Notes for speech therapy classes on sound differentiation. Summary of an individual lesson on differentiating sounds t-d for children of the older group

MKDOU Bobrovsky kindergarten "Spikelet"

Target: Learn to differentiate sounds [S] - [W] in syllables, words.


  • Develop phonemic awareness;
  • To develop the formation of control over one’s own speech.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment (surprise moment).

Parsley appears.

2. Main part

Hello, do you like to travel? (Yes)

Let's go on a boat trip together.

In order to hit the road, we need to complete the first task.

Performing articulatory gymnastics (Exercises: “Frog”, “Proboscis”, “Calyx”, “Mushroom”, “Horse”, “Delicious Jam”, “Accordion”, “Painter”).

Well done, the first task was completed, and our boat sailed to the magical island. And now we come to the magic castle and we need to complete the second task. Exercise to develop air flow (“Focus”).

Well done, and you coped with this task.

Before you have time to complete one task, another task is already waiting for you.

Open the envelope and see what's there.

One, two, three, collect the pictures! The child collects pictures: tumbler, bag, car, dog.

Now let's play with our fingers

Finger gymnastics

Our feet walked

along a level path (index and middle fingers walk)

Jumped and galloped

Oops and disappeared (fingers hid in a fist).

Another surprise awaits us on the magical island. Open the box, they have prepared pictures for us. Let's play with you. I will name the words, and when you hear the sound [S], you will raise the blue flag, and when you hear the sound [SH] in the word, you will raise the green flag.

(porridge - helmet, bear - bowl, mustache - ears, rat - roof, tower - fable day - jokes)

Sound-letter analysis of a word

Let's divide the words into syllables. How many syllables - so many sticks you will put on the table (words: closet, shorts, bag, sundress, traffic light, hut, boots, airplane).

The next task is to open the envelope. What is there?

Game "Say the word."

The rat invites everyone to a feast

I got hold of some delicious…… (cheese).

A family gathered in the garden,

everyone sat down on….(bench).

The head looks from above

...(owl) sits on a pine tree.

Sanya jumps hop-hop

Jumped off my foot…..(sock).

She's all covered in sharp needles,

This tree is……(pine).

Bears walk awkwardly

they are prevented from walking...(bumps).

Our house is made entirely of branches

Because he...(hut).

I've walked through quite a few puddles

And now I need...(shower).

3. Final part

The last task awaits you.

Color those pictures whose names contain the sound [Ш] and the sound [S].

Well done, he completed the task correctly!

It's time for us to return home.

Here we are at home, did you enjoy our trip?

In classes outside the correctional group, children with speech disorders receive correctional assistance in portions, and not daily, like children in a speech therapy group.

The main forms of organizing work in this case are individual and subgroup classes. Our classes are short-term (15-20 minutes), short-term (2-3 times a week) and are designed for a 6 or 12 month training period.

At the same time, there are practically no programs, scripts and notes for this type of classes today.
In order to solve this problem, I developed this lesson.

This lesson is the final lesson on the topic “ Differentiation of sounds S-SH».

The sounds - S, Ш are placed at the beginning and in the middle of the correctional work of the speech therapist and, as a rule, their production does not cause great difficulties, as well as subsequent automation.

Differentiation of these sounds is quite difficult for children, but these sounds occur frequently in words.
If these sounds are delivered and introduced into speech, and differentiation is not sufficiently worked out, then the child’s speech “whistles” and “lisps.”

Failure to consolidate sounds in speech subsequently leads to problems in writing.

Therefore, it is the differentiation of sounds that should be given great importance.

This lesson summarizes a complex of correctional techniques, such as: articulation and finger gymnastics, differentiation of sounds in syllables, words, phrases, and text.

In my studies I pursued the following goals:

Development of the articulatory apparatus;
Without this, it is impossible for children to produce sounds and speak clearly. Moreover, today the muscles in children are poorly developed.

Development of phonemic hearing;
This is one of the most important moments of speech therapy work.
The ability to hear a sound and find its location in a word will help the child pronounce the sound correctly in each specific case.
Prevention of dyslexia and dysgraphia at school.

Development of fine motor skills of the hands;
It has long been known that the development of speech centers is closely related to the development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Creating positive motivation for exercise;
As a rule, children with speech disorders have low motivation. If something in class is difficult, the child loses interest, yawns, and gets distracted. Therefore, the playful form of classes, the active use of demonstration material: plot pictures, and frequent changes in activities encourage the child to actively participate in the class and maintain his attention throughout the class.

