Maxim Gorky Vassa Zheleznova summary. Online reading of the book by Vassa Zheleznova

In a couple of hours, on March 28, the great writer Maxim Gorky, my countryman, turns 150 years old, and, as promised, I am doing an analysis of one of his most destructive heroes. Or rather, heroines.

From the school course, we already know that Dolokhov is “the most tender son and brother”, Pechorin is a mysterious restless person, but here is the merchant Vassa Zheleznova "madly in love with her failed children who were victims of their father's former unbridled life and his abuse of their mother”, I read in an essay found on the Web.

That's about this "crazy love" of a woman who does not shy away from murder, kidnapping, or denunciation, and I want to talk today.

(on the photo - Vera Pashennaya in the role of Vassa. The best performance, in my opinion. "Like Gorky's".)

... I wonder why Vassa's children "failed"? And how does it happen for some that “children do not work out”? "They got these," I guess? All three?

Vassa Borisovna Zheleznova is a successful merchant's wife. She took the reins of management of the family shipping business many years ago, pushing her husband, Captain Zheleznov, a complete psychopath, mired in drunkenness, revelry, cards and sexual excesses, from the affairs of her husband. The second psychopath lives in Vassa's house - her brother Prokhor Khrapov, the same alcoholic, reveler and loafer as Captain Zheleznov. Beside them, the third psychopath, the sailor Pyaterkin, walks with an accordion and makes "ambitious" plans.

Neither father nor uncle was embarrassed and is not embarrassed by the presence of two daughters in the house - 17-year-old Natalya and 15-year-old Lyudmila. Yes, and Vassa is not embarrassed that while she is on fire at work, her husband brings prostitutes to the house, and the girls watch their "entertainment". It is no secret to anyone why the maid committed suicide - she was forced into cohabitation and knocked up by Prokhor.

And such a person feels at home in Zheleznova’s house, constantly spins among her daughters, arranges “parties” for them with the participation of Pyaterkin, pours wine ... And the mother sees all this and ... does nothing. Why? Isn't she afraid of her brother? Of course not. She just doesn't care about her daughters.

"Unsuccessful" Fedya and "successor" Kolya

Vassa also has an eldest son Fedor. He is currently dying of consumption abroad. But it is imperceptible that the mother is somehow worried. He is a cut piece for her. He cannot perform any function in her life, she doesn’t need it for anything, so she “nullifies” him. Another "failed" child...

(on the left - a frame from the film by Gleb Panfilov. A very ambiguous Vassa performed by Inna Churikova.)

But there is hope that the son of Fyodor, five-year-old Kolya, will “succeed”. Vassa is going to grow a successor out of him.

The case - I agree, but what does the house have to do with it? Vassa doesn't give a damn about the house and the fate of all its inhabitants. At the moment, the only non-impaired member of the family is little Kolya. He had not yet had time to "disappoint" Vassa, like the "frail" Fyodor, the "blessed" Lyudochka and the "pig" Natalya. Therefore, Vassa simply refuses to return the boy to Rachel's mother, Fyodor's wife, who comes to pick him up from abroad.

Vassa.Don't yell! Calmly. I won't give you a ring. He has a different fate.
Rachel. What are you, a beast?
Vassa.I say don't shout! Why this cry? I am not an animal. The beast will feed the cub, and - run, get your own bread, as you like. You want chickens, you want calves. Of course, we are not talking about hares, but about a serious animal. But you don’t let your cub into free prey. And I won't let my grandson go. My grandson is the heir to the Khrapov and Zheleznov shipping company. The only heir to a million dollar business. His aunts - Natalya and Lyudmila - will be singled out in small units, fifty thousand each, and they have a lot of that. Everything else to him (...). I did not consider you an enemy, even when I saw that you were taking your son away from me. What is he good for, sick? And the children ... all my hope, and my excuse is my grandson.
Rachel.What can touch your wild mind? Animal heart? You are a terrible figure! Listening to you, you begin to think that there really is a criminal type of person.

But the author of the essay, apparently, although he looks at the book, but sees a fig. From the teacher, most likely. Ignoring Gorky's text, which unambiguously refers to the essence of Vassa, he "correctly explains" her actions:

“Little Kolya Zheleznov is threatened with life abroad, with strangers. Or eternal wanderings with his mother, perhaps a prison. Vassa does not give up Kolya. And when the daughter-in-law tries to insist, she slowly hands her over to the police. Saving his grandson - perhaps the only little man in whom the Zheleznov merchant dynasty can last. Ship owners.

So that's what it turns out to be! To take away a son from a loving mother, from the only adequate person in this bedlam, means "saving the grandson."

And although Vassa says that he will hire Kolya "the best" teachers, but of course, the boy is waiting for no more attention and warmth than Fedor, Natalya and Lyudmila. Vassa never has time for them, they grow like grass. This type of upbringing can be called condoning hypo-custody. The child feels unnecessary, interfering ...

Vassa. I don't have time to talk to you.
Natalia. And to educate Kolka - will you find time?
Vassa. He needs little.
Natalia. No, more than me.

"Savior" Vassa

Vassa, by the way, "saves" not only Kolya. She always saves someone from something. Here, for example, is how she "saves" her daughters.

For many years, she turns a blind eye to her husband's debauchery and greases whoever is needed so that he is not pulled to account for these "arts". But then the day comes when Zheleznov gets into such a situation that the old proven method - a bribe - does not work. It turns out that the "brave" captain raped a teenage girl, and now he is facing hard labor.

Vassa does not care about the suffering and the further fate of the victim, but the threat of “shame” hanging over the family is incredible. But this is manipulation. Vassa simply takes the opportunity to kill her hated husband.

Appearing in his room with poison (she had it stockpiled in advance in a secluded place, how prudent!), she invites him to take the powder voluntarily. After all, he needs to think about the future of his daughters ( “You have bride-to-be daughters. What will it be like for them when they send you to hard labor? Who, decent, will marry them?).

Think about the future of your daughters! Well, it's funny. Both Vassa and Captain Zheleznov do not give a damn about them at all. Up to the fact that the girls are deprived and inherited. She writes them only 50 thousand each, everything else - millions - should be received by Kolya.

Vassa doesn't give a damn about the fact that her daughters live in an atmosphere of drunkenness and debauchery, constantly in danger. That the cunning Pyaterkin is circling around the naive Lyudmila, which means that the girl can get into trouble. That Natalya drinks with a depraved uncle, and can simply be put to bed by him, is involved in God knows what. What "decent" suitors, what is she talking about! It is as if she deliberately creates and condones situations that can destroy her daughters.

However, I will not look deeper than Gorky. I will dwell on what is obvious: Vassa is indifferent to the fate of his daughters. And for their sake, she goes to kill?! Oh well...

Vassa. Sergey, remember your daughters! They need to live. Children do not pay for the dirty tricks of their fathers.
Zheleznov. And for mothers?
Vassa. Senseless said. Understand, Sergei, I will not be silent in court. I’ll tell you how you brought girls on the run to my house, how you debauched them, showed Natalia and Luda to the walkers, I’ll tell you how you taught them to drink wine ...
Zheleznov. You're lying! This is Prokhor, your brother, taught, Prokhor.
Vassa. I scared Lyudmilka, and that's why she seems to be weak-minded, she can't study, she's incapable of anything..

That is, the "madly loving" mother knew perfectly well that her daughters were accustomed to wine, that they were watching the "fun" of their father and uncle with women. But for the time being, this “for some reason” didn’t bother her at all ...

Vassa. Natalya, do you remember how you drilled a hole in the bulkhead with a brace and admired your father's amusements?
Natalia. I remember.
Vassa. And then she ran to me, in tears, and shouted: “Drive them away, drive them away!”

That is, the daughter asked her for protection, but Vassa ignored it. But now, when the long-awaited chance presented itself to kill her husband from the world, each bast falls into a line. Poor abused daughters! Poor Vassa! Who knew everything, but did not lift a finger to protect her children. Such is the guardian of their reputation ...

Lyudmila. How funny, right? He began to drink more and more. And Natasha teaches...
Natalia. Already taught.
Rachel. Is this serious, Nata?
Natalia. Yes. I really like wine. And I like being drunk.
Vassa. You add: and there is no one to beat me!
Natalia. And there is no one to beat me.

That's all. Translation: I don’t care, daughter, at least get drunk, at least die, like your brother. I don't need you and I don't care.

But let's say Natalia "failed", drinks, dares. But what was Lyudmila "guilty" about? Vassa perfectly sees that the sailor Pyaterkin is hovering around her (who says: “Lyudmilka will then understand the circumstances of the game when it will be too late”). And what about the "madly loving" mother? She casually throws to the "feeble-minded" teenager that Pyaterkin can "make a child" for her. That's all the concern.

Zheleznovs and Khrapovs

Psychopath Vassa or traumatist? She herself says that her behavior is "out of resentment." And indeed, she has something to be offended by. Her husband was cruel to her. Vassa herself talks about her humiliations over tea:

“I fell in love with my father when I was not yet fifteen years old. At sixteen, they got married. Yes. I licked it off in front of strangers, and people didn't like our surname Khrapovs.

I gave birth to nine people, left - three. One was born dead, two girls - did not survive up to a year, boys - up to five, and one died at seven. Yes, daughters! I told this so that you are not in a hurry to get married. And they died because the weak were born, and the weak were born because my father drank a lot and beat me often.

And yet, Vassa's misfortune comes from her parental family. A stingy phrase is enough - "People did not like Khrapovs." About what the Khrapovs are, the image of Prokhor also speaks. What family could such a person come from? Only from very unhealthy. Therefore, Vassa is a completely "worthy" daughter of her parents and sister of her brother.

Thus, in the current generation of the Zheleznovs, two psychopathic clans have united ...

And also note: Vassa allegedly dissuades his daughters from marriage. Like, that's why I'm telling you about my father's bullying. At the same time, she forces her husband to drink poison under the pretext that otherwise no one will marry her daughters. And she leaves her daughters to themselves, knowing full well that it may turn out that they simply have to get married ... In general, sheer contradictions.

"Blessed" Ludmila

In the tags, I indicated "blanking". Let me remind you that this means the “quenching” of a person. It seems to me that Vassa is precisely “extinguishing” her daughters. And they are saved by whoever can.

Natalya starts drinking in protest. Lyudmila goes into illness. Both behaviors are an hysterical cry: “Mom, pay attention to us! We are here and we are your daughters!”

But Vassa treats them like furniture. "Doesn't get it." Natalya dares her - Vassa retorts. Lyudmila fawns - Vassa simply "pushes her back". Does not listen and does not want to hear.

Lyudmila. Hello, mother Vasya! My dear, I had an amazing dream, amazingly beautiful ...
Vassa(kissing her). For you, Lyudok, and reality is good.
Lyudmila. No, listen...
Vassa. Tell me over dinner.
Lyudmila. There Natka will laugh, or someone else will interfere, or I will forget. Dreams are awfully easy to forget. You listen here.
Vassa. No, Ludok, go! And send me Lisa perky.
Lyudmila. Oh my god! How bad are you today!

Vassa. You, Luda, go help Lisa clean the rooms.
Ludmila. I want to be with you. Why are you pushing me somewhere?
Vassa. Affairs, Lyudok, economy.
Lyudmila. Economy, economy! And for the daughter and there is no time, not a minute!
Vassa. If I’m going to drink tea - you’ll come, we’ll talk, and now - go!
Lyudmila. It makes me want to cry. I know that you will scold Uncle Prokhor for calling your father dissolute, I know!
Vassa (stroking her daughter's head, escorts her to the door). Slutty, that's... no offense. Dissolute - disentangles. Someone messed up, and he unravels. Here I am - all my life unraveling various confusions ...
Ludmila.You are joking! I know what a slutty is! Here is Uncle Prokhor.
(Vassa wants to close the door behind her.)

Lyudmilino's "dementia" is a saving exalted denial. Her psyche refuses to accept the fact that her mother is cruel and does not love her. Calling Vassa a "human woman", Lyudmila plunges into her fantasies of a good, kind mother. She makes both herself and others believe in it.

Lyudmila. She loves You.
Natalia. Loves to hurt.
Lyudmila. You are torturing her.
Natalia. Well, so am I.

"Vassa craves love"

Vassa's destructiveness is beyond doubt, but for some incomprehensible reason, people like her always have defenders who "see deeper" and "not only bad." One of them is People's Artist Serafima Birman (pictured left), who plays the role of Vassa in the theater.

“Gorky would not be a great realist if he considered and showed Vassa only as a beast, without unity and struggle of opposites. He is a great painter in a word, a great master of chiaroscuro. Birman writes in The Way of the Actress.

By this "witness" Birman sees Lyudmila and cites an excerpt from the girl's dialogue with Rachel, Kolya's mother:

"Lyudmila. You see - spring, Vasya and I began to work in the garden. Early in the morning she comes: “Get up!” Let's drink tea and go to the garden. Oh, Rasha, what a garden he has become! You enter it when it is sprinkled with dew and all burning in the sun ... like a robe, like brocade, even the heart stops, it is so beautiful! .. So we work, silently, like nuns, like dumb ones. We don't say anything, but we know what we think. I am drinking something. I’ll stop, Vasya shouts: “Sing!” And I see somewhere far away - her face is kind, affectionate ... "

Lyudmila's testimony could not be given serious importance, because Lyudmila - "Blessed are you with us ... Geek ... You don't look like anyone!" (According to Natalya.) Lyudmila is “like a weak-minded person” (Vassa states bitterly). But the playwright Ludmila was given a special vision: she does not see what everyone sees, but penetrates with her gaze into what is inaccessible to the sight of the reasonable.

Lyudmila in early childhood was frightened by her father with some wild trick. This produced a strange effect on the girl's soul: she stopped seeing how dark, how terrible the life of Zheleznov's house, she notices only the beautiful, kind: the brocade garden, the affectionate face of her mother. "Human woman" recognized, scented Lyuda in the one in whom others did not recognize anything human.

The truth about Vassa, buried deepest from everyone and from Vassa herself, is seen by Luda - “half-child”, “like an imbecile”, Luda, wise with love for her “mother Vasya”. I dare to think that Gorky trusted Lyuda's testimony - how great is my (the actress's) guilt before the author if I confess that, hating Vassa the way she has become, the way the capitalist system has made her, I love her passionately - the one who, under different conditions of life, it could become?

I see in Vassa not only a beast, I see in her a person, albeit distorted, albeit corrupted by the “cleaner”, but still a person.

Eh, Serafima Germanovna, it sounds very optimistic, but only Lyudmila does not see the "truth about Vassa", but defends herself from this truth. It is protected by "dementia", the idealization of a cruel, indifferent mother.

