Who killed Olesya the elderberry. Who needed the murder of Oles Buzina? What a guy he was...

Chairman of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine in 2005-2010, army general.

As for the Moscow trace in the murder of Buzina, it seems to me that this would be too clumsy an attempt to shake up the situation. Russian services act more subtly. G

Now there is a tough political confrontation between forces oriented towards Russia and those who defend other positions. This causes contradictions on political grounds, which are resolved using the most radical methods. In the future, I think, military structures or individual executors will be involved, resolving the dispute in ways that are contrary to the law - murders, kidnappings, threats or injuries. But we must remember that the fate of people who committed crimes during the Maidan period must be decided by the court in a legal manner.

A number of political structures are not ready for such a mechanism of action and resort to either physical lustration - violence against opponents, or even their destruction through contract killings.

The next version of the murder of Buzina and Kalashnikov is that witnesses are being purged. She also has a right to exist. However, at the moment there are more important people against whom neither operational nor radical action was taken. Such actions are applied to the same people who manifested themselves at the lower level. In my opinion, this version is still the least likely, because there are much more significant witnesses and high-profile opponents who are not killed. They either left the country or are here and feel calm.

We announced a new system of democracy, and, of course, not a single issue can be resolved by radical methods, because this is a crime.

As for the Moscow trace in the murder of Buzina, it seems to me that this would be too clumsy an attempt to shake up the situation. Russian services act more subtly. Putin announced the fact of Buzina’s death live, because they have a very powerful system of informing about the situation in Ukraine. The intelligence services instantly receive information and give it to Putin even during a press conference - what happened in our state, be it the murder of Kalashnikov or Buzina. I doubt that Putin’s entourage would arrange a murder during a press conference, it would be too open.

Centurion of the Maidan Self-Defense, people's deputy of Ukraine, member of the parliamentary anti-corruption committee.

Buzina was a Kremlin man who was recruited by the FSB to carry out tasks to destabilize the situation in our country. This will always be the case with traitors and sex workers, because no one likes chameleons - neither their own nor others.

I don’t know who does this and what the motivation is, but I know for sure that this will always happen with traitors and sex workers, because no one likes chameleons - neither their own nor others.

Buzina was a Kremlin man who was recruited by the FSB to carry out tasks to destabilize the situation in our country. There is no need to call him a journalist, because he was not a journalist at all. This is a liar and a provocateur who wrote custom articles and gave false analyzes for money. He despised everything Ukrainian and ridiculed the Maidan. He vilified Shevchenko and Lesya Ukrainka. Because of people like this bastard, there is a war in our country and a certain percentage of the population has a cotton-wool brain.

Our anthem comes to life: “Our warriors will perish like dew on the sun...”

Perhaps these are their own people killing their own people, or perhaps these are the Ukrainian avengers. Personally, I am for the second option.

People's Deputy from the VO "Batkivshchyna".

These murders are extremely necessary for Putin, so they need to be stopped both for reasons of fairness of punishment and for reasons of confronting the aggressor.

Yesterday they killed Kalashnikov, today - Buzina.

Knew both of them well. And before they showed themselves with their aggressive pro-Russian views. I knew it even when it was discovered. He was a principled opponent of both. And now - a principled opponent to the one who ordered them. I am categorically against murder. The only exception that I allow is the destruction of an enemy who is fighting against your country with weapons in his hands.

These murders are the same. They're Twins: Several shots. Murder near the house. Both killed are bright, noticeable, absolutely uninfluential and marginal in their own way. Both were despised by their own people, as well as by others, and used, and they, on the contrary, tried to prove their importance in the “anti-people cause.” Condolences to the families.

Wishes to the security forces: they need to find the killers as quickly as possible, because there will be other similar murders. It’s not for nothing that they killed Putin during Putin’s direct line. These murders are extremely necessary for Putin, so they need to be stopped both for reasons of fairness of punishment and for reasons of confronting the aggressor.

Kalashnikov and Buzina had no political enemies - there were (and quite a few) those who despised them. But they don't kill because of neglect. I have no doubt that the order was made in the interests of the aggressor.

Svyatoslav PISKUN
He was the Prosecutor General of Ukraine three times (2002-2003, 2004-2005, 2007), a former people's deputy from the Party of Regions.

