White turf shrub and hedge made from it (with photo). Derain: types and characteristics of reproduction Derain description of the plant

White dogwood or svidina is a unique decorative garden plant, which will decorate your site in any season. In the summer it will delight you with its magnificent flowering, which over time turns into stunningly beautiful white and blue berries, in the fall - with charming foliage in purple shades, even in winter its red branches look very impressive against the background of white snow. It is often used to create hedges. Look at the photo to see how successfully white turf can be used in landscape design.

Today we will talk about the features of caring for white dogwood, its propagation, and talk about existing varieties and varieties. This knowledge will be enough for you to grow such an amazing plant on your own site.

White dogwood: varieties and varieties

The plant has durable wood. Depending on the species, the turf can be a shrub or a tree. It is characterized by opposite dark green leaves and beautiful white flowers collected in inflorescences. Its height can reach 3 m, and the bushes sometimes grow up to 5 m in width. In addition, svidina blooms twice per season: in early summer and early autumn. You can admire the beauty of this delightful plant in the photo.

Derain is a beautiful shrub that attracts not only with its flowering, but also with its interesting leaves.

There are three main types of wood:

  • white;
  • blood red;
  • proliferous.

The variety of their varieties is very large. Most famous varieties White tree trees stand out:

  • Atrosanguinea (has green leaves and crimson shoots, reaches about 1.5 m in height);

Atrosanguinea variety

  • Argenteo-marginata (it is characterized by red-burgundy shoots, leaves with a wide white border and spots);
  • Alleman’s Compact (characterized by bright green foliage and red young shoots);
  • Aurea Elegantissima (can reach up to 2 m in height, with yellow-pinnate leaves);

Variety Aurea Elegantissima

  • Blood good (quite a tall variety, its representatives reach 2-3 m in height, this is the brightest of the red-coral varieties);
  • Budd’s Yellow (variety with green leaves and olive-yellow tint of shoots);
  • Gouchaultii (shoots have a blood-red hue, leaves are slightly drooping, with characteristic red, white and pink spots);

Variety Gauchaultii

  • Ivory Halo (has red shoots, a spherical crown, and foliage with a green center and white border);
  • Sibirica Ruby (this variety reaches 1.5 m in height, its shoots have a coral-red color and rounded leaves, which are dark green in summer, bright green in spring, and purple-red in autumn);
  • Sibirica Variegata (coral shade of shoots and leaves with a white border);

Variety Sibirica Variegata

  • Spaethii (this variety is characterized by foliage with a wide golden border).

Features of planting white dera

There is probably no more unpretentious and beautiful plant than white dogwood. Planting and caring for it is quite simple and will not cause you any difficulties at all.

Derain grows well in shaded areas

Best suited for him open areas or those located in partial shade. Svidina prefers moist soils rich in humus.

Attention! Provide the plant with good drainage system so that the water does not stagnate.

Before planting, the seedling is immersed in water for a couple of hours. IN landing hole don't forget to add compost and humus. The top layer of soil needs to be mulched. This procedure will protect the still young and fragile plant from harmful weeds and excessive drought in the summer.

How to provide the plant with proper care?

As mentioned earlier, svidina will delight you with its ease of care and its unpretentiousness. Mulch the soil around plants with organic materials. Do not forget about timely moderate watering during the dry period, loosening the soil, and weeding. An equally important point in caring for white dogwood is pruning.

Tree trimming before wintering

The nature of this procedure will depend on climatic conditions growth and your personal preferences. If you want to see beautiful red shoots in the winter season, then prune them in early spring. In this case, you should cut off the branches close to the ground. Over the summer the shoots will have time to grow. Such pruning of the tree will make it more lush, but will reduce the abundance of flowering and the number of berries on the plant.

If you prefer its flowering and growth in height, then carry out formative pruning in the fall. Simply shorten the branches to the desired height. Such pruning will contribute to a neat appearance and the creation of a harmonious shape.

Advice. To renew old, overgrown plants, every few years it is necessary to prune to the very root.

