A favorite dish of many is red borscht. Can a one-year-old child have borscht: benefits and harms Benefits of borscht for the body

Borscht is a dish that is loved not only by the inhabitants of Ukraine, but also by the majority of the world’s population. There is probably not a single foreigner who has not heard about this first dish. Borscht is really unlike anything else. All the ingredients that are mixed in it seem to be perfectly matched to each other. Of course, there are an incredible number of borscht recipes, each family has its own subtleties in preparation, but it would be stupid to say that this will not make it any less tasty. But nutritionists have sounded the alarm and claim that borscht contains not only benefit, and harm! What this is connected with and how to cook borscht so that it is only beneficial, we will now figure it out.

Benefits of borscht

We can talk about the benefits of borscht for a long time, because even in childhood, mothers/grandmothers told us, “Eat a plate of borscht, there are a lot of vitamins in it.” And they are indeed right. Borscht contains vitamins B, C, K, mineral salts, amino acids, organic acids, etc. All this contributes removal: heavy metals, nitrates, toxins, pesticides; And the body receives: minerals, vitamins, and other beneficial substances that we need. All vegetables included in the dish rich in fiber, which helps us with digestion, eliminates excess cholesterol, and absorbs harmful substances in the intestines. It is worth noting that borscht contains an ideal balance of substances necessary for the body, which have positive influence on the liver, and it, in turn, cleanses the blood. Therefore, the combination of products has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, controlling blood viscosity. It should be noted that there is a sufficient amount of proteins that give us energy and support the good performance of all our organs and “even out” the metabolism. Borscht is also recommended for the prevention of diabetes. Also, such a first course can fill you up for a long time.

Harm of borscht

Enough arguments that extol borscht, right? But why then did nutritionists sound the alarm and information about the dangers of borscht began to spread rapidly? Here are a few nutritionists' arguments against your favorite dish:

  1. The vegetables contained in borscht, namely cabbage and carrots, are the first to absorb nitrates, so they enter our body when the dish is consumed.
  2. Broth, which is cooked on bones or meat, is a decoction that contains many harmful substances and leads to diseases of the joints and blood vessels.
  3. Some vegetables contain oxalic acid, which can cause kidney disease, caries and osteoporosis. Those. It is not recommended to eat borscht with sorrel.

What to do to neutralize all the harm in this dish?

But how can we not eat a dish that we love in our diet? Yes, there may be harm from this dish, but if you cook and store it correctly, then you will only get benefits from borscht! Let's figure out how to neutralize the harm from a dish.

  • The first vegetables to absorb nitrates. The first argument that nutritionists will give can be easily eliminated by completely heat treating vegetables. Cook the vegetables until fully cooked and then no nitrates will harm you.
  • Broth made from meat or bones. Of course, it is very difficult to completely give up broth, such as meat broth, because the taste of borscht will no longer be so wonderful. But there is a way out: drain the first broth, then cold water put the same meat and then everything according to your recipe. It is recommended to place the whole onion, cutting it into four parts not all the way through! The onion will absorb all the harmful substances and leave you with only useful ones, besides, it will add a unique taste to the dish (after cooking it should be thrown away).
  • Oxalic acid. It can be easily neutralized by adding, for example, to a roast, a little tomato juice or a little lemon juice. This will neutralize oxalic acid and remove its harm to your health. Also, you can put a spoonful of sour cream in a plate, it will give you not only taste, but also take away the harm from oxalic acid.

Based on everything, we can draw a simple conclusion: properly prepared borscht will bring you incredible benefits and your body will thank you very much for a dish that contains so many useful substances. Therefore, do not give up such deliciousness as borscht and cook it as often as possible!

Borscht is a favorite soup that is popular among Eastern Slavs. It’s hard to imagine Ukrainian cuisine without it, because it’s its a traditional dish. It is very nourishing and tasty, many have heard about it. Let's figure out how borscht is useful and why it is loved so much?

What kind of dish is this?

First of all, this is the main dish of Ukrainian cuisine. Borscht is known all over the world, and its taste is praised by everyone who has tried it. There are a huge number of varieties of this soup, because previously the Ukrainian lands were divided, and the people themselves lived in the territories of such states as:

  • Russia;
  • Romania;
  • Poland;
  • Moldova;
  • Czechoslovakia.

