Autumn marathon event in elementary school. Scenario of extracurricular activities for primary school - autumn marathon


about holding a sports competition

"Autumn marathon"

General provisions

This regulation determines the procedure and conditions for participation in the “Autumn Marathon” sports competition and the requirements for participants.


Time and place

Competition tasks








7. Composition of the jury

The size of the jury is set at 3 people. The composition of the jury is determined by the organizers of the event. The jury consists of a primary school teacher and one parent representative. Competitions are assessed on a 5-point system. After every two tests, the jury reads out the results.

8. Awarding the winners

The team with the most points is considered the winner. All teams will be awarded certificates for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place

Sports competition scenario

"Autumn marathon"

Target: promoting a healthy lifestyle, nurturing love and interest in physical education.


to develop independence and the ability to act in a peer group;

develop motor skills and mental abilities of students;

cultivate positive moral and volitional qualities;

strengthen friendships between students.

Equipment and inventory: skittles; hoops; jump ropes - 30, whistle - 1, stands -5, rings - 20. caps, balls of different sizes.

Progress of the event

Leading: Hello guys, dear guests. Today we have an unusual autumn marathon. We welcome you to our sports arena.

These are the best of the best students at our school: they are too lazy to sit in front of the TV, they don’t spoil their eyes in front of the computer, they don’t read boring books. They are a perpetual motion machine, they cannot sit still, the sun, air and water are their faithful friends.

Sports people are so beautiful.

They have so much energy, vigor, strength.

Do you want to be at least a little like them?

Only sport will help you with this!

Guys, please tell me, in order to be strong, strong, healthy, besides sports, what else should I do? (children's answers). All the guys that you mentioned is very important. But today we will collect a basket of useful vitamins that are necessary for our body, which will allow us to be strong, agile, and courageous. After each completed task, vegetables (skittles) will be placed in the basket (presented by the jury)

The jury will evaluate you for each completed task using a 5-point system.

Well, here we go!

Teams, are you ready?
- Yes!
- Jury, are you ready?

I ask the teams to take their starting positions. Good luck to you guys and victories!


If you want to be healthy,

Get up earlier

Forget laziness.

And you need to do exercises,

Starting this day!

I invite all participants in the competition, and the fan to get up to exercise, and the jury will appreciate us.

Leading: What a great fellow you are! For excellent performance, we begin to collect our useful basket (the first vegetable is added to the basket).


Content: Attention task! In the center of our hall there is a hoop in which there are pins of different colors; letters are written on the pins, from which you must assemble a word. Each team has pins of only its own color. At a signal, each participant in turn goes to the center, takes a pin of only his color, returns to his team, and only then the next participant begins to complete the task. Once all the pins have been collected, individuals must assemble a word from the letters that are written on the back of the pin. The team that completes the task correctly and first wins.

Leading: We have completed the task, it’s time to fill our basket with healthy vegetables.


Content: Today I would like to invite you to go fishing. Have any of you already fished? Raise a hand? Great! This means that you will cope with my task without difficulty, and whoever does it for the first time, I assure you, it will be very interesting. Well, when the whistle blows, the first participant goes to the center of the circle, takes a fishing rod and tries to catch a fish, if a participant catches more than one fish, then he takes everything he caught. If a participant cannot catch a fish for a long time, he returns to the team without a catch. Each participant completes the task once. Once the task is completed, we calculate how much catch each team will have.



Content: It's time for our captains to fight. Do you know how good it is to shoot? How many of you have shot at the shooting range, raise your hands? Wonderful! So you have an idea how it's done. But today we will shoot with the help of balls, and our target will be a bucket. I suggest that the captains break ranks and choose one assistant who will stand near the basket with balls. At the signal, the assistant begins to throw balls to the captain, who is standing in the hoop, and you cannot go beyond the hoop, his task is to catch as many balls as possible in 1 minute. Whoever catches the most balls wins. Each hit is one point. Shall we check the accuracy?

Leading: Now we have completed one more task, filling our basket with healthy vegetables.


Content: Now we will be engaged in construction. In the center of the circle are colored modules. At the signal, each participant in turn goes to the center, takes the module and returns to the team. And so on, all participants take turns until the modules are over. Once all the modules have been disassembled, the participants’ task is to build the tallest and most stable house. But a small obstacle awaits you; our modules will be guarded by a bull. Attention, release the bull! If the bull hits you, you leave the module and return to the team without it.