And there is nothing in the play that Gorky does his best to hint at the "other" Vassa. Namely, that he is a realist and showed what he showed, and not something else.
Gorky evaluates Vassa through the mouths of many heroes. Rachel calls her a "bestial heart" and a "criminal type of person". An employee of the shipping company, Yevgeny, who enters the house, tells Natalia that "mother loves to tease people."

And Vassa, characteristically, agrees with these characteristics! She herself says: “I am an enemy to people.” She speaks directly about her desires:

“I’ll tell you what I wanted, I’ll tell you in front of my daughters. I wanted the governor to take out the uryls after me, so that the priest served prayers not for saints, but for me, a black sinner, my evil soul.

Throughout the play, Vassa did not say a single warm word, nor did a single good deed. She poisoned her husband, robbed her revolutionary daughter-in-law of her son, and to be sure, denounced her to the police. She watches with indifference (at least) the degradation of Natalya and the despair of Lyudmila. All this did not prevent Serafima Birman from "seeing differently" and in the last scene she went on stage with a blossoming cherry branch, which is pure gag.

“Vassa, in my opinion, craves love. There is so much hatred in Vassa precisely because she is so hungry for love.

So, for example, I felt with all my heart that Vassa was a mother, crazy, short-sighted, irresponsible, but a mother. I have not been able to prove this in disputes with people who held a different point of view. But then, when I was carrying on my shoulders the hard fate of this woman, the pain of my mother's heart was piercingly felt by me.

"What is he good for me, sick?" - Vassa rudely responds, having learned from Rachel about Fyodor's fatal illness. But I know that she is lying to herself: after all, not only the heir, the head of the entire household, “burns out,” Fedya, her son, the first-born, “burns out.”

That's what costs us dearly - criminal optimism, when we measure the actions of psychopaths in our own categories, when we attribute to them feelings similar to ours. "Lies to herself," "she couldn't, she's a mother." Mother is mother... But mothers are different. There are also so-called "dead killers" ...

PS Do I need to post a theory about what a "dead killing mother" is?

PPSS I propose to discuss other heroes of Gorky: good and bad.

Maksim Gorky

Vassa Zheleznova (Mother)

"Collected Works in Thirty Volumes": State Publishing House fiction; Moscow; 1949 Volume 12. Plays 1908-1915


Vassa Petrovna Zheleznova. Anna, Semyon, Pavel are her children. Natalya is Semyon's wife. Lyudmila is Pavel's wife. Prokhor Zheleznov. Mikhailo Vasiliev - manager. Dunechka is a distant relative of the Zheleznovs. Lipa, Anisya - maids.

