Who is now the rector of May. Moscow Aviation Institute - May

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And about. Rector: Vyacheslav Alekseevich Shevtsov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Education
1977 - MAI, Faculty of Radioelectronics of Aircraft
1986 - graduate school
1987 - defense of the candidate's dissertation, Ph.D.
2004 - defense of doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Signal processing against the background of non-Gaussian interference in telecommunication systems and networks,” Doctor of Technical Sciences.
2007 - professor

1978-1980 - service in the SA, senior lieutenant engineer
since 1981 at the Moscow Aviation Institute - engineer, graduate student, head of the educational laboratory, deputy dean for research
1980-1990 - All-Russian Research Institute of State Patent Examination, freelance expert
2001-2007 - Dean of the Faculty of Radioelectronics of Aircraft
2007-2016 - Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs
2016 - acting Rector of MAI.

Author and co-author of more than 50 scientific papers, including 15 certificates of invention, a patent for a new method of cellular communication, 3 monographs: “Signal processing against the background of non-Gaussian interference in telecommunication systems and networks”, “Optimal signal processing for large systems”, “Location identifying subscribers in cellular communication systems”, “System-wide issues of information security”.

Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology
Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"
Badge “Honorary Worker of the Higher Education System”

Academician-Secretary of the International Academy of Sciences of Information, Processes and Technologies
Deputy Chairman of the Editorial Board of the journal "Vestnik MAI"
Chairman of the dissertation council
Member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission
Honorary Doctor of the Higher Technical School of Esslingen (Germany)

Vice-Rector for Extracurricular and Educational Work: Yurov Nikolay Nikolaevich, Ph.D., Associate Professor

Vice-Rector for International Relations and Security: Miknis Vitaly Ivanovich

Vice-Rector for Quality and Information: Deniskin Yuri Ivanovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Deniskin Yuri Ivanovich was born on July 30, 1961 in the city of Vladivostok into a family of employees.

After graduating from high school in 1978, he entered and graduated with honors in 1984 from the Far Eastern Polytechnic Institute (now the Far Eastern State Technical University) with a degree in Marine Power Plants.

Since 1984, he began working at the Moscow Aviation Institute as a trainee teacher in department 905.

In 1985, he entered full-time graduate school at the Moscow Aviation Institute, and in 1989 defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.01.01 “Applied Geometry and Engineering Graphics.” In 2000, he completed his doctoral studies at the Moscow Aviation Institute and defended his doctoral dissertation in specialty 01/05/01.

Specialist in the field of geometric modeling of objects and processes, information technology, quality management and information support for the life cycle of complex high-tech products.

Since 2001 - Professor of Department 905, since 2007 - Vice-Rector of the Moscow Aviation Institute for Quality and Informatization.

Supervises graduate students and doctoral students.

Organizer and editor-in-chief of the electronic journal “Applied Geometry” of the Moscow Aviation Institute. Deputy Chairman of the Doctoral Specialized Council for the specialty 01/05/01, member of the Doctoral Specialized Council at the Moscow Aviation Institute.

A professional teacher in the field of quality, has a diploma from the GOST R Certification System (April 1999). Certified specialist in the principles and methods of total quality management (TQM), certificate of the Institute of Quality Assurance (IQA, England, January 2001).

Since 2001 he has been a part-time professor at Department 104.

Vice-Rector for Economics and Finance: Gorelov Boris Alekseevich

Vice-Rector for Development of the Institute Complex and Social Issues: Gavrilova Inna Semenovna, Vice-Rector for Development of the Institute Complex and Social Issues

Vice-Rector for Scientific Work: Vyacheslav Alekseevich Shevtsov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Education
1977 - MAI, Faculty of Radioelectronics of Aircraft
1986 - graduate school
1987 - defense of the candidate's dissertation, Ph.D.
2004 - defense of doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Signal processing against the background of non-Gaussian interference in telecommunication systems and networks,” Doctor of Technical Sciences.
2007 - professor

1978-1980 - service in the SA, senior lieutenant engineer
since 1981 at the Moscow Aviation Institute - engineer, graduate student, head of the educational laboratory, deputy dean for research
1980–1990 - All-Russian Research Institute of State Patent Examination, freelance expert
2001–2007 - Dean of the Faculty of Radioelectronics of Aircraft
2007 - Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs
Prepared 2 candidates of sciences.

