Methods of familiarizing preschoolers with seasonal natural phenomena educational and methodological material on the world around them on the topic. What is phenology? Phenological observations Phenological walks allow children to learn about

Olesya Lisiy
Project: "Phenological observations in the system of familiarization of preschoolers with natural phenomena"

Project: "Phenological observations in the system of familiarization of preschoolers with natural phenomena." From the experience of the educator MBDOU No. 30 Lisy Olesya Nikolaevna

Once, while playing for a walk, a pupil of the group asked me a question: “Why is the turntable spinning on the street, but not on the veranda?”

The other children of the group also became interested in this issue and joined in the discussion of the problem. As a result of the discussion, we came to the conclusion that the reason for everything is the wind. Wind is nothing but the movement of air. So in the middle group, our first project "Air" was born.

We with children and parents were carried away by studying the phenomena of inanimate nature. At the same time, an idea arose to renovate and enrich the weather site in our kindergarten new devices with which children can replenish their natural scientific knowledge not just by stories and pictures, but by carrying out practical actions with special devices and meteorological instruments while getting acquainted with natural phenomena.

Relevance of the problem:

In a preschool institution, children are introduced to nature, the changes taking place in it, in different time of the year. Based on the acquired knowledge, such qualities as a realistic understanding of natural phenomena, curiosity, the ability to observe, think logically, and treat all living things aesthetically are formed.

Psychologists have proved that in children of the first seven years of life, thinking is visual-effective and visual-figurative. Consequently, the pedagogical process in kindergarten should mainly be based on visual and practical methods. It is especially important to observe this principle in the implementation of natural science and environmental education. In order for the pedagogical process to be effective, in working with children it is necessary to pay great attention to conducting observations and experiments with objects of living and inanimate nature.

In kindergarten, this problem is relevant, since modern research by teachers indicates that preschool age is the genetic stage at which the foundations of all subsequent mental development are laid. A. V Zaporozhets (psychologist, teacher) said: “A huge amount of knowledge and skills acquired in this age period is assimilated instantly, fixed forever, until the end of life and are lost last of all with aging.”

So why is it important to develop the ability to observe as early as preschool? Because, from early childhood, a child shows natural inquisitiveness and curiosity, which help him navigate the environment. And wherever the observation process takes place - on a walk, or an excursion, it must be well organized and carried out correctly.

To date, the methodology for organizing phenological observations in kindergartens has not been fully developed. This is due to many reasons: insufficient theoretical elaboration of the issue, lack of methodological literature, and, most importantly, the lack of focus of teachers on this type of activity.

Thus, the topic of my experience was formulated: "Phenological observations in the system of familiarizing preschoolers with natural phenomena."

Familiarization of preschoolers with the natural world is considered within the framework of the educational area "Cognitive Development" and provides for the solution of such problems. tasks How:

Formation of primary ideas about animate and inanimate nature;

Education of a humane, emotionally positive, careful, caring attitude towards the natural world and the world around us as a whole.

Most importantly, in the process of environmental education, children develop a cognitive interest in the natural world, curiosity, creative activity, i.e., the personal qualities of the child, which are presented as targets in the Federal State Educational Standard.

Thus, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the environmental education of preschoolers, it was assumed that:


The formation of practical skills of working on a meteorological site with meteorological instruments will contribute to the development research skills(the ability to identify a problem, observe, conduct an experiment, analyze, generalize) and educate ecological culture preschoolers.

Expected result:

Children should get elementary ideas about the weather and its significance in human life, about the profession of a meteorologist;

Children should acquire skills in the use of instruments for observing the weather;

Have the simplest ideas about air temperature, pressure, wind direction;

Know signs, proverbs, sayings about the weather.

So, purpose my work became:

Teaching children to observe, fix and elementary weather forecasting.

Were determined tasks:


To expand children's knowledge of natural objects (air, water, soil, their conditions from the weather;

To teach to predict the weather according to the reaction of inanimate nature;

To form elementary ecological knowledge and ideas through forecasting;

Develop ecological thinking in the process of conducting elementary experiments.


Develop visual materials that have an impact on the development of intellectual and research activities children.

Develop cognitive activity and curiosity;


Raising a caring attitude towards all life on Earth, love for nature;

Education of skills of application of knowledge in practice.

Positive public opinion of parents about the work of preschool educational institutions.

The first stage of my work (organizational stage) was the definition of goals and forms of interaction with the subjects of the process.

To do this, I studied scientific materials, teaching aids on this topic, which helped to theoretically prepare for the following events. A survey of teachers was organized in order to study the awareness of the participants in the pedagogical process on this issue, on the basis of which I was later able to prepare information, consultations and a workshop in order to increase the level of knowledge on the topic “Weather and observation of it”.

The next step was the compilation of "Prospective planning for familiarization with the phenomena of inanimate nature."

At that time, working as an educator in the middle group, she organized work to enrich the subject-developing environment both in the group room and on the weather site. Materials, equipment, attributes for cognitive and research activities, the “All Year Round” layout were created with their own hands; selected material for productive activity; didactic games, illustrated material, fiction ecological topics, a card index was drawn up on the topic “Phenological observations in the system of familiarizing a preschooler with natural phenomena”, which included riddles, poems and signs.

Practical activities of parents was directed to:

Production of devices-assistants.

Collection of information for the design of albums.

Assistance in the acquisition of exhibits for the mini-museum "I want to know and measure everything."

Activities of educators consisted of the following:

Conduct targeted walks.

Acquaintance with works of art, "smart" books (encyclopedias).

Design and work in the corners of nature, making models "Seasons", "Thermometer".

Activities of organizing teachers carried out in:

Conducting excursions, conversations, experiments and experiments with children according to a long-term plan.

Conducting consultations with educators in order to increase the level of knowledge on the topic “Weather and its observation”;

Consultation for educators "Fixing the results of observations in diaries and calendars";

Speech to teachers of the preschool educational institution on the topic "Observation as a method of environmental education";

Consultation for teachers "Modeling as a method of environmental education."

In the process of getting acquainted with meteorological instruments, it became necessary to develop a unified algorithm for studying them.

