Red small inflorescences on a tree. Red-leaved trees are favorites of summer cottages in royal robes

White acacia - beautiful tree with an openwork crown and white clusters of flowers, fragrant during the flowering period, is not a genuine acacia.

Real acacias of the genus Acacia, heat-loving plants, are found in nature more often in the savannas of Africa or Australia, and here, perhaps, only in botanical gardens. The tree that we used to call white acacia should actually be called Robinia or false acacia. It belongs to the legume family

Acacia became the mascot of Paris and the symbol of Odessa.

Interesting: In the center of Paris, under the walls of Notre Dame, among the concrete supports, a 400-year-old Robinia, grown from those seeds that were brought from the New World, is still blooming.

In Ancient Egypt, acacia was considered the “tree of life.” The Egyptians believed that the god Horus came from the acacia tree. The Bible also mentions acacia. According to the texts scripture It was from acacia wood that Noah's Ark was made. In this regard, it is interesting to remember that ships were actually built from acacia wood in Ancient Egypt.

Acacia is considered the tree that gives birth to life. She promotes procreation, and both spouses ask her for relief from infertility and the birth of a child. Girls use acacia flowers to tell fortunes about marriage. You need to pick an acacia brush, at home, without looking, tear off part of the inflorescence and put it under your pillow and wish for a wish whether you will get married this year. In the morning, take out part of the inflorescence and count the flowers. If there are an even number of them, then the wish will come true. If not, you'll have to wait.

Yellow acacia - a well-known and very common shrub or small tree from the legume family. Under natural conditions, it is sometimes found in the form of entire thickets in the forests of Western and Eastern Siberia. There is especially a lot of it on the slopes of the Altai mountains.

Yellow acacia flowers symbolize the Sun and rebirth.

Acacia pink - the undisputed leader among its sisters in the beauty of flowers! It is also called silk and, looking at the beautiful pink-lilac delicate flowers collected in large inflorescences, you begin to understand why in all the most ancient civilizations acacia was revered as the feminine principle.

They are so tender, so beautiful and sophisticated! The graceful pink petals of acacia flowers exude a silvery glow, similar to that characteristic of expensive types of natural silk. Rich color, constant grace, tenderness - this is what excites us so much about the blooming pink acacia.

White flowers are an example of unobtrusive elegance. There cannot be too many of them; they coexist well with other plants, including flowering ones. This and herbaceous plants, and bushes, and trees. Some of them will definitely have a place in the garden.

All plants with white flowers can be roughly divided according to the size of the flowers, the type of rhizome and the type: herbaceous, shrubs and trees. All of them can either successfully complement each other or be the center of a landscape composition.

Varieties of white flowers in the garden (video)

Beautiful plants with small flowers

Very low plants that literally creep along the ground can be decorated with small white flowers. Here are some of them.


A perennial with a very delicate appearance thanks to its small white flowers on erect stems. Their height reaches up to 70 cm, but more often ranges from 40 to 50 cm. Flowering time lasts from mid-summer until autumn. When planting anafalis, it is recommended to choose diffuse partial shade.— the plant feels most comfortable in it. Even novice gardeners do not have problems with growing.



Arabis is also called rezuha. This is a ground cover plant that spreads along the ground. Its shoots are decorated with leaves, some varieties having silvery pubescence. Small white flowers are collected in low brushes . Arabis bushes look very compact, and when planted at a short distance, they form a dense mat, under which the ground is not visible. Easily propagated by cuttings.

Gallery: plants with white flowers (25 photos)


A herbaceous plant that can be either annual or perennial. The height of the allissum is 20 cm. Miniature inflorescences appear in early June and continue to decorate the flowerbed until autumn inclusive. The plant is a honey plant: It emits a pleasant spicy aroma that attracts bees. Allissum has many varieties. Some of them, such as Benthamii, have white flowers.