The lesson is conducted with children selected according to the appropriate diagnoses and level of preparation for this type of lesson.

Summary of an individual lesson on differentiating sounds [С], [Ш]
"Journey for Cones"

Topic: Sounds of S-Sh.

Goal: Differentiation of sounds [S] - [W].

1. Educational:
- clarify the child’s understanding of the sounds [S], [SH].

2. Corrective and developmental:

Develop mobility of the articulatory apparatus;
- clarify the idea of ​​the articulatory structure of the sounds [S], [SH];
- develop phonemic hearing for the sounds [С], [Ш];
- develop speech breathing;
- development of fine motor skills of the hands;
- differentiation of sounds [С], [Ш] in syllables, words, sentences, text.

3. Educational:
- create positive motivation for classes;
- cultivate self-control over speech, the desire to practice.

- individual mirror;
- squares of blue, green and red;
- ball;
- plot pictures.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Guys, today we have an unusual activity. I invite you to visit your grandmother’s village and take a walk in the pine forest. Want to? Then close your eyes and imagine that we are now in the forest. Open your eyes. Show me how big the trees are there.
Children raise their hands.
A warm breeze blew: shhhh, the leaves rustled.
Children move their fingers very quickly.
A cold wind blew: ssss, the pine trees swayed.
Children sway and wave their arms.
The wind has died down - neither leaves nor branches move anymore.
Children relax.
The wind blew again.
The children tense again, sway and wave their arms, then relax again.

Well done, have a seat.

2. Report the topic of the lesson

Let's remember: how did the foliage rustle in the warm breeze? (Sh-sh-sh-sh) How did the cold wind blow? (S-s-s-s) Today we will repeat the sounds S, Sh.

The letters C and Ш are attached to the board. What are these letters called? What rule do we know? (We read and write letters, and we speak and hear sounds).
Let's remember the characteristics of sounds.

3. Comparison of sounds S, Ш according to articulatory and acoustic characteristics (similarities and differences)

4. Articulation and finger gymnastics

Look, guys, who came to us? (Pictures are attached to the board - a boy and a girl) That's right, these are our friends - Sasha and Masha. They will go with us to the village to visit their grandmother. Let's put a personal mirror in front of ourselves and do the exercises.

Articulation gymnastics.

Fat grandchildren came to visit (puff out our cheeks),
With them, they are thin - just skin and bones (we suck in our cheeks).
Grandparents smiled at everyone (lips in a wide smile, upper and lower teeth visible),
They reached out to kiss everyone (lips move forward).
In the morning we woke up with a smile on our lips (again a wide smile).
We brushed our upper teeth (wide tongue behind the upper teeth)
Right and left, inside and outside (corresponding movements with a wide tongue).
We are also friends with the lower teeth (repeating these movements with the tongue in the position behind the lower teeth).
We will compress our lips and rinse our mouths (alternately puffing out our cheeks - the lips do not allow air to pass through),
And we puff on the samovar as much as we can (simultaneously inflating both cheeks and then releasing air through the lips).
We’ll put the saucers down and they’ll put pancakes in for us (the wide tongue rests on the lower lip).
We blow on the pancake - not on the cheeks, not past (blow on a wide tongue).
We chew the pancake, wrap it up and bite it (chew the tongue spread out, then bite it, wrapping it behind the lower teeth),
Pancake with delicious raspberry jam (we lick the upper lip from front to back with a wide tongue).
We will put the cups so that they can pour tea (we bend the wide tongue upwards with a cup),
We blew on our nose - we cooled the tea (blow upward from the “cup”).
We drank tea - no one was offended (“the cup” moves back and forth).
The breakfast was delicious - we licked our lips (the tip of our tongue licks our lips in a circle).

Finger gymnastics.

Well done boys. Now you can go into the forest. But for a walk in the forest we need not only strong legs, but also arms.

Let's do hand exercises:

Clenching your fingers into fists;
- rotation of fists;
- arching of the hands;
- connection of fingers.