Ukrainian cuisine was formed under the influence of the culinary traditions and tastes of the following peoples:

  • Greek;
  • Crimean;
  • Russian;
  • Turkish;
  • Hungarian;
  • Nogai;
  • Moldavian;
  • Polish.

Therefore, borscht is prepared not only with pork broth, it can be prepared from:

  • lamb;
  • goose;
  • ham;
  • ducklings;
  • sausages;
  • beef;
  • chicken

This soup can also be made with bone broth.

What is borscht made from?

Every tourist who visits Ukraine will definitely try this National dish, which is business card countries.

It contains the following ingredients:

  • Red beetroot;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage;
  • potato;
  • sour cream with which it is seasoned.

It is also customary to add meat and beans to it. Despite the fact that there are quite a few recipes for its preparation, the composition of the dish always remains complete, healthy and very tasty.

Detailed analysis of ingredients

This dish is famous not only for its taste, but also for its weight loss benefits. Borsch helps improve general state health. This is explained by the fact that it contains a large amount of vitamins, antioxidants, and pectins. Let's look at each ingredient in the soup in more detail to understand how borscht is beneficial for the human body.

Useful properties of each product

Each of its components has a number of useful properties, which together form a real source of vitamins.

  1. Red beets are what gives the characteristic red color of borscht. It is very beneficial for the intestines. Buryak removes from the body all the excess that has accumulated in it. Beets also lower blood pressure and give a boost of energy.
  2. Carrots are very useful product, which contains beta-carotene, which has a beneficial effect on vision. However, it is well absorbed only if it has been combined with vegetable oil, so oil must be present in borscht.
  3. Potatoes - this product contains a large amount of potassium, which improves heart function. In addition, it is very nutritious, which is why it is called the “second bread.” However, potatoes, like previous products, have a very high glycemic index. For this reason, people who have any problems with blood sugar are advised to be more careful with this vegetable.
  4. Cabbage - with its help, metabolism in the human body is normalized. It helps with constipation because it cleanses the intestines. In addition, it contains tartronic acid, which prevents the formation of fat. This is why cabbage is very useful for losing weight.
  5. Beans - thanks to this product, the nutritional value of the soup increases. What are the benefits of borscht with beans? Because it contains a lot of fiber and vegetable protein. Dietary fiber saturates the body well, and protein serves as a building material. Beans provide energy that is consumed gradually, so these calories do not lead to weight gain.
  6. Tomatoes - instead of tomato paste, it is better to add them to borscht. Tomatoes contain a large amount of antioxidants, which are effective in fighting cancer, as well as free radicals that lead to aging. Moreover, tomatoes that have been subjected to heat treatment are more useful than those that are used in fresh.
  7. Onions - to prepare borscht, use both whole and chopped (for frying). Naturally, in its entirety, this vegetable is much healthier. It contains a lot of vitamin C, which protects against colds, improves digestion, and can also prolong youth.
  8. Meat is a complete protein, which the human body cannot do without, since it is the main “ construction material" Many people recommend boiling it in advance and then adding it to the dish. It is recommended to cook the soup itself in water, without using meat broth. This is explained by the fact that meat introduces extractives and saturated fats into the broth, so the body is overloaded. But this is rarely practiced.
  9. Sunflower oil - without it it is impossible to imagine frying borscht. It contains a lot of vitamin E, which also prolongs youth.
  10. Lard - many people think that it is harmful to the body, although, on the contrary, its beneficial effects have been proven. However, this only applies to the raw product. If you eat 30 grams of lard a day, then there will be no harm to the body. It is not recommended to fry it, because it will not bring any benefit.
  11. Garlic is a well-known antiviral agent.

Traditional recipe

The benefits of borscht for the human body have long been justified, so let’s consider its classic recipe using broth so that you can test its beneficial effects for yourself.

For the broth you will need:

  • two liters of water;
  • 400 grams of beef or pork on the bone.

Frying is made from:

  • two medium-sized beets;
  • one carrot;
  • three small onions;
  • two tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • sunflower oil;
  • pinches of citric acid.

For the borscht itself you need the following ingredients:

  • 300 grams of white cabbage;
  • four medium-sized potatoes;
  • spices and herbs.

Borscht is usually served with sour cream and herbs.

