Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation indexes. The procedure for using indices for recalculating the estimated cost of construction

Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation

(Ministry of Construction of Russia)

by calculating price indices

for construction products

for contract construction and installation


MDS 81-14.2000

(adopted and put into effect by letter

Moscow, 1997


These Methodological Recommendations have been developed in accordance with the legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation and are intended to determine the size of current (forecast) cost indices, prices, costs for construction and installation work.

Cost (price, expense) indices in construction are the ratios of current (forecast) cost indicators to basic cost indicators for resources comparable in nomenclature and structure, sets of resources or resource-technological models of construction products, as well as its individual costing components.

Indices are expressed in dimensionless quantities, usually with no more than two significant figures after the decimal point.

Indices can be used both in determining the cost of construction at individual stages of the investment process, and in settlements between customers and contractors for work performed.

1. Calculation of indices of changes in the cost of construction and installation work for representative objects or for specific objects in general.

2. Calculation of indices of changes in the cost of construction and installation works by type of work based on the collection of UPBS VR (aggregated indicators of the basic cost for types of work).

3. Calculation of indices of changes in the cost of construction and installation work by type of work based on the resource-index method using resource-technological models (RTM) for integrated types of work.

1.2. The procedure for determining labor costs

According to the current legislation, the contractor and the customer have the right to independently, based on agreed calculations, determine, as part of the free (contractual) prices for construction products (works, services), the amount of funds for remuneration of workers engaged in the main activity, with these costs included in the cost of production (works, services). services) in accordance with the Regulations on the composition of costs for the production and sale of products (works, services), included in the cost of products (works, services), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.08.92 No. 552 and 01.07.95 No. 661 and Standard Methodological recommendations for planning and accounting for the cost of construction work (approved by the Ministry of Construction of Russia on December 4, 1995 No. BE-11-260/7 in agreement with the Ministry of Economy of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of Russia).

In accordance with these regulatory documents, the costs included in the cost price under the item "Costs for workers' compensation" reflect all costs for remuneration of production workers (including workers who are not on staff) and line personnel when they are included in the staff of the sites (teams) directly involved in construction work, calculated according to the systems and forms of remuneration accepted in the construction organization. This article also reflects the costs of remunerating workers who move construction materials and equipment within the work area, that is, from the on-site (site) warehouse to the place where they are put into use.

This article does not reflect the remuneration of workers in auxiliary production, maintenance and other farms of a construction organization, workers involved in the management and maintenance of construction machinery and mechanisms, workers engaged in non-capital work (including work on the construction of temporary buildings and structures) and other work, carried out at the expense of overhead costs (improvement of construction sites, preparation of the construction site for delivery, and others), as well as remuneration of workers engaged in loading, unloading and delivery of materials to the on-site warehouse, including their unloading from vehicles at the on-site warehouse.

The procedure for calculating the amount of funds for wages for accounting in estimates and in free (negotiable) prices for construction products (works, services) depends on the method for determining the estimated cost of construction and installation work, the availability of initial information in a certain construction and installation organization, as well as statistical data.

Recommendations for making such calculations are given in Appendix 5 of the Procedure

1.3. The procedure for determining the costs of operating construction machines

The costs of operating construction machines are determined based on data on the time of use (standard requirement) of the necessary construction machines (in machine-hours) and the corresponding price of one machine-hour of their operation.

The need for construction machines can be determined by:

based on the allocation and summation in the local resource list or in the local resource estimate (estimate) of resource indicators for construction machines used at the site (during the performance of work), with a comparison of the results obtained with the data of the construction organization project (CMP), agreed with the contractor;

according to the PIC agreed with the contractor.

The procedure for isolating and summing up resource indicators for construction machines is given in the Methodological Recommendations (letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated November 10, 1992 No. BF-926/12).

Calculation of the cost of construction machinery costs is carried out:

at the basic level - according to the Collection of estimated standards and prices for the operation of construction machines (SNiP 4.03 -91);

at the current (forecast) level - based on information on current (forecast) prices for the operation of construction machines.

Information on current prices for the operation of construction machinery can be obtained from contracting construction and installation organizations, mechanization trusts (departments) or other organizations that have construction equipment at their disposal. This information can be presented in form No. 2-ref, provided for in the Methodological Recommendations Methodological Recommendations

The current level of estimated prices for the corresponding type of construction machines can be determined on the basis of the basic level of prices given in the Collection of estimated standards and prices for the operation of construction machines (SNiP 4.03 -91), and indices of changes in the cost of operation of construction machines, calculated based on data on current prices for the operation of construction machines. In this case, both direct calculation (by calculation) and the method of unified resource-technological models (RTM) for the corresponding groups of construction machines can be used, which provide data on the need for material resources (fuel, lubricants, electricity, spare parts, depreciation , labor costs of machinists, as well as the wages of workers involved in servicing and relocating machines, and other cost items), and the basic cost of resources, compared with the current price level for these resources.

Contractor organizations that have construction machines on their balance sheet, as well as those receiving them for work from other organizations, are recommended to keep on a computer basis and constantly maintain in working order statements of initial data on the cost of operating construction machines. These statements can be maintained in the form of table SNiP 4.03 -91. For each machine, it is advisable to determine the cost by cost elements both at the base and at the current price level, and also to have a breakdown of the current indices for the constituent elements and with the final data on the operation of one machine-hour.

It is recommended to maintain similar statements in the corresponding region by regional centers for pricing in construction (RCCP), which can transmit the necessary information to users on a contractual basis.

1.4. The procedure for determining the estimated cost of material resources

The cost of material resources is determined based on the standard need for materials, products (parts) and structures (in accepted physical units of measurement: m 3, m 2, t, etc.) and the corresponding price for the type of material resource.