Seaside lawn

The height of the plant does not exceed 30 cm. Its short leaves (from 2 to 4 cm) of an elongated shape form a voluminous bush. Small flowers only 5 cm in diameter with 4 rounded petals and yellow stamens appear at the end of May. The lawn stops blooming only in autumn, for which it is loved by many gardeners. But in dry summers the period is shortened, and the plant retires in August. If you trim a lawn bush, the flowering will last until the onset of stable frosts - in middle lane this only happens in October.

Lily of the valley

A popular low-growing plant with white bells. It is an unpretentious perennial with wide lance-shaped leaves. It blooms in May and June.

Although these plants have small flowers, they are very beautiful and add a touch of tenderness to landscape compositions. The main thing is to choose the right neighbors for them, who do not block or distract attention from their miniature beauty.

Large-flowered garden flowers

Plants with large white flowers will undoubtedly decorate every flowerbed and area. There are a lot of varieties of them - there is definitely plenty to choose from.


Asters are grown in the garden as annuals., preparing seedlings in the spring, because this way flowering will begin earlier - in the summer, although this plant is traditionally considered an autumn plant. The variety of types and varieties of asters allows you to choose those that suit your taste: some look like daisies, others like stars, and still others are lush balls of thin, numerous petals. Many of the fluffy flowers are white.


This plant is a climbing vine with large white and other colored flowers. Clematis has both simple and double varieties. All of them will decorate a hedge, special fertilizer or veranda if you hang twine to support the shoots.



These are daisies with a yellow center, looking elegant and uplifting. Nivyanik is a perennial, unpretentious to the conditions. But for abundant flowering it needs fertile soil and mineral fertilizers.


These flowers, known for their double caps of petals about 20 cm in diameter, can be called the white giants of the garden. Peonies have an unobtrusive, pleasant scent. The height of the bush of adult specimens often reaches 1 m.


A tall plant, the stems of which reach up to 80 cm, but there are also low-growing 20-centimeter species. The green part has a bluish tint. Flowering time occurs in July, August and early September.

Plants with large flowers look good both in mixed borders and in single plantings.

What white flowers to plant in the garden (video)

Bulbous plants with white flowers

Many of the bulbous plants have beautiful white flowers. In combination with feathery leaves they look very impressive.


Externally, the white flower looks like a snowdrop, but its flowers with 6 equal petals are larger. The height of many plant species reaches 40 cm. Although many bulbous plants prefer spring to bloom, some varieties of white flowers will delight the eye in summer and even in autumn. One of the advantages of the plant is that it grows well in shady corners.



Perhaps the most popular bulbous plant, used in flower beds. They received such recognition for their early flowering and unpretentiousness: they do not require special care. The exception is hybrid species, which are more capricious.


They can compete with narcissists in popularity. They have approximately 10,000 varieties, including white-flowering ones. Their height ranges from just 10 cm to an impressive 1 m. Tulips bloom in open ground in the spring.



Hyacinths gained their fame not only for the beauty of small flowers collected in brushes, but also for their unique sweetish aroma. These are low plants, the tallest species of which reach 30 cm. Unlike daffodils and tulips, they are more demanding of heat; Therefore, the bulb is planted in sunny areas. White hyacinths are the embodiment of spring grace.


Of course, speaking of bulbous plants, one cannot fail to mention lilies. Large flowers look good both in a flower bed and as a cut flower. They have many fantasy hybrids, including those painted white. The flowering time of lilies varies, usually occurring in June and July.

Bulbous plants will take their rightful place in any area. Moreover, many of them bloom when other inhabitants of the garden are just gaining strength after hibernation.

Trees with white flowers

Trees with white flowers are no less beautiful than low-growing plants. You definitely can’t help but notice them in the spring, because their branches are covered with a snow carpet.


This is a common cultivated tree that can be found in almost every garden. Cherries are interesting to gardeners not only as a source of their fruits, but also as a plant that decorates the site. In the spring, in May, it blooms with cute white flowers that literally cover every twig.


