Speech therapy lapbook for sound automation. Using a lapbook in the work of a speech therapist teacher in an individual speech therapy lesson

Lapbook – teacher and friend


"Miracle folder"

In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education and the increase in the number of children with speech pathologies, I, as a teacher-speech therapist, have to look for new approaches, ideas, forms and methods in my teaching activities that would be interesting to preschoolers and would be appropriate for their age, and would be most effective solved educational, educational and correctional problems.

The standard defines new requirements for the competence of a speech therapist teacher.

Modern requirements for a teacher-speech therapist in kindergarten imply that he needs to constantly engage in self-education, improve his level of professional competence and master the latest educational technologies.

A laptop is a game, creativity, learning and researching new things, repeating and consolidating what has been learned, systematizing knowledge and simply an interesting type of joint activity between a teacher, a speech therapist, parents and a child.

What is a lapbook, why is it needed?

Lapbook VLiterally translated from English, lapbook means “book on your lap.” It is a folder or other durable cardboard base on which small books are glued (mini books - simple and curly, in the form of pockets, accordions, squirrels, arrows, etc.), in which the material being studied is organized and recorded. It would be even more correct to define a laptop not as a learning tool, but asa special form of organizing educational material .

Of course, the Americans did not invent the wheel - there have always been similar educational books or toy books, but still, thanks to them, lapbooking has emerged as a separate genre. And, like other useful innovations from the West, this genre has been successfully picked up and developed by domestic teachers and mothers.

In children with speech pathologies, speech does not develop independently. The process of accumulating words and using them in speech activity suffers. The path to correcting sound pronunciation is difficult and lengthy. As a rule, preschoolers in this category also suffer from cognitive processes: memory, attention, perception, thinking.

Solving these problems is one of the tasks of using a laptop in speech correction work.

This interactive folder allows you to:

    replenish children’s vocabulary and expand the “semantic fields” of word meanings;

    speed up and make the process of automation and differentiation of sounds more attractive;

    form grammatical categories;

    develop coherent speech;

    form the psychological basis of speech;

    improve fine motor skills.

In my work, I use lapbooks in individual and subgroup lessons on correcting sound pronunciation, forming lexical and grammatical categories and developing coherent speech. I also suggest that children use cards and games from laptops in free activities to automate the sounds.

A laptop is also an effective tool for attracting parents to cooperate.

In my opinion, a lapbook is a modern, effective teaching technology and an excellent assistant in the work of a teacher or speech therapist.

Working with lapbooks has brought many positive aspects to the general and speech development of our students.

Teacher-speech therapist MBDOU No. 157

Tikhomirova Ekaterina Vitalievna.

What is LAPBOOK?

Lapbook (lapbook)– literally translated from English means "knee book" (lap – knees, book – book). This is a small homemade folder that a child can conveniently place anywhere and view all its contents at one time. But, despite its apparent simplicity, it contains all the necessary materials on the topic.

The laptop is a relatively new learning tool. Americans were the first to create lapbooks. A laptop is a folding book with pockets, doors, windows, tabs and movable parts, in which materials on one topic are placed. This is a great way to reinforce a certain topic with preschoolers, comprehend the contents of a book, and conduct research work, during which the child participates in searching, analyzing and sorting information. A laptop usually looks like an interactive book, the information in which is presented in the form of windows that open, leaves that can be pulled out and unfolded, and other funny details. On the one hand, they are designed to attract the child’s interest in the folder itself. On the other hand, this is a great way to present all available information in a compact form.

The interactive thematic folder stores materials with different speech content: tongue twisters, tongue twisters, story pictures, cards, etc. Anything that will help children with disabilities, who have different speech levels, to engage in work more effectively. Because, using lapbooks, we have the opportunity to do vocabulary work, compose a story, look at illustrations and talk with the child individually. The inclusion of children with disabilities in this work makes it possible to compensate for the lack of communication, broaden their horizons, enrich life experience, and ensure timely and effective speech development.

LAPTOP Meaning:

For the teacher:

  • promotes the comprehensive development of a child with disabilities
  • promotes the organization of material on the topic being studied within the framework of complex thematic planning - promotes the organization of individual and independent work with children
  • contributes to the formalization of the results of joint project activities.

For a child:

  • promotes understanding and memorization of information on the topic being studied
  • promotes the child’s acquisition of skills for independently collecting and organizing information on the topic being studied
  • promotes repetition and consolidation of material on the covered topic

In our combined group, the use of lapbooks is more relevant than ever. Therefore, specialists (educators, teacher - speech therapist, teacher - psychologist, etc.) Those working with children with disabilities actively use this manual in their work.

