Marketing research of the Russian tourism market.

The approach to the concept of "market" in its basis has a political, ideological and philosophical content, when the following are considered as the main characteristics of the market:

In general, the theoretical concept of the market is not used in marketing. The market is invariably specific. As a result, before starting to study it, it is necessary to establish in which market the enterprise operates. To do this, it is necessary to identify specific commodity markets, to the category of which the tourism market is also related.

The tourism market should be defined as a socio-economic phenomenon that connects supply and demand for the process of buying and selling a tourist product at a specific time and place.

When describing the tourism market, the following points should be taken into account:

1) the main subject of sale and purchase are services;

2) in addition to the buyer and seller, the tourist market includes a considerable number of intermediary links that provide a link between supply and demand;

3) the demand for a servant tour is distinguished by a number of characteristic features - a large variety of travel participants (according to material capabilities, age, goals and motives), flexibility (individuality and a considerable level of separation);

4) tourist offers also differ in a number of characteristic features - the tripartite nature of goods and services in tourism (natural resources, created resources, travel services), a considerable capital intensity of the industry, little flexibility, complexity.

The tourism market is very diverse due to the huge number of services and products offered within it. There are many bases for classifying tourism and the corresponding segments of the tourism market. It is necessary to list those of them that are of greater importance specifically for marketing research. On the basis of territorial (regional) coverage, the following markets are distinguished:

1) suburban tourism (travels of urban residents out of town during vacations or on weekends);

2) intra-regional tourism (travel within any region);

3) domestic tourism (travel within the state borders of the country);

4) international tourism (travel outside the country).

1) target, i.e. the market in which the tourist enterprise carries out or intends to carry out its activities;

2) empty, i.e., a market that does not have prospects for offering specific services;

3) the main, i.e. the market where the main activity of the tourist enterprise is carried out;

4) additional, i.e., the market where a separate volume of services is sold;

5) growing, i.e., a market with real prospects for increasing sales;

6) layered, i.e., a market characterized by the instability of commercial transactions, but with the possibility of transition to the category of an active market under certain conditions. However, it may also become an empty market.

Such systematization is necessary for planning marketing activities. If the tourist enterprise is not satisfied with the scale of sales, then it analyzes the possibilities and finds tools to increase the market.

The main goal of market research consists in establishing the conditions under which the most complete satisfaction of the demand of consumers of tourist services and their profitable sale is carried out. As a result, the main task of market analysis is to assess the ratio of supply and demand for tourist services at the present time, i.e. market conditions. Systematic monitoring of the formation of the conjuncture includes the collection, preservation, control, correction, grouping and primary processing of acquired information about the state of the market under study. The purpose of studying market data is to identify patterns and trends in the development of the market conditions under study. With the help of the analyzed indicators, it is possible to assess the competitiveness of a tourist enterprise in terms of the market potential it has achieved.

Undoubtedly, with an increase in the market share, the location of the tourist enterprise in the market becomes more and more stable. The market share of the tourist enterprise has the maximum impact on the amount of profit.

5.2. Market assessment

Market conditions are characterized by a specific ratio of supply and demand for goods of this type, and, of course, the ratio of prices.

The main task of studying the tourist market- this is a definition of the extent to which the activities of the subjects of the tourism market (travel enterprises, agents, intermediaries, etc.) affect the composition of the market, its trends in the near future.

The results of the market research are needed to make the necessary decisions on the management of the production and marketing of tourist services and offers. Gathering information is the main phase of market research. The analysis takes into account a variety of information obtained from different sources. Separate general, commercial and special information.

General information consists of data characterizing the market situation as a whole, in interaction with the development of tourism. The source of such information is the data of state and industry statistics, official forms of accounting and reporting.

Commercial information is information extracted from the business documentation of a tourist enterprise in the field of marketing a tourist product and received from information exchange partners. It includes information about requirements, orders, hotel reservations, buying tickets for various modes of transport, etc.

Special information consists of data obtained as a result of special market analysis activities (surveys of the population, consumers of tourism services, tourism specialists, exhibitions and sales, market meetings). Special information refers to information that cannot be acquired in any other way than through special events.

The main purpose of collecting information for market analysis- this is the formation of a set of indicators that make it possible to obtain quantitative and qualitative characteristics for certain types of tourist offer. The renewal of the tourist product is provided by new proposals (new routes, directions, etc.), the amount of unsatisfied demand. A distinctive feature of market indicators is their short duration. The results of the analysis of market conditions can be presented in the form of various analytical reports. This can be a summary report, i.e. a review that is a generalization of market indicators, tourist offers, considering the dynamics of transformations on an industry scale, including also a retrospective analysis.

Operative report - an overview of information relating to certain types of tourist offers. The main source is consumer surveys, peer review, etc.

Market Analysis consists of processing, studying and classifying quantitative indicators and qualitative data characterizing market trends today. The choice of a set of indicators is determined by the objectives of a particular study, for example, the study of market trends, the study of the situation on the market for a specific period of time.

All conjuncture-forming factors that influence the development of the market or slow it down can be grouped according to the following criteria:

1) sustainable;

2) transient;

3) cyclic;

4) non-cyclic.

The stable influencing factors include seasonality in the production and consumption of goods, the state direction of economic development, scientific and technological progress, and inflation.

Factors that influence the conjuncture from time to time are called transient. These are, for example, hurricanes, fires, social unrest, military operations.

In the development of markets, a repetition of any situation, cyclicity generated by seasonal fluctuations in supply and demand, the life cycle of a product (bringing goods to the market, growth, maturity, decline) can be found.

Factors of the non-cyclic group determine the specifics of the production and marketing of certain tourism products. The study of the influence of various factors on the implementation of the production and sale of any product allows us to reveal the connection between ongoing events and the circumstances that gave rise to them. Actually, the influence of various factors on the implementation of the production and sale of the tourist product affects the movement of market conditions.

The purpose of market analysis is to establish the degree of influence of certain factors on the development of market conditions in a specific period of time. This goal can be achieved if we analyze the situation, taking into account the new circumstances that appear in the tourism sector. To represent the situation taking place in the market, it is not enough to have information about price changes and fluctuations in other indicators. To study market conditions, knowledge is needed about the patterns of the formation of the economy, the interaction of markets in the production process.

share three stages of studying the conjuncture.

1. General economic (characterizes the world economy or the economy of a particular region, group of countries, formed under the influence of conjuncture-forming factors). Within the framework of this stage, the following indicators can be studied: the economic potential of the object and its components (natural, industrial, human, material resources), scientific, educational and infrastructural potential; institutional structure of the object, organizational structure, level of concentration, organizational forms of state regulation of the economy; the totality of regional markets and its structure, as well as various characteristics of the tourism products sold, factors influencing the development of regional markets, the degree of economic development, the ratio of prices for competing products, the ratio of supply and demand, taking into account the degree of use of material, human, financial resources, commercial and financial conditions for the sale of goods.

2. Industry (characterizes the situation in the industry of the regional or world economy).

3. An individual product (characterizes the position of any product within the global, national or regional market).

One of the main factors in the study of market conditions is the study of changes in time and the ratio of prices. It is necessary to determine the circumstances that provoked a shift in the level or structure of the price. It is also necessary to study the modifications of production technology, the conditions for the acquisition of tourist products, taking into account the ongoing changes in wholesale and retail trade. The analysis of these changes makes it possible to better understand the trend of price movement. As a result of studying changes in the scale and structure of consumption, trends in the development of the production of the product whose market conditions are being studied are revealed. The study of trends in the development of consumption and production makes it possible to draw a conclusion about the change in the relationship between supply and demand, to find the potential market capacity and the possible price level.

When studying market conditions, it is necessary to analyze indicators that can quantify all kinds of changes that occur in the economy of the industry under study.

The quantitative characteristic of the conjuncture can be assessed using several groups of indicators:

1. The scale and dynamics of production as a whole, the volume of investments, the level of employment, the amount of wages, information about These are the so-called indicators of the field of production.

2. Effective demand, sales volume of goods on credit, information on retail and wholesale trade. These are indicators of intra-regional trade.

3. Scale, dynamics, geographical characteristics of interregional relations, the value of imports and exports, the volume of cargo transportation. This set of indicators refers to the group of interregional and foreign economic relations.

4. Credit and monetary circulation. This group of factors includes exchange rates, interest rates, stock prices and other securities, the size of bank deposits.

5. The main indicator of market conditions can be considered the degree of balance between supply and demand. It is found in the behavior of prices, the speed of turnover of goods.

The success of market analysis depends on the speed of obtaining objective and complete information about the circumstances, the nature and magnitude of fluctuations in the correspondence of supply and demand in various markets.