5. Differentiation of sounds [С], [Ш] in syllables.
Guys, let's remember how sounds are friends with each other? (The consonant is friends with the vowel.)
So sounds, if we are friends with them, will help us get through the bumps. (Children each stand at their place. The speech therapist throws the ball to the child and pronounces the syllables. The child repeats and throws the ball to the speech therapist.)

sa - sha sa - sa - sha
so - sha sa - sha - sha
su - shu sa - sha - sa
sy-shi sha - sha - sa
sha - sa sha - sa - sa
sho - so sha - sa - sha
shu - su
shi - si

6. Differentiation [С], [Ш] in words.

The children take their seats.
Speech therapist: “Oh! What happened here? Sasha and Masha came up with words for you with the sounds S and Sh, but when the wind blew, these sounds were lost. Let’s help Sasha and Masha return the sounds to their place” (if the children have difficulties, you can hand out pictures depicting these objects).
The child must name the word and determine the location of the sound in the word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end).

Game "Guess the word"

Ishka. uba we. b
. ova. Oroka
. Kamya. anki
. harp apogi

Speech therapist: “Sasha has prepared a task for you (cards are distributed to the children). Divide these words into syllables and make a sound diagram.”

8. Differentiation of sounds [С], [Ш] in purely speaking.

Well done boys! You did an excellent job. And now, in order for us to come to the forest edge, we need to walk along the paths and repeat the correct sayings correctly. (Children get up, take turns catching the ball and repeating pure sayings).

Checkers on the table, cones on the pine tree.

Sashka knocked off the bumps with his hat.

Pasha went on foot -
He carried a bag of sand.

Our big fluffy cat is sitting on the window.
And your little funny cat leaves the window.

Keshka ate the pawn in a hurry.

The old women dried the dryers.

9. Differentiation of sounds [С], [Ш] in the text.

Speech therapist: “We walked along the paths and where did we come? And here’s where!” (A picture depicting a pine forest is attached to the board.) The children take turns repeating sentences with a speech therapist and memorizing the text. Then images are attached to the board: pine tree, pine cones, bag. Based on these pictures, children take turns retelling the text one sentence at a time.

Sasha and Masha went into the forest to get pine cones. Here is the edge of the forest. There is a tall pine tree at the edge. The pine tree has thick fluffy branches. High - large cones hang on the very top of the head. The cones fall down noisily. There are a lot of cones under the pine tree.
Sasha and Masha collect cones in a bag. They rush home with a bag of cones. From behind you can hear the sound of a pine forest.

Lesson summary

Speech therapist: “Well, guys, you and I were in the forest. Our lesson has come to an end. Let's remember: What sounds did we pronounce most often today?
Let’s clarify the articulation of sound: what were the sponges, teeth, tongue doing, what was the air stream like, was the neck singing or not?”

Assessment of speech activity

You worked great today and pronounced the sounds correctly. With you in the group you will take pine cones that we collected in the forest (the speech therapist gives the children pine cones for crafts).

Semenyuk Yulia Sergeevna,
teacher speech therapist
GOU TsRR No. 1688 Moscow


Differentiation of SH-Zh sounds in syllables, words and sentences.


Teach the child to distinguish between the sounds Ж and Ш. Identify them in words and sentences.


Form articulatory, general and fine motor skills.

To form phonemic perception based on a clear distinction between sounds according to the following characteristics: deaf - voiced.

Develop a sense of rhythm, auditory perception, phonemic hearing, attention, memory.

Be able to differentiate sounds in words.

Develop coherent speech.


Ball, toys: beetle, snake; schematic pictures, computer game “Lay Out the Pictures”,

Organizational moment

Today we will go to the forest to meet fairy-tale characters. Look who's flying towards us! Bug! Listen carefully to what the beetle tells you. The speech therapist takes the beetle toy and says: “Hello, I’m a BUTTER, I was in such a hurry to meet you that I lost my BUT!”

The speech therapist turns to the child: “Who is this? What did you lose? What sounds did the beetle mix up? What sound is heard in the word beetle? What sound is heard in the word cap? We will teach the beetle not to confuse the sounds Sh-Zh.

Main part

Go to the mirror and show the beetle the exercises that need to be done in order to pronounce sounds correctly.

1. Articulation exercises

1. - “Fence” - “Window” - “Bridge” - “Shovel” - “The shovel digs” - “Delicious jam” - “Focus” - “Warm wind” - the snake hisses - Sh-Sh-Sh.

