Vegetable oil grade p. Classification and designations of particle boards (chipboards)

Corn oil - areas of application, benefits for the body, composition will help you understand whether you need to buy it or whether boiled cobs and popcorn are enough in the summer all year round. Read and get healthy.

Composition of corn oil. What vitamins is it rich in?

Corn grains were a staple food among the Mayans and Aztecs. Conquerors from Europe quickly appreciated the beneficial qualities of the plant and brought it home. Since then, various varieties with much greater fertility and larger cobs have been bred, and the chemical composition and biological properties of the components have been studied.
Now oil is made from corn grains in all countries. It is in great demand due to its good taste, ease of use, and biological composition, which ensures that a combination of useful substances enters the body.
It is known that the oil contains the following unsaturated acids:
  • oleic – from 24% to 42%
  • linoleic – from 34% to 62%
  • linolenic – up to 2%
In addition to these substances, it contains: up to 93 mg per kilogram of vitamin E and 0.85 g of sterols.
The content of tocopherols (vitamin E) exceeds the concentration of these substances in other vegetable oils. For example, olive oil contains 7 times less tocopherols.
Corn grains are storehouses of mineral salts that are not lost during technological processing and are preserved in oil.

Who benefits from corn oil and why?

Corn oil is beneficial for everyone without exception. A varied diet increases the total amount of biologically active components entering the body.
Oil from corn grains is especially valuable due to its high concentration of tocopherols. Vitamin E is known as a substance that promotes pregnancy in the mother's body. Pregnant women who are at risk of miscarriage are prescribed medications tocopherol.
As a preventive measure, the oil can be consumed in moderation by all women who dream of adding to their family.
Vitamin E has an increased tendency to bind free radicals, inhibits oxidative processes, promotes rejuvenation of the body, and strengthens the immune system.
Important. Tocopherols are beneficial when ingested through regular foods. Healthy people do not need to take vitamin medications without a doctor's prescription.
Corn oil contains a large amount of sterols, substances that normalize cholesterol metabolism. Sterols found in plants are called phytosterols. They are more potent than synthetic substances or similar components isolated from animal sources.
Corn oil is beneficial for all adults and children. There is no evidence in the literature of intolerance to this product or contraindications to its use.

Applications of corn oil

In our country, corn oil is produced in several forms in accordance with state standards.
  • Products of grade P are intended for processing and subsequent industrial refining
  • SK brand oil is added to margarines, frying and cooking fats, and used to produce a variety of food products
  • Oil marked D is used for the production of baby and dietary food.
  • Products labeled P predominate in the retail chain; they are also supplied to restaurant and catering enterprises
The population buys oil in regular stores, where they mainly stock the P brand, and in wholesale sales places, where all types of brands can be presented.
For home use, it makes sense to buy oil with the designation P in regular grocery stores with a good reputation. It is useful not only to add oil to salads and other dishes, but also to rub it into the hair roots. Cosmetologists claim that this procedure makes hair more elastic, thick and silky.
If funds allow, you can purchase products labeled D for food. They undergo additional purification, so they cost a little more.

Is it possible to fry food in corn oil?

When choosing oil for frying, the amount of oxidation products formed during heating and the rate of smoke are of decisive importance. For corn oil, both indicators have good values, allowing us to safely recommend it for frying. There is no need to reuse the remaining oil after cooking the dish. During storage, harmful substances are formed in it.

The Best Corn Oil Brands on the Market

Many enterprises have mastered the technology of obtaining oil from corn grains. This is done by pressing or extraction. Unfortunately, the extraction method is not specified in most oilseed products. The composition and quality of products is controlled. If you can get information about the technology, you should choose pressed oil rather than extracted oil.
In any case, you need to buy products in glass containers, displayed in refrigerated display cases. Oil in plastic packaging, when stored in the light without a refrigerator, can oxidize and contain harmful impurities.
Responsible domestic and foreign manufacturers indicate the production technology, deadlines for implementation, and attach quality certificates.
If this information is not available, then it is better to refrain from purchasing from this retail location.

Comparison of corn and sunflower oil: video

Both types of oilseed plants do well in our country. Therefore, there is no shortage of domestic raw materials. Products have affordable prices. It is important for buyers to know which of the oils that are similar in cost is better to choose. Each of them has its own merits. Technologists and physiologists believe that it is better to use corn oil for frying. For raw consumption, it makes sense to use both products. The main task is to maximize the diversity of the diet. The attached video contains a fascinating story about the characteristics of vegetable oils.

