Bloody Mary in real life. Bloody Mary - who is she? Bloody Mary

The legend of the mystical bloody mary allegory of the Russian Queen of Spades. This terrible phantasmagoria is also evoked by standing in front of a mirror, calling the spirit three times: “Come!”.

The parable of Bloody Mary was born in the USA, the first official mention appeared by the folklore collector Janet Langloe, in 1978. After carefully studying the oral chronicles of Bloody Mary, the researcher wrote a detailed article.

In the second half of the 20th century, American youths were infatuated with the horror story, it was a certain fashion to gather at parties and end them by evoking a ghostly spirit. It is noteworthy that each of the American states has its own version of the Bloody Mary prototype. Some say that this is the ghost of an unfortunate woman who got into a car accident, others raise more ancient history- about the burned witch.

It is no wonder that scientists became interested in belief. Psychologist Charlotte Benson studied this issue thoroughly. She has conducted research among children and adolescents. The results shocked the specialist. 90% of those tested from 7 to 15 years old believe in the legend of Bloody Mary!

The story begins with the fact that in the dense forest of Pennsylvania, an ancient sorceress lives in an old hut. She collects forest herbs and sells them to the sick. They did not risk offending an old woman named Mary in the district, they feared that the hag would send a plague on the population, exterminate the local cattle, or even worse, poison the crops and starve the people. Once in the vicinity, in a strange way, little girls began to disappear. Parents lost their feet in the search for their missing daughters, they were looked for everywhere, but the girls disappeared without a trace. Rumors spread that this was the work of witch hands. Heartbroken, the villagers went to the terrible forest, however, the old woman rejected the version of her involvement in the disappearance of children, and drove the messengers away. To tell the truth, the people had no evidence against the witch. No one has seen the sorceress appearing in the village lately. And so they left, slurping unsalted.

Meanwhile, the old-timers began to note that the witch had changed strangely: she had become younger and slimmer.

And Melnikov's daughter, on one of the moonlit nights, hearing a beautiful melody, the girl left the house and went to the sound. The girl's mother, suffering from a toothache, became an accidental witness to her daughter's departure, waking her husband, they rushed together to get their daughter. It was not possible to stop the girl, she was as if bewitched. From the cries of the distraught, from the fear of the parents, the neighbors woke up. And suddenly the villagers noticed a light at the edge - the devil Mary stood in a halo, and magic beckoned the miller's daughter to her. The people, armed with whatever they could, rushed to rescue the enchanted fellow villager from the witch's charms. One of the men had a gun with silver bullets, he managed to shoot the witch. People dragged Mary to the square, immediately built a huge fire and burned it in the fire. Dying, the witch said a curse: “Whoever mentions my name in front of the mirror and calls me three times will see me, and I will take him with me!” Later, people went to the house of the burned witch, and found the graves of the missing girls, the witch, through the blood of young maidens, rejuvenated and added strength.

The Pennsylvania story may have an earlier analogy from English history. The British Queen Mary Tudor, who ruled in the 16th century, was remembered by her contemporaries as an extremely cruel and merciless monarch. During the five years of her reign, 300 Protestants were burned in bonfires throughout medieval England. The Catholic queen mercilessly destroyed the Gentiles, for which she received the eloquent nickname - Bloody Mary. People said that the queen prolonged her youth with the blood of young Protestants.

At the same time, another horror story was circulating in the Anglican duchies - about the peasant woman Mary Worth, who killed her children. This version is revealed in 1986 in his writings by Harold Brunvend, who specialized in the study of urban legends. A little earlier, the folklorist Langlo, already mentioned, published another source testifying to the real prototype of Bloody Mary. She became the heroine of the stories of seminarians from the Catholic Church. The girls told scary story about Mary Wales, who tore her face open and bled to death.

Filmmakers also did not lose sight of legend of bloody mary. According to the plot, Mary Worthington was brutally disfigured by a cruel maniac - he cut out the woman's eyes. The spirit of the deceased moved into the nearest mirror, which subsequently killed everyone who dared to call her.

So, there are a lot of legends associated with Bloody Mary, how true they are, you decide. Is it worth trying to tempt fate? Are you not afraid? Then start...