Irga grows approximately 3–4 m in height. Its small white flowers adorn the ends of thin branches. A little later, crimson-lilac berries with a sweetish taste will appear in their place.

pompom tree

Golovach - the second name for the pompom tree - certainly cannot be called a frequent visitor to gardens. This is a rather rare plant, but it has amazing beauty. It has round white-cream inflorescences decorated with yellow stamens. The pompom tree withstands winter frosts in the temperate zone., but young, fragile shoots may suffer from subzero temperatures.

Bird cherry

Bird cherry is famous for its aroma and the fact that, simultaneously with its flowering, cooling begins. But low temperatures for the end of spring do not spoil the impression of the bird cherry cascades of flowers falling from the branches of the tree.

Bird cherry

Apple tree

The lush blossom of the apple tree remained forever captured in folk culture . Adult specimens reach a large height of 5 m. There are many varieties of apple trees, differing from each other both in size and in the taste of the fruits that ripen in August. But most of them have white flowers, sometimes with a soft pink tint.

Shrubs with white flowers

Shrubs covered with white flowers are no less spectacular. Each of them has its own characteristics that need to be taken into account when growing so that the plants can show their best side.

A garden in which white flowers set the tone, framed by delicate green foliage, has a special charm.

White color, as a symbol of purity, can bring a touch of tenderness and solemnity to the atmosphere. Acting as an optical mixture of all colors, white accumulates a rainbow within itself, filling the space with strength and extraordinary lift. Landscape design in white tones creates the effect of visually increasing space, bringing a feeling of lightness and freedom. In this article we will look at which white flowers to choose for the garden in order to create a harmonious landscape and make the shaded corners “shine”.
    • One- and two-year-olds

The idea of ​​decorating gardens in one color palette not new. Modern designers, who set trends in gardening, only continue the endeavors of creators who created picturesque plant compositions back in the Middle Ages.

Gardens built on the principle of monochromatic colors were widely accepted hundreds of years ago. In the game of halftones and shades main role played by the sizes and shapes of plants.

Compositions of white flowers look especially great during twilight, when the last rays are reflected on the light petals.

In the 16th-17th centuries ancient india and countries of East Asia, such gardens were called “lunar”. They got their name due to the fact that at dusk they created amazing pictures of white silhouettes of flowers.

To emphasize the whiteness of the delicate flowers and enhance the reflective effect, the plant compositions in the garden were complemented by stones coated with white paint, artificial ponds and sea sand sparkling in the moonlight.

One of the most famous gardens in the world, in which everything is subordinated to a single color, is Sissinghurst White Garden in England. It was created at the beginning of the 20th century, but still remains a role model that inspires many gardeners to create their own “living” masterpieces.

Walking through such a garden is a pleasure: tens of thousands of graceful white flowers of different shapes and sizes make this place especially romantic

To decorate the garden, varieties with silver-white edging of leaves and flowers of various shades of white were used. Its creator, the English writer Vita Sackville-West, managed to so skillfully select an assortment of flowers of the same shade that the composition pleases with a riot of flowering throughout the year.

There is nothing difficult about bringing such beauty to life in your garden. You just need to decide which flowers with white flowers to prefer and how to create compositions so that the plants, without competing with each other, reflect the general mood.

Choosing herbaceous plants in white colors

The White Garden is beautiful at any time of the year. You just need to choose the right plants to decorate the site, taking into account the assortment available in the arsenal and climatic conditions, predominant in your area.

One- and two-year-olds

IN flora white is not uncommon. We see it every spring, enjoying the blossoming of trees, under the canopy of which picturesque meadows dotted with snowdrops are hidden.

Primroses are the first to greet the fine days, basking in the gentle spring rays: snow-white crocuses and miniature double galanthus bloom like bright stars on the bare ground.

A little later, the bulbous primroses will be replaced by delicate lilies of the valley, decorated with miniature light bells, and cute Alba primroses.