An unconventional technique for correcting sound pronunciation and vocabulary (lapbook) allows you to: - clarify the existing dictionary; activate and enrich the vocabulary through teaching various methods of word formation; all this creates the basis for correcting sound pronunciation not only "artificial" way, but also "natural" , through the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech.

The laptop meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education for a subject-development environment:

  • informative
  • multifunctional: promotes the development of creativity and imagination.
  • suitable for use by a group of children at the same time (including with the participation of an adult as a playing partner)
  • has didactic properties; is a means of artistic and aesthetic development of the child, introduces him to the world of art
  • variable (there are several options for using each part of it)
  • its structure and content are accessible to preschool children
  • provides playful, educational, research and creative activity for all pupils.

To create a lapbook we will need the following materials:

  • Polycarbonate of any color, self-adhesive wood-look paper (for the base, but you can use a cardboard folder as a base (you can buy it or make it yourself).
  • Plain paper, laminating paper, colored printer paper, but also just white sheets, if they are well designed and colored, look very good.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue stick for paper.
  • Stapler.
  • Scotch tape, colored Velcro, bags, boxes, buttons
  • Limitless fantasy

We cut out the parts, glue them and put everything in place. And after that we begin classes with the child, children.

  1. “Read by first letters” . Purpose of the game: strengthening reading skills and sound-letter analysis of words.
  2. “Put the picture in the house” . Purpose of the game: to develop the ability to identify the first sound in a word and relate it to the letter.
  3. "My, my, mine, mine" . Purpose of the game: to consolidate the agreement of possessive pronouns with nouns.
  4. Stubborn words. Twin words. Words are friends. The words are the opposite. Goal: formation of the semantic component of children’s speech (understanding the meaning of the word) senior preschool age by enriching and activating the vocabulary with words - synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and unchangeable words of the Russian language (stubborn words)
  5. Articulation gymnastics. Goal: development of full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, the ability to combine simple movements into complex ones necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.
  6. Finger gymnastics. Goal: promotes mastery of fine motor skills; helps develop speech; increases the performance of the cerebral cortex.
  7. Make up a story based on a series of plot pictures. Goal: development of coherent speech by mastering the ability to track a sequential plot using a series of pictures
  8. “The flower is eight petals. Goal: learning to compose and read syllables.
  9. Mnemotables. Goal: to develop the ability to transform abstract symbols into images (transcoding information.
  10. Reader. Goal: to develop initial reading skills.
  11. Tongue Twisters and Pure Twisters. Goal: speech development and diction improvement.
  12. Mini rings Lullia - games: Divide the word into syllables, find the desired pattern. Match the picture to the diagram or the diagram to the picture. Use of prepositions, use of signals.

Thus, the new approach to the use of lapbooks is undeniable, its possibilities are limitless, in implementing the modern requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, in the formation of certain qualities in a preschooler, such as:

  • self-confidence;
  • curiosity;
  • ability to volitional efforts;
  • independence;
  • initiative.

A laptop, be it a teaching aid or the final stage of a project, is an interesting and useful tool in a teacher’s work with children with disabilities. But you need to use it correctly.

Galina Volkova

Taking into account the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard and the trend of modernization of preschool education, the priority direction in the activities of preschool educational institutions is the activation of cognitive interests and the formation of children’s research skills.

This requires a revision of technologies for the education of preschool children, orienting teachers to use in their activities more effective forms and methods that allow building the pedagogical process on the basis of developmental education.

Today I want to present a relatively new form of organizing educational activities for the development of children’s cognitive and speech activity and the development of independence - Lapbook.

What is it lapbook? is a homemade thematic interactive folder with pockets, doors, windows, and movable parts that a child can take out, rearrange, and fold at his own discretion. The folder collects material on a specific topic.

Subject Lapbook was not chosen by me by chance. Working as a speech therapist at a kindergarten speech center, one has to deal with the fact that children of older preschool age often confuse concepts such as " sound" And " letter". Therefore, together with the children and with the help of parents, we created Lapbook"Sound and letter".

IN Lapbook I tried to collect as much as possible all the material that I use in speech therapy classes.

Conditionally Lapbook divided into two parts: most of it is dedicated sounds[L]-hard and [L*]-soft, the other - letter L.

Lapbook- not just a book with pictures and pockets. This is the tutorial I use throughout the steps. work: staging, automation and differentiation sound, as well as getting to know letter. Also, exercises and games are aimed at developing all aspects speeches: development of phonemic hearing and perception, lexical and grammatical skills, coherent speech.