Reproduction, feeding and fertilizing of plants

Svidina accepts two methods of reproduction:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

White deer seeds will not ripen at the same time, so collect them one at a time. They remain viable for up to 5 years.

White derain berries

Before boarding seeds plants must undergo several months of stratification. A mixture of moss, peat, sand and sawdust is layered with seeds and stored at a temperature of up to 5 degrees Celsius.

Sowing seeds in open ground is done in late autumn or early spring. For each square meter area it is necessary to sow 10-15 g of seeds. The planting depth should be about 5 cm. The bushes will grow to their usual size only after 5-8 years. When propagated by seed, the turf will germinate only in 2-3 years.

Rooted cuttings of dogwood

Reproduction method cuttings will be more productive and faster. To do this, you need to cut green, slightly woody cuttings from a large bush. They are planted in June. Before the onset of autumn they have time to develop their root system. In winter, young shoots are insulated or transferred to the basement, and in the spring they are planted in a permanent place. The process of planting a plant in the ground, when propagated using this method, you can see in the next photo.

Feeding the white tree is not necessary, but it will affect its healthier, more beautiful and flowering appearance. It doesn’t hurt to apply mineral fertilizer once a year in the spring, and organic fertilizer in the summer.

Dangerous diseases and pests

Mature, strong plants are rarely susceptible to various diseases, which cannot be said about young shrubs. They may be attacked by powdery mildew (fungal infection). This infection appears on the leaves in the form of a white coating, drops of liquid and, most often, occurs in early spring. As a result, the turf stops blooming, and its foliage becomes pale and dry.

Comma-shaped scale

To avoid powdery mildew, the plant must be watered at the root, and the root system must be thinned in spring and autumn. In already infected bushes, diseased branches are removed and sprayed with special solutions.

The most dangerous pests are the comma scale insect (damages leaves) and aphids.

Decorative shrub for the garden - derain: video

Types of derain: photo

Doren is one of the genera of the dogwood or derenovaceae family, which includes several dozen species. Under natural conditions, they choose the temperate zone for growth: the Far East, Europe, Siberia, North America, northern China. Shrubs of this genus are particularly decorative and are often used in landscape design and landscaping. It received this property due to the many corymbose inflorescences, dense foliage on the shoots, and the plant is also known for its unpretentiousness and easy propagation. There is even one edible species of this plant - male degrass.

The most widespread species in culture is the white derain, also sometimes called the white sow. In nature, it lives among bushes in the north and east of the Russian European part, along the banks of streams and rivers of the Far East and Eastern Siberia. This shrub reaches 3 m in height, has many branches, and has thin, erect red-brown and coral-red shoots. The young bark has a bluish coating and a bright color. The leaves on the branches are arranged oppositely, have a dark green color, are slightly bluish-white below and are covered with hairs on both sides. The leaves of the shrub are elliptical or broadly ovate. At first glance, they appear a little wrinkled due to the raised veining. Flowering of the bush and fruiting occurs in the 3-4th year of the tree's life and begins in May-June. Its yellow-white flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences. The shrub is especially decorative in the autumn, when its leaves turn violet-red or purple-red. The shrub grows very quickly for the first 13-15 years, and after that the growth slows down and fades. The bush becomes darker at this time, and the red color remains exclusively on young shoots.

This species is also widespread due to its winter hardiness and frost resistance, it is not picky about shade, and perfectly adapts to city conditions. It grows remarkably well in any post, although it is more favorable in moist sandy loam. During prolonged drought, the leaves wither, but as soon as the humidity rises, they are restored. It is its unpretentiousness and unique decorative properties that have contributed to the use of shrubs in landscaping since 1741. It is ideal for large, loose groups and hedges. Propagate white dogwood by layering, cuttings, root suckers, and seeds. Sometimes it can be slightly damaged by aphids, but can be easily pruned.