Algorithm for getting to know meteorological instruments:

Device name;

Purpose (what it is used for);

Structure (appearance);

Rules for working with devices;

Rules for safe use.

Benefit (determining the importance of the device).

Thus, we constantly support children's interest in new knowledge and familiarity with new equipment, reinforcing already existing skills in determining weather readings.

All observations and measurements are carried out with the constant recording of the results obtained in the schemes placed in the corners of nature and weather in groups. Working with schemes also includes summing up the results for the month, for the season (winter, spring, summer, autumn).

Watching the weather, children learn to identify individual phenomena, their degree of intensity and other characteristics. Children observe not only the weather phenomena themselves, but also their effect on surrounding objects.

During the work in this direction, the level of development of the cognitive sphere has significantly increased in children, the practical skills of using meteorological instruments and the skills of fixing the results of observations have improved.

Not only children, but also their parents became interested in the work of the meteorological site. They were pleased that their children were doing interesting things.

Irina Narzulaeva
The role of nature in the comprehensive development of the personality of a preschool child

Communication with nature It has a positive effect on a person, makes him kinder, softer, awakens the best feelings in him. Especially great the role of nature in raising children. ecological development affects the whole complex inherent in each personalities of subjective-personal properties and qualities, mental processes and psychological formations. In the process of interaction with the outside world, the corresponding character traits, manners of behavior, forms of reaction, ideas, beliefs, interests, inclinations are formed. characteristic features personalities become self-consciousness, value relations, responsibility for one's actions.

AT preschool institution, the children are introduced to nature changes occurring in it at different times of the year. Based on the acquired knowledge, such qualities as a realistic understanding of phenomena are formed. nature, curiosity, the ability to observe, think logically, aesthetically refers to all living things. Love to nature, the skills of caring for her, caring for living beings give rise not only to interest in nature but also contribute to the formation of the best character traits in children, such as patriotism, diligence, humanity, respect for the work of adults, protecting and multiplying natural resources .

Cognition nature has many implications for mental education child. Nature contributes to the enrichment of ideas about the world, broadens horizons, reveals connections and patterns in nature, develops mental capabilities: quick wits, criticality and independence of thinking, focused attention, analyzing perception, figurative memory, observation.

Child learns to compare facts, analyze them, draw simple conclusions and conclusions, i.e., learns to think actively, creatively and independently. FROM development thinking is closely related child's speech development, vocabulary expansion. An integral part of mental education is sensory culture. It is aimed at improving analyzers, accumulating sensory experience in children, which is the basis for subsequent generalizations, the formation of elementary natural science concepts.

Study of objects and phenomena nature contributes to the development memory - the ability to store perceived information in the mind and reproduce it. Observations in nature develop figurative memory and logical memory.

Communication with nature develops children's thinking is a process of conscious reflection of reality in its objective properties, connections and relationships, inaccessible to direct sensory perception.

preschoolers master a variety of mental operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, abstraction, etc. Development mental operations helps to systematize and interpret information coming from the outside world.

In direct contact with nature develops observation and curiosity.

Nature acts as a means of moral education. Caring for and watching a bird, fish, squirrel, hedgehog, children learn caring and careful attitude towards them. The response of the animal to care and affection child, his attachment to to kid instills in children kindness and cordiality. Watching life natural nature, children comprehend the essence of the categories of good and evil, learn to love their native nature they develop behavioral skills that meet ethical standards.

Nature promotes aesthetic education. " Nature- a source creative inspiration, the source of the rise of all the spiritual forces of a person, not only an adult, but also child». Nature helps to paint in emotional tones all perceptions of the surrounding reality. This is an emotional attitude to the environment nature, an inexhaustible source of beauty, and the system should educate educational institutions in children. At all times and epochs nature had a huge impact on people development his creative abilities, being at the same time an inexhaustible source for all the most daring and profound aspirations of man. The great critic Belinsky believed nature"eternal piece of art". Composer Tchaikovsky, highly appreciating art in human life, wrote: "Delights of contemplation nature above than from art". The many-voiced sound of the Russian land was reflected in the work of talented Russian composers S. V. Rachmaninov, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, M. P. Mussorgsky and others. Unique richness of colors nature I. I. Levitan, I. I. Shishkin, I. Grabar and others captured in their canvases.

beautiful in nature limitless and inexhaustible. therefore nature-source for art. beautiful in nature was and remains the subject of its artistic development. Therefore, great artists are always pioneers of beauty in the world around them. The ability to see nature- the first condition for educating the worldview of unity with it, the first condition for educating through nature. It can only be achieved through constant communication with nature. In order to feel like a part of the whole, a person must not episodically, but constantly be in a relationship with this whole. That is why the harmony of pedagogical influences requires constant communication with nature.

Nature is one of the factors affecting development and the formation of aesthetic feelings, it is an inexhaustible source of aesthetic impressions and emotional impact on a person. In people's lives nature occupies a significant place, contributes to the formation and development aesthetic feelings and tastes. Love for native nature brought up from an early age age. "Exactly at

this time it is necessary to instill in children a love for beauty, harmony, expediency, unity that reign in it.

Nature- means of labor education. preschoolers acquire practical skills and skills: caring for plants and animals in the corner nature, Location on; environmental care natural objects in their microdistrict, phenological observations and fixing their results, making simple collections, models. On the basis of a combination of mental and physical labor, children are brought up personal qualities: diligence, conscientious attitude to work.

Communication of children with nature has a beneficial effect on their physical development. Walking with children nature improve general physical condition child. Movement in the fresh air, games in the forest and park, work in the garden and in the flower garden develop muscles and strengthen the nervous system. In the process of getting to know their body, children develop hygiene skills, develops striving to be healthy.

That is, in the process of familiarizing children with nature provides a comprehensive development of the personality of a child of preschool age.

Biysk Pedagogical State University named after V.M. Shukshina

Test on ecology

Topic: "Introducing preschoolers to seasonal changes in nature"

Biysk 2009


Seasonal phenomena in nature

Methods for teaching children seasonal changes in nature

Observation as the main method of introducing children to nature

The calendar of nature as a means of consolidating knowledge




Nature is a unique book.

Its circulation is one copy.

