Kournikova, Graf, Seles: how the life of the queens of the court turned out. Anna Kournikova gave birth to twins: latest news Anna Kournikova's achievements

Today the public was excited by a high-profile event. Russian tennis player Anna Kournikova gave birth to twins (photos of the twins have not yet been made public). Throughout her pregnancy, the girl hid that she would soon become a mother. Only those closest knew about interesting position Kournikova. The children's father was the famous Latin American singer Enrique Iglesias. The babies were born in one of the prestigious hospitals in Miami.

Event details

Anna Kournikova and her boyfriend Enrique Iglesias became parents for the first time. It is known that the athlete gave birth to a girl and a boy. Despite the fact that she did not tell anyone about the pregnancy, it was difficult to hide this fact.

At first, fans noticed that the tennis player had disappeared from social networks. This was unexpected - after all, Kournikova loved to share details of her life with fans via the Internet. However, no one could even guess that she would give birth to twins. This news came as a surprise to everyone.

Information has already appeared on the Internet about what happy parents decided to name their babies. The son's name will be Nicholas. And Anna and Enrique's daughter will be called Lucy.

Also interesting is the fact that Anna has been in a relationship with Iglesias for fifteen years. And she never made official comments about their couple. She didn’t even confirm the fact of an affair between them. However, the singer turned out to be more talkative. In 2016, he gave an interview in which he announced that he was ready to marry his beloved. In fact, she is already his wife.

However, the man was afraid to enter into an official relationship. He admitted in an interview that an official settlement of relations would not give them anything. This will not prove to Anna that he really loves her. However, Kournikova is the love of his life for him, and he is absolutely sure of it.

Official representatives of Anna and Enrique are currently not making any comments about the event. Western publications respond that this couple never allowed strangers into their personal lives. Despite the fact that they have been together for a very long time, very little is known about their relationship.

42-year-old singer Enrique Iglesias and 36-year-old Anna Kournikova, who gave birth to twins, met at work. You can find many photos of this couple on the Internet. It is known that this was the shooting of a video for the song Escape. The young people immediately liked each other. A hot romance broke out. Two months later, Anna and Enrique began to live together.

The media have repeatedly written that celebrities tied the knot in official marriage, but this information turned out to be unreliable.

In addition, information about conflicts in the couple’s relationship has been discussed more than once. They even talked about their separation. Despite everything, the lovers are still together. And, as we see, everything is just beginning in their relationship.

Biography of Anna Kournikova

Let's remember the biography of our heroine, Anna Kournikova, who recently gave birth to twins.

The girl was born into a family of athletes. Her dad devoted his life to martial arts, and her mother trained tennis players. All this could not but affect the girl. At the age of five she already started playing tennis. At first it was a banal hobby for her, but gradually it became her life’s work. At the age of seven, the girl took part in the first big competition in her life.

Anna Kournikova showed great promise. Photos of her from various tournaments can be found on the Internet.

In the world of sports, they always hoped that Anna would become famous and famous. Everyone believed in her. Already at the age of ten, the girl received a cash scholarship to the Nick Boletieri Tennis Academy in Florida. And in 1991, she and her mother moved to live in the USA. There they shared their skills with her the best masters tennis

In addition, the girl was captivated by America. She even began to consider herself partly American and later received citizenship of this country.

At the age of 14, Anna began playing tennis professionally. She has won many competitions in the USA. And in 1996 she participated in Olympic Games. She played for the Russian national team. She was only fifteen then.

In 2003, the girl left big sport and went into show business. She starred in advertisements for collections of the world's leading brands. Not only clothes, but also accessories.

Kournikova: the secret of a happy relationship

Interestingly, Enrique Iglesias, to whom Anna Kournikova gave birth to twins, is very closed person. He devotes a lot of time to his work. Therefore, not everyone can be close to such a person. He admits in an interview that he prefers privacy to noisy companies.

Anna became for him not only a wife, but also a reliable life partner. He has absolute confidence in her. I am ready to follow my beloved even to the ends of the earth. The fact is that Kournikova has enormous worldly wisdom. It’s interesting that she said in an interview that she would forgive a loved one for cheating. After all, it is unknown what circumstances and problems led to this.

May 1 was the last time Enrique Iglesias published on his official page in social network Instagram photo taken at home. In the photo, the happy singer is captured with his child. Now the artist regularly posts photos and videos from concerts he gives around the world.


