Lazy “wheat”, that is, fluffy cutlets with leftover wheat porridge. Cutlets from cereals - rice, semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal Cutlets with barley groats "Interesting"

Cereal cutlets - cooking options.

Cereal cutlets are tasty and unusual.

Along with vegetable cutlets, cutlets made from various grains are an excellent option for lighter cutlets compared to meat cutlets. You can prepare such cutlets from buckwheat, rice, pearl barley and other cereals, and we will tell you how it is done.

Interestingly, due to the similarity in taste to meat, some cereal cutlets are called “fake”, and sometimes even meat-eaters cannot distinguish them from meat cutlets by taste. This is especially true for buckwheat cutlets.

Like vegetables, cereal cutlets can be an excellent alternative to meat ones, because cereals are one of the most healthy products, which should be eaten regularly by everyone who cares about their beauty, figure, well-being and health. The main advantages of cutlets made from cereals are that they are light and belong to dietary dishes, as well as the quick and easy preparation of such cutlets. Cooking cutlets from cereals will take much less time than in the case of meat cutlets.

Cereals from which cutlets can be made are rice, buckwheat, millet, oatmeal (rolled oatmeal), pearl barley. It is natural that there are a lot of options for cereal cutlets, and everyone will find something that will definitely interest you. For example, cutlets made from oatmeal are very tasty and appetizing.

Recipe for making oatmeal cutlets (rolled oatmeal).

You will need:

2 cups oatmeal,
1 cup chicken broth,
1 egg,
vegetable oil,

How to cook oatmeal cutlets.

Fill cereals broth, leave for 15-20 minutes to swell, then beat in the egg, add finely chopped onion or garlic. Form cutlets from the resulting mass. You can fry such cutlets without breading, but if desired, they can be breaded in breadcrumbs or flour.

By adding various spices and herbs, the taste of these cutlets can be varied. Making cutlets from pearl barley will be just as simple and quick.

Recipe for making pearl barley cutlets.

You will need:

100 g pearl barley,
50 g each of flour and vegetable oil,
1 onion,
black pepper,

How to cook pearl barley cutlets.

Rinse and boil the pearl barley until tender, grind it in a meat grinder, add salt and pepper, mix with seasonings and finely chopped onion. Form small cutlets, bread them in flour and fry until browned. vegetable oil.

Very tasty cutlets can be made from rice.

Recipe for rice cutlets with mushrooms

You will need:

2-3 dry mushrooms,
1 glass of rice,
2 eggs,
¼ cup flour,
1 onion,
3 tbsp. oils

How to cook rice cutlets with mushrooms.

Boil the rice until done. Boil the mushrooms separately, drain the water, finely chop the mushrooms and onions, and fry together. Mix the rice and flour, also adding the eggs. Form cutlets from the rice mixture, and place the mushrooms and onions inside as a surprise filling. Cook rice cutlets in a frying pan with oil on both sides until browned.

You can make cutlets with mushrooms from buckwheat in almost the same way.

Recipe for making buckwheat cutlets with mushrooms.

You will need:

200 g buckwheat,
50 g white bread,
4 eggs,
2-3 dry mushrooms,
1 onion,

How to cook cutlets from buckwheat and mushrooms.

Soak the bread in milk. Cook porridge from buckwheat in water and let cool. Fry pre-soaked mushrooms with onions, finely chop them. Combine buckwheat with mushrooms and onions, squeezed bread, egg yolks, mix. Dip the cutlets formed from the mixture into the egg whites, bread them in breadcrumbs, place in a frying pan with heated oil and fry until browned.

In the same way, you can prepare cutlets from millet cereals.

Try to cook healthy and tasty cutlets from cereals and their taste, lightness and appetizing will definitely please you

Cutlets with barley “Interesting”


50 g dill
50 g parsley
4 eggs
1 onion
1 carrot
3 tbsp. l. barley groats
sour cream


Grind the peeled onions in a meat grinder, grate the carrots, combine with the onions, beat in the eggs, add barley, add chopped herbs and salt, mix well.

