Indoor flowers ficus varieties. Caring for different types of ficus at home

Ficuses are the most common plant for growing and caring for at home. In this regard, a large number of people who decide to have ficus trees have many questions related to the cultivation and propagation of these flowers.

If you take into account all aspects of caring for ficuses at home, this flower will become a beautiful and elegant decoration for your interior. Remember that this plant loves care and attention. Without them, it will lose its leaves and lose its attractive appearance.

In this article, we have collected answers to a wide range of questions related to caring for ficus trees at home. Also here are tips on how to choose the right ficus, choose a flowerpot for it, how to replant, propagate and treat diseases.

What rules for caring for ficuses at home need to be followed so that these plants have a healthy appearance? How are ficuses watered and propagated? Where is the best place to place them?


Ficuses should be placed in well-lit places. An abundance of light is the most important condition for the well-being of ficus trees. Species with dark green leaves tolerate more shade than variegated ones and do not like direct sun. Variegated species can also be placed in the open sun, shading them on particularly hot summer days.

In winter, during short days, ficus trees need additional lighting. Lack of light in winter is the main reason why ficus leaves fall. It is advisable to purchase a special lamp and supplement the ficus so that the plants receive light for at least 12 hours a day.

To form beautiful crown During the period of active growth, it is necessary to turn the plants from time to time in different directions towards the light source.


This plant loves high humidity.

  • Although this condition is not so obligatory for him, it is advisable to regularly spray the ficus or give it a shower.
  • Varieties of ficus with large leaves collect a lot of dust, which prevents the plants from feeding properly, and also looks unsightly.

The leaves of these species need to be wiped with a damp sponge from time to time.


Ficus is a heat-loving plant. Comfortable temperature for it: in summer - 25-30 degrees C, in winter - 16-20 degrees C. Minimum temperature - 10-15 degrees C (for green-leaved species, a lower temperature is permissible than for variegated ones).

Drafts and freezing of the soil are undesirable for ficus. No need to place it on a cold windowsill or floor.


Proper watering is another important condition for maintaining ficus trees. In summer they require abundant watering, in winter - moderate. The soil should dry out between waterings, but not dry out; ficus is a moisture-loving plant. However, in cool conditions, it can be dangerous for ficus plants to have too much soil. At the same time, their roots and, sometimes, the base of the stem begin to rot.

Ampelous species require more abundant watering than ordinary ones.

Top dressing

Ficus trees are fertilized during the period of active growth, i.e. from March to September. Fertilizing is applied once every two weeks. Fertilizers should be used with a predominance of the nitrogen component, which stimulates the growth of green mass.


They are easily propagated by cuttings. For rooting, cut a small twig, although even a small cutting with one leaf is enough. The cutting is placed in water or soil mixture.

  • You can use soil heating, cover the cuttings with a glass jar or plastic bag, so rooting will occur faster.
  • But even without this, the cuttings take root easily.
  • During the growth process, many types of ficus need to form a crown by pruning and pinching.


Ficus trees grow very quickly, so they require annual replanting. Large tub specimens are not replanted; the upper part of the soil is replaced with them. Ficus plants require a nutritious soil mixture. There is a special primer available for sale, but you can also use a universal primer.

Ficus trees are replanted in March; the pot for replanting should not be too large, because They don’t like excess soil; the growth of the ficus in this case slows down. A drainage layer must be placed in the pot.

Diseases and pests

Ficuses are rarely affected by diseases and pests, but it happens that they are attacked by scale insects, thrips or spider mites.


In my opinion, the first rule in caring for ficus at home– don’t worry too much and don’t overdo it. What do I mean? When I received a Ficus cutting from a flower lover like myself, I immediately determined a permanent pot and a permanent place for it.

And therefore, after the cutting took root, I rooted it into a fairly spacious (but still not huge) flowerpot. And she immediately placed this container in the place where it will grow constantly. After all, the main feature of Ficus trees is that they do not like sudden changes in location and frequent transplants. The result of your insecurity may be falling leaves.

Proper watering

The second is very important rule in caring for Ficus - correct mode glaze. Also, water should only be used that is slightly warm and settled. If this flower is not watered enough, the soil will dry out, and the leaves will also wrinkle and begin to fall off.

You need to water according to this principle - if the soil mixture has dried out by 1-2 phalanges of your finger, it’s time. For large specimens, it is permissible for the soil to dry out to a depth of 6–7 cm.

Humid air

Ficus plants come from the tropics, so moist air is vital for them. Especially ampelous varieties of this plant. Caring for ficus at home requires mandatory spraying. Make sure the water is warm and soft (settled). When spraying, do water marks remain on the leaves? What to do? – You need to wipe the leaves with a damp soft cloth from time to time. This will rid the plant of dust and give the leaves a beautiful appearance.


For successful breeding of Ficus at home, the correct temperature regime is important. As they say, no matter how cold or hot it is. In winter, the flower needs to be provided with a temperature of at least 16°C. The critical minimum is 12°C. In summer it is necessary to ensure conditions of 25-30 °C.

Light mode

Most Ficus plants easily tolerate light partial shade. Direct sunlight is even more harmful to them. But variegated forms - for example Ficus Benjamina - prefer to grow in the light. Another thing is that this light must be diffused. Otherwise, the leaves may get burned.

In winter, any type of Ficus requires additional lighting using fluorescent, mercury or sodium lamps. Otherwise they drop their leaves.

Top dressing

For active growth, especially during the growing season, Ficus requires feeding. In spring and summer I use nitrogen-containing fertilizers. This helps to grow more green mass to make the flower lush and beautiful. By the way, if your pet Ficus has dropped its leaves, then good feeding will help in its rehabilitation.

You can use “homemade fertilizers”: an infusion of wood ash, mullein or nettle. You can also use ready-made mineral complex fertilizers: Humisol (that’s what I use), Ideal, Palma, Ficus and others.

Fertilizer application frequency: once every 10-14 days. There is no need to fertilize in winter. An exception is if you provide the Ficus with the same conditions as in summer (additional lighting, humidification, warm air). But even then you need to feed it once every 1-2 months, and even then with half the dose indicated on the bottle.


Household Ficus plants are susceptible to various diseases. Most often they are affected by spider mites. Therefore, as a preventative measure, it is necessary to spray. I also sometimes give Ficus a warm shower.

The conclusion is: caring for Ficus at home requires certain knowledge, and most importantly – compliance with the rules. And then there will be no problems at all. In the end, Ficuses grow even in public institutions, and in your home they will certainly grow and delight you with their appearance.

Caring for ficus trees at home

  • Most ficus plants are unpretentious plants except for hanging forms.
  • They thrive in light shade.
  • The most suitable temperature for them in winter is 20 degrees; in summer it can be a little higher.
  • Do not allow the temperature to drop below 12 degrees.

How often should you water

During the period of intensive growth, ficus plants will require a lot of water. From spring to autumn, plants must be watered regularly, but water should not be constantly present in the tray, otherwise the roots will rot. In early September, watering is gradually reduced, and in winter it is enough to water once every ten days.

Top dressing

Feeding of ficuses is done from spring to early autumn - once every two weeks. To do this, it is better to use natural fertilizers such as mullein, wood ash and nettle infusion.

How to transplant a ficus correctly

Ficus trees are replanted once every 2 years. This is best done in the spring. A mixture of soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 2:1:1 is used as a substrate for replanting. When transplanting, ficus trees are first watered well, and then transferred into larger containers using the transfer method.

Do not use containers that are too large. It is better to replant in cramped pots. This will limit the growth of the plant, which is more acceptable for home conditions.

Self-propagation, or how to propagate ficus correctly

Ficus trees reproduce using seeds, cuttings and layering.

Seeds are sown in spring in prepared bowls. Planting is done shallow and then the bowls are covered with glass. Keep crops in a humid environment. The glass is removed twice a day for 30 minutes to ventilate the crops.

  • As soon as the first leaves appear, the plants dive. The soil should include leaf soil and a little river sand. Grown ficuses are planted in separate pots with a diameter of 7 centimeters.
  • Propagation by apical cuttings is carried out in late spring or summer. A freshly cut cutting of 5-7 cm is planted in pre-prepared soil. In this case, phytohormones are used.
  • Ficus propagation by air layering is carried out from May to September. A 5 mm incision is made just below the sheet from bottom to top.
  • A wet match is dipped into a special hormonal powder for cuttings and inserted into the cut. This is done to ensure that the incision does not close.

The prepared area is wrapped in damp moss and tied with braid. Everything is covered with film on top. After a few months, roots will emerge through the moss. At the bottom of the roots, the petiole is cut off and thus material is obtained for planting a new plant.

Ficus diseases

If you do not care for the plant correctly, it can be affected by pests: mealybugs, scale insects and spider mites.

The scale insect feeds on the sap of the plant. When damaged, the leaves lose their color and fall off. When detected, it is necessary to wipe the leaves with a cotton swab, which must first be moistened in a soap solution or use Actellik. 20 drops per 1 liter of water will be enough. When using Actellik, be sure to take precautions, it is toxic.