The popular artist's schedule is planned out months in advance. So, on May 27, Enrique performed in Tel Aviv, Israel, and on the 30th he is expected in Lisbon, Portugal. His Russian fans should also rejoice. On June 1, the hot handsome guy will perform in Moscow. And on June 3, the singer will present his program in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Iglesias literally lives out of suitcases his entire life. Journalists who carefully analyzed the artist’s account came to the conclusion that he is practically never at home. Enrique wanders from place to place, lives on trains, planes and cars, and different cities and countries flash before his eyes. Reporters wondered whether Iglesias understood the people of which state he was speaking to this time.

But Enrique is already 43 years old. Despite the fact that the singer persistently squeezes sex and youth out of himself, dressing in fashionable youthful outfits, many fans are sure that it’s time for Iglesias to slow down and spend more time at home. In addition, his long-time lover, the famous Russian tennis player Anna Kournikova, gave him adorable babies last winter.

Publication from Anna Anya (@annakournikova) May 23, 2018 at 2:49 PDT

The lovers are raising a son, Nicholas, and a daughter, Lucy. Anna recently posted a funny video with the heiress on her Instagram page, and before that, a photo showing her rounded belly. According to the caption, the photo shows Kournikova at 37 weeks. However, in the comments, fans expressed bewilderment - they say, for twins and such long term The athlete’s belly is suspiciously small.

Last weekend, Anna Kournikova (36) gave birth to (42) twins: the boy was named Nicholas and the girl Lucy. The former tennis player's pregnancy was kept secret. However, so did her 16-year relationship with the Spanish singer. Let's remember the love story of Enrique and Anya.

The Russian tennis player met the Spanish macho in 2001 during the filming of Enrique’s video for the song Escape. That day, as Anya later admitted, her lip became inflamed and she was afraid that the singer would refuse to kiss her. And she looked into the water - at the last moment, Iglesias announced that he did not intend to kiss “this pimply little thing.” It took several layers of makeup to finally capture the necessary shots. It would seem that after this, Anya should have never communicated with the brawler again, but that was not the case.

Soon the lovers began to be noticed together everywhere, but Anna and Enrique did not comment on their relationship at all. It was already clear to everyone that they were together, but still they wanted facts.

Enrique was once asked what he appreciated most about Kournikova. “I only need people when I perform. And usually I prefer peace and quiet. I hate all kinds of parties, parties and the like. I get along just fine without them. And Anna understands me about this. She is not at all one of the glamorous, “five-star” beauties. You can easily go out to eat hamburgers or go hiking in the mountains with it. I know that I can always rely on her. And I really appreciate it." Anya, by the way, differs from the “glamorous beauties” in her very wise approach to life: “It seems to me that you need to be able to be flexible and adapt to the situation. Yes, betrayal, treason are serious things, but you never know what prompted this - maybe big problems. I, too, can make a mistake or commit some bad act, and I would like that they could give me a second chance if I stumble, and they would be ready to listen and discuss.”

So it turns out that there are no rumors about Iglesias cheating – at all. But they’ve been going for at least 10 years now – and no one could understand why the couple, who had been together for so long, never went to the altar. “Marriage does not necessarily make us happy, does not make us love someone more. I look at my friends who are married and some of them are not very happy. Anna and I respect and love each other, we have complete mutual understanding. But like any relationship, we have ups and downs, because relationships are hard work,” Enrique told the German publication Gala last year, but at the same time clarified that Kournikova is the love of his life.

True, two years before that he stunned fans right from the stage. During the concert he unexpectedly announced: “I’m divorced now. I got divorced three days ago, you are the first to hear about it. I'm serious". No one understood what it was, because no one had heard about the wedding of a sports star and a world famous singer. And then they began to be seen together again. The situation was strange.

A beautiful girl, born in Moscow, who built a sports career and is now dating a world star, yes, all this is about Anna Kournikova. Among other things, a girl with such a beautiful appearance cannot help but use her data, which is why Anna is also a fashion model. A versatile personality who is not afraid to arrange her life the way she wants, continues to amaze fans. Anna was and continues to be the youngest participant in the Olympic Games, but so far her record has not been broken. In her sports career, the girl achieved great success and received the title of first racket in the first category.