The main requirements for information are relevance and truthfulness. When analyzing market conditions, regular observations are made of any economic indicators, the change of which provokes shifts in the ratio of supply and demand, and the reasons for these changes are also clarified.

5.3. Determination of market capacity

The basis for determining the market capacity is the application of norms (standards) of consumption (spending) of purchased goods; Acquisition information: number of customers, frequency of acquisitions, rate of renewal.

The capacity (volume) of the market is determined by the volume of goods (services) sold on it for a certain time. Market capacity is measured in value terms or in kind. Theoretically, the market capacity is the national production of a good plus the size of imports minus the size of exports (assuming stable stock reserves). But applying this formula in real life is extremely difficult. Knowing the size of the market is a very essential condition for business development planning. The volume of the market is a value against which the development of an organization can be planned and the results of its work in this market can be evaluated. Without a representation of the total volume of the market, it is impossible for the organization to establish the part of the market related to it and, naturally, there is no way to monitor the dynamics of competition. Knowledge of the size of the market provides an opportunity for the organization to develop its business and release new products for this market. If the potential market size is not large enough, the organization will not be able to recover the costs of creating a new product and launching it into production. Both desk and field studies are used to establish market capacity.

Market capacity is the total effective demand of consumers, the potential annual volume of sales of a certain type of product at the formed average price level. Market capacity depends on the size of the coverage of this market, advertising costs, demand flexibility, the transformation of the economic environment, price levels and product quality. Market capacity can be characterized by the magnitude of consumer demand and the size of the product offer. It is necessary to have an idea about two levels of market capacity: possible and real. The real market capacity is the real level. The possible level is determined by personal and social needs and reproduces the amount of sale of goods equal to them. The actual emerging market capacity may not be equal to its possible capacity. The calculation of the market capacity must be spatio-temporal certainty.

The market capacity is formed under the influence of many factors, each of which can both stimulate the market in specific situations and slow down its development, preventing its capacity from increasing. The whole group of factors can be divided into two groups: general and specific.

Socio-economic factors that determine the market capacity of any product are universal:

1) the volume and composition of the product offer, including for representative enterprises;

2) the range and quality of manufactured products;

3) the volume of imports for a specific product or group;

4) the real standard of living and the needs of the population;

5) purchasing power of the population;

6) the degree of correlation of prices for goods;

7) the number of consumers;

8) social and sex and age structure of the population;

9) the level of market saturation;

10) characteristics of the sales, trade and service network;

11) geographical location of the market.

At present, the state of the market is significantly influenced by such processes as the establishment of the autonomy of the territory and the introduction of new monetary units, the formation of commercial structures, inflation, the application of new customs restrictions, etc.

Specific factors determine the development of markets for specific products, and each market may have factors characteristic only of it. In such a situation, a specific factor in terms of the level of influence can be the main one for the formation and development of supply and demand for a given product. In general, the factors that determine the development of supply and demand are in a rather complicated dialectical relationship. The transformation of the influence of some factors gives rise to the transformation of the influence of others. The specificity of some factors is that they generate a transformation of both the capacity as a whole and the composition of the market, and others - that they, without changing the capacity of the market as a whole, generate its structural changes. In the course of market analysis, it is necessary to find out the mechanism of influence of a system of factors and determine the joint results of their impact on the magnitude and composition of supply and demand.



At the end of September 1985, Alexander, the owner and manager of Yasny Den, wanted to organize a special tour for teenagers - a two-week trip during which you can visit all the most beautiful places and historical sights in Greece. A preliminary agreement was made with two professors who should become guides and develop a route. However, Alexander began to doubt whether he could fully implement his plan.

Firm "Clear Day", which emerged as a travel agency in 1961, at that time was a major tourist enterprise. The firm had branches in Paris, Atlanta, Prague. Its Greek offices were located in Athens, Crete. The main customers were employees of companies who placed their orders in the branches of the company, where their own organizations were located.

These same people purchased family tours and travel. In 1985, a significant part of the clients consisted of middle and top managers, partly from their assistants. Only about 11% were occasional clients.

Alexander first thought about the teen tour after meeting with other managers at the International Conference held in Lisbon in August 1985. At the conference, he met a manager from Barcelona, ​​who shared with him information about how he organized a similar tour and that he is currently planning a similar tour in Greece. He told Alexander that teenagers and their parents are looking forward to such a trip, as it will give them the opportunity to relax separately from each other. The right time to implement is the time of summer holidays. Parents will agree with the proposal if the control and the appropriate level of training of guides are guaranteed.

When Alexander returned to Athens, he told his friends about his idea - the history teachers of one of the best Athenian schools. They gladly agreed to take part in the event.

Alexander had no information about the organization of such tours in Greece. Alexander decided to focus his trip on Greece, as he knew from the letters of his parents that they were dissatisfied with the teaching of the history of the country in schools. The parents agreed to let their children go on a well-organized trip that would reveal to them all the beauties of the country and its history.

Alexander understood that teenagers would be bored with only history, so he also decided to organize a vacation on the sea coast, with dancing and entertainment.

After the development of the tour, Alexander met his friend - a lawyer who had two teenage sons. A friend said that he would not let his sons go on such a journey, as he knows that children are not supervised enough, and teenagers are not at all interested in history. He prefers to give his sons money and tickets, allowing them to travel until the funds run out. At this age, it is more important to prove that you are a responsible person and can travel on your own. Since Alexander trusted the opinion of his friend, he decided to reconsider his tour, to make it more attractive.


1. Is it necessary to conduct a trial tour to determine its success among clients? How else can you determine the attractiveness of a product for customers?

2. How should the tour be modified to make it attractive and less risky?


1. Tourism, of course, has a pronounced seasonal character, so it is of particular interest to study the dynamics of foreign travel by month. If you make a schedule of trips abroad, you can see that the monthly dynamics of the number of tourists leaving abroad remains quite high from year to year and is quite stable. Deviations from the cumulative direction are caused, as a rule, by non-standard circumstances. For example, a sharp decrease in the number of tourists who left for the island of Guam in January 1998 is associated with a powerful typhoon, and an increase in their number in May 1996 is due to the successful combination of days off. How can the seasonal nature of the tourism industry be smoothed out?

2. Describe as accurately as possible the extreme tourism market. What is the capacity of this market?


The management of your company has decided to expand its presence in the market. Describe the market where your product should be sold: geographic regions; forms of transportation and communication available in the region; buying habits of consumers; habits of purchasing goods in the tourism sector; typical implementation methods in the region.


Currently, the tourism industry is one of the most dynamically developing forms in international trade in services. This development of international tourism relations has led to the creation of numerous international organizations that contribute to the improvement of the work of this sphere of international trade. Many highly developed countries of the West, such as Switzerland, Austria, France, have built a significant share of their wealth on tourism income. During the post-war years, a powerful research base and a system of professional training in the field of tourism were created.

Now it is important not only to produce high-quality goods and services, but to organize their sale. Therefore, marketing is very important. The motto of marketing today is: "Produce what is bought, not sell what is produced."

The purpose of this work is to study marketing in the tourism business, for this we need to perform a number of tasks: to study the features of the tourism services market, to understand the specifics and its distinguishing features from other types of market; consider the stages of marketing research, methods, their focus and what results we can achieve using a particular method. Consider pricing in the tourism business, how to set prices, depending on the market situation, the economic situation of the organization, its authority, etc. And of course, it is important to study the features of advertising as a way to promote a product and motivate demand. To solve these problems, scientific literature, Internet sites, articles and publications of specialists in the field of tourism and directly marketing were used.


Marketing research is a wide range of various studies necessary to develop optimal strategies and conduct effective operational marketing activities.

The views, needs and desires of customers are constantly changing. Considering the tourism industry, one cannot fail to notice that the population's concepts of the best types of recreation are changing, as is the fashion for prestigious vacation spots. Based on the stories of the classics of Russian literature, we can conclude that in the last century, Nice, Baden-Baden were very popular and prestigious resorts, where you could meet the whole world of St. Petersburg and Moscow society. And today, Nice is known mainly as a health resort and is not as prestigious a holiday destination as it was in those days. The number of business travelers is increasing, whose views and wishes must also be taken into account, as business tourism is now developing very dynamically. Already, business travel accounts for more than half of hotel room sales. Therefore, any travel company must constantly monitor all the changes taking place in the tourist services market, have time to respond to each of them: lagging behind the more successful and far-sighted threatens the consumer with distrust of the company, which can lead not only to the loss of one of the clients, but and to the fall of the overall image of the company, i.e. to the loss of a significant part of potential and regular customers.

Tourism has its own specifics that distinguish it not only from trade in goods, but also from other forms of trade in services. There is trade in both services and goods (according to experts, the share of services in tourism is 75%, goods - 25%), as well as the special nature of the consumption of tourism services and goods at the place of their production, moreover, in a certain situation .