Corn (maize) oil is not the most popular among vegetable oils, and it cannot be said that it is much healthier than others, for example, sunflower or soybean. It cannot boast of history either. Many vegetable oils were known and widely used in ancient times, and edible corn oil was obtained only at the end of the 19th century in the USA. Nevertheless, this oil also has its advantages.

A rich set of useful substances was found in corn oil: beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, vitamin K, B1, B2, B3, and the content of vitamin E in it is especially high (almost 2 times higher than in). It also contains a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids called vitamin F, lecithin and other beneficial substances.

Corn oil helps normalize fat metabolism.

Nutritionists advise using this vegetable oil for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system and atherosclerosis. The complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids and lecithin contained in the oil help normalize fat metabolism in the body, resulting in a healthy level of cholesterol in the blood. It is especially important that the level of so-called bad cholesterol decreases and the risk of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and blood clots in blood vessels is reduced.

By normalizing fat metabolism, corn oil helps to lose excess weight, so it is often a component of diets. Like most vegetable oils, it has a laxative effect due to its mild stimulation of intestinal motility. In addition, digestive processes are activated due to the choleretic effect of the oil, since it increases.

Corn oil is beneficial to one degree or another for almost all body systems. When consumed regularly, the risk of cancer and diseases of the nervous system is reduced, the aging process of the body is slowed down, and the immune status is improved. Due to the high content of vitamin E, this product can improve the condition of the skin and hair, which is why it is recommended to add it to the diet of people with dry and flaky skin.

Corn oil is very useful for children, it is considered the safest (allergies to it are extremely rare), is easily absorbed by the body and contains a whole range of substances that promote normal growth and development.

Harm of corn oil

Healthy people should not overuse corn oil because of its high calorie content and large amount of vitamin E in its composition. In order for the body to receive a portion of useful substances, it is enough to consume 1-2 tablespoons of this oil per day.

Production and use of corn oil

Corn oil is produced from the germ of corn seeds, which are a by-product of the processing of this raw material. The oil is obtained by pressing (cold or hot raw materials) or extraction. Refined and deodorized corn oil is consumed as food. Depending on the processing method, there are several brands of this product (we note those that can be found on store shelves):

grade D – refined and deodorized corn oil intended for baby and dietary nutrition;

brand P is also refined and deodorized oil, supplied to retail outlets and catering establishments.

Other brands of oil are used in the production of margarine and for technical purposes.

Refined corn oil should be transparent, light yellow in color, practically tasteless and odorless. Many people believe that unrefined vegetable oils are much healthier than refined ones, so they are in no hurry to purchase the latter. However, the purification process is necessary for corn oil that will be used for food purposes. This is due to the fact that when preparing raw materials for pressing, various chemicals are used, which are then completely removed from the finished product. In addition, when growing corn on an industrial scale, various fertilizers are often used, as a result of which harmful substances can enter the oil, which are also removed from it during refining.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Corn oil is a fatty vegetable oil obtained from corn seeds. Corn oil has a pleasant smell and taste. Color - from light yellow to reddish brown.

Calorie content of corn oil

The calorie content of corn oil is 899 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of corn oil

The main advantage of this edible type of oil compared to other vegetable oils is the large amount of (), which is the strongest antioxidant that protects the body from premature aging, as well as corn oil, thanks to proper operation gonads, will be useful for women during pregnancy, protects cells from possible mutations (calorizator). Corn oil strengthens the body's defenses, fights fatigue and muscle weakness, thanks to the presence of this type of vegetable oil helps prevent atherosclerosis and reduces the likelihood of blood clots.

Thanks to its balanced composition, corn oil is easily absorbed by the body. It is an easily digestible dietary product.

Use of corn oil in cooking

Corn oil is widely used in cooking. Sauces and mayonnaise are made from it, used in baking culinary products, and used in making food for children.

Types and brands of corn oil

Corn oil is divided into types and brands:

  • unrefined,
  • refined, non-deodorized,
  • refined deodorized grade D (for the production of baby and dietary food products),
  • refined deodorized grade P (for supply to retail chains and catering establishments).