The standard need for material resources can be determined on the basis of allocation and summation in local resource statements or local resource estimates (estimates) of resource indicators for materials, products (parts) and structures used in the construction of the facility (performing work), with the choice of the most appropriate for users of the options listed below.

The procedure for isolating and summing up resource indicators is given in the Methodological Recommendations for the preparation of estimates (estimates) for construction and installation work using the resource method (letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated November 10, 1992 No. BF-926/12). In this case, it is recommended to use the Collections of standard indicators of material consumption and the Collections of resource estimate standards, introduced in 1993 - 1996. Ministry of Construction of Russia.

The consumption of material resources can also be determined based on the reduced consumption of representative materials (representative resources), as provided for when applying the method of indicators for individual types of work (PVR) and aggregated indicators of the basic cost for types of work (UPBS VR). The application of this method is given in the Methodological Recommendations for determining the estimated cost of construction based on indicators for individual types of work (PVR) and the Methodological Recommendations for the formation of aggregated indicators of the base cost for types of work and the procedure for their use for drawing up investor estimates and contractor proposals (UPBS VR) ( letters of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 06/04/93 No. 12-146 and dated 11/05/93 No. 12-275).

The total cost of costs for material resources is calculated:

at the basic level - according to the Collection of estimated prices for materials, products and structures (SNiP 4.04 -91) and regional collections (catalogues) of estimated prices developed locally (in the regions) in connection with the transition from January 1, 1991 to new estimated standards and prices in construction;

at the current level - at the actual cost of materials, products and structures (taking into account transport, supply and marketing allowances, procurement and storage costs). You can use statistical reporting in Form 9-KS.

The determination of current prices for material resources for a particular construction project is carried out on the basis of initial data received from the contractor.

The form of cost calculation (statement) of current estimated prices for materials, products and structures may be different. It is recommended to make such a calculation based on cost elements (selling price; procurement and storage costs; transportation costs, supply and marketing allowances, etc.).

The current level of estimated prices for material resources can also be determined on the basis of the basic level of estimated prices given in the Collection of estimated prices for materials, products and structures (SNiP 4.04 -91) and regional collections (catalogues) of estimated prices, using indices of changes in the cost of materials , calculated based on available information on current prices for material resources.

Contracting construction and installation organizations are recommended to conduct on a computer basis the formation and tracking of current estimated prices for materials, products and structures with the preparation of an appropriate statement in the form depending on the type of free shipping, as well as on the type of transport scheme: construction site or intermediate storage. In the second case, transportation costs can be divided into two columns: one shows the costs from the manufacturer to the contractor's warehouse, the other shows the costs from the contractor's warehouse to the construction site for each kilometer of delivery.

Based on data from contracting construction and installation organizations and statistical reporting in form 9-ks on prices for purchased building materials, parts and structures in each region (republic within the Russian Federation, territory, region) for the preparation of investor estimates, it is recommended to develop and constantly maintain in working order on a computer basis, regional lists of current prices for materials, products and structures in a form convenient for users.

In a similar manner, the specified statements can be compiled both for specialized construction and for individual large construction projects, for which construction prices are developed.

1.5. Procedure for determining overhead costs

Accrual of overhead costs at the current price level is carried out according to the overhead cost standards applied in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations on the procedure for applying overhead cost standards in construction (letter of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated October 18, 1993 No. 12-248).

Overhead costs are standardized indirectly as a percentage of the wage fund of workers (employed in the main production and operation of construction machines) as part of direct costs.

Overhead rates are divided into the following types:

consolidated standards for the main types of construction;

standards for types of construction and installation work;

individual overhead cost standards for specific construction, installation, repair and construction organizations.

It is recommended to determine overhead cost rates in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations for calculating the amount of overhead costs when determining the cost of construction products (letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated October 30, 1992 No. BF-907/12) taking into account the List of overhead cost items given in these recommendations.

1.6. The procedure for determining the amount of estimated profit

The estimated profit is determined in the estimate documentation in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations for determining the amount of estimated profit when forming free prices for construction products (letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated October 30, 1992 No. BF-906/12).

It is recommended to determine the amount of estimated profit when forming free prices for construction products on the basis of:

individual norm for a specific organization.

The recommended standard of estimated profit is set at 50% of the actual amount of funds for wages of construction workers and workers servicing construction machines, or 12% of the estimated cost of work.

1.7. Features of the use of indices for increasing the cost of contract work

In cases where the calculation of indices is carried out to determine the cost of contract (construction and installation) work according to local estimates, appropriate application of indices to such estimates is allowed. At the same time, other costs (such as costs for temporary buildings and structures, other costs under Chapter 9 of the consolidated estimate, related to the costs of the contractor) are not indexed, but are accepted in accordance with the “Procedure for determining the cost of construction and free (negotiable) prices for construction products in the conditions of development of market relations" (letter of the Gosstroy of Russia dated December 29, 1993 No. 12-349).

If necessary, price increase indices based on object and consolidated estimates can be developed in a similar manner. In these cases, the basis for their calculation should be indicated.

An example of calculating the index of changes in the cost of construction and installation work for a specific facility is given in these Methodological Recommendations.

2. Calculation of indices of changes in the cost of construction and installation work by type based on a collection of aggregated indicators of the basic cost for types of work (UPBS VR)

2.1. The preparation of estimate documentation using UPBS VR collections is carried out on the basis of the scope of work determined from working drawings according to a unified nomenclature, including types of work of general industry application.

2.2. The cost of materials for the designed facility is determined by multiplying the reduced consumption of representative materials for each type of work by the cost of a unit of measurement of the representative material at current prices for a given construction site, with adjustments to the costs of their transportation.