When infested with spider mites, white cobwebs can be seen under and between the leaves. In this case, it is necessary to wash the plant with warm water. If the infection is strong enough, use the same actellik. It is also recommended to increase the air humidity in the room.

  • If the air is too dry, the plant may be affected by mealybugs. It appears more often on older plants.
  • If the accumulations are small, they can be removed with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. In case of severe damage, use a solution of karbofos - 40 drops of emulsion per 1 liter of water.
  • In the fight against spider mites and mealybugs, a soap-oil emulsion, which is easy to prepare yourself, can be a very effective remedy.
  • It is necessary to dilute 5 spoons in one liter of water washing powder and 5 spoons of diesel fuel. Pour this solution into a bucket of cool water and wash the leaves and stems of the ficus.

To destroy scale insects, a solution with chopped garlic and soap is quite useful. A day after treatment, the plant must be thoroughly washed to remove any remaining mixture. You need to process 3-4 times at five-day intervals.

Why do ficus leaves fall off?

Sometimes ficus leaves may fall off. The reason for this may be excessive watering or a change in location. In the first case, due to excessive amounts of moisture, the roots rot, and the leaves become drooping, lifeless and fall off.

As for the second case, it has long been known that ficus does not perceive a change of place well. He experiences shock, which leads to shedding of leaves. It is imperative to monitor the lighting in the room where your plant is located. With a lack of light, plant growth slows down. Leaves may also fall due to low temperatures and drafts.

What you need to pay attention to

Don't buy plants in fall or winter. Adaptation during this period is much more difficult. You should not buy too large copies. It is more difficult for older plants to adapt to new conditions.

  1. Look through the drainage hole at the ficus roots.
  2. If they are black or dark brown, then this plant is not worth taking.
  3. When purchasing a ficus, shake the plant slightly or gently run your hand against the leaves.
  4. If at least two or three leaves fall off, it is better to purchase another plant.

Good luck with your choice.

By watching the video below, you can learn how to care for your ficus in winter.

Ficus varieties

A large number of different types of ficus are grown indoors, sometimes very different in appearance. Most often in homes and offices you can find the following types of ficus: rubber, Benjamin, lyre-shaped and dwarf. Externally very different, they are grown almost identically. In general, they are easy to care for.

Most common types

Typically, ficuses are evergreen plants, but there are also deciduous plants among them. Manifold various types and subspecies are surprising, there are more than 800 of them, and each is beautiful and unusual in its own way. Let's look at the most popular domestic types of ficus: their appearance, features and subspecies.

What is ficus benjamina

This is one of the most common types of this plant. It came to us from the countries of Asia and Northern Australia. In addition, this variety of ficus is a symbol of Bangkok, the capital of Thailand.

Varieties of Ficus Benjamin:

  • Large-leaved: Anastasia, Boucle, Bushy King, Golden King, Golden Monique, Daniel, Midnight, Lady, Samantha, Irene, Exotica;
  • With medium sized leaves: Curly, Kinky, Naomi, Naomi Gold, Starlight, Fantasy, Esther;
  • Small-leaved (dwarf): Barok, Viandi, Natasha, Nicole, Nina, Nina, Safari.

Leaves can differ not only in size, but also in color and shape.

Small-leaved compact tree with a dense crown. The branches of Ficus benjamina in old plants, 8-10 years old, droop and give the tree a special attractiveness. At home it grows up to 1.5-2 m in height.

Caring for ficus benjamina


Moderate, optimal within 20-25°C, in winter it is possible to keep it at lower temperatures of about 16-18°C, with limited watering, limit 10°C for dry keeping.


Ficus benjamina loves light, especially variegated varieties, but with protection from direct sunlight in the afternoon. In spring and summer, an eastern window is suitable, where the sun comes in the morning or evening. But in central Russia for the period from September to January, a southern or southwestern window is ideal for him. If there is a lack of light in winter, the ficus may leaf out.


Ficus benjamina has moisture-storing thickenings on the roots, so it does not tolerate waterlogging; it must be dried well before the next watering.

If the roots of a ficus dry out for a very long time after watering, rotting may begin: the plant simultaneously sheds a large number of leaves, some lose color and become yellow, others fly off while still green.

Amazing and original Bonsai

Bonsai is a plant growing technique that originated in Japan a long time ago. Literally translated as “plant on a tray.” By definition it is miniature decorative tree. There is a whole technique for creating it.

Ficus Bonsai is not a variety; it is formed in a special way from Ficus Benjamin. This is a very difficult and very labor-intensive process! During growth, it is periodically necessary to trim the roots and pinch the tops. By obtaining a balance between the crown and rhizome, the tree is given the required shape. Ficus Natasha, Nicole, Nina, Viandi, Baroque are best suited for such purposes.

Beautiful rubbery ficus

Its second name is Ficus Elastica. This plant is very popular and is found in many homes. Such universal love is caused by his extraordinary beauty. In addition, he is unpretentious in care.

Rubber-bearing ficuses are dark green in color, but sometimes they are decorated with a yellow border.

The most popular types:

  • dark green leaves: Abidjan, Melanie, Rabusta, Sriveriana;
  • leaves with yellow border: Belize, Teanecke, Tricolor.

It has several varieties, differing in the shape and color of the leaves. Particularly impressive are varieties with yellow spots and stripes on the leaves. Some varieties branch well and have a fairly compact shape, while others are reluctant to form side shoots and tend to grow upward.

At home, rubber ficus is undemanding to air humidity and tolerant of lack of light.

We advise you to pay special attention for proper watering and care of growing shoots, which can reach several meters and bend bizarrely. The crown must be formed in a timely manner by tying the stems or periodically cutting them and rooting them.

Caring for ficus rubber

Ficus elastica is not demanding in care, it is important to choose the right place, especially for large specimens - so that it is light and does not fry from radiators; Do not water excessively and periodically wipe the leaves from dust.


Preferably moderate, not lower than 18°C. They like to “keep their feet warm” - do not place a pot of ficus on a cold windowsill, marble or tiled floor, etc. In a room with above-moderate temperatures, the leaves begin to droop down.


All varieties of Ficus elastica prefer a bright place, with protection from direct sunlight during the midday hours. Variegated forms need a lighter and warmer place than forms with dark leaves.


Ficus rubber prefers moderate watering and does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. Water at room temperature, preferably settled. Fertilizer feeding from March to August every two weeks.

Ficus Ali (binnendijkii) Ficus binnendijkii ‘Alii’

Ali is the most popular variety of ficus binnendijkii, which is also found under the name “ficus willow”. The leaves of this ficus are indeed reminiscent of willow in shape, but this is a popular name, not a botanical one.

With good care, Ficus Ali at home reaches 1.5 m in height and about 70-80 cm in diameter. You should not place this ficus on the floor: firstly, it is dark, the lower part of the trunk will begin to become exposed, and secondly, it is always colder on the floor, the soil in the pot takes longer to dry and the roots can rot if you water too much.

Caring for Ficus Ali


Moderate, optimal within 20-25°C, in winter it is possible to keep it at lower temperatures of about 16-18°C, with limited watering, limit 13°C for dry keeping. With sudden changes in temperature, it can shed its leaves.


Bright diffused light, light partial shade. With an acute lack of light, the shoots stretch out and the leaves thin out. Direct sunlight on hot afternoons can cause burns. The green-leaved Ficus Ali is more shade-tolerant than many other ficus species. But variegated varieties like ‘Amstel Gold’ need more intense light, with some sun in the morning or evening.


In summer, water the ficus moderately; the top layer of soil should dry well to a depth of approximately 1/2 the height of the pot. In winter, when light and temperature decrease, watering is limited, allowing the soil to dry out almost completely.

Ficus lirata

Ficus lirata - distinguished by its large leaves, similar in shape to an inverted violin. Its leaves reach a length of 50-60 cm. It loves solitude, do not place it close to other plants.

This ficus is not often seen in flower shops, but it is wonderful - the leaves are leathery, directed upwards, and have an interesting shape. The ficus itself grows slowly, and with good care it does not become exposed from below. A real decoration for a spacious office or hall. Ficus lyreate does not branch well at home, often grows in one trunk, and at the age of 4-5 years it can produce lateral shoots.

Caring for ficus lyreate


In summer it is an ordinary indoor one, does not like extreme heat, in winter it is optimal 18-20°C, limit 12°C. Doesn't like the soil to cool after watering!


A bright place, with protection from direct sunlight in spring and summer from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Moderate, the soil should have time to dry out before the next watering. Water at room temperature, well settled. Fertilizer feeding from April to August every two weeks.

Ficus dwarf Ficus pumila

A fast-growing, small-leaved ficus, completely unlike all other types of ficus. You can grow it like hanging plant, can be tied to a support so that it stretches upward.

The main care for ficus consists of tying up a support, timely replanting and watering, and fertilizing with fertilizers. The flower responds well to a hot shower as a preventative against ticks.