Height, weight, age. How old is Anna Kournikova

Being a fashion model has its drawbacks. So Anna cannot afford to eat a lot of goodies and constantly monitors her nutrition. And even though several years have passed since Anna retired from work, she still continues to watch her figure. The girl does yoga and diving. Now she has a lot of free time, which she spends on a relaxed life on the ocean in Miami, where she and her boyfriend recently bought a house. Fans remember the girl’s merits and continue to be interested in her biography.

And the fans of Enrique Iglesias, who has been her lover for many years, strive to find out all the possible information about the girl, even her height, weight, age. How old Anna Kournikova is is no secret, she is now 36 years old, although she looks much younger, this is all thanks to proper nutrition and regular sports. Anna also does not hide her measurements; the girl’s height is 173 centimeters and her weight is 56 kilograms. Not long ago, Anna published a photo of herself on her Instagram, where she is in a bikini and all the fans were delighted with how in great shape the former athlete is now there.

Biography and personal life of Anna Kournikova

The girl has been a real talent since childhood. She first picked up a racket when she was only 5 years old, then at the age of 10 she already won a scholarship to study at a famous American sports school. And at the age of 14, Anna won the famous Orange Bowl tournament and won several European championships. It seems that for Anna the word “loss” did not exist. One day a little girl just picked up a racket and then beat half of Europe. Many people only dream of such a career. Almost every athlete would like to have the same strong skill and talent as Kournikova.

The girl was born in Moscow on June 7, 1981. Her parents instilled a love of sports in her; her father was a wrestler, and her mother was a tennis coach. It was she who showed the little girl how to play correctly. Her sports career lasted until 2003, during which time she managed to win many victories and rise to the top of the ratings. For a long time, namely from 1999 to 2003, she played doubles and her partner was another famous tennis player, Martina Hingis.

The girl left professional sports due to serious injuries. Then she decided to take up a modeling career, which also turned out brilliantly for the girl and for several years she shone in all possible music videos and commercials. Life changed after she starred in a video for the famous performer Enrique Iglesias. The couple fell in love with each other and then Anna threw herself into the relationship.

Since 2010, she was granted American citizenship, and now the girl remains to live there with her lover. The biography and personal life of Anna Kournikova has always been successful and we can safely say that the girl was born under a lucky star.

Family and children of Anna Kournikova

Anna Kournikova's family and children are not her priority desire in life. Since 2002, she has been in a relationship with Iglesias, but the couple is in no hurry to legitimize their relationship, and they are not going to have children, as they themselves comment, now they are enjoying life and it’s good for them to just be together. And Anna herself says that she doesn’t want to have children for the next 10 years, and will only think about it after 45. In the meantime, the couple is basking in the sun in warm Miami and having fun like any wealthy young family.

Anna Kournikova's ex-husband - Sergei Fedorov

The marriage with Anna and Sergei is generally a rather vague story. Anna's father stated that they were not married, while Sergei says the opposite. Ex-husband Anna Kournikova - Sergei Fedorov is a famous hockey player. And at the moment he is also the manager of the CSKA club. After breaking up with Anna, everything improved in Sergei’s personal life and he has been happily married for a long time, and in 2016 his first child was born. Since 2000, he also has American citizenship. Sergey continues to build his career and remains successful to this day.

Anna Kournikova's common-law husband - Enrique Iglesias

Since 2002, the couple Anna and Enrique have been together. This is a very strong union and the young people seem to be made for each other. After they met, Anna went into the shadows, stopped pursuing her career and is now the main support of her lover. She supports him in all his endeavors and is very happy with how her life is going now.

Anna Kournikova's common-law husband, Enrique Iglesias, was born in Madrid, Spain, and today, for several years in a row, he continues to be the main and most popular performer of Spanish songs in the world. Everyone knows him, even those who are not fans of his work. During his career, he has already recorded 10 albums, and more than 40 independent tracks. It is not for nothing that such talent lives with the most talented athlete in the world. Enrique's father, Julio, was also a musician. When the boy was only three years old, his parents separated, the children stayed with their mother, and the father went to Miami to develop his career and record tracks.

Later, difficult times came for the guy’s family and Enrique’s mother sent him to live with his father. As he himself says, it was not the best childhood, if only because the father did not give his son special attention, there was never such a need for warmth for children, and when Julio married again, the weather in the house became completely unbearable, because Enrique could not find mutual language with my mother and they constantly fought.

