Short essay: “What is good?” Essay about kindness A message about a person who gave kindness

Essay on the topic: What is good for me?

Good is good that is honest and useful, everything that the duty of a person, a citizen, a family man requires of us.

This is when we do something and do not demand anything in return, there is no self-interest. We can move an elderly person across the road, or give way to a vehicle, but this happens extremely rarely. Good people themselves have little faith that young people can be kind. Young teenagers are no longer raised as they used to be, and society is becoming cruel.

What is kindness? Kindness is the most beautiful thing on earth. People have forgotten about their earthly purpose - to do good, to love their neighbor as themselves. They forgot about the existence of a universal moral rule: “Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself.” We are returning too slowly to lost spirituality. You often feel a desire to take revenge for an insult, or the need to repay with a kind deed for the attention shown to you. In the first case, prudence is holding back, in the second, laziness. But the taste of real kindness remains unknown. Now not everyone can help a person in trouble. Helping loved ones was once an integral part of tradition.

“A good person is not one who knows how to do good, but one who does not know how to do evil,” said V. Klyuchevsky. For me, goodness IS UNLESSLY HELP FOR PEOPLE.

Goodness is those feelings that cause joy in the heart. You need to listen to your heart.

To be kind, you need to treat everyone with love, with joy, to see only goodness in all people. If it doesn’t work out, you need to learn this, try to improve, if you saw something bad in someone, then you need to find something justifying so that ultimately treat people positively.

There is also a very effective way to find a very kind person and try to imitate him.

I have many friends, and they are all very good to me.

I try to be kind, because for me to be kind means to be in good relations with people, to take into account others, to be able to yield to them. But only by comparing opposites can one understand what good is, so there is no good without evil.

Kindness is the conscious performance of good deeds. A candle does not lose anything if another candle is lit from it, but it allows other candles to do something good.

Everyone has their own motives for kindness, some cannot ignore the sufferer, some care about evaluation, public opinion, some think about the effect of the act, some care about kindness reaching its destination.

Being kind is not as easy as it seems, because at every step if you say a rude word or offend someone with something, you can offend a person.

If we talk about good in general, then good is what the world rests on, because if there were no good, then there would be no peace on earth, friendship, joy, friends and everything that we value.

good kindness

What is this concept? Kindness is humanity towards people, love and care for others. A clear sign of kindness is the conscious manifestation of kindness, useful deeds that do not require anything in return.

People around us treat each other differently. Some show attention and warmth to others, while others do not show any interest in the problems of this or that person. The presence of the second type of people on our planet is extremely sad, because the presence of indifferent people, indifferent to everything, instills negative qualities in the souls of younger generations, which constantly interact with these inhabitants. After such an impact on bright minds, a person turns into a soulless creature who is not interested in anything other than his own difficulties. And this is very tragic to realize.

Unfortunately, many have forgotten about the concept of “kindness,” which from time immemorial has meant showing concern for the difficulties of other people. Kindness means that in any situation it is important to help a person in need of support; if necessary, then show care and attention to others. It should be understood that only a strong person is capable of kindness, because it is a burden for the weak to undertake anything that is not for his own benefit. And people who do good deeds are called individuals! They can understand the suffering of any person who despairs in life, they are able to sympathize and empathize. And such people are difficult to find in modern world, since it contains inhabitants of different views and principles.

People who do not want to have such a wonderful quality as kindness in their hearts are absolutely nothing, because their existence is meaningless. They are uptight, vain, indifferent. To have such negative qualities means to be alienated from this world, since goodness should reign on the planet. We know this from fairy tales, where evil always gives victory to good, because it is so accepted and so correct. There's nothing you can do about it. If you are not capable of such a sublime feeling, it means you are unhappy. Your destiny does not have proper meaning in life, which is very offensive and sad.

It is necessary to cultivate kindness from early childhood. This is obvious, because everyone has encountered such a situation as traveling on a bus, where it is important to understand: you need to give up your seat to the older generation, otherwise it is considered not a sign of respect. It is not the parents who should be ashamed of this, but the child who failed to learn a life lesson in time.

So, kindness is a quality that means showing concern and concern for people’s experiences. Every person on Earth must carry kindness in his heart! Then the world will change!