For each type of work, a representative material is identified that is predominant for this work, on the basis of which the change in the level of basic prices for all materials as part of the direct costs of contract work is determined. The cost of representative materials in the total cost of materials for the type of work in prices of the base area must be at least 95%. In cases where the cost of one representative material within the work is less than 95% of the cost of materials for this type of work, several representative materials are allocated in the UPBS VR. Determination of the estimated cost by type of work at the current level of prices for resources monitored by contractors is carried out using the calculated indicators of the UPBS VR collections (in terms of the reduced consumption of representative materials, labor intensity of work, the basic salary of construction workers, the number of machine hours, costs of operating machines and wages of drivers). It should be taken into account that the cost indicators of UPBS VR collections at the basic level are taken at prices in the Moscow region.

2.3. Linking the costs of operating construction machines and determining the wages of drivers for the designed objects is done by multiplying the number of machine-hours of machines used to perform work on the complex determined by the construction organization project by the cost of a machine-hour at the current price level for a specific contractor.

2.4. The determination of the basic wages of construction workers as part of direct costs by type of work is made by multiplying the wages accepted in the corresponding column of the UPBS VR table by the volume of work accepted according to the working drawings, as well as by the coefficient of transition from the base level of the estimated wage to direct costs to the actual level of wages of workers employed in construction. To fully account for worker wage estimates for each type of work, the estimate documentation takes into account overhead costs and estimated profit.

2.5. The composition of certain types of work, representative materials proposed for the system of standards, the procedure for accounting for changes in their cost, as well as the cost of other resources used in construction, forms of estimate documentation and other features of determining the cost of construction using the resource-index method are set out in the "Methodological recommendations for the formation of aggregated indicators of the base cost for types of work and the procedure for their use for drawing up investor estimates and contractor proposals" (letter of the Gosstroy of Russia dated November 5, 1993 No. 12-275).

2.6. When determining the cost of construction in the estimate documentation of contractors, in addition to the base prices that are common for customers and contractors, prices at the current or forecast level, determined on the basis of the proprietary estimate standards (FSN) of the contractors, can be used.

It is recommended to develop regional catalogs of basic prices on the basis of the UPBS BP collection in prices as of 01/01/91 for the Moscow region using data on the reduced consumption of representative materials, the number of machine shifts for each type of driving machines, labor intensity and wages of construction workers for each type of work and prices for resources at a basic level for the region, taking into account local construction conditions.

2.7. Based on the registration data of prices for consumed resources, it is advisable to develop regional catalogs at the current price level by type of work with the calculation of indices of changes in their cost relative to the base level.

Regional catalogs developed locally by Regional Centers for Pricing in Construction (RCCP), with uniform amendments for all regions given in the basic collection of UPBS VR, can be the main regulatory documents on the basis of which investor estimates are drawn up.

An example of calculating the index of changes in the cost of construction and installation work by type based on the UPBS VR Collection (aggregated indicators of the basic cost for types of work) is given in Appendix 2 to these Methodological Recommendations.

2.8. To calculate indices by type of work, the following initial data are required:

indexes of increases in the cost of wages of main workers or the cost of 1 man-hour of main workers at the current price level;

indexes of increase in the cost of 1 machine. - hours of representative construction machines or the cost of 1 machine-hour at the current price level;

indices of increases in the cost of representative materials (no more than 100) or their estimated cost at the current price level (the list of representative materials is given in the "Methodological recommendations for the formation of aggregated indicators of the base cost for types of work and the procedure for their use for drawing up investor estimates and contractor proposals ( UPBS VR)";

overhead cost standards at the base and current price levels;

standards for planned savings at the base level and estimated profits at the current price level.

3. Calculation of indices of changes in the cost of construction and installation works by their types based on the resource-index method using resource-technological models for integrated types of work

3.1. The calculation of indices is based on resource-technological models (RTM) for enlarged types of work (UWM), which were formed on the basis of estimate standards of 1984 and local estimates.

RTMs include regulatory sets and resource costs:


building materials, products and structures;

construction machines and mechanisms;

overhead rate;

estimated profit rate.

The cost of materials was taken according to catalogs of estimated prices of 1984.

3.2. Indices are determined for each RTM by dividing the estimated cost of construction and installation work calculated for it at the current price level by the corresponding base (in the standards and prices of 1984) estimated cost.

An example of calculating the index of changes in the cost of construction and installation work by type based on the resource-index method using resource-technological models for enlarged types of work is given in these Methodological Recommendations.

Annex 1
An example of calculating indices of changes in the cost of construction and installation work for a specific facility

Selection of required resources for an object according to estimated standards

(the set of works and their volume is accepted conditionally)

Table 1

№ №


Code, standards numbers and

resource codes

Name of work and costs,equipment characteristics and!

its mass



per unit of measurement




Construction of crushed stone base foundations


labor costs

operation of construction machines

crushed natural stonefor construction work M400 fr-20-40

Other materials

m W




m W













Masonry walls made of ceramic bricks with facing, facing sand-lime brick, 640 mm thick, for buildings of 9 or more floors, with a floor height of up to 4 m


labor costs

operation of construction equipment tires

ordinary clay brick M100

sand-lime brick M150

masonry mortar, heavyment-lime M75

Other materials

m W




thousand pieces

thousand pieces

m 3






0, 105








High-quality oil painting on plaster walls


Labor costs

operation of construction equipment tires

oil primer

Drying oil

Grated paints

oil putty

oil color bleached

Other materials

100m 2













0, 1












Installation of plank coverings thickness 28 mm with width up to juice 68 and 78 mm


labor costs

operation of construction equipment tire plinth sy

flooring boards29 mm




labor costs

operation of construction sites Ashin

100 m 2




m W







2, 99











Calculation of the index of changes in the cost of materials

table 2


Unit change


Cost of unit of measurement (rub.)