Act one

Early morning on a winter day. The large room is Vassa Zheleznova's bedroom and study. Closely. In the corner, behind the screens, there is a bed; to the left, a table littered with papers, tiles instead of paperweights. Near the table is a high desk, behind it, under the window, is a couch. Lamps with green shades. In the right corner is a tiled couch, next to it is a fireproof cupboard and a door to the prayer room. Papers are pinned to the screens; when they pass by, they move. In the back wall are wide doors leading to the dining room; a table is visible, a chandelier is above it. A candle is burning on the table. Dunechka is collecting dishes for tea. Linden brings in a boiling samovar. Dunechka (quiet). Back? Linden. No. Dunechka. Ouch! What will happen now? Linden. Do I know?.. (Goes into the mistress's room and examines it.) (Vassa comes out of the door of the prayer room, straightening his glasses and hair on his temples. He looks at the wall clock over the table.) Vassa. Why were you late? Quarter past seven, see? Linden. In the morning, Zakhar Ivanovich was again ill. Vassa (walking to the table). No despatch? Linden. No. Vassa. Is everyone up? Linden. Pavel Zakharovich hasn't gone to bed yet... Vassa. Unwell? Linden. Lyudmila Mikhailovna did not spend the night at home. Vassa (quietly). Watch out, Olympias!.. I'll... show you! Linden (scared). For what? Vassa. But for what is unpleasant to me ... you say with taste ... Linden. Vassa Petrovna! Yes, I am... Vassa. Go, call everyone for tea. Dunya, give me my cup here. Olympics, stop! If Lyudmila is still sleeping, don't wake her, do you understand? She spent the night at her father's. Send him to me... Dunya (brings tea). Hello Vassushka... Vassa. Be healthy. Dunya. Oh, Vassonka, how bad it was for Zakharushka... Vassa. Didn't say anything? Dunya. Where is it! Only blinks his eyes. Vassa. You listen to what they will talk about Lyudmilka. Go to the table. (Dunya has gone away. Vassa, putting her hands on the table, frowned, raised her glasses to her forehead, and moved her lips.) Michael (entering). Good morning-s... Vassa. Where is the daughter? Parent... eh! Michael. I can't do anything... beyond my strength... Vassa. Lost a guy... Michael. And her... Vassa. She spent the night with you... Got it? Michael. I understand, sir. Vassa. For her braids ... (Chuckled.) How is Zakhar? Michael. Bad s... Vassa (quiet). Couldn't sign the paper? Michael. No. Vassa. Pop agree? Michael. Three hundred asks. Vassa. To hell with him, let him use it. What about others? Michael. Everything is fine. Vassa (sigh). This will all end - let's think about what to do with the children ... Michael. Necessary business, sir! Trouble may be... Vassa (thoughtfully). Anna is not going, not going! And there is no dispatch... Dunya, tea! Who's come? Paul (in the dining room). I... Vassa. What are you hiding? Say hello to your mother... Paul (entering). Excuse me - good morning! Father-in-law... huh? Where is your daughter? Michael (sullenly). I will ask you about this - the law gave it to the church ... Vassa. Go, Mikhailo Vasilyevich... Paul. Mom - I'm ashamed, I'm unbearable ... help somehow, because you love me, I know ... mother! Vassa. Well, that's enough, that's enough... wait... Paul. What should I expect? My strength is not. Vassa. I said - she is not a couple for you! Marry a quiet... Paul. On a freak? I myself am a freak - and my wife is a freak? Crooked-sided? Lame? Vassa (extinguishes the candle). Stop it!... They laugh at tears and complaints now... stop it! Paul. God! Zheleznov's wife is a goof! Mother, is it really not tormenting you ... are you not ashamed? Vassa. She said stop it! Well? Go have some tea... (Goes to the dining room.) Don't you put out the light, monastic crow? Paul. Mother, give me some money, I'll go to the city... I can't... I can't... Vassa. Father is in danger, and you are in the city? What else do you think? Clever!.. Paul. Well, what should I do?!. (He flung himself on the couch, weeping angrily. In the dining room, Natalya goes up to her mother-in-law, kisses her hand. Vassa looks at Pavel through her glasses.) Vassa. Overslept? Natalia. I was on duty with my father until three o'clock. (Listening, frightened). Who is crying? Vassa. Paul - be ashamed! Whoops!.. Natalia (goes to office). What are you? Dunyasha, give me water! Vassa. Oh my God!.. (Dunya looks at her questioningly.) Well, what did you say? Give me some water... Eh, Pavel, I wish I could hide you somewhere... Paul. Yes, I know... you are not ashamed of me, you are ashamed of me... Natalia. You are a man, it is not good for you to cry. Paul. Don't touch me... you disdain me... my wife walks... (Mikhail enters the dining room, tugging at his mustache, following his son-in-law with a sullen look.) Vassa. What are you? Michael (going to her room). Please come here. Vassa. Well? Dunya, get out! Michael. Lyudmila left with her uncle... Vassa (grabbing the wall). Where? Michael. To the farm... Vassa. Oh ... I already thought - far ... completely! You scared me... Pavel - knows? Michael. She finds out... I'm terrified... And my daughter is dead... and the cause I've served all my life is being destroyed. Vassa (with annoyance). You wouldn't groan ... I don't groan here ... So, therefore, Prokhor ... Michael. He is everyone's enemy! Vassa. Don't croak, I say! The case is collapsing... It's still - we'll see! Michael (with fury). They consider him kind ... conscientious, they say ... I know these things - conscience and kindness! I saw them... They are in business - like sand in a car... And all this is just a game, no one needs kindness, no one! Give me as much as I'm worth, nothing more ... Keep caresses and jokes for yourself, yes, sir! This is when a person has nothing to deserve attention, he plays with his conscience! And everyone around him is crying because of his game ... and no business can go right ... He is a harmful person ... Vassa (waking up). What will you do with it? Michael. What? Eh... Vassa. Well? Speak. Michael (not suddenly). Wait, sir... You should go to the owner... Vassa. And really... But there is still no dispatch from Anna... no! Michael. Why are you so hopeful for her? Vassa (going). You don't know her... shut up! Michael (following her). Hard... Vassa. Easy to live - simple. Only from an easy life they soon become stupid, I heard ... (Gone. Dunya appears noiselessly, sits down at the table, crosses herself and whispers.) Dunya. Lord - save, have mercy on your servants in all ways ... Lord! Linden (runs in). Where is the mistress? Arrived! Dunya. Anna? Linden. Lyudmilka! I spent the night walking with my uncle - ah-ah! That's the way things are! Semyon (going). What's up, huh? Linden (running away). So sir... Semyon. Quack-sir! Stupid! Come on, Dunya, pour me a drink. Dunya. Good morning Senechka. Semyon. Well, you too. As Father? Dunya. Oh bad... Semyon. Hm... suffers for a long time. (Yawned.) Is everyone already drunk? Dunya (in an undertone). Pavlusha did not touch - his little wife did not spend the night at home ... Semyon (pleasantly surprised). Yes, uh? Dunya (choking). Yes Yes! With Prokhor, listen, Zach ... Semyon. Well no? Oh uncle, damn curly, huh? Achieved it! Well done, oh you! Dunya. Got it, apparently! Shame... Semyon. Here is Paul's face! Prokhor (enters, grumbling). I'll cut off those ears, wait... Semyon. To whom? Prokhor. Freak. Beast! Again he let a cat into my dovecote ... Cross-legged rigolet ... rigoletto - cuckold (Italian) - Ed. Even my legs are trembling... from evil... Semyon (grinning). Why are you so red-eyed and crumpled? Did you sleep in clothes? Prokhor (looking around himself). I? Slept? What a goblin ... you need to change clothes. Semyon. Should. Prokhor. Khavronya - tea! Oh, Pashka, kikimora... Skobar was strangled by a cat and two black and piebald... Semyon. And why would he be angry with you? Prokhor. Oh well! And you know the edge, but do not fall! He's a fool! A woman should go to the actress, or even somewhere ... what kind of wife is she to him? Linden (included). Prokhor Ivanovich... Prokhor. Well? Linden. The manager asks... Prokhor. I'm your manager... and no more! And there is nothing for you to stray here, Dodger about nsha ... scat! Semyon (Lipe). What does he need? Linden (timidly). He asks if he can see. Prokhor. Me? It is forbidden. I am invisible... Tell him that he is a blockhead and a crook... Semyon (laughs). Are crooks morons? Prokhor. With us, brother, and crooks are not painfully smart. Semyon. I love it when you get angry... very funny! Prokhor. Here, thank you! You have a state mind, brother, right! Ludmila (included, in the hood). Hello... (Dunya bows silently, Semyon, grinning, shuffles his feet, Prokhor twirls his mustache and quacks.) Ludmila. Milk to me. What are you, Semyon, blossomed? Semyon. Seeing you - all nature rejoices ... that's how! Prokhor. And animals. Semyon (snorting). Am I an animal? Prokhor. If you say - all nature, therefore, all cattle ... Semyon (laughs). Oh, by God ... that's clever! Ludmila (Dune). You see - his parent is dying, and he shows his teeth. (Semyon immediately became serious.) You, Dunyasha, would teach him decency, as they used to teach me ... Dunya. I'm with... Semyon (tone of excuse). Parent - the seventh month is ill. Prokhor. A person is generally resolute, but he does not dare to die ... Dunya (involuntarily). Oh my God... Prokhor. What? Dunya. I just... Prokhor. How? Ludmila (Dune). You go where you need to. Uncle Prokhor is immoral, and it is indecent for you, a girl, to sit with him. (Dunya leaves.) I don't like spies. (Prokhor.) Listen, Spaniard! Semyon. Looks like! Prokhor. Have you seen the Spaniards? Dough! Semyon. And I saw. Danced in the circus. Ludmila. I'll go to bed, get up at four, and you be ready - is it coming? Semyon. Ride? Ludmila. On a trio. Prokhor. Do you want to join us? Take your wife and let's go... Semyon (itches, sad). She won't go. Yes, Paul is here. Ludmila. What is Pavel? Semyon. Not that... embarrassing... Ludmila. Are you uncomfortable? Why? (Semyon smiles embarrassedly, Prokhor looks at him, shaking his head hopelessly.) Vassa (included). Semyon, go to the office. Prokhor (after nephew). Yes, do not dispose of very smartly, not like last time. Vassa (Lyudmila). Have you seen me? Ludmila. No. Vassa. Why don't you say hello? Ludmila (affectionately). Oh sorry! I forgot... Prokhor (got up). Hello, I wish... Vassa (avoiding the daughter-in-law's kiss, calmly, sternly). What are you doing, Lyudmila? Ludmila (not right away). I don't know... honestly, Mom! Don't know... (Quickly left.) Prokhor. Boom! Vassa (softly, peacefully). Prokhor Ivanovich, you are not a stupid man, not an evil one... Prokhor. The main thing - not stupid! Here, sir... Vassa. You understand, it must be that your actions embarrass the whole house and expose the old deed in a shameful form before people ... Prokhor. I heard these speeches more than once from Brother Zakhar and always told him that it was too late to teach me... Vassa (quiet). Surely you don't feel sorry for the young woman, almost a girl, - after all, she - to live ... Prokhor. Sorry! In young women and girls, I understand much more than you ... as well as many women of advanced age I see through and through ... Vassa (slowly). Pavel is your nephew... Prokhor. Do me a favor - tell him that if he poisons my pigeons with cats - I'll cut off my ears! Vassa (not right away). So you are an enemy of the family? Prokhor. It's you - leave it! A family! It was not without your instigation that the deceased brother let me go around the world - have you forgotten about this? Family-s? Thank you! Thirty thousand licked mine - it will be! Heh! Vassa (quiet). Do you want to fight? Prokhor. What? Like this? With whom? Vassa. With my nephews, I mean... Prokhor. Leave our overtures, anyway - you won't get out! No wars! The law exists, Vassa Petrovna, a kind of Roman law: mine is mine! Zakhar will depart to the mountain villages, we will peacefully separate, and - no overtures! I wish you well... (He left. Vassa looks after him, stooping strangely, as if she wants to jump on him. Natalya enters, sits down at the table, pours herself some tea.) Vassa (muffled). What is Paul? Natalia. Calmed down a little... (Silence. Vassa walks around the dining room.) Sorry for him... Vassa. What? Natalia. Sorry, I say... Vassa (not immediately, quietly). I feel sorry for the prisoners ... some are completely innocent in prison, and they have nothing to do ... but they are used to working in the wild. It’s a pity for those who want to work, but there’s nothing ... Natalia. Others live worse than prisoners ... Vassa (thoughtfully). Nobody took pity on me. How Zakhar started going bankrupt - I was pregnant with Pavel, at the sixth month ... It smelled like a prison, a court - at that time we secretly gave money on mortgage ... chests were full of other people's goods, everything had to be hidden, covered. I say - Zakharushka, wait! Let me have a baby! And he how zyknet ... yes! So I fumbled in fear and trembling for two months ... Natalia. Maybe that's why Pavel was born lopsided... Vassa. This is him after ... he was five years old, when I noticed that he was growing crookedly ... Yes ... Was it still there! Natalia. Did you talk to that employee who was expelled the other day? Vassa. Why talk to him? Wrong, well - go yourself! Natalia. Did they talk about life? Vassa. Whose life? Natalia. About everything ... about everyone? Vassa (does not understand). I don't know what are you talking about? Natalia (instructive). He said that everything is a sin. Vassa (surprised). What a fool! Natalia (fervently). Why is this? You scold everyone... Vassa (grinning). So it's a sin? Is work a sin? What they get to... to justify their laziness... I remember - there was a kind of wanderer, this was even before you... He sits in the kitchen and says sermons, like this - they say, all the works of human hands are one sin. And I say: "You, my dear, put the bread, don't touch it, don't eat it, it's made by hand. Don't sin, friend, but go away..." So she drove me away. Natalia (grunts). Or maybe it's true... Vassa (not listening, calls). Everyone is wise ... Zakhar was not wiser, but from ordinary men, this is where he got to. Natalia (stands up). And dies. Vassa. Well? Lived! Natalia. You complained about... Vassa. This woman was complaining. He has been a libertine all his life... and is dying of debauchery... And besides this, he has no price... there is no worthy praise. (Lipa enters.) Natalia (leaving). You always say one thing or the other... Vassa (quiet). Stupid... (Lipe.) Who was at Prokhor's last night? Linden. Yevgeny Mironych some... Vassa. Lawyer from the city... do you know? What were they talking about? Linden. Didn't hear. Vassa. Why? Linden. They locked up... Vassa. And through the vent in the oven? Forgot? Linden. They are very quiet... Vassa. Look, heretic! Linden. Vassa Petrovna! Do I... Vassa. Remember who you are! Linden. I would go to a monastery... Vassa. Monastery? (Thinking.) I will give you a monastery! (softer.) They care about you... Wipe your face, huh? Let go - you'll be lost! Call Mikhail... What are you, Pavel? Paul (at the door). So. Vassa. Always - so. And what is - so? Paul. Nothing... Vassa (looks at son in disbelief). Jesus Christ... where is this coming from? Some kind of useless ... loafers ... Paul. What should I do? I can't find a place for myself... my heart is dying... Vassa. If you don’t know how to cope with a woman, be patient ... for the time being ... Paul. Until what? Oh, mother, you are a cruel person ... Vassa. Am I? So! Paul. As your son, you are ready to dig the earth like a shovel, just to get money ... Vassa (quiet). Would you go, Pavel, to the monks! Paul (surprised). I? What for? Vassa. And where do you go? Paul (shyly). Mother... are you serious? Vassa. Well, yes... Paul (pissed off). No... you won't be able to! See you ... huh? No with... Vassa. Who are you talking to? Paul. With you! Vassa (quietly). Out! Paul (leaving). I'm not afraid ... you see! (Vassa goes into the office, sits down at the table, sorts out the papers, bringing them to her face, her hands are shaking.) Vassa (mumbles). What is it all for? For whom? (She threw away her papers, took off her spectacles and sits motionless, stern, gazing wistfully in front of her.) Michael (enters, angry). Did you call me? Vassa. What are you talking about? Michael. How? Vassa. Painfully angry. Wait, my sir, I'm still the mistress here... Michael (sadly). Nothing can be imagined. They twitched me ... Semyon Zakharych only laughs ... Vassa. OK! Do you know that Prokhor had a lawyer? Michael. I know!.. This Lipa is yours.... Vassa. Yes... failed. Michael. To scare her... Vassa. As if she had forgotten how to be afraid... Michael. It can't be! Infanticide is not a joke, sir! Vassa. It’s dangerous too ... Semyonov was a child ... Michael. Unprovable! The stigma of the company on a child is not allowed. Just a child! And - the mother is there, but he is not ... Vassa. You should have talked to her... stricter! Michael. May with... Vassa. Talk to me. A man is more comfortable. Frighten and caress ... Well, I talked with Prokhor ... Michael. What? Vassa. He says - I'll ruin ... Michael. Maybe sir!.. Vassa (lowering eyes). Yes... these are the days! Michael (quiet). They need serious action... Vassa (without looking at him). What do you think? Michael. I have one hope - his heart is weak ... Such people die overnight ... Vassa. Trivia! He will outlive us. Michael. God's work, sir. He takes medicines more and more often - I know this from the pharmacy bills. Fershal Yakov said - these drugs are dangerous ... Vassa. The medicine is dangerous! Yakov is lying drunk... Michael. Two of them ... One is against the heart, and the other is embarrassing to say ... for strength in dealing with ladies ... Vassa (grinning). Old damn!.. Michael. Yakov was afraid that medicines, he says, contradict each other, they cannot be used for evil. If you increase the dose... Vassa. The drunk is talking, and you are listening... So talk to Olympias... Michael. Necessarily. If only they were dead now... Vassa (grinning). You, father, seem to be going to poison him ... Come to your senses! Michael. Lord have mercy! What do you? And in my thoughts there was no... Vassa. Be careful... in words... Michael. F-fu... you scared me... Vassa. There is nothing to fear... Michael. It's even embarrassing... Vassa. There is no offense here. I don't mean to offend you. I only see peace when I talk to you... Michael. Don't forget that all my life I have served you... for my conscience... And even my only daughter... who is after you... Vassa. Well, well, that's enough... that's enough, my friend... Thank God, we can still live, just wait! And don't blame me for Lyudochka! I love her... I was against it... Michael (suddenly with dull fury). He! I know... He! Every crook has his own calculation ... I understood his calculation correctly! To make a girl a mistress - he was afraid, he married her to his nephew ... I know, sir! Vassa (quiet). Don't put off the Olympics for a long time... Michael. Be calm... I swore an oath to myself! Vassa. Be calm yourself... Michael. When did I get excited? Vassa. Well, go... go! As for the spiritual, look... (Mikhail leaned down respectfully, kissed her hand, she answered with a kiss on the forehead and stroked his head twice. He left, straightening up like a soldier; after seeing him off, Vassa sits down again at the table, muttering indistinctly, sorting through the papers. Anna cautiously enters, looks at mother, at first mockingly, but soon her face becomes tender and sad.) Anna. Mother... Vassa (turning around). Anna... Anyuta... Anna. Alone, as before, it happened ... a gray-haired mother ... Hello! Vassa. Thank God ... how well you entered! What's the despatch? And I was waiting for the dispatch ... Anna. And not me? As Father? Vassa (looking into the dining room). Bad... Has anyone seen you? Anna. Some young man opened the door and ran away... didn't even ask who I was... Vassa. Mitka from the office... you're out! Well, that's good! Wait a minute, I'll close the door... we'll