Author and co-author of more than 50 scientific papers, including 15 certificates of invention, a patent for a new method of cellular communication, 3 monographs: “Signal processing against the background of non-Gaussian interference in telecommunication systems and networks”, “Optimal signal processing for large systems”, “Location identifying subscribers in cellular communication systems”, “System-wide issues of information security”.

Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology
Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"
Badge “Honorary Worker of the Higher Education System”

Academician-Secretary of the International Academy of Sciences of Information, Processes and Technologies
Deputy Chairman of the Editorial Board of the journal "Vestnik MAI"
Chairman of the dissertation council
Member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission
Honorary Doctor of the Higher Technical School of Esslingen (Germany)

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs: Kuprikov Mikhail Yurievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kuprikov M. Yu. - specialist in the field of system analysis of large and complex technical systems, in terms of automating the formation of the appearance of aviation complexes; author of 256 scientific papers, 127 of which were published including a monograph, 49 articles and 9 copyright certificates for inventions.
Main areas of research: applied information support for product life cycle automation, continuous product life cycle support (CALS), automation of design and engineering work, the influence of infrastructure limitations on the appearance of an aircraft, automated formation of the appearance of an aircraft, solid-state, hybrid and parametric modeling of products and processes in mechanical engineering , staffing for continuous product life cycle support. M. Yu. Kuprikov owns fundamental results in the theory of mathematical solution of problems of forming the geometric appearance of large and complex technical systems under “hard” restrictions by transforming these problems into “inverse” design problems.

Kuprikov M. Yu. (as part of a team of authors) developed and implemented a system for automated formation of the appearance of vertical take-off and landing aircraft at JSC OKB A. S. Yakovlev, the design results of which were reflected in the appearance of promising aircraft-carrying strike groups. New results were obtained by Kuprikov M. Yu. in the field of development of long-haul aircraft with large passenger capacity, systems for collective rescue of passengers and crew of aircraft. With his direct participation, the problems of identifying the influence of environmental (noise and emissions) and demographic requirements on the appearance of promising aircraft were solved. He developed applied scientific and methodological support for training personnel support for continuous support of the life cycle of products for the aviation industry, implemented in MAI, KhAI, MATI, VATU named after. N. E. Zhukovsky, TANTK named after G. M. Beriev, ANTK named after A. N. Tupolev, OKB "Kamova", OKB "Sukhoi", RSK "MiG", NPO "PROGRESTECH".

Kuprikov M. Yu. is the editor-in-chief of the journal “Applied Geometry, Engineering Graphics, Computer Design” (http://jggd.ru), a member of the editorial board of the journal “Quality of Life”, chairman of the specialized Council D 212.125.13 of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (specialties 05.01. 01 and 05.13.12), member of the Council D 212.125.10 of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (specialties 05.02.02 3), Scientific Secretary of the Council DS 212.005.02 of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (specialties 05.07.02). Under the leadership of M. Yu. Kuprikov, 5 candidate and 1 doctoral dissertations were defended.

In 1982, after graduating from high school with a Gold Medal, he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute through a competition. Graduated with honors from the Moscow Aviation Institute in 1988 with a degree in aircraft engineering (mechanical engineer). In 1989-1992 he completed postgraduate studies at the Moscow Aviation Institute and received the qualification of a research engineer. In 1993 he defended his dissertation on a special topic. Awarding the scientific degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in specialty 05.07.02 “Design and Construction of Aircraft.” In 1995–1998 he completed doctoral studies at the Moscow Aviation Institute, after which in 2000 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.07.02 “Design, construction and production of aircraft” on the topic “Structural-parametric synthesis of the appearance of a vertical aircraft takeoff and landing."