Only one! And so, while reading it,

Every page needs to be protected!

The problem of environmental education is currently relevant. Until a certain time, the impact of man was smoothed out by the processes taking place in the biosphere, but at present, man is on the verge of an ecological crisis. That is why it is so important in environmental education First stage preschool education, when they receive the first knowledge about the culture of relationships with the natural environment.

Love for nature can be brought up only on the basis of knowledge, as we have already noted, about plants and animals, their living conditions, basic needs, as well as skills and abilities to care for plants and animals. The aesthetic perception of nature also contributes to the formation of a careful attitude to nature. In addition, children of all age groups need to cultivate a cognitive attitude towards nature, a desire to learn about it as much as possible.

Knowledge of seasonal changes in nature. At preschool age, the following knowledge about changes in nature is available: each season has its own length of day and night, a certain nature of the weather, air temperature, typical precipitation; features of the phenomena of inanimate nature determine the state flora and lifestyle of animals in a given season.

The systematization of knowledge about the seasons occurs on the basis of the establishment of temporal (what happens after what) and cause-and-effect (from what certain phenomena occur) relationships. It is important to develop in children the ability to observe changes in natural phenomena, to cultivate a sense of love for all living things, to teach some simple ways to protect nature.

Tasks and content of knowledge about seasonal changes

They begin to systematically acquaint children with nature in the first and second junior groups. At this age, it is important that children accumulate knowledge, i.e. specific ideas, about individual objects of nature: about natural material and its properties. They are given the first knowledge of the distinguishing features of the seasons. Younger preschoolers should understand some of the connections between natural phenomena: the wind is blowing - the trees are swaying, the sun is shining - it is getting warmer. The teacher teaches kids to observe objects and natural phenomena. At the same time, children are offered the task of observation and a plan that should be followed. In the course of observation, the educator teaches the children to explore actions. It is very important to teach kids to talk about the results of observation. The task of the educator is to form in the children an emotionally positive, caring attitude towards nature (the ability to rejoice at the sight of a flower, bird, sun).

In the middle group, children's ideas about the properties and qualities of “objects of inanimate nature are expanded and concretized. Pupils of the middle group continue to learn to observe the objects of nature. This activity in comparison with the previous groups becomes more complicated. Children are taught to accept the task of observation, they master investigative actions, try to compare, talk coherently about what is being observed, and draw conclusions.

In the older group, the main task is to form children's knowledge about the connections and relationships that exist in nature: about the needs of plants and animals, depending on living conditions and conditions, about the connections between certain organs and their functions. Children learn about the stages of growth and development of plants, about seasonal changes in nature and their causes, about a certain sequence of seasonal changes. The systematization of knowledge about the seasons occurs on the basis of the establishment of temporal (what happens after what) and cause-and-effect (from what certain phenomena occur) relationships. It is important to develop in children the ability to observe changes in natural phenomena, to cultivate a sense of love for all living things, to teach some simple ways to protect nature.

In the preparatory school group, the main task is to clarify and expand knowledge about the regular changes in the phenomena of inanimate nature, their further systematization and generalization. It is necessary to form ideas about the change of seasons, about the increase (or decrease) in the length of day and night, about regular changes in air temperature, and the nature of precipitation.

Conclusion. Knowledge of seasonal changes in nature. At preschool age, the following knowledge about changes in nature is available: each season has its own length of day and night, a certain nature of the weather, air temperature, typical precipitation; features of the phenomena of inanimate nature determine the state of the flora and the way of life of animals in a given season: in winter, plants are at rest, in spring, as the day length and air temperature increase, favorable conditions are created for the growth and development of plants - the period of active vegetation begins. The most favorable conditions for plant life are created in summer: a long day comes, the air temperature rises, heavy rains fall. In autumn, the length of the day is gradually reduced, the air temperature drops, the life of plants freezes: they are preparing for a state of rest.

Animal life also depends to a large extent on changes in nature. Many animals adapt to the winter cold: there is an autumn molt of birds and animals; some of them prepare food, change shelter. Changes in plant life lead to changes in animal life: insects disappear, then fly away migratory birds. These general patterns can be learned by children, provided that during preschool age they form specific ideas about each season (day length, air temperature, typical precipitation, plant conditions, animal lifestyle, adult work, changes in the lives of children themselves in any given season). Children need to know the order of the seasons.

Conclusion. All this knowledge is gradually acquired by children by the end of preschool age.

Seasonal phenomena in nature

Periodic phenomena of nature, due to the annual course of meteorological elements, are called seasonal phenomena. In temperate latitudes, regular repetition and succession of the seasons are expressed. The change of seasons occurs as a result of the annual revolution of the Earth around the Sun with a constant position of the inclination of the earth's axis to the plane of the orbit.

Therefore, the height of the Sun above the horizon, the angle of incidence of the sun's rays on the Earth, and the amount of incoming solar radiation change. The position of the Earth in orbit determines the onset of the astronomical seasons. However, the astronomical timing of the seasons does not coincide with the timing of periodic changes in the weather and wildlife.

For example, summer does not begin on June 22, with the beginning of astronomical summer, but earlier, and it does not end on September 23, but also earlier than this date. This circumstance forced nature researchers to take into account, in addition to astronomical, other indicators of the seasons.

Seasonal changes in wildlife are studied by the science of phenology. Observations of periodic changes in the plant and animal world are called phenological. The essence of phenological observations is to constantly monitor the course of seasonal phenomena and record the dates of their onset. Using the dates of long-term phenological observations, naturalists compile phenological calendars (calendars of nature). Observing the same objects from year to year and recording the same phenomena, scientists carefully record the timing of these phenomena, and then derive (calculate) the average timing of the observed phenomena. For example, the average flowering time for willow in the Moscow region falls on April 22.