To obtain oil, the germ of corn kernels is pressed or extracted. Refined corn oil is golden yellow in color; it is used in the manufacture of confectionery products.

Oil from corn kernels cannot be stored for a long time, as it acquires an unpleasant odor. Therefore, it reaches store shelves refined. During the deodorization process, specific odor substances are removed from corn oil.

Housewives all over the world use it for culinary purposes. Corn oil is a real godsend for cosmetologists, because it is able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, is a hypoallergenic product and is suitable for absolutely all skin types and all ages. And the wonderful vitamin and mineral complex contained in it makes it a product quite in demand in medicine. But first things first.

general description

The history of corn oil is relatively short. Many oils were known in ancient times and were widely used for various purposes. And this product was bred from corn germs at the end of the 19th century in the American state of Illinois. It has a pleasant aroma and pronounced taste. Depending on the type and method of processing, it acquires a different color: from a light, pale yellow tint to a rich red-brown.

Chemical composition

Corn oil is a high-calorie product. Its energy value is approximately 900 kcal per 100 grams of product. Chemical composition presented with saturated and, vitamins, and. It also contains lecithin and. It is incredibly rich in vitamin E. Its content in this product is much higher than that in other vegetable oils. For example, olive oil contains half as much of this vitamin. As you know, this vitamin is responsible for youth, beauty, participates in the process of skin cell regeneration and slows down aging. This is why corn oil is so highly valued by cosmetologists and nutritionists around the world. It does not contain and. The quantity exceeds 99.9%. But with all this, it is an easily digestible, dietary product.

Types and brands of corn oil

Like many other representatives of vegetable oils, corn has several types: refined and unrefined. In turn, refined corn oil for various uses is divided into two more types: deodorized and non-deodorized. By the way, there are several brands of deodorized.

Types and brands of corn oil:

  1. Refined deodorized oil (grade D). Used for the manufacture of dietary products and baby food.
  2. Refined deodorized oil (grade P). Widely used for supplies to catering establishments, and to retail chains and systems.
  3. Refined, non-deodorized. This is refined corn oil that retains a light, pleasant aroma.
  4. Unrefined. This is ordinary, unrefined corn oil, which has a specific, rich odor and is darker in color than all of the above types. This type contains the most complete composition of nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

Corn oil production

The product is obtained from corn germs in two ways: pressing and extraction. Corn germ makes up about a tenth of the weight of a corn kernel. They are a product of processing corn grains in industrial production. Their separation is carried out using wet and dry methods. When obtaining corn germs using the wet method, the quality of the oil contained in them will be lower than when using the dry method. And in the germs obtained by the dry method, a high content is observed, which makes it difficult to obtain a product from them using the press method.

Selection and storage

When purchasing corn oil, you should give preference to well-known brands that use high-quality raw materials to take care of customers and do not allow defects. It is better to take it in glass bottles, as they better preserve the beneficial properties of the product. Pay attention to color and expiration date. Good quality refined oil should be transparent, clean and have a pleasant, uniform shade.

Nowadays, stores offer a rich variety of this product of different brands and price categories. You should not choose a cheap option; it is better to opt for an average price.

Unrefined corn oil is best stored in glass in a cool, dark place. The ideal storage place would be the refrigerator. But the sooner this product is used, the better, since this particular type of oil can acquire an unpleasant odor during storage. Refined food lasts much longer. It can be stored under any conditions, since it is an already purified product that is absolutely odorless.

Beneficial features

Corn germ oil is widely used in the field traditional medicine. This is very a good product to restore the body after illnesses and for their prevention. Often in the autumn-winter period, especially in the cold, lips crack, which leads to unpleasant and painful sensations. It is recommended to lubricate them with corn oil, which is very rich in vitamin E. This will have a beneficial effect on the condition and health of the lips, soften them and heal the resulting wounds.

If you regularly use this product, you can improve your activity gastrointestinal tract, improve the condition of the liver, normalize metabolism. The use of oil has positive influence on cardiovascular system. Some doctors recommend using it for diabetes mellitus, disorders of the nervous system, for problems with excess weight. Vitamin E has a positive effect on the genitals, so it will be useful for pregnant women.

In general, this amazing product has the ability to heal wounds and ulcers, helps with exacerbation of psoriasis, and helps treat eczema. It is also an effective assistant for atherosclerosis: it lowers the blood level and thins the blood, which in turn prevents the formation of blood clots. It is worth mentioning that unrefined oil is more useful in its composition; its content of vitamins and minerals is much higher than that which has undergone certain processing.