Professional experience:
1985-1987 - Art. OSKBES MAI technician (part-time),
1988-1990 - engineer, junior researcher "Problem Laboratory" of the Department 101 MAI "Aircraft Design";
1988–1990 engineer MMZ "SPEED" named after. A. S. Yakovleva (part-time);
1994 - Leading designer of JSC OKB im. A. S. Yakovleva;
1995-present - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Aviation Engineering, MAI;
1992-present - assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor of department 101 “Aircraft Design”,
2006-present - leading specialist (part-time) of JSC Sukhoi Design Bureau;
1998-present - Head of Department 904 “Engineering Graphics” of Moscow Aviation Institute.

In 2000, he was awarded the academic title of professor in the Department of Engineering Graphics.

Awards: medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow” in 1997, Breastplate of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “For the development of research work of students” in 2000 (ten medals of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation based on the results of the open All-Russian competition for the best research work 1992 -1993, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004 and 2005), Gold Medal of the Salon of Inventions “Archimedes 2003”, commemorative medal Air Force “100 years of Chief Air Marshal A. E. Golovanov” 2004, Badge “90 years of long-range aviation of the Russian Air Force” 2004, Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “For Labor Valor” 2005.

May 17, 2016 7:34AM

Shvonder Inna Semyonovna (Shevtsov, Kozorez, Pogosyan) - end of MAI.

Mar 27 2016 9:58AM

There were two universities: the legendary MAI, whose scientific activity made the entire research community shudder and freeze in a reverent trance, and the absolutely ineffective MATI, which generally went into negative territory in all respects. However, after the reorganization of MAI, which now united two institutes under its loud name, by order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Dmitry Livanov, A. V. Rozhdestvensky, previously the rector of the absolutely ineffective MATI, was appointed acting rector. What is the reason, you ask? Why and why did they remove the so dearly beloved A.N. Gerashchenko and install some strange and dubious uncle? Here's why.

From 2007 to 2015, MAI, although de jure was under the leadership of Gerashchenko, de facto was at the complete disposal of a completely different person, namely Inna Semyonovna Gavrilova. Candidate of Economic Sciences with a dissertation defended in the Closed Council, but at the same time responsible for the entire economy of the institute for eight years. Let's ask our economist a few questions. Where is the equipment purchased with funds from the research university development program? Where did the funds themselves go? Old stuff in all departments and faculties. What about paid services for students? If you want to go to the gym, pay a coin; If you don’t have a coin, go to the smelly basement with a socket on the floor. Climbers come to the climbing wall at night to practice, paying for their monthly passes in advance. And you, the dorms, sleep in the next building with the doors open. Do you want to live in a MAI dormitory with your whole family, although you are not even a student? No problem, a couple of gold coins and a junior suite is at your service. About studying: God forbid that you get a good teacher, then at least they won’t take exam tax from excellent students in gold, but in general almost everyone does. Do you want to study at MAI? Get your wallet ready. And you, students, keep shouting at the old leadership for being “overheard”, you had a good “rector”, the main thing is that you didn’t ruin anything, like some Rozhdestvensky with his MATI.

New and. O. The rector was bullied from the very first day. And you, brave Internet warriors, and colleagues. And who exactly is from the workshop and at whose suggestion do you actually want to know? Rozhdestvensky was appointed vice-rector for studies and vice-rector for science. Two production workers on whom the university system should rest. The vice-rector for economic affairs (Inna Semyonovna, dear!) and the vice-rector for security were fired. And for some reason, everyone was extremely upset by this fact of dismissal, although I bet that none of the student representatives even knew Ms. Gavrilova by sight. However, the community made a fuss: a new rector has arrived, this is a raider takeover! Okay, but let me tell you a little secret spelled out in the Law: in general, when the rector himself leaves the post, all vice-rectors leave automatically. Automatically – this means immediately, together with him, yes. Because that's how it is. But if a person doesn’t know how to read and/or doesn’t want to, then for him it’s legal or illegal – it’s all the same, it’s all seizure, robbery and lawlessness. What's the capture? That a person who was not really responsible for anything was removed from his position, and two people who were absolutely unqualified from the point of view of the educational process were fired? What a tragedy.