After wetting your hands in water, form small cutlets and preheat the oven to 250 degrees.

Cook cutlets with “Interesting” barley, placing on a baking sheet for 10-15 minutes, serve with sour cream.

Buckwheat-mushroom lean cutlets.


800 g champignons or oyster mushrooms
2 glass of water
2-3 heads of onions
1 cup dry buckwheat
vegetable oil


Prepare buckwheat porridge, salt and mix, after cooking, leave for about 15 minutes, wrapped in a terry towel.

Wash and cut the mushrooms into slices, finely chop the onion, chop the greens.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, fry the onion in it for about 5 minutes, add mushrooms to the onion, fry for another 15 minutes, pepper and salt, let cool, grind in a blender or grind in a meat grinder.

Add buckwheat porridge and herbs to the mushrooms, mix, form cutlets with hands dipped in water, bread them in breadcrumbs and fry the buckwheat-mushroom lean cutlets in a frying pan with vegetable oil.

Fry the buckwheat-mushroom lean cutlets on both sides until golden brown, cover them until cooked for 5 minutes.

Lenten cutlets “Heavenly Manna”.


4 onions
1 carrot
3 tbsp. l. flour
3 tbsp. l. semolina
Bay leaf


Peel, finely chop the onion (set aside one onion), fry until browned, remove from the stove, mix with semolina, flour, form cutlets from the resulting mass, bread them in flour and fry on both sides.

Peel the set aside onion and carrots, chop them, add them to the frying cutlets, fry for a couple of minutes, add water (enough to cover ¾ of the cutlets), add salt, add chopped herbs and spices, simmer for 10 minutes, covering with a lid.

Lenten cutlets “Heavenly Manna” are served with any side dishes.

But I didn’t get away with just porridge - I had to empty out the freezer’s supplies, and there I had 200 grams of minced meat lying around, store-bought, of course (why should I, a lazy person, bother with preparing minced meat with my own hands).

So, to prepare dinner I needed:

  • Ready, pre-cooked wheat porridge – 4 spoons
  • Minced meat – 200 grams
  • Eggs – 2 pieces
  • Flour – 3-4 spoons, speaking in simple words- "approximately"
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

I won’t tell you how to cook wheat porridge - pour washed wheat groats into boiling water and bring the whole thing to readiness, finally seasoning butter, even a novice housewife can do it. I will only say that this very wheat porridge I had no more than four spoons left from the previous dinner. To prevent the goodness from going to waste, I mixed it with minced meat, added 2 eggs, and peppered it.

Then, seeing that the mixture turned out to be somewhat liquid, I decided to correct the situation with the help of flour, added it as always - “by eye”, and mixed until I obtained a soft mass that sticks to my hands. From this very mass I began to form cutlets - I spooned it into the flour, carefully rolled it and gave it the desired shape.

Place the resulting cutlets on a hot and greased sunflower oil frying pan, fried on both sides.

It turned out incredible tasty dish, which my peasants mastered in just a few minutes, and this despite the fact that none of them had ever been delighted with cutlets before. Well, I was glad that I managed to save the remains of the porridge, which, if not for my “wheat farmers,” would have met a very bad fate.

Food should not only be tasty, but also healthy. To prepare these cutlets, you don’t need expensive ingredients or a lot of time. Despite such a simple recipe, the cutlets turn out very tasty, and the benefits of millet are so great that dishes made from it should definitely diversify your family menu.


To prepare the cutlets you will need:

1 cup millet porridge;
2 eggs;
a bunch of dill;
green onions;
3 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
salt, pepper - to taste;
vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking steps

Prepare millet cereal (preferably in vegetable broth): pour the cereal (1/2 cup) into a saucepan and pour 1 cup of water. Place on the fire and bring to a boil. Then we pour the cereal with boiling water into a sieve and rinse well under running water, this way we have thoroughly cleaned the cereal. Now return the cereal to the saucepan, add salt to taste and fill with water (ratio 1:2). Place over medium heat and DO NOT cover with a lid. We watch the cereal, about 10 minutes after boiling, close the pan with a lid and turn off the heat. Leave the porridge for 10-15 minutes.