Let's start cooking, which consists of the following steps:

  1. First of all, you should take a three-liter pan, into which you need to pour two liters of water, then add the meat. Place the pan on the stove and turn the heat to medium. Don't forget to keep an eye on the broth and skim off any foam. It is best to take the meat on the bone, in which case it will be tastier. When the broth boils, cover it with a lid and cook over low heat.
  2. While the broth is preparing, you can start frying. To do this, you need to wash and peel the carrots, beets and onions. After this, you need to grate the ingredients and cut the onion into cubes.
  3. Heat the frying pan and add to it sunflower oil. The fire should be medium. First of all, carrots and onions are fried for about 5 minutes.
  4. To make your borscht a beautiful red color, you need to sprinkle the beets with lemon juice or add a pinch of acid to it.
  5. Vegetables must be fried for five minutes. Then add tomato paste to them, after which the frying needs to be cooked for another seven minutes.
  6. When the broth is ready, you need to remove the meat from it. Leave it aside for a while to cool down. Add shredded cabbage to the broth itself, and after 10 minutes you need to add chopped potatoes.
  7. We return again to the meat, which needs to be separated from the bone and cut into cubes. Then it must be added back to the soup.
  8. Salt borscht. Add the roast and herbs to it, then cover with a lid and wait another 5 minutes. Now your beetroot borscht, the benefits of which have been proven, is completely ready for use.

It can be eaten immediately, but often tastes better after it sits for a day.

Borscht is considered a peasant dish, so in those days it was eaten with lard and pampushki, but only on holidays.

Before serving, the soup should be poured into deep plates. It is customary to add sour cream, black pepper, herbs and lemon slices to it if you like it sour. Borscht is usually eaten with rye bread. It is also very tasty in combination with garlic dumplings.

What are the benefits of borscht?

Borscht is useful because it is very balanced. It contains the optimal amount of vitamins, enzymes, proteins, fats, minerals and carbohydrates. This answers the question of how borscht is beneficial for the body. After all, when vegetable and animal fats are in ideal balance, this has a good effect on the liver, and also produces a mild choleretic effect. The functioning of the digestive system improves noticeably.

Thanks to seasonings and vegetables, the soup contains many useful minerals and vitamins. Eg:

  • vitamins B, C and K;
  • pantothenic and folic acids;
  • amino acids;
  • organic acids;
  • mineral salts;
  • carotenoids.

If you are interested in the benefits of beet borscht and why, then you should know that thanks to its broth, digestion is activated and the condition of blood vessels is also improved.

We should not forget about proteins, of which there are a lot. Thanks to this composition, you will have a lot of energy, and your performance will noticeably improve. After having lunch with borscht, you will not feel like eating for a long time.

Another advantage of this dish is that thanks to it the body is cleansed of toxins.

Can children eat borscht?

Not only can children eat this soup, but it is even recommended. How is borscht good for children? The same vitamins.

If you don’t know whether the child’s stomach can handle such fatty foods, then it is best not to add fatty meat or beans to the broth. After all, this can lead to increased gas formation.

Is there any harm from the dish?

We figured out the benefits of borscht. It can also cause harm to health. However, this can only happen if the soup was not prepared correctly or was poorly stored. It also depends on your individual body. In order for borscht to bring only benefits, you should follow some recommendations.

Prepare the broth correctly

When preparing meat borscht, it is best to drain the first broth. These days, meat contains many toxins, which are removed by cooking. This is not necessary, but is still recommended.

Handle vegetables thoroughly

Another danger of borscht is associated with the fact that vegetables contain nitrates. This is true, even if carrots or beets were grown in clean environmental conditions, they accumulate dangerous nitrates. But heat treatment of vegetables helps fight them. After it, fiber will not allow harmful substances into the human body. The same cannot be said about raw fruits and vegetables.

It’s easy to guess why vegetarian borscht is beneficial. Of course, because it is based on vegetable broth. Let's consider recommendations for its consumption, as well as a recipe for making soup.

In what cases is it useful?

  • obesity;
  • liver diseases;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes(you just need to exclude potatoes from the soup);
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • biliary dyskinesia.

Contraindications for use

There are also contraindications to eating borscht, including vegetarian ones.

Those who have an exacerbation of gastritis and pancreatitis should avoid borscht.

