The best time to install a greenhouse. Useful tips about the greenhouse

This question arises before everyone who once decided to buy and install polycarbonate greenhouses and watched a video on assembling a polycarbonate greenhouse, in a word, learned everything you need. Many people come to the conclusion that the greenhouse should be installed in the spring - while the ground is still clear of weeds, has not had time to really warm up under the rays of the sun, and sellers offer the lowest prices during this season.

This is due, first of all, to the fact that the greenhouse sales season, which began in winter, continues in the spring. As practice shows, greenhouses can be installed at any time of the year, if desired. But the right time depends on when and what kind of crop you want to harvest. The specialists of the First Greenhouse Factory will install the greenhouse at any time convenient for you. All you have to do is call and place an order, and in the very near future the greenhouse will be on your site.

Any season - spring, summer, autumn and even winter - has its advantages and disadvantages. What they are - we will look into this in our article.


Arguments for":

  • you can plant any crop immediately after installation;
  • a clean area, not yet touched by weeds and unnecessary plantings;
  • spring is a favorable time for any undertakings, especially when it comes to developing a vegetable garden.
  • Full range of products available;

Arguments against":

  • the soil, softened after winter and slush, is not very conducive to the installation of any structures;
  • from mid-spring it is already possible to plant many crops in open ground.


Arguments for":

  • very comfortable conditions for planting;
  • reasonable price for the greenhouse and convenient delivery and installation times.

Arguments against":

  • difficult to find a place for installation;
  • everything grows actively in open ground;
  • the need to control temperature and humidity inside the greenhouse, exacerbated by high summer temperatures.


Arguments for":

  • cleared areas of the garden where a greenhouse can now be installed;
  • you can plant winter crops to obtain a harvest in winter;
  • in the new greenhouse there is less work to clean the beds

Arguments against":

  • rain makes it difficult to install a greenhouse.


Arguments against":

  • uncomfortable installation conditions;
  • New Year's mood.


As you can see, the installation time of a greenhouse largely depends on whether the installation will be carried out independently or by hired specialists. Autumn is the most profitable period from a financial point of view, when you only need to place an order and pay for it. Spring is the peak demand for these products, so there is a waiting list for installation. Based on the above, decide when is the best time to install

Many people believe that it is better to install a greenhouse in the spring, when the need arises. By postponing installation until spring, you are doing what most gardeners in our country do. Therefore, in the spring there is a queue, you have to wait a long time, and at this time there are roads every day, since the seedlings outgrow, and it is not possible to plant them in the ground due to possible frosts. Some have to wait until June for installation, when there is almost no need for a greenhouse.
Why is it good to install a greenhouse in autumn or winter?

You almost never have to wait, you can choose any day convenient for you. At this time, there are almost no plants left in the garden and you don’t have to worry that during installation the plantings around the greenhouse will not be trampled. In early spring, the soil in an installed greenhouse begins to warm up earlier, which means you can start using the greenhouse earlier. If you put off installing a greenhouse until the spring, you run the risk that its price may rise, since in the spring, at the beginning of the construction season, prices for metal and polycarbonate, and therefore for greenhouses, usually begin to rise. Cellular polycarbonate is a unique material that can be worked with all year round, which is why we install greenhouses both in autumn and winter. How to position the greenhouse correctly?

First of all, the greenhouse should be located in a well-lit place. Sunlight should shine on it as long as possible. It is best if the greenhouse is located with its side facing south, since the side surface area is larger than the end area. You should not locate the greenhouse if it is a gable or arched one, close to buildings or a fence. In winter, this will prevent snow from melting and can lead to destruction of the greenhouse. And also, a large mass of snow next to your greenhouse in the spring will melt for a long time, cooling the soil and preventing it from drying out.

What soil maintenance is needed in winter?

The soil is populated with a variety of microorganisms, both harmful to your plants and beneficial. The soil in the greenhouse in winter is not covered with snow and freezes heavily. This disrupts the biological balance and after a few years can lead to loss of soil fertility. Therefore, we recommend adding snow to the greenhouse in winter. In the spring it will melt very quickly, much earlier than on open ground, but in winter it will not allow the soil to freeze deeply.

What kind of greenhouse maintenance is needed in winter?

We do not install greenhouses with weak frames. Therefore, snow should be removed from our greenhouses only in exceptional cases. It's best to just knock on the polycarbonate from the inside with your fist. Good polycarbonate, and we use only proven brands, will not cause harm at temperatures up to - 30. It is not recommended to scrape off snow or ice from the outside with hard objects. You can scratch the polycarbonate and thereby reduce its light transmission and disrupt ultraviolet protection.

How to balance the difference between night and day temperatures?

If you want to lengthen the growing season and use your greenhouse in both early spring and late autumn (which is what a greenhouse is for), then the problem of night frosts will definitely confront you. During the day on a sunny day, the temperature in the greenhouse, even with negative outside temperatures, can reach 20 or even 30 degrees, and at night drop to negative values. Therefore, I would like to stock up on warmth during the day for a cold night. To do this, you need to bring water into the greenhouse. Water is an excellent coolant and retains a lot of heat. Place a metal barrel of water in the greenhouse or, better yet, place plastic water bottles between the plants. Some of our clients dig them along the path and get neat borders and a heat accumulator.

