Pina Colada liqueur: what do they drink with, how they combine it, and what cocktails do they add it to? What is "Pinacolada": recipes for self-preparation Cocktail pina colada alcoholic composition in bars.

Even people who are far from bar culture have heard about this legendary drink at least once in their lives. He is in the cocktail list of reputable establishments on all continents, songs are written and poems are written in his honor. We are talking about a Pina Colada cocktail, which can be easily made at home in 2-3 minutes.

Pina colada(Piña colada) is a low-alcohol Caribbean cocktail consisting of rum, coconut milk and pineapple juice. Differs in the soft balanced taste and speed of preparation. From Spanish, "Piña colada" literally translates as "filtered pineapple juice."

History reference. According to the most popular version classic recipe Pina Colada was invented in 1954 by bartender Ramon Marerro, who worked in the Caribbean at the Beachcomber bar. After three months of experimenting with mixing different ingredients, he came up with a cocktail that the visitors really liked. A few years later, the recipe came to the United States, and then to Europe.

According to another version, Pina Colada first appeared in the Barracina restaurant in Puerto Rico. Its creation was sponsored by the Ministry Agriculture islands. Specially hired scientists were engaged in the development of the recipe. To secure the right to authorship of the drink, in 1978 the government made the Pina Colada cocktail the national pride of Puerto Rico and installed a memorial plaque.

Some historians claim that the prototype of Pina Colada appeared in 1820. To maintain morale, the captain of the Caribbean pirates, Roberto Cofresi, gave his crew members a drink consisting of rum, pineapple juice and coconut milk. Modern authors have only picked up the right proportions.

Since 1961, Pina Colada has been on the official list of the IBA (International Bartending Association). It is believed that every self-respecting bartender should be able to prepare this cocktail from memory.

Composition and proportions:

  • light (white) rum - 30 ml;
  • pineapple juice - 90 ml;
  • coconut milk (Malibu liqueur) - 30 ml;
  • ice cubes - 50 grams;
  • cream (11-15% fat) - 20 ml (optional);
  • a slice of pineapple or a cocktail cherry - 1 piece.

Finding real coconut milk in Russia is difficult, so Malibu coconut liqueur is used as a substitute. It is better to take fresh juice, reconstituted from concentrate spoils the taste a little. Cream in the composition is optional, with a fat content of more than 15%, it can curdle in sour citrus juice.

It is believed that Cuban or Puerto Rican rum is needed to make a cocktail. In fact, any high-quality rum will do, regardless of the country of production.

Attention! To make a non-alcoholic Pina Colada cocktail, it is enough to exclude rum from the composition, and replace Malibu liquor with coconut milk or syrup. The technology of preparation and the taste of the drink will not change.

homemade pina colada recipe

1. Beat all ingredients (except cherry and pineapple slice) in a blender until smooth.

2. Pour the resulting mixture into a tall glass.

3. Decorate the cocktail with a cherry, pineapple wedge or whipped cream.

4. Serve with a straw.

No cream With cream

The video shows the method of cooking "Pina Colada" from Vasily Zakharov.

P.S. Do not confuse the cocktail with Pina Colada liqueur. Although these drinks are very similar, there are several differences in their recipe and preparation technology.

The classic composition of Pina Colada is rum, pineapple juice and coconut milk. This drink has a pleasant taste, perfectly relaxes and quenches thirst. Making a Pina Colada at home is easy. We will use almost completely the original recipe, supplementing it with only sugar syrup.

In fact, a real Pina colada turns out to be completely unsweetened, so if you prefer moderately sweet desserts, you can safely skip the syrup. The same applies to rum - if you want a non-alcoholic version of the cocktail, just do not add alcohol, the amount and composition of other ingredients does not change.

Ingredients per 1 serving:

  • pineapple juice - 100 ml;
  • coconut milk - 30 ml;

For the alcoholic version of the drink (optional):

  • light rum (or a mixture of light and dark) - 20-30 ml.

For syrup:

  • sugar - 3 teaspoons;
  • water - 3 teaspoons.

To serve a pina colada:

  • small pineapple (optional) - 1 pc.;
  • tubules, cocktail umbrellas.