talk alone... so that you know... Ah, officer! Oh you military... (She shuts the door; excited, takes her daughter by the hand, sits down on the couch.) Well Anna... Anna (quiet). So father... Vassa. Won't get up... (Immediately falling into a businesslike tone.) Trouble is upon us, Anna! Uncle wants to take his money out of business... and who made him money? Whose work did they grow up with? Zakharova and mine! What was he doing, Prokhor? He chased women, started theaters ... Where did he get the money? One... Anna (frowning). Wait... Vassa. You - listen! Semyon is in his wife's arms, and she is some kind of blessed ... and also persuades him to stand out. Pavel is an unfortunate little man ... he has a wife - you know her, he married Lyudmila ... she is not a match for him and seemed to have begun to walk! I don't believe in it... she's squeamish! I can't understand anything, Anna!.. Then I discharged you - you're out of the fresh air, you might see what to do... so that at least it's less of a sin... Anna (carefully). That's how... yes? Are we going broke? Vassa. The whole thing is falling apart! Thirty years of work - all smoke, smoke! The years were hard, the losses were great ... There were no workers, but many heirs ... And the heirs were bad! Why did my father and I work? Who worked! Who will justify our sins? They built - years, falls - in days ... insulting ... Unbearable! Anna. Did the father sign the will? Vassa (stopped, not immediately). Spiritual? No... I don't know... Anna (incredulously). Do not know? You? Vassa. Probably - he wrote ... Just think, what kind of business is falling! Anna. Yes... Vassa. Here! You talk to your brothers... they don't believe me, my sons! They think that I want to take everything into my own hands. And you must be believed, Annushka! You are a man - without interest, you - separated from the inheritance ... driven away by your father ... Anna (get up). Highlighted? They gave me - they left me, like a beggar, ten thousand and - that's it? Vassa (chuckled). I have your receipt... a receipt that you received your entire share. Anna (affectionately). What is a receipt? You give it to me, mother! Vassa (as if joking). For what service, ma'am? Anna (thoughtfully). Services? Here, let me understand... Vassa (follows her). Well, well, understand! How is it going? Anna (reluctantly). So-so. Vassa. What's yours? Anna. He received a lieutenant colonel after summer maneuvers. The battalion was given to him ... Vassa. And does he drink? Anna. Officer, don't drink! Is sick. Soon, perhaps, I will be a widow ... Vassa (with a smile, quietly). Love is gone, isn't it? (Anna smiled silently.) Vassa. That's it! And how then it boiled! I told you... Anna. Well, we'll leave that, mother! Vassa (looking at her). You speak decisively ... And you sit boldly - legs crossed ... and here you are smoking tobacco! Anna. I smoke. (Pavel is in the dining room. Quietly he goes to the door, hears voices and presses his ear to the door.) Vassa. It wouldn't suit a lady... Anna. Comes to me. Vassa. And well-dressed. Anna. We know how. Vassa. How are the grandchildren doing? Anna (proudly). My children are healthy and happy... Vassa. The first one died... Anna. Yes... He was sick... weak... Vassa (grinning). So! The first is sick ... and then, thank God, the healthy ones went ... from a sick husband ... Anna (blushed, looked at her mother and laughed softly). You are smart mom... Vassa (satisfied). Well, you need to call the brothers ... Anna. Did they know that I would come? Vassa (goes to the door). What do they need to know... (She opened the door - Pavel jumped back, but did not have time to run away, tripping over a chair. The mother looks at him, he rubs his knee in embarrassment.) Paul (quiet). Still... you can't hear anything... Vassa. Can not hear? This is grief! Paul (evil). Am I mine or not? They told me - the lady came with suitcases ... Vassa. You would knock on the door, and I would open it for you ... Anna (leaving). Hello Pavel! Paul (mothers). Well, I didn't guess! Hello Anyuta! Vassa. Here, ask him why he is spying on his mother? (Goes to the dining room.) Paul. Well, yes ... I’m already peeping! Anna (smiling). Glad to see me? Paul. Of course. And then we are like in a madhouse. Anna (quietly, looking into the dining room). Is the mother the same? Paul. It got worse. He wants to take matters into his own hands. Anna. Well, it's all in her hands... Paul. It won't happen when daddy dies! Sabbat! We are no longer small - I am twenty-four, and Semyon is three years older ... Anna. Do you live together? Paul. Miscellaneous. He is a fool, Semyon... Anna. And the wives? Paul. His wife is cunning... Fat, but cunning! You have become beautiful! And dressed especially ... well! And here, as in a hospital, everyone goes around - dresses are black and striped ... Anna (hugging him, walks). Did you marry Luda? Paul. Well, yes. And we can't do anything. So I started buying old icons from the Old Believers, across the river, - my mother bit her: she says, you don’t pray to God, but you spend a lot of money! He doesn’t understand that you can get ten rubles a ruble here... The most profitable thing is to trade in antiques... in the city, one merchant bought six plates for nine rubles, and sold them for three hundred and twenty... that’s how it is! And here we are... bricks, tiles, firewood, peat... the devil is coming! Prokhor (entering). Baa! What a gorgeous lady though! (Spreading his arms, he looks at his niece, clicking his tongue deliciously.) Bravo! Well kiss... Anna. And you, uncle, don't be embarrassed. Prokhor. You something? Hm ... with such eyes they are not embarrassed ... you're lying, sir! Anna. And here is Simon! Wow, how fat! Semyon (glad). Anyuta! That's good ... Lord! How glad I am, by God ... well - oh you! How long have you not seen each other? Anna. You meet your wife! Semyon. Necessarily! Natasha, here she is - Anyuta! Do you remember, I told you, you beat me up everything? .. Prokhor. Few! Anna (to Natalia). It's nice to see you... let's be friends... Natalia. Good with... Prokhor. Boom! Semyon. She is quiet! An Old Believer, they were baptized in a korchaga ... a korchaga is a large clay pot or cast iron, a cast-iron pot, more sprawling than a pot. That is, they were baptized at home, not in the church, according to the customs of the Old Believers - Ed. Prokhor. In a huge box! Anna (to Paul). Where is Lyudmila? Paul (taken by surprise). Don't know. (Semyon snorted, everyone was silent for a second.) She is sleeping. Semyon. You know her! Anna. She was beautiful... Prokhor. Wow! Look at her now! The beast! Semyon. Praised! Paul. He is to spite me. They all laugh at me... Natalia. Well, that's enough for you! Paul. They are killing me, Anna! Anna. Oh, how scary! (She hugged Pavel by the shoulders and takes him to a corner, saying something; he grumbles and waves his arms.) Prokhor (to Semyon). Is it a good sister? Semyon. Yeah... Natalia. Only the eyes are very shiny ... Semyon. Looks like mother... Prokhor. Figure something! Grandama... Semyon. Oh, what a robber she was! .. She thrashed me ... Natalia. It's not good that Lyudmila isn't coming, it's disrespectful to Anna Zakharovna... Michael (included). Anna Zakharovna, let me congratulate you on your return under your own roof... Natalia (quietly). Your ... how is it? Michael. Which is immensely happy... Anna. You have not grown old, Uncle Misha, and well done! Glad to see you... Michael. And I! Sincerely... Semyon (to Natalia). Do you like her? Natalia. Nothing... Motley only very... Semyon. She's wearing the same color! YU! Natalia. Yes, I see. This is me so... Prokhor. It's night blindness... Ludmila (enters sleepy, disheveled, but beautiful. She rushes to Anna). Nyuta... Anna (hugging her). Lyudochka... Ludmila. Nyuta... oh, how good... Anna. What have you become... Ludmila. You are exactly the sun... Paul. The whining has begun... Vassa (in the door). Anna!.. Go to your father... Prokhor. What is bad for him? Paul. Wait some more to rejoice... Prokhor. I'm asking you, doug? (Pavel, running to the table, shows his uncle his tongue.) Ludmila (laughs through tears). Look dad! Prokhor (going to Paul). Pashka, I'll prick my ears! Paul. Touch... Michael (daughter). You go... Semyon (lively). Uncle - block the way for him with a chair! Pavel - roll under the table, oh you! .. Action two Evening. The dining room is dark. In front of the fireplace - Lyudmila. Anna, with a cigarette, thoughtfully walks around the room. Anna. It's a pity you didn't write to me... Ludmila. Well... I don't even know your address. Anna. If I wanted... Ludmila. Follow me: husband, father ... And what to write about, what are you interested in? .. Anna. About myself... about everyone... Ludmila. I don't understand anything. For two years - stupid, angry ... Anna. Why did you marry Paul? Ludmila. It was necessary to. Anna. Yes? Ludmila. Yes. Anna. How are you? So careful... Ludmila. The time was so... special. Everywhere there are riots, these strikes... just like cleaning before a holiday... And everything is cleaning and cleaning... but there is no holiday. One turned up ... a handsome man ... a boy almost ... He was pockmarked, but handsome. Anna. Where is he? Ludmila. Gone. I do not know where. Anna. Does Paul know? Ludmila. No. Nobody knows... except Uncle. Anna. How... Ludmila. So. Uncle Prokhor taught... That one was good... speckled... surprisingly affectionate and kind... Anna. And what kind of person is Uncle Prokhor? Ludmila. So... a cheerful merchant... Also affectionate... He caresses you, and then - give it back... with interest. (In a different tone.) Well, God bless him! I don't want to speak badly of him - after all, he did me one good thing, he did! But we are not beggars and we must remember the good, right, Anna? Anna (indifferently). Don't know. Ludmila (smiling). There is only one person close to me - your mother ... And I almost never talk to her, and she never asks me about anything - unless she sometimes scolds for Pavel ... But in my heart I know that only she pities me and loves ... If it weren't for her - oh, what would I do! Anna (frowning). That's how! Ludmila (fun). When spring comes, we will start working with her in the garden... Oh, Anna, it's good how to help the earth dress up in flowers! At the very sunrise, she will knock on me, mother, something: "Hey, - she will say, so angrily, - get up!" And we'll both go in silence, for almost the whole day, until evening... You wouldn't recognize the garden if it were summer now! Here it has grown, here it is decorated! Last spring, we bought more than a hundred rubles worth of flower seeds alone! What plums, apple trees, cherries! I learned to vaccinate, I go to the peasants in the village to vaccinate - a gardener at all! My mother bought me a book about gardening - study, she says, this is an honest thing! The peasants, seeing our successes in the garden and the garden, send their wives for seeds, ask for a vaccination ... the peasants respect me! It's good to live in spring, summer, autumn ... but winter is difficult for me and for her ... It's somehow crowded in our house ... We don't say anything, but we both know what we think ... What a boring thing you have become ? Anna. I don't know... You're so beautiful, young... Ludmila. And here's how we start working in the spring - look what I'll be like! Ah, our garden! If you enter it in the morning, when it is sprinkled with dew and burns in the sun, it is as if you have entered a church! Your head is spinning, your heart stops, you start to sing - as if drunk! I'll stop, and mother screams - sing! And somewhere above the bushes I see her face - an affectionate, kind, motherly face! Anna (quietly, not really believing). Affectionate? Kind? Ludmila. Well, yes! And what? Do you remember how you and I played in this garden? Paul (included). What are you gossiping about? (Lights the candles in the chandelier.) Ludmila. Why is this? Paul. I want to admire you! Ludmila. Turn off... Paul. I won't repay! Ludmila. Freak! Paul. Here, Anna, with what devil have connected me... for all life. Ludmila. You're lying! You yourself crawled on your knees in front of me like a beggar ... Anna. Stop it! Ludmila. You understand - he can't do anything to me... so he teases me with various dirty tricks. They gave me a Siberian cat - poisoned ... Paul. He scratched me... I didn't poison him at all... he overate himself... Ludmila (jumped up). Shut up, monkey! I can't see... (Quickly leaves.) Paul (quiet). She ran away... yeah! Can't you see? Anna. What are you thinking of doing, Paul? Paul (grinning). Nothing. I don't feel well, let her endure it too! (Suddenly sincere and hot.) Anyuta, help me, for Christ's sake! I'll give you whatever you want ... money, if necessary, I'll give you money when papa dies! Lord, I'll give everything... everything! Anna (thinking). What can I do? Paul (quietly, mournfully). You married for love, teach her to love me... teach her! I love her so much - there is no measure! She is sleeping, and I am kneeling by the bed: "Lyuda, Lyudochka, no one will love you like I do!" I whisper to her all night until morning ... - Everyone has something, but I'm ugly, I have nothing else to live for, as for you," I tell her, and she is sleeping ... Anna, help me! Anna (hurriedly). Calm down, someone's coming... Paul. What to me? Let everyone go... everyone knows! Natalia (included). Pasha, mother is calling ... (Looks at them suspiciously.) Rather, she is angry. Paul (leaving). She is always angry. Natalia (following him). You beat the clerk there... Paul. so what? They need to be beaten... Anna (to Natalia). Natasha, wait a minute. Natalia (returning). Good. Anna. F-fu... it looks like he beat me! .. Natalia. Have you complained about your spouse? Anna. Do you seem to get on well with him? Natalia. I am the same with everyone. Anna. Isn't it boring? Natalia. Why? Anna. Yes, you are so young ... there is no entertainment here ... Natalia. And husband? Anna (smiling). Is that enough? Natalia (instructive). He tries very hard not to be bored... and makes you laugh, that's all. Besides, now is not at all such a time to want to laugh ... Anna (interested). Yeah? Natalia (convinced). Of course! Now it's impossible to live as before... you have to move to the city... and everything should be different... Anna (Seriously). How? Natalia. I still can’t explain... I think about it a lot, but I don’t know... Only, you have to live in fortified cities, where there are a lot of police and troops... (Inspired.) After these terrible years, quiet people are transferred, sister Anna. Everyone began to think and secretly talk to each other ... and different people walk around ... one of us came here, so he persuaded everyone that any business is a sin and there is no need to do anything! I was very scared then ... do you think what it could be if no one works again? Anna. What are you, though... Natalia. I have a sick child, and at night I sleep little, but I keep thinking about different things. But I'm still young, and they don't listen to me when I speak... but you, thank you, are listening... This is very pleasant for me. Prokhor (enters, angry). Where is Vassa? Anna. Don't know. Natalia. Went to the factory. Prokhor. Damn... Anna. Where are you from? Prokhor. Dirty? From the pigeon. Ethiopians - I've been asking for three months to fix the stairs - they don't want to! This is on purpose, Anna, so you know! And if I fly into the cellar, break my neck, it will be a rig, yes! It will be Pashkin's palmistry!.. Anna. Oh, uncle, what are you talking about? Prokhor. I know that ... You don't know, but I ... last time I was sitting in the dovecote, and someone quietly opened the cellar, moved the ladder to the very edge and slammed the door from the courtyard. Dark. The floor is damp in the cellar... I almost fell off. How to understand it? Whose these things are criminal, huh? Natalia (to Anna). If you tease Pasha, he can commit a great sin, I inspired Lyudmilochka this ... Prokhor. Here you see? And Valaam's ass says the same thing... Natalia. You are absolutely wrong to compare me with a donkey ... Prokhor. Oh well! Do you remember who spoke through her mouth ... Natalia. I don't care... I'm a merchant's daughter... Anna. You, Natasha, needlessly reinforce your uncle's hostile thoughts... Natalia. Scary thoughts cannot be hidden. You yourself know that unfortunate people are always very evil... Prokhor (fun). What is it? What a dove with a snake mind, huh? Natalia (offended, leaves). The mind is very simple... sorry! This is the most human mind... Anna. Oh, uncle... why are you doing this to her? Prokhor. Nothing, eat! I don't like this dark soul in a dark dress! (Laughing.) You know, I once heard how she dreamed of a future life with her husband. (Mimicking Natalya's manner.)"And so, Senya, I'm lying in a purple velvet hood, and under it is one lace shirt ... or I'm sitting on a kind of kelk shoe" ... Anna (smiling). The sun lounger must be... Prokhor. Well does not matter! (Mimicking Natalia again.)“And various people come to visit: here is the chief of police, and judges, and the head of the city - the whole city! .. And everyone envy you, looking at me, - oh yes Zheleznov! That's how his wife is, yes-a! And I'll move my leg like that, otherwise I'll show my shoulder - let them grind their teeth even more ... " (Laughs.) Nice illustration, huh? Senka, fool, neighs ... Anna (Seriously). A strange woman... I don't understand her! Such... as if unwise... Prokhor. The devil knows better what she is... Sometimes, brother, she rolls her eyes like that... Ah, I'm tired of them!... Anna. What do you live with them? Prokhor. Boom! She said too! All my money is stuck here, by the grace of Zakhar... I’ll pull it out, and—farewell, my half-blooded swindlers!.. Anna. Where are you? Prokhor. To Moscow, to the capital! (Leaning towards her, mysteriously.) I, brother, have - a certain fruit of unfortunate love ... ha-aroshiy, Anna, the fruit is ripening! Anna. Here's how? Prokhor. Boom! The student is already ... the most excellent mug! Anna. And - mother? Prokhor (not right away). Died ... sorry! (More fun again.) He calls me an unexpected father - a cheerful devil! And he doesn't ask for anything, does he? Have you seen these? Not our blood, no... Drinks, damn it, a few... Theater-goer, knows all the actresses... Studying mythological... Anna. Philological. Prokhor (convinced). No, I said correctly - there is a science of mythology ... he, brother, told me in detail, and even I myself read about the Greek war, about Odysseus ... Here, brother, Odysseus was a rogue! Lied - wonderful! It's like going down to hell, you know? And as if in hell - nothing is scary, but only - great boredom? .. This Peter, mine, is also healthy to lie! Vassa (included). Peace of conversation. Who is Natalia mad at? Anna. She is? How is she angry? Vassa. He stands in the middle of the hall and cuts off the brushes at the handkerchief ... all white, even blue ... (Prokhor.) There the dovecote asks you. Prokhor (pacing). Will wait... Anna (with her eyes and careful gestures she asks her mother to leave. Vassa looks at her incredulously). Semyon returned from the city? Vassa. I don't know... and I would need it... I'll go and have a look... (Exits.) Prokhor. Let's play cards, shall we? Let's call Lyudmila, Natalya... Anna. Well, let's... So, you're leaving the business, then? Prokhor. Necessarily. I'm getting old ... and in general - what's the deal? It's scary, you see! It used to be - walking through the village - you feel like a gentleman ... and now, although people still bow low, but they are in order to hide their evil eyes ... What kind of life is this? This, brother, is the Greek Iliad - everyone strives to hit each other on the head more cleverly ... Besides, I have always been a businessman, not so hot ... but now what do I care? Semyon (included). Who called me? Anna. Mother. Semyon. And she says - you! So no one wants me? So it is good! Prokhor. Boom! I'll follow Lyudmila. Semyon, do you want to play cards? Semyon. Can. Hey, brothers, nice in the city! Everything is solid - stone houses ... bright, clean ... And people are different - the conversation is wide ... they know about everything ... The thought is there, the policy is different ... interesting cases ... Prokhor (leaving). Ladies are beautiful... Semyon. Went ... a womanizer! Anna. Do you seriously think that he and Lyudmila are... naughty? Semyon (with pleasure). Shalit? Look, you... and I was waiting for you to say that! I called it deftly... Here it is, the city... teaches everything! Yes, he, uncle, of course, is naughty ... and how ... I myself heard how he taught her once ... my eyes popped out of shame with shame ... Anna. What did he teach? Semyon. Well, it's not fair to say. Anna. Chai, I'm married! Semyon. It doesn't matter... but I didn't really understand... about children... how it is necessary that children are not born... Well, him! The prankster... his case does not console him... Anna. And you? Semyon. me? You see - there is little joy in tiles and bricks ... besides, the people have become gloomy ... guards and severity ... drunkenness and fights ... it's boring! When papa dies, I will live in the city... You see yourself quite differently when all the people around you are the same... Anna. Well, who's going to run the business? Semyon. Is it something? It is to be cut down... peat is unprofitable to work... and the rest - mother and Mikhailo... let them dig... And in the city - I will open a store of gold things... y-yes! On the main street, on Dvoryanskaya .... And a sign: Semyon Zheleznov's jewelry store - jewelry! And the word is so soft - yu! There will be an apartment above the store... I'll buy a harmonium, I'll play on it... wow! Ludmila (running). Anna, go get them... Semyon (scared). Whom? Who? Ludmila. Uncle Prokhor Pavel beats... Semyon. Here ... please! Here are those and yu! Anna, what are you, go! Anna. Where will I go? Hit more! Go yourself! Semyon (going). I... what am I! What policeman... Ludmila. Lord, what is this? What kind of life is this? Anna. Nothing Luda... Ludmila. If only my uncle had killed Pavel... so sorry for him... he is so disgusting! Anna. What are they for? Ludmila. Pavel said that he would not let me play cards, but it became funny to me ... he pushed me and yelled, and my uncle by his hair ... Anna (calmly). Man... Ludmila. Disgusting... Anna. Would you like to live like this! Ludmila. Happiness is expensive, even if it's small... (Thoughtfully.) And yet you remember him - and it's easier ... Ah, Anyuta, how good it is when a man cries for joy in front of you - he is so sweet then ... so dear ... you know that? Anna (hugged her). Yeah... oh, I know... Ludmila. You feel like the richest queen at such a moment - don't you? And so you don’t feel sorry for anything, you don’t feel sorry for anything - even if you accept death ... Vassa (going). What's your noise? Ludmila (rushing towards her). Oh, mother, do something! Vassa. Well, what else have you done? Ludmila. Nothing! They were there, Pavel and his uncle, they had a fight... Vassa. Again! I asked you, Ludka... Ludmila. I can not! You know everything ... you understand, after all - I can’t be affectionate! You said it yourself - you can't fool a man... Vassa. Well, go, go... persuade them... both fools... Ludmila (going). What will I go? Anna. Do you often do this? Vassa (sitting by the fireplace). It's the third year... Sometimes it will seize the heart like that... I would... take everyone, and... I feel sorry for Pavel! Oh Anna, sorry... Anna. Lyudmila is also not sweet. Vassa. Her? She won't give up... Anna. What's with her uncle Prokhor? Vassa. He is not Prokhor, but a scoundrel! I learned a girl's secret alone ... well, he uses it ... yes! Use it, dog! Anna (quietly). That's what, when you lie down, I will come to you. Vassa (worried). And what? What for? Anna. Need to talk. They confessed here. Vassa. Prokhor? Anna. And he. Do you know that he has a son? Vassa. Not alone, come on! Well? Anna. One - wants to adopt. Vassa (rising). Are you lying? Are you scared? Anna. So he says. Vassa. Well ... and - the end! Why did they work? What were you proud of? No, you can't... that's - you can't! Anna. Semyon wants to move to the city... Vassa. So... Well? Anna. And Pavel too! Vassa (rough). Be quiet! I'll find a place for him! (Quiet.) Where am I myself? Where do I go, huh? (The excited ones are walking - Prokhor, Semyon and Natalya.) Semyon. Natasha! Stop it... Prokhor. Get me this fool! Natalia. Besides me, who will tell the truth here? Semyon. Natasha, you remember - yu! Well, what do you care? Spit! Vassa. What do you have? Prokhor. Your daughter-in-law deigned to get mad - please! Natalia (Prokhor). You yourself turned Pasha into a wild man ... Prokhor. Semyon, damn head! Anna. Uncle, you are the smartest here... Prokhor. I? They drove me crazy for a long time ... You know - he, the rogue, brandished a knife at me, huh? (Lyudmila came in, sat down in a corner, and from there stared motionlessly at everyone.) Natalia. It's all your fault... Vassa. Semyon! Do you have power over your wife? Semyon. You will, mother! All power and power, and there is no one to command ... Natalia. No, I'll tell you everything! You spoiled Lyudmila ... Prokhor. Fool you! Yes, before marriage... (I noticed Lyudmila.) No, what's up, Anna? Ludmila. Tell me - what did I do before marriage? Vassa (sternly, quietly). Lyudka! Shut up... what are you? Prokhor. You all go to the swamp! Ludmila. Swung, so hit! Prokhor (leaving). Wait! I will step on your tongues! Ludmila. Cowardly... eh! Vassa. I'm telling you - shut up! Ludmila. Whatever, Mom! Now Pavel will know... he will know everything! Semyon (wife). Let's go! This is where something else starts... Ludmila. Here is Natalya, she will not keep silent! Natalia (leaving). And what do you think? I'm not really a cheater... Semyon. Do you remember - yu! And nothing more! Ludmila. Ouch! I would leave all my skin, only to escape ... only to escape! Vassa. Here's Anna... see? No one is bound by anything... no one! Grab and run! Ludmila. I have nothing to grab ... I do not need anything! Leave life, life... Paul (walks, his forehead is tied). Mother - money to me. Vassa. Another... Ludmila (half crying, half laughing). Ah, good! God... Paul (quiet). Are you my mother? Anna -- tell her... let me go... Vassa (strange). I'll find a place for you soon, Pavel. Anna. My advice is let him go! God knows what he's capable of... Paul. I'm not afraid of him! Anna. Here he nailed Pavel... Paul. Lying!.. Anna. Pasha is a weak man ... but also weak, angry, maybe ... Vassa (looking closely at her). Stop doing that! Ludmila. What are you, Anyuta, as if suggesting ... Vassa. Lyudmila, go away! Pavel, you go too... I'll come to you! (They both leave, Vassa walked across the room, stopped in front of her daughter.) What are you thinking? Anna (innocently). I? What? Vassa. Do not pretend! Understand. (Walks again.) Pavel is my son, remember? Anna (embarrassed). I do not understand... Vassa. You're lying. Just very you. Do you think if the brother will bring uncle away... Anna. What are you, mother! F-fu! Vassa. Do you win? Anna. Yes me and... Vassa (sullenly). It doesn't hurt, you're smart... no! Who else is there? Michael. Good evening! Vassa. Well? Michael. It's not good... It's very hard to breathe. Vassa. The Lord would have cleaned it up soon!.. The fifth week went by, he was suffocating. His eyes are clear ... it is clear that he understands everything ... He would have been tormented ... Michael. There is little left, as you can see. Vassa (going). You wait for me here... Anna. Life is bad with you, Mikhail Vasilyevich! Michael. Worse than that, sir! Everything is confused ... everything! Anna. How will this end? Michael. I don't see... Anna. It's hard for mother... But Uncle Prokhor doesn't want to help, apparently... Michael (depressed). He? Help? Anna. Why are you so surprised? Michael (mockingly). So sir... Anna. No, still... Michael. My surprise is simple! Zakhar Ivanovich, your father, it used to be said that a Russian person often takes his stupidity for conscience by mistake ... (Lipa enters.) What do you need? Linden. Anna Zakharovna - your uncle asks you to come to his place. Anna. Why don't you know? Linden. Their hearts are not good. Anna (questioningly to Michael). What? Michael (soothing). It happens to him. Linden. Suffocation... Michael (looking at Linda). Suffocation... Olympias knows... (Anna quickly leaves, he stops Lipa with a sign.) Well? Linden. What? Michael. You do not know? Linden. I do not agree. Michael. From what? Linden. I can not. I'm afraid. Michael. Is it sinful? Linden. But no? Chai, man. Michael. So. To strangle a son is not a sin, but someone else's is a sin? A child is not a person? Linden (viciously). Child! Remind me! I pity him... Michael (softer). Look, fool! Prokhor knows your sin... Linden. And you know ... that means you should be poisoned too? Michael. What are you yelling? On purpose? Look, dove! I can casually too... (Goes up to her.) And you do not break, it will be! Go! Now what is a good case, well? Drain the bigger vials from both and give it to him! It's not a poison, a medicine, understand! And - with God, wherever you want! Remember: if you don't sin, you won't repent, if you don't repent, you won't be saved... Go, go! Are you not fond of freedom? Will you live on your own, huh? You will receive a considerable reward ... You are young, you need to live ... without sinning, you will not live, Lipa! .. you will not live! .. Many ... tried and - could not ... (Lipa leaves, yielding to his pressure; he returns, grumbling.) He pretends too ... rubbish! Lomaka... there too! Paul (peeks). Where is mother? Michael. We went to Zakhar Ivanovich. Paul. Who are you talking to? Michael. By myself... Paul. Found a companion... too!.. Look - he will cheat you! Michael. Thanks for warning! I accept this as a reward for my service to you. Paul. Take it as you wish... at least as a favor. (Disappears. Mikhail shakes his fist after Pavel, walks around with his hands behind his back and snapping his fingers. Vassa, Semyon and Natalya are walking.) Vassa (to Michael, sullenly). Ends, it seems, our guardian ... Michael (lowering head). And Prokhor Ivanovich has another seizure... Vassa (children). Well, what are you doing here? Semyon. Yes, you do too... Vassa. Speak! Send for Father Yegor... Well, what about you, Natalya? Semyon (leaving). Natasha - wow!.. Vassa. What? What did he say? Natalia. So... I don't know... Vassa. You don't know... Go to your place. Natalia. It's scary there. Vassa. What? Natalia. It's scary ... You can hear how he wheezes ... Vassa. You go, go! There is nothing to be afraid of... all deaths are doomed... I'm older than you, but I'm not afraid... (Natalya quietly leaves, wrapping herself in a shawl.) I was frightened ... you are not afraid to eat bread ... Prokhor has a seizure, you say? Michael (quiet). Yes, sir... (Started.) Chu? Here... Anna (runs in, whispers frightened). Listen - Lipa poisoned her uncle... Vassa. Died? Anna. I don't know... no... Michael (rushing about). Here ... now the police ... we need the police ... Vassa. Stop! Where? Anna - don't bother... Anna. She's screaming... Vassa. Mikhailo - here her ... Anna. Need a doctor... Vassa (strictly, quietly). Wait, I say! (Lipa runs in and rushes to Anna.) What did you do, heretic? Linden (rushing towards her). Oh, I did ... This is it, that's it ... Vassa. Be silent! The first time you give him medicine, huh? Don't know how much you need? Linden. Let me go, for God's sake! Vassa. Do you know what people are in prison for such mistakes? How could you be wrong, huh? Linden (not understanding anything). What will happen? Oh what will happen to me? Michael. Ah, fool! Let me let her... Vassa (pushing Lipa into her office). Hush! Sit! (Anna.) Well, what are you, well? What are you trembling about, right? There was a mistake, the girl gave the wrong medicine ... it happens! Doesn't it happen? The owner of the house is dying, vanity, the girl is alone, knocked off her feet ... Anna (quietly). I understand... Vassa. There is nothing for you to understand! Your business is a side, yes! Go to him, help him there... Natalia (running). Go quickly - Uncle Prokhor ... Anna (involuntarily). Died? Natalia (recoiling). Oh, sister, what are you? Vassa (looking at Natalia). What are you really, Anna? Why would he die? He had two seizures this winter - but he remained alive! Natalia. Oh, I was scared ... Lord! He slid off the bed... twitches, hiccups... Vassa. Hiccups! What a passion, look! I hiccup sometimes after dinner too, but who is afraid of that? Go to him... Natalia. Come on, sister! (Anna, looking back at her mother with fear, leaves for Natalya. Vassa goes into the office, goes up to the petrified Lipa, pushes her.) Vassa. Wake up, the devil!.. He is alive, do you hear? Alive! So that they are torn apart, perish! Michael (Olympics). This mistake is costly... Vassa. Leave her! Linden (falling to my knees). Vassa Petrovna... I did it on purpose... He taught me, here he is! My dear, sorry... Vassa. Go, go to your chamber! Heard? Linden (getting up). It's not my fault... God... (She staggers away. Vassa and Mikhail look at each other. Mikhail lowers his head guiltily.) Vassa. Fool! Michael. So it's false... Vassa. And your boss is a fool! Michael. Something is wrong, I say... Vassa. Yes, and I, too ... relied ... Well, what are we going to do now? Go here! Let's talk clean. (Goes to his office.) The first is Lipka: look after her! To not call! Understood? Act Three Canteen. The doors are closed. By the fireplace Vassa, dressed in mourning. Anna walks and smokes. Simon is sitting at the table. Semyon (yawning). Would you like to drink tea? It's time. Vassa. Forty minutes have not yet come. Semyon. Well, forty minutes! Whose life? My life! If I want - I'll lose forty minutes, if I want - I'll cross out a whole hour. And then a month... (Puts feet on chair.) Vassa. Ek you, father, writhing. Semyon. Yes, it's boring! The wife is unwell... one cannot play cards... The blood freezes, by God!... Vassa. Forty days have not passed since the death of his father, and you - come on! The cards would... Semyon. Forty days, forty minutes... if you please rejoice! Natalia is here... Vassa. Nerves... What kind of nerves? I am forty eight years old... Semyon. Again - forty! .. Vassa. They never hurt me... Anna (throwing cigarette butt into fireplace). My nerves are not in order either ... The house is huge, booming ... some kind of rustling ... Vassa. Rats. Yes, Prokhorov's pigeons. Anna. Creaking at night... Vassa. So - a dry house-from ... Anna. The shadows are moving. Vassa. And this is nothing but Lipa walking ... that's her ... Semyon. Well, mother, do not remember her ... Vassa (thoughtfully). Walks and walks... Anna. You don't believe there are suicides. Vassa. Don't know. Why should I know? Semyon. Here's a bagpipe! Mama only believes in rubles... Vassa (harmless). You fool, Semyonushka! For whom did my father and I save rubles? Like for children. And they are not worth a cent... You couldn't give birth to a healthy grandson to me... you would be silent, unwillingly. Semyon (rough). You are lying! Anna. Senya! Semyon. I had a healthy baby... Vassa. From the maid. Semyon. so what? Was it? And what about the maid, so you yourself brought me to her. Vassa. And the baby was stillborn. Here, Anna... Semyon (jumped up). He was not born dead at all, but she herself was born - she told Natalya everything, there’s nothing to lie! You frightened her with something... and all her life you frightened her with this child... that's why she strangled herself... yes! Vassa (calmly). Here, Anna, listen... Anna (indignantly). How can you say... such dirty tricks, Semyon? That's horrible... Vassa. And you - listen! You are also a mother, it suits you ... Semyon. In vain, Anna Zakharovna, you suck up to your mother ... your calculations will not come true, no! (Exit, slamming the door hard.) Vassa (grinning). See how! Anna. Ah, mother! I'm only now realizing how hard it must be for you... Vassa. Nothing. I am not touchy... And you understand, you need it... Anna. Sometimes I'm even... scared for you... Vassa. Don't be afraid... Why? Anna. And I don't understand everything... Vassa. Well, just something, tea, and no one will understand. So different thoughts are swarming in my little head ... buzzing like wasps, but - there is no answer for them, no permission! .. (Pause.) Have you thought why all the men are like that, as if they were not born from mothers, but fathers alone began to them? Yes ... and you'll think about it, wait a minute ... Here I am, foolishly protecting his health, I allowed his mistress in the house, and he - with this no small sin of mine - pokes me in the Zenki ... And he still lost his health, the scoundrel ... in the countryside, he grabbed something that was not needed ... Anna (quietly). Is it true that the child... Vassa. Well, what if it's true? Come on? What should have been done? Anna. D-I don't know... I don't understand why? Vassa. So you condemned me! And when you get to the point, you will do the same, Anna. Would you allow someone else's flesh and blood to live by your labor? Anna. It is far. I don't want to think about it. Vassa. Just think, dear... think about everything! Anna. Mother! And the uncle wrote two letters to his son... Vassa (startled). About what? sent? Anna. Call him here... Vassa. To us? His? Right? Anna (pulling out letters). Here are the letters... Vassa. Do you have?.. Aha! Not sent... Wait!... Well, where are you going to send them? Anna. I don't think they should be sent... Vassa. Yes, my friend! It is forbidden! No no! You clever! You see: here is a woman! No, it's not the dogs who keep the house, we keep it. (She went up to her daughter, put her hands on her shoulders.) Sell! Anna. What are you, mom! Vassa. A hundred for both - do you want? One hundred! Anna. Take ... even insulting, right ... Vassa. No offense, Anna! I know it's insulting - stupidity is insulting. You are a mother, remember ... for children - there is nothing to be ashamed of - that's what you remember! And it's not wrong! So you know - it's not a sin! Anna. You are... amazing! Vassa (hid letters). Mothers are all amazing! Great sinners, and - and great martyrs! The Lord's judgment will be terrible for them ... but for people - I will not repent! All people live through us - remember! Mother of God, my mother, I will tell everything - she will understand! She takes pity on us sinners... didn't she say to the archangel: "Ask, pray to your dear son, that he also orders me to suffer in hell with great sinners" - here she is! Anna (smiling affectionately). I came - I considered myself smarter than you ... better ... right! Vassa. Nothing, count! I see... that's right! If you make a mistake, I will point out ... nothing, daughter! Anna. Well, okay... wait! How about the letters? Will he recover - will he write others and send them himself? And then - he tells me to send it by registered mail - where are the receipts? Vassa. There are a lot of old ones in the office. Mikhailo will arrange it - and he will rewrite the city and surname, put the stamps ... nothing, it was done! This is empty! When my father took a mistress in the city, we did it! You look, through whom Prokhor would not have sent another. Anna. Of course... I will! Vassa. Behind Lyudka - look! She is a child. Anna. They are in a quarrel. Yes, she tells me everything. Vassa. Look! If Prokhorov's money remains with us, then your children's money is here ... Anna (lowering eyes). Don't, mom, about it... Vassa. And you are not feint! I'm wearing glasses, I can see everything... Anna. You are always so... very direct. Vassa. Well, yes! And you do the same with me... Anna. Today is the first day I see you... Vassa. Listen, I'm your mother! And your children - mother ... wait a minute! Someone is coming... (The door quietly opens - Natalya, weak and pale, enters.) What are you doing, chicken? Natalia. They said - to drink tea ... but still not poured. Vassa. Well, cover... Where is Lyudmila? Natalia. Uncle called. Vassa. So! .. Well ... (Makes signs to Anna with her eyes, pointing her to the door, she does not