And then it gets more interesting. Having adjusted the situation in such a way that the post of rector becomes vacant again, in a luxury SUV, wearing sables and carrying a bag worth the annual salary of a professor from the department of Moscow State University, under the “farewell of the Slav” from all the gramophones of the institute, the old and new vice-rector for economic affairs rides through the territory and rejoices: "I'm back!". The revelry and fun begins, because of course - the housewife, and what, the Housewife is back! To work in a government agency, like a merchant's wife in her private shop. And in the shop they sell positions, and all the “old” employees are quickly fired. Hurry up before they run out! And the new one. Oh, V. A. Shevtsov, meanwhile, sits quietly in the rector’s office and meekly answers all questions: “Everything will be as Inna Semyonovna says.” I wonder why they haven’t ordered a video about him from bloggers yet.

Professors, students - you are worthy adults. How can you allow yourself to be humiliated like that? The change in the management of MAI was carried out with the aim of pulling the once great institution out of the quagmire in which it had become mired over the years of being managed by incompetent people who cared about their personal, and not the student, welfare, and to bring it to a qualitatively new level. In the end, everything returned to normal: the management is the same, that is, familiar to you, and the mess will be the same. And what happens next depends only on you.

Mar 26 2016 9:55AM

An interesting situation is developing in the Ministry of Education and Science. Within a week, Minister Livanov had two emergency situations in his department. One case, in the Far East, where a diplomat, intelligence officer, and rector of the Far Eastern University and former departmental deputy Livanov, was put under house arrest, accused of allegedly stealing 20 million rubles from contracts, for almost 700 million for the information system of the Far Eastern University. And, the second emergency, on the night from Thursday to Friday.

The rector of MAI Rozhdestvensy, who was appointed to this place only five months ago by order of Livanov, quickly left or was expelled from his post. The intrigue with Rozhdestvensky appeared in the media due to the fact that he had to confront the clan and the powerful support group of Academician Pogosyan, behind whom stands the Boeing Corporation, and those who would not want domestic aircraft in the skies over Russia.

Mar 26 2016 8:47AM

All schemes are standard for universities in general; MAI is not unique here. Here is what we managed to collect over the years of work across the country:

1. In research projects that are actually carried out by department staff, a bunch of performers are added on top who are not actually related to the work. Formally, everything is clean. In fact, you can bring someone to clean water by interviewing all the performers listed in the report when submitting research work to a commission.

2. The “dead souls” scheme, when people are registered as authors in order to increase the budget, and then according to the statements all the authors receive money, but in life none of them even know that they are registered somewhere there and are entitled to money and they have to do something.

3. Scheme "dead souls ++". P.2, but now employees are already paid money (because they found out!), but part of this money is returned in cash. Everything is strictly voluntary.

I won’t write the rest. All this can be opened once or twice. If they don’t open it, it means the fish is rotting from the head.

By the way, speaking for MAI, it is surprising but true that MAI still does not have a supercomputer. This is simply surprising, but the university, which positions itself as a leading aviation university, generally avoids this issue. Something was bought back in the old days, but in the end even this is not clear how it is used.

But, for example, the same Sadovnichy at Moscow State University financed the first supercomputer from profits. The same Livanov claims that many universities in the country and Moscow Aviation Institute are also quite capable of acquiring a lot of things from their profits. But this doesn't happen. In my opinion this is a disgrace. The people in the design bureau are groaning from a lack of calculations and there is simply a huge field for activity.

you goat
Mar 26 2016 8:23AM

Hundreds of contracts hung up, from which all the technology and departments and faculties were fed. Who will deal with such a university now? Corporations will run away like the plague from concluding any deals with MAI. Podlyana, surprises in the middle of the year, what will happen by August? Will everyone be squeezed and cut down? Will faculties be merged, departments swept away and compressed? What will remain!?? And the investigators will sit in offices at the State Attestation Office?! And drag professors along for surveys?