In spring, alyssum, which is also known as marine lobularia, will be an elegant decoration for a rock garden or alpine slide. An unpretentious, low-growing annual with small oval leaves and tiny flowers collected in dense clusters, it will delight you with flowering throughout the growing season.

Alyssum belonging to the Tetra schneereiben and Carpet of snow varieties looks unusually beautiful, the caps of which gently sway when the wind blows.

Having planted tulip bulbs in the fall, you can enjoy the beauty of these marvelous flowers in the spring months. Among tulips, the petals of which are painted in white shades, the following varieties are famous for their special decorativeness: White Parrot, White Marv, White Triumphator, fringed Daytona.

In early May, entire glades will bloom with ground covers: perennial carnation and Caucasian arabis. Against the background of delicate spring greenery, the Turkish carnation will look interesting, the fringed cut petals of which spread a subtle, delicate aroma throughout the garden.

For decorativeness and ease of care among varieties Turkish cloves Albus or Dianthus plumarius is especially loved by many gardeners

Ground covers will pass the baton of flowering to herbaceous peonies and irises. Against the background of green foliage, handsome irises with corrugated flowers such varieties: Jayceetee Grosvenor, Arctic Express, Mechevidny, Mesmerizer Byers.

Beloved by many gardeners, violet is famous for its variety of shades. But thanks to the efforts of breeders, monochromatic varieties, for example, “White Crystal,” can also be found on sale.

Ageratum will delight you with flowering from July to October. Decorated with dense fluffy inflorescences, it will retain the color of the flowers until the first frost.

Floral arrangements in white tones look great against the backdrop of silver and blue-gray conifers with their needle-like foliage

As a background flower arrangement you can safely choose: thuja, spruce, brilliant cotoneaster. Silvery conifers can highlight the cool elegance and sophistication of white-flowering plants.

Perennial flowering species

The middle of summer is rightfully given over to the power of blooming roses. You can safely dedicate the entire garden to roses, and it will only benefit from this: a picture featuring these unusually beautiful flowers turns out picturesque, bright and memorable.

Roses look equally impressive both in the design of flower beds and borders, and as hedges dividing the area into zones

White roses look very beautiful as elements of vertical gardening. climbing roses can be launched onto trellises, arches and pergolas, creating green covered arcades that give a pleasant feeling of security. The following varieties are perfect for decorating alpine slides: Swany, Kent, Sea Foam.

Perfect for a white garden:

  • Bourbon roses Boule de Neige with fragrant full-double flowers;
  • polyanthus roses Yvonne Rabier with medium-sized flowers;
  • musk roses Trier and Prosperity with fragrant flowers in creamy white shades.

In the carpet flower garden, be sure to plant chickweed, chickweed and saxifrage. Ground cover varieties with miniature flowers look advantageous in combination with decorative white gravel.

When forming a monochrome flower bed, focus on the range of textures in the plant composition. Let the flower garden be filled with plants that differ noticeably in the shape of their leaves.

If, when creating a variegated flower bed, such texture will go unnoticed, then in a monochromatic flower garden it will catch the eye, like a “3D” effect

Aconites and large-flowered daisies can transform even the most inconspicuous corners in the garden. These amazing crops are ideal for creating landscape gardens with a forest character, which are characterized by mystery and mystery.

Daisies will bloom in the summer months, and large aconite inflorescences will decorate the garden with majestic “candles” at the end of the season.

Don't forget to complement the flower garden with cute daisies with pompom baskets of The pearl variety and fragrant Snow ball petunias

Petunias are so beautiful in themselves that when creating a picturesque landscape design you don’t need to be particularly sophisticated when coming up with complex compositions. Plants will look great both in flower beds paved with stones and along fences.

By choosing hanging varieties, you can decorate hanging pots with flower garlands. Floral fragrant “clouds” will be a worthy decoration for a gazebo, veranda or terrace.

The grayish shades of the openwork foliage of Cineraria maritima, lovingly referred to by gardeners as “silver dust”, will help to dilute the white “blanket” in the flower garden.