Vegetarian borscht recipe

To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • one medium-sized beet;
  • 60 grams of white cabbage;
  • 5 grams of wheat flour;
  • 5 grams of tomato paste;
  • 400 grams of vegetable broth;
  • 30 grams of carrots;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • low-fat sour cream.

Cooking technique:

  1. Chop the cabbage and prepare the potatoes. Then they need to be cooked in vegetable broth. You can also simply add vegetables to hot boiled water. Place the pan on medium heat.
  2. Meanwhile, sauté carrots and beets in a frying pan, add to them wheat flour. After 15 minutes, add the ingredients into the pan.
  3. Turn the heat to low and continue cooking the borscht.
  4. When all the ingredients are cooked, add salt, sugar and butter to the finished soup. You can also decorate the dish with herbs.

Red borscht is a popular dish of Ukrainian cuisine that many have heard of. But for some reason, few people know the benefits of borscht. It contains a large amount of substances necessary for the human body. In addition, it is very tasty and satisfying, and is prepared from ordinary ingredients. So it's clear why it's so popular. We hope that this article helped you, and now you know everything about how borscht is beneficial for the body.

The benefits of the favorite dish of the Eastern Slavs have been proven by the thousand-year history of its use. Ukrainian borsch- nourishing and healthy food that simply must appear on your table.

Why is borscht useful? This is a perfectly balanced dish. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates - everything in it in moderation. If you adhere to separate meals, then you will have to forget about borscht, but in other cases you won’t find a better dish!

The balance of animal and plant ingredients will have a positive effect on your digestive system, and the harmonious vitamin and mineral composition will provide a shock dose of elements necessary for the body. B vitamins, vitamins C and K, organic acids, amino acids, mineral salts - you can’t count everything!

A decoction of borscht (its liquid component) improves digestion and reduces blood viscosity, thinning it. This is very useful for of cardio-vascular system. The protein contained in borscht nourishes, saturates and ensures long-term performance.

Borscht perfectly cleanses the body of waste and toxins due to its balanced composition. Fiber, represented by the required six vegetables (potatoes, cabbage, beets, carrots, tomatoes, onions), and beans, is an excellent sorbent. It removes nitrates and radionuclides from the body.

This dish will be dietary if you refuse to use it in the recipe meat broth. This borscht will be considered vegetarian. Its main advantage is the vegetable broth.

Vegetarian borscht is useful for

  1. liver diseases
  2. obesity
  3. atherosclerosis
  4. cholecystitis
  5. diabetes mellitus

The substance betaine contained in borscht breaks down fats, removes bad cholesterol and has significant choleretic properties.

Making borscht is a simple matter. And yet, to cope with this task, it is better to follow the recipe. Here's how it always turns out delicious (click on the link to open it).

Every woman expecting a child is aware that food during pregnancy should not only be tasty, but also healthy for the unborn baby. The dishes presented on the table of the fair sex must contain vitamins and other substances that are necessary for the proper formation of the vital organs of the fetus. So useful and hearty dish, like borscht, it meets all the necessary requirements for the diet of a pregnant woman.

The benefits of traditional borscht during pregnancy

Borscht contains B vitamins. Folic acid has a beneficial effect on the immune and nervous systems of the expectant mother. Vitamin B9 reduces the likelihood of developing nervous system defects in the unborn child. The hot dish also contains a fairly large amount of mineral salts.

The broth in which the soup is cooked is also beneficial for the health of a pregnant woman. It improves the condition of the hematopoietic system, preventing the formation of blood clots. This aspect has great importance for women expecting a baby, because during pregnancy there is an increase in blood viscosity.

Important! One serving of borscht helps satisfy hunger for a long time. The soup contains vegetables that are rich in fiber. As a result, borscht helps remove toxins and harmful toxic substances from the body.

In most cases, the dish contains ingredients such as cabbage, beets, carrots, and herbs. All of these components of the delicious soup complement each other perfectly, giving the borscht a rich taste.

Can a pregnant woman eat green borscht?

Sorrel, on the basis of which green borscht is usually cooked, contains the following useful substances:

  • vitamin C;
  • carotene;
  • oxalic acid;
  • potassium;
  • tannic acids;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron.

On a note! Sorrel helps increase the elasticity of muscle tissue. Useful plant helps strengthen joints. The calcium contained in sorrel reduces the risk of seizures. This substance helps strengthen tooth enamel.