Option 2

What is kindness? How does it manifest itself? Is this feeling innate or does it need to be cultivated within oneself? I tried to find answers to these and many other questions by revealing the topic of the essay.

In my understanding, kindness is a feeling that should be cultivated in children from birth. It is necessary to lay the foundations of kindness, and throughout life strengthen and improve them. I remember how, while walking on the street, my mother and I always took out food to homeless animals and fed the birds. As I got older, I continued this habit and now feed my furry friends myself.

In my opinion, this is one of the manifestations of a person’s good qualities. Caring for and helping those who need help. My parents donate a lot of things and toys to shelters and help people in need. They will never stand aside when they meet a grandmother or a helpless old man on the street.

Looking at this, I also try, to the best of my ability, to be kind to others. For example, recently, I helped an elderly woman get home. She felt bad and could not get up from the bench on her own. Seeing this picture, I went up to her, gave her water and took her to her apartment. I believe that every person should help those who are weaker. Then life will become much easier and brighter. It is especially important to show kindness to loved ones. Very often, we forget how dear and close they are to us, that we can refuse if we were asked to help or offended by a rude word. But who, if not close ones, are the dearest people on the planet.

We have a friendly family and each family member fulfills his duties. We recently had a new addition. Mom gave birth to a charming sister, whom we all love very much! I see how difficult it can be for mom and then I suggest she get some sleep and I can feed the baby with formula myself, change her diaper, play and put her to bed. I enjoy the process of communicating with my sister and the joy that I can do a good deed and help my mother.

Good deeds should come from the heart and not require anything in return. Unfortunately, many people have forgotten what kindness is. They are driven by anger, aggression and negativity. And if each of us, every day, does one good deed, then all good deeds will certainly make our world better and more colorful.

Essay about Kindness

Kindness is, first of all, one of the best qualities and human characteristics. Goodness makes its owner happy and makes other people around smile. The essence of this concept one is a positive trait that functions as happiness and other good feelings. But each person has their own, individual understanding of kindness. Some people really and seriously take goodness, while other people act without really thinking about whether the consequences will be good or bad.

Goodness, like any other positive quality, must be embedded in a child’s character from childhood. It is adequate upbringing and training that contributes to timely development and teaches the child (later an adult) to make the right decisions in his life. Although everyone understands good differently, the main thing is that they understand. It’s hard for one to help an old lady cross the road, while another won’t even hesitate to climb to the top of a tree to pick up a kitten.

The problem with education is that people have the habit of expecting something good in exchange for good, for example, an equal reward. And, when a person does not receive a “prize” for another good deed, he mentally makes a note to himself that in the future and forever he will not repeat this again, since this is a pointless waste of time and effort. Should goodness be rewarded without fail? No, in no case, because any good deed committed towards a neighbor is, first of all, an act for the person himself.

Kindness helps a person become happy, acquire excellent authority in society, feel better, be liked by those around him, and set an example for other people, including children. If you wait for something in life while standing in one place, then it will not add any benefit. It is for this reason that one should do good, and from a pure heart, helping people, no matter whether it is a loved one or a stranger. Everyone who received a piece of kindness will remember this act and will also become a little happier.

Goodness, by definition, always evokes high feelings, which is why it is easy to distinguish a bad deed from a good one. It is not for nothing that there are such stable and many times proven and tested proverbs as “do good - and it will definitely come back to you” and “treat people the way you want them to treat you.” Simple sentences with strong meaning.

Thus, goodness is one of the important components of every person’s life. You can't live without goodness happy life, and since life is given alone, without good it will have no meaning. And it doesn’t matter at all how other people treat you – bad or good. The most important thing for a person is his attitude towards others. Only by radiating goodness into the world around us, you will be happy yourself.

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  • Children often hear words like “good” and “kindness” from adults. At a certain point, they begin to think about what these concepts mean?

    What is kindness? Who is called a good person? And why do you need to be kind? From infancy, the child is surrounded by the care and attention of parents, loved ones, and relatives. This kindness shown to him seems completely natural to the child. And if you don’t explain to your child in time that you must not only accept kind attitude from others, but also be able to show good feelings yourself, he may grow up to be an egoist, unable to show good feelings. To prevent this from happening, it is important to tell your child what kindness is and why you need to be kind.