Total cost (RUB)

Cost change index

Vbasis nom level

the current level is not

Vbasis nom level

at the current level
















primeroil Naya







flooring boards2 mm

m W







ordinary M l 00







| brick silicate facial Ml 50









\ oil color bleached







Grated paints





drying oil





4 43



skirting boards






Other materials






masonry mortarheavy cement-made West M 7 5

m W

41, 8





putty oil Naya








crushed stone isestestveinstone forconstruction work M 400 fr-20-40

m W













incl. salary machinists (30% of cost of operating construction cars)


Direct costs (35226+2575+426)



Overhead costs (18.6% of direct costs in 1991 prices and 106% of the payroll in 1995 prices)


(38227 ´ 0,186)


(14008+3211) ´ 1,06

Estimated profit (planned accumulated nia) (8% of estimates new cost in 1991 prices and 50% of the payroll in 1995 prices)


(38227+711О) ´ 0,08


(14008+3211) ´ 0,5





(242335:4896 4 ´ 1000)


(215472+18253+ 8610)

Note: standards for overhead costs and estimated profits at the current price level are federal.

Appendix 2

An example of calculating construction cost increase indices by type of construction and installation work based on aggregated basic cost indicators for types of work (UPBS VR)

(Data for calculation are assumed to be conditional)

1. Calculation of the index of increase in the cost of wages of main workers:

The payroll (wage fund) for workers employed in the main production amounted to 850 thousand rubles for the previous month of 1996.

In 1991 prices, the basic wage of workers employed in primary production was 156.25 rubles. (for the base area of ​​the Moscow region)

The appreciation index is: 850000: 156.25 = 5440

2. Calculation of the index of increase in the cost of operating one machine-hour of a representative machine:

average cost of 1 machine. - hours of operation of other machine mechanisms (code 888888) was:

in 1991 prices - 4.66 rubles.

in 1996 prices - 35,000 rubles.

The appreciation index is: 35000: 4.66 = 7511

3. Calculation of the cost of representative materials at the current price level and price increase indices for the cost of representative materials is given in this appendix.

4. Overhead rate:

at the basic price level - 16.6% of direct costs;

at the current price level - 106% of the payroll ("Methodological recommendations on the procedure for applying overhead cost standards in construction", letter of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated October 18, 1993 No. 12-248).

5. Standard for planned savings:

at the basic level - 8% of the estimated cost;

estimated profit at the current price level - 50% of the payroll ("Methodological recommendations for determining the amount of estimated profit when forming free prices for construction products", letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated October 30, 1992 No. BF-906/12).

The calculation of construction cost increase indices by type of construction and installation work is given in this appendix.

Table 1

Extract from the "Collection of consolidated indicators of basic cost for types of work (UPBS VR)"


work on UPBS

Name of constructive

elements and types of work, unit of measurement


salary, rub.


Machine operation


total costs, rub.

Total from

overhead costs and estimated profit,


Representative material code

Unit of measurement

Estimated price per unit, rub.

Total cost of materials, rub.

Vehicle code


price per msh. - hour, rub.

Total cost of operating the machines, rub.

Labor intensity, person-hours

reduced flow rate

wholesale price per unit, rub.

quantity, machine-hour


driver's salary, rub.

including wages, rub.














Laying walls made of ceramic bricks, m W

03.01.01 0.43 02.01.02 0.24

thousand m3

171,10 151.44 44.02 37.24





2 0

table 2

Extract from Appendix 2 to the "Methodological recommendations for the formation of aggregated indicators of the base cost for types of work and the procedure for their application for the preparation of investor estimates and contractor proposals (UPBS VR)"

Name of material resource groups

Share of resources in


Name and name of representative materials



and I

Estimated price for

Moscow region in

basic price level

(01/01/91) resp.






02.01.02 Commercial solution

m W


Price list 06-14-01 P.2.0O4

a) heavy cement masonry mortar M 100

Price list 06-14-01 item 2.002

6) cement-lime mortar M 30

Price list 06-14-01 item 2.022

Price list 06-14-01 clause 1.008 note 1.1

d) light cement-lime finishing mortar 1:2:16

thousand pieces


Price list 06-13-01 p.1.01.001

a) single brick size 250x120xb5mm M100

Price list 06-13-01 clause 1.01.001 note 3.11

b) single facing brick M 125

Price list 06-13-01.p.1.01.01

c) single brick M 75

Table 3

Calculation of the cost of representative materials at the current price level and price increase indices for the cost of representative materials

Code and name of materials -


Unit of measurement-

Shares of resources in the group

V %

Estimated price at the current price level RUB.

at the current price level RUB. taking into account the share of material in the group

Estimated price for the Moscow region at the base price level (01/01/91) rub.

Index of increase in the cost of materials -









02.01.02 Commercial solution

m W




a) heavy cement masonry mortar




6) cement-lime mortar M: 30



c) heavy cement finishing mortar 1:2



d) light cement-lime finishing mortar 1:2:6



01/03/01. Ceramic brick

thousand pieces




a) single brick sizes

250 ´ 120 ´ 65mm M:100




b) single facing brick M: 125





Ate, for us.


basic level (RUB)

Direct costs at the current price level (RUB)

Total from

overhead costs and estimated profit (rub.)

rise in price

Salaries of construction workers

Cost of materials

Cost of operating construction machines

incl. driver's salary














Laying walls made of ceramic bricks

m W








4312 (482898: 12)

Note: Calculation of indicators shown in Table 4.

gr.4. 89 ´ 1.166 ´ 1.08 = 112, where 89 is the cost of direct costs at the basic price level (see column 11 of Table 1), 16.6% is the overhead cost standard at the basic price level, 8% is the planned savings standard.

gr.5. 4 ´ 5440 = 21760, where 4 is the basic wage at the basic price level, 5440 is the wage increase index (see calculation example).

gr.6. 0.43 ´ 795000 + 0.24 ´ 293000 = 412170, where 0.43 and 0.24 are the consumption of ceramic bricks and commercial mortar (see group 4 of Table 1 p. 25), 795000 and 293000 are the cost at the current price level of the “representative material” of ceramic bricks and commercial mortar (see table 3).

gr.7. 2 ´ 7511 = 15022, where 2 is the cost of operating construction machines at the basic price level (see column 9 of Table 1), 7511 is the index of the increase in the cost of operating construction machines (see calculation example).

gr.8. is calculated similarly to gr.5.

gr.9. sum of columns 5, 6, 7.

gr.10. Amount: gr.9 + (gr.5 + gr.8) ´ estimated profit standard + (gr.5 + gr.8) ´ estimated profit standard

gr.11. Divide gr.10 into gr.4.