2. - “Fence” - “Window” - “Bridge” - “Shovel” - “The shovel digs” - “Delicious jam” - “Focus” - “Warm wind” - the beetle is buzzing - J-J-J.

2. Speech breathing exercises.

Singing syllables in one exhalation. Development of phonation “speech” breathing.

zha zhu zhu zhi

zha zhu zhu zhi

sha sho shu shi

sha sho shu shi she

3. Differentiation of sounds in syllables.

Prepare for sound analysis. Continue working on the formation of the syllable structure. Develop fine motor skills.

The speech therapist asks the child to guess from the description who is hiding in the forest behind the Christmas tree. Based on the description, the child recognizes the snake. The Snake appears.

What sound does a snake make when it hisses Ш or Ж?

Game "Stag beetle". Logorhythmic exercise. Develop auditory perception, fine motor skills, memory, voice, intonation expressiveness. Strengthen the ability to perform movements in accordance with music and song lyrics.

The child guesses the song based on the melody. He sings it, performing movements corresponding to the text:

Here the stag beetle flies -

The very first strongman

Hands are located at chest level. Fingers clenched into fists. Throwing your arms forward while unclenching your fingers.

At him, at the beetle

There are horns on the head.

Hands are located at chest level. The child moves his “horns”, raising his second and third fingers up. On the word horns, he changes the position of his fingers, putting out the second and fourth fingers.

Game “Clap - Stamp” For the syllable ZHA - clap your hands, for the syllable SHA - stamp your foot. Pronunciation of syllables one by one, then complicated by the number and change of syllables, observing a rhythmic pattern. (For example: ZHA-ZHA, clap 2 times, SHA-SHA-SHA, stomp 3 times, then vice versa). This exercise develops a sense of rhythm, auditory perception, phonemic hearing, and attention.

4. Isolating sounds Zh - Sh from words.

Learn to differentiate sounds in words.

The speech therapist asks the child to teach the beetle to correctly pronounce the sounds Ш - Ж in words. Computer game “Lay out the pictures.” Pictures with the sound Ш should be moved to one basket, and with the sound Ж - to another.

5. Learning and pronouncing pure sayings.

Once upon a time lived on a pine tree

Two big shots.

Once upon a time we lived under a pine tree

Two funny mice.

And the mice hissed:

Hey, you're up there on the tower,

Come down, bigwigs!

The cones were surprised:

Wait, mice!

We'll call you to the tower

And, as in a fairy tale, we will live.

6. Changing words. Ball game. The speech therapist throws the ball on the floor, calling out a word with the sound Ш, the child catches and throws the ball back, calls the same word, replacing the sound Ш with Ж:

Sew - live Living - sewing

Shawl - sorry Zhito - sewn

Play naughty - sting Lying - Lesha

Joke - creepy Smear - wave

Ears - snakes Bait - patch

7. Physical education minute. " Wind"

The wind is blowing in our faces!

(Blow and wave your hands in front of you)

The tree swayed

(Raised their arms above their heads and swayed)

The tree is getting higher and higher.

(We stretched our arms up, rising onto tiptoes.)

The wind is getting quieter and quieter.

(Slowly lower your arms and sit down)

8 Make up sentences about a hedgehog, a beetle, a mouse and pronounce them with different intonations.

9. Stories of chain structure.

Develop coherent speech. The speech therapist reads the story, the child retells it using schematic pictures.

1) There is a lawn near the forest.

Zhenya was walking on the lawn.

Zhenya saw a beetle.

The beetle was sitting on a blackberry.

Zhenya put the blackberries in the jug.

A beetle was buzzing pitifully in Zhenya’s jug.

Zhenya felt sorry for the beetle.

Zhenya planted a beetle on a blackberry.

2) Shura went to the Chapiteau circus.

In Chapiteau, the jester joked and made people laugh.

The jester told funny jokes.

The jester's jokes made Shura laugh.

10. Summing up the lesson.


Vashchenko Natlya
teacher speech therapist

Trofimova N.N.
Teacher-speech therapist, MADOU TsRR - d/s No. 116

Goal: to learn to differentiate the sounds [s] and [w] in syllables, words and sentences.

Correctional and educational:

Clarification and comparison of the articulation of sounds S-Sh; consolidate the ability to correctly pronounce them in speech, differentiate them in words, phrases, sentences; continue to learn how to divide words into syllables; learn to coordinate adjectives with nouns, learn to construct a phrase.