    What is kindness?

    Kindness is a person’s sincere desire to help other people and do good deeds for them. Even in ancient times, people understood one simple truth, which became the main rule of a good person. This truth says: “Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself.” If a person treats the people around him poorly, he will never achieve a good attitude towards himself. But if you treat people kindly, then people will treat you kindly.

    People also realized that the ability to be kind makes a person happy. The famous ancient Greek philosopher Plato said this: “By trying for the happiness of others, we find our own happiness.” Indeed, a person who shows sincere kind feelings towards those with whom he communicates is much happier in life than selfish individuals who are concerned only with attracting the attention and care of others.

    Kindness is a sign of strength

    The fact that kind people are happier in life is also explained by the fact that kindness is a sign of a person’s spiritual strength. And a strong-willed person is so independent in his actions that he is able not only to ensure his own well-being, but also to help the people around him and show kindness to them.

    What feelings are characteristic of a kind person? First of all it is love. Love for parents, for loved ones, for friends. A kind person is also characterized by a feeling of gratitude. It is customary to give thanks for good deeds. And gratitude can be expressed not only with words, but also with reciprocal good deeds. A kind person is also capable of showing such feelings as empathy, compassion, and mercy. It is thanks to kind people that those who need it most receive help - the elderly, the disabled, people with serious illnesses and those who simply find themselves in a difficult life situation.

    The path to kindness

    How to teach a child kindness? Kindness can only be cultivated by kindness. Since childhood, the child’s parents, close relatives, educators, and teachers have been with him. By showing a child what a kind attitude towards others is, adults set an example for the child and set a model for him. correct behavior in society. At the same time, it is also important to show the child that sincere kindness is characterized by modesty. A truly kind person will never demand anything in return for a good deed done and will not boast to others about his good deeds.

    It is important to distinguish a kind person from a “kind” one. It is customary to call a kind person a person who shows only ostentatious kindness and at the same time does not experience sincere good feelings for those whom he helps. Such fake “kindness” will not really help a person become a truly strong spirit and independent person.

    Kindness and community

    Kindness is important not only for the individual, but also for society as a whole. If there are many truly good people in a society, such a society will develop and prosper. After all, where people unselfishly and sincerely help each other, work progresses and all tasks are successfully completed. Therefore, kindness is important both for the development of any society and for the progress of humanity as a whole.

    A Tale of Kindness “The Ant and the Moth”
    Author of the tale: Iris Review

    Once upon a time there lived an ant and a moth. They lived without grieving, enjoying the sunny days and the green hum of the forest.

    One day an ant and a moth met in a clearing.

    - What should we do today? - they thought.

    “Let’s do some good deeds,” suggested the ant.

    And they went through the forest to do good deeds. We helped fix the ladybug's roof, fixed the dragonfly's porch, sent the centipede's shoes in for repair. She had so many shoes that her friends went to the shoemaker several times.

    We visited an old butterfly that lived near a gnarled stump and made beautiful shelves for it in the pantry.

    In the evening, friends gathered home. They had already reached the old birch tree, when suddenly it got dark and it began to rain heavily.

    - Where can I hide, where can I take refuge? - they thought.

    And suddenly they heard someone calling them. It was a firefly. He directed the light of his flashlight at the ant and the moth so that they could see where to move in the dark.

    ...And here they are on the threshold of the firefly's house.

    What happiness, what joy to be in the warmth, cozy home firefly! The owner put tea and sweet bagels on the table.

    “You have a kind heart,” the guests said to the firefly.

    Tom was happy to hear good words.

    “It’s nice to hear kind words from good friends,” said the firefly and smiled.

    The main meaning of the fairy tale is that it is very important that good relationships reign in this world. Kindness, goodness is undoubtedly better than indifference, indifference, indifference. Life is more interesting with goodness.