On a dark night, light a candle and stand directly in front of a mirror. Say the call three times: - "Bloody Mary, come to me!". At the last moment, you will see the ghost of Mary over your left shoulder, this may be your end. Bloody Mary is able to kill the one who called her, tear out his eyes, send madness, or forever drag him through the looking glass. If Mary did not deign to come out to you, so much the better, perhaps she simply postponed her visit, or maybe there are too many people who want to meet her ill-fated spirit that night - a whole queue! Can you imagine how many more suffering people, right now standing with a candle in front of a mirror and with lips trembling with fear, calling a ghost?

Don't worry, she will certainly come for you, it's only a matter of time...

Known american legend about Bloody Mary is quite old. For the first time, it became known to the general public in 1978, when prose writer Janet Langlo wrote an article that was dedicated to this ghost.

In the seventies and eighties, the bike was very common in the United States. Both children and adults talked about it. And not only the first, but also the second tried to summon the spirit. What is the real origin of the belief is unknown, and from what part of America it is told depends on who Mary is. For example, at one end of the country it could be Mary I Tudor, the British queen, whose years of life fell on the beginning and middle of the 16th century. In turn, in another region of the United States, you can hear the story of Mary Worthington, whose eyes were cut out. The soul of the deceased moved into the mirror, in front of which she was killed.

Pennsylvania bike

Yet the main phantom lore that most Americans believe is one that has its roots in the state of Pennsylvania. What time is referred to in the myth has not been established for certain. In the middle of the forest stood a small hut in which an old woman lived. She collected herbs, made medicines from them and sold them. Actually, she lived on the proceeds. The inhabitants of the nearest village called her Bloody Mary, the legend of which was later born. So, the villagers were sure that she was a witch. Everyone was afraid of her and did not want to get involved. It was believed that if you pissed off the old woman, you would have problems - cattle and other living creatures would suffer from various diseases, children would start to have a fever, supplies would become rotten. The sorceress, angry with her neighbors, is capable of doing such a dirty trick that you can’t imagine worse.

One day, girls began to disappear in the village. Search work has begun. Other residents of the town joined the grief-stricken parents, and people from neighboring settlements joined them. They searched by the lake, on farms, at the nearest buildings, but there were no missing people anywhere. Only the forest remained. Having passed it up and down, the girls were not found. Parents began to sound the alarm that supposedly the children could be kidnapped by a witch. Several brave men, armed with pitchforks and scythes, went to her house. Mary flatly did not want to admit her own guilt, and people could not prove the opposite. However, one feature haunted them - the old woman noticeably rejuvenated and became more beautiful. But that wasn't enough to hold her accountable.

The Bloody Mary legend says that the climax occurred the following night, when something terrible happened at the miller's house. His daughter got out of bed late at night and went to the window. She heard a melodic sound that captivated her. The girl started walking towards him. At that time, her mother was in the kitchen, preparing a decoction for herself, because her tooth ached badly. The woman saw her child, began to call him, but he did not turn around. Then she woke her husband and together they ran after the girl. However, the latter was far away from them and heard nothing. Residents of neighboring houses woke up to the screams of their parents. They jumped out of their homes to investigate what had happened.

The villagers almost caught up with the girl, but their attention was taken by a mysterious glow at the edge of the forest. Near a huge old oak tree, which with its branches reached every corner of the forest, stood Mary. The hag pointed with some kind of cane at the miller's hut and pronounced a spell. Besovka shone with a blue flame, and hypnotized the miller's daughter. It seemed that the girl was under the complete control of the witch. The villagers rushed towards her, and the sorceress, as soon as she noticed their approach, interrupted her ritual and began to run away. According to the legend of Bloody Mary, the sorceress was killed by a shot from a gun, which a prudent farmer took with him. Hit by a silver bullet in her leg, the witch fell.

Angry people grabbed the demon and dragged it to the village square. There they kindled a fire and burned it. When the witch burned, she pronounced a curse, according to which anyone who pronounced her name in front of a mirror would die a painful death. The villagers did not attach any importance to this and went to her house. Having searched it, they found the graves of the murdered girls in the garden. The sorceress cut them and bathed in their blood. Thus, she was rejuvenated and recruited dark forces. However, they did not help her stay alive, at least not in her body, but her phantom is still alive. When calling Mary, you must be aware that your soul may be trapped in a mirror trap. And so it is clear what follows from this, because a person cannot live without a soul.