In traditional production, which has a specific result of labor, the concept of marketing has a more specific content. In tourism, the result of activity is reduced to a tourist product. In fact, a tourism product is any service that satisfies certain needs of tourists and is subject to payment by them. Tourist services include hotel, transport, excursion, translation, household, communal, intermediary and others. At the same time, "tourism product" can be considered in a narrow and broad sense. A tourism product in the narrow sense is the services of each specific sector of the tourism industry (for example, a hotel product, a tour operator's tourism product, a transport company, and so on). In a broad sense, a tourist product is a complex of goods and services that together form a tourist trip (tour) or is directly related to it. The main tourism product is a comprehensive service, i.e. a standard set of services sold to tourists in one "package". The tourism product, along with the general specific characteristics of services, has its own distinctive features:

This is a complex of services and goods, characterized by a complex system of relationships between various components. Demand for tourism services is highly elastic with respect to income levels and prices, but is highly dependent on political and social conditions. The consumer, as a rule, cannot see the tourist product before its consumption, and the consumption itself in most cases is carried out directly at the place of production of the tourist service. The consumer overcomes the distance separating him from the product and the place of consumption, and not vice versa. The tourist product depends on such variables as space and time, it is characterized by fluctuations in demand.

The tourism product is created by the efforts of many enterprises, each of which has its own working methods, specific needs and different commercial goals. A high quality of tourist services cannot be achieved in the presence of even minor shortcomings, since tourist service consists of these very little things and small details.

The quality of tourism services is influenced by external factors of force majeure (natural conditions, weather, tourism policy, international events, etc.). These specific features of the tourism product have a significant impact on tourism marketing. Some authors invest in the concept of marketing in tourism global content, such as, for example, the Swiss specialist J. Kripendorf: international plans. The purpose of such changes is to best meet the needs of certain consumer groups, while taking into account the possibility of obtaining appropriate profits.


The World Tourism Organization (WTO) identifies three main functions of marketing in tourism:

Establishing contacts with clients;



Establishing contacts with clients aims to convince them that the proposed place of rest and the services, attractions and expected benefits that exist there are fully consistent with what the clients themselves want to receive. Development involves designing innovations that can provide new marketing opportunities. In turn, such innovations should meet the needs and preferences of potential customers.

Monitoring involves the analysis of the results of activities to promote services to the market and check whether these results reflect the truly full and successful use of the opportunities available in the tourism sector.

Like any economic phenomenon, marketing in tourism requires a number of conditions for its application and effective development:

Deep saturation of the market with services, i.e. the existence of a buyer's market;

Intense competition travel firm consumer preferences;

Free market relations, i.e. the ability to choose sales markets, business partners without administrative restrictions, set prices, conduct commercial work, etc.;

Free activity of the administration within the tourism enterprise to determine the goals of the company, strategy, management structures, distribution of funds according to budget items, etc.


1. Identification of problems and formulation of research objectives

For the successful conduct of marketing research, it is necessary to identify the problems facing the company and formulate the objectives of the study. Goals can be:

Search, that is, to provide for the collection of some preliminary data that shed light on the problem, and possibly help develop a hypothesis;

Descriptive, that is, provide for a description of certain phenomena, for example, find out the number of users of the services of a given company;

Experimental, that is, providing for testing the hypothesis of some kind of causal relationship, for example, that a 10% decrease in the price of vouchers will cause an increase in the number of customers by more than 15%.

2. Selection of sources of information

At this stage, the source of information is selected. Secondary or primary data may be collected. Secondary data is information that already exists somewhere, having been previously collected for other purposes. Primary data is information that is collected for the first time for a specific purpose.

3. Collection of information. Marketing research.

Research usually begins with the collection of secondary data. They serve as the starting point for the study. They are cheaper and more accessible. Depending on the direction and nature of research, information can be drawn from a variety of sources. Research can be divided into internal research and research of the external environment. Sources of information for intra-company research are, first of all, various reporting documents that characterize the activities of the company. They are made up mainly by employees of the company. Information in environmental studies is usually taken from three main sources:

Own sources - information obtained in the course of environmental studies conducted by the company;

Order information - information provided by specialized firms for the customer;

Independent sources - reports, reviews, collections, etc., published by various research, marketing and other firms and societies.

However, secondary data may be outdated, incomplete, inaccurate, or unreliable. There are several ways to collect primary data: qualitative and quantitative marketing research methods. Qualitative he refers to observations, focus groups, in-depth interviews, protocol reviews, projection and physiological measurements. To quantitative - various types of surveys. Observation is one of the ways of collecting primary data, when the researcher conducts direct observation of people and the situation. The experiment is suitable for identifying cause-and-effect relationships. Observation is best suited for exploratory research, while polling, one of the most labor-intensive methods of collecting primary information, is most suitable for descriptive research. Surveys are usually conducted to identify customer preferences about the quality or range of services provided. This allows the firm to decide on the choice of marketing influences. Surveys, observations and experiments can be carried out by sales agents or other employees of the company, combining their conduct with their main work or doing this at a specially allocated time. When collecting primary data, questionnaires or mechanical devices can be used. The questionnaire is the most common research tool for collecting primary data. In a broad sense, a questionnaire is a series of questions to which the respondent must provide answers. The questionnaire requires careful design, testing, and error correction before it can be used. When developing a questionnaire, special attention should be paid to the form of questions, their sequence and wording. It is not desirable to include questions that do not want to be answered or that do not require an answer. Marketing researchers distinguish between two types of questions: closed and open questions. A closed question includes all possible answers, and the respondent simply chooses one of them. An open-ended question must be answered in your own words. Open-ended questions provide more information because the respondent is not bound by a specific answer and are especially useful in the exploratory phase of the research. Answers to closed questions are easier to interpret and tabulate. The wording of questions should be simple, unambiguous, not affecting the answer. The first questions should be as interesting as possible to the interviewee. Difficult or personal questions are best left at the end. In addition to questionnaires, mechanical devices are used, for example, a special apparatus with which you can determine which color is perceived best by the eye or an apparatus that records all the TV on and off and channel numbers. There are also various ways to communicate with the audience, namely: telephone interviews, questionnaires sent by mail, personal interviews, group interviews. The choice of method of communication with the audience depends on the goals and objectives of the study. All of these methods are good in their own way.

6. Analysis of the collected information

The next stage of marketing research is to extract the most important data and results from the information received. These obtained data are summarized in tables and processed using statistical techniques.

7. Presentation of the results

The researcher should strive to ensure that the results of marketing research provided by him are clear and with the least number of uncertainties. These results will enable marketing managers to make more informed decisions.

8. Analysis of the use of the study

Obviously, it is important not only to conduct marketing research, but also its results are important. Therefore, it is necessary to compare the objectives of the ongoing marketing research and its results. Were market research results used? Is it in full? In fact, at this stage, it is possible to identify both shortcomings and positive aspects in the conduct of the study, which may be useful in the future when conducting other marketing research.

Price is an economic concept that means "the amount of money" for which the buyer is willing to buy and the seller is willing to sell a unit of goods. All commercial and non-profit organizations face the challenge of setting a price for their goods and services. Being just one of the components of marketing tools, the price performs, however, an extremely important function, which is to receive revenue from sales. It is prices that ultimately determine the commercial results achieved, and the right pricing strategy has a long-term and decisive impact on both the competitiveness of products and the activities of the enterprise. In addition, price is a factor of great importance to consumers. It serves as a means of establishing a certain relationship between the firm and clients and helps to create a certain image about it, which can have a strong impact on its subsequent development. And finally, the price is the strongest weapon in the fight against competitors in the market.

In the tourism sector, the goal of maximizing current profit is quite common in conditions where:

The company offers unique services that are not available from competitors;

The demand for certain types of tourist services significantly exceeds the supply;

Price formation methods:

Calculation of the price according to the method "average costs plus profit". The simplest way of pricing is to charge a certain margin on the cost of goods. However, when several items of goods are produced or sold, the cost of each is determined only conditionally. Setting a price based on the perceived value of a product. More and more firms, even in Russian conditions, when calculating the upper limit of prices, begin to proceed from the perceived value of the goods. They consider consumer perception to be the main factor. Setting a price based on the current price level. Setting the price taking into account current prices, the company is mainly based on the prices of competitors and pays less attention to indicators of its own costs and demand. It can set a price at the price level of its main competitors or above or below this level. In the aggregate, the price of a particular product is determined by the mutual action of three groups of factors: individual production and marketing costs, the state of demand, and the level of competition in the market. Taking into account these factors, pricing methods have been developed in marketing practice:

Cost based;

With a focus on the level of competition;

Demand oriented.