Place the cooled porridge in a large bowl and add 3 tablespoons of oatmeal.

Finally beat in the eggs.

Mix all ingredients, add salt and pepper and leave for half an hour.

Form cutlets and fry in a preheated frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil on each side, over low heat, until golden brown. Place the finished cutlets on a paper towel. Delicious, appetizing and healthy cutlets made from millet porridge and herbs can be served at the table.

Soak wheat grits for 30-40 minutes. Pass it through a meat grinder only once. Minced meat from wheat cereal It turns out quite liquid, so you still need to add a crust of black bread passed through a meat grinder.

For barley cutlets The cereal is soaked, like oatmeal, for 6-8 hours.

Tender corn cutlets prepared from boiled cereals. It is mixed with roots and spices when passed through a meat grinder. The minced meat is thoroughly kneaded and cutlets are formed from it, rolled in breadcrumbs and fried. They also prepare rice cutlets.

Side dishes for cereal cutlets can be very different. Often these are carrots, pumpkin, chayote, turnips, zucchini, etc. baked in the oven. Vegetables are cut into larger pieces than for other dishes: carrot slices, pumpkin and chayote diamonds, zucchini slices or large pepper slices. Vegetables are sprinkled with dry vegetable mixture, seasoning, flavored with spices and placed on a greased baking sheet. Bake in the oven until done.

When serving, cutlets with garnish are placed on plates. The dish becomes more attractive

if you add bright radishes, fresh cucumber, tomato and garnish with herbs.

Seasonings for cereal cutlets most often - sauces made from infusions of cereals and vegetables with herbs and spices. It's easy to prepare them.

Carrot, white root, onion finely chop and saute in vegetable oil, add finely chopped tomatoes, ground spices and fry again, add the infusion of cereals, bring to a thick mass. The sauce is ready.

Horseradish, mustard or tomato sauce with garlic are not uncommon as seasonings on tables. Tkemali sauce is good as a seasoning for cutlets; moderately sour, spicy and sweet at the same time.



(the amount of raw materials is indicated in pure form per person).

And day


1.White radish salad

White radish-150 g, vegetable oil- 10 g, salt, spices to taste.

2. Pearl barley porridge

Pearl barley- 70 g, carrots- 20 g, onion- 20 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, dry vegetable additives- 5 g, salt, spices (curry, red pepper, sweet, ground, coriander, dried dill, allspice, dried parsley, white pepper, seasoning pepper- "moke"), bay leaf - to taste, water- 210 ml.

3.Tea with lemon

Tea- 2 g, sugar- 25 g, lemon- 10 g, water- 200ml.

4.Rye breadBread - 150g.


1.Sauerkraut salad

Sauerkraut- 150 g, onion- 20 g, vegetable oil- 10 g.

2.cereal soup (millet)

Millet- 15 g, potatoes- 60 g, onion- 20 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, salt, spices, bay leaf to taste, water- 280 ml.

3.Vegetable stew

Potato- 50 g, carrots- 30 g, onion- 30 g, fresh cabbage- 30 g, sweet pepper- 30 g, salted zucchini- 30 g, vegetable oil- 20 g, salt, spices- - 5 g, water- 50 ml.

4.tea with cranberries

Tea- 2g. cranberry- 50 g, sugar- 25 g, water- 200 ml.

5.Rye breadBread - 150g.

6.Apples Apple - 150 g.


1.Carrot salad with garlic

Carrot- 15 g, garlic- 10 g, lemon- 10 g, onion- 20 g, vegetable oil- 20 g, salt, spices- taste.

2.Millet porridge with raisins

Millet- 60 g, raisins- 20 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, water- 180 ml, salt, spices- taste.

3.Tea with honey

Tea- 2 g, honey- 25 g, water- 200 ml.