Appendix 3

Calculation of indices of changes in the cost of construction and installation works by their types based on the resource-index method using resource-technological models for enlarged types of work

RTM. Structures made of ceramic masonry stones

Name of cost elements

Unit change


Unit price in prices (RUB)

Total cost in prices














Labor costs
















incl. labor costs








Cement-lime mortar 25

m W







Cement-lime mortar 50

m W







Ceramic masonry stones

t. pcs.







Other materials 0.16: (0.81+1.15+24)´ 100% = 0.61% Share of other materials from the cost of basic materials, products and structures in 1984 prices. At the current price level, the cost of other materials is (6300+12320+104000) x 0.61: 100%=748





TOTAL direct costs




Overhead costs (18.6% in 1984 prices of direct costs and 106% of payroll at current price levels)

5.51 (29.6 ´ 0,186)

12418 ((10988 +727) ´ 1,06)

Estimated profit (8% in 1984 prices of the estimated cost and 50% of the payroll at the current price level)

1.6. The procedure for determining the amount of estimated profit .. 4


application of indices for recalculating the estimated cost of construction,

carried out at the expense of funds

1. This Procedure was developed in accordance with the methodological and regulatory documents provided for by the 2001 estimate and regulatory framework for pricing in construction, including the Methodological Recommendations for calculating price indices for construction products for contract construction and installation organizations, adopted and put into effect by a letter from the Ministry of Construction Russia dated 01.01.01 No. VB-26/12-367, Regulations for the formation and application of indices for recalculating the estimated cost of construction, repair and construction, installation work and equipment performed at the expense of funds, to the price level of the estimated regulatory framework SNB-2001 , approved by order No. 000r dated 01.01.01, and applies to indices approved by order, consisting of:

indices for converting the estimated cost of construction and installation, repair and construction work and equipment to prices as of January 1, 2000 for specialized types and complexes of work on railway transport facilities (hereinafter referred to as the indices of table No. 1);

indices for converting the estimated cost of construction and installation work to prices as of January 1, 2000 by type of construction, special construction and installation work during the construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures (hereinafter referred to as the indices of table No. 2);

indices for converting the estimated cost of repair and construction, special construction and installation work to prices as of January 1, 2000 for major and current repairs of buildings and structures (hereinafter referred to as the indices of table No. 3).

determining the current cost of individual types of work and construction of the facility as a whole;

10. Construction and installation work indices do not take into account the costs of temporary buildings and structures, winter price increases, costs of maintaining the customer - developer, technical supervision, and other costs. Payment of other costs provided for in the consolidated estimates of the cost of construction is made upon their actual availability and mandatory documentary evidence of these costs by the contractor for the corresponding period and for the specified volume of work.

11. In current prices, the indices take into account the average wage fund for a construction worker (installer) of category IV in the amount of 12,282.40 rubles. per month, including the tariff rate - 7018.50 rubles. per month (except for indexes of positions in paragraph 12 of index table No. 1).

The wage fund takes into account all additional payments of an incentive and compensatory nature, except for allowances related to state regional regulation of wages, traveling, mobile nature of work and shift allowance.

To take into account the premium for the mobile nature of the work on the reconstruction of the upper structure of the track (item 17 of Table 1), carried out in an economic way by track machine stations (Appendix No. 14 “Regulations on corporate remuneration of employees of branches and structural divisions), correction factors are applied when calculating for work performed to the indices of table No. 1 in accordance with the note in paragraph 5.

When reimbursing the contractor for costs associated with the payment of shift allowances, they should be classified as compensation payments and be guided by the provisions set out in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2005 No. 51.

12. To calculate the cost of operating machines at the current price level, an index for operating machines should be used.

The remuneration of machine operators, which is included in the cost of operating the machines and is an integral part of the payroll, is recalculated according to the index for the remuneration of construction workers (installers) only for the calculation of overhead costs and estimated profits.

13. In the case when, as part of local estimates, it is allowed to determine transportation costs by individual items, then their current value is determined by the indices for converting the cost of operating machines, namely: in the amount of 4.03 - for all types of work, except for work on the upper structure of the track, performed during reconstruction (item 17 of index table No. 1); 4.44 - for all work on the upper track structure carried out during reconstruction (clause 17 of table No. 1), with the application to them of the coefficients of clause 4 of note of index table No. 1.

14.1. indexes by position 2.1. designed for work on the construction of a roadbed, the filling of the embankment of which is carried out from an excavation, without the use of imported soil (drainage soil). Cost of material resources in position indices 2.1. is less than 1% of the total cost of work and includes only the cost of crushed stone, taken into account in prices, as a rule, for the repair and maintenance of roads (earth hauling); work on a dump.

Position indexes work is envisaged for the construction of an embankment (as part of the roadbed) from imported drainage soil (sand and gravel mixture), the specific gravity of which, taking into account transport costs, is more than 90% of the total cost of work on the construction of the roadbed;

14.2. position indices take into account the construction of reinforced soil structures, which are retaining anti-deformation structures made of piles of increased bearing capacity, carried out using the Rittransstroy technology.

Position indices calculated for the specified work, the cost of widening the piles in which is determined according to the industry unit price of the collection OEP-20 “Railways”, approved by order No. 000r dated January 1, 2001.