Among the popular varieties of seaside cineraria, it is worth highlighting: Cirrus with oval leaves and Silver Dust with carved foliage. Silver tone and carved leaves plants are able to favorably emphasize the color of flowers and set off the greenery that frames them.

Special attention the beautiful lilies deserve. Royal trumpet lilies, Asian and oriental hybrids can easily tolerate mid-latitude conditions.

Lilium candidum is one of the oldest species of white lily, to which Hippocrates attributed divine origin and healing properties.

Airy snow-white clouds on sunny flowerbed form numerous gypsophila flowers. For the lightness and weightlessness of the miniature, bead-like flowers, gardeners nicknamed the ground cover “the bride’s veil.” Among the decorative varieties, the most attractive are Bristol Fairy with double white flowers and Monstrosa.

The branched stems of low-growing gypsophila, reaching a height of 20-50 cm, are decorated with paniculate inflorescences of light shades, framed by graceful foliage

Lush flowering in white tones in the summer months will be ensured by:

  • calimeris notched;
  • bellflower Grandiflora Alba;
  • catnip Nepeta x faassenii;
  • delphinium Casa Blanca;
  • Silver Queen wormwood.

With the onset of autumn, you can maintain your palette using the “queens of the autumn ball” - chrysanthemums. Considered to be extraordinary beautiful flowers capable of prolonging life. But this perennial is revered among gardeners for its ability to revive the garden in the autumn, making it play with new colors even when there is already snow on the ground.

According to Chinese legend, the reigning monarch of ancient times was able to live for more than seven hundred years thanks to the dew from chrysanthemums he drank.

For its delicate flowers, which, like the strokes of an artist’s brush, color the garden in light shades, it is loved by many gardeners. perennial aster. Its snow-white hemispheres look great not only in a flowerbed, but also in a bouquet. The varieties of tall aster Agleni, whose branches are abundantly strewn with small white flowers, and Weisser Schirm deserve special attention.

The delicate panicles of astilbe will be a worthy complement to the delicate flowers of the aster. Spreading branches with spectacular inflorescences feel comfortable even with slight shading.

Among the most famous varieties, it is worth highlighting “Deutschland” with white airy inflorescences and Schtrausenfeder with fluffy diamond-shaped panicles

In late summer, an excellent addition to a white garden will be:

  • Japanese anemone Wirbelwind;
  • phlox paniculata White Admiral;
  • yarrow Achillea decolorans;
  • Echinacea purpurea Alba.

All of the proposed types of crops are famous for their abundance of flowering and ease of care. Therefore, it will not be difficult to compose compositions adhering to the flowering dates. In case of difficulties, you can always play it safe by adding variegated leaves to your compositions. Heucheras, comfrey, hostas, and lungworts can successfully cope with this task.

The white-edged hosta can become the “princess” of any flower bed, giving the composition a touch of sophistication and elegance.

Hostas forming airy “cushions” will visually soften the transitions between colors, bringing harmony to the composition. Variegated foliage interspersed with blue, gray and silver will highlight the whiteness of the delicate flower petals.

Shrubs and trees with white flowers

In addition to herbaceous crops, you should definitely use trees and shrubs in the design of a white garden. Successfully planted tall plants can “brighten” the most shaded corners of the garden.

Weigela undoubtedly leads in this subgroup. An ornamental shrub with tubular buds delights connoisseurs of true beauty. Among the varieties with white color, Candida, Black and White are especially beautiful. The shrub can grow well in light shade conditions, reaching a height of 1.5-2.5 meters.

Weigela with hanging branches is decorated with dozens of tassels of inflorescences that bloom in early May and decorate the garden for the next 20 days

Flowering ornamental shrubs are especially pleasing to bloom in the first month of summer, as if giving the herbaceous crops the opportunity to rest and gain strength to bloom to their fullest.