4.Rye bread

th day


1.Vitamin salad

Fresh cabbage- 130 g, onion- 20 g, carrots- 20 g, apple- 30 g, lemon- 15 g, vegetable paste-15 g, greens- 5 g, salt, spices- taste.

2. Pearl barley porridgeSee day 1.

3.Tea with lingonberries

Tea- 2 g, sugar- 25 g, lingonberry- 50 g, water-200me.

4.Rye bread


1.Pickled cucumber salad

Pickles- 130 g, onion- 20 g, vegetable oil- 10 g.

2.Vegetarian borscht

Potato- 60 g, carrots- 20 g, beets- 15 g, cabbage- 40 g, parsley root- 10 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, tomato paste- 7 g, salt, spices (dry parsley, dry dill, allspice, black peppercorns, coriander, etc.)- to taste, water- 280ml.

3. Oatmeal cutlet

Oatmeal- 60 g, carrots- 15 g, onion- 15 g, rye bread- 15 g, vegetable oil- 20 g, salt, spices- to taste, water- 160 ml.

Side dish - baked potatoes

Potato- 40 g, salt, spices- to taste, vegetable oil- 10 g.

4.Tea with lemon

5.Rye bread



1. Beet salad with garlicRaw beets- 130 g, garlic- 15 g, vegetable oil-15 g, salt, spices- taste.

2. Wheat porridge “Artek”

Wheat groats- 60 g, onion- 15 g, carrots-15 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, salt, spices- to taste, water- 180 ml.

2.Tea with honey

3. Rye bread

th day


1.White radish saladSee day 1.

2. Pearl barley porridgeSee day 1.

3.Tea with lemon

4.Rye bread


1. Salad of salted mushrooms with green peasSalted mushrooms- 120 g, peas - 30 g, onion- 20 g, greens- 10 g, vegetable oil- 10 g.

2. Bean soup

Beans- 50 g, carrots- 40 g, onion- 30 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, salt, spices- to taste, dry vegetable additives- 5 g, water- 280 ml.

3. Pea cutlet

Peas- 50 g, onion- 20 g, carrots- 20 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, salt, spices- taste.

Garnish - baked carrots

Carrot- 120 g, salt, spices- to taste, vegetable oil- 10 g.

4.Tomato juice



1. Potato salad

Potato- 130 g, onion- 15 g, salt, black pepper, ground- to taste, lemon- 15

2. Oatmeal porridge

Oatmeal- 60 g, carrots- 15 g, onion- 15 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, dry vegetable additives- 5 g, salt, spices- to taste, water- 180ml.

3.Tea with honey

4.Rye bread

th day


1.Carrot salad with garlicSee day 1.

2. Pearl barley porridgeSee day 1.

3.Tea with lingonberries

4.Rye bread


1.Sauerkraut salad

Sauerkraut- 130 g, apple- 20 g, cranberry- 20 g, onion- 15 g, vegetable oil- South, salt, spices- to taste, greens- 5 G.

2.Vegetarian rassolnik

Potato- 130 g, rice- 15 g, carrots- 15 g, onion- 15 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, pickled cucumber- 15 g, salt, spices- to taste, dry vegetable additives- 5 g, water- 280 ml.

3. Cabbage schnipel

Cabbage- 120 g, carrots- 30 g, onion- 30 g, breadcrumbs- 10 g, rye bread- 10 g, vegetable oil- 20 g, dry vegetable additives- 5 g, salt, spices- taste.

Garnish - deep-fried onions

Bulb onions- 30 g, greens- 10 g, vegetable oil-10 g, salt, spices- taste.

4.Tea with lemon

5.Rye bread



1. Salad of boiled beets and carrots

Boiled beets- 100 g, boiled carrots- 100 g, garlic- 10 g, vegetable oil- 10 g, salt, spices- taste.

2.Puri (crumpets) with honey

Flour- 50 g, vegetable oil- 25 g, honey- 25 g, water- 30 g, salt, spices- taste.

4. Rye bread

th day


1.Black radish salad

Black radish- 150 g, vegetable oil- 10 g, salt, spices- taste.