Leading: The task is completed, the vegetable is in the basket.


Leading: We have completed all the tasks, and let's see what we got into the basket (children list vegetables) You see how many useful vitamins we have collected today. And these vitamins are very familiar to all of you.

Our competition has come to an end. And while the jury is summing up the results, I want to say that this is just the beginning, a small step towards health and good mood. Now we’ll find out what mood you’re in by completing one more small task. On my desk there are funny and sad vitamins. If you liked our event and everything worked out for you, I suggest you stick your funny vitamin card in the window of any carriage you like (the stand shows a train where children have stuck vitamins), if something didn’t work out for you today, then I suggest you stick on a sad vitamin. Now we are all going together to the land of a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and good mood.

And now the jury gives the floor! (The jury gives the floor)

Leading: Well, our event has come to an end.

Thank you all for your attention,
For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,
For the excitement of competition,
Guaranteed success.
Now the moment of farewell has come,
My speech will be short.
I say: “Goodbye!
See you again!

Explanatory note.

Primary school is a wonderful time for creativity, joy, and development of abilities. The main thing is to give children the opportunity to express themselves and open up. During music lessons, choreography, and extracurricular activities, children engage in different types of activities: play, sing, listen to music, analyze it, compose chants and songs, move to music, play musical instruments, draw, play various outdoor games.

A lot of material is being accumulated and I really want the guys to show what they have learned during this time. Calendar holidays, as well as non-traditional ones, help us with this.

I present to your attention the development of an extracurricular event “Autumn Marathon”. The name itself speaks of solemnity and serious preparation for it to actually take place. And children understand this very much.

The festival features performances of different genres: poetry, musical compositions, dramatization of songs, dances, skits, riddles,

game with spectators, team competition.

The celebration took place and everyone was happy. No one left without attention or without a gift.

Such meetings bring children of different ages together. Children's creative abilities, willpower, memory, thinking develop, timidity disappears, confidence appears, the ability to speak to the audience, a real, friendly team is born.

Scenario of the competition program “Autumn Marathon”.

Hello, dear guys!

Welcome to the kingdom of Autumn!

Look how beautiful it is outside

There are so many colorful leaves around.

Today we are going to visit a very famous sorceress.

You will find out who she is by solving the riddle:

“I came without paints and without a brush

And repainted all the leaves.”

Yes, we are going to visit the sorceress of Autumn.

Here we are a joyful holiday

Have fun,

Come, we are waiting for you (all together)

Autumn is golden!

(Autumn Appears)

Are you talking about me? Here I am!

Hello autumn to you, friends!

Are you excited to meet me?

Do you like the forest outfit -

Autumn gardens and parks?

I came to your holiday,

I want to sing and have fun,

I want to be with everyone here

Make strong friends!

Song: “Autumn Waltz” - Sakhnova N., Baeva Ya.

Autumn: I didn’t come to you empty-handed either, but I brought riddles. Guys, who can guess the answer, come to us and carry out my task.

1. Our school garden is empty.

Cobwebs fly into the distance,

And to the southern edge of the earth

The cranes arrived.

School doors opened.

What month has it come to us? (September)

2. The face of nature is becoming increasingly gloomy -

The gardens have darkened,

The bear fell into hibernation -

What month did he come to us? (October)

3. The field became black and white,

It rains, it snows,

And it got colder,

The waters of the rivers were frozen with ice.

The winter rye is freezing in the field,

What month is it, tell me? (november)

Well done guys, now we’ll play with you. I will give you envelopes with letters written in them, from these letters you must put together a phrase about autumn.

1 Competition: from the letters in the envelope, you must collect a phrase about autumn, whoever wins faster. (Golden autumn, cold autumn, sad autumn.).

Leading. It’s autumn outside the windows now... We call it differently: cold, golden, generous, rainy, sad... But, be that as it may, autumn is a wonderful time of year, it’s the time of harvesting, summing up the results of field work, it’s the beginning of studies in school, this is preparation for a long and cold winter... And no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - the native land is always beautiful, attractive, charming! And popular wisdom says: “Autumn is sad, but life is fun.” So let wonderful music sound on this October day, let unbridled cheerful laughter flow like a river, let your fun have no end!