The cover contains pictures of onomatopoeia(left) and image of printed and written letters(on right). There are various pockets inside.

1. Folding book "What is sound? What are there sounds?".

2. Book and pocket with “Characteristics” chips sound".

3. Folding flower "Articulation gymnastics".

4. Game "Where I hid" sound?"

5. Games with syllables (syllabic daisy).

6. Game "Labyrinth" (with pictures and labyrinth letter) .

7. Riddles with pictures and answers.

8. Puzzle game "Collect letter".

9. Game library: a baby book with speech material (poems, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, pictures for this sound, etc..).

10. The book "What is letter? What are there letters" (and on the cover)

11. Puzzles

12. Game "Add" letter"

13. Pocket “What does it look like” letter?" (set of pictures)

WITH Lapbook The activity is interesting and educational; it helps children acquire knowledge in an interesting playful way.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a literacy lesson “Sound [zh]. Letter Z. Capital letter in geographical names" Goals of the lessons: to introduce children to the letter Z, to teach them to recognize the letter visually, to read syllables and words with it; give an idea of ​​the rule.

Lesson summary “Sound [S] and letter S” Lesson summary “Sound and letter C” Purpose: 1. Reinforce the pronunciation of the sound C, familiarize yourself with the letter C. 2. Sound-syllable analysis of the word soup.

GCD for teaching literacy “Sound[s]. Letter y". Consolidating knowledge about the mechanisms of sound (s) organization. Activation of vocabulary for sound (s) on the lexical topic “Reservoir.” Consolidation.

GCD for teaching literacy “Sound [m]. Letter M" Consolidating knowledge about the mechanisms of sound organization [m]. Activation of vocabulary for the sound [m] on the lexical topic “Forest, mushrooms, berries.” Acquaintance.

GCD for teaching literacy “Sound [N], letter Nn” Goals. Consolidation of knowledge about the mechanisms of sound organization[n]. Clarification and expansion of the dictionary on the lexical topic “Mushrooms, berries”. Use.

Please contact us for more information about KMKK “Cockerel”

Speech at a regional seminar of speech therapists

Topic: “Lapbook in the work of a speech therapist”

Prepared by:

speech therapist Valeeva G.S.

Zatobolsk village

While studying new pedagogical technologies, I came across a very interesting use in my work of a completely new teaching aid called a lapbook.

What is "LAPBUK"?

    Literally translated from English, lapbook means “knee book.”

    A LAPBOOK is an interactive folder with a lot of different details, which contains materials on a specific topic.

Lapbook, or whatever it is also called thematic or interactive folder, is a homemade paper book with pockets, doors, windows, and movable parts that a child can take out, rearrange, and fold at his own discretion.

- informative;
- multifunctional: promotes the development of creativity and imagination.
- suitable for use by a group of children at the same time (including with the participation of an adult as a playing partner);
- has didactic properties, contains methods of familiarization with speech material;
- is a means of artistic and aesthetic development of the child, introduces him to the world of art;
- variable (there are several options for using each part);
- its structure and content are accessible to preschool children;
- provides playful, educational, research and creative activity for all pupils.

The lapbook is based on “a complex of associations that arises around one word, its semantic field” (A.R. Luria)

The main function of a word is its denoting role, subject correlation. The word brings to life and actualizes a whole complex of associations. The presence of a “semantic field” allows a person to quickly select words in the process of communication.

In children with OSD, speech does not develop independently. The process of accumulation, selection of words and handling them in speech activity suffers (the dictionary is chaotic and disorganized). All this leads to a sharp decrease in memory, attention, perception, and cognitive processes.

Solving these problems is one of the tasks of using a laptop in speech correction work.

Stages of creating a LABOOK




In our kindergarten “Cockerel” there was a competition among teachers on the topic “Lapbook as a means of developing the cognitive abilities of preschoolers

Lapbook “Seasons”

After this competition, I decided to buy my own laptop.

Necessary materials

    printed LABOOK templates;

    a cardboard base folder, fabric or a sheet of thick paper in A3 format or 2 sheets of A4 (I distribute booklets);


    glue stick;

    colored pencils, felt-tip pens;

    Scotch tape, master glue, Velcro, buttons;


Curly pockets


Strip folded several times

Nazarlarynizga Rakhmet!

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 203", Perm

Lapbook “Sound”

Developed by:

teacher-speech therapist: Shishmakova M.A.

teachers: Yakimets Yu.V.

Volegova E.A.

Perm 2016


« Lapbook “Zvukovichok”.