Moderate, optimal within 20-25°C, in winter it is possible to keep it at lower temperatures of about 12-14°C, with limited watering, limit 8°C for dry keeping. Although in natural conditions the tiny ficus can withstand lower temperatures and even slight frosts, when growing at home you should not risk it - protect the plants from drafts.


Ficus pumila grows well in bright, indirect light with some sunlight. East and west windows are suitable; shading is required only during midday hours. It also grows well in artificial light. Variegated ficus is more light-loving. If the ficus does not have enough light, it can grow new shoots without leaves.


Quite abundant in summer, this is a rare ficus that does not tolerate complete drying of the soil; it should always be slightly damp, but have time to dry out on top by about a quarter of the height of the pot before the next watering. In winter, the ficus is watered less often, with the soil drying to half the height of the pot.

How to care for a ficus yourself

With proper care it houseplant grows quickly and reaches 2-3 meters in height. The growth rate is about 20 centimeters per year.

The plant needs about 3 months to adapt and take root in new conditions. After this, caring for the Benjamin ficus, like the rubber one, usually does not require much effort.

The key to successful adaptation

Before you decide to bring a ficus home, you should carefully select a place for it in advance. permanent residence. Try to comply with several important conditions:

  1. direct rays of the sun should not harm the tree;
  2. no need to place it next to batteries;
  3. the humidity in the room should be average, but in no case low;
  4. draft is contraindicated.

From the first day, start spraying your flower. Always check the soil moisture in the pot.
Read on to learn more about how to care for your ficus.


Let's consider the main components of proper care for this indoor plant:

  • Soil. The soil should be breathable, slightly acidic, fertile, and moist. Natural fertilizers can be added to the soil. It is necessary to ensure good drainage: it is better to make the bottom layer from expanded clay, and the top layer from sand;
  • Lighting. These plants are very light-loving, so a bright place in your apartment is ideal for them. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight, especially during lunchtime. It is best to place the ficus pot on a window facing south or east. Ficus can survive a temporary lack of light, but its leaves will noticeably fade. In winter, the plant must be illuminated, because in insufficient lighting, the ficus Benjamina sheds its leaves. Also, you should not frequently rearrange the plant to avoid one-sided dropping of leaves;
  • Room temperature. The optimal temperature in summer should be between 18-25 degrees, in winter - no colder than 16-18 degrees. When keeping a ficus in a cool room, it is necessary to reduce its watering. When dry, the plant can withstand temperatures up to 10 degrees above zero;
  • Watering. It is advisable to water the ficus regularly in moderation. During the summer months, do this 2-3 times a week. At the beginning of September, watering should be gradually reduced so that by winter the watering schedule is once a week. The ficus flower does not like either excessive soil moisture or drying out. However, before the next watering, the soil still needs to be slightly dried. In addition, the soil must be loosened periodically so that it dries out better. Excessive moisture can cause the ficus roots to rot, causing it to shed a lot of leaves. Water your tree only with settled and soft water at a temperature no colder than room temperature. Do not forget to occasionally spray the leaves with a spray bottle;
  • Top dressing. Feeding should be carried out in spring and summer 2 times a month. It is preferable to use natural fertilizers (for example, wood ash, nettle infusion). Before feeding, the plant should be watered so as not to burn its roots. You can also spray the leaves with a fertilizer solution. In winter, ficus can also be fed, but with the obligatory condition of additional lighting and no more than once a month.

Learning to replant ficus trees correctly

Young ficus trees are replanted annually in spring new land. Plants that have reached 4 years of age can be replanted every 2 years, and every year it is enough to simply add fresh soil to the pot.

The soil for replanting ficus at home should be nutritious and loose.

If the soil in the pot dries out quickly, it means that the roots do not have enough space and nutrients, therefore, it is time to replant the plant. After transplanting, it may shed its leaves or its growth will slow down somewhat. This is normal, because as space increases, roots grow slower. Over time, new leaves will appear and growth rates will accelerate.

How to transplant a ficus:

Reproduction methods and their features

Many indoor plant lovers are wondering how to propagate ficus correctly. There are 2 ways in total:

Cuttings come in stem and leaf-bud types. They need to be planted in a container with water, and after 2 weeks the cuttings begin to develop roots. After this, they can be planted in a pot.

Air layering. The second method is ficus propagation by air layering:

  1. Choose the shoot you like, remove a few leaves from it;
  2. Make a circular cut;
  3. Insert a piece of wood into the cut, then apply damp moss and wrap with cling film;
  4. When the roots grow, separate this part and transplant it into another container.

What to do if the plant drops its leaves

Leaves can fall for various reasons. Ficus Benjamin, for example, does this much more often than its counterparts. Why does this happen and what to do if the ficus drops its leaves:

Do not be alarmed if the leaves of the Benjamin ficus fall off. It is necessary, first of all, to identify the cause of this and eliminate it immediately. But the rubber-bearing ficus, unlike Benjamin, is more adapted to home life and leafs out much less often.

Diseases of this houseplant

Thus, the following reasons for the development of ficus diseases can be identified:

  1. Insufficient lighting, especially in winter. Growth slows down, leaves fall off and turn yellow. What is noteworthy is that ficuses with dark green leaves are less demanding of light than those with light ones;
  2. Unsuitable temperature or sudden changes in temperature. This affects decorative form plants. It begins to lose leaves and wither;
  3. Drafts. Ficus does not tolerate drafts. So its leaves may begin to fall and its stems dry out;
  4. Excessive watering. If the top layer does not dry out for a long time, the tops of the shoots die, an unpleasant smell of rot appears from the soil, the leaves fade and fall off;
  5. Insufficient watering. If there is not enough water, the leaves dry out, curl up and the ficus leaf falls. The branches become dry and brittle, and the soil becomes detached from the pot;
  6. Excess fertilizer. Do not overuse fertilizers or violate their dosage. Root burn can occur if you fertilize the plant when the soil is dry.

Make sure that the leaves are free from deformation, damage, stains and pests. Any changes are not good. Always remember that it is better to identify the causes of the disease in advance in order to be able to take timely measures.

It is important to periodically inspect the flower and clean it of dried leaves.. In difficult situations, it is better to completely replace the soil, cut off old rotten roots, and transplant into a smaller pot.

Most often, the causes of the disease are caused by a lack of attention to the ficus on the part of the owners. If you treat your pet with care and properly care for your ficus at home, it will delight you with its well-groomed appearance for a long time.

Ficus: types, photos and names

Beautiful evergreen plant ficus belongs to the mulberry family. Plants growing naturally in New Guinea, Southeast Asia and the Solomon Islands can be either trees or shrubs. Depending on the type, ficuses can have green or bicolor leaves up to 70 cm in size. Small flowers plants are located on simplified perianths.

In nature, ficus trees can grow up to 40 meters in length, and their trunk diameter can reach 5 meters. There are climbing and creeping plant species. In total there are more than 1000 varieties of ficus. However, much less is grown at home. Today we will look at ficus plants known in amateur floriculture in our article.

Popular types of ficus

Rubber-bearing ficus is one of the most popular and unpretentious species of this genus of mulberry plants. He characterized by a weakly branching trunk, which at home can reach two meters. The leathery and glossy elliptical leaves are slightly pointed at the tip. The grayish-green crown of the tree is rough and mottled with horizontal grooves.

In wet areas tree gives aerial roots. This type of ficus has different varieties, which mainly differ in the color of the leaves:

  1. The Black Prince variety is a plant with black leaves.
  2. The “Doecheri” variety is distinguished by the presence of pink spots and a red vein in the middle of the leaf.
  3. The variety "Variegata" has beautiful green leaves, along the edges of which there is a cream edging.
  4. The Robusta variety is a plant with large, glossy leaves of a rich green color.

Let's follow it correctly!

Indoor plants are unpretentious, therefore they are very popular and loved by gardeners. Caring for ficus at home consists of good lighting, regular and proper watering and suitable temperature. However, there are still some nuances of growing, especially certain types of plants.


The best option for placing ficuses is a well-lit place no direct sunlight. A small plant can be placed on a western or eastern window sill, and a tall bush or tree can be placed on the floor or stand near the window. It is not recommended to move the plant deeper into the room. In the shade, the bush will slow down and shed its leaves.

During the warm period, ficuses can be taken out onto the loggia or balcony, placing them so that the plant does not receive direct sunlight. In winter, light-loving plants suffer from short daylight hours, so it is recommended to additionally illuminate them several hours a day.

Air temperature and humidity

In summer, the optimal temperature for growing ficus maybe within 25-30C. In winter, it is recommended to keep the plant at an air temperature of 16-20C.

Ficus plants also do well at room temperature. The only thing they don’t like is the dry air coming from the heating radiators. Therefore, it is recommended to spray the plant two to three times a day with water at room temperature. Otherwise, dry air can cause damage to the tree by pests or diseases.