When developing a pricing strategy, a tourist enterprise should use these three methods in conjunction, since focusing on only one of them does not contribute to a flexible pricing strategy and even leads to direct or indirect losses. Cost-based pricing (cost method) is based on the calculation of production costs, maintenance, overheads, desired profit. This pricing method does not take into account a number of important factors:

The level of demand for a tourist product;

Sensitivity of customers to the level of prices set;

Competitor price level.

However, this method has a number of advantages. First, if a tourism enterprise can accurately determine the structure of its costs, then the pricing of products is greatly simplified. Secondly, the use of this method by the main competitors of the company creates conditions for reducing price competition. Thirdly, enterprises have the opportunity to pay much less attention to fluctuations in demand for products. Pricing with a focus on the level of competition is quite typical for enterprises operating in the tourism sector. At the same time, prices are set below market, at the level of market or above them, depending on the exactingness of customers, the service provided, the image of the product, the real or proposed response from competitors. Demand-driven pricing is based on studying the desires of consumers and setting prices that are acceptable to the target market. This method is used if the price is a decisive factor in the purchase of a tourist product by customers. At the same time, a price ceiling is revealed - the maximum amount that the consumer will be willing to pay for this service.

Using the above methods allows you to determine the initial price of the tourism product. However, the final price may differ significantly from the price offered in advance. This is due to the choice of a particular pricing strategy by the firm. Pricing strategy is the choice of the possible dynamics of changes in the initial price of a tourist product in market conditions that best suits the purpose of the enterprise. The choice of one or another pricing strategy depends on the combination and interaction of many factors, the most important of which are: the characteristics and degree of novelty of the tourist product, its relative exclusivity compared to others, competition conditions, market characteristics, costs and expected profit, and so on. Durovich A.P. distinguishes several types of strategies: The strategy of "skimming" (high prices) involves the initial sale of the tourist product at high prices. This is possible in the absence of competition and the offer of completely new services. Subsequently, when the market is saturated and similar products appear, the company goes to lower prices. The price penetration strategy is based on a deliberately low price level in order to influence the largest possible number of buyers. This strategy is used by firms that seek to increase their market share at any cost. This strategy has a number of disadvantages. First, it is necessary that there is a situation where competitors do not have time to respond to a decrease in prices. Secondly, the enterprise's own costs must be so low that, even at low prices, sufficient profits can be made. Prestige pricing strategy. Prestigious prices are intentionally high prices designed to attract consumers who are more concerned with product quality, uniqueness, or status than price. The strategy of "following the leader" involves the correlation of the price of its products by the firm with the movement and nature of the prices of the leader in this market.

When developing and implementing a pricing strategy, it is also necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of customers. Consumers are much more sympathetic to the indication of the basic price and, selectively, to the prices of additional services that must be paid separately. Thus, the price is an important means of increasing the competitiveness of the tourist offer. However, it must be considered not in isolation, but in combination with other components of the marketing mix and consumer characteristics of the services offered.

Advertising is a non-personal form of communication carried out through paid media, with a clearly identified source of funding. According to experts, advertising can be seen as a form of communication that tries to translate the quality of goods and services, as well as ideas into the language of consumer needs and requests. Advertising is the most effective tool in the company's attempts to convey information to its customers, modify their behavior, attract them to the services offered, create a positive image of the company itself, and show its social significance. Therefore, effective advertising is the most important means of achieving the goals of a marketing strategy in general and a communication strategy in particular. A distinctive feature of advertising as one of the main means of marketing communications in the field of tourism is determined by the specifics of both the advertising itself and the characteristics of the industry and its product - the tourist product. Impersonal character. The communicative signal comes to a potential client not personally from an employee of the company, but with the help of various intermediaries (mass media, brochures, catalogs, posters and other advertising media).

uniform direction. Advertising actually has only one direction: from the advertiser to the addressee. The feedback signal comes only in the form of the final behavior of the potential client. Information richness. Tourist services, which, unlike traditional goods, do not have a material form, constant quality, need the priority development of such advertising functions as information content and propaganda. Flashiness and ability to persuade. The specificity of tourist services necessitates the use of visual, visual aids that provide a more complete representation of objects of tourist interest. When resorting to the use of advertising in the practice of marketing activities, one should always remember that it is a very powerful tool for influencing the consumer. One of the main requirements for advertising is truthfulness. Advertising research is a type of marketing research. The goals are determined by the general marketing strategy adopted at the enterprise and its communication strategy. All the variety of possible goals can be reduced to two large groups:

Sales goals that should lead to a measurable increase in sales or encourage consumers to purchase goods and services;

Communication goals aimed at conveying certain ideas, shaping the image of the enterprise, changing consumer habits, one hundred contributes to the growth of sales in the long term. Advertising in the field of communications performs informative and reminding functions, and in the field of sales, it is mainly aimed at exhortation (persuasive function). Given these three functions, the most typical advertising objectives can be identified.

The goals of advertising determine approaches to the development of an advertising message. Advertising aimed at the tourist as the end consumer of the advertised tourism product should be different from advertising, the target audience of which is tourism business specialists. In the direct formation of an advertising message, it is necessary to make decisions about:

Planning of means of distribution of advertising assumes acceptance by the tourist enterprise of decisions on a choice of means of distribution of the advertising message; advertising parameters; advertising frequency. The time of the tourist advertising campaign begins, as a rule, much earlier than the implementation of the tours. The main advertising campaign falls on the fall. During this period, trips for the next year are advertised. The second, less intense, advertising campaign begins at the end of winter. During this period, it is selective. Its main focus is to stimulate sales of tours that are not yet fully realized. There are economic and communicative effectiveness of advertising. The economic efficiency of advertising is most often determined by its impact on sales. The communicative effectiveness of advertising is characterized by the degree of attracting the attention of potential customers, the brightness and depth of impressions, and the memorability of advertising messages.


Having studied the available material, one can saddle the conclusions that marketing ensures not only the effective satisfaction of market needs, but also the success of the enterprise in the competitive struggle. Having originated in the manufacturing sector, marketing has not found appropriate application in the tourism sector for quite a long time. However, the increase in competition, the commercialization of tourism activities have led to the need for the earliest possible introduction of the main elements of marketing into the practice of a tourism enterprise. At the same time, tourism has certain features related to the nature of the services provided, forms of sales, and so on. In order to really use marketing as a reliable tool for achieving success in the market, specialists in tourism enterprises need to master its methodology and the ability to apply it depending on the specific situation. All tourism companies are trying to apply marketing in their activities, studying the supply and demand for specific tourism services, setting prices for a new project, advertising their services, and so on. And here marketing acts as a compass that allows you to conduct the activities of the company to the intended goal in a safer way.

Tourism belongs to the service sector and is one of the largest and most dynamic sectors of the economy. The high rates of its development, large volumes of foreign exchange earnings actively influence various sectors of the economy, which contributes to the formation of its own tourism industry.


1. Aleksunin V.A. Marketing: Textbook.-M.: Dashkov and K, 2006.

2. Belyaev V.I. Marketing: Textbook.-M.: KNORUS, 2007.

3. Balabanovskiy S.A. Focus group method. - M.: Nikolo - M, 2001.

4. Vladimirov A.N. The best abstracts on marketing.-M.: Phoenix, 2001.

5. Polovtseva F.P. Commercial activity.: Textbook.-M.: INFRA-M, 2005.

6. Kabushkin N.I., Bondarenko G.A. Management of hotels and restaurants: Textbook.-M.: New knowledge, 2001.

7. Nozdreva R.B., Grechkov V.Yu. Marketing: Textbook. - M .: Jurist, 2000.


9. Kvartalnov V.A. Tourism.-M.: Finance and statistics, 2002.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

This market analysis is based on information from independent industry and news sources, as well as official data from the Federal State Statistics Service. The interpretation of the indicators is also made taking into account the data available in open sources. nikah. The analytics includes representative areas and indicators that provide the most complete overview of the market in question. The analysis is carried out for the Russian Federation as a whole, as well as for federal districts; The Crimean Federal District is not included in some surveys due to lack of statistical data.


According to one of the definitions, tourism is a temporary departure (travel) of people to another country or locality, different from the place of permanent residence, for a period of 24 hours to 6 months within one calendar year or with at least one overnight stay in recreational, recreational , sports, guest, educational, religious and other purposes without engaging in activities paid from a local source. A person making such a journey is called a tourist or a traveller.

There are two major types of tourism - business and recreational with further division into smaller areas. Recreational tourism includes: health, medical, sports, etc. For business - business trips, business meetings, exhibitions, corporate events, etc.

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Tourism can be both a passive source of income of the country and an active one. But, regardless of the type of article, tourism ensures the growth of construction, the development of the transport network, agriculture, and the production of consumer goods.

