”for, truly, no one (and so) can force Allah to do anything.” (Ahmad)

“Any prayer is withheld until (a person) makes a prayer for a prophet!” (Dailami).

With what dua did the prophet (peace be upon him) appeal to the Almighty?

“Say: “O Allah, verily, I ask you for every good thing that may happen sooner or later from what I know and do not know! And I resort to Your protection from any evil that can happen sooner or later, which I know and do not know about! O Allah, indeed, I ask You for the good that Your servant and messenger Muhammad asked You for, and I seek refuge in You from the evil of that from which Your servant and messenger Muhammad resorted to You! O Allah, indeed, I ask You for Paradise, as well as for words and deeds that bring us closer to it! And I resort to Your protection from Hell, as well as from words and deeds that bring it closer! And I ask You that everything You have ordained for me be good!” (Ahmad).

“O Allah, verily, I beseech You to make my heart healthy!” (Ahmad).

“O people! Do you like to be zealous in prayer? (Then) say: “O Allah, help us to thank You, remember You, and properly worship You” (Ahmad).

Dua, that is, turning to Allah, is one of the varieties of worship of the Almighty Creator. A request, an appeal, a prayer to the one who is Perfect and Omnipotent is a completely natural state of a person who has limited strength and capabilities. Therefore, a person turns to the Creator and asks Him for everything over which he himself has no power.

However, often people are not grateful for the Grace shown by Him, and remember it when they experience moments of difficulties and trials. Allah Almighty said in one of the verses Holy Quran So:

“If a person suffers something bad (heavy, painful; troubles, losses, damage), he turns to God [in all positions]: lying down, and sitting, and standing [tirelessly prays to the Lord for help]. When, with the blessing of the Almighty, problems are removed from him (everything ends successfully), he goes [continues his life path, easily and quickly forgetting about God and piety] and behaves as if [as if nothing had happened] as if he did not ask for [resolution] of the problem that arose for him ”(Sura Yunus, ayat - 12).

It is the prayer addressed to the Almighty Creator that is the basis of human worship, which the Blessed Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) himself paid attention to: “Dua is the basis of worship, for the Lord himself said:“ Turn to Me (with a prayer), so that I fulfilled your requests” (Abu Dawud, Vitr 23, no. 1479).

Today we bring to your attention a series of Qur'anic duas, which are undoubtedly important and valuable before Allah Almighty.

رَبَّنَا آمَنَّا فَاغْفِرْ لَنَا وَارْحَمْنَا وَأَنتَ خَيْرُ الرَّاحِمِينَ

Rabbana amanna fagfir lana varhamna va anta khairur-rahimin.

“Lord, we have believed, forgive us and have mercy, You are the best of the merciful [no one can compare with You in this capacity]” (Sura al-Muminun, ayat -109).

رَّبِّ أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ هَمَزَاتِ الشَّيَاطِينِ وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ رَبِّ أَن يَحْضُرُونِ

Rabbana aguzu bika min humazatish-shaitini wa aguzu bika Rabbi an yahdzurun.

“[Whenever the instigations of Satan comprehend you] say [say the following prayer-du'a]: “Lord, I ask You for protection from the injections (instigations) of the Devil and his minions [from all that they sow in the minds and souls people: bad thoughts, temptations, delusions, deception of the senses]. Protect me from their [sudden] appearances [with evil, with embers of hatred, anger, discontent, intolerance. After all, nothing good can be expected from them] ”(Sura al-Muminun, verses - 97-98).

فَتَبَسَّمَ ضَاحِكًا مِّن قَوْلِهَا وَقَالَ رَبِّ أَوْزِعْنِي أَنْ أَشْكُرَ نِعْمَتَكَ الَّتِي أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيَّ وَعَلَى وَالِدَيَّ وَأَنْ أَعْمَلَ صَالِحًا تَرْضَاهُ وَأَدْخِلْنِي بِرَحْمَتِكَ فِي عِبَادِكَ الصَّالِحِينَ

Fatabassama dzahikan min kauliha Rabbi auzi'ni an ashkura ni'matical-lyati an'amta 'alayya va 'ala validaya va an a'malya salikhan tarzahu vaadhylni birahmatika fi gyybadika salihin.