From spring to summer you imperceptibly pass under the aroma of blossoming lilacs, which creates a special cozy and romantic atmosphere in the garden. The shrub is ideal for forming hedges and creating multi-level plant compositions. Lilac will look good in tandem with herbaceous peonies, who will fall in love with her at the same time.

Integral features of a summer garden in white colors will be paniculate and tree-like hydrangeas, the blooming “balls” of which can transform even the most inconspicuous corner

Singing an ode to magnificently flowering trees, I would like to highlight the already beloved bird cherry with its immense openwork, almonds and jasmine strewn with snow-white “stars,” and blackberries with textured flowers on arched shoots.

In a monochrome garden, be sure to plant a snowberry. Berries decorating the hanging branches of a bare bush will add their bright note to the overall symphony of the white garden.

Snowberry bushes, dotted with white, waxy berries, like beads, appear in all their glory with the onset of cold weather.

The compositional completeness of a garden in white tones will be given by decorative elements selected to match the monocolor: garden figures, benches, improvised mills and wells. The romanticism of the atmosphere created in the garden will be emphasized by the filling of white crushed stone.

One of the few deciduous conifers. In spring, tufts of green, needle-like leaves grow on the gnarled branches. The collection of the White Orchid garden center includes both standard and grafted forms.

Cinquefoil (Kuril tea)- a shrub up to 1 m high. It blooms with numerous small flowers; there are various hybrid varieties in cultivation.

Cinquefoil is very good in a mixed border - while other shrubs fade in turn, it creates a constant bright spot in the garden. It is unpretentious to the soil, blooms well both in sunny places and in light partial shade. Blooms in May, flowering continues until frost.

Mahonia- a very beautiful evergreen shrub. In some species, the leaves turn purple in winter. Mahonia blooms in spring yellow flowers, purple or black berries ripen in autumn. Mahonia winters well, but can freeze above the snow level.

Low almond (Steppe bean)- Beautiful flowering shrub. In spring, before the leaves appear, the plant is covered with small pink flowers.

Popular coniferous plant. The variety of forms of juniper is very large. There are ground cover species, medium-height shrubs, as well as tall trees. Junipers are hardy and tolerate drought better than other conifers. Prefer in moderation fertile soils, open sunny places or partial shade.

Sea ​​buckthorn- a wonderful plant for the garden. Grows on any soil, winter-hardy, sea buckthorn fruits have therapeutic effect.

Bladderwort- decorative shrub with colorful leaves. The collection of the White Orchid garden center includes vesicles with bronze-colored foliage “Diabolo” and golden-yellow “Luteus”. Flowering of bladderworts occurs in June-July. Prefers well-drained soil and light partial shade.

Mountain ash- decorative tree. Blooms in May, white flowers. In autumn, berries ripen and have a medicinal effect. Rowan leaves turn golden or red in autumn. The plant is unpretentious and frost-resistant.

Fieldfare- a shrub with long stems and elongated, silvery below pinnately compound leaves. The flowers are small, collected at the ends of the stems in fragrant large pyramidal inflorescences. Prefers well-drained soil and sunny location. Frost-resistant.

Lilac- a beautiful flowering shrub with a delightful aroma. Flowers in conical inflorescences, color from white to dark purple. Mature bushes can reach a height of 3-3.5 m. Lilacs need care - they need to be fed, faded inflorescences removed, and root shoots removed. Lilac flowering time is late May to mid-June. Prefers moderately fertile soils, open sunny places.

Snowberry– an ornamental shrub, distinguished by white fruits that remain on the branches until the snow. Snowberry is winter-hardy, unpretentious, prefers well-drained soils and open sunny places.

Mountain pine- one of the popular coniferous plants. A distinctive feature of this species is that mountain pine is a slow-growing species. They can be planted in the border or in the rock garden. Mountain pine is planted in open sunny places. The soil for planting must be well drained.

Spiraea (meadowsweet)- an unpretentious, abundantly flowering shrub. Spireas have spring and summer flowering periods. Spiraea needs annual pruning and root removal. To plant spirea, it is better to choose an open, sunny place.