A tourist operator (tour operator) is an organization that organizes tours and forms a range of services for tourists, promotes and sells tours. The tour operator develops tourist packages, provides the provision of tourist services, calculates prices for tours, transfers tours to travel agents for their subsequent sale to tourists, and provides information support for the tour implementation process. Some travel agencies combine the functions of a tour operator and a travel agent, acting as a tour operator (a company that forms a tourist product) in one or more directions and as a travel agent (a company that sells a product created by other tour operators) in many other directions, for the range.

Travel agent (travel agent) - an organization engaged in the sale of tours formed by the tour operator. The travel agent purchases tours from the tour operator and sells the tourist product to the buyer, or acts as an intermediary between the tourist and the tour operator for a commission provided by the tour operator.


The activities of tour operators and travel agents are included in OKVED section 63.3 "Activities of travel agencies", which, according to the official definition, includes:

Activities of organizers of tourist trips (tour operators);

Activities of travel agents;

Activity of guides, guide-interpreters.

OKVED 63.3 has the following structure:

63.30 "Activities of travel agencies";

63.30.1 "Organization of complex tourist services";

63.30.2 "Provision of excursion tickets, provision of accommodation, provision of vehicles";

63.30.3 "Provision of tourist information services";

63.30.4 "Provision of tourist excursion services".


Tourism in Russia today is subject to two strong multidirectional influence factors. On the one hand, this is a difficult and unstable situation in the country's economy, a decrease in the solvency of the population. On the other hand, the same factor, as well as the blocking of such popular tourist destinations as Turkey and Egypt, lead to the fact that the volume of domestic tourism in the country tends to increase.

According to ATOR (Association of Tour Operators), business profitability in the tour operator segment has declined significantly in recent years. If in 2008 it was about 5%, then in 2013-2014 it dropped to 2%. This logically led to a reduction in the number of players in the market - according to the results of 2015, by no less than 30% in general; the number of tour operators, presumably by 10%. From a certain point of view, this can be seen as a sanation of the market, which will ensure its higher stability. However, one should not expect a significant increase in business profitability, which complicates the activities of the remaining players.

Also, according to ATOR, in 2015 the number of tourists in some regions of the country decreased by almost 80%, the number of companies operating in outbound tourism - by almost a third; the number of program flights in some regional cities decreased by 30-55%. This means the return of the travel scheme through Moscow, which will inevitably lead to a significant increase in the cost of vouchers.

This situation is expected to lead to an increase in domestic tourism. However, despite the relatively low cost of domestic tours, there is no “streaming” tourism product in the country. Among the most popular destinations with a high potential for growth in demand, experts name: the Black Sea coast of the Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory, Siberia, the Urals, the North Caucasus, Tatarstan, the Trans-Siberian Railway, the Golden Ring.

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One of the directions of tourism development in Russia is inbound tourism. This area requires active development: today there are 43 representative offices of foreign ministries for tourism in the country, while there are no similar representative offices of Russia abroad. However, the first steps are already being taken. For example, within the framework of one of the largest international tourism exhibitions in the Asian market, Beijing International Tourism Expo-2016, the first stage of the Russian Tourism Road Show Visit Russia presentation tour was held, aimed at stimulating the flow of tourists from China. In general, it should be noted that from 2009 to 2015 the tourist flow from China to Russia grew by an average of 40% annually. In 2015, more than 1 million Chinese people visited Russia.

According to carriers' forecasts, about 7.2 million people will visit the Black Sea coast of Russia in 2016.

The main trends of recent years should also include the refusal of Russians from package tours. Independent planning and organization of tourist trips significantly reduces the cost of travel. The main tool for the development of independent tourism is the Internet. Sales growth in the online travel segment amounted to 17% over the past year.

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According to the Federal Air Transport Agency, the number of passengers in January-October 2015 on domestic routes increased by 15.5%, while on international routes it decreased by 13.9%.

It is also impossible not to take into account the state regulation of the industry, aimed at toughening the responsibility of operators and agencies for failure to fulfill obligations to customers. In particular, the amendments to the Federal Law FZ No. 49 “On Strengthening the Responsibility of Tour Operators” provide for the creation of a personal liability fund for tour operators in the field of outbound tourism, which is intended to pay compensation to tourists in case of default by the tour operator. The fund will be formed at the expense of the annual contribution of the tour operator in the amount of 1% of the total price of the tourist product for the previous year and will become a necessary condition for the company to enter the Unified Register of Market Players. The changes will come into effect on January 1, 2017.


Rosstat data, which the service receives by collecting official data from market participants, may not coincide with the data of analytical agencies, whose analytics are based on conducting surveys and collecting unofficial data.

Figure 1. Financial indicators of section OKVED 63.3 for 2012-2015, thousand rubles

Figure 2. Financial ratios of the OKVED section 63.3 for 2012-2015, %

Analyzing the chart data, the following pronounced trends can be traced:

There is a steady growth in accounts payable with an increase in the share of long-term liabilities in total capital, which indicates a shortage of own funds;

With significant fluctuations in the level of revenue in the period under review, the profit from sales remains approximately at the same level; leveling occurs due to changes in the profitability of sales, which increased significantly in 2014 (5.8%), and sharply decreased in 2015 (3.2%); at the same time, Rosstat data is somewhat more optimistic than ATOR data.

Figure 3. The share of regions in the structure of total industry revenue

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The share of the Central Federal District in total revenue is 92%, which is expected, since the headquarters and head offices of all major operators and agencies are located in Moscow. Somewhat unexpected are the indicators of such regions as the Far Eastern and Ural Federal Districts, as well as the Crimean Federal District, which was in second place in terms of revenue after the Central Federal District, ahead of the Krasnodar Territory (and the Southern Federal District as a whole) by more than 10 times.

Figure 4. Dynamics of industry revenue and profit in 2012-2015, NWFD, thousand rubles

Figure 5. Dynamics of revenue and profit of the industry in 2012-2015, Central Federal District, thousand rubles

Figure 6. Dynamics of revenue and profit of the industry in 2012-2015, Volga Federal District, thousand rubles

Figure 7. Dynamics of revenue and profit of the industry in 2012-2015, Southern Federal District, thousand rubles

Figure 8. Dynamics of revenue and profit of the industry in 2012-2015, UFO, thousand rubles

Figure 9. Dynamics of revenue and profit of the industry in 2012-2015, Siberian Federal District, thousand rubles

Figure 10. Dynamics of industry revenue and profit in 2012-2015, FEFD, thousand rubles

* For the North Caucasus Federal District and the CFD, Rosstat has data only for 2015, which makes it impossible to analyze the dynamics of indicators

* Some charts have added an additional scale for the sales profit indicator in order to reflect the dynamics more clearly

In general, from the above diagrams, one can draw a conclusion about the multidirectional dynamics of the industry in the regions: some of them show an increase in one or both indicators in 2015, some show a decrease. Presumably, this may depend on the structure of the tourism business in the region, the organization of the accounting and reporting system, the representation of federal operator and agency networks, the development of the tourism infrastructure, as well as the general economic condition of the region.


The affiliated branches of activity of tourist operators and agents include, first of all, the hotel business, which to a very large extent depends on it. With the development of independent tourism, however, this dependence is somewhat reduced. Active construction of hotels continues: on the Black Sea coast - primarily small private ones, in large cities, in preparation for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, chain hotels are being built - Hyatt, Sheraton, Radisson, Hilton, etc.

In addition, the activities of tour operators and agents have an impact on passenger traffic. Given the decline in interest in international tourism, rail transport is becoming more popular; the share of air travel is declining.


Based on the available data, it can be concluded that the industry is currently experiencing difficulties. Demand for the services of travel operators and agencies in 2014 fell to a large extent, but in 2015, in the country as a whole, there is an increase in revenue. According to experts, in the coming years we should expect its growth to continue due to the development of domestic tourist destinations. The profitability of the industry remains and, most likely, will remain at a low level in the coming years. Nevertheless, in general, no serious shocks are expected in the market, market participants hope for its recovery.

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21. The essence and objectives of marketing research

22. Problems of marketing research

23 Information Sources of Market Research Data

24. Building a marketing research program

21 The essence and objectives of marketing research

One of the main conditions for the effective functioning of the enterprise, mass market orientation, is a detailed knowledge of the environment and the current monitoring of the snakes that occur in it. The main prerequisite for conducting marketing research in the tourism market is the need to obtain such information in which decision-making will not be burdened with high risk. The tourism market does not have its own research methods and uses generally accepted marketing methods in this area.

Reliable, qualitatively collected information gives the company the opportunity to achieve certain competitive advantages, which reduces financial risks and dangers for the image of the company, allows you to objectively determine the attitude of consumers to the company and its products, analyze the external environment, improve the strategy and tactics of market behavior, increase confidence in advertising. .

