Copy-milling machine - a device that you can make yourself. Copy milling machines All milling machines and machining centers

Both in production and at home, there is often a need to produce a part whose shape and dimensions are completely identical to the original sample. At enterprises, this problem is solved using a device such as a copy-milling machine, which makes it possible to produce copies of the original part in large batches and is characterized by high speed and the quality of the processing performed.

What is the milling process?

Copy- milling machines and any other equipment of the milling group can be found in almost any industrial enterprise. This is explained by the fact that the milling operation is one of the most common methods used to perform machining. This technology allows you to perform a wide range of roughing, semi-finishing and finishing operations with simple and shaped workpieces made of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and to work on wood and plastic. On modern milling equipment Parts of even the most complex shapes are processed with high precision and productivity.

There are two main types of milling: counter (feed and rotation of the tool are in different directions) and down milling (the tool rotates in the same direction as the feed). The cutting part of tools performing milling is made of various materials, which makes it possible not only to successfully work on wood, but also to carry out processing (including grinding) of even the most hard metals and alloys, artificial and natural stone.

Milling equipment is divided into two types: general purpose and specialized, which includes a copy-milling machine.

Capabilities of copy-milling equipment

The copying machine, which belongs to the milling group, is designed for copying and milling work with flat and three-dimensional parts. In addition, such a device can be used to engrave shaped profiles, apply inscriptions and patterns (even of high complexity) to products, and carry out light milling operations on wood and other materials.

Using tools with cutting parts made of various materials, parts made of cast iron are processed on copy milling machines, different varieties steel and non-ferrous metals. Such devices for producing parts in small and large batches successfully produce blades for turbojet engines and steam turbines, propellers for ships, cutting and forging dies, impellers for hydraulic turbines, molds for pressing and casting, molds, etc.

A copy-milling machine performs technological operations that are practically inaccessible to universal equipment. The operating principle of such a machine is based on the copying method, for which a special template is used. The use of a template eliminates the human factor when processing even the most complex parts, due to which all finished products have the same shape and geometric dimensions. Conveniently, one template can be used to accurately manufacture a large batch of parts that will be completely identical to each other.

In order to copy the shape and dimensions of the template as accurately as possible, a copier (pantograph for a router) is installed on a copy-milling machine. The purpose of such a device is to accurately transfer all movements from the copy head to the cutting tool.

How does a copy milling machine work?

Copy-milling machines, as mentioned above, are used for planar (processing of profiles) and volumetric (processing of reliefs) milling. They use cutters as a working tool, which, when processing the contour or volumetric surface of a part, repeat the movements of the copier. The connection between the working element and the tracking system in manual machines is ensured by mechanical, pneumatic or hydraulic elements necessary to generate the force transmitted from the copier to the working element of the copy-milling machine.

The template on such machines is a flat contour or spatial model, a standard part or contour drawings, and the element that reads the shape and dimensions of the template is a copying finger or roller, a special probe, or a photocell. To make a template, you can use an aluminum sheet or a sheet of other metal, plastic or wood. The template and the workpiece are located on the rotating work table of the machine.

The working body of copy-milling equipment comes into motion thanks to such structural elements, such as a screw, spool valve, solenoid, differential or magnetic clutch. Relays installed in the amplification devices of copy-milling machines can be electromagnetic, hydraulic or electro-optical.

The quality of the workpiece (surface roughness, accuracy of shape and size) depends on such a parameter as the speed of movement of the tracking device. In this case, the following characteristics of the finished product can be achieved: roughness – No. 6, profile accuracy – 0.02 mm. The main elements of the executive circuit of such equipment are Electrical engine and hydraulic cylinder.

A pantograph installed on copy-milling equipment ensures copying at a given scale. The pantograph structure consists of a guide pin, its axis, a tool spindle and a separate axis of rotation. The spindle and guide pin are located on the same rail, the ratio of the arms of which determines the copying scale.

Moving along the contour of the template, the finger sets in motion the rack, which rotates freely on an axis. Accordingly, on the other side of the rack, the machine spindle makes identical movements, processing the workpiece. On do-it-yourself copy-milling machines, such a device will also not be superfluous; its presence significantly increases the functionality of the equipment.

Types of copy-milling machines

The equipment of a copy-milling machine may include various types of drives. Based on this parameter, the following are distinguished:

  • equipment with a pantograph (suitable for processing parts in 2–3 dimensions);
  • devices with a copier mounted on a rotary rack moving in a vertical plane;
  • single- and multi-spindle machines equipped with round or rectangular rotary tables;
  • machines, the feed on which is ensured by mechanical, electrical, hydraulic devices;
  • photocopying equipment.

Homemade copying machine may refer to any of these types (including copy grinding machines). You just need to find drawings on the Internet and select components.