Observations of seasonal phenomena include observations of changes in the duration of different parts of the day, air temperature, the appearance of precipitation and their types. The main content of observations are observations of the growth, development, and condition of plants and animals. In the process of systematic observations, scientists note certain moments (phenophases) in the life of the observed objects. So, in trees and shrubs, this will be the beginning of sap flow, swelling of the buds, the beginning of leaf deployment, the appearance of buds, flowering, mass flowering, the end of flowering, the beginning of ripening of fruits and seeds, the beginning of autumn leaf coloring, the beginning of leaf fall, the full autumn coloring of leaves, the end of leaf fall. . Phenological forecasts that predict what the coming spring and summer will be like help field growers choose the right plant varieties for sowing, and gardeners help protect gardens from the damaging effects of frost. Phenological observations of the life of insects in connection with the growth and development of plants make it possible to establish the timing of the control of pests of cultivated plants.

Methods for teaching children seasonal changes in nature

In the pedagogical process of the kindergarten, various forms of organizing children are used to familiarize them with nature. Classes or excursions are most often held with all children (frontal form of organization). Work and observation of nature is best organized with a small subgroup or individually. Various teaching methods are also used (visual, practical, verbal). Teaching methods are ways of joint activity of the educator and children, during which knowledge, skills and abilities are formed, as well as attitudes towards the world around them. When familiarizing children with nature, all of these methods are widely used. Visual methods include observation, viewing pictures, demonstrating models, films, filmstrips, transparencies. Visual methods most fully correspond to the possibilities of cognitive activity of preschool children, allow them to form vivid, concrete ideas about nature. Practical methods are games, elementary experiments and simulations. The use of these methods in the process of getting acquainted with nature allows the educator to clarify the ideas of children, deepen them by establishing connections and relationships between individual objects and natural phenomena, bring the acquired knowledge into the system, and exercise preschoolers in applying knowledge. Verbal methods are the stories of the teacher and children, reading works of art about nature, conversations. Verbal methods are used to expand children's knowledge of nature, systematize and generalize them. Verbal methods help to form in children an emotionally positive attitude towards nature. In the work on familiarizing children with nature, it is necessary to use different methods in a complex, correctly combine them with each other. Conclusion. The choice of methods and the need for their integrated use are determined by the age capabilities of the children, the nature of the upbringing and educational tasks that the educator solves. The variety of the objects themselves and natural phenomena that the child must learn also requires the use of a variety of methods.

Observation as the main method of introducing children to nature

Observation is a specially organized by the educator, purposeful, more or less long and systematic, active perception of objects and natural phenomena by children. The purpose of observation may be the assimilation of different knowledge - the establishment of properties and qualities, structure and external structure objects, causes of change and development of objects (plants, animals) of seasonal phenomena.

To successfully achieve the goal, the teacher thinks through and uses special techniques that organize the active perception of children: asks questions, offers to examine, compare objects with each other, establish connections between individual objects and natural phenomena.

Observation allows children to show nature in natural conditions in all its diversity, in the simplest, visually represented relationships. Many connections and relations of natural phenomena are accessible to direct observation, are visible. The knowledge of connections and relationships forms the elements of the materialistic worldview of nature. The systematic use of observation in acquaintance with nature teaches children to look closely, to notice its features and leads to the development of observation, and therefore, the solution of one of the most important tasks of mental education.

The teacher uses different types of observation. Recognizing observation is used to form in children ideas about the diversity of plants and animals, objects of inanimate nature, to recognize the features of certain objects, their properties, signs, and qualities. It ensures the accumulation of vivid, living knowledge about nature in children.

Observation can be carried out both with individual children, with small groups (of 3–6 people), and with the entire group of pupils.

Long term observation. The content of long-term observations is diverse: the growth and development of plants, the establishment of their main changes, the development of animals and birds (parrot, canary, chicken, rabbit, cat), seasonal observations of inanimate and wildlife, etc. When organizing long-term observation, the educator must know the main stages (stages) of growth and development of a plant or animal. In accordance with them, the observation is divided into a system of episodic. Each episodic observation is carried out when the changes have manifested themselves quite clearly in the object.

autumn The teacher organizes daily monitoring of the weather. In order for the children to learn to pay attention to the air temperature, he invites them to dress the doll for a walk. It is necessary to consult with children what is better to put on a doll. As it gets colder, the teacher pays attention to how the children themselves are dressed. Offers to touch cooled objects: a bench, a wall of a house, pebbles, etc. On days when the sun either shines brightly or hides behind the clouds, you need to “search” for the sun, ask the guys why it got dark or brighter. You should pay the attention of children to the wind, and for this it is useful to take turntables, paper ribbons for a walk, and blow up a balloon with the children. In the fall, they organize rain monitoring: they listen to how it knocks on the roof, on the windows; watch the puddles appear on the street.

in winter use various ways to help children realize changes in air temperature: the teacher, together with the child, dresses the doll, preparing for a walk, reminding at the same time that it is cold outside, severe frost and therefore the doll needs to be dressed warmly. On a walk, he invites children to take off their mittens for a short time and feel the cold. Draws attention to how warmly dressed children and adults. At the beginning of winter, after a snowfall, it is recommended to conduct a targeted walk around the site and show the children how much snow is around, which lies on the ground, on trees, on benches, on a fence, on roofs of houses.

Spring. At the beginning of spring, children should pay attention to the fact that the sun has become dazzlingly bright. It is useful to watch the sunbeam (sunbeam). Water games are organized in the spring. The teacher pays attention to its properties (it flows, objects are reflected in it), puts plastic, paper, wooden boats into the stream and the children watch how they swim. Of great interest to them is the game-calendar "What is the weather today?". Every day, turning from a walk, the guys move the arrow so that it points to the picture corresponding to the given weather.

Summer. The monitoring of the weather continues. According to some signs, preschoolers begin to determine the warm and hot times of the day. The teacher helps them to realize this with the help of questions: why did you take off your warm clothes today? Why didn't you take off your jacket yesterday? Why are the stones (sand) so hot today? Wind monitoring continues. The teacher takes out turntables and paper ribbons for a walk. Pays attention to how the trees sway, the leaves rustle and flutter in the wind.

Depending on the number of children involved in the observation, it can be individual, group and frontal. Depending on the goals set by the teacher, observation can be episodic, long-term and final (generalizing).

Conclusion. Each subsequent observation should be related to the previous one. Thus, a system of knowledge, skills and abilities of children is formed.