Green sorrel borscht is recommended for consumption by expectant mothers who have been diagnosed with liver disease or bladder inflammation. The dish should be excluded from daily menu if a pregnant woman has severe kidney pathologies or urolithiasis. Oxalic acid contained in green borscht promotes the formation of oxalates in the body. This negatively affects the health of a pregnant woman.
It is recommended to season green borscht with sour cream. This will reduce the activity of oxalic acid.

If a pregnant woman has chronic diseases of the digestive tract (gastric ulcers, gastritis with high acidity), green borscht is contraindicated. The dish can irritate the gastric mucosa, contributing to the formation of erosions.

Important! To prepare green borscht, it is recommended to use the top leaves of sorrel, since they contain potentially dangerous substances in lower concentrations.

Lenten borscht recipe

During pregnancy, you can also prepare lean borscht. For this you need the following ingredients:

  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1/2 head of cabbage;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 20 ml olive oil;
  • 1 beet;
  • a small amount of salt, sugar and vinegar (to taste).

The step-by-step recipe for making soup will be clear even to a less experienced housewife:

  1. First you need to thoroughly wash the onions, potatoes, beets and carrots.
  2. Vegetables are peeled and cut into thin strips.
  3. You need to remove the top leaves from the cabbage. Then it must be thoroughly washed and finely chopped.
  4. Tomatoes are scalded with boiling water. Peel them and carefully cut the vegetables into cubes.
  5. The garlic must be peeled and thoroughly chopped.
  6. Pour water into a large saucepan. Bring the liquid to a boil and reduce the heat.
  7. After this, add potatoes and cabbage to the pan and add salt.
  8. Heat olive oil in a small frying pan. Add pieces of onion and carrots to the container.
  9. Lightly fry the onions and carrots for five minutes.
  10. Add finely chopped beets, sugar and a little vinegar to the pan. The resulting mixture is simmered for at least 10 minutes.
  11. After this, tomatoes and salt are added to the pan filled with vegetables. Cover the container with a lid and simmer the resulting mixture for 20 minutes.
  12. Then vegetable stew transfer to a container with cabbage and potatoes, add bay leaf.
  13. Increase the heat slightly and bring the dish to a boil.
  14. Garlic is added to the borscht.
  15. Cover the container with a lid and remove it from the gas stove.

Harm to the product

There are no strict contraindications to eating borscht prepared according to classic recipe. But to the expectant mother You should know some subtleties:

  • It is recommended to buy meat for preparing the first course from trusted producers who do not add animal growth hormones or antibiotics that are dangerous to the health of a pregnant woman;
  • It is recommended to drain the broth obtained during the preparation of borscht after a few minutes. After this, the meat is again filled with clean water. In this case, the content of harmful substances present in the meat is significantly reduced;
  • It is recommended to grow vegetables for borscht yourself at the dacha or buy from reliable sellers.

Reading time for this article: 9 minutes.

Such a dish as borscht is well known to many residents of our country. The ingredients included in its composition provide the body with useful substances and elements. Therefore, it is recommended to include it in the diet. However, beets, on the basis of which borscht is cooked, are a red vegetable. It is considered an allergen for young children. This is why many mothers wonder if it is possible one year old child borscht and how to prepare it correctly so as not to harm the baby’s health.

The basis of this first course is several vegetables:

  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage;
  • potato tubers;
  • pepper;
  • tomato.

They can be cooked in bone or meat broth. Sometimes meat is not added to the soup, for example, if it is dietary or vegetarian.

Due to its composition, borscht is a source of many microelements, vitamins, minerals and organic acids. In addition to amino acids and antioxidants, borscht also contains:

  • carotenoids;
  • iron;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamins belonging to group B.

The large amount of fiber present in this dish improves the functioning of the intestines and other digestive organs. As a result, constipation is eliminated and its recurrence is prevented.

Beetroot, which is rightfully the main component of the soup, is characterized by a hepatoprotective effect. Also, the root vegetable can strengthen blood vessels and normalize a person’s nervous state. In addition, eating beets stimulates hematopoietic function. This allows people to avoid this from happening. unpleasant disease like diabetes.

If you regularly eat beets, you can cleanse the body of a large number of toxic substances - nitrates, pesticides, heavy metals.