Derain blood red

Somewhat less common in landscape design is blood-red turf (blood-red turf). Natural habitat is the European part of Russia, the Carpathians, Scandinavia, the Caucasus. Prefers forest edges, wet places near lakes and rivers. In such conditions, the shrub reaches 3-4 m, has flexible shoots of green color, but with age they acquire a reddish tint. It also has bright, green, egg-shaped leaves that are covered with hairs. At the end of the month of May, corymbose inflorescences bloom. Flowering occurs every year, starting at age seven, and lasts two weeks. Sometimes a second flowering occurs in August.

The fruits ripen in the fall, and the leaves actually take on a bloody red hue.

This shrub is also well adapted to urban conditions, winter-hardy, tolerates drought and shade well, but prefers moist sandy loam or fresh loose loam. Recovers very quickly after a haircut. Shrubs are also used for other purposes: baskets and hoops are woven from its shoots, and the wood is used to make carpentry. The oil present in the seeds is used for technical purposes. The shrub is a good soil fixer because it has many root suckers. Therefore, it is often planted in hedges and on slopes.

Other types of derain

Alternate-leaved Derain, also known as Svidina alternate-leaved, has good indicators of resistance to winter conditions even in Central Russia. In Moscow, the height of the bush reaches one and a half meters; initially its shoots are green. Afterwards they change color to red-brown.

Equally unpretentious to winter conditions is the North American species of turf, which lives in thickets of bushes along ponds and rivers, as well as in humid forests. In appearance it is similar to white turf. The shrub blooms in 4-5 years of life with milky-white flowers, its fruits are bluish-reddish. The shrub reproduces by root shoots, cuttings, seeds, and layering.

Other North American species have no less good winter hardiness: Bayle's derain, fragrant derain, oblique derain, racemose derain.

Much less winter-hardy are species such as Couse derain, Canadian derain and flowering derain.

Flowering dogwood, otherwise known as flowering bentamidia, grows in the eastern part North America. This shrub loves warmth, in natural conditions it grows up to 6 m. The leaves have an elliptical shape, small flowers are collected in an inflorescence, which is surrounded by large bracts. Bentamidia Coase has 4 large white bracts and small yellow-green flowers. The leaves of the shrub are elliptical in shape, dark green in color, but slightly bluish-green below, and in the fall they become bright yellow. The fruits of Bentamidia Cousa are juicy, scarlet fruits, edible and have a tart taste. Bentamidia canadensis lives not only in Canada, but also in China, the Far East, Russia, and Japan. This species in Moscow survives in winter thanks to snow cover. If the winter is snowless, the bush can be severely damaged by frost.

Many East Asian species, most often from China (medicinal turf, Walther turf) are not frost-resistant. And even if you cover them in winter, they still die, surviving only in the botanical gardens of Moscow State University.

Reproduction of derain

Any type of tree propagates vegetatively. Its cuttings are rooted in greenhouses under glass in washed sand, which is poured in a 3-5 centimeter layer on a substrate made of turf mixture, or, as an option, sand with humus soil. Before planting the shrub, the soil must be well watered. The cuttings are planted at an angle of 45 degrees at a depth of 5 cm into the ground. During rooting in the greenhouse, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of +20-25 degrees Celsius. We also must not forget about the high humidity, which is maintained by spraying with water and using a fogging unit. By autumn, plants have formed strong and strong roots, which allows them to be planted in the ground. But in the first winter, the turf should be covered with spruce branches and leaves.

Red derain (video)

Use of derain in the landscape

Many varieties of wood are used as material for creating hedges. To do this, they are planted next to each other and, growing, create a high and dense wall. Thanks to it, the air is filled with freshness and a pleasant aroma, and protection from dust and wind is formed. A very impressive and decorative hedge is formed from white wood, the special beauty of which is given by its variegated varieties with bright shoots. They are easily and well pruned and grow back very quickly.

If you are selecting shrubs for your site, then special attention consideration should be given to the possibility of combining this plant and other decorative species: flowering time, decorative properties, appearance, tolerance of certain conditions, size.