2. Pearl barley porridge

3.Tea with cranberries

4.Rye bread


Tomatoes- 130 g, onion- 20 g, greens-

10 g, vegetable oil- 7 g, salt, spices- taste.

2.buckwheat soup

Potato- 60 g, buckwheat- 15 g, carrots- 20 g, onion- 20 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, parsley root-10 g, dry vegetable additives- 5 g, salt, spices- to taste, greens- 10 g, water- 280ml.

3.Vegetarian cabbage rolls

Cabbage leaves- 130 g, carrots- 30 g, onion-20 g, sweet pepper- 20 g, tomatoes- 20 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, greens- 10 g, salt, spices- to taste, water- 30ml.

4.Tea with lemon

5.Rye bread



1. Vinaigrette

Potato- 40 g, beets- 30 g, carrots- 30 g, onion- 30 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, pickled cucumber-30 g, greens- 10 g, salt, spices- taste.

2. Buckwheat porridge

Buckwheat- 60 g, carrots- 15 g, onion- 15 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, salt, spices- to taste, water- 180ml.

3.Tea with honey

4.Rye bread

th day


1.White radish salad

2. Peol porridge

3.Tea with lingonberries

4.Rye bread


1.Pickled cucumber salad

2.Vegetable soup with cauliflower

Potato- 60 g, cauliflower- 30 g, carrots- 20 g, onion- 20 g, sweet pepper- 20 g, dry vegetable additives- 5 g, vegetable oil - 15 g, salt, spices- to taste, water- 400 ml.

3. Wheat cutlet

Look at the oatmeal cutlet- 2nd day.

Side dish - stewed cabbage

Fresh cabbage- 100 g, carrots- 20 g, onion- 20 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, dry vegetable additives- 5 g, salt, spices- to taste, water- 20 ml.

4.Tea with lemon

5.Rye bread



1.Black radish salad

2.Vegetarian pizza

Flour- 50 g, potatoes- 30 g, carrots- 30 g, onion- 30 g, cabbage- 30 g, pepper- 30 g, tomatoes- 20 g, vegetable oil- 40 g, greens- 10 g, garlic- 10 g, salt, spices- to taste, water- 20ml.

3.Tea with sugar

Tea- 2 g, sugar- 25 g, water- 200 ml.

4.Rye bread

th day


1.Carrot salad with garlic

2. Pearl barley porridge

3.Tea with lemon

4.Rye bread


1.Salted tomato salad

Tomatoes, salted- 130 g, onion- 20 g, vegetable oil- 10 g, greens-10 g.

2.potato soup with croutons

Potato- 60 g, carrots- 30 g, onion- 30 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, dry vegetable additives- 5 g, salt, spices- to taste, crackers- 20 g, garlic- 5 g, water- 280ml.

3.Dumplings with cabbage

Flour- 50 g, cabbage- 100 g, onion- 30 g, carrots- 30 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, salt, spices- to taste, water- 30 ml.

4.Tea with lemon

5.Rye bread


1.Vitamin salad

2.Millet porridge with raisins

3.Tea with honey

4.Rye bread

th day


1.Salted zucchini salad

Salted zucchini- 130 g, onion- 20 g, apple- 20 g, vegetable oil- 10 g, spices- to taste, greens-10 g.

2. Pearl barley porridge

3.Tea with lemon

4.Rye bread


1. Salad of fresh tomatoes with onions

2. Bosch vegetarian

3.Carrot cutlet

Carrot- 150 g, onion- 30 g, garlic- 10 g, breadcrumbs- 10 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, salt, spices- taste.

Side dish - fried potatoes

Potato- 100 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, salt- taste.

4.Tea with lemon

5.Rye bread

6. Tangerines


1.Pickled cucumber salad

2. Corn porridge

Corn grits- 60 g, onion- 15 g, carrots-15 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, dry vegetable additives- 5 g, salt, spices- taste.

3.Tea with honey

4.Rye bread

th day


1.Cauliflower salad

Cauliflower- 130 g, vegetable oil- 10 g, greens-10 g, salt, spices- taste.