Watering and water procedures

When caring for ficus, regular watering is required, which depends on the air humidity and temperature in the room. Water the plant only after the top layer of the soil mixture has dried thoroughly. Watering too frequently can lead to rotting of the root system. It is also necessary to ensure that water does not accumulate in the pan.

During the dry period, it is recommended to bathe ficuses twice a month in the shower, having first covered the soil with a waterproof film. In the absence of a shower, the leaves of the plant can be periodically wiped, first with a dry and then with a wet cloth.

To ensure that tree leaves have a rich green color, experienced flower growers wipe them with a special solution:

Feeding ficus

When caring for ficus at home, fertilizing is done only in summer time. It is recommended to alternately use mineral and organic fertilizers for this purpose. Plants are fed every ten days.

In winter, when there is little light and warmth , fertilizers are not used. But for the plant to feel good, you can feed it with tea leaves by burying a small amount of them in the ground.

Transplantation and soil for ficus

Young, actively growing plants need replanting every year. Old trees and bushes are replanted once every few years. This must be done in order to renew the soured and settled soil.

For replanting, neutral or slightly acidic special soil for ficuses sold in flower shops is suitable. Young plants need a specific soil mixture, which can be prepare from equal parts:

  • peat;
  • sand;
  • leafy soil.

Mature trees are transplanted into denser soil, so humus and turf soil are added to the mixture.

The plants are watered about a day before planting. For young bushes, new pots should be about 2 cm larger than the previous ones. First, drainage is poured onto the bottom of the container, and then a small layer of soil. A plant pulled out of an old pot along with a lump of earth installed in a new container and sprinkled with soil.

Growing Ficus Benjamina

A small tree with small leaves requires more attention and some care. Otherwise, the leaves begin to fall off and the plant becomes completely bald.

Ficus benjamina naturally lives in conditions of high humidity, so it does not tolerate too much light or dry air. Therefore, it is recommended to grow it away from direct sunlight and spray it several times a day. Very good option To increase humidity, use a special humidifier.

If, however, the ficus Benjamin leaves started to fall, then the reason could be:

  1. Acclimatization of the plant to new growing conditions.
  2. Watering with cold water.
  3. Lack of light.
  4. Uncomfortable temperature for the plant (above 23C or below 17C).
  5. Drafts and sudden temperature changes.
  6. Dry air.
  7. Excessive or insufficient soil moisture.

All these reasons must be eliminated when caring for Ficus Benjamin. The plant is placed in a bright place away from sunlight and drafts, regularly watered, sprayed and fed. Also, do not forget to periodically loosen the soil in the pot and replant the young plant annually.
Reproduction of ficus at home

The simplest and most common method of propagating ficus trees is cuttings.

To obtain cuttings in the spring, shoots are cut from the bush under the lower node, which should have at least 2-3 leaves. The bottom leaf is removed, the cut is washed, and the cutting is placed in damp sand or water. The plant section is generously sprayed and covered with transparent plastic bottle or another cap. In this form, the cuttings are placed in a warm, shaded place and ventilated daily. As soon as the plant takes root and begins to grow, it can be safely planted in a pot filled with earthen mixture.

You can also take a large ficus leaf as a cutting, cutting it off along with the heel. The leaf rolled into a tube is rooted in damp peat or sand. A support is installed next to it for stability. The sheet is sprayed and covered with a flask.

During rooting, it is necessary to ventilate the cuttings and moisten the peat. After the roots appear, the leaf planted in a small pot. As the plants grow, they are transplanted into larger pots.

True ficus lovers find caring for their pet at home quite easy. By fulfilling just a few conditions, you can admire all year round the beautiful greenery of a small bush or a magnificent and spectacular mature tree.

All types of ficus love bright places, but too bright rays of the sun can damage their leaves. The corner should be slightly shaded so that the plant does not languish under the scorching sun. Variegated species are more resistant to the sun, solid green ones prefer partial shade. Choose a permanent place, without turning or rearranging, all types of ficus do not like this.

Temperature: The plant prefers natural conditions. The optimal temperature in summer is 22-26 degrees, in winter 16-20 degrees, but not lower than 13-15 degrees. Drafts are extremely dangerous for ficus trees.

  • Watering: Any species requires regular watering - this is a prerequisite for their maintenance. Broad-leaved species are watered less frequently.
  • Small-leaved plants have small superficial roots that absorb moisture only from the surface layer of soil, which, as is known, dries out quickly.
  • In summer, watering is increased slightly, in winter, especially as the temperature drops, it is reduced.
  • The exception is ampelous species that require constant abundant watering.

Watering a ficus is a delicate and responsible job. A dried out earthen ball leads to yellowing and falling leaves, an overly waterlogged substrate contributes to rotting of the root collar and the appearance of pests. As a result, the ficus will shed its leaves and there is a high probability of death.
Use water that has been standing for several hours, or soft, rainy water.

A prerequisite is the presence of expanded clay drainage in the pot and several holes for the exit of excess moisture.


Soil: If you buy soil, you must choose slightly acidic or neutral soil with a pH of 5.5-6.5.
For self-preparation you need: peat, sand and leaf soil taken in equal proportions. For large specimens add turf (2 hours). To avoid rotting of the roots, a layer of expanded clay or household shards is placed on the bottom as drainage, and pieces of charcoal are added to the soil.

  • Ficuses with thick trunks prefer dry climates and rocky soils. It is necessary to add small pebbles or broken bricks to the prepared soil.
  • Replanting: For young plants, replanting is required annually in the spring; adult ficuses are extremely sensitive and are replanted as needed if the pot is too small and the roots are crawling to the surface.
  • They often do transshipment, or every year they update the top layer of soil with more nutrition. When transplanting young plants, you can add a little rotted manure.
  • Lack of good drainage leads to root rot.
  • Reproduction: Ficus is propagated in several ways: cuttings, seeds and air divers. The first one is the simplest and most popular.

By seeds: In early spring, seeds are sown in bowls in soil made of leaf soil and sand in equal proportions. Cover the top with a glass jar, or place it in a mini greenhouse. Constantly maintain high humidity with regular ventilation.

After some time, the first sprouts will appear, when they reach 2-3 leaves, I dive them into separate containers. As soon as the young shoots become stronger, they are replanted into pots using substrate for adult plants.


From spring to autumn, a small vertical cut of 5 mm is made slightly below the leaf.

Using a match, previously soaked in a growth stimulator, insert it into the incision so that it does not close. The top is wrapped in moss and covered with film. The moss is constantly kept moist. After a few months, roots will appear. The petiole with the resulting root is cut off a little lower and planted in a small container with soil.

Cuttings. One or two year old shoots are suitable. They are cut in early spring before buds open, 10-15 cm long, and planted in light soil made of leaf soil and river sand. First, the cuttings are placed in water until the release of white juice stops. Some types of ficus (Benjamina, rubber) take root well in water. Cover the top of the container with a glass jar, ventilating regularly. Constantly maintain a humid climate. The ambient temperature is 25 degrees. The cutting will quickly sprout roots, after about 1-1.5 months, then it is planted in a pot.

When using thick shoots, for better rooting, an incision is made at the bottom (unpicked). When watering, water should not fall on the leaf blades.

You can root the cuttings in peat tablets, where the time for roots to appear is significantly reduced.


Wintering: Ficuses often shed their leaves due to insufficient lighting and lower temperatures. Some species need to deliberately reduce the temperature during the resting period. Starting from October-November, ficus significantly slows down its growth and only resumes it in spring. Bottle species are watered very rarely and in small quantities of water.

Pests: ficus can be affected by scale insects, mealybugs, thrips, and spider mites. Often associated with a violation of the watering regime or temperature.

Difficulties in growing

  • Yellowing of leaves, slow growth, new leaves are small - there are not enough nutrients in the soil, add fertilizer, or replant in a new substrate.
  • Leaves turn yellow and fall off - lack of moisture, too dry earthen lump.
  • Leaves fall off - insufficient or excess watering, water is too cold, change in climate or environment (moving the ficus from one place to another negatively affects growth), not enough light, a sharp drop in temperature, the presence of a draft.
  • Falling of the lower layer of leaves. Often ficuses do shed the bottom layer, but only when there are new, young leaves, or if the leaves are really old. In other cases, it is: lack of nutrients, untimely replanting, or the pot is too small for the root system.
  • The leaf blade curls and wrinkles - dry humidity in the room, or lack of moisture in the soil. This is especially true for hanging types.

A lush-leaved representative of the mulberry family is ficus. Home care, the nuances of proper pruning, as well as methods of plant propagation will be described in detail in this article. Ficus has many varieties, varying in size, shape and color of foliage, and some representatives can even reach thirty meters in height. But this is in nature. At home we will not meet such giants. It is quite difficult to imagine a cozy home environment without indoor plants. They delight us with their beauty and bright colors and bring health benefits.

As for indoor varieties, one of the most popular is Ficus Benjamin, which has already become a real “star” of home plant growing.

Ficus in the house - good or bad?