In the cold Russian climate and constant employment, amateur gardeners in ornamental plants They appreciate, first of all, unpretentiousness in care and lighting, high winter hardiness, attractive appearance, and good growth energy. Few representatives of the flora are able to pass these strict selection criteria, and among them deren is an elegant shrub, recognizable in summer and autumn by its spectacular foliage and clusters of white berries, in winter and early spring by its bright red stems.

The rich palette of derain cannot be confused with anything else

Shrub with Siberian character

The deciduous deren shrub belongs to the Dogwood family and is represented by almost 50 species. Among them there are vigorous, spreading forms, standard representatives that grow into trees, and creeping varieties that cover the soil with a dense carpet. The main growing area is the temperate climatic zone of the Northern Hemisphere, which affected the plant’s resistance to adverse external factors.

Among the cultivated species that have provided the parent material for numerous decorative forms, the most popular is the white dogwood, also known in botany as svidina. This is a rapidly growing shrub up to three meters high, forming a branched bush of many flexible stems with bark of red shades - blood purple, coral, red-brown. Quite large, clean leaves (the plant has virtually no diseases or pests) remain decorative throughout the season. In spring and summer they are juicy, dark green, covered on the reverse side with a bluish-white coating, in autumn they are bright, violet-red.

The derain blooms profusely, large inflorescences The tops of the young shoots are crowned, reminiscent of the snow-white caps of buldenezh, spirea or hydrangea. In autumn, in place of the inflorescences, clusters of rather interesting fruits appear, similar to rowan berries, only white with a bluish tint.

Due to its exceptional frost resistance, derens are often classified as Siberian plants, although they are found and feel comfortable throughout Russia.

Pay attention! The classic garden forms include the white Siberian derain - a low-growing, exceptionally cold- and drought-resistant shrub. Will decorate the garden at any time of the year - with delicate light green foliage, boiling white inflorescences, autumn purple, reddish shoots.

Types and garden forms

Derain or white svidina has been known in culture for more than 200 years, but there are other equally interesting species and varieties.

  • Derain Kouza is valued for its ability to grow into a single trunk and form a low, spreading tree. The varietal varieties have beautiful yellow-white or creamy-white foliage that turns purple-red in the fall.
  • The blood-red derain has an unusual appearance, named for its bright autumn outfit, effectively complemented by black fruit beads. Without pruning it grows up to 4 m, the same can reach in diameter. In cold climates, some branches may freeze and require shelter.
  • Sucker grass was brought from North America, which biologically has much in common with white sage. It is distinguished by long flexible shoots that can take root at the tops when in contact with the soil. Another feature is long flowering (June - September) with simultaneous setting and ripening of fruits.
  • Of the creeping varieties, Canadian derain deserves attention. The plant, 20 cm high, is interesting for its whorls of leaves, in the middle of which flowers first appear, and then a small cluster of red berries.

Tree variety Couse

Autumn crimson of the blood-red svidina

Variegated varieties

The turf of variegated varieties is especially attractive, and therefore in demand among gardeners. Variegation is manifested in the edging of the leaf plate with white, yellow or cream color, strokes, stripes, spots in the center of the leaf.

  • White dogwood of the Sibirika Variegata variety is valued by gardeners for its compact bush, not as prone to growth as other representatives of the genus, and the special decorativeness of the crown. In summer, the green leaf plate along the edge is decorated with a wide white border. It looks even more elegant in the fall, when the green part turns purple. No less interesting are the coral shoots that glow in winter against the backdrop of snow or coniferous trees.
  • Similar to Siberia, but more whitish, is the Elegantissima derain. It is distinguished by its rapid growth - a bush, pruned into a stump in the spring, in one season drives out young shoots with shiny red and variegated yellow foliage. In addition to the light border, the center of the sheet is decorated with white or cream stains and stripes.
  • The white derain Aurea belongs to the low-growing group of Siberia. A compact shrub no more than 1.5–2 m high is suitable for hedges and tapeworms in small gardens. Against the background of coral shoots, soft yellow leaves and creamy white flowers look very elegant. It blooms twice - in early summer and autumn.
  • The unusual color of the leaves makes Shpet's deren stand out from the general row. At the moment of blooming, they are painted in reddish-orange tones; in summer, a golden border gives the bush an elegance; in autumn, it dresses it in crimson and purple. Without pruning, this variety grows up to 2.5 m; in the middle zone it freezes without shelter.