Pina colada recipe with photo

How to make Pina Colada at home

  1. First of all, for a pina colada cocktail, we will prepare a sweet syrup, since pure sugar may not have time to dissolve in a cold drink. So, pour a portion of granulated sugar into a small refractory container, then pour in drinking water and simmer the mixture over low heat, stirring.
  2. As soon as the grains of sugar dissolve in the hot liquid, remove the syrup from the stove and pour into a convenient bowl. While we are busy with other ingredients, it will have time to cool.
  3. If you decide to serve a pina colada in pineapple in a spectacular way, the next step is to prepare an exotic fruit. First, cut off the top with a sharp knife.
  4. Using a spoon, remove the inside of the pineapple. The hard stump can be thrown away, and the pulp can either be used in the preparation of a cocktail by squeezing juice out of it, or left for other dishes (for example, for).
  5. Now we proceed directly to the preparation of the drink. Pour pineapple juice into a shaker, then throw in a few pieces of ice. For a cocktail, you can use purchased packaged juice or dilute it with freshly squeezed fresh juice from the remnants of pineapple pulp.
  6. Open a jar of coconut milk and mix the contents thoroughly so that the thick cream and the liquid separated from them are combined. Only after that we measure the desired portion and add to the pineapple juice.
  7. Close the shaker and shake vigorously until foam forms on the surface of the drink. In the absence of a shaker for making Pina colada at home, you can get by with a blender or mixer. As for rum and sweet syrup, these ingredients are best introduced gradually, each time taking a sample. The strength of the drink is determined by taking into account personal taste, and the amount of syrup varies depending on the sweetness of the pineapple juice used.
  8. Pour the resulting cocktail into a “pineapple bowl”, arrange with tubes and umbrellas. Add ice cubes if desired.

Pina colada cocktail at home is ready! Enjoy a cold drink!

Pina colada is a low-alcohol cocktail that has long become legendary and has won appreciation all over the world. Tropical sultry Puerto Rico is considered its homeland. The original composition includes components such as rum, pineapple juice and coconut milk. This drink has an unusual and bright smell, as well as a soft balanced taste.

Today it is offered in almost all bars around the globe, and there are a great many variations, but all of them are distinguished by one thing - the simplicity and speed of the cooking process, which can be easily implemented at home.

The calorie content of the drink is about 170 kcal per 100 g, so it is better not to use it too often. Consider step by step and with a photo how to make pina colada at home in a variety of ways.

Classic pina colada recipe

This cooking instruction famous cocktail is fundamental, because it was developed by the worldwide association of bartenders.

List of components:

  • Pineapple juice - 90 ml;
  • Coconut milk and white or light rum - 30 ml each;
  • Crushed ice cubes - 30 g.

The cooking scheme is absolutely simple: you need to mix all the ingredients until smooth. Professional bartenders do it in a shaker, and at home a blender will do just fine. The finished alcoholic cocktail is poured into tall glasses, which must be cooled in advance. You can use pineapple slices or cocktail cherries as garnish. A straw and an umbrella for cocktails will help you fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a summer tropical paradise.

Rum is sometimes substituted for vodka, resulting in a drink called "Chi Chi", which has a more pronounced alcohol taste than the original version.

Quality components can sometimes be hard to come by, but you can make them yourself. Consider another Pina Colada cocktail recipe in the classic version, where some of the ingredients are prepared by hand, and the serving method is original. The cooking process is more labor intensive, but the result is the freshest ingredients.

Required products:

  • Fresh coconut and pineapple - 1 each;
  • Sugar syrup and freshly squeezed lime juice - 20 ml each;
  • Rum Bacardi white - 50 ml;
  • Ice crushed - 50 g.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Coconut must be carefully split so that a small “lid” is removed from above, and a large “bowl” is left undamaged;
  2. Drain the liquid, but do not throw it away. Carefully remove the pulp with a small knife, then grind it through a metal fine sieve, and wrap the rest in gauze and squeeze it well. Combine the secreted milk with the drained liquid;
  3. Shake the mixture and let it steep for a bit. After a while, it will split into 2 factions. The one that is thick, collect, separate from the total amount of 50 ml, mix with syrup in a separate bowl and pour into a blender bowl;
  4. Cut the pineapple pulp, then pass through a press to squeeze out fresh juice. Filter it through cheesecloth, pour 100 ml and add to the rest of the ingredients in a blender;
  5. Squeeze lime juice here, add ice and top up with rum;
  6. Beat all the ingredients until smooth and pour into a "glass" of coconut shells. Decorate the resulting “dish” with a cocktail umbrella and a piece of pineapple, and also insert a straw.