This is the case when a plant not only decorates the interior, but also has a positive effect on the health of the people living in the house. Ficus produces oxygen, absorbs carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide), and also absorbs various toxic elements from the indoor air. If you live in a big city, where, as you know, the environmental situation leaves much to be desired, then purchasing a ficus tree becomes especially relevant.

Is it possible to keep a ficus at home? Quite a lot of reviews can be heard about the special positive energy of this plant, which has a beneficial effect on the mood of the inhabitants of the house. However, before you bring a ficus into the house, you need to exclude the occurrence of an allergic reaction to it. You should also know that some varieties of ficus can aggravate the condition of people who have asthma.

Rubber-bearing species produce a toxic milky sap, so try not to get it on your skin. Children and pets should also be kept away from such plants, or better yet, choose safer varieties.

Many gardeners are interested in how ficus blooms? This interesting question concerns not only beginners; the answer to it will be positive. Yes, ficus blooms, but only in the wild.

Drupe fruits on ficus in the wild

The inflorescences of the plant are not particularly decorative; they look more like small balls, empty from the inside. They are called syconia; each such ball has a small hole into which the proboscis of the pollinating insect penetrates. After the required process, the pollinated syconium becomes a drupe fruit. As an example, we can cite here the beloved fig, which, by the way, is also a relative of the ficus.

Caring for Ficus Benjamin at home

This is one of the most unpretentious house plants. With minimal care, Ficus Benjamin requires only regular watering and crown shaping. This is why it is ideal for beginner gardeners or very busy people. If you surround the flower with care, it will quickly grow (about 20 cm per year), and can grow up to 2 or even 3 meters, if, of course, you want to have such a giant at home.

How to plant ficus correctly

Select a suitable location for the plant in advance:

  • Where it will not be exposed to direct rays of the sun;
  • There will be no batteries or other heating devices (in the immediate vicinity);
  • There will be no drafts;
  • The air humidity in the room will be average (not low!).

How to care for ficus? There are certain requirements, adhering to which you will be able to achieve excellent results in growing this tropical guest.

Soil for ficus

In the store you can purchase a ready-made appropriate soil mixture for ficuses. In any case, the soil should be fertile, loose, neutral or slightly acidic. The presence of drainage is mandatory: expanded clay or crushed stone can be used for the lower layer, and clean river sand for the upper layer.

Lighting for ficus

Ficuses love light, but they should be protected from direct sunlight. IN winter time It is recommended to use additional lighting so that the plants receive the necessary “dose” of light for at least 12 hours. By the way, if a ficus sheds its leaves, the reason may be precisely the lack of light. Periodically turn the ficus pot towards the light source so that the crown develops evenly. Keep in mind that varieties with dark foliage react much more easily to a lack of light than varieties with variegated colors.

What kind of air does ficus like?

We should not forget that ficus comes from the tropics, therefore it is heat-loving and does not tolerate drafts, as well as hypothermia of the soil. For the same reason, it is not recommended to place a container with a flower on a cold floor. The optimal temperature for the plant in summer is + 25..+28 °C, in winter +16..+18 °C. The lowest (albeit undesirable) temperature that is allowed for keeping ficuses is +10..+12 °C. If the ficus is in a cool room, then it should be watered less often. Varieties with variegated foliage tolerate lower temperatures more easily than their green counterparts.


This plant prefers high humidity, so regular irrigation of the crown with water from a spray bottle will please it. The leaves of large-leaved representatives can be periodically wiped with a damp cloth or sponge. This way the plant will look more attractive (large leaves collect a lot of dust) and feel better.


The main condition is that the soil should dry out between waterings, but not dry out! Water for these purposes must be clean, settled, and no colder than room temperature. In summer, ficus needs to be watered more often and more abundantly than in winter. Despite the fact that this plant loves moisture, you should avoid overmoistening the soil - this can lead to rotting of the root system and stems. It is enough to water the ficus 2 or 3 times a week.

And with the onset of calendar autumn, the volume of water should be gradually reduced. Thus, by the onset of winter, watering should be done once every 7 days.

Fertilizers for ficus

Typically, ficus is fed with natural supplements twice a month, starting in March and ending in September - this is the so-called period of active growth of the plant.

Nitrogen-containing preparations are well suited as fertilizers, as well as natural ones - wood ash, nettle infusion. You can purchase complex mixtures of microelements intended specifically for ficus plants.

Ficus transplant at home

Another important condition for proper maintenance of ficus trees is timely replanting. If you notice that roots are already visible from the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot or the soil dries out quickly after watering, this may be a signal that the ficus needs a new, larger container. Until the plant is 4 years old, it is replanted annually. After this age, the transplantation procedure can be performed once every two years. New soil can always be added to the pot if circumstances require it.

When can a ficus be replanted? It is better to do this in spring or summer to make it easier for the plant to take root in a new place. Be prepared for the fact that after replanting, the growth of the ficus will slow down, and sometimes foliage may fall off. This is a normal phenomenon, because the flower goes through a period of adaptation; its roots grow much more slowly in a large pot. The larger and wider the container, the slower the plant’s root system grows. Each subsequent pot should be 4-5 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. Especially large ficus plants replace the top layer of soil, increasing its volume.

How to transplant a ficus:

  • We thoroughly moisten the soil so that the plant can be easily removed from the pot.
  • We remove the top layer of soil, doing it extremely carefully.
  • We lay drainage at the bottom of the new container and sprinkle it with soil.
  • We remove the ficus from the pot, remove the soil from the roots, and move it to a new container.
  • Next, add the soil mixture, while the degree of plant deepening should remain at the same level.

By the way, if you want to limit the growth of a ficus, you don’t need to replant it at all. It is enough to remove shoots and form a crown once every two or three years. Or, when replanting, cut the roots and place the plant in a tight container.

How to properly prune ficus at home?

First of all, you need to regularly remove dried leaves and branches (sanitary pruning). To rejuvenate the plant or give it the desired shape, you can shorten the shoots and thin out the crown from the inside and outside. The main stem is trimmed once a year, by about 20-30 cm. When the ficus reaches the height you require, you can pinch it. When shortening branches, at least five leaves should remain on each.

You should know that a ficus with a cut top will not grow anymore.

This ficus will not grow upward - an example of incorrect and unsightly pruning

It is better to make all cuts beveled, the lower edge should be located above the kidney.

How to prune ficus correctly:

  • You should use garden pruners, which are recommended to be pre-treated with alcohol. You also need to stock up on crushed activated charcoal or charcoal for processing cuts.
  • It is best to carry out the pruning procedure in early April.
  • To form the crown, the upper part of the ficus is pruned - this technique provokes the active growth of lateral branches. If you want to give the plant a more elongated silhouette, then you should trim the side shoots (by 4-6 cm), and also pinch off their leaves.
  • As mentioned above, the top is shortened once a year, the trunk is cut obliquely, and the shoots are cut evenly.
  • The juice released at the cut site must be immediately removed with a damp cloth. The cut itself is treated with crushed coal.
  • Ficus can be fertilized two weeks after the procedure.

To increase density, as well as to stimulate the growth of young buds, the ficus crown can be thinned and pruned annually.

Ficus without pruning - the crown is incorrectly formed

Ficus benjamina - reproduction

There are two most effective ways to propagate ficus plants - cuttings and air layering. The easiest is the cutting method, the second method is more intricate, but also very effective. I will describe them in more detail, and you choose which one you like best.

Ficus propagation by cuttings:

  1. We cut cuttings from the bush during its active growth - in spring or summer. From the apical shoots we cut cuttings approximately 15 cm in length. If a stem shoot is taken for propagation, it must have at least three leaves.
  2. To prevent dehydration of the cutting, its leaves should be rolled into loose tubes and carefully tied with a soft elastic band (you can cut a balloon for this).
  3. A milky sap usually oozes out at the cutting site; to remove it, just hold the cuttings for a little while in clean water at room temperature. You can also add the drug “Kornevin” to this water.
  4. The pre-selected container should contain a suitable soil mixture. You can mix soil with perlite or sand, add peat - this composition is quite suitable for plants. You need to plant the cuttings in this soil, deepening them 1-1.5 cm, and then cover them with cling film to create a mini-greenhouse. You can also use cut plastic bottles for these purposes.
  5. It is recommended to place the container with young ficuses in a warm room. The optimal temperature for rooting cuttings is approximately + 25 °C.
  6. The greenhouse should be ventilated periodically to avoid rotting of the cuttings. The rooting process lasts on average about a month to a month and a half.

After the specified period, young plants can be planted in pots.

Rooted cuttings of ficus Benjamin, photo:

How to propagate ficus at home using air layering:

  1. You should choose a good upright growing shoot and remove the leaves in the place where the cut will be made.
  2. Use a thin paper knife or blade to make a couple of cuts, the distance between them should be approximately 3 cm. In this place (between the cuts), remove the bark; you can additionally sprinkle the cut area with Kornevin.
  3. Apply wet sphagnum moss to the prepared surface; the thickness of the moss layer should be approximately 4-5 cm. Using cling film, tightly wrap the sphagnum moss to the shoot and secure it securely. This moss must be kept moist at all times.
  4. Soon roots will appear in this place and entwine the sphagnum. When the roots can be clearly felt under the polyethylene or even break through it, the ficus stem needs to be cut just below the formed roots.
  5. Now the cutting can be planted in a separate container.

