Onions on the windowsill in a plastic bottle. Onions in a plastic bottle step by step: from planting to care

Onion house on the windowsill. How to grow onions in plastic bottle(Master Class)

To grow onions for greens you need onion sets, land for indoor plants and a 5-6 liter plastic bottle.

Preparing the onion house

At the first stage, you need to prepare a house for growing onions on the windowsill. For this we take plastic bottle, in the sides of which holes are made for the heads of the onions. Holes are burned out in the plastic by something hot.

In my case, I was given a handle from an old soldering iron for burning. If you don’t have an old soldering iron at hand, you can take pliers and use them to hold some kind of nail with a head. The diameter of the hole should be larger than the neck of the onion. It is necessary to make it so that the onion grows freely into this hole.

Sat down in the kitchen near gas stove and began methodically making holes in the bottle. It is most convenient if the bottle has horizontal ribbed stripes. We burn holes in a circle at the same distance from each other.

Don't make my mistake. I made very thick holes in the first bottle, and the onion sets were not very small. That is, it is necessary to calculate the distance between the holes so that a couple of onions are placed side by side, side by side, and their necks lie opposite the holes.

Planting onions in a bottle

To plant, you need to prepare the onions - cut off the necks of the heads of each onion for better germination.

After the onion house has been prepared, you need to pour soil up to the level of the first row of holes, tamp it down and place the cut side of the onion sideways opposite each hole.

Now fill the soil again to the level of the holes in the second row and repeat the procedure of laying out the bulbs.

And so on to the top of our onion house.

And I’ll notice right away. There is no need to fill the soil all the way up. The onion sprouts and raises the ground; it is better to let the ground level be just below the edge of the bottle.

It’s warm on my loggia, so my green onions on the windowsill and feels great!.

And this is how beautiful it is a week later.

And the eye rejoices from green plants and green onions in the house.

And I also planted onions in the cut-off bottle caps:

Onions in caps are on the windowsill in the kitchen, which is why there is such a big difference in the plants.

This is how I got an onion house and growing onions for greens.


2 weeks have passed. And today my onion house looks like this:

Try making a similar onion house. Not difficult at all
Found on the website - dachnica.com

Growing green onion feathers on a windowsill is an activity familiar to many from childhood: such an “experiment” was suggested in natural history classes. Someone “completed the task and forgot,” but zealous housewives continue to delight their family with fresh herbs “from the windowsill.” Moreover, green onions are the fastest growing greens in the apartment.

Every year I certainly plant onions “on greens” on the windowsill on the eve of the New Year and in the spring - “for vitamins”. Of course you will say that "greens can be found in stores almost all year round" , but not always and not everywhere, and often not of the quality we would like, and you never know how long it can be stored. That is why growing onions in a window remains the right decision.

This same year, not only the approach of the New Year holidays prompted me to plant onions: the bulbs stored for the winter began to sprout. It turned out that other housewives noted that the onion harvest this year “failed” - the onions partly rot and partly germinate. Of course, I couldn’t just throw away the bow. As a result, all found containers suitable for planting were filled with soil and planted with germinating onions. There are a lot, a lot of sprouting onions... I had to buy land for planting, and the fact that almost all the window sills were filled, I think there is no need to add.

It’s very nice to see fresh herbs, cut them as needed immediately before preparing a dish, and enjoy their aroma and freshness.

And yet one “BUT” remains. Or even more than one:
- all the window sills are filled with all kinds of (not always beautiful and appropriate) pots / boxes / everything that was found underground;
- where to put the flowers from the windowsill?
- sometimes midges appear;
- you have to buy more land in the middle of winter;
- and then where to put it all? store where? use it for something else? and next winter - again again: search " seats"and land?

That is why the photo that accidentally caught my eye on the Internet caused me great joy, surprise and relief. In the photo I saw onions planted vertically: a simple and correct solution is to plant “onions on the feather” in ordinary plastic bottles, plant them “up”.

A large 5-liter plastic bottle fit a lot of onions, and this “vegetable garden” took up very little space on the windowsill.