The boy studied at a prestigious American school, although he always felt out of place there. Another fact is that all the children were from rich families and drove expensive cars, while Iglesias’s car was very modest. And the guy himself was always very shy, so he couldn’t make friends. The boy always dreamed of becoming a musician and from his youth began composing songs, even letting his father listen to them, but he did not believe in his son’s talent and saw him as a businessman. Therefore, after graduating from school, the guy entered the business university. But chance changed everything. While still a schoolboy, he began sending recordings of his songs to various music agencies, and while still a student, he received an offer from one agency and signed a contract with them, and so the guy’s musical career began.

Anna Sergeevna Kournikova is a fashion model, a Russian tennis player who holds the title of world number one in doubles. Anna is the youngest participant in the Olympic Games in the entire history of Russia.

Anna Kournikova was born in Moscow on June 7, 1981. Anna's family was athletic - her father was into wrestling, her mother was a tennis coach. The girl inherited her love for this sport from her mother.

On her mother's side, the athlete has a brother named Allan. And the famous tennis player Evgeny Korolev is Anna’s cousin.


Anna Kournikova took up tennis at the age of 5. At the age of 10, she was eligible for a scholarship to the famous Bollettieri Tennis Academy in Florida, USA.

In 1995, she won the Orange Bowl tournament and several European Championships.

These victories allowed the young athlete to rise to first place in the junior rankings by the end of the year. This allowed the girl to become a professional tennis player. In the same year, Kournikova won the Federation Cup, playing for the Russian national team (being the youngest participant).

In 1996, she participated in the Olympic Games in Atlanta, playing for the Russian team. In 1997, Kournikova reached the semi-finals of Wimbledon, and in 1998 she entered the top twenty tennis players in the world, defeating Steffi Graf, Martina Hingis and Lindsay Davenport.

From 1999 to 2003, in doubles with Martina Hingis, he won 2 final WTA (Women's Tennis Association) tournaments and 2 Grand Slam tournaments.

Despite her success in doubles and popularity, in singles Kournikova only rose to 8th place in the rankings in 2000. The athlete did not have any major victories in single performances. Possibly related to this interesting fact– poker players assigned the name Anna to the combination AK (ace and king). Logically, although such a couple looks presentable, they rarely win.

In 2001 and 2003, the girl was injured and left professional sports. From that moment on, Anna Kournikova began to develop a modeling career - she participated in the filming of music videos, films, shows and photo shoots. Anya has shot for Adidas and Berlei, Omega and Lycos, Wrangler, Rolex, Yonex. She played the girl at the motel reception in the film “Me, Myself and Irene.” She also participated in charity tennis tournaments.

In 2001, Playboy magazine invited Anna Kournikova to appear nude. According to media reports, the tennis player did not give consent, but did not refuse. Today on the Internet you can find many candid photographs of the famous athlete.

In 1998-2003, she was included in the list of the 50 most beautiful people in the world by People magazine, and in 2002, according to FHM magazine, she became the most sexy woman planets. In 2010, the US authorities granted Kournikova citizenship, which, as the girl said, was a “logical step”, since Anya always felt like both Russian and American.

Despite the end of her career, Anna maintains a magnificent figure, and without visiting expensive gyms. In numerous videos, Kournikova gives fitness tips on how to train without leaving home. The tennis player is sure that for full fitness it is enough to have comfortable sneakers and clothes, and there is no need for exercise equipment at all. Anna Kournikova's workouts are a great success among women.

One day, one video raised suspicions among the athlete’s fans that their favorite tennis player was suffering from anorexia: Anna’s arms and shoulders looked too thin. As a result, subscribers in the comments asked Kournikova to eat better in order to gain some weight.

Personal life

It is known that Anna had affairs with famous athletes: and. According to some reports, the girl even formalized the relationship with the first one, but the athlete’s father denied this information. Fedorov later confirmed that he and Kournikova were husband and wife, but it didn’t work out.

Then Anya became Bure's bride, but the matter did not come to registering the marriage.

In 2001, the girl met the famous Spanish singer. Since then, Anna’s biography has been closely connected with this handsome man.