Right-wing people, seeing that the authorities were not taking action according to the law against those who should be held accountable, decided to organize lynching. Nobody knows who will be next. They will not kill those who are really guilty, but those who are easier to get. G

I have several versions of this emergency. What I said earlier, I confirm: they are cleaning up the tracks so that there are no witnesses to any financial fraud.

But now I'm leaning more towards a different version. There are right-wing radical people who organized certain structures such as the “Red Brigades” that were in Italy. And they, seeing that the authorities were not taking action according to the law against those who should be held accountable, decided to organize lynching. This is the worst thing that could happen. Nobody knows who will be next. They will kill not those who are really guilty, but those who are easier to get.

I don’t know where Putin spoke, I don’t track him. We shouldn't care what Putin said. I have always said: we need to reveal and find the criminals, and then it will be clear who killed. In order not to listen to Putin, Shmutin, Ivanov, Petrov, it is necessary to reveal and find the murderers. There is no other way out. The unsolved crime is causing speculation and chaos in the country.

Journalist for the website "Censor.NET", blogger.

Deliberately discrediting a country and creating an atmosphere of panic is very dangerous. And the people who are most suitable for the role of victims in this case are those who spoke a lot and noisily against the current government - before and now.

I don’t understand those who are shaking with joy from killing Elderberry.

If these are “people's avengers” and crazy outcasts, they are the fucking ones, because deaths in the capital of Ukraine are what Ukraine needs least of all now.

If these are “accomplices”... And in the case of Buzina, do you believe in accomplices covering their tracks? Give it up. Not the same level.

But deliberately discrediting the country and creating an atmosphere of panic is very dangerous. And the people who are most suitable for the role of victims in this case are those who spoke a lot and noisily against the current government - before and now.

It's the third case that worries me the most. However, the first one couldn’t be darker. But I believe more in the third.

Vladimir FESENKO
Political scientist, head of the Center for Applied Political Research "Penta".

Russian special services may be behind Buzina’s murder. This is the traditional method of work of the special services, as in the case of the murder of Boris Nemtsov. But the fact that this happened literally during Putin’s press conference very much indicates who benefits from this. G

The fact that Putin announced this murder live literally an hour after it was committed leads to certain conclusions. There is a great suspicion that this was done specifically so that he could publicly declare political terror in Ukraine.

But in general, this is an element of a large propaganda war, and there is no need to draw conclusions from this about some new military action being prepared against Ukraine. This is not the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand (who started World War I). Those killed were not such significant figures in the pro-Russian camp that any serious power operations could be based on their murder. Yes, they were known for their scandalousness, but they did not play any key role either in the Party of Regions or in the current opposition. These are sacred victims for propaganda.

The Russian special services may be behind this, although the murders themselves were done by the hands of some nationalist scumbags. This is the traditional method of work of the special services, as in the case of the murder of Boris Nemtsov. But the fact that this happened literally during Putin’s press conference very much indicates who benefits from this.

Political scientist, director of the Institute of Global Strategies.

The political murder of a prominent pro-Russian civil activist works to provoke pro-Russian Ukrainian citizens to move from passive to active protest. G

When there are two political murders in two days, it is obvious that this is no longer an accident, but a trend. And if there may still be some questions about the murder of Oleg Kalashnikov, then there are no doubts about the murder of Oles Buzina. Here you can clearly feel the handwriting of certain services of a certain state, which is trying in every possible way to undermine the situation in Ukraine, launch a new round of confrontation in the country and provoke a civil conflict.

Most likely, this is part of some stage of the overall plan to destabilize the situation in Ukraine. The political murder of a prominent pro-Russian civil activist works to provoke pro-Russian Ukrainian citizens to move from passive to active protest. It is aimed at intensifying their protest sentiments.

Russian economist, former adviser to President Vladimir Putin, one of the founders of the Russian Maidan Solidarity Committee.

The murder of Buzina is very similar to a provocation, intended to coincide with today's direct line in Moscow. The main goal of such provocations is to create the appropriate impression in the world that the authorities in Kyiv are illegitimate, nationalistic, and not in control of the situation. G

Unfortunately, the murder of Buzina is very similar to a provocation, deliberately timed to coincide with today's direct line in Moscow. This idea would have arisen even without the comments made by Russian President Vladimir Putin, and then the comments were made promptly.

It should be noted that before this there were no political assassinations of this kind in Ukraine. There were suicides, but there were no such deliberate, demonstrative crimes. You can only remember Georgy Gongadze and Vyacheslav Chornovil, but then I can’t name political murders with such a context. There were several after the Orange Revolution, but they had a specific goal - to hide data from investigation.