The search on the topic of interest continued and it turned out that most people use 1.5 and 2-liter plastic bottles for these purposes, which can easily be found in any home.

But my discoveries did not end there: it turned out that it is not at all necessary to fuss with the soil, both when planting onions and in the subsequent care of them (they need to be watered regularly) - you can use toilet paper instead of soil!!! or sawdust! Thus, to all the advantages of planting onions in bottles is the absence of dirt leaking out during watering and the absence of midges breeding in the ground.

All that remains is to describe landing method such a “vitamin garden”:

1. Find a 1.5 or 2 liter plastic bottle.
2. Cut with scissors (or burn with heated metal pipe) staggered holes-circles of small size (suitable for your bulbs)

3. We fill the bottle “layer by layer” with earth, inserting the bulbs into the holes (more precisely, exposing them “out”)
4. Water the planted onions generously and regularly with water (you must place a container under the bottle (or do it above the sink), otherwise the dirt flowing through the holes will pretty much stain everything around you)
5. Soon we will get a wonderful harvest of green onions grown in very compact conditions.

If you prefer not to mess around with the soil, but to use the hack of home craftswomen, and lay out layers of toilet paper or sawdust, then it will look a little “dumb” (especially toilet paper in a transparent bottle) until abundant greenery appears, but it will be much neater and cleaner during operation:

Wet the toilet paper, wring it out lightly, fill the voids without compacting. Thread the green tail of the onion into the hole. Shift, filling the space between the bulbs with paper, to the very top, where you can also “plant” the onion. Water. Wait for greenery by regularly watering our convenient garden on the windowsill.

I would like to add from personal experience:

1. Do not cut the first “holes in the jar” too low so that water does not leak out
2. Don’t rush to cut out all the holes at once - try on the bulbs so that they can fit, if they are large, and there is not too much free space left (a lot of paper will be wasted)
3. The holes should not be large - just enough to stick out the tip (tail) of the bulb, otherwise water will ooze out when watering (especially the first)
4. From an aesthetic point of view, planting in toilet paper does not look very nice in the end.

But onions grow wonderfully!

In winter, the body lacks vitamins, its immunity becomes weaker, and, as a result, a person is overcome by illness. This problem can be dealt with by planting onions in a plastic bottle. Growing vegetables, and especially herbs, is actually not a difficult task and many housewives enjoy doing it. Forcing green onions in a bottle is good; you can make a whole plantation on your windowsill and balcony.

Before deciding how to grow healthy onion in a bottle, you need to purchase several items, without which it is impossible to grow greens.

If you can't germinate the bulbs, the problem may be poor quality material and soil. To grow food successfully, you will have to invest a little money first.

Landing instructions

The question of how to plant onions in a 5 liter bottle would be more correct to rephrase into the question of how to prepare a container for planting, how to properly cut holes in a plastic bottle.

Planting onions at home

  1. In a plastic bottle, first cut holes on the sides and cut off the neck. The neck is cut so that the green onions can pass through it freely. Instead of sharp scissors or a small knife, you can use soldering tools. The main task is not to make the holes too large so that onion heads and soil do not fall out of them, but not too small either. You can look at the photo and figure out how to cut the holes. Some housewives use a trick: they pour water inside the container, cool it to ice, and then begin to carve it out. Holes are cut in a 3-liter plastic bottle in the same way.
  2. After preparing the plastic container, fertile soil is placed inside it: it is poured to the bottom holes. Planting occurs as follows: planting material is carefully inserted through the holes, while the bulbs cover the holes, preventing the soil from spilling out, then the heads are covered with earth to the next level with holes. Water the ground, reinsert the bulbs and continue to the top. When the planting of the bulbs is completed, the neck is returned to its place: it will be easier to water the greens through it.
  3. Onions in a plastic bottle are grown on a windowsill. For green onions in a plastic bottle to grow, they need sun and water. During watering, liquid flows out of the container, spreads and stains everything around, so the container is placed on a tray. Depending on the container with the bulbs, a pot or even a small bucket can serve as a tray. Since the water remaining after irrigation tends to stagnate over time, you must remember to remove it.