Mar 26 2016 8:08AM

Rozhdestvensky’s team left behind such mines for the remnants of embezzlers and corrupt officials in the united university that - mom, don’t worry! THEY sat and just picked around: where, what and when - it was stolen, hidden, plundered. They themselves escaped, and now they will go to the inspection authorities as WITNESSES and point their fingers at who stole what. MAI will receive a return, students will not go to study in such a dump in the summer and Academician Ryzhov’s worst dream will come true - MAI will be transferred to Istra, Lukhovitsy or Dmitrov, on the square of closed institutes, and on Leningradka something good will be built, like a Food City for the poor. Now there is a transport hub there, as soon as the ring railway is opened. metro.

Mar 25 2016 1:45PM

I have only one question for Comrade Medvedev - when will all ministries be transferred under the leadership of Shoigu? Then comrade (how Stalin loved this word!) Medvedev will be able to devote himself to his favorite pastime, photography.

MATI matic
Mar 25 2016 12:50PM

Mar 25 2016 12:02PM

The clan of security officials (except for the FSB) and the military-industrial complex represented by Shoigu, Livanov, Rogozin and generals dreaming of heaven for pilots has suffered a complete failure, for now! He did not provide security and administrative support for the appointee and dumped him. But the clan itself is in shit! Why are these personnel unable to work in conditions of turbulence and the increasing influence of the “Washington Regional Committee” on the “Rising from its knees” Russian Federation? Will they be weak?

And how did the FSB deal with the SVR general, former Deputy Minister Livanov for the Ministry of Education and Science and the rector of the Far Eastern University, until last week Ivanets? He is sitting, sick, under house arrest for stealing 20 million rubles. The food supply becomes small and unreliable, and people even with a roof and from the clip of power are scorched like matches in the wind! That's right, we had our last Christmas, as the POPE says!

boy Sukhoi
Mar 25 2016 12:48PM

The former rector of MATI - MAI A. Rozhdestvensky is closely connected with aviation, and is not an upstart and an outsider in the aviation environment, as his ill-wishers in MAI claim.

The father of the rector of MAI Rozhdestvensky served at Baikonur in the rocket launch group. On October 24, 1960, the launch of the second stage of the R-16 rocket took place. At the start, more than a hundred people died in hellish flames. Among the dead was the commander-in-chief of the Strategic Missile Forces, Chief Marshal of Artillery M. I. Nedelin.

Rozhdestvensky’s family keeps the key to the auxiliary room of this rocket, which was never needed. But his father, who was not in his old age, survived.

And the grandfather of the “non-aviation” appointee to the rector of MATI - MAI was Rozhdestvensky Christopher Aleksandrovich, Major General of Navy Aviation. Head of the Yeisk Military Aviation School for Pilots from 1953 to 56.

Moscow Aviation Institute, MAI - Trains elite engineering specialists. It is one of the most popular universities in the country in the field of training personnel for the military-industrial complex. Students are trained on the principle of end-to-end design of all systems of aviation, rocket and space technology. The university also trains specialists for cosmodromes: Baikonur; "Plesetsk"; "Oriental".
MAI is an analogue of a technology park, in which, along with classrooms, numerous scientific laboratories, scientific, educational and resource centers, design bureaus, including student ones, a pilot plant, an airfield and social infrastructure facilities are concentrated. Founded in 1930. Training is conducted at 12 faculties, 9 institutes, as faculties, and 5 branches. The number of students is about 22,000 people. Rector of MAI - Mikhail Aslanovich Pogosyan.