There are many definitions of marketing research in particular in the marketing literature. F. Kotler, defining the essence of research, draws attention to the set of actions that need to be dug out before a market decision is made. A. Durovich defines marketing research as the collection, processing and analysis of data in order to reduce the uncertainty that is present when making marketing decisions. Based on the definition of a well-known American scientist and other specialists, we note that marketing research is a systematic and objective search and analysis of information to identify and solve arbitrary problems in the field of marketing.

Marketing research is systemic in the case when all decisions made within its framework are carefully organized and planned. The objectivity of marketing research is ensured by the use of scientific methods for solving marketing problems.

Marketing research conducted for the needs of a tourist enterprise regarding the accumulation and processing of information:

Tourism market, entities operating on it;

The market position of the enterprise;

Competitive environment;

Sale of tourist services in time and space;

Consumer behavior in the sales process;

The degree of satisfaction of tourists;

Target market monitoring;

Tools of influence of the marketing mix (marketing-mix), about the product, chain, distribution "communication on the course;

Forecasting market development trends for the future

Carrying out marketing research provides an information base for making managerial decisions by tourism managers. They allow: to identify significant problems that hinder effective business management, their causes and possible solutions, to determine future trends in the tourism market, to identify reserves and new opportunities; find effective ways of doing business, as well as give you the opportunity to better understand the demands of the market and reduce the likelihood of risk from changes that constantly occur in the market.

However, marketing research does not consist solely in the collection and accumulation of data. The data itself is, as it were, the raw material for information. Information refers to all messages that can be used to better complete a specific task, such as estimating market capacity or improving the sales process. . Information- the relative data flow, for example, for the owner of a camping site of an announcement about an increase in the land tax rate, information that needs to be "imposed" on the decision to establish a chain, and for a transportation ik it acts only as a message. The collection of messages becomes valuable when subjected to appropriate processing and interpretation interpretations.

Marketing research in tourism digs out certain features. The main ones include:

Cognitive - assistance in understanding the processes and phenomena occurring in tourism (data collection, processing, analysis, forecast);

Diagnostic - assistance in decision-making (identification of means that can influence demand and determine the optimal level of this influence);

Forecasting - assistance in anticipating the future formation of processes and phenomena in the tourism market, this is especially important in forecasting the volumes of a tourism enterprise and its closest competitors; an exceptional place here is occupied by the sales forecast of a new product

Control - assistance in checking the results

At the beginning of marketing research, it is necessary to answer the question: "When and in what cases it is necessary to carry out appropriate measures, and when there are no justifications for making such a decision?" Marketing research should be based on the following decision:

Increased risk costs associated with decision-making under conditions of uncertainty. Important in this case is the weight of the problem within which a market decision should be made;

Marketing research expenses, i.e. it depends on the amount of these costs, the enterprise will give the work to a specialized firm, whether it will be carried out on its own, which will be the spatial and sub "" object coverage of the study, how long the study will last and what sources of information will be used to obtain information

Comparison of the benefits of obtaining information in the process of research and the costs that must be invested in mastering it

Marketing research is a complex process that covers several phases and stages. Most often, there are three main stages (Table 21):

Table 21. Market research process

study process file

Process steps


Study Design

Definition of the research problem;

Formulation of hypotheses;

Development of a research plan (selection of the type of research, selection of variables, sources of information);

Selection of performers (at this stage, you need to make a decision, the research will be carried out on its own, with the involvement of specialized firms)


Data accumulation

Data collection and processing;

Data analysis

Results processing

Interpretation of results;

Preparation of the research report;

Use of research results

The design phase is one of the most redesigned in the marketing research process. The task of marketing research at this stage is the transformation of the management problem due to the precise definition of goals, which requires close cooperation between the analyst and the research customer. It must be remembered that a well-defined problem is a problem half solved by its correct formulation. Allow me to avoid the expense of accumulating and analyzing unnecessary data. It is worthwhile at the very beginning to separate the problem from its symptoms. If a decline in sales can be considered as an entity, then at the same time it can be a symptom of a complex problem that causes a decline in turnover, for example, incorrect pricing policy, lack of relevant knowledge and human resource competencies, unsatisfactory attitude of staff towards customers, lack of attraction, outdated distribution channels.

At this stage, they determine the type and amount of data necessary to achieve specific goals, establish sources of market information that determine the methods and techniques for collecting them, process and analyze the data, and set the research budget and performers of individual tasks.

The stage of data accumulation and analysis is usually time-consuming and therefore expensive, especially when primary sources of information are used. At this stage, specialized firms are attracted, they move into branched structures, which makes it possible to simultaneously collect information in many places. The accumulation stage ends with data processing and analysis. The use of certain methods of analysis depends on the methods of accumulation and processing of data, so that as a result of the calculations, information of great importance for the management problem posed at the beginning appears.

The results processing stage concludes the entire research process and provides for the writing of the final report, which contains a description of the studies carried out and conclusions. The final report of the masses to be complex and logical but built, understandable, relevant, accurate, transparent and pitiful.

By order of the American Marketing Society (American Marketing Association), studies are periodically conducted that have a place to establish a percentage

Statistical data processing methods are often used in marketing research and can be classified according to the number of variables. There is such a separation: one-dimensional (for example, the arithmetic mean is fmetic, median, Student's indicator), two-dimensional (Pearson's correlation indicator, simple regression, etc.).

Firms that conduct marketing research, which issues they relate to and what methods they use. Research shows that:

Most businesses conduct research in-house through their marketing departments;

Much of marketing research is dedicated to doing external research;

Enterprises engage specialized consulting firms in case of such problems requiring the use of special methods and techniques and specialized knowledge;

Most enterprises carry out research related to the analysis of indicators and trends in the development of the industry and the market, market share analysis, potential market identification, product testing, advertising effectiveness analysis, product satisfaction research.

Observation of tourism enterprises clearly show that the use of marketing research here is much less than in other areas of management. This thesis does not apply to large international corporations, air transport, tour operators or some hotel chains. The reasons for this situation can be sought in the traditional and at the same time false statement that marketing research is unnecessary where there is a direct relationship between the service provider and the client. In addition, the prerequisites for the use of marketing and market research in tourism are in principle the same as in other areas of the national economy.

Marketing research can be ordered using various criteria, the choice of which is associated with their goals.

Depending on the degree of knowledge of a certain problem, research is divided into:

Cognitive (collection of preliminary information that helps to make a hypothesis);

Descriptive (a statement of certain facts and events is made);

Cause-and-effect (testing hypotheses of cause-and-effect relationships)

The task of cognitive research is a preliminary acquaintance with the problem on the basis of possible and easily accessible sources of information. An example of the introductory stage can be discussions about the possibilities of introducing new types of services, investment directions, generalization of views on the subject of future market conditions or the reputation of the enterprise in the media. Information concerning such issues often comes from secondary sources and the general conclusions of experts.

Descriptive research mainly serves to identify and establish the weight of certain phenomena depending on the subject and methodology; these studies can determine the weight of certain relationships between market phenomena and marketing tools, or only evaluate them. Examples of such studies are the study of the structure of tourist traffic according to the data of means of communication, the structure of national inbound tourism, so what. Such an analysis is based mainly on the materials of territorial studies using a questionnaire survey and reporting.

Cause-and-effect studies serve to establish the causes and sources of the occurrence of certain phenomena. Examples are studies of the reasons for the decline in interest of tourists in certain objects, the impact of changes in the exchange rate on the development of tourist traffic, the impact of prices on sales, etc. These studies are carried out on the basis of primary sources of information.

From the foregoing, we can state that marketing research can give different answers to the question "What?", "To what extent?" niya "How much?", "To what extent?" iiku, first of all, the tourists themselves. From this it follows that marketing research can be divided into quantitative and qualitative. The qualitative approach shows that the effectiveness and efficiency of marketing tools can not be measured as much as it is possible to evaluate marketing tools not so much as to evaluate them.

Rice. 2.2. Tourism enterprise marketing environment.

V) Demographic changes also affect families. Due to the decline in the value of the traditional family, the diversity of forms of family life is growing and at the same time the share of families of the traditional model is decreasing. In particular, the number of single people and couples without legal registration of cohabitation - civil marriage is growing.