Position indices work on the installation of grillages and retaining walls is not taken into account. Recalculation of the indicated prices should be carried out according to the indexes of position 2.6;

14.3. indices for all positions of clause 2.4 take into account sets of works, taking into account earthworks for strengthening slopes with gabion structures. General site earthworks are recalculated using a position index of 2.5;

Conversion into current prices of the cost of pile work determined according to collection No. 5 “Pile work. Drawer wells. Soil consolidation”, including prices ÷, should be carried out according to the indices of table No. 2, and when determining the cost of these works according to the prices of tables ÷ of the collection “Changes and additions to federal unit prices for construction work. Issue 1" - according to the indices of paragraph 15 of table No. 1 "Pile work using the "JUNTTAN" installation;

14.5. indices for the positions of Chapter 3 “Artificial Structures” of Table No. 1 are applied to the base cost of the work included in the estimates, excluding pile work, the indices for which are determined in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 14.4;

14.6. indices for positions 3.6.1 and 3.6.2 provide, in addition to the main work, the installation and disassembly of the unloading package;

14.7. indices for all positions of paragraph 3.13 are calculated for work using domestically produced construction machines.

If imported machines that are not included in the nomenclature of the Federal Collection of Estimated Prices and Rates for the Operation of Construction Machinery and Vehicles, taking into account additions and changes, are used in the estimate documentation for the construction and major repairs of railway tunnels, the conversion index for the operation of these machines should be taken in accordance with paragraph 6 of the note to the table of indexes No. 1.

The inclusion in the estimate documentation of the costs of operating imported construction machines must be stipulated in the design assignment; justified in the design documentation and agreed upon by the customer;

14.8. position indices 4.1–4.4. take into account the full range of work on the installation of the superstructure of the track.

Position indices 4.1.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1, 4.4.1 and 4.6 are used when determining the cost of certain types of work on the superstructure of the track. It is not allowed to use these indices simultaneously with the indices of paragraphs 4.1–4.4.

Position indices 4.1.1 and 4.2.1 are determined without taking into account the costs of laying turnouts, which are determined by position indices 4.3.1 and 4.4.1.;

14.9. position indices 4.1.7 apply to local estimates, which include a set of works on the construction of the platform “out of the way”, as well as painting of structures, installation of benches, installation of external lighting and grounding.

The indices of position 4.1.7 take into account the increase in the cost of the listed works in current prices, as well as the cost of additional costs associated with the installation of installation work using cranes on railway tracks and the supply of construction equipment and materials by locomotive to the place of work for estimates in which the cost of installation of structures is determined in relation to at FER (OER) prices.

The costs of operating locomotives are taken into account additionally in the estimates and are paid upon documentary confirmation.

When constructing railway platforms “from the field”, the current cost of work is determined using the corresponding indices of Table No. 2;

14.10. work on the installation and construction of communication devices should be recalculated using the indices of the corresponding positions of the expanded nomenclature of work in clause 5.1. All positions of paragraph 5.1 take into account sets of works taking into account the adjustment of communication equipment at railway transport facilities during its installation, and individual paragraphs (; 5.1.4÷; – earthworks;

14.11. indexes for equipment according to position accepted according to equipment indices, position 5.1.10;

14.12. indices for the positions of clause 5.2 take into account sets of works, which, in addition to the main work on installation of signaling devices, include soil development by mechanized and manual methods;

14.13. The work of item includes the installation of air ducts and trays; installation of air collectors, compensators, valves, water separator, column for hose cleaning of switches;

14.14. construction and installation work indices for positions 5.3, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 7.1 and 8.1 take into account the full range of works on the construction of buildings, taking into account internal plumbing and electrical work, installation of communication devices and are used both for planning investment volumes and for payments for work performed .

In addition, payments for work performed on buildings corresponding to the specified positions may be made according to the indices of Table No. 2;

14.15. indices for position 6.10 are used to recalculate the cost of tools and equipment for newly constructed industrial buildings;

14.16. indices for positions 7.2.1 and take into account a set of works, which include, in addition to the main work on installing the contact network at the station, excavation work and slope edging;

14.17. indices for positions 7.3.1 and take into account sets of works, which, in addition to the main work on installing a contact network on the stretch, include excavation work, embanking and edging of slopes. Indices for positions 7.3 and 7.3.2 were calculated without taking into account work for position;

14.18. indices for positions 7.6 and 7.7 take into account sets of works, which include manual excavation of soil, construction and installation work on the installation of STP and KTPM, laying low-voltage power lines;

14.19. indexes for position 7.8 take into account a set of works, which include manual excavation of the soil, construction and installation work for the installation of STP, laying low-voltage power lines;

14.21. indexes for position 7.10 take into account the set of works on hanging wires and installing reinforced concrete supports;

14.22. indexes for position take into account the set of works for installing metal supports, hanging wires and installing reinforced concrete products and structures;

14.23. the index for position 11.1 is applied to the cost of commissioning work, determined on the basis of the OERp collections Section I. Automation and telemechanics devices in railway transport Issues 1 and 2, approved by orders dated 01.01.01 No. 000r and dated 01.01.01 No. 000r, respectively; collections FERp-2001;

14.24. indices for the positions of paragraph 12 “Railway transport facilities on the territory of the island.” Sakhalin" take into account the costs of additional vacations and travel on vacation once every two years, established for this region.

When determining the cost of construction of facilities on the territory of the island. Sakhalin overhead costs and estimated profit are taken into account in estimates and certificates of work performed in accordance with paragraph 6 of this Procedure;

14.25. for work on the reconstruction of the contact network, recalculation is carried out using the position indices of paragraph 13, if local estimates are compiled using the Collection of unit prices for the reconstruction of the existing contact network on the St. Petersburg - Moscow section for organizing train traffic at a speed of 200 km/h (VER. KS -200U), approved by order dated January 1, 2001 No. 000r. Separate provisions for the preparation of local estimates based on the prices of the specified collection, as well as the scope of application of VER. KS-200U, given in letters of the Department of Capital Construction dated 01/01/01 No. TsUKSM-20/2161; dated May 5, 2008 No. 000/TSUKS.

