Like cheat in contact. How to get subscribers on VK not only for free, but also without tasks

    Hello dear friends!

    Today I will share my experience and tell you what program for free increase of subscribers and likes on VKontakte ideal for promotion. With this program you can promote your group or personal page absolutely free in a very short time. I’ll also tell you about a wonderful service for increasing VKontakte subscribers online.

    I'll start with the statistics of search queries for the phrase "cheat on VKontakte»:

    Based on the graph, we can conclude that the trend of cheating on VKontakte is gaining momentum and has been a trend for the second year now. If you are not yet promoting your group or personal page using these methods, then it’s time to pay attention to it and figure it out.

    Why does the VKontakte group have so many subscribers?

    1. The first thing you need to promote a group for is to increase the search results on VKontakte. Search results for a specific key query are ranked in descending order of the number of participants. Simply put, in order for your group to get into POT-3 or even take first place in the search, you need to fill it with members big amount than your competitors for one key query.

    2. The more participants in the group, the greater the trust of visitors and potential buyers.

    3. A group with more members is more valuable.

    In groups with a large number of participants, the conversion of visitors into buyers is much higher.

    Based on my many years of experience, I can recommend you next program and service for free promotion of VKontakte online:

    1. VTope

    Link to service for cheating

    Get likes on your posts, comments, photos and videos, make friends and subscribers, promote groups, meetings and publics - in just a couple of clicks.

    This program for getting subscribers into a group has proven itself to be the best. Works stably. It cheats in such a way that it is impossible to ban your community or personal page. But nevertheless, I recommend working with cheating carefully and not getting carried away. The program works for free.

    The program works on the principle of exchange. After you authorize the program through the VKontakte social network, your account begins to exchange actions with other accounts in the global VTope network. Thus, you earn points (internal unit) and can spend them on your tasks. You have the opportunity to disable your account in the global exchange network Tope, but then points will not accumulate in your account. But there is a way out - buy points and spend them on tasks. After you have set the task, you can turn off the program; cheating will continue even when the program is turned off.

    The technology built into VTope completely imitates the behavior of an ordinary user of VKontakte, Twitter or Instagram services. Therefore, when working with the program, you will not face a ban or fine for cheating. The received votes, likes or subscribers look natural and do not arouse suspicion either among people or tracking programs.

    The program has a lot detailed guide use, where you will find answers to all your questions. I am very pleased with the technical support, which quickly adapts the program to all changes on the part of VKontakte. As a result, automatic program updates occur almost every week.


    Update from 08/13/2018

    Link to service for cheating

    Today, this service is in second place in the TOP 3 programs for getting likes (hearts, I like it) and subscribers on Vkontakte, Instagram, YouTube and other services.

    VKTarget does its work efficiently and without cheating. Thanks to the smart work of algorithms and the exclusion of bots from the service, the promotion is at a high level and only real subscribers!

    3. VKMIX

    Link to service for cheating

    A program for getting likes (hearts, I like it), reposts, votes in a survey, participants in groups and public pages, as well as subscribers and friends, on the social network Vkontakte and other services.

    This service stands out for its speed of completing tasks. But speed is also the reason for the frequent write-off of participants. Therefore, this service must be used carefully and used a little at a time. The service is based on the completion of tasks by other users. Those. For completing tasks, users receive “likes” (an internal unit), which are then used for tasks. You can also buy likes if you don’t have time to complete tasks, but have a budget for promoting VKontakte.

    An excellent solution for non-commercial use at home. I would recommend this service as an addition to the first option. Technical support works at a high level, quickly answers questions and reacts to changes from VKontakte.

    The above possibilities for increasing VKontakte subscribers deserve attention and were tested by me personally. Perhaps in the following articles I will talk in more detail about how to properly use the VTope program and the Turboliker service.

    By the way, if you're interested step-by-step algorithm promotion on VKontakte from A to Z, then you can purchase my book.

    You can ask your questions below in the comments to this article.

    Attention! VKontakte is prohibited from using any unofficial programs. The program and service listed above are intended for informational use and personal use only. By using such programs, you must understand that you are violating the terms of use of the VKontakte website.
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Getting likes on a page on any social network has become much easier. Nowadays, you don’t need to sit for hours on the Internet and write to all users asking them to mark “like”... But we’ll talk about this a little later, now we’ll look at the question of how getting likes affects popularity in social media. networks.