Pay attention! Variegated forms are found not only in white, but also in other types of derain. The offspring varieties are White Gold and White Spot, and the red varieties are Mitcha and Variegata.

Elegantissima silver...

Application options in garden design

Landscape design professionals love to use shrubs for urban landscaping. Thanks to the light leaves, variegated forms set off dark green plantings; in parks and squares they create volume in the wings of trees.

Variegated varieties of white dogwood - Sibirika, Elegantissima - are often used for hedges. Gardeners choose this plant because it is beautiful all year round.

In single plantings on lawns, red derain and its garden forms look original.

Features of bush agricultural technology

White dogwood and its variegated forms are extremely easy to plant and propagate and do not require special care.

Under natural conditions, the crop grows in the undergrowth, so in the lighting regime it prefers alternating sun and partial shade. Variegated varieties are more demanding of light - in the shade they fade and lose the contrast of colors. And yet, when choosing a location, it is not the light that plays a big role, but the protection of the site from the drying northern and eastern winds. In open areas and drafts, the plant will periodically freeze and may even die.


In terms of soil, the shrub is not picky - any will do, as long as there is no stagnation of water in the area of ​​the roots. If groundwater comes close to the surface, plant turf on a hill or, when planting, provide drainage from crushed stone, pieces of stone, broken brick, and sand.

The plant loves a spacious planting hole, in which it is advisable to put a stock nutrients several years ahead. It is better if it is organic - compost, rotted manure, humus. When planting a hedge, leave a gap of 30–40 cm between seedlings.

Advice! Before planting, immerse a seedling with a closed root system (in a pot) together with the container in water for several hours so that the roots straighten and the earthen ball is saturated with moisture.

Nuances of pruning

Of all the maintenance activities, pruning the tree in the spring is the most important. If the plant is not shaped, then within a few years it forms shapeless thickets, displacing more modest neighbors in its path. What pruning options are there?

  1. Annual sanitary pruning involves the removal of dry, frozen, deformed shoots and shoots growing inside the bush.
  2. Hedges are trimmed, thinning out dead wood and giving the crown the desired shape.
  3. Rejuvenation and formation of an adult bush is achieved by annual pruning of approximately a third of the old branches. Each of them will produce several young stems and add lushness to the planting.
  4. In order to annually obtain compact young bushes of white-edged dogwood with bright stems in winter, they practice complete pruning in the spring “to the stump”. Over the summer, the bush grows completely, although it does not bloom so profusely.

Reproduction methods

Gardeners prefer vegetative methods propagation of shrubs, since they are less troublesome, completely preserve the varietal characteristics of the plant, and allow the formation of a full-fledged bush in a few years.

Almost one hundred percent results are achieved by propagating deren by cuttings in the spring. They are cut from last year's shoots (not older!), the lower cut is treated with a growth stimulator and planted in a cold greenhouse, container or garden bed. By autumn the cuttings will take root, but the seedling is not yet ready for wintering in open ground. Therefore, it is carefully covered and left in a greenhouse; the potted version is brought into a room with a cool, but not sub-zero temperature. In the spring, the seedling continues to grow, and in the fall it is transplanted to a permanent place.

Offspring species reproduce well by young shoots, which form a viable root system by autumn.

Family: Dogwoods (Cornaceae).


In nature, derain is found in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere; one species grows in South America and Central Africa.

Form: deciduous or evergreen shrub, less often a tree.


Derain is a deciduous, sometimes evergreen shrub or tree that remains decorative throughout the year. In summer, the derain attracts attention with its foliage and white flowers; In autumn, white or blue drupes ripen on the plant. Derain foliage turns pink or burgundy in autumn. In winter, derain is distinguished by shoots painted in different colors (depending on the type, they can be bright red, burgundy, yellow, bright green). The flowers of the tree are golden-yellow in umbellate inflorescences. Derain blooms early - in the second half of April. Derain is a frost-resistant shrub that is undemanding to soil conditions.