Of course, the main goal of such provocations is to create the appropriate impression in the world that the authorities in Kyiv are illegitimate, nationalistic, and out of control of the situation, which is what Putin said during the direct line. Moreover, he committed an outright distortion, since neither the customers nor the killers have yet been identified - the murder actually just happened.

The Russian campaign against Kyiv has long been planned, two years ago, but there are many versions of how it will take place. Moreover, the military version is one of the versions, besides it there are at least four more, including, of course, the fifth - provocative.

Vladimir AREV
People's Deputy from the VO "Batkivshchyna".

The murders of Kalashnikov and Buzina are obvious actions of the Russian special services aimed at destabilizing Ukraine and creating an appropriate image for our country in the world.

These cases should become a priority for the SBU. Other figures from the Kremlin pool should be immediately given protection, especially before May 9.

It is not at all difficult to do this, because they do not hide from the people behind bodyguards or steel sheets of armored vehicles, they do not walk in crowds of “brothers” hung with machine guns and grenades, and do not travel in motorcades guarded by special services. A journalist is always in the thick of things, among people, he is open to everyone and is armed only with a camera and a laptop. He lives in our house, goes out into the yard, warmly greeting his neighbors, and does not suspect that he is already being targeted by those who prefer to win arguments by force of arms rather than by arguments...

What a guy he was...

It just so happened that Oles Buzina’s first fame turned out to be somewhat scandalous. His book “The Ghoul Taras Shevchenko” was met with hostility by the national-patriotic part of the Ukrainian public, to put it mildly. Perhaps, in today’s Ukraine, such a publication is simply impossible: the printing house would be burned down by “patriots” in balaclavas, and the author would first be lynched, and then convicted of “treason to the motherland.” But then, fifteen years ago, during the Kuchma regime, nationally-concerned hypocrites were not in power, and the beginnings of the future “Right Sector” were hidden from the police somewhere in basements. Although raising one's tail against the authorities was still fraught with trouble, citizens could still freely express their opinions about history, politics, and art, without fear that they would come after them.

"Ghoul" was a work from the cycle of "exposing the idols of the past." At that time, it was generally very fashionable to expose, but everyone was mainly interested in kicking the harmless leaders of Marxism or historical figures of Russia. Buzina encroached on the eternal cult of Shevchenko, which was formed in tsarist times, strengthened during the Soviet era and successfully migrated to modern Ukraine. For more than a hundred years, Kobzar was the main icon of national patriots, on whom he never noticed any stains until Oles Buzina did it.

Actually, the distinctive feature of his “Ghoul” is that Buzina dispensed with the fantasies and conjectures typical of many “iconoclasts”, but drew information from publicly available literature, only offering to look at well-known facts in a new way, critically, with irony. It was almost impossible to oppose this, besides, national patriots are known to be bad debaters, and Buzina never minced his words, so they could only hate him fiercely. This formed the image of the new star of Ukrainian literature and journalism.

Oles Buzina very quickly became a popular author, whose books, articles and essays were opened only after seeing the author’s last name and read avidly.

National patriots called him an enemy of Ukraine - like everyone who did not share their views. But Oles was only an enemy of the farmstead “sharovarshchina,” which he wittily ridiculed, and the shameless distortion of history. He had his own view on it, he was a supporter of the unity of the East Slavic peoples, a Russophile - like his ancestors, the Little Russian Cossacks, and often made fun of the European-integrating Galicians as his opponents. He often presented events of the past or present from an unexpected perspective, but he never lied, did not copy “incriminating documents” from the air, and did not attribute zeros to the number of victims. Therefore, it was impossible to refute Buzin or accuse him of lying, which infuriated his opponents. But in order to defeat him in an argument, it was necessary to give your own, more interesting and convincing view of the event. And this required remarkable talent, which not everyone possesses.

Alas, it turned out that no one was going to argue with Oles Buzina. They booed him, they shouted insults at his back and growled threats in his face, they even tried to beat him. And when the turmoil began in Ukraine and the most compelling argument in any dispute became a pistol and a machine gun, Olesya was simply killed...

Who needs it?