Getting likes on social networks

Everyone knows that social networks play an important role in the life of a modern user. It happens that a person registers in all social networks. networks. Resources help the user realize himself, find friends or like-minded people. Various social networks are used in different ways, for example, one is needed for work, the second is for entertainment, and the third is for correspondence. certainly plays a significant role in the life of the page itself. A large number of likes raises your status, you become a recognizable person. People, seeing a huge number of likes, will definitely go to the page and also appreciate your photo, comments, entries, posts or videos.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which social network is the most popular, as they say, the preference of each individual. Some people like to spend time on Facebook, others cannot live a day without Vkontakte. In any case, getting likes quickly is necessary for everyone.

Social platforms are an excellent management tool. own business. Many people create profiles with the purpose commercial activities. It doesn’t matter what you decide to do, sell a product or offer people an information product, in any case, getting likes for free will allow you to expand the circle of people interested in your product.

What kind of likes boost is available on Bonuslike

The service allows you to quickly generate likes in such in social networks How:

  • In contact with;
  • Facebook;
  • Twitter;
  • Instagram.

Makes you feel interesting. Your posts and photos will be appreciated. Having likes, you can attract interest to your page, meet interesting people and experience this life.

Getting likes on Facebook allows the user to gain popularity of the information posted online. A post on Facebook with likes will increase popularity, increase sales and attract the attention of many users.

Getting likes online on Twitter will help increase views of your news and publications. Thousands of people spend time on Twitter every day, reading news and useful information. Why wouldn't they be interested in your tweets? Getting likes on Twitter means popularity and prospects for active bloggers.

Fast is the best way to attract attention. People just sit on the Internet, watch interesting photos and like them.

The Bonuslike service allows you to use the mouse to get likes on any social network. You can choose the option of gradually increasing likes, for example, today you increase likes on VK, tomorrow on Twitter. Evenly filling the page with the necessary content.

How to create a task to get likes

You can get likes without special effort and skills. To do this, you need to read our recommendations and follow 4 simple steps:

  1. Register. To do this, click the “Login” button;
  2. Link your social network accounts;
  3. Complete several tasks to replenish your balance. If you don’t want to waste time, then replenish it through the payment system;
  4. Post your task. To do this, go to the “Create” section, select the social network in which you want to promote and fill out all the necessary fields.

Is it safe to get free likes?

To test whether cheating likes is dangerous, you need to try it. With us, you will find your audience. It’s easy to become popular and attract people’s attention with your material; you just need to learn how to create tasks correctly. The result of success will not keep you waiting. As mentioned above, we do not work with programs; the entire process of getting likes takes place in online mode. What could be even safer?

Why do you need to boost likes?

Getting likes, why is it needed? Here, too, the answer will be ambiguous. It is needed primarily for self-improvement. People with a large number of likes feel more confident, many complexes in real life recede into the background. After all, as they say, in life you can be nothing, but in social media. network you can become a world-class star.

Naturally, a businessman does not have time to sit and offer his services manually all day. This is why you can get likes online for free. Using our resource, you can increase your account rating thousands of times, reach the top and earn money.

Everyone likes likes on ava, it’s nice to have a lot of likes on your main (and not only) photo. And if the photo is also discussed, then it’s generally a sensation. So what's the problem? No need to wait, using our site to get likes, you will become a mega Internet star. Many people will know you, and if you are also an interesting person, they will dream of meeting you.

For middle-aged people, getting likes for free can be a chance to find their soulmate. After all, many people specifically create dating pages.

Cheat likes online great opportunity show yourself to the world, if we talk about photos, if we talk about the information that you post on the network, cheating allows you to spread it across the network as quickly as possible. Having a large number of approving likes, you can radically change your life. The main thing is to approach this issue correctly and competently. Let's look further at all the options, touching on each social network separately.