And we invite you to watch the 3rd grade sketch “Turnip”.

Presenter: Now guys, prick up your ears, and let’s listen carefully to the riddles; whoever will guess the answer, come to me.

1. I grow in the garden,

And when I mature,

They cook a tomato from me,

They put it in cabbage soup and eat it like that. (Tomato)

2. Itself in the ground - a scythe on the street. (Carrot)

3. In the middle of the courtyard is a golden head. (Sunflower)

4. Our piglets

Grew up in the garden

Sideways towards the sun,

Crochet ponytails. (Cucumbers).

5. The moon is round, not

With a tail, not a mouse. (Turnip)

6. I grew up in a garden bed

My nasty character:

Wherever I go

I will bring everyone to tears. (Onion)

7. I tried all summer,

I got dressed, blushed...

And when autumn came,

She gave us some clothes. (Cabbage)

8. Above the ground there is grass, under the ground there is a brown head. (Beet).

Now guys, we’ll play, let’s divide into two teams.

2 competition. "Who can eat the apple faster"

You run one by one, take a piece of apple, eat, run back as you ate, and your friend continues the game, etc.

We played a little, and now we’ll watch the performance of 1st grade.

Song - 1st grade

Ved. And now guys, we will determine the participants in the next competition.

"Give me a word"

(to determine the next participants in the competition)

1. He is mustachioed and crawling,

Hid the nucleoli in the pod -

Saber-shaped fist.

You won't be able to figure it out if it's dried out,

It's called... (peas)

2. In the garden he fell on his side

Solid, cool-headed... (zucchini)

3. Green tail, red head,

This is a pointed-nosed... (carrot)

4. It is round and red,

Like the eye of a traffic light

Among vegetables there is no juicier... (tomato)

5. From frequent watering

Almost got wet

Shaggy dark green... (beetroot)

6. He's big, like a football

If it's ripe, everyone is happy,

Tastes so good

And his name is... (Watermelon)

7. Here's salt for you,

Here's bread and a spoon -

Cooked for dinner... (Potato)

8. Crunches deliciously and firmly

Full of juice... (Turnip)

Competition 3: “Pick up an acorn”

Put the acorn on the floor

Show yourself dancing.

The music will stop playing,

You need to grab the acorn quickly.

Ved. And now the 4th grade will perform their song.

Song - 4th grade.

Ved. Autumn is harvest time, when people have to work hard. Therefore, now we will remember the proverbs about work.

"Finish the proverb"

1. He who does not work... (does not eat.)

2. The sun paints the earth, and ... (man - labor.)

3. Where there is work, there is... (happiness.)

4. It’s time for business, but ... (an hour for fun).

5. Put off idleness, yes... (don't put off things.)

6. Without bowing to the ground and... (you won’t raise fungus.)

7. Without difficulty... (you can’t even pull a fish out of the pond.)

8. Labor feeds, but ... (laziness spoils.)

Competition 4: For you guys there will be the following task. Imagine you have some guests, and you need to go to the garden to pick some fruit, but it’s raining outside.

The task is two teams with umbrellas, one at a time, to run around a chair, etc.

Ved. And now the guys from 2nd grade will delight us with ditties.

Chastushki - 2nd grade.

Autumn is also the time to pick mushrooms. Let's check how well you know mushrooms. (The one who guessed the riddle goes up to the stage, two people each).

1. Both on the hill and under the hill

Under the birch and under the fir tree

Round dances and hardly

Are the fellows wearing hats? (mushrooms)

2. I'm growing up in a red cap

Among the aspen roots

You'll recognize me a mile away

My name is... (boletus)

3. On a stump, hardly at all

Well done guys are wearing hats. (honey mushrooms)

4. The yellow sisters are standing

And all their names are... (chanterelles).

5. With a white skirt on the leg

In a red hat, all in earrings.

But don't believe his beauty

This mushroom is scary, believe me. (fly agaric)

6. He is big, handsome, stately,

With a neat white leg

Growing in a pine forest

Autumn is delicious in soup. (boletus)

Competition 5: "Collect mushrooms"

2 participants are blindfolded. Cubes are scattered on the floor. To the music, they collect cubes (mushrooms) into baskets. Who is faster?

Song - 3rd grade.