G) Average life expectancy is on the rise and an increase in the number of life cycle stages and corresponding age statuses. In addition to the traditional periods of childhood, youth, maturity and old age, modern man is going through a stage associated with the emergence of the need and opportunity to extend the time of study, professional and family self-determination. This stage of the life cycle is called "fasting"(according to O. Gallan, he is between youth and maturity) and his appearance in modern society is explained by the following reasons: the later start of the labor activity of most young people; an increase in the age of marriage, the instability of the forms of employment of young people. The philosophy of “fasting” is to enjoy youth and, as far as possible, to delay the moment of taking on family and work obligations. This trend has led to the fact that today in the market of demand for travel services a significant share is made up of non-family people under 35 years old with a high level of education, the desire for success, material security, unwillingness to bind themselves with family ties and worries. In the Western tourism market, there are firms that operate only in this segment. In particular, in Germany the demand potential in this segment is estimated at 6-8 million people.

e) The group of demographic factors also includes urbanization, i.e. increase in the share of the urban population. It is one of the main prerequisites for the development of mass forms of tourism, because. the level of departure of the population in tourist trips is directly proportional to the level of urbanization. The highest level of urbanization in the countries of North America (77%) and Europe (71%), which are the main "suppliers" of tourists. Within one country, the degree of tourist activity in cities is much higher than in rural areas. Moreover, the larger the city, the greater the number of its inhabitants goes on tourist trips. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that the main prerequisite for the development of mass forms of tourism in the second half of the XX century. there was a need for rest (associated with a change of scenery, with travel), caused by congestion and nervous tension, which are higher, the larger the city. In addition, the decision to go on educational tourist trips is influenced by the overall higher cultural and educational level of the urban population.

Having collected data on trends in demographic processes, it is possible to analyze their possible impact on the activities of a travel company, determine the directions for applying the main efforts and predict the results of future work. Each group of the population, classified according to one or another demographic feature, requires "its own" tourism product. Each such group has its own budget, which should also be studied by marketing specialists.

Economic factors are no less important than demographic ones. It is not enough to know how many potential customers a company has. It is important to determine how many more and what services they want to purchase. The solvency of the population is influenced by many factors, including the level of economic development of the country itself, and wages, and inflation, and unemployment. It is necessary to take into account the high dependence of demand for tourist services on the level of income.

It is also important to know the structure of income distribution among different groups of the population. The unevenness of such a distribution is a completely natural phenomenon. Therefore, when choosing to serve a particular market segment, the company must proceed from the financial situation of its potential customers. In addition, it is extremely important to study the structure of consumer spending. This makes it possible to approximately determine what proportion of the expenditures of each group of the population falls on the consumption of tourism services. Thus, in the world there is a steady trend of increasing the share of tourist services in the overall structure of consumption of the population. Averaged data for different countries show that in the total amount of family expenses, travel costs account for 12-19%. Unfortunately, this cannot be said about our country, where the population is forced to spend only about 70% of their income on food products. This situation negatively affects the development of the tourism services market. One of the patterns that establishes the relationship between income growth and shopping habits is Engel's law, which states that with an increase in the family budget, spending on food decreases proportionally, housing costs remain almost unchanged, and everything else, including leisure, increases.

Engel's Law says that with an increase in the family budget, spending on food decreases proportionally, housing costs remain almost unchanged, and everything else, including leisure, increases.

budget 2 thousand hryvnia budget 3 thousand hryvnia budget 4 thousand hryvnia

food costs, hryvnia, % 1400 gr. 70% 1400 gr. 50% 2100 gr. 70% 1400 gr. 35% 2800 70%

housing costs 300 gr. 15% 300 gr. 10% 300 gr. 7.5%

expenses for everything else, including leisure 300 gr. 15% 1300 gr. 40% 600 gr. 20% 2300 gr. 60% 900 gr. 22.5%

Natural factors cannot but influence the activity of a tourist enterprise, especially since the issues of rational use of natural resources and environmental protection are becoming global. In addition, natural factors (climate, topography, flora and fauna) are the most important element in encouraging customers to travel and attracting tourists to a particular region or country. For example, the natural resources of the Crimea and the Carpathians make it possible to attract tourists not only in the summer. Since nature management is increasingly under the control of the state, firms in their marketing activities must take this aspect into account.

Tourism marketing is under the influence socio-cultural factors. The most powerful are the established norms adopted in society, the systems of social rules, spiritual values, people's attitudes to nature, work, to each other and to themselves. Knowledge of socio-cultural factors is very important, as they affect both other elements of the macro environment and the internal environment of the enterprise (for example, the attitude of employees to work).

Analysis scientific and technical factors allows you to see in a timely manner the opportunities that the development of science and technology opens up for the production of new types of services, their marketing and improvement of customer service. Scientific and technological progress brings great opportunities and no less serious threat to the company. Any innovations threaten to oust the company from the market, preserve outdated technologies and methods of work, which is fraught with the most unpleasant consequences if due attention is not paid to the study of factors of a scientific and technical nature.

Study political and legal macro-environment factors should be carried out, first of all, in order to have a clear idea of ​​the intentions of state authorities and administration regarding the development of society and the means by which the state intends to implement its policy. An analysis of laws and other regulations that establish legal norms and frameworks for relations gives the tourism enterprise the opportunity to determine for itself the permissible boundaries of actions and acceptable methods for defending its interests. At the same time, it is necessary to study the legislative and legal acts regulating economic activity in general, and the tourism business in particular.

When conducting research on macroenvironment factors, it is very important to keep in mind two fundamental points. Firstly, all factors of the macro-environment of marketing are highly interconnected and influence each other. Therefore, their analysis must be carried out not separately, but systematically, in a complex. Secondly, the degree of influence of macroenvironment factors on various tourist enterprises is not the same and depends on their size, territorial location, characteristics of activities, etc.

To analyze the external environment, it is enough to assess the impact on the organization of a complex consisting of at least four factors of the macro environment: social (S), technological (T), economic (E) and political (P). They form the so-called STEP-analysis. STEP analysis is a kind of expert analysis. Experts are united in teams according to the number of the main subsystems of the organization. They determine the composition of STEP factors of the macro environment and rank them according to their importance in each of the groups of factors. The results of the work are carried out in two stages: first, the individual opinions of all participants are highlighted, then the opinions of the teams. Next, the statistical characteristics of the ranking results are determined (standard deviation, etc.). In addition to quantitative characteristics of macroenvironment factors, it is advisable to give qualitative ones as well.

Immediate environment (external microenvironment) represented by those components of the external marketing environment with which the travel company is in direct interaction. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that the firm can have a significant impact on the nature and content of this interaction. Thus, it can actively participate in the formation of additional opportunities and the prevention of threats to its continued existence. The main components of the immediate environment are consumers, competitors, "allied" and contact audiences (Fig.).

The first in the immediate external environment of a travel company is, of course, consumers. Their study allows you to better understand what services will be most accepted by them, how much sales you can count on, how much you can increase the circle of potential customers. The next most important component is competitors, involved in the ongoing competition for consumer preferences. The American marketing specialist J. Pildich in his book "The Way to the Buyer" emphasizes that knowing your competitors means scrupulously studying them, sparing no time and effort. What is it for? And for the fact that it is competitors who set the criteria that the company has to achieve or surpass. Given the extreme importance of the first two components of the immediate environment of the external environment of marketing, the study of consumers and the study of competitors are singled out as independent areas of marketing research.

Almost no tourist company is able to independently organize a tour, providing customers with all the necessary vehicles, providing accommodation, organizing meals, etc. For this, appropriate enterprises and organizations are usually involved (" subcontractors"), providing the missing links in the integrated service for tourists:

· accommodation facilities;

· transport firms;

· tour agencies and other firms providing services for escorting and providing information to tourists;

· intermediary tourist enterprises;

· trade enterprises;

· catering establishments, etc.

Relations with contact audiences. They are groups of persons, organizations, institutions, potentially or actually influencing the activities of the company. The potential impact can be expressed both in maintaining neutrality in relation to the firm, and in showing a certain attitude towards it.

The main contact audiences surrounding the travel company are:

· financial circles(banks, investment funds, financial, insurance companies and other financial and credit institutions);

· mass media(press, radio, television);

· public(consumer unions, public formations, as well as the population that does not act as any organized force, for example, residents of the resort area);

· company staff, on the opinion of which the attitude to work depends on the activities of his enterprise. In addition, a good image of the company in the eyes of its own employees has a beneficial effect on other contact audiences. Consequently, the management of a tourist enterprise is required to make efforts to increase the level of awareness of employees about the activities of the company, to take measures to stimulate their work, and to increase social guarantees.

The task of marketing research contact audiences consists in obtaining information about the mood prevailing in contact audiences, anticipating the most likely actions against the firm, and also finding means to establish constructive cooperation with the public.

The purpose of the study of the external environment- identification of opportunities and threats to the tourist enterprise that may take place in the present or arise for the company in the future. Possibilities- positive environmental factors that can lead to an increase in sales and profits. Threats- negative environmental factors, which, in the absence of an appropriate response from the tourist enterprise, can lead to a significant decrease in sales and profits (Individualization of demand - if there are no individual tours, some of the customers will leave).