VKontakte subscribers are users of a social network who subscribe (follow updates) to a specific page or group. Cheating VKontakte subscribers allows you to promote in a short time own group on a social network and bring it to the TOP of searches. If earlier you puzzled over the question “how to get a lot of VKontakte subscribers for free,” then now you don’t need to think about it. Use special sites and programs to get subscribers. At the moment there are a lot of them. In this section of the site you will find only proven resources where it will be very easy to gain VKontakte subscribers. All you need to do is register and start doing PR in VK of your own group.

Absolutely anyone can add subscribers to a VK group; you don’t need to be the creator or administrator of this community to do this! All you have to do is register on the service and add a group to the system!

If you want to get VK subscribers, register and complete a few simple tasks from a common database. The service has the opportunity not only to get participants, but also to earn real money for work. The service pays in rubles.

Anyone who doesn’t yet know how to recruit subscribers to a VKontakte group can go to this site and get acquainted with its functionality. The service provides many opportunities to increase the number of followers on the social network.

Free boost of VKontakte subscribers is not the only service that can be found on this service. It’s very easy to earn internal currency on the site; after registration, use the “Online bot” at the top of the page!

A popular service for managing social signals. After logging into the site, you will be able to get VK subscribers online, which you can use at any time absolutely free! Get an unlimited number of likes!

At the moment, recruiting participants into a group on VK is effective method promotion on a social network that is suitable for young communities! The site provides a lot useful tools for administrators and regular users!

Quite a popular service that allows you to get an impressive number of new subscribers in a matter of minutes. It is possible to buy a VIP account. If you need a site to increase VKontakte subscribers, then you have found it!

Thanks to the huge coverage of a wide variety of audiences, this service allows you to recruit members to the VKontakte group. To get started, you just need to log in to the site using your active account on the social network

A popular service that has a number of useful tools. Each registered user can use the “free VKontakte online subscribers” feature. You can add several hundred new subscribers in a day.

You can log in to the site through your own social network account. You can increase subscribers in VKontakte in the section using the “Create campaign” function. Specify the number of participants in the group you need and save the settings!

Cheating subscribers in VK

The social network VKontakte is developing rapidly every day. It is for this reason that many people are thinking about creating groups on VK. In fact free promotion VKontakte groups are not a myth, but a reality. Thanks to special automatic services, you will be able to online attract participants to your personal group quickly and without investment. To get started, you need to create a community and fill it with content that will be of interest to other users of the social network. Work only within the niche that you have determined in advance. The main thing for young communities is to strictly adhere to the original theme! When you fill the public with unique material, then begin to attract the first visitors to your “brainchild”. The first subscribers to the VKontakte group will join quite quickly if you follow the updates and connect external resources for work. Please take a look at the services above. All of them have a unique opportunity to quickly “grow” group members. All you need is to register on several projects and select the “Increase subscribers in VK” service, which is provided to all users for free. In one day of work, you can significantly increase the group’s audience, which will further increase its rating in the eyes of other users of the social network. People are more loyal to public pages with a large audience than to communities with ten participants. It is the services proposed above that allow you to recruit several thousand participants per day of work!

Cheating people to a VKontakte group This is a great way to start promoting your business online. After all, every business needs customers who will regularly buy goods or use the services offered. At the moment, not all free exchangers allow you to attract potential clients! Indeed, it is the most effective way to attract the target audience, but not everyone can afford this method. I am fully aware that I am not the first person to talk about promoting a business through social media. If you want people to follow you and ultimately spend money on the services and products you offer and distribute your promotional materials, give them something in return. Offer them the best prices on your products or services, share tips and tricks that are relevant to your company, and entertain them with fun and interesting content. Choose any offered website for getting subscribers on VK and start working with it, you will see all the benefits in the very near future!

Cheating subscribers to a group on VK

Group administrators are most likely interested in getting live VKontakte subscribers, without dogs..! Alas, services that provide free access will always send bots to your group, which will later become dogs. There is virtually no way to avoid this! Some sites offer special strict filters that are supposed to weed out suspicious participants, but in practice this does not happen! Don't be afraid to use all services at once! Register on projects and start working right now; suspicious accounts can always be cleaned using various methods.

Let's look at the most basic methods that will allow you to find out how to attract people to a group on VKontakte without cheating, without tasks or with minimal use of automatic services.