The calendar of nature as a means of consolidating knowledge

A nature calendar can be a valuable tool for getting to know nature. In the middle group, it should be simple in terms of the material presented, bright. With the help of the calendar, interesting impressions from observations on the site, walks, and excursions can be stored in the memory of children for a long time. Drawings of children reflecting what they saw are placed by the teacher in the calendar. At the same time, one should select those in which what is seen is most accurately or figuratively represented. Work with the calendar of nature. In the older group of the kindergarten, the calendar of nature can be somewhat complicated, since children of the sixth year of life have increased the ability to perceive and comprehend natural phenomena, reflect what they see in drawings, as well as the simplest schematic images. Seasonal phenomena of nature, the state of the weather can be presented in the calendar in more detail, with the help of conventional signs. At the same time, the educator should use the calendar not only as a means of fixing the observations of children, but also to develop their ability to “read” the calendar.

Growing up to an older preschool age observation, as well as the knowledge accumulated by children about weather variability, make it possible to use a significant number (6–7) of conditional images of weather phenomena in the calendar. For example, autumn weather events can be represented by conditional images.

By the second half of the year, the children of the older group have some initial knowledge about time (day, week). Therefore, the teacher can add a conditional image of the week to the calendar (a strip with cells according to the number of days of the week) and teach children to independently mark the state of the weather. Such fixed observations allow children to show the variability of the weather, the dynamism of natural phenomena in a relatively short period of time, and also to consolidate ideas about the days of the week. In the calendar of nature in the older group, as well as in the middle one, the most interesting drawings of children should be placed, reflecting their observations of the weather, the life of plants and animals, and people. The educator should encourage children to make independent observations, express interest in this activity, evaluate it positively, form the need to sketch what they saw, talk about it using their own drawing. Near the calendar of nature it is good to have everything you need for drawing - paper, pencils or paints.

They design calendars of nature in the older group in different ways. For example, at the beginning of the year, a calendar may be used with little complication compared to middle group. In it, plot pictures depicting various seasonal phenomena are replaced by conditional images. Added images of new weather conditions


When developing a specific lesson, the teacher should refer to the kindergarten program and determine the amount of knowledge, skills of cognitive or practical activities that should be learned by children. It is most advisable to use for this lesson, conducted by the method of observation. A special type of activity is also widely used - excursions into nature. If for some reason direct observation of objects is impossible or difficult, the accumulation of specific ideas can be carried out in the classroom using didactic pictures (examination of pictures of natural history content).

Thus, classes provide a consistent complication, enrichment and expansion of knowledge, skills and abilities, their generalization.


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Sections: Working with preschoolers

The concept of “phenological observations”

The world has changed fundamentally in recent decades. Today, everyone knows about the existence of environmental problems that threaten human health, that most of the world's population is cut off from nature, as they live in cities among asphalt and reinforced concrete structures. Cities are growing more and more, forests are being cut down, ponds and lakes are swamping, land, water in rivers and seas are being polluted. The detrimental impact on nature is the result of the destruction of the personality, the inner world of a person, his worldview and consciousness. It is very important to rethink the values ​​by which humanity lives and to re-evaluate and realize all possible forms of interaction with the surrounding world of nature. After all, it is nature that is rightfully the pantry of our development - physical, intellectual, spiritual. Based on this, one of the most relevant contemporary problems is the problem of "greening" the consciousness of all segments of the population, the development of each person, regardless of his age, the need for environmentally competent interaction with the natural world. And it is very important from the first years of life to form the beginning of an ecological culture in a child, to introduce children to the mysteries and beauty of nature every day, so that in early childhood a sense of community with it arises in every person. It is necessary to educate a humane, socially active, creative personality, able to understand and love the world nature and take good care of them.

Considering bioecology and talking about natural factors influencing the vital activity of living organisms, it is impossible not to touch upon such an issue as phenological observations. Based on observations of nature, the changes taking place in it, children develop not only observation, interest and love for nature, respect for all living things, but also the development of cognitive activity that affects the harmonious comprehensive development of the child's personality.

The laws of periodic seasonal changes in the life of plants and animals are studied by the science of phenology; observation of these phenomena is called phenological.

Phenological observations are a type of observation aimed at familiarizing a preschooler with seasonal phenomena in nature.

The Big Encyclopedic Dictionary "Agriculture" gives the following definition of phenological observations: these are observations of seasonal phenomena and processes in the life of plants and animals and the prediction of the timing of their onset.

Seasonal changes in nature are called periodic phenomena that repeat annually in the same sequence. The seasons are characterized by different light and temperature conditions that determine the course of changes in the life processes of plants and animals. Each of the periods of the seasons is determined by geographical location and climatic conditions.

When conducting phenological observations, the dates of the onset of the development phases of wild and cultivated plants are recorded (for example, budding of trees and shrubs, their flowering, fruit formation); dates of arrival and departure of birds; the appearance of various types of insects and more. Phenological observations provide information on the dynamics of the development of flora and fauna during the annual cycle in comparison with hydrometeorological conditions.

Reasons for seasonal changes. The change of seasons occurs due to the annual revolution of the Earth around the Sun, while the inclination of the earth's axis to the plane of the orbit remains unchanged. The position of the Earth in its orbit determines the onset of the astronomical seasons. The brightness and duration of daily solar radiation at different times of the year affects the air and soil temperature, humidity, which entails changes in the life of plants and animals. But due to the inconsistency of periodic weather changes, the astronomical beginnings of the seasons do not coincide with the timing of the onset of periodic phenomena in wildlife. So, for example, according to the calendar, spring comes on March 1, and the astronomical date for the onset of spring is on the day of the vernal equinox (March 21); do naturalists consider March 19 to be the beginning of spring? average time of arrival of rooks. The timing of the onset of seasonal phenomena and their duration are relative, for example, the arrival of rooks varies between March 7 and 31.

For example, summer does not begin on June 22, with the beginning of astronomical summer, but earlier, and it does not end on September 23, but also earlier than this date. This circumstance forced nature researchers to take into account, in addition to astronomical, other indicators of the seasons.