Advantages of a Home Plantation

Growing onions in a plastic bottle has not lost popularity for many years due to its advantages:

  1. The plant has good forcing: growing onions in a plastic bottle is not difficult. The main problem associated with it in the past was the lack of space. Some housewives, when growing vegetables at home, plant green onions in cans and boxes, trying in vain to fit them all on the windowsill. Because of this, the amount of output products is crushingly small. If you grow vegetables using the method presented in the article, you can not only enjoy the resulting products yourself, but also sell the surplus to others. You can place bottles not only on the windowsill, but also on the balcony, which greatly increases the yield.
  2. Bottles are common things and can almost certainly be found in any home. It is not necessary to use only 5 or 3 liter containers; smaller and larger sizes will do. In terms of cost, growing onions in a bottle is a very economical solution.
  3. In winter, you can treat yourself to fresh bulbs rather than buying them at the store.

Problems you may encounter

In order for onions to grow in a plastic bottle on the window, you need to put in your own work. You will have to carefully cut holes in the containers: the slightest wrong movement can ruin the whole job. It's easy to make holes in the container larger or smaller than needed, which means you'll have to start all over again. It is easy to cut yourself with a sharp knife or scissors, and it is easy to burn yourself with hot metal for burning holes.

Growing vegetables in large containers means simultaneously good harvest and an increase in work, since it will take longer to fill such a container layer by layer than a small one. It is also important not to forget about dirty water after watering, which, if there are no trays, will flow onto the floor. All of the above are the main disadvantages of this method, but their advantages clearly outweigh them. As the proverb says: you can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Green onions grown in a bottle in a window have all those beneficial properties, as in the garden bed in .

If the owner has minimal agrotechnical knowledge, then it is possible to diversify the diet on the family table and significantly reduce material costs.

This vegetable crop still attracts botanists, although it has long proven the truth of the popular saying that it can cure seven ailments.

  • Sahara
  • proteins
  • mineral salts

People have been including onion feathers and ripened bulbs in their diet for a long time. Thanks to its taste, chefs love it - to give their dishes a spiciness, which also helps food to be easily digested. Although doctors warn against excessive consumption of vegetables for diseases in gastrointestinal tract. Despite the bitterness of the onions, watermelons are equal to them in sugar content.

The most suitable variety

Bitterness was imparted to the plant by glucosides and essential oils. But not all varieties are too bitter and make you cry.

The secret of their differences is in the varieties:

  • sweet
  • semi-sharp
  • acute

For salads, a vegetable with a sweet taste is used, but the content of sucrose in large quantities in all varieties is regulated by glucosides. Sweet species are grown in the southern regions, but they are not suitable for sale in places far from where they grow, since they ripen late and do not tolerate travel well.

Manufacturers found a way out in conservation for supplies to northern regions sweet onions. Other varieties have an advantage over their sweet counterpart in lasting throughout the winter, if stored correctly.

The spicy varieties bred by the farmers of our country received recognition and name:

  • Saratovsky
  • Penza
  • Ostersky
  • Strigunovsky

The semi-acute types include:

  • Myachkovsky
  • Danilevsky

To avoid vitamin deficiency during the cold winter, craftsmen grow green onions in a bottle on the kitchen window. Because besides being tasty, it’s also healthy.

With its medicinal properties, the plant is capable of:

  • destruction of viruses and infections
  • increased appetite
  • improving digestive abilities
  • reduction of hypertensive crises
  • increased sexual activity

People have developed more than three hundred varieties.

For home conditions, cultivation is more suitable:

  • chives
  • shallot
  • onion

Traditional healers have been using the plant for a long time, easing problems with:

  • eyes
  • ears
  • respiratory system
  • skin

Onion juice is used to treat:

  • neurasthenia
  • rheumatism
  • insomnia
  • relieve inflammation

You can list for a long time how this vegetable is useful for a person; it is important to learn how to grow it in your kitchen.