Considering Oles Buzina’s extremely unfavorable relationship with national patriots, the first suspicion fell, of course, on them. Moreover, the news of his death caused outright joy in some of them, and some did not even hesitate to openly spit on the body that had not yet cooled down. And whatever the outcome of the investigation - if, of course, it is carried out objectively - their political opponents in Ukraine and Russia will still fiercely believe in the version “he was killed by neo-Bendera people.”

Nevertheless, the version of the political reprisal of the frantic jingoists, who finally decided to get even with the “Ukrainophobe” and the “vatnik,” looks quite “cop-like.” In the sense that our law enforcement agencies have a tradition of immediately pinning the blame on the person with whom the murdered person had a quarrel. And often a completely innocent person becomes accused.

Agree that the “patriots” had a whole year (!) to show up to Oles Buzina with a whole hundred “Maidan Self-Defense”, or the “Azov” battalion, or simply “Right Sector activists”, and arrange a lynching for him. But what happens, they waited patiently for a whole year and only now decided to kill him? Moreover, vilely, anonymously, emphatically criminal. Without forcing you to crawl on your knees, kiss the flag, sing the anthem and shout “glory to the heroes!” Somehow this doesn’t look like the current “hurray-patriots”; this is not their style.

In addition, the murder of Oles Buzina is the third high-profile murder in the last few days. On the night of April 13, outside Kiev (at Rusanovsky Gardens), journalist Sergei Sukhobok, one of the founders of the famous publication Obkom, was killed. The police have already announced that this murder has been solved, assuring that this is a banal domestic conflict with neighbors in the country.

The murder of former Party of Regions deputy Oleg Kalashnikov was already obviously deliberate: he was shot near his apartment on April 15, a day before the murder of Oles Buzina. Kalashnikov was little known to the general public, but active participants in political processes in Ukraine knew him as one of the leaders of the Kyiv Anti-Maidan. Kalashnikov continued his opposition activities, called on Kiev residents to celebrate May 9 as Victory Day, for which he received threats against him. Now there are rumors that he was not arrested by the SBU only because through him the security service reached out to Kiev residents dissatisfied with the authorities...

But few people know about another, fourth victim: on April 15, the editor of a local newspaper, Olga Moroz, was killed in the Khmelnitsky region. Although her death seems to have absolutely nothing to do with the high-profile murders in Kyiv, it still added a dark negativity to the overall picture of this surreal nightmare...

Well, Olga Moroz dealt with local corruption, in particular, deforestation - a problem that has now become acute throughout Ukraine, from the Carpathians to the Donbass. Sergei Sukhobok, who left the rebellious Donetsk, could not possibly be classified as a “separatist”, and, according to the police, he was killed in an ordinary “everyday life”. However, Oles Buzina and Oleg Kalashnikov were in active opposition to the current government and made many enemies among national patriots who themselves connect these two deaths. “Yesterday Kalashnikov, today Buzina, I wonder who will be tomorrow?” - Vladimir Parasyuk wrote in his blog, who also decided to speak out against the deceased, calling him a “provocateur” and “FSB agent.”

It is interesting that information about Buzin and Kalashnikov (including home address) two days before their murder was posted on the “Peacemaker” website, specially created with the support of the authorities and the leadership of the ATO to “identify separatists and terrorists.” The presentation of this site to the general public in December was personally carried out by Advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs Anton Gerashchenko. The same one who, a few hours after the murder of Buzina, hastened to blame the Russian special services for this.

Well, such an accusation is typical of the traditional version of “they are bombing themselves” and, in general, the tradition of the current government to blame the Kremlin and Putin for everything. However, such a version is doubtful, first of all, because for Moscow, living Buzina and Kalashnikov, as active oppositionists to the Kyiv government, would be much more profitable than dead ones. That is, there was no reason for the Russian special services to kill them.

In the same way, there was no point in doing this for the Ukrainian special services. Living oppositionists could be dragged through investigations, imprisoned, and a bunch of articles slapped on them. As a last resort, stage an accident or suicide, but do not make victims of the regime out of them!

Although there has been so much absurdity in the actions of both the Ukrainian and Russian sides over the past couple of years that these versions are also not without meaning.

But then who benefits from the demonstrative death of Oles Buzina? It seems that this question hangs in the air and gives rise to many terrible assumptions, forcing Ukrainian citizens to look around in fear, fearing the executioners of unknown “death squads” of some third force...