The benefits of corn oil in cooking

In cooking, this product is used in both purified and unrefined form. Refined oil is more valuable in this area because it does not have a specific odor and does not contain carcinogenic substances. It is commonly used for frying, baking and other products. Mayonnaise is often prepared from it. This product, due to its useful properties, is successfully used in baby food and diet menus.

In industrial production, corn oil is also often used.

Unrefined oil, as well as refined, non-deodorized oil, is used for dressing various salads. Although many recommend using a purified, odorless product for this purpose. Because in this way it will allow you to feel the natural taste and aroma of the components that are included in the dish. In cooking, preference is now increasingly given to the easily digestible product made from corn, since during heat treatment it does not form harmful carcinogens and its consumption during the cooking process is much less than, for example, the so popular sunflower.

The benefits of corn oil in cosmetology

This miraculous product is a real godsend for cosmetologists. Such a rich content of vitamin E makes it simply a magical elixir for the skin: it promotes regeneration and restoration, helps get rid of acne and unnecessary pigmentation, relieves irritation and inflammation. Unsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic and oleic, retain moisture in the body well, accelerate metabolism and metabolic processes, which also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Vitamin A prevents the formation of wrinkles, smoothes existing ones and, in principle, participates in processes that slow down aging.

Corn oil is suitable for all ages, for all skin types:

  • dry;
  • fat;
  • problematic;
  • sensitive;
  • fading.

This product will effectively get rid of skin flaking, increase elasticity, heal small cracks and wounds, and restore youth and beauty. Masks based on it will get rid of wrinkles and are well suited for dry, dehydrated skin. If you regularly lubricate your lips with it before using lipstick, you can forget about peeling and cracks forever. This product is great for caring for rough skin on the hands and feet.

Against cellulite

Corn oil is also a productive remedy for fighting cellulite. Of course, you shouldn't expect magic using only this product and nothing else. For the best effect, it is recommended to use it in complex therapy along with diets, exercise and massage. Also a positive factor in the set of measures will be the use of corn oil, in addition to external use. You can, for example, regularly use it to dress salads.

Beauty Recipes

To get rid of early wrinkles, a mask made from corn oil and egg yolk will be effective. Mix all this and apply to your face. Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes.

Honey and corn oil will also help with constantly dry lips. When mixed, you will get a fine scrub that will exfoliate dead skin cells and make your lips soft and attractive. Apply the scrub and leave for 10-15 minutes. Before rinsing, it is advisable to rub your lips with the composition for a better effect. Then rinse with warm water.

It is good to use this product to strengthen and grow hair. To do this, you just need to rub some oil into your scalp before washing. Wrap in a warm towel and after an hour wash your hair as usual.

Harm and contraindications

There are practically no contraindications to the use of the product. For the most part, it only brings benefits to the body. But you should pay attention to the expiration date and do not use the product after it has expired. Since expired oil contains a risk of harmful substances and impurities.


Corn oil is a natural source of health, beauty and youth. Every year its popularity becomes more and more due to its beneficial qualities and vitamin composition. This product is good for both cooking and medical purposes. In demand in the cosmetology industry. It is hypoallergenic, and therefore is widely used in baby food and is useful in various diets.

It contains substances that have a beneficial effect on digestive processes, circulatory system. This product can thin the blood, serving as a preventative against thrombosis and atherosclerosis. This is an effective remedy for combating cellulite, early wrinkles and skin aging. Taking it regularly will provide the body with the necessary amount of minerals and vitamins, thereby helping to strengthen the immune system and general condition body.

Various dishes are prepared from corn oil, used for baking, frying, and deep-frying. Dishes prepared with its help do not contain harmful carcinogenic substances, are harmless and natural. It is not advisable to use the product after the expiration date. If a cloudy sediment and bitterness appear, it is better to stop using it, as this indicates the presence of harmful oxides that are unfavorable for the body.

Concrete is simply an irreplaceable material for construction, which is used everywhere. But in order to choose the right type of solution, it is necessary to take into account the main characteristics of the mass, such as workability, cone settlement and mass mobility. And exactly what the mobility of concrete is is what this article will discuss.