How to summon Bloody Mary?

For those who are interested in the process of summoning a ghost, read on. The rite itself is performed at night in the bathroom. Close the door and light candles. Then stand facing the mirror and say “Bloody Mary, appear before me!” 3 times. After that, the spirit of the sorceress should appear behind you. And what will happen next, you will see for yourself ...

The legend of Bloody Mary is known not only in America, Mary is very popular in other countries as well.
In Russia, I remember, there was a prototype of Mary - the Queen of Spades, which could be called if, standing in front of a mirror, three times to say: "Queen of Spades, come!". Remember this horror story?

The legend of Bloody Mary is very old. In 1978, folklorist Janet Langlo published an article about Bloody Mary. In those days, this belief was unusually common in the United States, at friendly parties Mary was called by both girls and boys. No one knows the true origin of the legend, so the title of Bloody Mary is claimed by a witch who was burned in ancient times for witchcraft, and an unremarkable young woman who died today in a car accident - it all depends on which part of the States you are told this story.
Legend collector Charlotte Benson notes that 90% of children between the ages of 7 and 15 still believe in the veracity of the legends of Bloody Mary and the Sweet Man.
In 1999, after the release of the film "Urban Legends", the story of Bloody Mary found a rebirth.
The birthplace of the Bloody Mary legend is Pennsylvania.
In the depths of the forest, in a tiny hut, lived an old woman who collected medicinal herbs for sale. People living in the nearby village called her Bloody Mary and considered her a witch. No one dared argue with the old hag, fearing that she would send a pestilence on cattle, rot on supplies, a fever on children, or do some other terrible evil that witches are capable of, angry with their neighbors. Somehow, little girls began to disappear one after another in the district. The heartbroken parents searched the forest, the surrounding buildings and farms, but could not find any traces of the missing children anywhere. Several brave men even went to the forest to Mary, but she denied any involvement in the disappearance of the girls. She did not dispel suspicions, but there was no evidence against her. However, the neighbors noticed that the old hag had noticeably changed: she looked much younger and more attractive...
One night, the miller's daughter got out of bed and left the house, entranced by a sound that no one else could hear. That night, the miller's wife had a toothache, and she was sitting in the kitchen preparing a decoction to relieve the pain. Seeing her daughter leaving the house, she called her husband and ran out after the girl. The miller jumped out of the house in one underwear, together with his wife they tried to stop the girl, but in vain. The desperate cries of the miller and his wife woke the neighbors. Many jumped out into the street to help desperate parents.
Suddenly the miller gave a cry and pointed out to his neighbors a strange light at the edge of the forest. There, near an old large oak tree, Mary stood and pointed with a magic wand to the miller's house. She shone with an unearthly light and cast evil spells on the miller's daughter.
The villagers armed themselves with something - sticks, pitchforks - and rushed to the witch. Hearing their approach, the witch interrupted her spell and tried to hide in the forest. One prudent farmer, who took a gun loaded with silver bullets, fired at her. He hit the witch in the leg and the woman fell. Furious people grabbed the witch, dragged her to the square, where they built a huge fire and burned Mary. Soon after her death, the villagers went to her house in the forest and found the graves of the missing girls. The witch killed them and used their blood to rejuvenate herself. Burning at the stake, Bloody Mary screamed out a curse. To anyone who mentions her name in front of a mirror, her vengeful spirit will come and the person will die a terrible death. Since then, anyone foolish enough to say "Bloody Mary" three times in front of a mirror summons the spirit of a witch. These unfortunates are destined for a painful death, and their souls, caught in a mirror trap, will forever burn in hellfire, since Bloody Mary herself was once burned.