I was pleased to see

How the boys are having fun

How they sing, play, dance,

But it's time to say goodbye!

Ved. With this our autumn holiday has come to an end. Thank you everyone for your active participation.

Purpose of the event:

  1. introduce students to autumn poems, music, test their knowledge of riddles, mushrooms, vegetables;
  2. introduce to folk culture; to cultivate feelings of patriotism, love for one’s people through their history;
  3. develop the creative abilities of children through introducing them to the culture of the Russian people.

Equipment, design, visibility.

Decoration of the hall in accordance with the theme of the holiday event. Accompanying music (Annex 1), colorful decorations in the form of leaves, berries, vegetables, landscapes. Presentation (Appendix 2).

Progress of the event

Characters: leader, 4 teams of 5th grades.

The melody of P. Tchaikovsky “Autumn Song” sounds. The holiday begins. Presenters from among the eleventh grade girls come up to the stage.

1st presenter.

Let's start our holiday!
This holiday is for you!
I want you a riddle
Now make a wish.
Try it quickly
Guess it:
In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly...
If you know, don't be silent,
Name the time of year. "Autumn".

1st presenter. That's right, autumn!

Musical fragments of autumn songs are included randomly between competitions.

Today we are holding the “Autumn Marathon”. 1st presenter represents the jury.

Teams of 5 classes introduce themselves: name, motto.

1st competition “Harvest”.

2nd presenter explains the conditions of the 1st competition.

In autumn, not only fruits, but also vegetables ripen. Now we will play a game with you “Harvest” (relay race). In front of each team there are images of vegetables and fruits. Whoever fills the basket (bag) with vegetables that is located in the opposite direction faster will win.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

2nd presenter.

Autumn! Glorious time!
Children love autumn.
Plums, pears, grapes -
Everything is ripe for the guys.
And seeing an important watermelon,
The kids will perk up.
And everyone will cordially say:
Hello, it's time for autumn!

2nd competition “Dreamers”.

1st presenter explains the conditions of the 2nd competition: 1 artist is invited from each team, who must draw a tree with his eyes closed in 1 minute. Then these drawings are presented to the jury.

3rd competition “Auction of autumn crafts”.

2nd presenter explains the conditions of competition 3: each team presents a craft and talks about it. Competitions 2 and 3 are held simultaneously.

The jury sums up the results of the competitions.

2nd presenter.

Falling leaves wander in the grove
Through the bushes, through the maples,
Soon he will look into the garden
Golden ringing.
Let's make a fan out of leaves,
Bright and beautiful.
The wind will run through the leaves,
Light and playful.

4th competition “Guess the riddle”.

1st Presenter: Guys, guess the riddles associated with autumn and harvest. Each team has 1 representative who will draw out riddles attached to images of autumn leaves, which are attached to a magnetic board. The whole team guesses. If the team does not know the answer, then others or spectators of the teams can guess.

  1. Do you know the notes “F” and “S”,
    It turns out? (Beans.)
  2. We ate one berry...
    The four of us sat down at a table and barely managed to overcome:
    They ate for almost half an hour, unfastened their belts;
    And there’s still some left to waste – that’s how I got the berry! (Watermelon.)
  3. The red maiden grew up in prison. (Carrot.)
  4. Rainy, but filling. (Autumn.)
  5. An owl is flying
    Across the blue sky
    Wings spread out
    The sun was covered up. (Cloud.)
  6. Largely, fractionally frequented,
    He watered the whole earth. (Rain.)
  7. Round, but not money,
    Red, but not a girl,
    With a tail, but not a mouse. (Turnip.)
  8. September. And green and thick
    A bush grew in the garden bed.
    Do some digging:
    Under the bush (potato).
  9. Above the ground there is grass, under the ground there is a scarlet head. (Beet.)
  10. The child grew up and did not know diapers. He became an old man with a hundred diapers on him. (Cabbage.)
  11. A woman sits in the garden beds, covered in patches; whoever tears off the patch will cry and leave. (Onion.)
  12. Yegor lies under the boundary, covered with a green veil. (Cucumber.)
  13. A green branch sticks out in the garden bed, and on it are red children. (Tomato)
  14. Little, bitter brother of Luke. (Garlic.)
  15. The golden head is large and heavy. The golden head lay down to rest. The head is large, only the neck is thin. (Pumpkin.)
  16. What is red on the outside, white on the inside, with a green tuft on its head? (Radish.)
  17. The head is on a leg, there are polka dots in the head. (Peas.)
  18. Amazing sun: this sun has a hundred windows, from those windows hundreds of little jackdaws look out. (Sunflower.)
  19. A bull lies - a white barrel,
    Plump, smooth,
    Tied to the garden bed. (Zucchini.)
  20. And the taste and color are pleasant, and tender and aromatic.
    I raised her in the garden and gave her water from a tub.
    So she grew up - a real moon! (Melon.)