Full title


Design and creation of lapbooks in working with children with disabilities (TN)

Short name

Lapbook “Sound”

Project manager: teacher-speech therapist: Shishmakova Marina Anatolyevna

Teachers: Volegova E.A., Yakimets Yu.V.

Children's age


A laptop is a homemade interactive folder. It collects material on a specific topic. The basis of the laptop is created, supplemented and improved. A laptop is an excellent assistant in the work of speech therapists and educators. It can be used for both individual and subgroup work with children of senior preschool age.

This manual helps children acquire knowledge.

(Sound, lexical, grammatical material, remember, consolidate and repeat the material in a playful way).

A laptop is an excellent way to review what you have learned. Due to the visual appeal of the laptop, learning occurs involuntarily.

Create a manual for automating the hissing sounds “sh” and “zh” in syllables, words and sentences for independent work of children with disabilities.

1. Develop articulation, finger motor skills, speech breathing.

2. Develop phonemic awareness.

3. Automate sounds in the game “Soundtrack”, in tongue twisters, pure tongue twisters.

4. Develop coherent speech (“Compiling a story based on a series of pictures”).

5. Develop visual perception (“Adventures”).

Materials and


The laptop book “Zvukovichok” reflects the following: sections:

"Such different letters"

Articulation gymnastics (articulation exercises are presented in the form of drop-down windows and a double-sided fan);


"Sizzles and Buzzers"

“Mnemonic tracks”, “Repeat pure sayings”, “Riddles”, “Repeat”

"Polysemantic words"

"Rhymes" (development of the ability to select a paired rhyming word for a word);

"Where the Sound Hides" (development of phonemic hearing: the ability to determine the place of a sound in a word);

"Blow away a snowflake"

"What's first, what's next" (restoring the sequence of events and composing a coherent story);

Game "Collect beads" (development of fine motor skills);

(automation and differentiation of sounds, development of phonemic hearing and prosodic aspects of speech).

Parts of the project.

1.Preparatory stage (1 week)

Determining the theme of the project.

Formulation of the goals and objectives of the project.

Formation of a design group.

Distribution of rights and responsibilities.

2.Main stage (2 weeks)

A selection of materials and pictures.

Organize viewing of selected material on this topic.

Methodological support.

Purchasing material for making a folder;

Selection of necessary manuals and independent production of manuals;

Printing prepared materials in color.

2 weeks are allotted for this work.

3.Final stage (1 week)

Design of the “Zvukovichok” lapbook manual. Distribution of material in a folder.

Final results

Preschoolers show interest in this manual. They love to play games suggested in the laptop. (This lapbook was made for working with children with various speech disorders).

Specific software


The manual contains games and exercises, visual material aimed at developing all components of the speech system (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, coherent speech, and the development of visual perception, fine motor skills). All materials in the manual have educational and developmental functions.

Amount of children

Children of the older group with TNR. (2 children)

"Such different letters" aimed at developing tactile sensations (letters are made of various materials: velvet paper, buttons, fabric)

Articulation gymnastics (articulation exercises are presented in the form of drop-down windows and a double-sided fan);

To perform articulation gymnastics, a “Cheerful Frog” mirror is included.

"Adventure" (represented by several playing fields, there are chips and a cube)

"Sizzles and Buzzers" (develop a clear, long, correct pronunciation of hissing sounds);

"Riddles", "Repeat" (games are aimed at automating hissing sounds in syllables, words, phrases and sentences

"Where the Sound Hides" (development of phonemic hearing: the ability to determine the place of a sound in a word).

“Mnemonic tracks”, “Repeat pure sayings” - games are aimed at automating hissing sounds in syllables, words, phrases and sentences.

"Blow away a snowflake" (development of correct speech breathing); "What's first, what's next" (restoring the sequence of events and composing a coherent story). Game "Collect beads" (development of fine motor skills).

"Riddles", "Repeat" (games are aimed at automating hissing sounds in syllables, words, phrases and sentences);

"Polysemantic words" (automation of hissing sounds in words; ability to explain the meaning of polysemantic words);

"Rhymes" (development of the ability to select a paired rhyming word for a word).

"Sound Snail" and "Forest Path" (automation and differentiation of sounds).

It turned out to be an excellent guide for reviewing what has been covered. Due to the visual appeal of the laptop, learning takes place involuntarily,

Children enjoy studying and playing.

Thus, Such an unusual, bright, colorful and entertaining folder will definitely attract the attention of children, which will help consolidate the acquired knowledge, develop attention, memory, and fine motor skills.