15. The indices of paragraph 15 of Table No. 1 are used when determining the cost of piling work using the "JUNTTAN" installation (driving and removing single steel sheet piles; driving reinforced concrete piles; installing bored piles; driving piles from steel pipes) according to the prices of the tables ÷ the collection "Changes and additions to federal unit prices for construction work. Issue 1".

16. (Attention! ) The indices of positions 2.4 and 3.1 of Table No. 2 take into account the cost of basic material resources, including precast reinforced concrete structures.

17. Responsibility for the correct application of conversion indices to the current level approved by orders, as well as the provisions of this Procedure, rests with the customer.

If for certain types of work there are no conversion indices approved by the orders, the relevant departments (Construction Directorates, examination bodies, etc.), in agreement with the Capital Construction Department, submit to Giprotranstei the necessary design and estimate documentation drawn up and approved in the prescribed manner .

18. When applying indices for recalculating the estimated cost of construction and installation work and equipment to prices as of January 1, 2000, one should also be guided by the provisions of previously approved documents of the Capital Construction Department regarding the use of indices (to the extent that does not contradict the provisions of this Procedure), posted on the website


Spanish , Giprotranstei


Setting up one or another method of using indexes is done for a specific estimate.

Let's consider possible ways to use conversion indices to current prices.

Until now, the default setting was Don't use indexes therefore, the estimate was calculated in 2001 base prices.

Indices for cost items (direct cost elements) can only be applied before overhead costs and estimated profit are accrued.

Switch Apply indices for cost items to calculate the unit cost of prices (before multiplying by physical volume) allows you to apply indexes by cost items when calculating the cost of an estimate item per unit. Next, it is multiplied by the volume of work and the total cost of the position is calculated at current prices. In this case, it will be impossible to display the use of indexes in the totals for the estimate or for sections of the estimate.

Switch Apply indices for cost items to calculate the total cost of quotations (after multiplying by physical volume) allows you to apply indexes by cost items when calculating the total cost of an estimate item. In this case, the cost of the position per unit remains at the basic price level, then it is multiplied by the volume of work, the total cost of the position is calculated at the basic price level, and only after that conversion indices are applied. In this case, the use of indices is displayed in the estimate results - the cost of positions with the same coefficients for the totals and norms of NR and SP is pre-grouped and summed up, then the coefficients for the totals are calculated, indices are applied for cost items, overhead costs and estimated profit are calculated, and the result is displayed.

Switch Apply indexes to construction and installation works allows you to apply one index to the total cost of construction and installation work for the budget item after accrual of overhead costs and estimated profit. In this case, the use of indices is displayed in the estimate results - the cost of positions with the same coefficients to the totals and norms of NR and SP is pre-grouped and summed up, then the coefficients to the totals, overhead costs and estimated profit are calculated, after which the index is applied and the result is displayed.

Checkbox Apply a single index in totals before accruing limited costs allows you to apply a single index for the entire estimate before accruing limited costs. The index value can be entered as a formula.

Checkbox Apply a single index in the totals after accrual of limited costs allows you to apply a single index for the entire estimate after accrual of limited costs. The index value can be entered as a formula.

To convert the cost of estimate items into current prices, you need to use indexes. An index can be assigned for one position or a group of positions manually, or selected by the program from a collection of indices automatically when the index code and position justification match.

We will automatically assign indexes to estimate items. To automatically link indexes, you must specify the startup parameters and the name of the index collection file. In order for indexes to be linked at the moment of entering items into the estimate, it is necessary to configure the autoload parameters before adding items. Then, simultaneously with entering the item into the estimate, indexes will be automatically assigned based on the price justification that matches the index code.

We will show how the selected collection of indices will be used when automatically linking indices in the process of entering new positions.

To apply indexes to a completed estimate, follow these steps:

All items of the estimate, except item number 5 , are now displayed in black (Fig. 11). This means that only for position 5 with justification FSSC-101-0934 The index was not found in the selected file – a collection of indexes. For other positions, indices were applied. Your unfound indexes may be different.

For an estimate item with justification FSSC-101-0934 manually select an index from a file – a collection of indexes for resources.

Please note that under the item in the cost breakdown a line has appeared Total per unit including index and the calculated values ​​appeared in the value of the position, taking into account the conversion index.

  • Click the button Two windows on the tab View to switch to single window mode.

Let us now assign an index for the position 5 another way, by manually creating a new index. For this:

The following operations with indexes are available in this window: add index (button Add), add an additional charge (button Add extra beginning), delete element (button Delete), remove all indices (button), remove from the list elements that are not used in calculating the estimate (button).

Let's change the way indexes are used in estimates.

We will apply a single index in the final estimate.

Please note that in the estimate results at the bottom of the document, a single index is applied before accruing limited costs (Fig. 23).

Rice. 23. A single index is applied up to limited costs

Now we will apply a single index in the totals of the estimate after accrual of limited costs. Moreover, this index will be additional to the individual indices for cost items for budget items.

This index is applied after calculating limited costs as an additional index to the already applied individual indexes for cost items for budget items (Fig. 25).

Rice. 25. A single index is applied after limited costs

We will show how to move from the 1984 price level to the 2001 price level in the budget position.

The added position cannot be taken into account in the calculation, since the price level for 2001 is specified in the estimate for calculation in basic prices. At the end of the estimate a red line will be highlighted Items that cannot be taken into account when calculating the estimate.

If estimate items are set to use individual conversion indices to current prices, then the item may not be taken into account in the calculation due to the fact that The translation index into current is not specified. prices. In this case, you must apply the index using any of the methods described above.