Pina Colada with Malibu

This version of the famous drink is especially popular in Russia, since high-quality coconut milk, which is part of the original recipe, is quite problematic to find. Liquor gives this cocktail a bright and pleasant taste, and cream softens alcohol and gives tenderness.

You will need:

  • Light rum, low-fat cream and Malibu liqueur - 30 ml each;
  • Pineapple juice - 90 ml;
  • Several ice cubes.

The cooking scheme is similar to the previous recipe: all ingredients are whipped using a blender. Also worth paying attention Special attention that the product, although it turns out to be light and tasty, contains a significant percentage of alcohol and can quickly lead to intoxication.

Non-alcoholic Pina Colada

This option has another name - Virgin Pina Colada. Such a drink will be an ideal solution for those who do not drink alcohol or cannot drink while driving, because pina colada liqueur is not included in the composition. Non-alcoholic delicacy will appeal to children who can quench their thirst on a hot summer day.

Grocery list:

  • Pineapple juice - 10 ml;
  • Low-fat cream (preferably 15% fat) - 30 ml;
  • Coconut milk - 60 ml;
  • A handful of powdered sugar.

We prepare as follows:

  1. In a blender bowl, mix coconut milk, pineapple juice and about a third of the cream. You can also make the whipping process with a whisk or mixer;
  2. Beat the remaining amount of cream separately with powdered sugar until a creamy mass with a homogeneous consistency is formed;
  3. When making and serving, the glass is first filled with a liquid component, and cream whipped with powder is added on top. In this case, the distinction between the two layers of the cocktail will be clearly visible.

You can decorate the dessert at your discretion, for example, by sprinkling chocolate chips on top.

Pina Colada with ice cream

A drink prepared according to this recipe resembles a milkshake, only alcoholic. Ice is not included in the composition, since there is already a cooling component. You can take any ice cream, but without a solid component: nuts, waffles, etc.

You will need:

  • Fresh pineapple - 100 ml;
  • White rum - 40 ml;
  • Creamy ice cream - 30 g.

All ingredients are whipped in a blender until smooth, as in other recipes. The resulting mixture is filled with a tall chilled glass and decorated with a slice of pineapple strung on the edge.

This is not a complete list of recipes for a popular drink. You can experiment with the ingredients by coming up with combinations of the trio of base components with various types of juice or fruits, for example, banana, apple, strawberry.

What is Pina Colada drunk with?

To fully reveal the multifaceted taste of this amazing drink, you need to know some of the nuances of how to drink and what to serve it with:

  • The cocktail is usually served in tall glasses with a volume of 160 to 400 ml and belongs to the "long drink" category. This means that it should be drunk slowly, savoring every sip;
  • The ideal time for consumption is summer, as the composition contains a large amount of ice, which refreshes for quite a long time;
  • The original serving option is in a coconut or pineapple with a cut top;
  • Pina colada in the classic variation is necessarily drunk through a straw. Thicker varieties containing ice cream or fruit pulp get rid of the liquid component with a straw, and the rest can be eaten with a long spoon as a dessert;
  • The cocktail is served as an aperitif or complemented with unsweetened fruits with a slight sourness;
  • Due to the high calorie content, it does not combine with sweeter desserts.

Now you know all the intricacies of preparing, serving and drinking the famous Caribbean drink and will be able to please yourself and your loved ones by easily preparing it at home.

Video: Pina colada cocktail recipe at home

The mix discussed today is classified as a long drink and takes pride of place among the official ones in the Modern Classics category. Let's take a look at the various alcoholic variations of the traditional Caribbean Pinacolada cocktail and find out how to make it yourself without anyone's help.

Pina colada translated from Spanish means "strained pineapple juice", from which it is easy to conclude which ingredient is fundamental in the Pina Colada alcoholic cocktail. This is a low-alcohol tropical mix based on pineapple juice, coconut milk and light rum.