The study of seasonal phenomena. The essence of these observations is to follow the course of seasonal phenomena and record the dates of their onset, and in some cases their end. On the basis of many years of phenological observations, local lore organizations compile phenological calendars (calendars of nature). Observing the same objects from year to year, and fixing the same phenomena, scientists carefully record the timing of these phenomena, and then derive (calculate) the average timing of the observed seasonal phenomena in a particular area. For example, the average flowering time for willow in the Moscow region falls on April 22.

Observations of seasonal phenomena include observations of changes in the duration of different parts of the day, regular changes in air temperature, and the nature of precipitation. The main content of observations are observations of the growth, development, and condition of plants and animals. In the process of systematic observations, scientists note certain moments (phenophases) in the life of the observed objects. So, in trees and shrubs, this will be the beginning of sap flow, swelling of the buds, the beginning of leaf deployment, the appearance of buds, flowering, mass flowering, the end of flowering, the beginning of ripening of fruits and seeds, the beginning of autumn leaf coloring, the beginning of leaf fall, the full autumn coloring of leaves, the end of leaf fall. . Phenological forecasts that predict what the coming spring and summer will be like help field growers choose the right plant varieties for sowing, and gardeners help protect gardens from the damaging effects of frost. Phenological observations of the life of insects in connection with the growth and development of plants make it possible to establish the timing of the control of pests of cultivated plants.

Significance of studying seasonal phenomena: The need to study seasonal phenomena arose in man a very long time ago, in connection with the development of agriculture, fishing, and hunting. In our time, the climate is rapidly changing, and these studies do not lose their relevance for agriculture.

By annually determining the dates of the onset of seasonal changes and comparing them with the time of agricultural work, it is possible to establish the best time for tillage, sowing seeds, and thereby increase the yield. So, for example, according to the data of the K. A. Timiryazev agrobio station, the largest yield of cucumbers is obtained when they are sown during the flowering of purple lilac and yellow acacia. The best time for sowing turnips? aspen flowering time.

Parallel observations of the course of development of plants and insects that feed on them facilitate the establishment of deadlines for the control of pests of cultivated plants.

Phenological observations provide rich factual material that helps to understand the essence of the basic law of biology? the unity of the organism and the conditions of life necessary for it. Observations broaden the horizons of a person, increase his interest and love for nature. At the same time, they do not require sophisticated equipment and are available to anyone.

The influence of phenological observation on the development of a preschooler.

Children are inquisitive explorers of the world around them. This feature is inherent in them by nature. At one time, I.M. Sechenov wrote about an inborn and “extremely precious” property of the neuropsychic organization of a child - an unconscious desire to understand the life around him. This property of I.P. Pavlov called the “what is it?” reflex, under the influence of which the child discovers the qualities of objects, establishes new connections between them.

The educational value of nature can hardly be overestimated. Communication with nature has a positive effect on a person, makes him kinder, softer, awakens the best feelings in him. The role of nature in the upbringing of children is especially great, it is the source of the first concrete knowledge and those joyful experiences that are often remembered for a lifetime.

The experience of ecological education of preschoolers shows that systematic observations of natural phenomena, of every living being, has a profound effect on children.

In a preschool institution, children are introduced to nature, the changes taking place in it at different times of the year. Based on the acquired knowledge, such qualities as a realistic understanding of natural phenomena, curiosity, the ability to observe, think logically, and treat all living things aesthetically are formed. Love for nature, the skills of caring for it, caring for living beings give rise not only to interest in nature, but also contribute to the formation of the best character traits in them, such as patriotism, diligence, respect for the work of adults who protect and increase natural wealth. Nature contributes to the mental development of children, their logical thinking.

Children always and everywhere in one form or another come into contact with nature. Green forests and meadows, bright flowers, butterflies, beetles, birds, animals, moving clouds, falling snow flakes, streams, even puddles after a summer rain? all this attracts the attention of the little ones, makes them happy, and provides rich food for their development. The perception of nature helps to develop such qualities as cheerfulness, emotionality, a sensitive, attentive attitude to all living things. A child who loves nature will not mindlessly pick flowers, destroy nests, and offend animals.

Playing in the forest, in the meadow, on the shore of a lake or river, picking mushrooms, berries, flowers, caring for and observing animals and plants give children many joyful experiences. All his life a person keeps memories of the river in which he swam as a child, of the lawn on which he ran after a motley butterfly and picked flowers. From close attention to nature, from attachment to the place of children's games, love for one's land, for native nature, for the Motherland arises and develops, a sense of patriotism is brought up.

The color, shape and smell of flowers and fruits, the singing of birds, the murmur of a stream, the splash of water, the rustle of grass, the rustle of dry leaves, the crunch of snow underfoot? all this allows children to feel nature and can serve as rich material for the development of their aesthetic sense, sensory education.

If an adult teaches children to admire the bright colors of the sky at sunset and sunrise, the intricate shape of snowflakes, the flight of a bird, the child will develop an artistic taste, he will be able to better understand the world around him, he will strive to create beauty with his own hands.

The beauty and diversity of nature at any time of the year, changes within each of them directly affect the emotional state of children, make them want to observe, ask, reason, and tell. Watching bright, colorful phenomena (leaf fall, snowfall, snowstorm, thunderstorm), children want to comprehend them, ask questions and gradually come to their understanding, they can explain why birds fly away in autumn, why puddles are frozen today, why snow is melting, etc. . This creates favorable conditions for the development of logical thinking and speech.

Nature surrounds the child early years, it is a source of new knowledge of various natural phenomena. For the development of the child's thinking and speech, a rich sensory experience is necessary, which he receives from the perception of various objects, the natural world, and social life.

The special role of nature in the development of logical thinking and coherent speech was emphasized by K.D. Ushinsky. He considered the logic of nature the most accessible, visual and useful for the child. It is the direct observation of the surrounding nature “... that will constitute those initial logical exercises of thought on which the logicality, the truth of the word itself depends, and from which logical speech and understanding of grammatical laws will then follow by itself.”

The ability to observe the changes taking place in nature with the change of seasons, developed in the process of knowing nature, gives rise to the habit of drawing conclusions, brings up the logic of thought, clarity and beauty of speech - the development of thinking and speech goes as a single process.