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

5th competition “Mushroom pickers”.

1st presenter: Based on the external description, teams must guess what kind of mushroom they are talking about. Each team draws a number. The fifth task is completed by the team that names the mushroom first.

1. He is both beautiful and great.
This mushroom is boletus

4 Autumn. I'm tall in a red cap
Among the aspen roots,
You'll recognize me a mile away.
My name is boletus

5. September. Here are the mushrooms near the stump,
Apparently they are all related.
Everything is on a very thin leg,
And the name is mushrooms openki.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Leading. That's how smart our kids are. And they know how to solve riddles, and they know how to make beautiful plots, and they know how to harvest crops. Well done!!!

The jury sums up the results of the festival and awards the participants.

Autumn marathon

Progress of the event

(Melodies from the series "Charming Sounds of Nature" are played)

The forest is like a painted tower,
Purple, gold, crimson!
Standing over a sleepy clearing,
Enchanted silence.

Dear guys, we will take an amazing journey in which you will be the main characters. Today we will find ourselves in a fairyland, in a magical autumn kingdom. And those travelers who show themselves to be good experts in autumn will become the winners of our “Autumn Marathon”.

1 competition " Puzzles"

Autumn has come to visit us
And she brought it with her. . .
What? Say it at random!
Well, of course. . . (leaf fall)

The field, forest and meadow are wet,
City, house and everything around!
He is the leader of clouds and clouds,
You know this is -. . . . (rain)

The cold scares them so much
They fly to warm countries,
They can't sing and have fun
Who gathered in flocks? . . . (birds)

Following August comes,
Dances with the falling leaves
And he is rich in harvest,
Of course we know him! (September)

Our Queen, Autumn,
We will ask you together:
Tell your children your secret,
Who is your second servant? (October)

Who doesn't let us in warmly,
Does the first snow scare us?
Who calls us to the cold,
You know? Of course yes! (November)

There is no sun, there are clouds in the sky,
The wind is harmful and prickly,
It's blowing like this, there's no escape!
What's happened? Give an answer! (Late fall)

The sun doesn't warm us anymore
The drifting snow is blowing coldly!
The breeze blew into the puddle
And he chained her up. . . (Ice)

Rain and slush, dirt and wind,
Autumn, you are responsible for everything!
The man is freezing, he is freezing,
The first white one came out. . . (Snow)

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly. . . (Autumn)

Under the pine tree by the path
Who is standing among the grass?
There is a leg, but no boot,
There is a hat, but there is no head. (Mushroom)

I grow in the soil in a garden bed,
Red, long, sweet. (Carrot)

Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat,
Whoever undresses him sheds tears. (Onion)

The lady sat down in the garden bed,
Dressed in noisy silks.
We are preparing tubs for her
And half a bag of coarse salt. (Cabbage)

It's fun in the spring, cool in the summer,
Nourishes in autumn, warms in winter. (Tree)

In this smooth box
Bronze color
A small oak tree is hidden
Next summer. (Acorn)

They grow in summer and fall in autumn. (Leaves)

2nd competition "Vegetable and fruit blind man's buff"

Students with their eyes closed guess the layouts of objects (vegetables and fruits) by touch.

3 competition "Proverbs"

There are proverbs on sheets of paper; you need to match one half to the other.

1. To eat fish

We have to get into the water.

2. Work is not a wolf

He won't run into the forest

3. The ant is not big

Yes, he digs mountains.

4. Don't rush your tongue

Hurry up

5. Who gets up early

God provides for that.

6. Finished the job

Walk boldly.

7. Lazy guy knows the holidays

Yes, he doesn’t remember everyday life.

8. Working with teeth

And laziness with the language.

9. Labor feeds a person

But laziness spoils it.