“The Great Kobzar” took away all the gifts from the bride who cheated on him

Three years ago Oles BUZINA was killed - Ukrainian journalist, writer, historian. His memory in Moscow was honored by laying flowers in the Alexander Garden near the granite block “Hero City Kyiv”. Buzina was, perhaps, the only writer in modern Ukraine who lived on royalties from his works - they were so popular. In them, he openly mocks the obscurantist myths that in his country have completely replaced historical science. Elderberry made a huge number of enemies. It is not surprising that the investigation into the crime has not progressed in three years, and all the suspects are at large. The best way we can honor the memory of Oles is - is to remember his works.

Every book Elderberries- a resounding slap in the face to the “independent” ideologists. For example, the work “The Union of the Plow and the Trident: How Ukraine was Invented” begins intriguingly: “The father of the idea of ​​Ukrainian independence is an unlucky lawyer Nikolay Mikhnovsky hanged himself from an apple tree in Kyiv on the night of May 3-4, 1924.” Buzina has no sympathy for the suicide, because he publicly called for the killing of ethnic non-Ukrainians.

Being a philologist, Oles refutes the so-called documentary evidence of the “antiquity” of Ukraine, which is allegedly present in the Ipatiev Chronicle. In it, the mention of “Ukraine” means only, according to the author, a “wild field” on the edge of Lithuanian Rus.

In the book “The Secret History of Ukraine-Rus” Buzina proves that Kievan Rus never existed at all, and the ancestor of Rus is not Kyiv at all, but Staraya Ladoga and Novgorod, as historically the first capitals Rurik.

And, of course, few of the “Svidomo” could have liked the historian’s work entitled “The Resurrection of Little Russia.” In it he calls Peter I... “the main Ukrainophile”, because he wanted to unite “both Russian peoples” without assimilating Ukrainians into Russians.

But perhaps his most popular book is “The Ghoul Taras Shevchenko,” where the author took aim at the main cultural symbol of the “zhovto-blakitnaya” - the poet who for nationalists personifies the “struggle against imperial Russia.” Buzina showed him in such a pitiful light that accusations of falsification rained down on the publicist. We’ll tell you about its contents in a little more detail. What infuriated the admirers of Taras Grigorievich so much?

Spicy self-portrait of Taras SHEVCHENKO


“Kobzar” is called the “Bible of the Ukrainian people.” Shevchenko- his prophet. Then why are we surprised that our place is on the outskirts of Europe? With such a “prophet” and such a “Bible” they won’t let you into anything else,” Buzina begins the book. No one before him dared to write in such a tone about the founder of Ukrainian literature.

“The first poem with which “Kobzar” (“Cause”) begins, amazes with its wild nonsense,” Buzina “anneals.” - The girl is waiting for the Cossack from the campaign. He waits until, having lost his mind, he gives up the ghost under an oak tree. And then (wow, what a coincidence!) the beloved returns. He looks - his beloved beauty has thrown back her hooves. So what is he? You won’t believe it: “Having registered, I got angry and hit the oak tree with my head!”

Apparently it was a heroic blow! The poet does not specify the details, but most likely the Cossack cut his skull open like a kavun. All that remained was to gather their brains and bury these steppe Romeo and Juliet. Morality? And no morals, as always with Shevchenko! Just a thoughtful statement: “This is my share”...

You can accuse Oles of creative bias. But his other thesis cannot be refuted. The first who “explained” the “genius” of the Little Russian poet to millions of people was... comrade Stalin. A man whom any fan of Shevchenko considers “the strangler of the national spirit.”

It was Joseph Vissarionovich who ordered the 125th anniversary of the birth of the “great Kobzar” to be celebrated on an unprecedented scale in 1939. In honor of this, squares, boulevards, Kiev University, and the Opera House were hastily renamed - and this happened not only in Ukraine.

“In Kazakhstan that year,” recalls Oles, “the city of Fort Alexandrovsky and the national gallery, the Auzdyk village council, the Mangistau district, three schools (so as not to seem too little!), a street in Almaty and a fish farm will be named after the “great Ukrainian poet.” “Kzyl-Uzen” - although Kobzar did not show any outstanding results in fishing, just like in opera singing.” As they write in reviews of the book on the Internet: “The Bolsheviks not only invented the country as “independent,” but also taught Shevchenko to love. Can they do anything themselves?”