Tamarix- a beautiful flowering shrub. The bush looks lacy thanks to the abundance fluffy inflorescences of small pink flowers and lacy bluish-green foliage. Faded inflorescences are cut off. Tamarix is ​​suitable for well-drained soils and open sunny places.

Thuja– coniferous plant. Among the thujas there are plants of different sizes and with different growth forms. There are small specimens for rock gardens, as well as large plants for single planting. Arborvitae prefer well-drained soils and open, sunny locations.

Chubushnik- profusely flowering shrub. Flowering occurs at the end of June - beginning of July, when most of the bushes have already bloomed. The flowers are very fragrant. Mock orange is unpretentious, but requires open sunny places. Needs annual pruning.

Shepherdia silver– decorative, as well as promising fruit plant. Close relatives of shepherdia are sea buckthorn and lox. Shepherdia prefers open places, well-drained soils. The fruits are consumed in fresh or recycled.

Niedzvetsky apple tree- a very beautiful tree. Against the background of the young spring greenery of other plants, the blooming Nedzvedsky apple tree looks like a bright exotic bouquet due to the fact that the flowers of this apple tree have an unusual color - in buds they are dark purple, when blooming they are deep pink. The tree makes no less impression in the fall, when the crown is densely strewn with purple fruits. to his unusual appearance The Niedzvedsky apple tree owes its pigment to anthocyanin. It is usually formed in the spring in the cellular sap of flowers or provides an autumn color change green leaves plants. The Nedzvedsky apple tree is one of the few exceptions. It synthesizes anthocyanin throughout the growing season from leaf opening to purple apple ripening. The Nedzvedsky apple tree is winter-hardy and practically not affected by pests.

Now let’s admire the luxurious blooming of southern tropical trees. Blooming gardens and parks of warm countries are a magnificent and stunning sight! And strange flowers and trees that we have never seen before bloom here. They bloom not only in spring, but also in summer and autumn...

All the colors of the rainbow pass before us, let's look at the fabulous beauty and generosity of nature.
Flower rainbow colors


Brachychiton maplefolia - Fiery or Flaming tree

Deciduous tree up to 30m in height, leaves similar to maple.

In early summer, a multitude of bright red flowers bloom, completely enveloping the tree and giving the appearance of being on fire.

Delonix royal- Another Fiery tree.
It grows in many countries with warm climates and is one of the five most beautiful trees in the world. The elegant, feathery leaves, 30-50 cm long, resemble ferns, and fold at night .

In spring, the tree is covered with large bright red flowers, about 10 cm in diameter, collected in large clusters.

Flowers can compete with orchids in beauty, and blooming trees represent a delightful spectacle that lasts for 1-2 months.

The name comes from the Greek kallos - beautiful and stemon - stamen.

The beauty of this tree is given by bright red stamens, collected in thick cylindrical inflorescences, similar to dish brushes))

Sometimes the stamens are yellow or green.

Bombax is a cotton tree, a relative of the baobab. Very beautiful, large, palm-sized, bright red flowers are pollinated by birds or even bats.



Fluffy eucalyptus balls come in red, white, and yellow.

African tulip tree- Spathodea campanulate- a very beautiful and exotic plant.

It is called the "African tulip tree" or "fountain tree" because of its numerous large, bright red flowers, shaped like tulips.

Lyrodendron is also called a tulip tree (see Yellow).

We know that in Japan there are holidays to admire the blossoming of sakura and wisteria.
But in northern Africa one of the most beautiful holidays is almond blossom festival. Tafraout is the almond capital of Morocco. Every year in February (!), Morocco hosts an almond blossom festival. By the way, both Italy and Israel have a holiday celebrating the flowering of this tree.

I love it when they bloom
almond trees,
Removing the veil of my melancholy as if by hand.
In my soul, for many years
Tired of nomadism,
I find bliss and peace again

Oleander - large evergreen shrub. It blooms in summer with bright large flowers - usually white or pink.