    For each person, the concept of the word GOOD is different. Having heard this word, one will think about actions, another about help, the third about something else. In the modern world, this word is so strongly suppressed by negativity that many schoolchildren do not know how to correctly answer the question: What is good?? We present to your attention essay about kindness from schoolchildren. It is very interesting to hear what the younger generation thinks about the power of good. Perhaps they know some good stories from life? Or maybe they themselves commit these acts for the benefit of society, which, unfortunately, is not always positive. It’s very nice when Russian language teachers in schools give you the task of writing a free-form essay about goodness. It is in this form that the essay becomes very colorful emotionally, it is very easy to read, and from the text of the essay you can learn a person’s attitude towards good deeds.

    However, schoolchildren do not always like to write essays, due to the fact that many simply do not have such a great inner world, but please note that given topic, everyone writes an essay with persistence and great imagination. What about us? composition- this is precisely the flight of the soul into the inner world, the world of fantasy.

    A person who does good feels happy. (M. Gorky)

    Kindness is a positive quality that every person on planet Earth should have. A kind person will always help someone who needs it. In times of famine, people shared their last piece of bread. People donate blood to help the sick in difficult times; share shelter with those left homeless. This is real kindness. Recently, a strong earthquake and tsunami occurred in Japan, affecting thousands of people. Many countries immediately responded to their plight, including Russia. They sent rescue teams, medicines, food, and clothing to Japan. No wonder folk wisdom says: “Kindness will save the world.” People have long believed that goodness is one of important qualities. Even in folk tales good conquers evil. Kindness can replace a gift on a holiday, help a patient overcome an illness faster, or lift their spirits in a sad moment.

    Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer people who have kindness. More and more indifferent, selfish. A person is indifferent to the problems and troubles of other people. After all, everyone is busy with their own affairs, their own worries. Telephones and computers have replaced human communication. Technology has made man addicted.

    Indeed, today, in an age when machines perform hundreds of operations and replace dozens of people, the problem of spiritual warmth arises as a priority. Therefore, it is necessary to think about this more often, because we need to be kinder to each other. Listen, feel the souls of others, do not pass by people calling for help. It’s bad when people, striving for their own well-being, forget that they exist, they do not live alone in this world, that there are also people around them who need to be thought about, who need to be taken into account. A.P. Chekhov said: “Hurry to do good.”

    Doing good to people is a spiritual need for Russian people, which has been preserved in us since our distant ancestors. There is so much evil, mistrust, and cruelty in our current life that some people lose faith in the kindness, nobility and selflessness of people. They say that now everyone lives on their own, without delving into the problems of others. That monetary relationships began to supplant the old ones, built on kindness and the desire to selflessly help others, they lost their former responsiveness and the warmth of the soul for which they were famous at all times. But I believe that this is not so.

    It is not at all easy to be kind.
    Kindness does not depend on height,
    Kindness does not depend on color,
    Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.
    You just have to, you just have to be kind
    And in trouble we will not forget each other.
    And the earth will spin faster,
    If we are kinder to you.

    If we turn to the incident in the Perm club “Lame Horse”, and remember some facts: more than a hundred people died, even more were wounded, blood is needed for transfusion. And many surrendered voluntarily, without waiting for a loud call. There was only one desire - to help those in need. This is truly a noble act. There is a wonderful video on the topic: Here, I think, the volunteers were waiting for only one reward, so that the victims would survive, so that they could walk the streets and enjoy life. And remember what happened during the days of the terrorist attack on Dubrovka. So has responsiveness and compassion been lost in people? Are there no selfless, noble people left?!

    Yes! Kindness makes people happy. As they say, kindness and happiness are two sides of the same coin. The more we give, the more we receive. The more good we do, the happier we become. Thus, happiness returns to us like a boomerang. “Be happy” - they wish us on our birthday. Maybe if people thought more often about the nature of happiness and kindness, there would be a lot more happy people. Be kind and then you will be happy!

    In the dictionary of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov, the word “kindness” is defined as “Responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, the desire to do good to people.”

    What is good? Goodness has many faces: someone helped a lost blind man get home, fed birds in winter, collected toys and books for children in an orphanage, smiled at a passerby, said kind word- this is also all kindness. Sometimes we strive so hard for our own well-being that we forget that we are not alone in this world, that there are people around us too. If we simply do not pay attention to the grief of others, do not listen to our own conscience, then we will lose the most valuable ability: to do good. Goodness educates and exalts a person, while anger and indifference humiliate him. If anyone is indifferent to the suffering of others, he does not deserve the title of Human.