Each acquaintance with nature is a lesson in the development of the child's mind, creativity, feelings. The systematic use of observation in acquaintance with nature teaches children to look closely, to notice its features and leads to the development of observation, and therefore, the solution of one of the most important tasks of mental education.

The diversity, brightness, beauty of nature, the visibility of its connections and dependencies ensure the accessibility of their understanding by children and have a significant impact on the improvement of their mental activity and thinking. The child learns to find and correctly define in words the causal and temporal dependence, sequence, interconnection of objects and natural phenomena, learns to explain the observed in an elementary way. The ability of children to compare, compare, draw conclusions is being improved. This creates the prerequisites for the formation of such valuable qualities of coherent speech as reliability, evidence, consistency, clarity. The child learns to reason, tell, describe.

In order for the child's thinking to continue to develop in the process of getting acquainted with nature, purposeful guidance of the teacher is necessary. The educator must be able to correctly select cognitive material and think over the methods and techniques with which he can best convey its content.

The systematization of knowledge about the seasons occurs on the basis of establishing temporal (what happens and when) and cause-and-effect (from what certain phenomena occur) relationships. It is important to develop in children the ability to observe changes in natural phenomena, to cultivate a sense of love for all living things, to teach some simple ways to protect nature.

The very value of preschool childhood is obvious: the first seven years in a child's life is a period of rapid growth and intensive development, a period of continuous improvement of physical and mental capabilities, the beginning of personality formation.

The achievement of the first seven years is the formation of self-consciousness: the child distinguishes himself from the objective world, begins to understand his place in the circle of close and familiar people, consciously navigate in the surrounding objective-natural world, isolate its values.

During this period, the foundations of interaction with nature are laid, with the help of adults, the child begins to realize it as a common value for all people.

All the outstanding thinkers and educators of the past gave great importance nature as a means of raising children: Ya.A. Comenius saw in nature a source of knowledge, a means for the development of the mind, feelings and will.

K.D. Ushinsky spoke about the need to "lead children into nature" in order to tell them everything that is accessible and useful for their mental and verbal development.

The role of phenological observation in the system of ecological education of preschoolers was first formulated in the works of Z.D. Sizenenko-Kazanets, A.F. Mazurina, M.V. Lucic et al., and for a long time a great help for practitioners of preschool education was their methodological manuals and recommendations. The ideas of familiarizing preschoolers with nature were developed in the theory and practice of Soviet preschool education in articles methodical works(O. Ioganson, A.A. Bystrov, R.M. Bass, A.M. Stepanova, E.I. Zalkind, E.I. Volkova, E. Gennings, etc.); more than one generation of educators studied according to the textbook by S.A. Veretennikova. An important role was played by the work of leading teachers and methodologists, whose focus was the formation of observation as the main method of getting acquainted with the environment, accumulating, clarifying and expanding reliable information about nature (Z.D. Sizenko, S.A. Veretennikova, A.M. Nizova , L.I. Pushnina, M.V. Luchich, A.F. Mazurina, etc.).

In modern programs for environmental education, the principle of seasonality in teaching children is a necessary condition for environmental education and upbringing of preschoolers.

Regular observations of seasonal changes are carried out on the basis of noticeable phenomena in nature. All received data is structured into a single system. It's called general phenology. Let's take a closer look at this discipline. Find out what the science of phenology studies.


The official history of phenology began in the middle of the 19th century. The term was first proposed by Charles Morrand (botanist from Belgium). Phenology as a science is a system of knowledge and a collection of information about seasonal phenomena in nature, their causes and timing of occurrence. Observations are made on the basis of the so-called pheno-indicators (what it is - we will discuss below). Speaking about what phenology studies, it should also be mentioned that in the course of research spatio-temporal patterns of cyclic changes in natural objects and their groups associated with the movement of the Earth around the Sun during the year are determined.


As mentioned above, phenological observations are made on the basis of noticeable natural phenomena. These, for example, include the appearance of "earrings" on a birch or yellowing of the leaves. All these signs are called "pheno-indicators". They characterize the transition of wildlife from one seasonal phase to another.

Average temperature indicators

Based on these parameters, a more specific definition of natural phenomena is carried out. So, for example, a steady transition to an average temperature per day above 0 degrees is considered the climatic arrival of spring, and more than 15 - summer. Speaking about what phenology is, one cannot fail to say that the entire system of research is based on the analysis of periods of different duration. So, for example, narrower changes in temperature indicators are considered - after five degrees. As a result, each season is divided into short periods - phenological phases. Each period has its own complex (phenomena). Thanks to them, researchers distinguish one phase from another. Periods according to the most characteristic phenomena have their own names, which are fixed in folk calendars.

Research method

Seasons and seasons correspond to each other. Visual phenological observations, which are a traditional technique or method of research, make it possible to record the timing of the onset of certain phenomena. To achieve comparability of information obtained by different researchers, special programs, atlases and explanations for them are compiled. Such methodological publications describe the phenophases of plants and seasonal phenomena of the animal world. For scientific purposes, phenological observations are a way to study geographical and biological objects and establish patterns.

Spring: general information

Above, considering the question of what phenology is, we mentioned that this system has a special structure. In addition to the fact that seasons are distinguished in the discipline (comparatively long periods corresponding to the seasons), there are also shorter periods of time - phases. So, spring includes 4 sub-seasons. Each of them has its own indicators.

Snow melting

This is the first season of spring. It begins with the formation of the first thawed patches in the field. The end of the period is determined by the first flowering of hazel-hazel and During this stage, larks, starlings, gulls and rooks arrive. In birches and maples, swelling of the buds and the movement of juice are noted. Snow begins to melt on the fields and gradually disappears, water bodies are freed from ice. In this sub-season, ice fishing ends and open water fishing begins. Some inhabitants of reservoirs (ruff, asp, podust, dace, ide, pike) begin to prepare, and in some places they start spawning. In some areas, bream and roach are caught quite well during this period.