Quality content By posting high-quality and unique publications in your personal group, you won’t have to think about how to attract subscribers to the VKontakte group. Users will independently share interesting posts. After reposting, the post from the group goes to the user’s wall, where not only friends can see the post this person, but also random visitors. Of course, if this message piques their interest, they can subscribe to the community and become regular readers. This is the reason why you should always monitor the content posted! It happens that it is very difficult to monitor the timely placement of posts; in such situations, I recommend using.
Use hashtags If you have seen words preceded by this symbol - # , then you've seen what a hashtag is. VKontakte is not the last social network where hashtags have gained popularity, but still not as popular as on Instagram. If you don’t know how to increase subscribers in a VKontakte group for free, then immediately attach popular hashtags to the posted posts and the group’s audience will grow. Please note that they may be seasonal and you will only receive traffic from hashtags for a while, but there are more popular hashtags. For example, those related to current shows on TV. Dig deeper and you will understand how to get the most out of this grille #
Mutual PR (RP) Mutual PR of groups is not only an increase in the audience through special subscriber exchange exchanges, but also this term is used by group administrators in their vocabulary. Mutual PR on VK is the exchange of advertising or regular posts in order to attract traffic and exchange subscribers. VP has its own subtleties and of course it is better to look for exchange only thematic groups, for maximum effect. Absolutely any administrator can quickly gain VKontakte subscribers using mutual PR on VKontakte, provided that the VP was carried out with live groups.
Create “viral content” A viral message is material that spreads at maximum speed throughout the Internet or on a specific site. Such messages are distributed on VKontakte thanks to the “repost” button. You can independently add “virality” to any message; to do this, order , or . User reposts are displayed in their friends' feeds, so this way you will increase the popularity of any post among a real audience. As you already understand, getting subscribers without registering on third-party services is virtually impossible. You always have to use third-party tools in your work.
Program for increasing subscribers in VK At the moment, you can add subscribers completely automatically; for this, it is recommended to download a program for getting subscribers on VK on your computer and run it offline. You only need to spend a few minutes on the settings, after which the software will do all the work for you! Getting subscribers on VK without programs is quite possible, but to do this you need to either invest money in promotion or work on exchange exchanges.

Cheating VKontakte subscribers is offered to everyone for free! If you have a desire to fill the community with users and raise it in the search for a social network, then use promotion, but within reasonable limits! Don't forget to brush the dogs.

It is in such an atmosphere that it is easiest to find clients for your business and become more popular. VK likes can be considered a unique level of popularity. You can get them in many ways, but we will tell you what they are get likes on VKontakte and why it is needed.

If you need to quickly get a lot of likes, then you should find out how to get likes on VK and what it is used for. The fact is that not all VKontakte pages become popular even after investing a lot of effort and Money. And the reason for this is most often neither inattention or laziness, but the banal psychology of ordinary users.

Users love visited, commented, and “rated” pages. If your page is not yet loved by hundreds of subscribers, and the likes on your posts and photos can be counted on one hand, it will be very difficult to get new users to pay attention to your page. However, VK likes will help you somewhat “revive” the page, and users will no longer be so timid to comment on your posts and like them.

Why do you need to get likes on VK?

Getting likes on VKontakte will first of all amuse your vanity. However, there are other significant advantages that this promotion tool provides. These can safely include new friends and subscribers who will soon appear as soon as your page begins to look more presentable.

New likes with the website service are simply necessary if you are just starting to run your business online or are taking your first steps towards enormous popularity. This way you will get rid of completely unnecessary headaches and will spend your free time searching for interesting materials, and not searching for people who will visit the page and immediately leave it.

How to create a task to increase likes on VKontakte

On our Bonuslike service, getting likes on VK is very easy! To do this, you need to go through a simple registration procedure and log in. It should be noted right away that we will under no circumstances ask you for a password to your page or any other personal data.

Now that you have logged into the site as a registered user, you need to earn points - the site's internal currency. It is needed so that getting likes on VKontakte can be paid for by users. Don’t be scared by the word “currency” - everything is still free!

To earn points, you need to complete simple tasks - add users as friends, like and repost. In just half an hour, you will be able to spend the points you earn on the services of other users, thanks to which you can get likes on VKontakte.