Monument to Taras in the Odessa region - the spitting image of Cthulhu

Benefactor - "bitch"

As a child, the serf boy Taras dreamed only of the fate of a village painter painting church walls. But the landowner Pavel Engelhardt He brought the Cossack boy closer to him, who was indulging in “painting.” First, he was sent to study at Vilna University, and then he ends up in St. Petersburg.

One day, while sketching statues in the Summer Garden, Taras met his fellow countryman-artist Ivan Soshenko, who introduced him to influential people, including the poet Vasily Zhukovsky and artist Karla Bryullova.

To free the young talent from the bonds of serfdom, a charity lottery was organized in the Anichkov Palace - a painting by Bryullov depicting Zhukovsky was sold. Members of the imperial family actively participated in the lottery. “The Empress spent four hundred rubles on the lottery,” recalls Buzina, “the heir to the throne Alexander Nikolaevich (the same one who, having become king, would later free all the men in the empire) and Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna - three hundred each. The remaining thousand four hundred were paid by the guests.” This money was used for redemption from serfdom.

How did the young man thank his benefactors? Just a few years later he will write the poem “The Dream”, where he will insult not only the Tsar, but also the Empress, calling her “a skinny, thin-legged, like a dried honey mushroom, a wretched queen.” To this he added that “she, poor thing, is shaking her head.” And in 1860, on the day of the death of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, the poet wrote the following lines:

You, oh bitch!
Both ourselves and our grandchildren,
And people will curse the world!

They won't curse, they'll only spit
On those fat puppies,
Why are you puppies...

How can you call such a person? “An ungrateful boor,” states Buzina.

Revenge of the cuckolded writer

“In the inventory of things left after Shevchenko’s death, among a pocket watch and seven underpants, a solid ladies’ wardrobe attracts attention: a checkered woolen robe, an undershirt, a skirt, two women’s coats (“one drape gray, and the other the same white, trimmed with gold lace”) and even three pairs of “paper” stockings.”

The question is: why did the representative of the stronger sex, which was Taras Grigorievich, need all this stuff?” - asks Buzina. And he tells a funny story. But first things first.

According to Oles, Shevchenko, around 1858, “was completely disillusioned with intelligent young ladies and, with all the fervor of his poetic soul, he suddenly wanted a simple woman - rude, sweaty, but submissive and in love like a fool.”

Shortly before this, he suffered a fiasco while trying to charm a 15-year-old actress Katenka Piunova. “Piunova today in the role of the Simpleton was such a sweetheart that she would have caught the nose of not only Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Parisian spectators. It’s in vain that she blushes. I’ll tell her about this,” he writes in his memoirs. And he not only said, but also proposed to the girl - this is at 44 years old! When she politely refused, a new entry appears in the diary: “Trash Mrs. Piunova.”

The “Great Kobzar” is revered as an idol by the entire political elite of Square

After the village girl Kharita refuses him, preferring a young clerk, the broken and lazy servant of his acquaintances becomes the object of passion Lukerya Polusmakova.

“Shevchenko bought her fabrics, hats, shoes, rings, linen, earrings with medallions, corals, a Gospel in a white frame with gold edges, expensive white Cossack cloth, stylized as a Ukrainian retinue, a gray coat,” writes Buzina. - I made a notebook for her myself with the headings of income and expenses. More than 180 rubles were spent on all this idiocy in just one day on September 3! Taras, who loved to be humble, who from the age of thirty-four called himself nothing more than an old man, was now running around St. Petersburg, like a young bison, stupefied with passion, from the freedom-loving United States, which he loved so much, expecting from there a new “Washington with a new and righteous law.” He explained all the moral shortcomings of his chosen one as “slavery,” arguing, “that will and prosperity will change her for the better.”

The idyll collapsed when Taras caught his betrothed either with a footman or with a teacher whom he himself hired for her. In response to her suitor’s anger, Lukerya honestly answered: “I wouldn’t mind telling you that you’re so old and filthy, if it weren’t for the gifts, I’d rather the lady be.” I split my lip! “All the gifts worth about a thousand rubles were solemnly taken away from her,” reports Buzina. Here is an explanation of where he got women's clothes from at home.