Correctional and developmental:

Develop phonemic hearing, visual perception, fine motor skills, attention, memory.

Corrective education:

Cultivating a caring and attentive attitude towards people, self-control.


Object pictures for differentiating the sounds S and Ш in words and sentences.

Organizational moment (creating positive motivation for the lesson).

Game exercise “Fourth wheel”

Highlighting extra words: orange, apricot, pineapple, snail.

Why is snail an extra word? What vowel sounds do you know?

What other sounds are there? Why are they called consonants?

Main part.

1. Topic message.

I received a letter from Sonya and Shurik. In their letter they ask for help. An evil witch bewitched the young princess, turning her into an old woman. And to help her we need to complete tasks. Shall we help?

2. Isolating the first sound in words.

Tell me what is the first sound you hear in the words “Sonya” and “Shurik”.

Today we will learn to distinguish between the sounds S and Ш in syllables, words, and sentences.

3. Clarification of articulation. Comparative characteristics of the sounds S and Sh.

What are the sounds S and Sh?

[S] - consonant, hard, deaf.

[Ш] - consonant, hard, deaf.

4. Game exercise “Repeat”.

Listen carefully, repeat carefully.

5. Isolating the sounds S and Ш from a number of other sounds.

Raise the symbol (circle) if you hear the sound C and the symbol (rectangle) if you hear the sound Ш.

S, m, a, w, s, n, o, w, w, s, etc.

6. Guessing words with missing sounds.

There are pictures on the table; you need to listen carefully to the word with the missing sound and find the right picture.


7. Dividing words into syllables.

Arrange the pictures correctly, in a train with one window; the pictures have one syllable name. In a train with two windows, pictures with two syllables in the name, etc.

(cuckoo, cat, ball, pillow, owl, pineapple, soup, dishes, bag).

8. Game exercise “Find a pair.”

You need to find a couple of pictures for the sounds S and Sh, which are united by one lexical theme.


Flip-flop sandals,


Dragonfly bumblebee.

9. Game exercise “Highlight the word.”

Find a picture in the name of which you can hear the sound S and circle it with a felt-tip pen. Then find a picture in the name of which you can hear the sound SH and circle this picture with a felt-tip pen.

10. Guessing the riddle. Selection of sign words and action words to solve the riddle.

“At the threshold he cries, hides his claws,

He will quietly enter the room,

He will purr and sing." (Cat).

Tell me which cat? Choose words of signs whose names contain the sounds S and Sh. (fluffy, funny, nimble, big.)

Tell me what a cat can do? Choose action words in the name of which you can hear the sounds S and Sh. (sleeping, eating, eating, making noise, being naughty.)

11. Agreement of nouns with adjectives.

We said the cat is fluffy, but who can be fluffy, fluffy, fluffy? Choose pictures (snow, blanket, bunnies).

We also said that the cat is funny. And who can be funny, funny, funny? Select the pictures and say the phrase (gnome, movie, clowns).

12.Analysis and synthesis of the words “soup”, “noise”.

All cats love milk soup, make a diagram of the word “soup”.

Scheme discord. Name the first (second, third) sound. Give a description, determine the number of sounds and syllables in a word.

When a cat is well-fed, it begins to play, run, play pranks and create...

Guess what word will come out if in the word “soup” we replace the first sound with the sound Ш, and we replace the last sound in the word “soup” with the sound М. (noise)

Analysis and synthesis of the word “noise”. Analysis of the word scheme.

13. Isolating words based on the sounds S and Ш from the text. Retelling a story using pictures to accompany the text.

Listen to the story and then try to name all the words starting with the sounds S and Sh.

“Sasha has a cat, Musya. Musya has a long mustache. She catches mice. The mice run away from Musya. The cat Musya is big, smart, she catches up with the mice.”

Try to retell the story yourself.

14.Result of the lesson.

We completed many tasks and now I think we managed to help Sonya and Shurik. Let's take a look at the photo of the enchanted princess.

The spell is broken, we've done it!

What sounds did we learn to distinguish today in syllables, words, sentences?

galina cousin
Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Sound differentiation (S-SH)”

TARGET. Differentiation and strengthening correct pronunciation sounds(WITH, (W) in syllables, in words, in phrases.