This vodka has a mild, perfectly balanced taste, an incomparable amazing aroma, as well as speed and ease of manufacture. There are several versions of the origin of this cocktail.

According to one of them, the drink was invented by the captain of a pirate ship, who used the mix to raise the spirits of his crew. According to another version, the creation of the Pina Colada cocktail was sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture.

For development classic recipe alcoholic drinks were invited by scientists who, through trial and error, finally came up with the option we know. Later, this strong drink became the national pride of Puerto Rico, and a memorial plaque was erected for Pina Colada.

Classic pina colada recipe

According to the presented recipe, you will get an incomparable Pina Colada alcoholic cocktail, which is absolutely easy to prepare with your own hands at home.

The table shows the proportions of the components that are fixed by the International Bar Association and allow you to make a classic version of Pina Colada. In addition, this mix is ​​declared the national alcoholic drink of Puerto Rico.

Required Ingredients

Cooking technology

  1. Pour pineapple juice, coconut milk and light rum into a blender bowl.
  2. Thoroughly beat the ingredients at high speed of the device until a homogeneous liquid consistency is obtained.
  3. Fill a tall glass to the top with crushed ice and leave in this form for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Pour out the ice and pour in the prepared alcohol.
  5. To give the drink a special appeal, we attach a slice of fresh pineapple to the edge of the glass.
  6. We serve alcohol with a thin, high straw, if desired, we can lower a couple of ice cubes into a glass in order to sip the drink in small sips for a longer time.

Tropical Pina Colada Recipe

Modern versions of the Caribbean cocktail use Malibu coconut liqueur instead of coconut milk. The reason for this replacement is the simplified preparation technology, as well as the fact that the drink acquires a higher degree and a sensitive sweet aftertaste.

Required Ingredients

Cooking technology

  1. We put ice cubes into the bowl of the combine and pour in pineapple juice, coconut liqueur and light rum.
  2. Shake the ingredients until a homogeneous snow-white consistency is obtained.
  3. Pour the prepared mixture into a large glass such as a hurricane or goblet.
  4. We dip a long straw into the alcohol and drop the cocktail cherry.
  5. We drink alcohol exclusively in small sips, savoring each of them.

Pina Colada Recipe

This recipe is used to make a non-alcoholic version of Pina Colada. The ready-made soft drink will be very popular with children, as well as those who, for various reasons, do not want to taste the alcoholic mix.

Required Ingredients

Cooking technology

  1. In the bowl of a food processor, thoroughly beat 100 g of crushed ice, pineapple juice and coconut milk.
  2. Strain the resulting mixture through a strainer or fine strainer and pour into a pre-chilled tall glass.
  3. Separately, beat the mixture of the remaining ice, cream, ice cream and powdered sugar.
  4. Gently spread the resulting creamy mass on top of the coconut-pineapple mixture.
  5. To decorate a non-alcoholic mix, use a slice of fresh or canned pineapple.
  6. Serve the drink with a tall straw and drink it in medium sips until it warms up.

Amigos Pina Colada Recipe

The recipe presented was first published in the popular New York Times in early April 1950. An incomparable combination in equal proportions of dark and light rum gives the finished strong, blissful taste and a refined, unique aroma.

For the preparation of this alcohol, it is best to use freshly squeezed pineapple juice, since canned one can completely "clog" and not allow you to taste the multifaceted taste of rum.

Required Ingredients

Cooking technology

  1. Squeeze the pineapple juice into a small container, then filter it through a strainer or fine strainer.
  2. Pour light and dark rum into a shaker or food processor bowl, then add coconut milk, filtered pineapple juice and crushed ice.
  3. Stir the ingredients until you get a uniform consistency.
  4. Pour the resulting mixture into a pre-chilled tall glass.
  5. Separately, whip the cream, then gently mix it with a small amount of lime juice.
  6. Gently spread the snow-white mass on top of the rum base.
  7. A slice of fresh pineapple or a few cherries is perfect as a decoration for a strong drink.

banana colada recipe

The presented version of the alcoholic drink is especially popular in the summer, as it perfectly copes with thirst and helps to survive the heat that is difficult to bear.