Sometimes the genus deren is combined with the genera dogwood and svidina under common name"turf" or "dogwood".

Derain white (C. alba). A shrub 2 to 3 m high and 3 to 5 m wide, the branches of which take root when they touch the ground. White dogwood grows quickly. The leaves of the white tree are ovate, bluish or dark green; yellowish in autumn. The bark is dark red (on young plants - blood red, on old plants - gray). Flowers and fruits are white. White dogwood blooms very profusely in the first half of summer and again in early autumn. White dogwood is shade-tolerant; It is undemanding to soil composition and grows on any, not very poor, substrates. White dogwood tolerates surface soil compaction. The shrub is wind-resistant. In nature, white dogwood is found in northern Asia.

White dogwood is perhaps the most popular of all types of dogwood. In order for the white turf to be more lush, it needs to be trimmed, since if this is not done, the plant will be exposed from below.

Canadian dogwood (C. canadensis). Ground cover dwarf shrub, forming beautiful flowering carpets, 10 to 15 cm high; grows slowly. The leaves of the Canadian dogwood are small, elliptical, dark green in color; in autumn they acquire a reddish tint. The flowers of Canadian dogwood are inconspicuous; green-white, surrounded by four white bracts. Canadian derain blooms from late May to July. The fruits - scarlet berries - ripen on the plant in August; they are not poisonous. Canadian dogwood grows in the shade, in cool or cold places with high humidity. The shrub is winter-hardy, prefers acidified, fertile soils. In nature, Canadian dogwood is found in northern Asia, northern North America, and Greenland; it grows in dense plantings of deciduous and coniferous plants, so Canadian turf at a summer cottage is not planted in open, sunny places.

Deren Kousa (C. kousa). An unusual deciduous shrub or tree, 4 to 7 m tall and 3 to 4 m wide. Young plants grow vertically; later they acquire a horizontal asymmetrical crown. Growth rate - slow or average. The leaves of the Kouza tree are ovate, dark green, and bright red in autumn. The apical leaves are pointed, white; real flowers are invisible. The Kouza derain blooms for a very long time - from 4 to 6 weeks. The fruits resemble raspberries - red-pink, edible. Derain Kouza grows in sun and partial shade; Prefers moist, fertile, sandy or sandy-clayey soils. On heavy soils, Kousa turf grows very slowly. The root system of the plant is taproot, sensitive to soil compaction; Couse's derain is not very wind-resistant. Found naturally in Japan and Korea. Practically does not winter in Middle lane Russia.

Derain controversial (C. controversa). Picturesque, broadly cone-shaped, fast-growing, large shrub or tree 6 to 10 m tall and 4 to 6 m wide; the branches are arranged in layers. The leaves are broadly ovate, dark green, violet-brown in autumn. The flowers of the tree are white, collected in numerous inflorescences, bloom in late May-early June. The fruits are brown or blue-black berries. The root system of this tree is superficial and sensitive to drought. Turfgrass prefers moist or moist soils, from slightly acidic to neutral. Not frost-resistant.

Chinese derain (C. kousa chinensis). Shrub or tree 5 to 8 m tall and 4 to 5 m wide with an average growth rate. In autumn, the leaves of the Chinese tree turn bright red. The species is notable for its apical leaves - white, sometimes with a pink tint. Chinese derain blooms for a long time. Not too frost-hardy.

Men's derain , or dogwood (C. mas). Large shrub or small tree from 3 to 8 m in height and width. Young plants grow vertically; later they acquire a semicircular shape (the branches are located almost horizontally). Male dogwood grows slowly at first, then quite quickly. The leaves are entire, ovate, light green, shiny, lighter underneath. Dogwood flowers are small, yellow, bloom before the leaves appear and have a lightly sweet aroma. The common dogwood blooms for 15-20 days. The fruits are oval, bright purple or red-black, edible, slightly sour. The root system of the common dogwood or dogwood is very deep and sensitive to compaction. Common dogwood is undemanding, easily adaptable, tolerates drought, is winter-hardy and wind-resistant; grows in sun or partial shade. Common dogwood grows in well-drained, not very fertile, but lime-containing soils. Common dogwood tolerates pruning well; it is carried out no later than June. Grows in Central Europe.