In addition, the firm must determine for itself which of the external factors have the most significant impact on its functioning. Therefore, it is important to identify those factors that are potential carriers of threats to the enterprise. It is also advisable to know external factors, changes in which may open additional opportunities for the firm.

Internal environment- this is part of the overall marketing environment, which is located within the enterprise and controlled by it (Fig.). It contains the potential that enables the company to function, and, consequently, to exist and survive in a certain period of time.

The internal environment is analyzed in the following areas:

· frames(their potential, qualifications; selection, training and promotion; evaluation of the results of work and stimulation; preservation and maintenance of relations between employees, etc.);

· management organization(communication processes; organizational structures; norms, rules, procedures; distribution of rights and responsibilities; hierarchy of subordination);

· finance(maintaining liquidity, ensuring profitability, creating investment opportunities);

· marketing(tourist product strategy; pricing strategy; marketing strategy; communication strategy).

The internal environment determines the possibilities for the effective functioning of a tourism enterprise. But it can also be a source of problems if it does not provide the necessary conditions for the integrated use of the marketing concept.

If the actions of various services and personnel of a travel company are not united by a single marketing strategy, the effect of "swan, cancer and pike" may occur, when individual departments and employees are not interested in the implementation of common marketing goals.

This situation can be avoided by trying to raise enterprise culture, which should be subjected to the most serious analysis in the process of marketing research.

The culture of an enterprise is made up of a set of norms, rules and values ​​that guide it in its activities. Culture covers the system of relations between people existing at the enterprise, the distribution of power, management style, personnel issues, and the definition of development prospects. The achieved level of culture can help the enterprise to work competently; the lack of culture, on the contrary, will prevent the normal implementation of his business behavior. Everything here matters - from the design of the office to the reaction of employees to one or another version of the marketing strategy.

Since the culture of the enterprise does not have a pronounced manifestation, it is quite difficult to study it. However, there are a few persistent points that are important to clarify in order to try to point out the strengths and weaknesses that culture gives to the enterprise.

The main indicators to assess the level of culture of the tourist enterprise:

Firstly, businesses with a high culture tend to emphasize the importance of the people who work for them. Such enterprises pay great attention to explaining their corporate philosophy, promoting their values.

Secondly, about The culture of an enterprise can be judged by how it builds relationships with competitors and treats its customers.

Third, an idea of ​​the culture of the enterprise comes from observing how employees work in their workplaces, how the career system is built and what criteria are used to promote employees in the service.

Fourth, understanding of culture is facilitated by the study of whether there are stable commandments in the enterprise, unwritten norms of behavior, how aware all employees are of this and how seriously they take them. If employees are well aware of the history of the company, take the rules and symbols seriously and respectfully, then it can be assumed with a high degree of probability that the company has a high culture.

The Special Importance of Cultural Analysis of the enterprise lies in the fact that it not only determines intra-company relationships, but also has a serious impact on how the enterprise builds its interaction with the external environment.

The purpose of the study of the internal environment - identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the tourism enterprise. Strengths- advantages and disadvantages that distinguish the company from competitors. Weak sides- shortcomings of the enterprise to be corrected so that competitors cannot use them as their advantages. The revealed strengths serve as the basis on which the enterprise relies in the competition and which it must expand and strengthen. Weaknesses should be the object of the closest attention. You should try to get rid of most of them.

Approaches to identify strengths and weaknesses:

1) internal - analysis of the experience of the enterprise and the opinions of its specialists;

2) external - comparison with competitors;

3) normative - based on the opinions of experts and consultants.

List of strengths and weaknesses of the tourist enterprise:

We have analyzed the opportunities and threats, the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise - so what is the relationship between them? For a successful marketing activity of a travel agency, it needs to be able to predict both possible threats in the future and emerging new opportunities, while taking into account its strengths and weaknesses.

The main purpose of the study of the marketing environment is to determine the marketing opportunities of the travel agency. Tourism enterprise marketing opportunities are attractive areas of tourism enterprise marketing efforts in which it can achieve competitive advantages.

Competitive advantages

analysis of the external environment analysis of the internal environment

Threats + Opportunities Strengths + Weaknesses

Competitive advantages- material (tangible - financial and physical resources) and intangible assets (qualitative characteristics of the enterprise), as well as areas of activity that are strategically important for the tourist enterprise and allow it to win in the competition.

Competitive advantages are factors competitiveness, that is, the ability of the enterprise to compete with other enterprises. To determine marketing opportunities, a method called SWOT - ANALYSIS (strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats - strength, weakness, opportunity, threats) is used, that is, an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, its opportunities and threats. The method allows you to create a matrix of the following form:

The field "SIV" opens the most favorable marketing opportunities. The field "SLV" allows the enterprise to try to overcome its weaknesses due to the opportunities that have appeared. The SIS field suggests the possibilities of using strengths to eliminate threats. The SLU field is the most dangerous field; it is characterized by the weakness of the position of the enterprise and the impending threats. Using the matrix, you need to take into account that opportunities and threats can turn into their opposite (if you did not use a certain opportunity, then in the hands of a competitor it can become a threat to you and vice versa - a prevented threat can create a strong side of the tourist enterprise).

Thus, the tourist enterprise in the market does not operate in isolation, but in the environment and under the influence of various forces that make up the external marketing environment. The relations that develop between the subjects of the environment and the firm are diverse and, according to the nature of the impact on them from the side of the firm, they can be controlled and uncontrolled. The task of the enterprise is reduced to a minimum of uncontrolled environmental factors and finding opportunities for indirect influence on them.

After the company has identified its market opportunities, it is necessary to correctly assess and predict the size of the market, its growth potential and possible profit. Before proceeding to the study of the tourist market, it is necessary to define it.

tourism market can be defined as a socio-economic phenomenon that combines supply and demand to ensure the process of buying and selling a tourist product at a given time and in a certain place.

When characterizing the tourism market, the following points should be taken into account:

· the main subject of sale and purchase are services;

· in addition to the buyer and seller, the tourism market mechanism includes a significant number of intermediary links that provide a link between supply and demand;

· the demand for tourist services is distinguished by a number of features: a large variety of participants in trips according to material capabilities, age, goals and motives; elasticity; individuality and a high degree of differentiation; high substitution; remoteness in time and place from the tourist offer;

· the tourist offer is also characterized by a number of distinctive characteristics: goods and services in tourism are of a triple nature (natural resources, created resources, tourist services); high capital intensity of the industry; low elasticity; complexity.

For a clearer understanding of the processes occurring in the tourism market (pricing, competition, sales, etc.), it is necessary to take into account the relations of substitution (interchangeability) and complementarity (complementarity) that are developing in the tourism market. The impact of substitution is the more tangible, the greater the number of substitutes for a particular tourist service. Complementarity is manifested in the fact that the purchase by the consumer of some services (excursion trip) automatically leads to the need to purchase a number of other services (entrance tickets, meals, etc.).

The tourism market is heterogeneous. In its structure, smaller markets are distinguished in terms of their scale. In this regard, there are quite a few signs of the classification of the tourist market. We will only mention the most important ones that are of paramount importance for marketing research.

1. Terms spatial characteristics (territorial coverage), allocate markets for domestic or domestic - and foreign or international tourism.

2. By purpose distinguish between tourism markets: educational, sports, medical, scientific, religious, etc.

3. By the nature of the organization travel distinguish between organized (planned) and unorganized (amateur) tourism markets.

4.By way of travel– markets for active (pedestrian, skiing, cycling, water, equestrian) and passive (railway, air, autotourism) tourism.

5.Depending on age- markets for adult and children's tourism, etc.

From the point of view of the features and content of marketing activities, the following markets are distinguished:

· target, those. the market in which the firm is pursuing or intends to achieve its objectives;

· barren, those. a market that does not have prospects for the implementation of certain services;

· basic, those. the market where the bulk of the company's services are sold;

· additional, those. a market in which the sale of a certain volume of services is provided;

· growing, those. a market with real opportunities for sales growth;

· interlayer, those. a market in which commercial transactions are unstable but have the prospect of becoming, under certain conditions, an active market (or a target market, but may also become a barren market).

The tourist market also has a different qualitative structure (Figure 2.2). Let's consider it on the example of the tourist activity of the inhabitants of Sevastopol. The population of Sevastopol is 300 thousand people. Among them, 10% of Sevastopol residents show interest in purchasing tourist services. They form potential tourist market of Sevastopol. Meanwhile, mere desire to purchase travel services is clearly not enough. You need to have the funds to buy it. In addition, solvent consumers should have access to travel services that can meet their needs. If all of the above conditions are met, they say valid tourist market (40%).