Both methods give good results and work 99%.

Air layering, photo:

Ficus diseases

Fungal diseases include:

  • black fungus on leaves;
  • gray rot;
  • sooty fungus;
  • root rot.

Spider mite on ficus

Ficus diseases of fungal origin most often arise from improper plant care. Too much watering and high room temperatures can cause gray rot(botrytis), which is treated by removing all affected fragments and subsequent treatment with copper-containing preparations. In general, if a plant is infected with a fungus, it is necessary to remove all diseased parts as soon as possible, and then treat with an antifungal drug, for example, Fitosporin-M or Gamair (biological bactericide). But root rot, unfortunately, cannot be treated; the plant will have to be thrown away, along with the container in which it grew.

Diseases can be triggered by insufficient lighting, temperature changes, improper watering or oversaturation of fertilizers. Even the wrong place for a flower can contribute to the manifestation of diseases. To nip the problem in the bud, you need to provide the ficus with competent care, which is actually quite simple, which was described above. Preventative treatments also have their place; the use of fungicides along with proper care provides good protection to the plant and significantly reduces the risk of disease.

Ficus is one of the most popular indoor plants. The main reasons for this choice of gardeners are the unpretentiousness of the plant, its beautiful appearance and beneficial properties that a flower has.

​​ ​Replanting a ficus after purchasing it in a pot

Indoor or decorative flowers do not require complex care. By following a few tips, it is possible to grow a healthy and tall tree. The rules for caring for ficus depend on the variety, so it is worth finding out when purchasing which species the plant belongs to. For example, variegated ones differ slightly in care from smooth-leaved ones.

Ficus flower

After purchase, the plant must be replanted. If this is not done in time, the flower may stop growing and developing, and soon die altogether.

What is needed for planting

For planting you will need:

  • Pot. It can be plastic, ceramic or wood. The new pot should be 4-5 cm larger than the old one to the edge.
  • Drainage lining. This factor should not be overlooked, because with the help of drainage, excess water does not accumulate at the bottom and prevents the process of rotting of the root system. Any available means are suitable for lining: ordinary expanded clay, pebbles, finely broken brick, even foam balls.
  • Soil. Ficus soil is sold as a ready-made mixture in flower shops; it is filled with the necessary minerals and elements for the development of the flower.

Drainage for indoor plants

​How to choose the optimal place​

In the wild, ficus grows in warm corners of our planet, mainly in Indonesia, Africa, and off the coast of the Pacific and Indian oceans. Houseplants, like their tropical relatives, prefer to grow on the sunny side. At home, the flowering process does not occur.

Optimal place for the plant:

  • warm;
  • bright and sunny;
  • spacious.

​Important!​Ficus should not be kept in direct sunlight, because it damages the structure of the leaf. In extreme cases, it will simply dry out.

During hot periods, you can take the flower outside or onto the balcony, where it will be darkened. The sun will fill the leaves with color and give them color.

Ficus with dark green leaves, such as rubber, is more resistant to temperature and light changes. While the dwarf species loses its variegated color and tolerates weather changes quite hard.

Step by step planting process

Complete care includes watering, fertilizing, temperature and light conditions, and replanting. A suitable period for transplantation is called early spring. In the period up to 3 weeks after manipulation, the ficus can shed all its leaves, this is how it reacts to stress. This is an absolutely normal state for him.

​Worth knowing!​Immediately after purchase, replanting the sprout is prohibited. The plant should get used to the new place for 2-3 weeks.

In order for the ficus to endure the adaptation process less painfully, it is covered with a plastic bag. This method will create a greenhouse effect and the plant will be more comfortable.

How to plant ficus, step-by-step instructions:

  1. Moisten the soil about 24 hours before replanting.
  2. At the bottom of the pot, pour drainage mixture (expanded clay, pebbles) into a layer no higher than 2 cm.
  3. Sprinkle a small amount of soil prepared in advance on top.
  4. Remove the flower from the old pot carefully and slowly. To speed up the process, you can knock on the sides of the pot.
  5. Carefully examine the ficus root. Only healthy roots can be replanted. Injured areas can be covered with charcoal dust.
  6. Carefully place the flower in new pot.
  7. Fill the sides with the required amount of soil.
  8. Lightly water the soil itself, without getting it on the plant, with warm, settled water.
  9. Place the ficus in a bright and warm room.

All flowers benefit from replanting every 3-4 years. This is a prerequisite for longevity, health, growth and development of any indoor flower. In spring and autumn you need to fertilize to enhance growth and health.

The process of transplanting a ficus into a new pot

Ficus propagation

Ficuses come in different types - Rubber, Benjamina, Elastic, Lyre-shaped, Binnedika. Each variety can be propagated in two ways: cuttings and growing from a leaf. Before starting the process of growing a new flower, experts recommend paying attention to some notes:

  • choose a warm season - late spring or summer is perfect;
  • the newly planted plant is placed in the shade, because it does not tolerate large amounts of sunlight;
  • Before cuttings, you need to know that young shoots do not take root.

​Propagation by cuttings

You can use cuttings from the middle of the shoot or the top. In order to separate the cutting from the main stem, it is better to use a sharp blade. It is pre-sterilized.

You can cut any length of the cutting, but the presence of an internode is a prerequisite. Without this it will not be possible to appear new leaf. The optimal size of a ficus cutting varies from 11 to 15 cm. It can have from 5 to 7 leaves. The cutting can take root in water or in the ground.

A shoot with a ready-made root system

Reproduction process in water:

  1. Thoroughly wash the edge of the stem to remove the milky juice under running cool water. This sap can prevent the ficus from rooting quickly.
  2. Dip the tip of the cutting into a bottle of warm, clean water. The leaves should not touch the water.
  3. In this position, the cutting should remain in a sunny place for 2-3 weeks.
  4. When the first roots appear, the plant is transplanted into prepared soil. Water lightly.

After 3 weeks the first sprout will be visible. The shoot being prepared for planting can be placed in a tall pot with a thin neck.

Rooting cuttings in the ground:

  1. As in the previous case, thoroughly wash the cut to remove milky juice under running water.
  2. Allow the edge to dry for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Several holes are made in a plastic cup.
  4. Planted and covered with soil up to the beginning of the neck. To speed up rooting, you can plant the sprout in purchased soil - a soil mixture.
  5. No need to water. Cover the top with a plastic bag.

The first leaves will appear within 3-4 weeks after planting.

​Interesting to know! If propagation was carried out in the spring, then at the end of summer you can transplant the plant into a larger pot.

Growing from a leaf

There are two ways to grow a full-fledged ficus from a leaf:

  • grow the root system in water;
  • plant immediately from the ground.

​The first way to properly root ficuses is the easiest and most efficient. In this case, the stem is placed in water so that it does not touch the leaf itself. For a quick effect, you can add a few drops of growth accelerator for ficus.

After 2 weeks, the first roots will begin to appear. There is no need to plant them right away. They may not develop in the soil, but simply fester. Therefore, you should grow 1.5-2 cm of root, and then transplant it into loose soil.

Leaf taking root in water

The second method takes longer. This method involves planting only the cut leaf directly into the ground. Experienced gardeners recommend keeping the cuttings in water with a growth activator for at least 12 hours before planting. If you don’t have time to wait, you can add the activator in powder form directly to the soil.

The leaf is wrapped and lightly tied with ribbon or thread. A wooden stick is inserted into the inside of the resulting tube as a support. The cuttings are immersed in the ground along with the bud. In 3-5 weeks the stepson will begin to develop.

Ficus: care at home

How to properly care for ficus at home? This flower loves warmth, good lighting and constantly moist soil. It's easy to please him.

How to water a ficus

​Ficus water consumption varies depending on the following factors: weather conditions, season, plant age, soil condition, level and phase of development, and the presence of diseases.

Interesting to know!​Florists advise watering young ficus when the soil has dried 2 cm deep. How to check? To the touch. Just dip your finger into the soil: if the soil is dry, it will not stick and this will be the first sign that watering is required.

In summer, the remaining water that flows through the drainage is left in the pan. In winter, on the contrary, the liquid is drained.

Dust and dirt at home settle on the large leaves of the ficus; after watering, you should always wipe them.

Spraying -​ easy way cleansing leaves

Interesting to know! In the summer season, large ficus trees can be sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

Top dressing

​Rapid growth in plants begins in early spring and continues until mid-autumn. At this time, the ficus is fertilized every 15-17 days. You need to alternate mineral and complex supplements. Thus, in a month the flower will receive both one and the other. Flower shops have a huge selection of organic fertilizers for ficus.