History of the legend

History of the legend
The Pennsylvanian legend is likely to have earlier English roots. The English Queen Mary I Tudor (1516-1558), famous for her cruelty, was popularly nicknamed Bloody Mary. An ardent Catholic, during the 5 years of her reign, she sent more than 300 people to the stake (mostly Protestants), including Archbishop Cranmer. It was rumored that she used the blood of Protestant girls to prolong her youth.
According to another version, the prototype of Bloody Mary is Mary Worth, who was accused of killing her own children.
In 1986, Ian Harold Brunvand, famous for popularizing the term "urban legend", even devoted a chapter to it entitled "I Believe in Mary Worth".
And 8 years earlier, folklorist Janet Langlo published an article, also dedicated to Bloody Mary, but different: Catholic seminary students talked about a spirit named Mary Wales. The girl allegedly died from blood loss - her face was torn to pieces.
Another option, already cinematic: Bloody Mary is a brutally murdered Mary Worthington. The killer cut out her eyes. Her spirit moved into the mirror in front of which she died. Before her death, the girl tried to write the name of the killer on the wall, but did not have time, and the secret of her death went to her grave. Wherever the mirror was moved, Mary followed it and killed anyone who had the stupidity to call Bloody Mary.

Want to try your luck and call Bloody Mary?
Okay, just keep in mind: legends are legends, fairy tales are fairy tales, but ...
In general, decide for yourself.

Here's what to do
Wait for the night.
Go to the bathroom.
Close the door, light a candle.
Look directly into the mirror and say three times: "Bloody Mary, come to me!" When you say these words for the third time, you will see Mary behind your left shoulder.
Remember, when you notice it, it's too late to do anything.

Bloody Mary can:
a) kill the person who caused it.
b) gouge out his eyes.
c) drive me crazy.
d) drag behind you into the mirror.
If you did as expected, and Bloody Mary did not come, do not rush to make a claim: perhaps she will look at you later.
Really, think how many people are standing at this very time at the mirror and trying to call Mary!
There are many of you, but she is one.
But be warned, Bloody Mary has you on her list.

And now - about more pleasant things.
We all know that there is a cocktail - "Bloody Mary".
Let's talk about it?

BLOODY MARY: A brief introduction to the history of the famous cocktail.
First, the recipe. So:
vodka - 3/10
tomato juice - 6/10
lemon juice - 1/10
Worcestershire sauce to taste
Tabasco sauce to taste
celery salt
salt to taste
ground black pepper to taste
In a highball glass (you can, just in a glass) with ice, mix all the ingredients.
Take a glass. In a shallow wide saucer, pour lemon juice (or lime juice), in another similar saucer, prepare a dry mixture of salt, ground pepper (preferably cayenne, but black is also possible) and dill seeds. Now successively dip each glass with the top edge into the lemon juice and immediately into the salt and spice mixture. It turns out such a rim on the edge of the glass. Place ice cubes in a glass (the quantity is up to you) and carefully, so as not to damage the decorated edges, pour a cocktail into them.