In the arms of "green serpent"

Shevchenko was simply outstanding as a drunkard. The book contains the memoirs of a folklorist Nikolai Belozersky: “Living in St. Petersburg, Shevchenko loved to visit a tavern near the stock exchange, where sailors from foreign ships gathered... Always quiet and meek, Shevchenko, when drunk, would get into a terribly excited state, scold everything, both old and new, and with all his might pounded his fist on the table. Once in St. Petersburg we met Shevchenko, who had been having fun, walking with the same Yakushkin under the arm; they mutually supported each other. Shevchenko, turning to an acquaintance who met him and grinning, said: “Maintaining the nationality.”

And here’s how the future publisher of “Kyiv Antiquity,” professor, remembers him Lebedintsev: “Taras, who was not in the rooms, was soon found by us at the gate in a premature and by no means chaste sleep.”

Captain Kosyrev, under whose command Shevchenko served as a soldier, recalled how at night he heard singing that was inappropriate for the time and went with the duty officer to reconnaissance. “And what do you think I see? Four people carry on their shoulders a door removed from its hinges, on which lie two people covered with an overcoat, and the rest walk around and sing: “Holy God, Mighty Holy One!” - they are definitely burying someone. “What are you gentlemen doing? - I ask them. “Yes, they say, we had a party, at which two of our people, Taras and Lieutenant B., lay down bones, - well, so we take them home.”

Once “Kobzar” traveled along the Volga on a steamship. “According to the captain’s testimony, Taras Grigorievich jumped barefoot in his shirt on the bed and spewed curses at the sinful world, not allowing anyone to fall asleep. He got hung up on either four or five glasses of cherry vodka - “with this there are a great many tsibul and pickled cucumbers,” quotes Buzin.

Another time he was left on the farm while hunting. So he and another Cossack drank four bottles of vodka - the entire alcoholic supply of the company.

The poet died in 1861 from dropsy, caused, according to the historian Nikolai Kostomarov, “immoderate consumption of hot drinks.”

There are many more curious facts in Oles Buzina’s book. But the general meaning of his research is this: Shevchenko in the form that they are now talking about him after the Maidan is just an absurd myth, like the entire modern history of Ukraine. Several lawsuits were filed against him for this book. He won them all! His enemies had one last argument left - bullet...

The shooting of Oles Buzina during Vladimir Putin’s “Direct Line” and the Russian president’s express comments about it look like a well-orchestrated event.

Olesya Buzina was shot in Kyiv when Vladimir was in Moscow answering questions from Khakamada and Venediktov about the murder of Boris Nemtsov. The Russian president was laconic in his answers. No details, no new information about the execution of Nemtsov. But Putin was categorical about the murder of Buzina: this is another political murder in Ukraine. True, the owner of the Kremlin did not specify who exactly benefited from the death of Oles Buzina. Like, guess about everything else for yourself - the “junta” and the fascists are there, informing.

Why Putin called Buzina’s murder political is understandable. The shooting of the odious journalist had to be “embedded” in the events unfolding in Ukraine. It is important for Russian propaganda to demonstrate how the new Ukrainian government “destroys” dissidents. However, if Oleg Kalashnikov could somehow lay claim to the role of a victim of the “junta”, then Oles Buzina is unlikely.

It is also surprising how quickly Putin commented on the murder of Buzina. There is hardly any room for improvisation in the Russian President's Direct Lines. Moreover, both for the presenter and for Putin himself.

A supporter of the “Russian world”, the author of a book about the “ghoul” Shevchenko, a person for whom the word “Little Russia” determined the style of behavior and statements. Until now, Buzina received cuffs in court from Kobzar’s supporters and from the artist Sergei Poyarkov live on one of the political shows. So, he ran in the parliamentary elections in one of the majoritarian constituencies from the Russian Bloc. However, politics has never been Buzina’s main occupation.

Yes, he had his own views on what was happening in Ukraine. Yes, these views irritated the nationally conscious part of society. However, was it necessary to kill Elderberry for this? Hardly.

For the SBU and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is now a matter of honor to investigate the murder of both Kalashnikov and Buzina. Moreover, they must do this in a fairly short time. If someone (Russia) is trying to undermine the situation in Ukraine with these executions, the answer should be clear and understandable. It depends on the actions and efficiency of the Ukrainian special services whether Russian propaganda will have time to “promote” this story in its media.

Sergey Rudenko

    On April 16, 2015, in the courtyard next to his house in Kyiv (near Degtyarevskaya St., 58), journalist and writer Oles Buzina was shot from a dark blue Ford Focus car.

    A criminal case has been opened into the murder.