Is it safe to get likes on VKontakte online?

Using the services of our service, you will be able to promote your page, but you may have concerns about the security of such promotion.

We hasten to assure you that everything is absolutely safe:

  1. You do not transfer any data;
  2. Getting likes on VKontakte is absolutely free;
  3. Likes are placed by real users, not bots;
  4. The result is visible almost immediately;
  5. Cheating the likes of VK will not result in the page being blocked.

Now there are a huge number of good sites created to increase likes and subscribers on social networks. But since our site is focused on mobile devices, in this article we will talk about promotion using Android applications.

Let's say right away that we have tried many applications in Google Play, but have never truly found the best; each of them has its own shortcomings and negative reviews. Therefore, we have collected only the most popular applications by the number of downloads and a rating of at least 4 stars.

The operating principle of these programs is the same as on sites like, consists of completing tasks (like, add as a friend, join a group, repost) that are given to you by other users, and in return you give tasks to them.

Instructions for cheating on Android:

  1. Download and run the application.
  2. Log in.
  3. Earn points by completing tasks of other users.
  4. Add your task.

Using the applications presented below, you can quickly and freely gain likes and subscribers on such social networks as: VKontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, etc., as well as followers and retweets on Twitter. All applications work equally well on both smartphones and Android tablets.

Applications for cheating

1. I want likes

One of the most popular Android applications for boosting VKontakte, with more than 1 million installations on Google Play. I want likes - this is a quick and easy way to become popular. It is no secret that the popularity of a particular page is determined by the number of likes placed on photos on social networks, reposts, as well as the number of friends on the same virtual pages.


2. Cheat for VKontakte

Another good application for Android phones and tablets. With this service you can not only get a lot free subscribers and likes, but also to find out which of your photos are the best, and also compete in popularity with your friends.

Features and Benefits:

  1. Free increase of subscribers and likes on photos.
  2. The opportunity to find out your best photos.
  3. Rating among friends.


3. Cheat Instagram

With this application, you can get likes for free and thereby increase the rating of your page, attract more attention to your profile, and also buy gifts for yourself and friends.

Getting free likes and subscribers is very quick and easy, you need to collect coins by completing tasks.


4. Likes and subscribers for VK

An unofficial application to quickly and easily become popular on VK, in a fully automatic mode. Receive free likes and subscribers to your account.

To get started, you just need to click on one button and the program itself will begin to perform various tasks, earning currency for you. After you earn the required amount, all you have to do is choose the number of likes or subscribers you want to receive and that’s it.


5. Followers and likes on Instagram

This application will help you quickly gain popularity on the InstaGram network. Cheating is possible both for a fee and for free. You just need to add a task and your photos will be liked. You can also find many friends by adding a corresponding task, and subscribers will subscribe to your profile.

Application features:

  • Increase likes and subscribers.
  • Paid promotion on other social networks.
  • Detailed statistics on created tasks.


6. Laika VK subscribers

Free increase of likes on VKontakte online.
Getting likes is one of the the best ways become popular. Almost everyone, one way or another, wants to have a large number of likes. Admit it, it’s always nice to see your photos that are admired by thousands of people.

You can always win any competition if you use likes. With the help of the “VK Likes Subscribers” program, you can easily and quickly get a lot of free likes online, and you will also find out who has left your page.


7. Likes and subscribers

In addition to the ability to earn points, the application provides the opportunity to play games and chat with service users, as well as gain likes and subscribers.
Return to the program every day and receive a daily bonus.

The essence of the tasks is to perform simple actions (in automatic mode): likes and subscriptions from your profile to other users of the application.


To get free votes for VKontakte, you will need to complete simple tasks, for example: watch videos, install games, and so on. You can perform them from any mobile device, while being anywhere.

For completing each task you will receive coins that can be exchanged for votes for Vkontakte. When you have accumulated enough coins, indicate your VKontakte ID and receive coins in the form of votes. The minimum withdrawal amount is 700 coins, for which you will receive 1 vote. Deposits occur automatically within a few minutes.

Features and Benefits:

  • Convenient and intuitive interface.
  • High cost of tasks.
  • Withdrawal of money within a few minutes.
  • Affiliate program.