Faculties and branches


"Aviation technology"
"Aircraft engines"
"Control systems, computer science and electrical power engineering"
"Radio electronics of aircraft"
"Robotic and intelligent systems"
"Information technologies and applied mathematics"
"Applied mechanics"
"Social Engineering"
"Foreign languages"
"Radiovtuz MAI"
"Faculty of Pre-University Training"


Engineering and Economic Institute MAI (ENZHEKIN MAI)
Institute of Materials Science and Technology
Institute of Aerospace Designs, Technologies and Control Systems
Institute of Information Systems and Technologies
Institute of Management, Economics and Social Technologies
Military Institute MAI
Institute of Military Training
Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining MAI
Institute of Correspondence Studies


"Voskhod" (Baikonur Cosmodrome)
“Takeoff” (Akhtubinsk)
"Arrow" (Zhukovsky)
Stupino branch (Stupino)

As you remember, I recently became hooked on the topic of revelations in the capital’s education. True, before that my posts concerned corruption in the Moscow Department of Education. However, caring readers decided to post materials not always about the Department and not always about corruption. In general, they started sending me topics for posts related to ANY problems in the capital’s education. I will publish the most interesting materials.
So, the topic of today’s post is how to get sick leave and serve it in Cyprus?

This blooming tanned man against the backdrop of a white ship is not Ostap Bender in Rio. Meet Miknis Vitalius Yonovich, or in Russian, Vitaly Ivanovich, .

At the end of April this year, the vice-rector suddenly realized that he was terribly tired of all these idiot students. So tired that it became unbearable to stay in Moscow. And somewhere in the Mediterranean latitudes there was already a body-caressing beach temperature, palm trees were invitingly waving their leaves, and the sand was burning the heels of sunbathers. This sand burned the heels and soul not only of tourists relaxing on the beaches, but also of Vice-Rector Miknis, who was in Moscow.
Vitaly Ivanovich, from the obsessive thought that he and the beach were in completely different regions, became so worried that he fell ill. It was so hard that I had to go on sick leave. Surgeon A.V. Kuchenkov decided that Vitaly Ivanovich did not look well, and signed him a sick leave from April 29 to May 8 inclusive.

You can view the document in full size

It was, of course, possible to do without sick leave, since the time coincided exactly with the May holidays. But the working days between holidays spoiled the whole picture and prevented me from moving away from Moscow. Further away - this means to Cyprus, where, with the support of a surgeon and fake sick leave, Miknis flew on flight NN 8751 of VIM-Avia to heal his frayed nerves. Here you can warm your organs with stones, wash your nose with salt water right in the waves, and cleanse your blood vessels with a glass of wine. And such therapy for a whole week. It is good that this hospitable republic has returned to us such a valuable personnel for our education. In good health and good spirits, Vitaly Ivanovich arrived on Globus Airlines flight GL-604 to Moscow on May 7. The illness disappeared as if by hand, and the sick leave could be closed...

Judging by the photos of Miknis’s profile on social networks, Vitaly Ivanovich generally loves to travel. In general, I don’t see anything vicious in this addiction. However, I hope that he made all his other trips during a legal vacation, and not a fictitious sick leave.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to draw the attention of the new Minister of Education, Olga Yuryevna Vasilyeva, to the material I posted and stop the occurrence of similar incidents that disgrace the capital’s universities, which all other educational institutions in Russia are equal to.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) - MAI was founded in 1930 with the aim of ensuring the training of highly qualified personnel for the country's aviation industry. MAI trains designers and constructors of a wide range of profiles for enterprises in the aviation, rocket and space and defense industries. In 2009, MAI became one of 12 universities in the country that won the competitive selection of university development programs, which were awarded the category “National Research University” by the Government of the Russian Federation. Currently, over 20,000 students study at MAI in 9 faculties, 4 institutes and 4 branches.


2019: Cooperation with Software Product to train specialists for the IT industry

On September 20, 2019, the Software Product company announced that together with the Moscow Aviation Institute they had entered into a cooperation agreement. Read more.