    It's not easy to be kind.
    Kindness does not depend on height,
    Kindness brings people joy
    And in return it does not require a reward.
    Kindness does not age over the years,
    Kindness will warm you from the cold.
    If kindness shines like the sun,
    Adults and children rejoice.

    This means we need to be more attentive to each other, learn to listen and understand others and ourselves. Everyone may find themselves in a difficult situation, everyone may need the help of other people. Have you noticed: if at least one person stops near a fallen person, even if he is drunk, and looks into his face, other people immediately begin to come up and offer help. That is, goodness tends to spread and, of course, . So if everyone does at least a little, applies at least a little warmth, spends a minute of precious time, everyone will be better off for it, then goodness will begin to warm our souls .

    The word kindness is an old word. Not for centuries, but for millennia, people have been arguing about whether it is necessary or not, whether it is useful or harmful. Disputes rage, and people suffer from the lack of kindness in their lives. Genrikh Akulov’s poem “There are not enough good people, as always...” is very relevant today.

    There are, as always, not enough good people,
    There is, as always, a shortage of kind people.
    Kind people are not always understood
    The hearts of the kind hurt more.
    Kind people generously help the sick,
    Kind ones - they give warmth and comfort,
    The good ones walk in step with the weak ones
    And no thanks are expected.

    Only one who is always friendly to people, who thinks not only about himself, but also about others, can be kind. Truly happy people are those who give good for selfless purposes. For example, if you are driving a car and see a person voting, you may think: “I’ll take him there and take money from him.” What if this person has trouble, grief: maybe he is late for a meeting, maybe he has someone in the hospital who urgently needs to be preached to, maybe even to get some medicine. Of course, the person needs help. Even if he doesn’t pay you anything for the journey (maybe he simply has nothing), help him, take him there. Having done good, a person himself becomes better, cleaner, brighter. If we are attentive to any person, be it a random fellow traveler, a tramp, a friend, this will be a manifestation of kindness. And kindness, as you know, will save the world.

    Essay on the topic: What is good for me?

    Good is good that is honest and useful, everything that the duty of a person, a citizen, a family man requires of us.
    This is when we do something and do not demand anything in return, there is no self-interest. We can move an elderly person across the road, or give up a seat in transport, but this happens extremely rarely. Good people themselves have little faith that young people can be kind. Young teenagers are no longer raised as they used to be, and society is becoming cruel.
    What is kindness? Kindness is the most beautiful thing on earth. People have forgotten about their earthly purpose - to do good, to love their neighbor as themselves. They forgot about the existence of a universal moral rule: “Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself.” We are returning too slowly to lost spirituality. You often feel a desire to take revenge for an insult or the need to repay with a kind deed for the attention shown to you. In the first case, prudence is holding back, in the second, laziness. But the taste of real kindness remains unknown. Now not everyone can help a person in trouble. Helping loved ones was once an integral part of tradition.
    “A good person is not one who knows how to do good, but one who does not know how to do evil,” said V. Klyuchevsky. For me, goodness IS UNLESSLY HELPING PEOPLE.
    Goodness is those feelings that cause joy in the heart. You need to listen to your heart.
    To be kind, you must treat everyone with love, with joy, and see only goodness in all people. If it doesn’t work out, you need to learn it, try to improve, if you saw something bad in someone, then you need to find something justifying it in order to ultimately treat people positively.
    There is also a very effective way to find a very kind person and try to imitate him.
    I have many friends and they are all very good to me.
    I try to be kind, because for me being kind means being on good terms with people, taking others into account, and being able to yield to them. But only by comparing opposites can one understand what good is, so there is no good without evil.
    Kindness is the conscious performance of good deeds. A candle does not lose anything if another candle is lit from it, but it allows other candles to do something good.
    Everyone has their own motives for kindness, some cannot ignore the sufferer, some care about evaluation, public opinion, some think about the effect of the act, some care about kindness reaching its destination.
    Being kind is not as easy as it seems, because at every step if you say a rude word or offend something, you can offend a person.
    If we talk in general about good, then good is what the world rests on, because if there were no good, then there would be no peace on earth, friendship, joy, friends and everything that we value.
    good kindness