How and how to shade a greenhouse in hot weather?

On a hot summer day, when the temperature outside exceeds 30 degrees, and the sunlight makes the heat deadly, the temperature inside the greenhouse can go over 50 degrees. This can lead to the death of plants. Therefore, there is a desire to shade the greenhouse. This can be done in many ways. You can throw some kind of covering material, such as gauze, over the greenhouse and attach the edges to the ground so that it does not blow away in the wind. You can fix such material inside. But there is a simpler and more original method of shading, which we spotted in Turkey. You need to “whiten” the greenhouse by spraying it with chalk solutions. But you should not use any substances that can damage polycarbonate. When the heat subsides, you can clean your greenhouse by spraying it with a hose.

Why and how to use tables in a greenhouse?

A table in a greenhouse not only allows you to work more conveniently, but also allows you to bring plants into the greenhouse earlier. In the spring, when the seedlings outgrow and the boxes have taken up all the window sills, I want to plant the plants in a greenhouse. But the ground there is still cold; at night the temperature drops below zero. If you put a heater in a greenhouse, it “burns” the seedlings and does not warm the soil. Tables in a greenhouse solve all these problems. If the boxes with seedlings are on the tables and the heater is on the floor, then the warm air heats the soil much more efficiently, and the plants are far from the hot air coming out of the heater. In addition, the higher the plants are, the warmer the layer of air they are in. This means you can heat the greenhouse less. The time will come when you will transplant the seedlings from the boxes into the ground, and disassemble the tables and take them out of the greenhouse until autumn or next spring.

When and why should you till the soil after harvesting in a greenhouse?

Preparation of the greenhouse begins in the fall. After the last harvest, you need to thoroughly clean the greenhouse of plant debris, remove the top 5 cm of soil, which contains a large number of pests and diseases. Remove the old twine (it is better to burn the garter twine). Plant residues can be placed in compost heaps, but it is better to burn them. The greenhouse is disinfected by burning a sulfur bomb. Autumn digging of the soil to a depth of 25-30cm. In autumn it is necessary to apply organic fertilizers - humus or manure - 10-20 kg/m2. In the absence of organic fertilizers, it is necessary to apply mineral fertilizers: simple superphosphate - 20 g/m2. potassium sulfate - 25-30g/m2. We do not recommend treating the soil with pesticides.

Preparing soil mixture for seedlings!

Soil for seedlings is prepared in several ways:
1. Sifted peat + sawdust in a ratio of 3:1, the finished mixture is moistened with Kemira combi solution
at the rate of 20g per 10l of water.
2. Field (turf soil) + peat + sand in a ratio of 2:1:1.
Before sowing, add Kemira-universal fertilizer 50g/10l of soil to the prepared mixture
or nitroammophoska 40 g/10 l of soil, mix everything thoroughly.
3. Field (turf soil) + humus + sawdust, in a ratio of 2:1:1.
Before use, the soil must be disinfected by prolonged freezing.
It is not recommended to use soil from a coniferous forest for growing seedlings. This is a favorable time for watering plants in a greenhouse!

It is best to water plants in a greenhouse in the evening or early morning. Watering during the hottest part of the day can cause plant burns. However, it is still advisable to water the plants in the morning; it is better not to water at night, because... this contributes to the emergence of diseases, in particular peronosporosis, or downy mildew.
At low daytime temperatures, cucumbers can be watered during the day, around twelve o’clock. By this time the water will heat up. It is best to keep the container in a greenhouse.
It is also better to water tomatoes in the morning; they do not require as warm water as cucumbers. Watering in the morning will not cause excessive moisture overnight. But it is harmful - all sorts of rot can occur.
Pepper does not tolerate dry soil, but also does not like waterlogging. It is better to water it in the morning, also with warm water. This is especially useful if the nights are cold.
When the head of cabbage begins to curl, the cabbage needs a lot of water. During this period, she needs three buckets per day. Excess moisture is dangerous - the root system can rot.
If you grow plants in unamended soil, they dry out faster and need more water. The larger and older a plant gets, the more water it needs compared to younger, more immature plants. During the dormant period in January and February, your plants need less water.


Many people believe that it is better to install a greenhouse in the spring, when the need arises. But by postponing installation until spring, you are doing what most gardeners in our country do. In the spring, during the very season, there is a queue for greenhouses, you have to order and wait a long time until they can bring it to you, plus time is wasted on its installation, and at this time it’s expensive every day, since the seedlings outgrow, and there is no way to plant them in the ground due to for possible frosts. Some have to wait until June for installation, when there is almost no need for a greenhouse.

Today there are many different options for designs and shapes of greenhouses, we suggest considering the most reliable and durable of our entire range:

1. Greenhouse made of polycarbonate "Estate Zinc Reinforced", 3 meters wide, the length of the greenhouse can be any multiple of 2 meters. The frame of the greenhouse is made of a 30*30 mm profile, the distance between the arcs is 50 cm - this ensures the maximum snow load for the northwestern region.
2. "Dachnaya Strelka", produced by the Volya company. The reinforced frame and arrow-shaped shape can withstand a snow load of 450 kg per 1 m 2 of horizontal ground surface, which corresponds to 2.25 m of freshly fallen and 1.1 m of compacted snow. Also

Why is it good to install a greenhouse in autumn or winter?