Basic terms and definitions

Before defining the main characteristics of the solution, it is necessary to clearly understand what this construction material.

Concrete is a composition consisting of four main components:

  1. Cement;
  2. Sand;
  3. Water;
  4. Crushed stone.

Note! If in , then it's just cement.

The main task . Achieving this goal is only possible if the correct proportions of the two main components such as water and cement are observed.

Sand and crushed stone are referred to as fillers of the composition, and are used to impart strength to the mass and reduce possible deformations of the monolithic product after hardening. It is these fillers that make up the structural frame of a monolithic product, which makes it possible to increase the elasticity of the structure and reduce deformation under severe loads.


Mobility or elasticity of the solution – important property, which can influence the choice of material for the construction of buildings and structures for various purposes. Mobility is the ability of a mass to fill the shape in which it is placed.

Note! The ability of a mass to fill a shape can manifest itself both under the influence of external forces and under the influence of its own mass.

According to GOST, the mobility of the concrete mixture is divided into 4 categories from p2 to p5, depending on the amount of added liquid. The less liquid, the thicker the solution, the thickest has the index p2, the most liquid, respectively, p5.

Based on plasticity indicators, building materials are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Slow or hard mixtures. They contain a small amount of water and are not able to fill the form in which they are placed under the weight of their own weight without the influence of external forces. Such compositions have indicators p2 or p3. Laying of the sedentary mass is carried out using vibrating and compacting equipment, which makes it possible to remove voids from the monolith;

Advice. If construction work using hard concrete is carried out in winter, the solution must first be heated.

  1. High fluidity mixtures, liquid or castable. Solutions of this type have indicators equal to n4 or n5. Such masses are used in the process of pouring formwork, densely reinforced products and do-it-yourself columns.

Dilution with water

Low elasticity of the material can significantly increase production time construction work subject to absence at the construction site necessary equipment. And in order to solve this problem, many resort to the dilution method, making p4-p5 mixtures from p2-p3 mixtures.

If compaction is carried out correctly and the dilution method is eliminated, then you will get a strong, reliable structure, the mechanical processing of which can be carried out by such methods as cutting reinforced concrete with diamond wheels and diamond drilling holes in concrete.

Mobility indicators

In the case where the grade of concrete in terms of mobility has been chosen correctly, but it is ordered from a supplier and you have doubts about the compliance of the delivered product with the declared characteristics, and the price of the mixture is not so low, then you can check it at the construction site.

The mobility of a concrete mixture can be determined directly during unloading in 2 ways:

  • Determination by monolith analysis;
  • Cone for determining the mobility of a concrete mixture.

Determination of elasticity by monolith analysis

The instructions for such a test stipulate the possibility of determining any indicator of the plasticity of the mixture:

  1. Before starting the test, you should build from wooden planks several cube-shaped boxes with sides measuring 10-15 cm;
  2. Before pouring concrete into prepared forms, the wood should be slightly moistened to prevent moisture from being absorbed from the solution;
  3. We pour the solution into the boxes, after which the mass must be pierced with a sharp rod of reinforcement, thus compacting the monolith and releasing the air;

Advice. Additional compaction can be achieved by tapping the walls of the drawers with a hammer.

  1. The cubes must dry for 28-30 days at a temperature of at least 20 0 C and a humidity of at least 90%;
  2. After the created samples have dried, they should be sent to the laboratory, where the mixture will be checked for compliance with the declared indicators.

The obvious disadvantage of this method is its duration, therefore the method of determining plasticity using a cone is more often used.

Determination of elasticity by cone

The photo shows a diagram of a cone

To use this method, you will need a cone to test the mobility of concrete with a height of about 30 cm. This form should not contain more than 6 liters of material.

This check is carried out as follows:

  1. The cone is filled with solution;
  2. Concrete is pierced to compact and remove voids;
  3. The cone is removed and placed next to the solution;
  4. We test for elasticity:
    • If the concrete settlement is 5 cm, then you have hard concrete;
    • If the settlement is more than 5 cm, then you have moving concrete.


When working with concrete, it is necessary to choose the right grade of material in accordance with the elasticity of the mass and the purpose for which it will be used. Well, if you doubt that, for example, the mobility of P3 concrete is easy to check using the described methods.

The video in this article will tell you even more about how important it is to correctly select concrete in accordance with the elasticity parameters of the mass.