understand.) You, Anna, go and ask Prokhor, maybe he will drink tea with us? Anna (leaving). Good. Vassa (following Natalia). Are you better? Natalia. I can’t sleep all ... and my heart yearns ... Again, the wife of Klyamzin’s clerk came to Me ... Vassa. Works right. Natalia. Cries. Vassa. And it's in vain. With tears - you can’t wash a footcloth ... (Dunechka enters, bows silently, Natalya stops collecting dishes, yielding to her. Vassa walks around the room, raising his glasses to his forehead.) Natalia (persistently). You would have forgiven him... in memory of the deceased!... Vassa. The dead are not involved. And you shouldn't get in the way... Natalia (angrily). Tea, I feel sorry for people! Vassa. If they don't want to work, there's no point pitying them! Don't be afraid, when you got a lazy nanny - did you drive her away without pity? Natalia. There is a child... my child! Vassa. Everywhere - children! I also have guys ... and they need good workers. And if I furnish them with drunkards and lazybones, what kind of mother am I to them? (Anisya, the new maid, brings in the samovar.) Hey, clubfoot, splash on the floor! Anisya (Dunechka). Give me the keys to the storeroom. Dunechka (quiet). Go, go! I myself... (Both leave.) Vassa. Good girl ... healthy, dexterous ... good! (Pavel enters; a little drunk, he sits down at the table.) You should wipe your feet, sir, - look how you have inherited! Paul. So what? And inherited... Vassa. So! Good! Anna (shouting at the door). Mother! Vassa. I'm going... What's there? (Exits.) Natalia (sniffing nose). Smells like wine... Paul. Smells. Natalia (after a pause). Lyudmila... Paul. Yes. Well?.. Natalia. Made peace with my uncle... Paul. I know. Natalia. Oh Pasha, I feel sorry for you... Paul. You feel sorry for everyone ... but what's the point? Natalia. We are like you... Paul. And are you crooked? Did not know! Natalia. Fate is similar. Both are smart... Paul. You are smart? And I didn't know about that... (Dunechka wanted to go in, but, hearing the conversation, she hid.) Natalia. Do not kidding ME! My mother thinks I'm a fool, I'm not allowed into the house, I'm the owner's wife, but I live like a servant... they don't listen to my words... Paul. And I don't care! Natalia. How? After all, you too - you have no will ... Paul (drunk in heat). Now it's over! Now I'll show myself soon... I'll go to the city... I'll go to Moscow... everywhere! Damn you! House, and land, and everything... I don't want to! I don't want... enough! Semyon (walks, saw Dunechka, crept up to her, grabbed her by the shoulders and yells). Ah, you spy! Natalia. It was her mother who taught her! Dunechka. What are you, fathers? Where am I... Semyon. What were you doing behind the door? Paul. Hit her in the neck... well! Old bastard... Dunechka. I'm just ... you say ... it wouldn't hurt, I think ... do I dare to understand your speeches? .. Paul. No, you can't fool me! Semyon. You can't fool him! He's the master of eavesdropping! (Prokhor walks, Anna and Lyudmila support him by the arms.) Prokhor. Whoa! Why scandal? Natalia. Overheard here... Ludmila. Let her go, Simon! They love to torture people! Natalia. And you don't love? Prokhor. Shh... No fight! Semyon. She needs to be punished! Paul. Pinch her nose in the door... so she won't... Ludmila. Ugh! Muck! Semyon. No, let her drink oil from the lamp... Paul. Well, it's at least... Anna (strictly). Leave her, Simon! Enough! Go Dunya. (Dunechka leaves.) Natalia (to Paul). Here comes another commander... Paul. It's not for long! All for a short time! Semyon. What are you, Anna, really? Prokhor. I came to my senses... Tyurya! Paul. And tonight I will let two cats into the dovecote. Anna. Paul! Don't you dare annoy your uncle! Paul. Who are you here? Anna. Elder sister... Prokhor. Leave! I'll let him... Semyon. You, Anna, in vain ... Natalia. You, sister, are a cut piece... Paul. Let her... not for long! Everything - not for long! Semyon. You got yours, and - coven! (Vassa and Mikhail are at the door.) Prokhor (Lyudmila). And what will be here in a week or so? Wow! Ludmila. Nothing will happen. Paul (Prokhor). It will be that I will ask you ... to hell with it! That's what will happen! Prokhor. Puppy! I myself... Anna. Uncle! Stop it! Pavel, if you make your uncle angry, he might... Prokhor. Don't tell him about it! He will be on purpose! Anna (to Paul). This... is bad for him! He could die from a seizure, the doctor said. Prokhor. Here you go! Well, why are you? Oh... Ludmila. That's right, Anyuta... Prokhor. Will start on purpose... Anna. Do not you worry... Natalia. What is it like you say about us? That Pasha is a villain? How can you? Prokhor (to Anna). You look - how he says, huh? Mistress, huh? Vassa (entering). Hurry... (Everyone is quiet.) Michael (Prokhor). Good health! Prokhor. Ah, Bismarck... runny nose... rheumatism! Hello hello! (Semyon laughs. Pavel watches his uncle all the time.) Vassa (sitting down). It was you, Semyon, who ordered that Klyamzin's clerk be accepted? Semyon. Me. He's a good guy. What does he drink... Vassa. It's nothing! Yes... Did his wife ask for it? Semyon. Natasha has nothing to do with it. Vassa. I'm talking about the clerk's wife. Ludmila. Spoken, Senya! Paul. You shut up! Natalia (Lyudmila). Not at all! I asked Senya... yes! Prokhor (shaking head). Difficult days overtook you, Vassa! It's embarrassing to even look... Vassa (calmly). Thank you. Have pity on yourself, don't forget. Prokhor (gloatingly). Tight you have to, oh-oh! Well, the people went! They say that a Russian person is soft, kind... Natalia. Where are the evil ones? We are not evil... Ludmila (to Anna). What do you think - not evil? Anna. Don't know... Ludmila. In my opinion, they told the truth - there are no evil people here ... Prokhor. N-well, let's put it! .. Ludmila (getting excited). No. Here, all are unhappy... and therefore unhappy, because they cannot love anything... Paul. You lie! I love... me! Semyon (wife, winking). YU! Ludmila. And nobody knows what's good... Prokhor. Right! This is not known! Vassa (sullenly). Well, what's good, smart girl? Michael (Glancing at her daughter warily). MMM yeah?. You are that... Ludmila. Your garden is good, mother! From an early age I love him, and now, when I walk in it, I love you because you have decorated the earth ... Vassa (proudly, Anna). Do you hear? Baba something? Ludmila. Sometimes it's scary with you... Michael. Lyudmila, you... Vassa. Leave her... Ludmila. Don't be afraid, dad! When I look at the garden, I remember how you, bending your back, are digging around apple trees and berries and flowers ... You know, mother, that's good! You - you know, but apart from you - no one knows good ... Prokhor. Well, let's put... Semyon. Natalya - wow! Ludmila. And he won't know. Never! Everything good will pass them by, it will pass by another street, everything ... Natalia. What a prophetess! Prokhor. Does she want something? Semyon (grunts). She and Anna, both make up for their mother ... What are they going to ask for, or what? Vassa. You should at least think to yourself, and not think aloud, child! Natalia. He has no one to fear... Semyon. YU! Vassa. What is that stupid word? Semyon. YU? So - yu! Vassa. Oh, Semyon, Semyon! Prokhor. Luda - talk more! Ludmila. Do not want. Vassa. And it is not necessary. God bless you with good children, Lyudmila. Ludmila (nodding at her husband). From him? How good children can be from him! Natalia (pulls). N-uh... Michael. Eh ... tongue! Paul (grabbing a cup). I will kill! (Mother pushed him under the elbow - the cup fell out of his hands.) What are you? For her? Okay... give me my share, my money! Submit and be... Vassa (pushing him). Hush! Paul (choking on words). I hate everyone... I'll set it on fire! Who are you to me? (Almost sobbing.) Mother... Are you a mother? Uncle? Wife? Brother?.. What are you to me? Vassa (sullenly). Are you for everyone? Paul. Like dogs of a hare, you poison me - for what? Give me mine and I'll go...go! Vassa. What is yours here? Natalia. How? Him and Senino - everything! Anna. Be quiet, Natasha! Natalia. From what? Vassa. Mokritsa - shut up, I told you! Natalia (crying). Senya! Why me... Anna. Wow what a horror... Ludmila. It's you out of habit... Michael (daughter). Don't get confused, please! Prokhor (to Anna). Get me out of here... I can't! Natalia. What are we, small? Everyone wants to live as he pleases... Prokhor. Anna, I'm not feeling well, they're screaming... Anna (hurriedly going to mother's room). Now, uncle... mother! (Vassa goes to her call.) Semyon. You mother really... Prokhor. Lyudmila... Come on, help me... Vassa (shouting). Lyudmila, come here... Anna (runs through the dining room). Right this minute, uncle... You see, Pavel, here it is again, uncle is not feeling well... Paul (yelling). I'm the boss here... me, lopsided! Let him die... and all of you! Prokhor (turned purple, gets up from the chair and hisses). W-w-w-ah... right? Mikhailo, take me away...he will kill me!.. Paul (jumping in front of him). And I'll kill... wow! How do I give... (General turmoil. Natalya wants to take Prokhor away. Mikhail seats him on a chair. Semyon grabbed his brother by the hand and screams.) Natalia. Pasha... leave... Michael. Allow me ... calm down! .. Semyon. Pashka - drop it! Uncle - go away! Mother! They fight! Paul. I told you for a long time ... you told me ... again! (He pushed his uncle in the chest - Prokhor straightened up and kicked him. Pavel, groaning, sat down on the floor, and Prokhor fell heavily onto a chair. Anna runs in with medicine in her hands, Vassa and Lyudmila ran out of the office, - Vassa rushes to her son, he spins on the floor, holding his leg in his hands. Anna is leaning over her uncle. Semyon is beside his wife. Mikhail, taking his daughter by the hand, whispers something to her, his face is imploring.) Semyon (wife). Let's go soon... Vassa (to Paul). What is he to you? Anna. I said Paul... Natalia. Wait... Paul. Get away mother... Anna. Give me some water... Michael. Got it, right? Ludmila (to father). Let me go... Then you'll say... Vassa (getting up). Hot water? Ludmila. Yes, yes... in the heart... Michael. It has to be done there... Ludmila. No!.. Anna. Right! Take it... Semyon, help!... Natalia (watching everyone closely). Don't touch me, Senya!.. I'm afraid, oh!.. They set Pavel on purpose... where are you going? (Mikhail, Anna, Semyon - carry away Prokhor.) Vassa. What are you hissing? Natalia. Am I a snake? Vassa. What did you say? Natalia. May I, mother? Vassa. What to allow? Well? Natalia. We are not servants... we are masters now! Vassa (quiet). Out! (Semyon returned, Pavel got up from the floor, dragged his leg, went to his mother, holding on to the chairs.) Natalia. Do not Cry! Senya - she screams ... Semyon (trying to sound impressive). No, mother, that's enough! I am twenty-seven years old, he is twenty-four ... you can’t argue against that! (Mother raised her glasses to her forehead and looks at her son point-blank.) What are you watching? No matter how you look at it, it is the law of coming of age... sons are heirs... therefore... there is no dispute!... Vassa (calmly, Pavel). Go take a look at your uncle... Paul. I don't want... I won't go... Semyon. Yes ... Now - as we wish! Vassa (sigh). You were born a fool, Semyon! Semyon (flared up). Leave your hurtful words! I am a fool, but by law I am a master! And you please... Anna (running). Mother... uncle seems to be dead... (Silence. Pavel sat down on a chair, hiding his head behind the back. Semyon, stiff, blinks his eyes. Natalya clung to him, shuddering. Lowering her hands and tilting her head, Vassa turned to the front corner of the room, soundlessly moving her lips. Anna, fingering her fingers on her chest , looks at her. The fright on the face of Natalia is gradually replaced by joy.) Semyon (whispers). Here are those times! Natalia (also in a whisper). Now - you understand! Everything is done by us! Anna (to both of them). Shh... be quiet! Vassa (quiet). Well, Pavel, you have reached the end... Paul. It's not my fault... I'm drunk... Semyon. Hey Pashka! What, brother? (Vassa and Anna leave, but Anna stops outside the door.) Natalia (affectionately). Pasha! Tell the truth - they didn't teach you how to hit your uncle? Paul (wearily). Fuck you ... nonsense! Semyon (wife). What are you writing here? Anna (included). Do you see, Pavel, what have you done? I warned you - do not touch, right? Natalia (suspicious). Yes, well ... as if you incited him, it happened ... Paul. I am not guilty... Natalia. God will judge - who is to blame ... he knows! (They walk: Mikhail - his hand is wrapped in a handkerchief, Lyudmila and Vassa. Lyudmila went to a corner, sat down there and weeps quietly.) Vassa (solemnly). Died... Natalia (to husband, in a whisper). Look, the hand... Semyon (shuddering loudly). Where? Whose hand? Vassa (to Natalia). What are you talking about? Natalia. I? I told him, Semyon, that Mikhail Vasilyevich had his hand... Michael (almost not hiding the mockery). Hand-s? He damaged a few, touched the door handle when they carried the deceased. What about? It doesn't hurt me, if it interests you... it doesn't hurt at all... But by the way - I thank you humbly for your attention! Vassa. Well, everyone shut up! Lyudmila - stop it! Pavel, how now? What do we do? (Her voice trembled. She paused, moving her lips.) You know - our family is not friendly, dirty linen will be taken out of the hut, and dark rumors will spread about us ... Paul. Leave me... Vassa (deafer). Maybe the police will intervene ... here - money! My uncle has over a hundred thousand in our business... Semyon (wife, whispers). Wow! That's it - yu! Vassa. It is known that he wanted to take them... You see how everything is confusing... You were warned - do not touch, you will kill... but you - on purpose... Do you feel your sin? Paul (mumbles). Will be! Don't drag your soul... (Realizing the danger, got frightened, jumped up, looking at everyone.) You... you, my relatives... you don't speak! I don't want... what to do, mom? Senya? Vassa. Of course, we will stand up for you - before the people ... And before God, how will you justify yourself? And so I advise you, if this sinful deed ends well for you, go to a monastery... (Everyone is surprised. Lyudmila, like a blind woman, goes to her mother-in-law and smiles.) Natalia (husband). Oh... that's good! Understand? Paul (confused). I don't want! What do you? Simon, I don't want to! Vassa (harder). I will give for you good contribution, you will live there calmly, harmlessly, get used to praying to God and pray for us ... Paul (dreary). Lyudmila... glad! Lyudmila - sorry! Look how it is with me... (Amazed by the face of his wife.) How glad ... face something! Mom - thank you! You married me! Vassa. You yourself wanted. Michael (hard). Yes, you yourself! Vassa. Do you remember - you threatened to kill yourself? Natalia. How! And I remember it... Vassa (menacingly). You are silent! (Softly but firmly.) So, Pavel, take a vow that you are becoming a monk... It's better for you and for everyone... No one there will make fun of you, they won't judge you for being... ugly. And I will know that my son lives in a calm place, in honor. So that. Well, think... until tomorrow, and tomorrow - say your consent. Paul (wife). Do you smile at my death? I won't forget this! Ludmila. No, Pavel, I - my freedom ... (Standing near Vassa, far from her husband, she, without leaving her place, kneels down.) You are the man! Do you have any goodness in you? Let me go Paul! Let go, for Christ's sake! I will remember you kindly, always ... I take an oath - I will think of you with affection in my heart ... I alone, maybe I will think so about you! One besides your mother! But with you, I can't! It hurts me to touch you... especially after today... Pavel! (Everyone is silent. Vassa sits with her head down, Anna whispers something in her ear.) Ludmila. Pasha! .. My dear - let go! Paul (shuddering). Don't... don't say that! Well... It doesn't matter... A divorce, or something, there... well? Anyway, apparently... (Lyudmila got up, went up to him, and, without touching him, kissed him on the forehead.) Paul (reeled back). What are you... like dead! Why are you? Devil... Mother, I won't go to the monastery, you know... Let them judge me... The police and that's it... you're lying! My money to take, yeah! Give me my money, I'll the ends of the earth from'll never hear from me, never! Maybe - I'll be rich, and you - beggars - will come to me by mercy ... I will order you to drive away and I will look out the window how you are driven ... Give me my money ... It's over! Vassa (calmly). I won't give you money. Natalia (restless). How? This is not possible... Paul. No, give it! Semyon (quietly, kindly). Here - the law! .. Inheritance, mother! Vassa (sigh). You are deprived of your inheritance. Everything is denied me spiritually... Michael. Quite right, s... Natalia (husband, killed). Forged! Vassa (looking at her). In full and indivisible ownership. Michael (businesslike). What witnesses were: father Yegor, Antip Stepanov Mukhoedov, known to you, as well as the landowner Ryzhev ... Semyon (killed). Mother... Why are we like this? You show me some paper... where is it, paper? Michael (pulls out paper). Genuine - at the notary, copies, two in number - here they are! For you... and for you... Paul (pushing paper). No need! It doesn't matter... I didn't believe in my freedom... well, nothing came of it... (Thinking.) Nothing will be... (Natalya cries, covering her face with her hands.) Vassa (quiet). What is it, Pavel? Paul (looking around). Driven into a corner... Okay... the monks are not in hell, they live on earth... well, good!.. Michael (soothing). And how they live... Paul (grinning). Goodbye, Lyudmila... yes, you already said goodbye... Well, out of mercy, kiss me again. Ludmila (approaching him). Just don't touch me... Paul. Don't... Go away! Devils... (Running out.) Vassa (to Michael). Look after him!.. Hurry... Michael (leaving). May I make a statement about the death of Prokhor Ivanovich? Vassa. It is high time! What were you thinking? Semyon (sadly). So mother... Vassa (Waving him away). You go, go! Well, can you live without a mother? Yes, even with such a fool ... Natalia (reluctantly bowing from the waist). Excuse me, mother, if I... Vassa. Well, well, go, go! I want to be angry with you... (Semyon and Natalya left silently, depressed. Vassa got up and staggered.) Anna (supporting her). What do you? What's wrong with you? Vassa (wheezes). Water... cold... heart caught fire... (Lyudmila runs out. Anna. You are exhausted... Vassa (recovered somewhat). Tired... Difficult... Anna. How can you immediately - about the monastery ... Simply - a miracle! Vassa. Straightaway! For years I thought - where to poke it, I didn’t sleep for hundreds of nights ... There are no miracles for us ... there are none! You must all... Ludmila (runs in). Hurry up... (Vassa drinks water.) Lord, there's a dead man in the house, woe... but I don't feel anything!... Mother, how magical you are to me! Vassa (quiet). Glad? Ludmila. From the beginning I will live ... Vassa. Live with me. find good man- I will marry. You - you will find ... Children of the people, and I will count them as grandchildren ... I love you ... And you, Anna, move in with me, take the children. Sons failed ... I will live as grandchildren ... (Listens.) The garden will not be lost... Your kids run in it... affectionate little animals... Chu? What's this? BUT? Anna. Can't hear anything, Mom! Vassa. Nothing? I heard... My daughters... there is a lot of evil on me, a lot of sin... though against useless people, but still... feel sorry for them when you overcome... You love me... a little ! I'm not asking for a lot - at least a little! After all, I am a man... Here is my son... my son... (Jumps up, anxious.) Screams, huh? Screaming? Ludmila. No! What do you? Anna (affectionately). Everything is quiet... Calm down... Vassa (wearily). It seems to me... (After a pause.) Do not know my peace ... do not know ... never! (Anna and Lyudmila, exchanging glances, leaned towards her; she, taking off her glasses, looks at them, smiling sullenly.)