The homeland of oleander is the subtropics from Morocco and Portugal in the west to Southern China in the east. The juice of oleander leaves is poisonous.

Bougainvillea. White, pink, raspberry, orange, purple, you name it!

Bougainvillea has flowers and bracts of different colors. Her flowers are actually small, yellow-white and inconspicuous. These flowers are surrounded by three petal bracts - it is they, brightly colored, that give the beauty of bougainvillea.

At home, in South America, bougainvillea flowers are pollinated by hummingbirds, and in other countries - by hawk moths.

Bauhinia, orchid or orchid tree. Her flower appears on the Hong Kong flag.

During flowering, the tree is almost completely covered with magnificent flowers reminiscent of orchids.

The petals of Bauhinia (Bauhinia) evoke an association with butterflies not only by their shape, but also by their “motility”. At night they are folded along the central vein.

Lagerstromia indica. The flowers of this tree are collected in clusters similar to lilacs.

Albizia or sleeping tree, or silk acacia, Lankaran acacia.
The name comes from the name of the Florentine del Albizzi, who introduced this plant to Europe in the 18th century.

The tree attracts attention with delicate tassels of pink and lilac flowers. In general, the flowers themselves are yellowish-white, but the stamens are long, pink or lilac in color and form charming fluffy panicles.

Cercis europeanus, or European crimson, or Judino tree.
Judas - because Judas Iscariot hanged himself on it after his betrayal, and the tree that used to bloom with white flowers now blooms pink. In Russian tradition, he hanged himself on an aspen tree, but there are no aspens in biblical places.

Another version: the homeland of crimson is Western Asia, Judea, which is why this tree is called the Judean or Judas tree.
An incredibly beautiful tree. Its bright pink flowers bloom not only on the branches, but also decorate the bark of the branches and trunk in clusters.

In the tropics, stem flowering (caulefloria) is common. The most famous plants that have stem flowering are the cocoa tree and the tropical bread tree.

When, suffering from a cold, Ai-Petri rises in the snow,
the crooked tree of Judas blooms on the southern shore...

Nikolay Zabolotsky

Interestingly, Cersis was announced in Turkey tree 2012 of the year. In honor of the resounding title of “Tree of the Year,” thousands of free seedlings were distributed to Istanbul residents!

Sakura- a favorite tree of the Japanese, during the flowering days of which the Hanami holidays are held.
Hanami is a Japanese national tradition of admiring flowers, the most famous of which is cherry blossoms.

A few months before flowering, forecasts with cherry blossom dates begin to be shown on television.
Cherry blossoms are a traditional symbol of female youth and beauty. Sakura is also used on the emblems of the police and armed forces of Japan.

Tabebuia - or Ipe- grows in the tropics South America. The trees bloom beautifully in different colors: white, pink, yellow, lilac. Flowers ranging in size from 3 to 11 cm are collected in dense inflorescences; hummingbirds feed on their nectar.
Even the ancient Incas called ipe (lapacho) a divine tree that gives life force.
Interestingly, Ipe flowers bloom in different colors in different time. First, in July, after the leaves fall, pink ipe blooms. (In Brazil in July it is winter!).
Pink ipe

After the pink ones, yellow ones bloom, then white ipes bloom, and purple ipes bloom by the end of September.

Magnolia pink

Stunningly beautiful large lily-shaped flowers, pink-purple on the outside, white on the inside, with a faint aroma. The fruits are wine-red, up to 9 cm, ripen in November.



Coralwood or Erythrina

Erythrines are valued for their magnificent orange-red flowers of intricate shapes in large inflorescences. Because Most erythrins have coral-colored flowers and red seed-pods, which is why they are called coral trees. This feature is reflected in the scientific name - from the Greek “erythros” - red.


Caesalpinia rusty, Yellow Flame- view of the Peltoforum. (See yellow color)

The rest of the colors of the rainbow - to be continued