It is possible to include a position in the estimate immediately at the current price level, which does not require indexation. To do this, simply call up the context menu in the desired position with the right mouse button and select the command Position base price level > Current prices. The position will be highlighted in blue and no indexes will be applied to it.

When forming the initial (maximum) bidding price when preparing tender documentation, when drawing up estimate documentation and carrying out mutual settlements in the city of Moscow on the basis of federal unit prices (FSNB) using the basis-index method, the following are currently used:

Indices of Stroyinformresurs LLC

Calculation indices for recalculating the cost of construction and installation work carried out on the territory of the city of Moscow to the price level of the estimate and regulatory framework FER-2001 are issued for FER in editions 2009, 2014, edition 2014 with changes and additions in accordance with orders of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated November 12, 2014 No. 703/pr and dated 10/17/2014 No. 634/pr. The indices are formed based on all federal unit prices.
Recommended for determining the market value of construction at the current level of prices and settlements for work performed on construction, reconstruction and repair of facilities in the city of Moscow. They contain indices to prices, the cost of all materials according to FSSC and the cost of machines and mechanisms according to FESM.
They can be used in the preparation of estimate documentation and the implementation of mutual settlements in the city of Moscow according to the decision of the Construction Customer.

NASI indices

They are used to form the initial (maximum) bidding price when preparing tender documentation, general economic calculations in the investment sphere for capital construction projects, the financing of which is carried out with the assistance of federal budget funds. The indices are formed by type of construction. According to letters from the Ministry of Construction, the indicated indices are not intended for mutual settlements for work performed.
Note: The Ministry of Construction limits the scope of application of its indices to “capital construction” projects. For objects of reconstruction, technical re-equipment, repair, restoration, the indicated indices, as follows from the letters of the Ministry of Construction, are not intended.
The Ministry of Construction limits the time for using its indices to the moment of formation of the initial (maximum) bidding price when preparing tender documentation.
The Ministry of Construction does not limit customers to the procedure for indexation and mutual settlements when performing construction and installation work and does not regulate (leaves it to the discretion of the customer) neither the indexation procedure nor the sources of information on the cost of resources.

KCCS indices

Indices are formed for construction, repair and construction, installation and commissioning works and are differentiated according to a unified nomenclature of types and complexes of work. Indices of changes in the estimated cost are intended to determine the cost of construction at current prices and settlements for completed construction and installation work between customers and contractors. They do not contain indices for prices, the cost of materials according to the FSSC and the cost of machinery and mechanisms according to FESM. They can be used when drawing up estimate documentation and implementation of mutual settlements in the city of Moscow according to the decision of the Construction Customer.

Indices "National Association of Estimated Pricing and Cost Engineering"

The Association recommends indices for recalculating the estimated cost of construction and installation work carried out using federal budget funds in the Moscow region to the price level of the National Security Council FER-2001. Designed for payments for work performed on the construction, reconstruction and major repairs of non-production facilities financed with funds from the budgets of the budget system within the limits of the fixed contract price of state and municipal contracts, and facilities financed from extra-budgetary sources. Formed according to the entire nomenclature of the FSNB. They do not contain indices for the cost of material resources according to the FSSC and the cost of machines and mechanisms according to the FSEM. They can be used in the preparation of estimate documentation and the implementation of mutual settlements in the city of Moscow according to the decision of the Construction Customer.

Note: Currently, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia is considering a case of violation of the antimonopoly legislation of the FAU "FCCC", the Non-Profit Organization "National Association of Estimated Pricing and Cost Engineering" and other organizations on the issue of the application and distribution of a number of publications, including "Indices for recalculating the estimated cost of construction and installation works carried out with the involvement of federal budget funds in the Moscow region ....”

Indices of changes in the estimated cost of design and survey work for the second quarter of 2019.

Pi smo Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 2019 N 17798-DV/09

As part of the implementation of the powers of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation to develop and implement state policy and legal regulation in the field of standardization and pricing in design and construction, the Ministry of Construction of Russia in addition to letter dated April 10, 2019 N 12661-DV/ 09 reports the recommended value of forecast indices of changes in the estimated cost of construction in the second quarter of 2019, including the value of forecast indices of changes in the estimated cost of construction and installation work, forecast indices of changes in the estimated cost of commissioning work, forecast indices of changes in the estimated cost of design and survey work (hereinafter - Indexes).

These Indices were developed for the 2001 estimate and regulatory framework in accordance with the provisions of the Methodological Recommendations for the development of indices for changes in the estimated cost of construction, approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 9, 2017 N 84/pr, using data from the FAU "Glavgosexpertiza of Russia", executive bodies authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the first quarter of 2019, taking into account the forecast inflation rate established by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

At the same time, it is reported that the Indices for the subjects of the Russian Federation not included in Appendix 1 to the letters, as well as the Indices for equipment, other work and costs will be reported additionally.


Appendix 2 to the letter from the Russian Ministry of Construction

Forecast indices of changes in the estimated cost of design and survey work for the second quarter of 2019.

1. Forecast indices of changes in the estimated cost of design work for construction to reference books of basic prices for design work:

to the price level as of 01/01/2001 - 4.15;

to the price level as of 01/01/1995, taking into account the provisions given in the letter of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated 01/13/1996 N 9 - 1 - 1/6, - 31.98.

2. Forecast indices of changes in the estimated cost of survey work for construction to reference books of basic prices for engineering surveys:

to the price level as of January 1, 2001 - 4.23;

to the price level as of 01/01/1991, taken into account in the reference books of basic prices for engineering surveys and the collection of prices for survey work for capital construction, taking into account temporary recommendations for clarifying the base prices determined according to the collection of prices for survey work for capital construction, recommended for use by letter Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 17, 1992 N BF - 1060/9, - 47.78.

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