Maxim Gorky edited the play, and in 1935 he wrote its "second" version, where he exacerbated the theme of the class struggle.

The first version of the play "Vassa Zheleznova" was included in all collected works of Maxim Gorky.

According to legend, the prototype of the main character of the play was the widow of a Nizhny Novgorod steamer and landlord, merchant Kashina (in Nizhny Novgorod her house was preserved in a rebuilt form).

The plot of the second edition

The play tells about the life of Vassa Zheleznova, a wealthy shipowner. The measured course of Vassa's life is disturbed by the unexpected arrival of her daughter-in-law Rachel from abroad. Vassa's son, Fedor, is seriously ill and dies abroad. Rachel came to pick up her son Nikolai, who lives with Vassa. Kolya's grandson is Vassa's hope, her main heir, it is to him that she is going to transfer the company. Rachel is a revolutionary and is wanted by the police. Vassa threatens Rachel with extradition to the gendarmes, promises to retreat in exchange for renouncing claims to Kolya.

Trying to save the honor of the family, Vassa commits a crime and poisons her husband, who is involved in the seduction of an underage girl. Sergei Petrovich was threatened with hard labor, which would have become an indelible stain on Vassa's reputation. From that moment on, Vassa's family and life begin to crumble. It becomes known about the pregnancy of the maid Lisa from Vassa's brother, Prokhor Borisovich. Unable to bear the shame, Liza commits suicide by hanging herself in the bathhouse.

Vassa, despite the strength of his character, suffers deeply. She loves her children, but she knows that her children are failures. Fedor dies, Natalya becomes an inveterate drunkard, Lyudmila is not of this world.

Vassa dies unexpectedly. Her death is accepted by the family with indifference, and only daughter Lyudmila mourns her mother.


  • Vassa Borisovna Zheleznova- Owner of a shipping company
  • Sergei Petrovich Zheleznov- Vassa's husband, drunken captain
  • Prokhor Borisovich Khrapov- Vassa's brother, a careless playboy
  • Natalia and Ludmila- Vassa's daughters
  • Rachel- daughter-in-law of Vassa, wife of her son Fedor
  • Anna Onoshenkova- Vassa's secretary and assistant
  • Lisa and fields- maids in Vassa's house
  • Gury Krotkikh- manager of the Vassa steamship company
  • Sailor Pyaterkin- Anna's boyfriend
  • District Court Member Melnikov with son Evgeny- lodgers

Theatrical productions and film adaptations


  • - Anatoly Vasiliev, invited by his teacher Andrei Popov to the Stanislavsky Theater, puts on its stage one of his best performances - “The first version of Vassa Zheleznova” - and brings this play back to life. This was the first completely independent production of Vasilyev, which, together with The Adult Daughter of a Young Man, opened up new horizons of “theatricality” to the Russian and world theater, and, according to the then Soviet critics, unconditionally rehabilitated the so-called. "Method of Stanislavsky". In the work on "The first version of Vassa ...", a team of "Vasiliev" like-minded actors formed - Lyudmila Polyakova, Albert Filozov, Yuri Grebenshchikov - who left the Stanislavsky Theater after the director was expelled from it ... Vassa- Elizabeth Nikishchihina.
  • - the play was staged at the Theater of Satire on Vasilyevsky. Wass played by Antonina Shuranova.
  • The play (in its second version) was staged at the Moscow Art Theater in 2003. In the role of Vassa - Tatyana Doronina
  • Vassa Zheleznova put in the BDT them. Tovstonogov. Director - Sergey Yashin, music - N. A. Morozova. In the role of Vassa Zheleznova - Svetlana Kryuchkova.
  • The premiere of the play "Vassa Zheleznova" at the Rostov Academic Theater took place on October 20, 2006
  • The premiere of the play "Vassa Zheleznova" took place at the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov March 23, 2010. Director - Lev Ehrenburg, in the role of Vassa - Marina Golub.
  • The premiere of the play "Vassa (Mother)" based on the first version of the play took place on July 7, 2012 at the Minusinsk Drama Theater. Director - Alexey Alekseevich Pesegov, artist - Svetlana Lamanova, in the role of Vassa - Galina Arkhipenkova.
  • The premiere of the play "Vassa Zheleznova" took place at the Chelyabinsk State Academic Drama Theater named after Naum Orlov on March 22, 2013, Director - Marina Glukhovskaya, artist - Yuri Namestnikov, in the role of Vassa - Ekaterina Zentsova.
  • The premiere of the play "Vassa Zheleznova" took place at the Tyumen State Academy of Culture, Arts and Social Technologies on April 19, 2013, Director - Valery Arkhipov, artist - Sergey Perepelkin, in the role of Vassa - Elena Orlova, Honored Artist of Russia.
  • The premiere of the play "Vassa" took place on September 28, 2013 at the Russian Drama Theater "Masterovye" in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny. The director of the play is Pyotr Shereshevsky, set design and costumes are Elena Sorochaykina, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan. In the role of Vassa Zheleznova - Svetlana Akmalova.


Several films were made based on the play, including foreign ones.

You are my bright-eyed boy!
Joy, my hope!
Don't go my dear
do not leave me!
Stand up, stretch out your arms
Open your eyes
You are my dear little boy
My glorious son.
Get up, look, listen
How the birds sing to us
Like flowers at dawn
May dews drink.
Get up, look my dear,
Death will wait for you!
See? - And on the graves
Sunny May lives!
Flames with flowers
Even the land of graves...
So why are there so few
Have you lived, my son?
My bright-eyed boy
Joy, my hope!
Don't go my dear
Do not leave me...
He called him Alexander, choosing this name himself, since his mother was in the hospital and he had no one else to ask. And when the grandmother offered to help bury the baby, dad categorically refused. He did everything himself, from beginning to end, although I can’t even imagine how much grief it was necessary to endure, burying his newborn son, and at the same time knowing that his beloved wife was dying in the hospital ... But dad is everything endured without single word reproach to anyone, only the only thing he prayed for was that his beloved Annushka would return to him, until this terrible blow finally knocked her down, and until night fell on her exhausted brain ...
And then my mother returned, and he was completely powerless to help her with something, and did not know at all how to get her out of this terrible, “dead” state ...
The death of little Alexander deeply shocked the entire Seryogin family. It seemed that sunlight would never return to this sad house, and laughter would never sound again ... Mom was still “killed”. And although her young body, obeying the laws of nature, began to grow stronger and stronger, her wounded soul, despite all the efforts of her father, like a bird that had flown away, was still far away and, having plunged deeply into the ocean of pain, was in no hurry to return from there ...

But soon, after some six months, good news came to them - mom was pregnant again ... Dad was frightened at first, but seeing that mom suddenly began to revive very quickly, he decided to take risks, and now everyone is looking forward to they were expecting a second child... This time they were very careful, and tried in every possible way to protect their mother from any unwanted accidents. But, unfortunately, trouble, apparently for some reason, fell in love with this hospitable door ... And she knocked again ...
With a fright, knowing the sad story of my mother’s first pregnancy, and fearing that something would go “wrong” again, the doctors decided to do “ C-section before the contractions start (!). And apparently they did it too early ... One way or another, a girl was born, who was named Marianna. But, unfortunately, she also managed to live for a very short time - after three days this fragile, slightly blossoming life, for unknown reasons, was interrupted ...
There was a terrible impression that someone really didn’t want their mother to give birth at all ... And although by nature and genetics she was a strong and absolutely suitable woman for childbearing, she was already afraid to even think about repeating such a cruel attempt once generally...

Maksim Gorky

Vassa Zheleznova

Second option


Vassa Borisovna- 42 years old, it seems - younger.

Sergei Petrovich- 60 years old, was a captain, sailed in the Black Sea, then served on river steamers.

Prokhor Borisovich Khrapov- 57 years old, Vassa's brother.

Daughters of Vassa

Natalia- 18 years

Ludmila- 16 years

Rachel- daughter-in-law, under 30 years old.

Anna Onoshenkova- for 30 years, Vassa's secretary and confidante.

Melnikov- Member of the District Court.

Evgeniy- his son.

Gury Krotkikh- manager of the shipping company.