An interesting addition to the classic recipe is a banana, which gives the alcohol sweet and aromatic notes, and also perfectly smoothes the effect of the alcohol base on the consumer's body, which helps to avoid a hangover in the morning.

The proportions presented in the table allow you to make from two to four servings of a fragrant, thick drink.

Required Ingredients

Cooking technology

  1. Pour bottled water into a small container such as Turks and add granulated sugar.
  2. We send the sweet mixture to a small fire and cook sugar syrup from the presented ingredients. As soon as the grains of the sweet component are completely dissolved in the liquid, the syrup is ready.
  3. We send the finished syrup to the refrigerator for quick cooling.
  4. In the meantime, mix rum, liquor, pineapple juice and a banana cut into small pieces in a bowl of a combine.
  5. Stir the ingredients until a homogeneous thick consistency is obtained.
  6. Pour in the cooled sugar syrup and add ice cubes.
  7. Turn on the device again and beat the mass until smooth.
  8. Separately, beat the cream until airy, strong peaks are obtained.
  9. Pour the prepared mix into glasses, and then carefully spread the whipped creamy mass.
  10. We carefully attach a slice of fresh pineapple and a ring of ripe banana to the edges of the glass.
  11. We drink alcohol exclusively in small sips, sipping it through a long straw.

Pina Colada cocktail recipe video

If I managed to arouse your curiosity about the most popular Pina Colada cocktail, then I advise you to get acquainted with other options for its preparation, which were developed by master bartenders. The videos presented show step-by-step processes making this wonderful drink.

  • Video #1. Of course, first of all, I present to your attention a detailed video of making a classic Pina Colada. The master of his craft will tell you about the correct sequence of mixing the ingredients, as well as enlighten you about the history of this mix.
  • Video #2. The eminent bartender will present a curious version of the Pina Colada cocktail, which is prepared using pineapple pulp, and not juice, as is customary in most recipes for this drink. Get acquainted with the step-by-step cooking technology and see what happens as a result.
  • Video #3. This video shows an interesting version of the Pina Colada cocktail, developed by a professional bartender. The composition of this alcohol, in addition to the main components, involves cream, banana and fresh mint.

Useful information

  • Meet the no less popular cocktail called, which is also based on rum.
  • I also suggest getting to know others that deserve your attention.
  • Coffee lovers will surely like priceless recipes that will not leave any consumer indifferent.
  • Finally, I want to advise various successful combinations that have their own army of fans.

As you can see for yourself, there is nothing complicated and intricate in preparing a delicious Pina Colada cocktail. It will not be difficult for you to make your own this drink, without leaving home, while not making great efforts and without having a certain experience.

Pamper your friends and loved ones with an extremely expressive taste of homemade alcoholic drink, which can relax and cheer up every consumer in no time. Describe your favorite versions of this intoxicant in the comments. I wish you all the best in creating your own masterpiece cocktail!

Pinacolada, how to make this delicious drink? What ingredients are included in the cocktail and why is it so popular not only in the Caribbean? Which of the several existing recipes for making "filtered pineapple" - pina colada, most accurately convey the taste of Puerto Rican summer?

On April 16, 1950, the New York Times published an article announcing the invention of a cocktail that was perfect in every way. It was called Pina Colada, the recipe for its preparation is simple: light rum, pineapple juice and coconut milk. As the popularity of the drink among locals and tourists grew, the name of the cocktail was somewhat modified. It became known as Piña Colada, or Pinacolada.

Pina Colada in the list of the best in the world

Almost immediately, the International Association of Bartenders included the cocktail in the official list, in the category "Modern Classics". This status emphasizes the popularity of the drink. To protect the rights of buyers, its recipe is brought to a single standard. This means that in any bar on the planet where Pina Colada is served, its composition will be the same.

The history of the appearance of the national drink of Puerto Rico

The first mention of pina colada dates back to the middle of the 20th century. In one Puerto Rican bar, customers were offered strained pineapple juice with rum. Its popularity grew so rapidly that in 1961 it was already included in the IBA classification. And in 1978 he became national drink Puerto Rico.

There is a version that famous scientists worked on the recipe for several years. They chose the ideal proportion for the mixture: what color should the Pinacolada be - the degree of strength, the percentage of sugar, and so on.