  1. You almost never have to wait, you can choose any day convenient for you.
  2. At this time, there are almost no plants left in the garden and you don’t have to worry that during installation the plantings around the greenhouse will not be trampled.
  3. In early spring, the soil in an installed greenhouse begins to warm up earlier, which means you can start using the greenhouse earlier.
  4. If you postpone installing a greenhouse until the spring, then you need to take into account that the price of a greenhouse in the spring season will be higher, since in the spring, as a rule, prices for metal and polycarbonate, and therefore for greenhouses, begin to rise.

Almost all gardeners believe that a greenhouse should be installed in the spring, when the need for it arises. But by making such a delay until spring, you are acting like most summer residents in Ukraine. Therefore, in the spring there is a rush of demand for greenhouses, and when every day is expensive - the seedlings outgrow, you have to wait a long time. Those who are especially unlucky have to wait until June for installation, when, in essence, the greenhouse is no longer needed.

5 powerful arguments in favor of autumn

When is it undesirable to install a greenhouse in the fall...

There is only one reason why the installation of a greenhouse in the fall is canceled - autumn melancholy. Spring, when the sun is shining and life is in full swing, pushes us to “dacha” exploits. And any problems associated with installing a greenhouse seem insignificant.

And in the fall, after a hard gardening season, you want to relax. And not to engage in serious construction projects. Therefore, if you don’t feel any mood in yourself, it’s better to wait for spring.

When you're not in the mood...

Even if you are determined to install a greenhouse in the spring, it is better to buy it in advance. For example, in autumn or winter. This way you will save money. And don’t miss the planting season because producers are overloaded with orders.

3 more important “when?”

1) Please note that if you are going to install a polycarbonate greenhouse yourself, it is better to do it at a temperature above 0 o C. At negative temperatures, polycarbonate becomes more fragile, and only professionals know how to handle it in such conditions.

2) If you are placing the greenhouse on a foundation, it is also better to carry out this work in the warm season, when the ground is loose and soft, and not a frozen block. During the cold season, it is undesirable to carry out any concreting.

3) It is better to cover the greenhouse with polycarbonate in calm (!) weather. Otherwise, you risk flying away with him to the neighbor’s plot.

In any case, the choice is yours when to install the greenhouse. If you turn to real professionals, they will quickly and reliably assemble a greenhouse for you at any time of the year. Therefore, the main thing is not the season when the greenhouse will be installed, but the manufacturer from whom you buy it.

Do you want to install a greenhouse? Do you prefer structures made of cellular polycarbonate? Can't decide when it's better to install a greenhouse - in the fall or in the spring?

Most manufacturers claim that installation can be carried out at any time. And this is true, because polycarbonate has excellent performance characteristics. However, the question of what time to install a greenhouse remains very relevant for many.

In spring...

Most summer residents and farmers believe that such a structure is best installed in the spring. Strong arguments in favor of this decision are:

  • favorable weather;
  • a clean area, untouched by weeds and unnecessary plantings;
  • the ability to plant plants directly after installing the structure.

However, keep in mind that the summer season begins in spring. And many people remember at the last moment that there is no greenhouse on the site. Manufacturing companies receive a ton of orders, a queue appears, and prices rise in the wake of the excitement. As a result, those who ordered a greenhouse in the spring may not receive it on time. The time favorable for planting vegetables or seedlings will simply be missed.

...or in the fall?

Installing a polycarbonate greenhouse in the fall has its advantages. At this time of year, the place where the structure will be mounted is empty. Manufacturers are receiving fewer orders, so they won’t have to wait long for their fulfillment. Prices for polycarbonate structures are usually lower in the fall, as demand for them falls. The harvest has been harvested, and gardeners can now rest a little, without burdening themselves with worries and thoughts about when it is better to install a greenhouse. For those who want to save money, this is the best time to purchase and install this structure.

The main thing is that by installing a greenhouse in the fall, you will definitely not miss the beginning of the summer season. You can plant plants in early spring, as soon as the soil in the greenhouse warms up.

There is no need to worry that winter weather will damage the newly installed structure or shorten its service life. The frame, made of steel pipes, can withstand serious loads, and polycarbonate itself is an excellent material, it is stronger than glass and film. Protecting the ground from freezing is also not difficult. As soon as snow falls, it should be scattered inside the structure. It will reliably protect the soil from frost, and in the spring it will provide the soil with the necessary moisture.

The choice is yours

When it is better to install a polycarbonate greenhouse - everyone decides for themselves. Nothing bad will happen if you carry out the installation in the spring. You may be lucky and find a company that will produce the structure quickly and inexpensively. You will not miss the beginning of the summer season and will be able to get a good harvest this year. But, keeping in mind the need to prepare the sled in the summer, it is still better to purchase and install a polycarbonate structure in advance.