According to the degree of automation and the method of fixing the workpiece, the following categories of copy-milling machines are distinguished:

  • manual or desktop, on which the workpiece is fixed mechanically (on these devices you can drill holes of various shapes in accordance with the template);
  • automatic equipment of a stationary type, the workpieces on which are fixed using pneumatic clamps (such machines work with aluminum);
  • automatic equipment of a stationary type with pneumatic clamps, on which a three-spindle head is installed (on these copy-milling machines, triple holes are simultaneously drilled, which does not allow the production of units of the two previous types).

How does a copy milling machine work?

As noted above, on a copy-milling machine the workpiece is processed using a master device - a copier. All movements of the copier along the contour or surface of the template are transmitted thanks to a special (copying) device to the working head of the machine in which the cutter is fixed. Thus, the cutting tool exactly repeats all the movements made by the copier used to equip the router.

The movements of the elements of a copy-milling machine during the processing of a part are divided into main (rotation and movement of the spindle when cutting the tool into the workpiece material, movement along the contour of the work table and slide) and auxiliary (movement of the spindle head, slide and table in accelerated mode, as well as installation movements made by the tracer table, the copying finger, the stops and the clamp that secures the spindle head).

In copy milling machines working on aluminum, two tracking schemes can be implemented: simple action and feedback action. When implementing the direct action scheme, the working body of the machine makes movements due to the fact that it is rigidly connected to the copier. The reverse action scheme does not provide for such a connection and movements from the copier to the working element are transmitted not directly, but through a tracking system.

As mentioned above, contour and volumetric milling is performed on copy milling machines. When contour milling, the movements of the copier occur in a plane parallel or perpendicular to the axis of the tool. In the first case, the movement of the equipment working table can only be longitudinal, and the cutter and copying finger move vertically. In the second case, the table moves both longitudinally and transversely. In volumetric milling, the part is processed in stages - thanks to several movements of the table and tool performed in parallel planes.

The direct action scheme can also be implemented through a pantograph, which allows you to reduce the size of finished products in relation to the size of the template used (scale). Most often, such an additional device, which is easy to make yourself, is installed on machines used for engraving and light milling work.

Another variation of a self-made machine

How to make a copy milling machine with your own hands

Many home craftsmen would like to purchase a copy-milling machine to equip their workshop, but the cost of such equipment is quite high. Meanwhile, if you have the desire, and without spending a lot of time, effort and financial resources, you can make such equipment with your own hands.

Naturally, homemade copy-milling equipment cannot be compared with professional ones in terms of power, reliability and functionality, but such machines can also make high-quality copies, work with wood and process workpieces from other materials. Many people try to attach a copying device to an existing one, but this is impractical, since it would require redoing almost the entire machine. As practice shows, it is better to assemble your homemade copy-milling machine from scratch, selecting the appropriate components for this.

The photo below shows an example homemade machine with a video supplement. The creator of the machine narrates the story in English, but in principle everything is quite clear even without translation.

The easiest way to make a copy-milling device with your own hands is by standard scheme, which includes a supporting structure - a frame, a work table and a milling head. The drive to ensure rotation of the working tool is an electric motor that transmits movement through a two-stage mechanism, allowing two speeds to be obtained. Desktop of this homemade device can be adjusted in height.

Many of those who have made a copy-milling machine with their own hands note that when changing operating modes, such equipment begins to show a lot of shortcomings. The most common of these shortcomings are vibrations of the machine frame, curvature of the workpiece and its deflection, poor-quality copying, etc. To avoid such problems, it is best to make the copy-milling device highly specialized and immediately configure it to process workpieces of the same type. This is explained by the fact that it is almost impossible to take into account all the shortcomings that will arise in universal equipment when changing operating modes.

The size of a homemade copy-milling machine is of great importance, which must be selected depending on the size of the workpiece you are going to process on it. When processing large workpieces, significant vibrations arise, which only massive equipment can dampen. With such processing, serious loads are transferred to the guide axes of the machine, which must also be able to withstand it.

The first thing you need to do before making a copy-milling machine with your own hands is to decide on the tasks that you are going to solve with its help. The size of the work table, the method of securing the workpieces and template, and the direction of movement of the cutting tool will depend on this.

Depending on what parts you are going to make on your homemade copy-milling machine (as well as on the material for their manufacture), the power of the electric motor is selected. So, for engraving and other woodworking, an electric motor with a power of 150–200 W is quite suitable.

The probe and the working body of the machine are rigidly fixed to each other and installed above the work table so that the height of their location and their planes completely coincide. After installation, such a structure must move horizontally and vertically parallel to all sides of the desktop.

In the two videos below, another master talks about making a copy-milling machine with his own hands.

A copy milling machine is necessary for milling curved parts template copying method. All copy milling machines for wood are united by the fact that during processing they use a template from which the shape of the future part is copied. Using a template allows you to eliminate the human factor during such a complex operation as curved milling. This way, all finished parts will have the same shape.