2. Pearl barley porridge

3.Tea with cranberries

4.Rye bread


1.White radish salad

2. Vegetarian kharcho soup

Unhusked rice- 50 g, carrots- 30 g, onion- 30 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, flour- 5 g, dry vegetable additives- 5 g, greens- 15 g, salt, spices- to taste, water- 280 g.

3.Beetroot cutlet

Beet- 120 g, onion- 20 g, carrots- 20 g, rye bread- 10 g, garlic- 10 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, salt, spices- taste.

Garnish - deep-fried onions

Bulb onions- 70 g, flour- 10 g, vegetable oil-15 g, salt, spices- taste.

4.Tea with lemon

5.Rye bread



1. Carrot salad with raisins and lemon

Carrot- 120 g, raisins- 30 g, lemon- 20 g, vegetable oil- 10 g.

G 2. Wheat porridge

" 3. Tea with honey 4. Rye bread



1.Sauerkraut salad

2. Pearl barley porridge

3.Tea with cranberries

4.Rye bread


1.Radish and carrot salad

Black radish- 120 g, carrots- 40 g, vegetable oil-10 g, salt, spices- to taste, lemon- 10 g.

2. Vegetarian shi

Sauerkraut- 120 g, carrots- 40 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, flour- 5 g, tomato paste- 7 g, white parsley root- 10 g, salt, spices- to taste, dry vegetable additives- 5 g, water- 280 ml.

3. Corn cutlet

Corn grits- 50 g, carrots- 15 g, onion-15 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, salt, spices- to taste, water- 150 ??.

Hot sauce

Tomato paste- 15 g, garlic- 10 g, salt, spices- to taste, boiled water- 15 ml.

4.Tea with lemon

5.Rye bread



1. Vinaigrette

2.Millet porridge

Groats- 60 g, carrots- 15 g, yak- 15 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, salt, spices- to taste, water- 180 ml.

3.Tea with honey

4.Rye bread

th day

General deworming day Breakfast

Pumpkin seed - 300 g. Dinner

Porridge. Honey. Bread. Apples.


Boiled vegetable salad.

th day


1 Apple and cranberry salad

Apples- 120 g, cranberry- 20 g, berry syrup.

2. Pearl barley porridge

3.Tea with lemon

4.Rye bread


1.Fresh tomato salad

2. millet soup

3.Vegetable stew

4.Tea with lingonberries

5.Rye bread

6.Baked applesApples- 150 g, sugar- 20


1.Beetroot salad with garlic

2. Oatmeal porridge

3.Tea with honey

4.Rye bread

th day


1.Carrot salad with garlic

2. Pearl barley porridge

3.Tea with cranberries

4.Rye bread


1.Sauerkraut salad

2. Buckwheat soup

3.Barley cutletLook at the wheat cutlet.

4.Salted zucchini, stewed with carrotsZucchini- 100 g, carrots- 20 g, onion-

15 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, spices- to taste, ze- I'm- 10 g, water- 150 ml.

5.Tea with lingonberries

6.Rye bread


1. Vinaigrette

2. Buckwheat porridge

3.Tea with cranberries

th day


1.White radish salad

2.Millet porridge with raisins

3.Tea with honey

4.Rye bread


1.Pickled cucumber salad

2.wheat soupLook at buckwheat soup.

3. Buckwheat porridge

4.Tea with honey

5.Rye bread



1. Vinaigrette

2. Oatmeal porridge

3.Tea with lingonberries

4.Rye bread

th day


1.Carrot salad with apples and cranberriesMirpiv- 100 e, apples- 20 g, vegetable oil- 10 g, sugar- 5g.

2. Fanned porridge

3.Tea with sugar

4.Rye bread


1.Fresh tomato salad

2.Vegetarian rassolnik

3. Boiled cabbage with horse flies, deep fried

Cabbage- 170 g, vegetable oil- 15 g, breadcrumbs- 10 g, dry vegetable additives- 5 g, salt, spices- taste.

4.Tea with cranberries

5.Rye bread