(blood red pork) (C. sanguinea). Shrub from 1 to 8 m tall and from 2 to 4 m wide with vertically arranged branches; sometimes with an asymmetrical crown. Blood-red turf grows slowly. This species got its name because of its blood-red shoots (the color becomes more saturated in spring). The leaves of the blood-red tree are elliptical, dark green; in autumn the color varies from wine red to yellow-orange. Blood red Derain is unpretentious; prefers any soil except very acidic and poor sandy ones. Grows in Central Europe.

Derain sucker (C. stolonifera). The shrub is close to white turf. The plant produces many root suckers; shoots of the scion tree take root and form adventitious roots. The appearance of plants depends on the variety. In nature, shoot grass is found in North America. It practically does not winter in central Russia.

Blooming derain (C. florida). A deciduous tree with dense spreading leaves. In autumn, the leaves of the flowering tree turn bright red. The flowering turf grows in partial shade; prefers acidified soils. Found naturally in eastern North America. It almost never winters in central Russia.

Growing conditions

Derain is a shade-tolerant plant, the degree of shading must be taken into account based on the species. Variegated varieties are best planted in sun or partial shade. In general, turf is undemanding to soil composition and prefers acidified substrates; unpretentious, quickly adapts. Turf is frost-resistant (especially Canadian turf), only some of its species require shelter (controversial turf). Derain is drought-resistant, but develops better in moist soils.


Deren - very ornamental shrub, so it is very popular among gardeners. Most often on summer cottages you can see white derain, however, other types of plants also deserve attention. Derain is used both in group plantings and as a; planted in, on the edges, to create undergrowth. Canadian dogwood - a very frost-resistant, unpretentious, shade-tolerant plant - is used as an alternative.


Derain does not require special care; it is unpretentious and adapts well. It is recommended to carry out deraining. The frequency of pruning is determined by what you want to see in the end: an impenetrable heap of branches or a neatly formed bush. IN the latter case Annual pruning is required in autumn or early spring.


Derain is propagated vegetatively (). Derain can be propagated by root and lignified cuttings (in spring), but it is better propagated by green cuttings (cuttings are carried out in the first half of June). The cuttings are planted in cold greenhouses, where by autumn they form a powerful root system. For the winter, the cuttings should be taken to the basement or heated greenhouse. In the spring you can plant turf.

Diseases and pests

Derain is a resistant plant. As a rule, it is not susceptible to disease and is unattractive to pests. Sometimes young tree shoots can be affected by aphids or fungal diseases.

Popular varieties

Varieties of white turf

    'Alleman's Compact'. Shrub up to 1.5 in height with rich green foliage. Young shoots are red.

    ‘Argenteo-marginata’. Shrub up to 3 m in height; The leaves are green with a wide border, white spots and stripes. Young shoots are red-burgundy. Variegated dogwood ‘Argenteo-marginata’ does not retain its unusual color in the open sun.

    ‘Atrosanguinea’. Shrub from 1 to 1.5 m in height with green leaves. Young shoots are raspberry.

    'Aurea'. Shrub from 1.5 to 2 m in height with wide leaves. Young shoots are red. The leaves are first pinkish-brown, then pale yellow, matte (reddish in autumn), turning green in the shade.

Varieties of sucker tree

    ‘Flaviramea’. A wide, round, fast-growing shrub from 2 to 5 m tall and wide with white flowers. The leaves are pointed, oval, green (in autumn they do not change color or become reddish). This variety tolerates stagnant moisture and temporary flooding. Once every few years, this variety of sprouting tree needs to be cut back to the ground to restore color.