10. Without difficulty

You can't even pull a fish out of a pond.

4 Competition "Frog Traveler"

You need to jump over bumps.

5th competition "Questions for ingenuity." Within 5 minutes, while the sand is falling, you need to answer questions.

1. Who sleeps upside down? (Bat)

2. What does moose lose every winter? (Horns)

3. Is the animal in our forests similar to a cat? (Lynx)

4. Where is the grasshopper's ear? (on the foot)

5. How many legs does a beetle have? (Six)

6. Fastest animal? (Cheetah)

7. Who picks apples with their backs? (Hedgehog)

8. Which bird is considered a symbol of wisdom and knowledge? (Owl)

9. Who is called the forest doctor? (Woodpecker)

11. Who is called a forest orderly? (Wolf)

12. Which tree is considered a symbol of Russia? (Birch)

13. What animals eat mushrooms? (Moose)

14. Who caught the “golden fish” in the net? (Old man)

15. Predatory fish that can even eat a person (Shark)

16. What is the name of fish soup? (Uha)

17. Who is the owner of the dense forests (Bear)

18. What animals can run into gardens and gnaw the bark of fruit trees? (Hares)

19. Name an animal of the desert that can survive without water for several days? (Camel)

20. The largest animal on land. Lives in evergreen tropical rainforests of Africa and Asia? (Elephant)

21. What note is put in the soup? (Salt)

22. How does “day” and “night” end? (b)

24. An animal is a stowaway. (Hare)

25. Animal - minibus. (Gazelle)

26. Animal - pedestrian crossing. (Zebra)

27. Animal - computer manipulator. (Mouse)

28. Animal - chess piece. (Elephant, knight)

29. Animal - zipper (Dog)

30. Which berry is black, red, white? (Currant)

31. What trees are called evergreen ? (Spruce, pine).

32. What is the largest bird in the world? (Ostrich)

33. This is the very first flower to appear from under the snow. (Snowdrop)

34. What are the names of animals whose bodies are covered with feathers? ( Birds).

35. What are the names of animals whose body is covered with scales? (Fish).

36. What are the names of animals whose bodies are covered with hair? (Beasts)

37. Who travels through the air on a string ? (Spider). ?

38. What bird breeds chicks in winter? (Crossbill.)

39. The animal that builds a house on the river . (Beaver.)

    The arrival of which birds signifies the beginning of spring? (Rooks.)

6th competition "Rebuses".

7 competition "Artists"

Students take turns drawing autumn landscapes with their eyes closed.

8 Competition “Experts of forest secrets”(additional)

All the letters in the words are mixed up. If you put them in the right order, you can read the names of the animals.

Brusca (badger)
Ablek (squirrel)
Puteh (rooster)
Obkasa (dog)
birch (zebra)
Kuta (duck)
Leso (donkey)
Tsurika (chicken)

Our journey has come to an end. We learned a lot of interesting things and remembered a lot. I would like to thank all the guys for their active participation and good knowledge. I wish you to preserve your love for nature forever!

Song "Autumn Leaf"

To eat fish

Yes, he digs mountains.

Work is not a wolf

God provides for that.

The ant is not big

We have to get into the water.

Don't rush your tongue

He won't run into the forest

Who gets up early

Hurry up

Finished the matter

You can't even pull a fish out of a pond.

Lazy guy knows the holidays

Walk boldly.

Working with teeth

But laziness spoils it.

Man's labor feeds

Yes, he doesn’t remember everyday life.


And laziness with the language.

Brusca Brusca

Ablek Ablek
Puteh Puteh
Obkasa Obkasa
Berza Berza
Kuta Kuta
Forest Forest
Tsurika Tsurika

Brusca Brusca

Ablek Ablek
Puteh Puteh
Obkasa Obkasa
Berza Berza
Kuta Kuta
Forest Forest
Tsurika Tsurika

Brusca Brusca

Ablek Ablek
Puteh Puteh
Obkasa Obkasa
Berza Berza
Kuta Kuta
Forest Forest
Tsurika Tsurika

Competition "Fruit-vegetable-berry"

The guys stand in a circle. In the center is the driver. He spins and repeats “fruit-vegetable-berry.”