Pyaterkin- 27-30 years old, a former soldier and sailor of the river shipping company, on his head - a turban of thick, coarse hair, a well-groomed mustache.

First act

Large room, corner of the house; Vassa has lived here for ten years and spends most of the day. A large work table, in front of it is a light armchair with a hard seat, a fireproof wardrobe, on the wall there is an extensive, brightly colored map of the upper and middle reaches of the Volga - from Rybinsk to Kazan; under the map - a wide ottoman covered with a carpet, on it a pile of pillows; in the middle of the room is a small oval table, chairs with high backs; double glass doors to the terrace to the garden, two windows - also to the garden. A large leather armchair, geraniums on the windowsills, a laurel tree in a tub in the wall between the windows on the floor. A small shelf, on it is a silver jug, the same gilded ladles. Near the ottoman there is a door to the bedroom, in front of the table there is a door to other rooms. Morning. Through the door and windows, the room is very cheerfully illuminated by the late March sun. In general, the room is very spacious, bright, cheerful. Enter Vassa, the Meek.

Vassa. Three and a half for a thousand poods - thirty-five hundredths of a kopek from a pood, this, of course, is not enough for loaders of commodity-passenger shipping companies - they have to carry loads for twenty fathoms and further. They produce an average of a ruble per day, but they eat a lot and without meat - they do not live. You should pay attention to this, order an article in the newspapers, find a little man to talk to the loaders. Find one?

meek (fun). Let's find!

Vassa. Here you go! We need to squeeze the big shipping companies, but our economy is small, and the cargo is small, we have our own sailors to transfer it from the ship to the pier, we use loaders occasionally, as you know.

Meek. This is not entirely true. For sailors, two rubles out of a thousand is not enough!

Vassa. And for what more? Here you arrange for Kavkaz-Mercury and others to raise the price up to five thousand poods, then our steamboats will be more willing to load, well, we will add to the sailors. So that! Excuse me, I reject this note of yours.

meek (grimaces). You see, Vassa Borisovna...

Vassa. But you could have a talk with potters, with small millers, in general with handicrafts, you would make a concession to them so that they would give us goods, that would be useful ...

meek (not without pride). Last year ended well, the profit is solid!

Vassa. What is it: everything is good and good? It needs to be even better, otherwise it will be boring to live everything only in good. Well, bless you! Things are floating on me.

Meek silently bows, leaves.

(Listens.) Anyuta!

Anna enters.

Here you go, make copies perky! Guriy grumbles?

Anna. Yes, dissatisfied.

Vassa. What did you say?

Anna. Didn't take it apart. Something about conservatism.

Vassa. Of course. Socialist, you see! And socialism is to him, like Prokhor is a god: out of habit he prays, but with his soul he does not believe. Don't believe his rhetoric... What did you talk about yesterday?

Anna. He spoke about the cooperation of the German socialists with their king.

Vassa. Look, no matter how he crushes your belly with his socialism.

Anna. No, I'm already trained! He takes care of Natalya Sergeevna.

Vassa. I know. Well, Natka is not stupid.

Anna. He is also behind Ludochka ...

Vassa. See how… versatile.

Telephone call.

Yes I. Please. I'm waiting. This tenant is Melnikov. (He releases her with a wave of his hand. He stands at the table, thinking, sorting through the papers and rearranging things, frowns, looking ahead.)

Melnikov (from Anna's room). Good morning dear.

Vassa. Thank you. Close the door. Sit down. Well?

Melnikov. The news is sad. The preliminary investigation is over, the prosecutor received. The investigator assures that he softened as soon as he could.

Vassa. For three thousand, he could have completely softened it.

Melnikov. Impossible. I read the testimony of this bawdy woman, she confessed there, as if in confession.

Vassa. So there will be a trial?

Melnikov. Inevitably.

Vassa. What's the punishment?

Melnikov. Possibly hard labor.

Vassa. What is your name?

Melnikov. What exactly?

Vassa. Pampering is ... with children?

Melnikov. Corruption…

Vassa. And some word ... sticky! Now - what will happen?

Melnikov. The prosecutor will draw up an indictment, hand the act to the accused, and arrest him.

Vassa. All three? And a matchmaker?

Melnikov. Of course.

Vassa. And the prosecutor can still ... soften?

Melnikov. The prosecutor may. But ours is aiming for a high career and is unlikely to dare. Although there is a rumor that on the part of the accomplices ... the deeds are busy.

Vassa. Aha! Come on, let's clap and we. Try, please. Offer the prosecutor a deal not to make a fuss. I need to fuck this thing, really fuck it! I have daughters.

Melnikov. Vassa Borisovna, with all due respect to you and with all my gratitude for your generosity...

Vassa. You are short! We will talk about gratitude when we finish this peacefully and decently. Take action.

Melnikov I'm completely unable to... I can't.

Vassa. Keep in mind, I don’t feel sorry for the money ... for this case! It will be possible - I return your bills to you. I can add another thousand and a half. There will be five. Enough?

Melnikov. Yes, but... still I...

Vassa. And you are bolder!

Melnikov. It's better if you...

Vassa. Well, it will be too fat for the prosecutor for me to bow to him. Pay - I agree, but bow - no! Besides, I am a rough and direct person. For me, it won't work. Today, please! Then call and say the number. I wish you success. Well, sir?

Melnikov. Allow me to take my leave ... I hasten to court.

Vassa. Yes, yes, hurry up! (He sits with his eyes closed. She pulled out the drawer of the table, looking for something. She found the box, examines the contents, stirring it with the insertion of a pen. Noise behind the doors. She quickly put the box in her pocket.)

Ludmila enters.

Lyudmila. Hello, mother Vasya! My dear, I had an amazing dream, amazingly beautiful ...

Vassa (kissing her). For you, Lyudok, and reality is good.

Lyudmila. No, listen...

Vassa. Tell me over dinner.

Lyudmila. There Natka will laugh, or someone else will interfere, or I will forget. Dreams are awfully easy to forget. You listen here.

Vassa. No, Ludok, go! And send me Lisa perky.

Lyudmila. Oh my god! How bad are you today!

Vassa (alone, grunts). Unkind…. Eh fool...

Lisa has arrived.

Your brother complains that you don't listen to him, you haven't oiled the locks.

Lisa. Vassa Borisovna, I don't have time. One for everyone, for the whole house ... It's hard for me! Give me a helper, some girl...

Vassa. Don't wait for this! I can't stand extra people in the house. The ladies help you. You get - well, try. Sleep less. Is your brother at home?

Lisa. No.

Vassa. Call Sergei Petrovich to me. (Stands in the middle of the room, thinks, snaps his fingers, feels his pocket.)

Zheleznov - in a dressing gown, disheveled curly hair, cheeks, chin not shaved for a long time, thick gray mustache.

Just got up or going to bed?

Zheleznov. What do you want?

Vassa (Closing tightly the door to Anna Onoshkova's room). Do not scream. Not terrible.

Zheleznov returns to the door.

(She walked around him, closed this door too.) Your accusation was approved by the public prosecutor.

Zheleznov (grabs the back of a chair). I do not believe! You're lying.

Vassa (calmly). Approved.

Zheleznov. I lost nine thousand cards to him, the scoundrel. I hinted to him ... I would give eleven more ...

Vassa Zheleznova

Rehearsals for Vassa began in February 1936. For the production, the theater chose a new version of the play, just completed by Gorky. Corrected by the author in the last year of his life, 25 years after writing, the play, in essence, became a different work - with other heroes, situations, characters. Vassa Petrovna herself changed not only her name, becoming Vassa Borisovna, but also her origin (formerly the merchant’s wife is now the daughter of the owner of the shipping company), and the goals of the struggle (the struggle for the inheritance of Zakhar Zheleznov is replaced by the struggle for the honor of the family, for the only heir capable of becoming the successor of the old “case ").

The premiere of Gorky's new play took place two weeks after the death of its author on the stage of the Central Theater of the Red Army, on July 5, 1936. Four months later, at the end of October, the play was shown in the theater named after MOSPS (Moscow Regional Council of Trade Unions), staged by S. G. Birman, who also played the title role.

Ranevskaya is the first performer of Vassa. For the first time in the history of the Soviet theater, she had the opportunity to embody on stage the best and most difficult role in Gorky's best play. Later, twenty years after the premiere, Ranevskaya wrote an article about the work on the role of Vassa - the only one of its kind (more on that below), the only one in creative life Ranevskaya, who this time decided to tell about the process, which is usually hidden from the public. I quote in excerpts from this most interesting document.

“I remember well my first impression of the play. I was shocked by the power of Gorky's genius. And Vassa herself inspired me with a sense of compassion, and horror, and even disgust, but, perhaps, compassion prevailed over everything. The image of Vassa irresistibly attracted me with its tragic power, because in world drama this play will forever remain one of the greatest tragedies of property ...

Still not fully aware of what Vassa thinks about her class, what can and cannot be believed in her speeches, I felt deep compassion for her feminine and human destiny. Probably, my personal acting sympathies affected. I have always been attracted to the images of the "unsettled", bypassed by happiness, but certainly strong, interesting people, rich and complex natures. The misfortunes and weaknesses of colorless gray people, even their "tragic" disorder, do not arouse in me either compassion or curiosity. But Vassa, the tragic Vassa, moved me deeply.

This role brought me, an actress, a lot of suffering, since even at that time I realized that I would not be able to embody it with the strength with which it was given by Gorky. And now, even after two decades, I feel a burning feeling of excruciating dissatisfaction with myself.

The basis of my mistake was the desire to smooth out the contradictions of the image, while Vassa Zheleznova in her essence is all a contradiction.

During that period of working on the role, I wanted to reconcile a lot in it. The originality and talent of Vassa was obvious to me.

Stormy, impetuous scenes follow one after another. Vassa does not even fight, but fights - with desperation and Khrapov's cruelty. Hating crime, she herself continuously commits crimes in the name of preserving the honor of the "surname", in the name of the "cause"! And in her house, loved by no one, except for the silly youngest daughter Lyudmila, Vassa is mortally yearning. Life experience convinced her that her class was hostile to human happiness. Next to the wolf grip of the capitalist, the mistress of the "case", lives in Vassa and bestial longing.

While working on the role at that time, I did not comprehend how Vassa could invite an alien and hostile daughter-in-law to her house, ask her to raise her daughters and grandson, and not be afraid of the influence of her class enemy, a revolutionary, on them. I asked myself the question: “So Vassa sees a pure and great person in Rachel? So, Vassa sees how ugly, idiotically her own world is arranged if she needs Rachel, like a bright beam in her stinking house?

I remember how incredibly difficult it was for me to betray my daughter-in-law to the gendarmes. It is difficult to commit the most terrible crime - betrayal. It seemed to me then that even in the name of "saving" his grandson, Vass could not hand over Rachel to the police. Vassa Zheleznova sends her assistant to the police so that the gendarmes take Rachel, and Vassa-Ranevskaya painfully resisted this. In this scene, I did not believe myself, one must think that the audience did not believe me either.

And here is another difficult scene. Vassa talks to Prokhor after her husband's poisoning. As if nothing had happened. I distinctly remember how I explained this scene to myself at the time. I convinced myself that Vassa did not yet know whether her husband had taken the powder or not, whether he would die or not. So I left a direct question unanswered - did Vassa kill her husband or not. I kept a little loophole for myself. I didn't want to make Vassa a physical killer. My director E. S. Telesheva did not agree with this. She assured me that Vassa would not leave her husband until she made sure that he had taken the powder. Now I know that E. Telesheva was closer to the truth than I was.

Vassa's amazing confession follows immediately after the "neutral" dialogue. I remember that all the time I wanted to move in this scene. According to Gorky, Vass, “embracing his daughter, walks around the room, as if listening to something. Excited, but hides excitement ”- the remark most accurately reveals Vassa’s mental confusion. But in our performance this remark was not adhered to. I had to say all this while sitting on the couch, and I experienced an excruciating need to walk, to move. And this internal struggle, the struggle of the actress, and not Vassa, prevented me from living correctly in the described scene ...

Monstrous nonsense and the life and death of this talented woman. And if I now had to play Vassa Zheleznova again, I would not smooth over a single contradiction, but, on the contrary, would strive in every possible way to emphasize them in this brilliant play by Gorky.

It is difficult to find another document where the actress would write about her work with such frankness, ruthless demands on herself. Ranevskaya does not miss a single scene played, in her opinion, inaccurately, does not make a single attempt to find an excuse for this. But, probably, one could refer to “extenuating circumstances”: the role of Vassa received its first stage interpretation, there were no traditions of its interpretation, there was not a single article, not to mention the large works, of which there are dozens today, dedicated to this play and her heroine. Everything was done for the first time.

A connoisseur of the theater and a prominent literary critic, a researcher of Gorky's drama, Yu. Yuzovsky, who watched the performance and was familiar with Ranevskaya's article (the article was published in the book "Vassa Zheleznova". M .: VTO, 1960), saw the shortcomings of the performance primarily in the director's incorrect reading of the play.

About the main character, he wrote:

“Ranevskaya loves her heroine. This is clear to everyone, although Ranevskaya sometimes seems to hide this “intimate” attitude towards Vassa, as if fearing that she could be reproached for “connecting with an alien element.” Right, no big deal! There is nothing "unacceptable" here. She loves her all the more, the more she hates her because this terrible life so perverts beautiful human material. Who is she, Vassa? Is she a "positive" character? Or "negative"? The question is resolved by Lyudmila: not smart and not stupid, but simply a “human woman”. What is human? In this strength, scope, humor, in the creative nature of character. How not to love it, not to regret that all this in the old world becomes ugly? Ranevskaya showed a "human woman".

I can’t help but cite a few more lines by Y. Yuzovsky about the impression left by Vassa-Ranevskaya: or a word! The gait is free, wide, hands are free, large: a lot of some kind of spaciousness, energy, of which she has reserves. She loves to tease, but not from sarcastic captiousness, but from this here ruff, cockiness, contempt for people whose yen she knows. It's Gorky...

Gorky loves all sorts of sayings, proverbs, colloquial phrases, rhyming jokes, and that play on words when a different meaning in a word is exposed. Vassa announces to Rachel: “Your mother-in-law. Do you know what a mother-in-law is? It's all blood! Ancestor". This phrase in TsTKA at Ranevskaya invariably evoked a very lively reaction from the audience. The actress pronounced these words with a special taste, with an appetite for these cunning transformations of the language, the Russian language. In this "all the blood" - all Vassa.

Speaking about Ranevskaya's article, her understanding of her role, Y. Yuzovsky concludes that the actress "suffered this understanding and was rewarded by defining the idea of ​​the play with courage and clarity that would do credit to a researcher in this field."

This text is an introductory piece.