    'Kelsey'. A dwarf ground cover shrub with numerous shoots 0.75 to 1 m high and 1.5 m wide. The shrub takes root upon contact with the ground, the growth rate is average. Green leaves stay on the plant for a long time; in late autumn they turn dark red or orange-green. This variety is undemanding, grows in sun or partial shade, in cool, damp places; frost-resistant, wind-resistant; tolerates temporary flooding.

Variegated dogwood will decorate any garden; its bright, edged leaves, combined with the unusual color of the bark, make the plant unusually decorative. Planting a bush should be provided in a free area of ​​the garden - the turf grows very quickly, the free space around the bush makes it more convenient to carry out periodic inspection of plants and care.

Variegated dogwood: varieties and varieties for planting in the garden

The name of the plant translates as “horn”, which is associated with the very heavy and durable wood of the plant. In cultivation, derain grows in the northern regions of our planet, but is found wild in the center of the African continent. In total, about 50 species are known, which include deciduous and evergreen varieties, you can see in the photo different types plants.

Even derain leaves beautifully decorate the garden

Variegated dogwood usually grows no higher than 3 meters, has the shape of a spreading shrub, but can grow to the size of a low tree. The plant looks very decorative - the bark is painted in bright brown-red tones and has a shiny surface. The leaves of the plant are green, or bordered with yellow or white, which, in combination with unusual branches, looks very decorative.

Variegated dogwood blooms from May to June with white flowers that reach almost 5 cm in diameter; in the fall, white-bluish berries are formed. The berries cannot be eaten; they are inedible.

The crop is quite unpretentious, derain tolerates formative pruning well, which is why it is very popular for decorating parks and squares and is often used in landscape design to create colorful compositions. Excellent resistance to freezing allows the use of variegated turf in landscaping in the northern regions.

In botany, the following popular species are distinguished from the genus Derain:

Photo various types plants convey the inexpressible charm and uniqueness of leaf color.

Planting a plant in compliance with agrotechnical requirements

Planting should be timed to coincide with the warm season; it is best to carry out planting work in the spring. This allows the plant to strengthen and grow over the summer and be prepared to leave for the winter.

Young plant

To stimulate growth in the first year of cultivation, the plant is fed with complex fertilizers, alternating root and foliar feeding. The first wintering of a young plant should be mild; for this it is useful to protect the bush from frost. Covering should not be excessive, otherwise the plant may dry out during thaws.

Advice. The place for planting the tree can be shady or sunny, it is only important not to plant it too close to tall trees. The planted bush should have enough free space for the development of branches.

Shrub care and propagation

Shrub care does not contain any special recommendations. The crop needs to be watered evenly without overflowing. If necessary, bushes should be treated for pests if any are found. A hedge made of derain requires periodic trimming, sometimes this must be repeated several times a season.

It is very easy to propagate variegated turf, you just need to take cuttings from an adult plant, which quickly take root in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Plants obtained from cuttings completely retain their maternal characteristics: leaf color, bush shape and height, flowering time. After three years of cultivation, the derain forms berries that contain seeds.

Derain requires minimal care

Propagation of the crop by seeds is also possible; to do this, you should sow the seeds in loose soil and grow them in a greenhouse for about a year. Young seedlings are planted in a permanent place in the spring. Significant distances are left between plants, since the turf is characterized by vigorous growth.

In the first year of life, the turf is fed frequently, using complex fertilizers. In the next years of life, the plant is fertilized several times per season, with fertilizer applied under each bush. The last feeding of the bush is carried out in the first ten days of September.

Inspect the plant regularly and remove pests as soon as they appear.

Derain: diseases and pests

Derain is a fairly disease-resistant crop, but aphids and fungal diseases can cause severe damage to the plant. The fight against aphids comes down to destroying the pest mechanically - it is washed off the branches with a stream of water from a hose.

Attention. If there is a large infestation of aphids, the bushes should be treated with special aphid repellents.

Fungal diseases develop on the plant when improper care, especially when there are overflows. The development of fungal infections can be prevented by following the watering regime. In case of extensive damage by fungal infections, diseased bushes are treated with foundationazole, topaz or other drugs against fungal infections.

Types of derain: photo