The future lovers met on the set of Enrique’s video for the song “Escape.” That day, Kournikova’s lip became inflamed, and the tennis player was afraid that the singer would refuse to kiss Anya. And so it happened. Iglesias said that he would not kiss “this pimply teenager.” Then layers of makeup were required to complete the necessary shots. It seemed that this could be the end of celebrity relationships, but it turned out differently.

Soon the couple began to be spotted together. Information was leaked to the press that there was an affair between Anna and Enrique, but the stars at first did not comment on this matter. Everything was clear without words.

Then, in an interview, Iglesias shared that he appreciates simplicity and lack of “glamor” in his beloved. According to the musician, he and Anya can eat hamburgers and go hiking in the mountains. And the other half of a popular performer always supports his lover.

There have been rumors in the press more than once about the couple breaking up. But then Anna and Enrique showed up together and dispelled the speculation. Information also leaked out that the lovers had been married for a long time. Allegedly, Anya shone the light more than once wedding ring, and Enrique called the girl his wife. But there is no confirmation of these statements.

In an interview with Gala, the musician shared that marriage does not make people happy or make them love a person more. The man has friends who are married, but are not happy about it. And he has complete mutual understanding with Anna. The couple has ups and downs. But relationships are hard work. In the same interview, Enrique called the tennis player the love of his life.

There was another rumor: allegedly Iglesias is gay, and the man needs Anna for cover. However, at the end of 2017, an event occurred that silenced evil tongues.

On December 16, 2017, Anna Kournikova gave Enrique Iglesias two children at once, although she once stated that she plans to give birth after 40 years. The lovers had twins - a girl and a boy. The babies were named Lucy and Nicholas.

4 years before the birth of their son and daughter, the young people celebrated their housewarming. The couple moved into a house that was built for lovers in the most prestigious location on the Miami coast, in Biscayne Bay. Anna and Enrique bought the plot for $9 million, and paid $11 million for construction and decoration. Celebrities chose the futuristic style of the mansion. There is a pier next to the cottage. Paparazzi often take pictures of stars either on the beach or on a boat trip.

Anna Kournikova is often compared to another famous Russian tennis player -. Articles often appear in the media that Anya is the antipode of Mary. Sharapova is a hard worker who achieved fame thanks to winning tournaments. But Kournikova is known for her posing with a racket and her affair with Iglesias. Despite the fact that Anna has not appeared on the court for a long time, the girl’s name is still heard by the public.

According to experts, Kournikova did the incredible. Having made a name for herself, she successfully promoted it, although she did not win a single serious singles tournament. The image created by the athlete is still an example to follow for many aspiring tennis players.

In 2001, an email virus called "AnnaKournikova" was noted. This phenomenon was mentioned in season 9, episode 23 of the popular TV series.

Anna Kournikova now

In January 2018, Anna Kournikova and Enrique Iglesias welcomed newborn children to fans. New parents posted photos of their babies on their profiles “ Instagram"Within a few minutes of each other.

Until this moment, the appearance of the heirs was confirmed only by the singer’s mother, Isabelle Preysler. In an interview, the woman commented on Anna’s pregnancy and the joyful event that happened in the family.

The public did not know that the girl was pregnant until the birth of her children. Isabelle said that this did not happen on purpose. Anya has no need to hide from the paparazzi, she just likes to spend time at home. The girl's pregnancy proceeded well, bed rest was not required.

Due to the absence of at least some hint of the appearance of an addition to the family, journalists and fans of the couple doubted that Enrique’s beloved was carrying the children herself. There were rumors that the couple used the services of a surrogate mother. On May 4, Anna Kournikova again refuted the speculation with a new photo on the Internet. The young mother shared with subscribers where her rounded belly is visible.

In March 2018, at a concert in Budapest, the singer spoke for the first time about newborns and publicly confessed his love to the babies.

And in 2020. Enrique Iglesias' brother, Julio, spoke about this in an interview. The parents themselves are in no hurry to share details with fans.


  • 1996 - Midland, USA - victory
  • 1996 - Rockford, USA - victory
  • 1998 - Toyota Princess Cup - victory
  • 1999 - Australian Open - victory
  • 1999 - Indian Wells, USA - victory
  • 1999 - Final championship of the year - victory
  • 2000 - Gold Coast, Australia - victory
  • 2000 - Final championship of the year - victory
  • 2002 - Australian Open - victory