As soon as he stops, he says any of these three words. The one he points to must quickly say the name of the fruit, vegetable or berry, depending on what word the driver said. At this time, the driver counts to three. If during this time a participant in the competition does not have time to name the word, then he is eliminated from the game. You cannot repeat words.

Competition "Holiday Menu"

Within five minutes they must come up with a holiday menu using autumn products. After the menu is drawn up, the guys read it out.

Competition "Autumn Diversity"

Within five minutes, they must come up with as many new words as possible from the expression “autumn diversity”. Letters cannot be repeated. When the guys have finished, they take turns saying the words. The team that comes up with the most words will be the winner.

Competition "Mushrooms-mushrooms"

The teacher gives a description of the mushroom, and the children must guess what kind of mushroom it is.

We know that you can’t eat mushrooms raw, but the name of this mushroom says that you can. (Russula)

If you pick up this mushroom, they will become covered in oil. (Oil Can)

This mushroom is red, and is called one of the cunning forest animals. (Fox)

The beautiful cap of this mushroom is speckled with red. She often misleads inexperienced mushroom pickers. (Amanita)

This mushroom grows only under birch trees. (Boletus)

And this mushroom grows only under aspen trees. (Boletus)

This mushroom is the “king of mushrooms”. And they call it only white. (Porcini)

"Autumn marathon"

Extracurricular activity for 6th graders

    « Happiness is being with nature, seeing it, talking to it.” L.N. Tolstoy

    "Man must decorate the earth." M. Sholokhov

    “I don’t know anything more beautiful than our land.” K.G. Paustovsky

Goals:show the beauty of Russian nature in poetry and painting, cultivate a love for nature, a caring attitude toward it, develop artistry, artistic taste, and aesthetic perception of works of art.


    1 office for teams.

    Presentation “Paintings by Russian artists”

    Computer, multimedia projector and screen.

    Blank sheets A 3, pencils, felt-tip pens, markers.

    Audio recorder.

    A cassette recording of works by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons. October"

    Shifted desks in different corners of the office.

Progress of the event

Organizational moment (5 min.)

3 teams p about 10 participants from classes (6a, 6b, 6c)

Organizers and jury of 7 students of grade 11a

1) Introducing your team, captain, name, motto.

2) Draw of lots.

1 competition: “Poetic” (10 - 15 min.)

Based on the results of the draw, teams take turns reading works of Russian poets (your own homemade preparations) dedicated to nature (for each work read - 1 point).

Competition 2: “Aesthetic” (15 min.)

Paintings by famous Russian artists are projected on the screen, for everyone to ponder The work is given 1 minute, and the teams write down their answers on a sheet, which at the end of the competition are submitted to the jury for processing (for each correct answer - 1 point).

Competition 3: “Creative” (5 min.)

Each team is given a task (the captains choose the envelopes themselves) :

1. Picture your favorite spot in the city.

3. Depict our city of Kotelniki, 20 years later.

The maximum number of points is 5.


While the jury is evaluating the third competition, the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons. October” and the correct answers to the slides with paintings by Russian artists are commented on.

The jury announces the winners based on the sum of three competitions and makes an award.

Answers to competition 2 "Aesthetic"

"Nature in the paintings of famous Russian artists."

1 slide:Presentation title .

Slide 2:Levitan, Isaac Ilyich. "March". Canvas, oil. Realism. Russia.

3 slide: Savrasov, Alexey Kondratievich. "The Rooks Have Arrived". Around 1870. 65 x 100.7 cm. Oil on canvas. Realism. Russia.

4 slide: Aivazovsky, Ivan Konstantinovich. "Morning at sea." 1883. 110 x 163 cm. Oil on canvas. Romanticism, realism. Russia. Minsk. National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus

Slide 5: Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov “Grandma’s Garden” 1878

6 slide: Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich. "Pinery". Mast forest in Vyatka province. 1872

7 slide: I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn"

8 slide: Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich. "Morning in a pine forest". 1889

Slide 9: Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov. "Gold autumn". 1893

10 slide: Aivazovsky, Ivan Konstantinovich. "The Ninth Wave" 1850. 221 x 332 cm. Oil on canvas. Romanticism, realism. Russia. Saint Petersburg. State Russian Museum

Assignments for a creative competition

1. Picture your favorite corner in the city of Kotelniki.

2. Draw your favorite time of year.

3. Depict our city Kotelniki, after 20 years.