Secrets of successful cultivation

Gardeners share their successful methods so that many followers can properly grow green onions on a window in water. The technological procedure begins with the selection of seeds; strong, dense bulbs without putrefactive traces are needed.

The root system of each fruit with a good, large shape is taken into account. If you prefer a plant with greens that have already hatched, the process for obtaining a harvest will happen much faster. You need to pay attention to the onion skin, it should shine.

When examining vegetables, if healthy specimens are observed, but without sprouts, they do not need to be rejected; it is enough to help them with additional cuts. Upper part removed with a knife, it is parallel to the roots, this procedure will speed up the germination of the first shoots. Depending on the choice of method for obtaining an agronomic result, the vegetable is soaked or left in its original form.

Only planting in the ground requires pre-treatment seeds in an aquatic environment. they do not like too hot an environment, so the owner should take into account a similar fact and should not place seedlings on a windowsill heated by a hot radiator, as their vigorous growth will decrease or stop altogether.

The optimal temperature is +15 ... +20. For initial forcing, it is allowed to increase the temperature to 23 degrees, but after greenery appears, the heating must be reduced.

All plants need light; usually onions have enough light from windows if they are located in the south. The lack of light rays will become noticeable by the frailty, yellowness of the hands, then leave the electric lamp on. You should not immediately start plucking onion feathers; the growth rate may slow down. You need to wait 20 days after planting; cutting from the sides of the bush is recommended; it is better not to touch the center.

The choice between water and land

Planting begins after determining its method. Even on the windowsill you can organize original garden beds; for this, you choose simple containers and fill them with soil.

For those who have no desire to bother with soil selection, the hydroponic method is suitable, almost everyone has observed it since childhood. This is an installation on windows made of jars, glasses filled with water and onions stuck into dishes. To preserve the bulb for a long time with good reproduction, without rotting of the base, you need to follow simple rules.

If the housewife’s plans do not include organizing a large plantation, it is enough to pick up a glass, mug, jar and pour one third of water into it. Placing a cloth there will allow the liquid to flow through it to the roots of the onion.

For unique beds, any plastic containers regardless of shape - round or square. Take a sheet of cardboard and cut mounting holes in it. The size of the circles must correspond to the planting material. The container is filled with liquid to such a height that the roots are completely or partially submerged in water. The box is closed with a lid with slots, and the bulbs are installed in them.

Even in simple plates of water, vegetables can produce green shoots. They are placed tightly in a vertical position, water is added no colder than the temperature in the room, it should not cover the entire fruit, but only its root.

What you need for containers

To plant onions in the ground you will need materials in the form of:

  • flower pots, boxes, plastic or ceramic containers, equipped with a bottom with holes to allow excess liquid to flow out
  • drainage
  • soil with vermicompost

Preparatory work is carried out for planting:

  • the bottom of the container is covered with drainage 4 cm from the base
  • Next comes the soil layer, which is not filled to the edges in the amount of 3 cm
  • the soil is watered
  • fruits are placed with roots in dishes
  • the onion is sprinkled with earth, only the tops are left untouched
  • the planting is watered again
  • installed on

Regular watering should be ensured; the soil around the bulbs should be loosened. It is taken into account that the reproduction of one bulb continues for two months, then the fruit is replaced.

Nuances with packages

The ingredients you will need to prepare are:

  • bulbs
  • polyethylene bag
  • composition of wet sawdust

Sawdust is purchased in stores selling pet supplies. They are pre-soaked in boiling water and kept covered for some time until the water cools down. Then the liquid is drained, the remaining moisture is squeezed out of the substance and the sawdust is folded at the bottom of the bag.

After cutting the onion neck, which provides reinforcement for feather growth, the fruits are densely placed in the sawdust layer, not completely buried, but only the root base.

The next stage involves saturating your “vegetable garden” with carbon dioxide; for this you need to exhale there, as you usually inflate balloons. Then secure the neck of the bag with an elastic band and place it in a warm, bright place. It will get stronger in a week root system, and feathers begin to grow.