    The reason for the murder was Oles Buzina’s open position regarding the bloody seizure of power in Ukraine, which he expressed both on Russian and Ukrainian TV.

    In Ukraine he was considered a Kremlin propagandist.

    Here are his sharp words about the Maidan:

    In hot pursuit, no one will say this. Even if the investigation already has its own versions of this murder, in the interests of the investigation the versions will not be named. It remains to express the hope that all officials will be punished in this life.

    It is unknown who shot the odious Ukrainian journalist and writer Oles Buzin. Recently, there have been many deaths of representatives of the former Ukrainian government, it is difficult to find out who is behind it, people who know something are being removed, people’s avengers or other people.

    Oles Buzina was very critical of the new Ukrainian government and performed a lot in Russian political shows. Most likely this was the reason for the murder. But who killed is the big question. There are no official versions of the murder yet.

    After the Maidan, which was carefully planned by the Freemasons, the Judeo-Masons came to power in Ukraine, and they are establishing order in the country with the help of the descendants of Bandera and Shukhevych, real fascists and simply scoundrels.

    The murder of Oles Buzina is not even the tip of the iceberg, or there will be more... And how many murders on political and racial grounds have already happened and remained unsolved. This includes the Odessa Khatyn, the murders of civilians in Donbass, the murders of former deputies from the Party of Regions...

    Europe does not seem to see the terrible situation in which the people of Ukraine find themselves, everything is OK! Democratic power has come to Ukraine! It’s disgusting to watch and listen... But the people listen, believe and... remain silent!!! Today, everyone who yesterday shouted for European integration is silent, they are afraid to even fart, that the government is doing something wrong. Otherwise, God forbid, it will be like with Elderberry...

    In short, what they fought for was what they ran into.

    This is what Oles Buzina looked like:

    Why were they killed? Because he was not afraid to express his independent point of view.

    The horror of Ukrainian reality. It seems that many people in Ukraine are going crazy. Oles Buzina took a great risk by expressing his opinion openly, including on Russian television. The price for this was his life. Yes, we live in difficult times in the twenty-first century. Freedom can only be a dream.

    Yes, unfortunately this is true. Oles Buzina was shot near his home from a Ford Focus car. There were two unknown people inside, one of whom shot at the journalist. These facts were reported by eyewitnesses. People's Deputy Anton Gerashchenko published the news on his Facebook page. He also noted that the license plates on the car were not Ukrainian, or Latvian, or Belarusian.

    Oles Buzina was a political figure in Ukraine, worked in the Kiev publications Kyiv Vedomosti, magazines Friend Readers, Leader, Natalie, EGO. Oles Buzina was of the opinion that a trinity of the Russian people was needed. He called himself Ukrainian and Russian. But the current government in Ukraine did not adhere to such views. Although it is not clear who killed Oles Buzina. Only everything is from the words of civilians - Those who saw it cannot form a clear picture... This murder will not be unraveled and unsolved for a long time...

    So far, the only information comes from an adviser to the head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Gerashchenko, who reported the murder of the notorious writer in Kyiv, on Degtyarevskaya Street, from a Ford Focus car with foreign (non-Ukrainian) license plates.

    By the way, this is a very bad sign for post-Maidan Ukraine and its capital, Kyiv: on the day of Buzina’s murder, a strong hurricane hit the city; according to forecasters, strong winds will blow until the end of April. The ancients would definitely interpret this sign as God's Wrath.

    So far, there is no special information on this issue in official statements or in the press. What is known is that at about 2 pm Moscow time, the notorious Ukrainian journalist Oles Buzina was shot from a Ford Focus car in Kyiv, on Degtyarevskaya Street.

    At the moment, that is, the middle of the day on April 17, 2015, it is known that the car in which the killers of Oles Buzina were traveling was discovered. The car had Italian license plates. Also, political scientist Vladimir Fesenko reports an email in which an organization called the Ukrainian Insurgent Army takes responsibility for the murder of Buzina and Kalashnikov. In the Ukrainian media, this situation is considered, again, from the point of view of the political activities of the deceased. Most often, the Hand of Moscow is again assumed; the opinion is expressed that in this way some forces are trying to shake up the political situation in Ukraine and cause distrust in the current leadership of Ukraine, accusing it (the leadership) of persecuting dissidents. In the Russian media, these murders (Kalashnikov’s death as well) are regarded mainly as reprisals against ideological opponents in Ukraine and a tightening of the regime.