Spring revival

The beginning of the second sub-season coincides with the flowering of gray alder. The most accurate indicator of this period for urban residents is considered to be coltsfoot, turning yellow in wastelands. The beginning of the phenomena characteristic of this period in the Central band is usually noted on April 15-20. At this time, the final disappearance of ice in reservoirs is observed. The soil begins to dry out from above. At the same time, country roads become passable for people and accessible for transport. This, in turn, opens the way for fishermen to remote places. In the second sub-season, woodcocks and cranes arrive, bumblebees appear, frogs begin to "voice". At the same time, the revival of earthworms is noted. As for the river dwellers, the spawning of ide and pike is coming to an end, in asp and ruff it continues, and in perch and bream it is just beginning. In this sub-season, the birches have already budded, and the elm is gathering dust.

The height of spring

At the beginning of the third sub-season, the birch trees are already dressed in green foliage. For about two decades, warming has been observed at this time. The air temperature rises not only during the day, but also at night. The greenery of bushes and trees becomes denser, the flowering of orchards begins. There are more insects, as well as songbirds that feed on them. In the fields, in the meadows and in the forests, rapid greenery and flowering are noted. Nightingale trills become audible in coastal thickets, and quail trills in meadows and fields. The corncrake also begins to sing. Other signs include the completion of spawning at the ide and continuation at the podust and roach. Pike zhor begins, fishing for bream, which has managed to partially spawn, chub and crucian opens. The end of the subseason is evidenced by the flowering of purple lilac and mountain ash.


The fourth sub-season is characterized by the completion of flowering by earing of meadow grasses and winter rye. The phenomena occurring during this period coincide with the flight of dragonflies. On the upland, the flowering of the daisy grass is noted, and on the damp areas - forget-me-nots.

Summer: 1 sub-season

First of all, it must be said that it is divided into three phases. The first is the beginning of summer. This stage is evidenced by the flowering of wild rose. It, in turn, is accompanied by other phenomena. So, for example, mock orange and viburnum bloom in the gardens, rye, flax and cornflower in the field, and a white water lily on the water. The temperature rises, the air warms up more and more. This is the time of the longest days of the year. There is an increase in temperature in water bodies.

"Full" summer

The beginning of the second, main, subseason coincides with the small-leaved. This phenomenon in the Central band is observed, as a rule, between July 5 and 15. In big cities, however, this happens a little earlier. As a passing indicator of the onset of full summer, one should use the ripening of black and red currants, garden strawberries, and blueberries in the forest. The nightingales begin to subside and the cuckoos fall silent. Yellow tansy and blue chicory bloom on city lawns. Grasshoppers appear in large numbers.

summer recession

This is the last, third season. The period is characterized by the beginning of lingonberry ripening. The nights are noticeably longer. Cold dew begins to fall at dawn. The water temperature in rivers and ponds is gradually decreasing. The grass, which was cut during haymaking, has time to grow up by this time.

Autumn: the beginning

This season, like the summer one, includes three phases. In the European part of the Russian Federation, the entire period lasts a little more than 3 months. The beginning of autumn is characterized by the appearance of yellow strands in the crown of elm, linden and birch. The end of the subseason is noted when the number of green and colored leaves becomes approximately the same. This is most often observed in the last ten days of September, and in humid and warm autumn - in early October. Honey mushrooms begin to appear in the forest. In the air there is a net, a flying web. The water continues to cool, however, in large reservoirs, the decrease in temperature occurs unevenly, starting from the upper layer.

"Golden autumn"

The second subseason is characterized by widespread yellowing and leaf fall. Forests gradually begin to become bare, birds gather in flocks and fly away to warmer climes. Starlings and rooks roaming along the roadsides and outskirts of fields are also preparing for migration. The end of leaf fall in elm, aspen and birch indicates the beginning of deep autumn. This period lasts until the very first snow. The temperature is getting lower, the last flocks of ducks, swans and geese fly south. Water and ground air are cooling faster and faster.


Autumn ends the period, which is at the same time the transition to winter. Actually, for this this subseason got its name. At the beginning of this period, the first snow falls. The phase ends with freeze-up and the formation of a toboggan run.


Researchers also divide this season into three phases. During the whole period, the plants remain in deep rest, and of the whole variety of birds, only those remain that are well adapted to the winter cold. It becomes almost empty in the forest - almost all animals hibernate, and those who do not sleep hide in burrows. As a rule, winter starts from the end of November and lasts until about the second half of March.

first winter

At the beginning of this first sub-season, water bodies are covered with solid ice. From this moment, ice fishing opens. The phase ends on the 20th of December, during the winter solstice. At first, intense biting becomes somewhat "capricious" as the ice cover becomes thicker, the days are shorter, and the volume of dissolved oxygen in the water decreases.

Root winter

This is the second subseason. It usually starts in February. At this time, the great tit begins to "sing".

Winter break

The final phase comes with the addition of daylight hours. From this moment comes the "spring of light". Icicles begin to grow, drops ring. During the day, the sun heats up noticeably.

The relationship of phenomena

Returning to the question of what phenology is, we note that within the framework of the discipline, not only natural phenomena are studied. Here it should be noted the dependence of the duration of seasons and phases on the landscape and geographical location territory. All periods are interconnected. Each phase occurs in a certain period of time. For example, the spring movement of sap occurs first at the Norway maple. 2 weeks after it starts, swelling of the buds near the birch will be noted, which, in turn, is a signal for anglers: it means that the ide is becoming active. As already mentioned, it is of great importance during the day. Until it rises above 5 degrees (with a plus sign), the plants are in forced rest.

Why is research needed?

Methods and tasks of phenology are of practical importance, and first of all - for National economy. Patterns underlie the calendaring of seasonal events. They, in turn, are used in the organization of work on nature protection, the fight against diseases of useful plants, and the timely elimination of pests. Information about the periods of mass flight of birds is important for aviation. Remote sensing of the earth's surface needs data on the optimal time for carrying out research on the timing of bird migration. The results of visual phenological observations are used in the design of sanatoriums, planning tourist routes. Researches allow to identify local natural indicators, which, in turn, make it possible to determine the seasonal state of nature and predict the nature of the growing season.

Phenological maps, especially large-scale ones, are needed for planning certain seasonal productions. Natural signals are important in the development of territories and breeding of new species of animals and plants. Thus, speaking about what phenology is, we can make an obvious conclusion: this discipline is complex. It includes various techniques and research methods. Everything that phenology studies allows the most rational use of the natural environment.