These machines are divided into several types:

  • Manual machines

The operator moves the pattern and the part attached to it with his hands.

  • Automatic copying machines

Automatic copying machine for door production. The PF 2600 model allows you to mill all door elements: 2 pillars, 3 crossbars, 3 curved panels - in 8 minutes. Processing is carried out by one operator.

The rotary machine is indispensable in performing a number of operations. In the production of chairs, this is the processing of legs, drawers, backs, armrests and other curved elements. In the production of tables, equipment is used to mill the tabletop around the perimeter. In the manufacture of doors and facades, it is necessary for the manufacture of panels. Productivity - up to 1000 chair legs per shift.

  • Lathes and copying machines

Copy milling lathes. The manufacture of chair legs (cabrioles), butts, ax handles and other asymmetrical parts is used.

  • Longitudinal milling copying machines

This woodworking machine is equipped with a carriage that moves between the milling and grinding units. It is used in the production of chairs for milling legs, drawers and other parts.

CNC milling machines and machining centers HAAS products are designed to work in various types of industries, ranging from small workshops to heavy engineering and aerospace. HAAS milling machines can process a wide range of parts, such as housing parts of varying degrees of complexity, dies and molds with complex 3D surfaces.

On milling machining centers equipped rotary table HAAS, full four- and five-axis high-precision machining is possible.

Selection of milling machines by parameters

All milling machines and machining centers

* Prices for machines are indicated without VAT, taking into account delivery to the buyer’s plant, including installation supervision


Classification of supplied milling equipment

High-precision CNC milling machines and machining centers that Abamet supplies and services can be divided into the following main types:

  • vertical milling;
  • horizontal milling.

Among the vertical milling centers we can distinguish:

  • CNC vertical milling centers portal type . This group includes HAAS GR series machining centers, which have large movements along the X and Y axes (GR-712 - 3683x2159 mm). This 3-axis milling machine has a fixed work table with a workpiece mounted on it.
  • Small-sized CNC milling machine CM-1. The machine fits into a standard 915mm wide doorway, as well as most freight elevators. This high-precision machine has a full-fledged HAAS CNC system, which allows you to process small parts of varying degrees of complexity. Maximum spindle speed is 30,000 with the possibility of increasing to 50,000.
  • Five-axis vertical milling CNC machining centers. This group includes HAAS centers VF-TR and UMC series. VF-TR centers have a removable tilt-rotary table, removing which you can free up the working area for working in 3 axes with large parts. The UMC series CNC metal milling machine has a built-in two-axis rotary table with a diameter of 500 mm.

Horizontal milling machining centers can be divided into 2 types:

  1. With changing pallets - EC-400, EC-400PP and EC-500. The pallet changer allows setup to be done on one pallet while the part is being processed on a second pallet. This reduces machine downtime.
  2. Palletless - EC-1600 and EC-1600ZT. Large CNC milling machines with the ability to install an integrated rotary faceplate with a diameter of 762 mm. The faceplate allows you to process large parts from different sides in one installation.

What to look for when choosing a CNC router

The price of a CNC milling machine depends on its technical characteristics. The choice of technical characteristics, in turn, depends on the following parameters:

  • dimensions and weight of the workpiece;
  • configuration of the workpiece, requirements for accuracy and quality of processed surfaces;
  • processing modes required for the manufacture of parts (spindle speed, power and torque);
  • planned production program.

Benefits of HAAS CNC Routers

HAAS milling machines and machining centers offer the following advantages:

  • simple and reliable design with big amount standardized units allows you to buy a metal milling machine at a low price and reduce the cost of its maintenance;
  • a precision, inexpensive metal milling machine allows you to produce complex and high-precision parts;
  • intuitive HAAS CNC system, which you can master in the shortest possible time and start producing products;
  • a large number of available options allows you to configure a CNC milling machine for the tasks of a specific production.

What does Abamet offer?

The Abamet company is the official dealer of HAAS in Russia and the Republic of Belarus. This gives our Clients a number of advantages:

  • fast delivery of equipment;
  • an integrated approach with technological development, selection of cutting tools, instrumental and technological equipment;
  • availability of all major spare parts in our warehouse;
  • high-quality and fast service provided by certified engineers;
  • technical support throughout the entire service life of the equipment;
  • opportunity to use the Trade-in service.

How to make an order

To make a request for equipment, please contact us at the contact number 8-800-333-0-222 or send a request with terms of reference by e-mail . Our manager will answer all questions and help you choose the optimal equipment configuration. The price of a CNC milling machine will pleasantly surprise you.

The Abamet company has its own representative offices for service and sale of CNC milling machines in Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Novosibirsk) and the Republic of Belarus (Minsk).