Cocktail history:
The world famous "Bloody Mary" was born in 1920.
It was then that the bartender Ferdinand Petit put on a real show in the Parisian bar "Harry's". In front of a huge number of visitors, he began to mix vodka, tomato juice and a bunch of sauces. No one could guess what he was doing and the visitors began to argue what the bartender was preparing: a new cocktail or ketchup.
Ferdinad poured vodka, tomato juice into a tall glass, added Tabasco spicy Mexican sauce (with red pepper, vinegar and salt) and spicy English Worcestershire (which includes soy, vinegar and spices), and flavored the resulting mixture with a good amount of salt and pepper. Despite the unusual recipe, the customers liked the drink.
Now the new cocktail had to come up with a name.
There were many options: “Bucket of Blood”, “Glass of Blood”, “Red Grenade”. But most of all, fans of the new cocktail liked the name “Bloody Mary”.
It is said that one of the visitors remembered the American silent film star Mary Pickford (in the world of Gladys Mary Smith). But there is another legend according to which the cocktail was allegedly named after another woman - a little-known Broadway singer who loved to wear defiant red dresses. True, soon the names of the two actresses were eclipsed by the English Queen Mary Tudor.
Who was the first to associate the name of the cocktail with her name, history is silent. But today the whole world believes that the drink was created and named after her. Tudor went down in history as the most bloodthirsty ruler of the United Kingdom (there is a document in which the Roman Catholic Church apologizes for the religious crimes of the damned Mary). Be that as it may, the cocktail became known precisely as the “Bloody Mary”.
In 1933, he was even given a presentation, but already in New York at the King Cole Bar. Cocktail presented as the best medicine from a hangover and brought into the category pick me up’s (literally “pick me up”).
Of course, there are a great many varieties of Bloody Mary.
We all know the simplest option: tomato juice and vodka. Who hasn't tried it? But, of course, this is just a variation, for a real Mary, you still need Worcester sauce and Tabasco.
If you do everything as in the recipe, but remove alcohol (why? why ?!), then such a cocktail will be called “Virgin Mary” or “Virgin Mary”.
There is no vodka on hand, but there is gin?
Exit too! This "Mary" has been made in the northeastern United States since the 1950s, when vodka was not so easy to get. After the restoration of supply volumes, the vodka cocktail was called “Red Hammer” for some time.
If we replace vodka with Mexican beer, we get something called Michelada.
Got a bottle of sake? Tomato juice, sake, spices - and on the table "Bloody Geisha"! Knowledgeable people say that this cocktail goes well with Japanese horror films, such as The Ring.
Tequila instead of vodka is also useful: "Bloody Mary" in Mexico is almost as popular as famous cocktail"Mexican flag".
Whiskey instead of vodka - Whiskey Mary, modest and tasteful.
Sherry, plus tomato juice and everything - "Bloody Bishop", the only male in the Bloody Mary variety company.
But, of course, the main thing in making a cocktail is a sense of proportion.
For example, in 1960, the Americans Herb and Taylor created their Bloody Mary - juice, vodka and 22 more natural ingredients!
This, of course, is intricate, but it is painfully troublesome.
Not surprisingly, the new cocktail was not a success, but the old Bloody Mary is still loved by everyone.
But do not try to call the real Bloody Mary after sipping a cocktail!
Legends are legends, but anything is possible!

The legend of Bloody Mary originates about a thousand years ago, but became known to the main mass of people only in the late seventies of the twentieth century - at that time, the story of Bloody Mary was received by the editors of several newspapers.

Bloody Mary is the evil spirit of a sorceress who was sentenced to be burned at the stake centuries ago for using dark magic. There is also an older, credible and factual story about the cruelest queen of England of all time - Mary Tudor, who ordered more than three hundred people to be burned at the stake during her reign. There is also a third version of the legend of the emergence of an evil spirit, about an unfortunate young girl who died under the wheels of a car, but I believe that this is just a fantasy of sophisticated minds.

So, let's talk about who she is, how, when and where she lived. In Pennsylvania, in the old wooden house lived a woman named Mary and earned her living by collecting medicinal herbs and plants, putting them up for sale. In the area, everyone considered her a witch and gave her the nickname Bloody Mary. Notoriety came from the fact that young girls who passed in the vicinity of her house disappeared and after that no one ever saw them. Meanwhile, the look of the old woman did not worsen over the years, but on the contrary, she began to look younger and look more attractive. However, there was no evidence of her guilt.

On an autumn evening, the daughter of one of the most conscientious peasants had a violent quarrel with her sisters and announced that she was leaving home immediately. She dressed and went out into the darkness, despite her mother's pleas to stay at least overnight at home. The father returned from work and, having learned about the incident, immediately went in search. Since he was known as a respected person in the village, many decided to help him. Searching the area for several hours, people finally noticed the girl and the bright light directed at her, coming from the hands of the same sorceress. Seeing a crowd of peasants, Bloody Mary went on the run, but one of the men shot her in the muscles on her upper leg with a gun and she fell to the ground. There was a lot of hype, especially temperamental hunters were going to stab the old woman with a pitchfork right on the spot, but still it was decided to wait until dawn and burn the witch at the stake. They tied the sorceress and nailed her hands to a tree so that she would wait for the dawn in agony.

When morning came, the whole village was gathered in a small field, not far from the house of the dark sorceress. During the night, her palms were badly swollen from rusty nails, and her face was all blistered, bitten by hungry insects. With a terrible look, the witch glared viciously at the gathered people. The peasants arranged a pallet, on which they laid a huge bonfire with a hut, and in its center they placed a cross, to which they tied Bloody Mary. Burning in the fire, she recited a curse in anger - from then on, anyone who stands in front of the mirror and clearly calls her three times, while thinking "I believe in bloody Mary!", Will be brutally killed by a vengeful spirit.