But, despite all the positive properties of borscht, you need to remember about its contraindications. First of all, this dish is not recommended for those who are intolerant to any of the components included in its composition. As a rule, allergy to beets can occur. But, fortunately, this happens quite rarely. Therefore, when asked whether a one-year-old child can have borscht, one can rarely hear a negative answer.

The following diseases are contraindications to the use of this dish: diarrhea and pancreatitis. And for small children, borscht will be harmful if the technology for its preparation has been violated.

At what age can beets be given to small children?

Beets can be introduced into the diet of infants from 8 months, the main thing is that the vegetable is well cooked and soft. Before cooking beets, you need to wash them thoroughly to remove dirt - as a result, the water when washing the vegetable should be clean.

If your baby experiences frequent constipation, then you can give him beets even earlier, from 7 months. The main thing is that the baby does not have any allergies. To do this, you need to give the baby a small amount of complementary foods for the first time in the form of an independent dish.

Since vegetables for infants should be ground, you can add a little oil to it, which will make the dish less dry. If there are no negative reactions from the body during the day (diarrhea, colic, flatulence, redness of the skin), then the baby can be fed beets and food prepared on its basis.

At the age of 1 year, the norm of beets is 100 g per day. You can use this product daily, the main thing is not to increase the recommended amounts. For children who often have a negative body reaction to foods, it is recommended to give borscht from 10-11 months.

Those who are interested in whether borscht can be given to an 8-month-old baby should know that if the baby does not have a negative body reaction to its components, and the dish is cooked according to the rules, then parents can give it to their baby. At the same time, you need to remember that sour cream cannot be added to borscht before 1.5-2 years.

How to cook borscht for babies

To prevent this first dish from harming the baby’s body, you should follow certain rules when preparing it:

  • The borscht should contain only those components that the baby has already tried;
  • When preparing soup for babies, you should not use seasonings or add too much salt;
  • It is not recommended to fry vegetables; it is better to immerse them in water raw;
  • if borscht is cooked with meat, it should have a minimum amount of fat (secondary broth);
  • Children under 3 years of age should not cook with bone broth;
  • vegetables that are used to prepare soup are washed and then poured with boiling water;
  • after the peel is peeled, the products are cut very finely, and some of them are grated (especially for children who do not yet have teeth)
  • If the borscht is simply cooked in water, then after cooking you can add boiled meat to the dish.

Borscht is given to a one-year-old child without any danger to his health if he has 4 or more teeth with which he can chew food. Otherwise, when preparing borscht, you should grind its components more thoroughly.

Borscht recipe for young children

There are a wide variety of borscht recipes for young children, which differ in ingredients, cutting method and the order in which the products are placed in the pan. However, there are general rules, compliance with which will allow you to do something useful and tasty dish for small children:

  • In the saucepan where the soup will be prepared, you need to pour about 1 liter of water, and then wait for it to boil.
  • then the potatoes are placed in the water and cut into small cubes.
  • After 15 minutes, you need to add grated vegetables into the water. These are carrots and beets, which should be fully ripe and bright.
  • When the water boils again (after 5-10 minutes), you will need to put finely shredded cabbage into the saucepan.
  • after all the ingredients are completely cooked, you can add pre-boiled meat, cut into small pieces.
  • After this, you need to cook the soup for another 10 minutes.

Before the baby turns 1 year old, it is not recommended to add salt and pepper to the dish. To avoid having to store it for a long time, it is better to cook the soup in a small saucepan. A freshly prepared dish has the greatest benefit on the body. After all, when reheated, it loses almost all useful substances.

As the child grows up and new foods are introduced into his diet, they can be gradually added to the borscht:

  • before adding potatoes (10 minutes before), you need to put finely chopped onion in water;
  • chopped or squeezed tomato juice should be placed in a pan along with cabbage;
  • finely chopped sweet pepper is placed at the very end (a child is gradually introduced to it from the age of 1.5 years);
  • When the baby is one year old, the borscht can be lightly salted and fresh dill added.

Introduction to the baby's diet healthy dish, like borscht, will benefit not only the health of the baby, but also adults. After all, they are also recommended to eat soups that use non-fried foods. Therefore, soon after the birth of a baby, many should reconsider their views on nutrition and use only healthy culinary recipes.