You can only water the soil with various types of additives; contact with the foliage is prohibited. Such mixtures can leave burns on the outside of the leaf.

Young flowers, during the period of their active growth, are fed with fertilizers with a high nitrogen content. It promotes greening and color saturation.

Preparing for winter

Ficus is a tropical plant that is accustomed to warm, even hot climates. The harsh winters of Russia are difficult for them to endure. Care during the colder months of the year should be different.

During the heating period, the humidity in the room decreases, this can adversely affect the general condition of the ficus. To increase the humidity in the room with the plant, install a portable humidifier. His work will be useful not only for ficus, but also for humans.

Freezing is a common problem for gardeners in winter. Any flowers should be removed from the floor and moved to insulated window sills.

Ficus on the windowsill

If the tree is tall, then the pot itself with soil is insulated. To do this, you can put newspapers, magazines, and foam. The goal is to protect the roots from freezing.

Draft is another cause of plant death. The slightest stream of cold air can have a detrimental effect on the ficus.

It is worth paying attention so that the leaves do not touch cold surfaces or glass windows. The consequence will be curling of the leaf, rot and death of the entire flower.

Ficus diseases and pests

Ficus does not require special care. But if the above rules are not followed, the flower may wither or dry out. ​Diseases in ficus can occur as a result of improper care, fungal infections, or insect infestation.

Interesting to know!​Infection with fungi or infections mainly occurs due to open windows. Fungal spores carried by the wind settle on the foliage and begin to destroy it.

A short list of diseases:

  1. Powdery mildew is a common disease characterized by white dust on the leaves, which can be washed off with soap and water. During the development stage, the flower is completely affected and drops its leaves.
  2. Cercospora is a fungal disease. A sign of infection is brown and black spots on the underside of the leaf, and the cause is high humidity.
  3. Scale insect is an insect that infects and eats indoor plants.

Leaves affected by Cercospora

Why do ficus leaves turn yellow?

Leaves lose their natural green tint for the following reasons:

  1. If lighting rules are not followed.
  2. If the air in the room is dry for a long time.
  3. Sunburn.
  4. Lack of nutritious fertilizers. Old leaves turn yellow and new ones fall off.
  5. The soil is too wet. The flower is simply flooded and the leaves begin to rot.
  6. Ficus leaves may turn yellow as they age - this is normal.

Most often, it is enough to eliminate the cause so that the leaves stop turning yellow.

​How to trim a ficus so that it is fluffy

Pruning ficus trees helps to ensure that the crown grows beautiful and voluminous. This is a delicate matter, so all instruments used must be sterile. Before you start forming a crown, you need to carefully study general view ficus.

Cutting off the apical shoots stimulates the development of lateral buds. You need to cut only above the bud, exactly the young stem. If the stem is thick, it is better to cut it at an angle.

Juice will flow out of the wound; wipe it with a damp and clean cloth until it stops. Then sprinkle the cut with charcoal.

​Important!​You should not prune when replanting a flower. This will be too big and stressful for the plant.

With proper and high-quality care, ficus will give succulent leaves that will decorate the interior, delight the eye and help with their useful functions. It is the ficus that has the ability to filter air, processing it into sugar and amino acids. Therefore, it will not only bring pleasure with its beautiful appearance, but will also bring a lot of benefits.

To grow a healthy plant in an apartment, you need to know how to care for a ficus.

The ficus is native to the tropical forests of East Asia, where there are more than 750 varieties of this flower. It is impossible to grow all of them at home, however, there are dozens of varieties of indoor ficuses. They can differ dramatically from each other in appearance - the type of trunk, the shape and structure of the leaves.

Ficus is not only a houseplant, it is beneficial because it purifies the air in the room from benzenes and phenols, and also gives off its positive energy. The peculiarity of this flower is that it prefers a permanent place and does not react well to frequent movements. Therefore, before purchasing a ficus, you need to choose a place for it, taking into account its preferences in lighting and temperature.

Ficus (lat. Ficus)

This plant prefers light and fresh air, if possible, in the warm season it is preferable to place it on the veranda or balcony.

Attention! When placing a ficus, it is necessary to take into account that it does not tolerate drafts. The plant reacts very violently to inconvenience - it drops its leaves.


Ficus is a light-loving plant, but it must be placed in a place protected from direct sunlight. Those flower varieties that have dense, dark-colored leaves can be placed in less lit places. Species with light foliage need more intense lighting; in winter they are recommended to include additional daylight lamps.

If there is not enough light, the ficus may shed its leaves and plant growth slows down. Reacts poorly to changing lighting conditions. During the period of active growth and flowering, ficus needs more light than during the dormant period. Species with variegated foliage may lose their decorative color due to lack of light.


Ficus is thermophilic, the ideal temperature regime for it is in the range of +22+28 °C in summer and +15+21°C in winter. Ficus varieties with variegated leaves do not tolerate cold temperatures and drafts.

Important! Too high a temperature will cause the leaves to wilt; if the flower is cold, it will begin to actively shed its leaves.

If the plant is standing in a place that does not correspond to its temperature conditions(ventilated window sill or floor), for the winter you should move it to a warm place or put it on a stand.

On hot summer days, in order to provide the flower with an acceptable temperature, it is recommended to spray it with a spray bottle.


If the ficus variety has large dense leaves, the air humidity does not of great importance, this plant will do well in normal indoor conditions. To create ideal conditions, flowers with small leaves are recommended to be sprayed in the summer. For these purposes, water must be left standing for 2-3 days or rain water must be used.

Ficus benjamina prefers high air humidity; it must be sprayed frequently, and in the summer placed in a tray with wet pebbles. Due to lack of air humidity, the plant will begin to shed its leaves.

Ficus prefers regular moderate watering with light drying of the earthen ball in the pot. For proper watering, you must follow some rules:

You can water a houseplant from the top (at the root) and into a tray. Water is poured into the pan for 30-40 minutes, then the remainder is drained.

If watering is carried out from the top, you should pour water under the root until it begins to flow from the drainage hole. Place the pot in a tray and drain off any excess water after 20 minutes.

In winter, watering is reduced; waterlogging of the soil in the pot can threaten the death of the flower. If the ficus is in close proximity to a heating radiator, it needs to be watered more often. On hot days, you can use showering to water the plant. Periodically, the soil must be loosened for air circulation and better moisture.

Top dressing

Knowing how to care for ficus at home , you can grow some species up to two to three meters. But for active plant growth, periodic feeding is required.

They begin to feed the ficus after a period of dormancy in early spring, and do this throughout the summer, including September. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers can be purchased in specialized stores; they are necessary for the plant to grow its crown. They are used in spring and early summer; do not do this in autumn, otherwise the shoots will be thin and pale.

At home, you can prepare soil fertilizer yourself. To do this, wood ash is mixed with nettle tincture. Mullein can be used several times. It is not recommended to use various food fertilizers; they will cause acidification of the soil.

For proper feeding Ficus plants use mineral and organic fertilizers. Compared to other plants, ficus does not require frequent feeding, but it should be plentiful. To understand that a houseplant needs feeding, you need to focus on the following factors:

  • the flower has stopped growing or slowed down significantly;
  • the shoots became thin and elongated;
  • the leaves began to lose turgor and became pale;
  • the ficus is dropping its leaves or they have begun to turn yellow;
  • spots began to appear on the leaves;
  • the plant begins to hurt;
  • pests attack a weakened flower.

Advice! Fertilizing should be done after treating the plant or treating it with a pest control composition, otherwise the flower will not absorb the nutrients. And after transplanting, the soil is not fertilized for at least three weeks.

Types of home ficus

The most common indoor varieties of ficus are:

  • rubbery ( , );
  • Benjamin (Natasha);
  • lyre-shaped;
  • dwarf;
  • Bengal.

All these ficuses are very different from each other, there are fundamental differences between domestic species and those that grow in nature.

  • Ficus benjamina has thin flexible stems with small leaves of a dense structure. Their color ranges from rich green to light, almost white. Moreover, they are not monochromatic, but variegated. This species needs intense lighting, frequent watering and feeding. With insufficient care, Ficus Benjamin can lose its variegated color and become pale and monochromatic. The most popular varieties are Natasha, Daniel and Midnight Lady.

  • The rubber-bearing ficus is considered the largest among indoor varieties. Rubber-bearing ficus at home can grow more than 2 m. The plant is quite unpretentious, looks like a tree with an erect trunk. The leaves are large, oval with a pointed end, have a dense structure and a glossy surface. The flower tolerates partial shade well, is not picky about temperature and air humidity, and can survive for a long time without feeding. The most common types are Robusta, Melanie, Belize, Black Prince, Tineke.

  • The dwarf ficus is a creeping shrub that can creep along the ground or climb along a nearby support. The stems are very thin and can grow up to 3-5 m. The leaves are heart-shaped and monochromatic or variegated in color. Dwarf ficus grows slowly, mainly in the warm season.