The legend of the scary witch has become especially popular among young people in the US, with many teenagers summoning the spirit of Bloody Mary just for fun. However, such a source of adrenaline is very dangerous. just to kill boredom is not recommended.

A bunch of teenagers from all over the world want to see Bloody Mary, not knowing exactly how to call her. Calling Bloody Mary, as practice shows, is easy. But then what?

Long ago, many centuries ago, the legend of Bloody Mary was born. It originated in medieval England after the terrible reign of Queen Mary, who had a habit of burning all Protestants at the stake, and it seems like she even used the blood of young heretics in order to rejuvenate. And so the legend began.

Over time, the story of Bloody Mary took root among the entire English-speaking people. The story was fixed in the human mind in the image of the cruel witch Bloody Mary.

Someone began to personify the legend with a certain Mary Worth, who mercilessly killed her children. And someone with the unfortunate Catholic Mary Wales, whose spirit moved into the mirror after her face was so torn to the point that she bled to death. But the legend gained particular popularity in America, where, having been reborn, it acquired a new sound.

According to the American version of Bloody Mary was an old woman who lived in the thick of the forest. Basically, she collected medicinal herbs and part-time did a little divination. Suddenly, little girls began to disappear in her settlement. Residents noticed that from the same time, Mary began to get younger and prettier, so she was accused of missing children. However, the witch did not admit her guilt, although she did not save the villagers from suspicion. One night, the miller and his wife followed their daughter, who got out of bed and went who knows where. They caught Bloody Mary committing an atrocity to a girl. The villagers seized the witch and burned her at the stake. However, before her death, she managed to shout a curse, according to which everyone who dares to call her in front of the mirror will die from the terrible revenge of Bloody Mary.

This legend has gained immense popularity among American teenagers. Films and television series are shot based on her, and teenage parties, especially on Halloween, practically cannot do without the rite of calling Bloody Mary.

Interesting fact! Although today's Americans consider the story of Bloody Mary practically their own, it is actually an English urban legend. It has its roots in both witch stories and ghost stories.

How to summon Bloody Mary?

So, if you decide to call Bloody Mary and are not afraid to face the consequences, which is called "face to face", then here's what you should do.

Wait until late night. Take a candle and matches. Enter the room with the mirror. Without turning on the light, light a candle in complete darkness. Stand in front of a mirror and, looking directly at the reflection of the light of the candle, say three times: “ Bloody Mary, come out!»

What happens after that, history is silent. Unfortunately, to date, eyewitnesses who performed the summoning ritual and reported what happened to them next are not officially registered. However, everything may not be so scary if you tune in to the positive and sincerely wish to see something good in the mirror.

And you can also call a kinder creature that can fulfill your most cherished desires. And it's a gnome. How to call it, about this in detail in the article "". This is a more useful spirit than Bloody Mary.

Interesting fact!

The British are still not such lovers of "horror story" (or simply horror movies) as the Americans. Therefore, they have a completely good-natured rite associated with the legend of Mary. According to this rite, a young girl who appears in front of a mirror with a candle on Halloween will see her betrothed reflected in it.

What is she really - Bloody Mary? Does she look like a creepy old woman? Or does Bloody Mary look like a young woman with crazy eyes?

Of course, for those who want to call her, it is important to know the answers to these questions. And then something suddenly appears in the dark, and then it turns out that this is just a toy forgotten by one of the children. And in general, I want to know what to expect and who will have to be seen after the sacramental words. However, we have to disappoint you, there is no exact description of Bloody Mary, and cannot be. And all because she comes at night in the form of the one who scares you the most. You want to turn into an old woman, you want a ghost ... And if you are afraid of clowns or rabbits, you can turn into a clown or a rabbit.

The only thing that remains unchanged in her appearance are her eyes. They are huge and bottomless, filled with hatred, despair, passion, loneliness… and sadness. After all, once she was young, she loved someone and dreamed of happiness. And then she lost everything she had, people turned away from her and eventually took her life. Here she takes revenge. The passions in her have not subsided, and she will not be able to get enough for many, many centuries.