Bottle operations

A vegetable garden built from ordinary food plastic looks like a kind of column.

For this we select:

  • any container emptied from a drink - the volume depends on the needs of the gardener - 1.5 l or 2 l is suitable
  • dishes with a wide neck and a stable bottom
  • seedling soil
  • drainage composition
  • any size bulbs

Depending on the size of the window sill, select and place the appropriate volume of container, from which the result will be a fragrant onion feather:

  • The plastic container and pot in which flowers are usually grown are washed.
  • The bottle is freed from the cap and turned over to cut off the center of the bottom without touching the rounded transitions.
  • Circles for the bulbs are cut out along the area of ​​the walls. The circles should be the size of the fruits, and it should be ensured that they fit freely into them. The plastic is easily cut with a sharp knife. It is better not to make too many holes; they will reduce the stability of the container.
  • Now you need additional flower pot with a small drainage layer poured, compacted with soil on top, which needs to be watered. A structure with cutouts is installed in it, with the bottom up and the neck down. It is necessary to firmly fix the onion column, support it with available material, let it be several stones.
  • Fill the bottle with drainage at the level of the edge of the pot, sprinkle the soil in it for greater stability.
  • You need to hold the bottle until you are confident in its strong vertical position.
  • After this, you can freely begin filling - the soil should not be excessively loose and you should not overdo it with its density. As a filler, you can use soil suitable for seedlings.

It is important that its consistency corresponds to the golden mean in density. Purchased soil is good because it is enriched with substances necessary for seedlings and disinfected.

To make the soil porous, gardeners use foamed polystyrene balls, mixing them with. These elements are also designed to provide the soil with better permeability. Before planting the bulbs, the structure is spilled with water.

Proper planting of crops

Before planting onions, each farmer makes his own, unique to him, manipulations.

It can be:

  • warm up slightly near a hot battery
  • hold for half an hour in a liquid heated to 50 degrees.
  • cut
  • accelerate germination by treating with biostimulants
  • plant without pre-treatment

After all the procedures, the seeds are dried and begin to be inserted into the holes. It is necessary to deepen the third part of the fruit, which will soon take root and bind the soil base into one whole.

At the first moment, you will have to hold each specimen so that it does not fall out of the cells until it settles firmly in the nest. After a few days, young roots will appear, which must be handled with care.

Row by row, planting ends with the last bulb at the top. When 20 days have passed, the owner will encounter the miracle of his handiwork. If at first there was nothing surprising, just bulbs sticking out of the holes, then later the shoots under the influence sun rays will be directed upward, the walls of the bottle will be covered with green onion feathers, forming a decorative, exotic bush.

Of course, this column is placed on the brightest window, regularly rotated so that uniform shoots are formed, and do not fight for the light rays, bending in all sorts of ways. You should not forget to water on time, so that your painstaking work does not go to waste; onions constantly need to drink.

Such a structure will not only benefit the family budget, it will pleasantly surprise friends with its appearance. In addition, this delicious, beautiful onion flowerbed will become the pride of your home.

How to grow onions in a bottle - presented in the video:

IN winter time there are not enough vitamins, and fresh fruits and vegetables are quite expensive during this period. There is a good way out of this situation - to grow them at home on the windowsill. The easiest way to grow onions at home. There are several ways to grow onions. In this article we will look at how to grow onions in a plastic bottle at home.

In order for onion cultivation to go as expected, you need to prepare for this process in advance. First you need to select the following set of tools and ingredients:

  • plastic bottle. For planting onions, it is recommended to use a volume of 3 or 5 liters. It is necessary to use only those left after food products;
  • fertile land. It can be bought in winter at any specialized garden store. Fertile land can also be prepared from your own garden plot in the fall. But in this situation it needs to be disinfected to avoid infecting the plant in the future;
  • water;
  • sharp, clean scissors or other sharp object;
  • directly onion.