Development of phonemic awareness;

Development of general and fine motor skills, speech breathing;

Activation of mental processes: perception, attention, memory, imagination, thinking;

Vocabulary enrichment;

Formation of the child’s self-control skills over his own speech;

Formation of phonemic analysis and synthesis skills.

Stimulating children to speak;

Cultivating a good attitude towards each other.

Equipment: toys (cat, dog, pictures with sounds(S-Sh, manuals for breathing exercises

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.


Imagine, children, that we are now in the forest. Show me how big the trees are there.

(Children raise their hands).

A warm breeze blew: Sh-Sh-Sh, the leaves rustled.

(Children quickly and quickly bend and straighten their fingers)

A cold wind blew: S-S-S, the pine trees swayed

(Children sway and wave their arms.)

The wind has died down - neither leaves nor branches rustle anymore.

(Children relax)

The wind blew again.

(Children tense again, sway and wave their arms, then relax again)

2. Subject message classes.

How the foliage rustled warm breeze? (SH-SH-SH)

How did the cold wind blow? (S-S-S)

Today we will repeat sounds S-Sh. Guests came to us, guess Who:

“I won’t let a stranger into the house, I’m sad without the owner” (Dog)

“Shaggy, mustachioed, drinks milk, sings songs.” (Cat)

Is in these words sounds(WITH) And (W) and where are they located? (Children's answers)

The dog and cat want to play with you. Let's warm up.

3. Articulation gymnastics:

Playful - tongue,

Rotike lives in the house.

I opened the window with my tongue,

And it's warm outside.

Our tongue stretched out

He smiled at us widely,

And then I went for a walk,

Harness your horse.

Then I saw the painter.

It's time to paint the ceiling.

There's a can of paint next to it.

The fence needs to be updated.

We got tired and sat down,

Ride on the swing.

Turkeys walked by

They chattered and became boring.

A woodpecker was hammering a tree nearby.

He found bugs there.

Our tongue walked.

I learned a lot of new things.

He was a little tired.

He returned to his house.

4. Breathing exercises

Game “Warming your hands”: blow on your palms, changing the strength of your exhalation.

Game “Breathe through the nose”: alternately inhaling and exhaling air, first with the right and then with the left nostril.

5. Pronunciation S-SH sounds in syllables.

A game "Remember and Repeat"




6. Pronunciation sounds s-sh in words

A game "Vice versa"





A game “Let’s give pictures to a dog and a cat”

(Set of pictures with sounds(WITH) (W).)

7. Physical exercise "Cat"

“The window opened and a cat came out onto the ledge

The cat looked up, the cat looked down.

She turned to the left and followed the flies with her eyes.

She smiled, stretched and sat down on the ledge.”

8. Pronunciation sounds in pure tongues

Let's remember the fair saying about the cat.

“Our big fluffy cat is sitting on the window.

And your little funny cat left the window"

And today we will learn a new phrase

“We bought boots for the cat for the holiday,

They combed her mustache and sewed new pants.”

9. Word formation. Confusion rhymes.

The dog wanted to play a game with you - confusion, replacing "confused" sounds and the words are correct.

The cat catches "bowl", Firefighter wears "porridge",

Mom washes "mouse". Sasha was eating "helmet"

In full view of the children, Misha dances in "Mashka"

"Rat" painters are painting. They gave me candy "mask"

10 Pronunciation sounds from, sh in sentences.

Answer the questions. Determine availability and location sounds in words.

1. Who is driving the train? driver

2. What shines during the day? Sun

3. What is the name of the person who tends the flock? shepherdess

4. What is the body of a cat or dog covered with? wool

5. What other word can be used to describe small bagels? drying

6. The children listened to the story and laughed. What was the story? funny

7. What are the small spots on the face called? freckles

8. What is the name of the road along which cars travel? highway

11. Development of phonemic awareness.

A game "Catch sound»

I will name the words, and you clap your hands if the word contains sound(S, raise your hand if you hear sound(W).

Words are called: bear, mask, son, saber. car, boots, Misha, Masha, salt, sled, hat, fur coat, bus, table, checkers, cones

12 Summary classes

Guys, the cat and dog really liked the way you played with them, they will come to visit you again. What games did you like to play? (Children's answers)

Today you pronounced syllables and words, selected suitable words for poems, learned simple phrases, played different games.

Why did we do all this?

Children: "We learned to distinguish sounds S and Sh

Well done everyone, they tried very hard.