“In response to this, he (Suleiman) smiled, [and then] laughed [rejoicing at what was happening and surprised at such an unusual opportunity provided by God]. [Enthusiastically] he prayed: “Lord, encourage me (help me, inspire, inspire) to be [and always remain] grateful to You for what You have given me and my parents. Encourage me [inspire me to wisely manage myself, my desires, actions in order to] do good, right deeds, deeds with which You will be pleased. Introduce me by Your grace to the number of pious servants (worthy of a heavenly abode in eternity) [those from whom there is no harm; among the righteous, the good; not standing still, but changing and changing for the better] ”(Sura al-Naml, ayat - 19).

رَبِّ ابْنِ لِي عِندَكَ بَيْتًا فِي الْجَنَّةِ وَنَجِّنِي مِن فِرْعَوْنَ وَعَمَلِهِ وَنَجِّنِي مِنَ الْقَوْمِ الظَّالِمِينَ

Is it rabbibni ’yidakya baytyan fil-jannati va najini min fir’auna va ’amalihi va najini minal-qaumiz-zalimin.

“Lord, build a house (palace) for me in Your heavenly abode [help me to be in Paradise in eternity] and protect me from Pharaoh and his deeds. Protect me from the oppressive people ”(surah at-Tahrim, ayat -11).

رَبِّ قَدْ آتَيْتَنِي مِنَ الْمُلْكِ وَعَلَّمْتَنِي مِن تَأْوِيلِ الأَحَادِيثِ فَاطِرَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضِ أَنتَ وَلِيِّي فِي الدُّنُيَا وَالآخِرَةِ تَوَفَّنِي مُسْلِمًا وَأَلْحِقْنِي بِالصَّالِحِينَ

Rabbi kad ataytani minal-mulki wa ‘allyamtani min ta’vilil ahadisi fatyyras-samavati val-ardzy anta waliyi fid-dunya val-akhyyrati tauvaffani musliman va al-hyikni bis-salihin.

"Oh my God! You gave me power and taught me how to interpret narratives (situations, circumstances, scriptures, dreams). O Creator of the heavens and the earth, You are my patron in the worldly abode and in the eternal. Give me the opportunity to die a Muslim (submissive to You) and rank me among the well-behaved [among Your messengers, the righteous] ”(Sura Yusuf, ayat - 101).

فَقَالُواْ عَلَى اللّهِ تَوَكَّلْنَا رَبَّنَا لاَ تَجْعَلْنَا فِتْنَةً لِّلْقَوْمِ الظَّالِمِينَ وَنَجِّنَا بِرَحْمَتِكَ مِنَ الْقَوْمِ الْكَافِرِينَ

Faqalu ‘alaAllahutauvakkalna Rabbana la taj’alna fitnatan lil-kaumiz-zalimina va najjana birahmatikya minal-kaumil-kafirin.

“They replied: “We put our trust in Allah (God). Lord, do not give us to be torn to pieces by a sinful people (protect us from humiliation and tyranny; do not subject us to such a difficult test)! By Your grace, save us from the [encroachment] of the godless people ”(Sura Yunus, verses 85-86).

رَبَّنَا اغْفِرْ لَنَا وَلِإِخْوَانِنَا الَّذِينَ سَبَقُونَا بِالْإِيمَانِ وَلَا تَجْعَلْ فِي قُلُوبِنَا غِلًّا لِّلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا رَبَّنَا إِنَّكَ رَؤُوفٌ رَّحِيمٌ

Rabbanagfirlyana val-ihwaninal-lyazina sabakuna bil-imani wa la tajgal fi kulubina gyyllyan lillazina amanu Rabbana innaka raufun rahim.

"God! Forgive us and our believing brothers who were before us. And let there be no hatred (malice) in our hearts against believers [in whom there is at least a particle of faith, just as there will be no anger against any other people]. Lord, truly You are Compassionate (Kind, Gentle) and All-Merciful ”(Sura al-Hashr, ayat -10).

رَبَّنَا تَقَبَّلْ مِنَّا إِنَّكَ أَنتَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ

Rabbana takabbal mina innaka antas-sami‘ul - ‘alim.

“Lord, accept this from us [by a good deed and action that brings us closer to You]. You hear everything and know everything” (surah al-Baqarah, verse 127).