In order to properly prepare the bottle, you need:

  • First, you need to cut off the neck of a plastic bottle. The resulting hole should be of such a size that the bow can easily fit into it;
  • then holes are made on the side. These holes should be slightly smaller than the size of the bulbs. They will act as plugs, preventing soil from falling out of the container. Holes are made using scissors or pierced with a heated iron sharp object;
  • After making the side holes, pour fertile soil into the bottom of the bottle to the level of the lower holes. Then you need to put the bulbs through these holes and cover them again with earth to the level of the next holes. The onion should be planted in such a way that the growing point looks outward from the hole. The procedure is repeated until they reach the top hole.

As a result, this method of growing onions in a bottle allows you to place the soil with onions in layers and on small area grow quite a large number of bulbs at once, which will significantly increase the yield of green feathers. Watering the onions in a bottle should be done in layers, and after planting in a plastic container is completed, watering should be done at your own discretion. At the end of all the manipulations described above, you can return the neck of the bottle to its original place. This technique will greatly simplify the watering procedure.

The resulting container with bulbs must be placed on some kind of pallet and placed on a balcony or windowsill. Do not forget that such onions should be watered periodically. Excess water will flow out of the container into the tray. Therefore, you should monitor the presence of water in it and pour it out in a timely manner, otherwise it will simply begin to overflow over the edges. After some time, green onion feathers will appear from the holes in the bottle. Now you can add vitamins to your winter dishes.

In order to make the structure you built for planting onions more practical and durable, you should adhere to the following tips:

  • Do not cut the holes very low, otherwise the water remaining after watering will flow out of the container;
  • You need to cut the holes sequentially, each time checking the size of the bulbs to avoid their loss in the future;
  • This simple technique will greatly facilitate the process of cutting holes - pour water into the bottle, approximately 1/3 of its volume. Then the container with water needs to be exposed to frost. After the water in it freezes, you can start cutting holes;
  • All the above-described manipulations should be done over a basin or sink to avoid contamination of both the floor and your clothes.

When it is not possible to use fertile soil, then toilet paper or toilet paper is placed in a plastic bottle instead. paper napkins. You can also use vermiculite or sawdust as a soil substitute. The use of such substrates will eliminate the appearance of infections and midges, both in the soil and on the plants themselves. Moreover, such a substrate will save you from the need to carry out preventive measures and land disinfection.

By observing the above step by step instructions, you can easily create a correct and durable structure from a plastic bottle, and in a short time you will be enjoying greens, and your dishes will become more healthy.

Disadvantages and advantages of this method

Like any growing method, this method has its advantages and disadvantages.

The disadvantages of growing bulbs in plastic bottles include:

  • painstaking work, since when cutting holes you need to compare their sizes with the existing bulbs;
  • The cutting process is quite labor-intensive, especially if you cut with scissors. This can be avoided by using a hot iron rod, but you should be very careful not to get burned;
  • when creating such a bottle structure, even despite all the precautions, you will still get dirty, since you need to water each layer with bulbs. The larger and taller the bottle, the more layers you will have to make;
  • you need to constantly monitor the water level in the pan, otherwise you risk contaminating both the window sill and the floor.

But, despite the presence of these disadvantages, this method has a lot of advantages:

  • in a small area (window sill, balcony) you can grow a large number of bulbs. In the case of growing onions for sale, even at home, you can easily create a large plantation;
  • The method is very economical and does not require large financial costs. Plastic bottles can be found in abundance in any apartment;
  • the appearance of the created structure is much better than when onions are grown simply by placing them in a container of water;
  • you can use bottles of various sizes: 1.5, 2, 5, 6, 10 l. It all depends on your needs and growing goals.

This method of growing onions is very beneficial at home, since it allows you to get a good harvest with minimal financial and physical costs. At the same time, the windowsill will be clean, you will not find insects in the house, and there will always be fresh and nutritious greens on your table.

Video “Growing onions in a plastic bottle”

In this video you will find step-by-step instructions for growing onions in a plastic bottle. In this way you can grow a large amount of greenery on minimum area.