  • The lyre-shaped ficus has leaves similar in shape to a musical instrument. They are usually dark green in color, dense in structure, and leathery. Lyre-shaped ficus

    The trunk of this type of ficus is rough and gray-brown in color. It is quite demanding on humidity, does not tolerate too bright sunlight and sudden changes in temperature.

  • The Bengal ficus is an evergreen tree and takes root through aerial roots. The leaves are oval-shaped, bright green with lighter veins. At home it grows quickly and reaches 3 m. It loves light, is heat-loving and needs regular watering, especially during the period of active growth.

Ficus transplant

Ficus care includes timely replanting for normal plant development. This must be done if the following factors are present:

  • the roots of the flower extend into the drainage holes, the plant is clearly cramped in this pot;
  • ficus just bought from the store;
  • the soil in the pot is depleted and the plant has stopped growing;
  • Drainage replacement is required;
  • if you need to propagate a flower.

Important! Timely replanting promotes flower growth; if this is not done in time, the ficus will begin to shed leaves and stop growth.

Plants that are no more than 4 years old must be replanted every year. Older ficus trees are replanted less frequently, once every 3-5 years. The right time for replanting is early spring.

Ficus transplant

Considering that the ficus does not tolerate drastic changes, immediately after transplantation it can shed its leaves, but usually during the summer season the plant comes to its senses and feels good by winter.

  • The pot should be selected according to the growth of the plant. If the ficus is 125 cm tall, the pot should have a diameter of no more than 23 cm; the plant prefers tight spaces. The ficus root system takes a long time to form until it intertwines throughout the earthen coma. And only then the flower begins to grow in height.
  • The bottom of the pot should have drainage holes to avoid stagnation of water. It is better to choose a soil that is neutral or slightly acidic. It must be loose so that air can circulate. You can mix the soil yourself: take sand, peat, soil and humus in equal parts, or buy ready-made soil for ficus. Be sure to add drainage to the bottom of the pot.
  • The plant is carefully removed from the old pot, the roots are inspected, if there are any damaged ones, they are removed with a sharp knife. The ficus is placed in a new pot with drainage and covered with soil without deepening the root collar.
  • The flower is watered with settled warm water and placed in its permanent place, where there is no direct sunlight or drafts. The next time it should be watered after the top layer of soil has dried at least 2-3 cm.


Ficus reproduces in four ways:

Ficus diseases

Ficus diseases

Important! To avoid diseases and pest damage, it is necessary to periodically wash the leaves and treat the plant with special compounds.

Main diseases and pests of ficus

To avoid the spread of diseases, you need to periodically inspect the plant, remove damaged leaves and provide the necessary care. Need to know how to properly care for ficus to avoid disease and death of the plant.


Ficus pruning is carried out to give the bush an aesthetic appearance and remove unnecessary shoots. In order for the plant to grow and have a fluffy crown, it is necessary to pinch new shoots 1 cm from the top.

Pinching is done as needed several times a year. Pruning is done in the spring; young leaves will appear on the bare stems in 2-3 weeks. In this way you can shape the shape of the ficus crown.

One of the oldest plants on earth, ficus, is represented on our planet in more than 2000 varieties. There are real giants and modest dwarfs among them, but they all belong to the Tutov family.

Many varieties and types of ficus have earned human attention and decorated the interiors of our homes, offices and various institutions.

Although indoor ficus cannot be considered beautiful flowering plants, its decorative value is not disputed. Each species has its own peculiarity - the color of the leaves, their shape, and the structure of the trunk.

Many varieties are similar, the difference is only in minor details that are difficult to notice at first glance. What is ficus in nature and how do domestic plant species differ?

The nuances of caring for various representatives of ficus

Belonging to the same family, ficus trees have chosen different parts of the planet and, naturally, require different maintenance conditions. Some of them prefer to grow in partial shade, while others need more sunlight.

We have compiled alphabetical list of ficus species, known and rare, with a description of the appearance and nuances of care.

is a variety of Binnendijk. In its native environment it is a tree up to 20 meters high. When kept indoors, its trunk does not exceed 50–60 cm. The crown, located in the upper part of the trunk, consists of sharp and elongated leaves, painted in light green tones.

This the species tolerates shade well, does not like drafts, is demanding of additional nutrition. To create a beautiful appearance, it needs pruning.

Anastasia (Ficus Anastasia)

Ficus macrophylla. Anastasia's leaves are dark green, with a light green border along their wavy edges. The central vein of the leaf plate is the same color.

Habitat: India, Northern Australia, Southeast Asia and the Philippines. Prefers tropical climate, which means that at home he needs to be provided with good lighting and sufficient humidity.

Barok (Ficus Barok)

A characteristic feature of the species is the leaves curled across. Baroka lacks branching. To make it look beautiful in the interior, you need to plant several plants in a pot.

The dark green foliage leaves a pleasant impression. Florists are well known and Baroque hybrid – Barok Variegata.

Amazingly shaped view. The Bengal ficus has a trunk diameter that exceeds its height when grown indoors. Aerial roots hanging from the crown add exoticism to its appearance. The leaves have a dark green color and whitish veins.

Ficus Andrey, as it is also called, easy to care for, but requires a large pot and regular pruning. It can grow in a well-lit place or in the shade.

One of the most popular types. In its genus there are both dwarf and tall varieties. It differs in the shape of the leaf blades, including ovoid, curly, and xiphoid.

Such beautiful varieties as variegated Birch, dwarf ficus Lovely and Reginald with dark spots on the leaves.

The Benjamin Mix barrel is painted in green and brown shades and is shaped like a cylinder. Needs abundant watering, bright lighting and spraying. Prefers a temperature of 18...23 °C.

Ficus Binnendijka

Binendijka, or willow-leaved ficus, got its second name because of the shape of the leaves, which are very similar to willow leaves.

Making up a lush openwork crown, they give the plant grace and airiness. The height varies from 2 to 3 meters, the crown diameter is 1.5–2 meters.

Ficus Bushy King

In its external characteristics it is very similar to species such as Samantha and Golden King. It has a compact size and grows slowly. The veins of the leaves are well defined.

Buklee (Ficus Buklee)

Boucle is characterized by dark green leaves that curl inward, with the curl running along the central vein. Ficus is demanding on lighting; pruning is necessary to form the crown.

Viandi (Ficus Wiandi)

A representative of dwarf species, ficus Viandi is loved by gardeners for bizarrely curved trunk and small height (only 30 cm). Its small leaves curve slightly along the central vein.

Golden King (Ficus Golden King)

The decorativeness of the Golden King lies in the shape of its branches and crown. Bending in an arc, they intertwine with each other, giving the small tree a slender appearance.

The leaves look variegated due to the uneven yellow border around the edges. It requires good lighting and high humidity.

Daniel (Ficus Danielle Daniella)

A beautiful indoor tree with dark green glossy leaves. It is impressive with its accelerated growth rate, it can grow by 50 cm in 1 year. It is undemanding to light and tolerates partial shade well.

The name of the species comes from the shape of its leaves, which resemble a letter of the Greek alphabet. The leaves are large, the color of bright green is diluted with small whitish inclusions on the upper side of the plate and black dots below.

Just like Cyatistipula (Ficus goblet stipule), this ficus prefers abundant watering and diffused light. Often used to create .

Most people know the ficus carica as a fig that bears delicious fruit. Kept at home, it can live up to 15 years. It should be noted that this species is deciduous, that is, every year it seasonally sheds its leaves.

The tree requires periodic pruning and replanting in order for it to develop well. The leaves are quite large; whitish veins are clearly visible on the green plates.

Dwarf and ivy-leaved

A small-leaved species with leaves that look like small hearts, the edges are corrugated. The stems spread along the ground, growing into it with adventitious roots. The branches can stretch up to 5 meters in length. Negatively perceives direct sunlight, likes high humidity. It looks good in the interior when it curls along a support.

Rubber, or robusta elastica (Ficus elastica)

The most famous and at one time very popular species. Ficus broadleaf with large dark green leaves, shining with gloss, has long been a home in our interiors.

If not pinched or trimmed, it can grow beyond the ceiling. Regular replanting is important so that the plant’s root system is not crowded.

In addition to spraying, the leaves need to be cleaned of dust with a damp cloth.

Interesting! The sap of the plant was once used to produce rubber, hence the name ficus.

Curly (Ficus Curly)

Curly attracts with its variegated leaves, in which white blots of different sizes are chaotically scattered across the dark green field.

In some places they look like a scattering of small spots, and on other shoots they can look like small puddles. So to the original plant A lot of light, humidity and heat are needed.

Kinky (Ficus Kinky)

Kinki is a dwarf species with small, up to 4 centimeters, leaves with a glossy surface, light green in color. A cream border runs along the edge of the leaf.

At an early age it looks like a neat bush, as it gets older it turns into a dwarf tree. To maintain decorativeness, it needs pruning.

Ficus is named so because of the shape of its leaves, which resemble a musical instrument. In addition to their shape, the leaves are impressive for their size and rich dark green color.

In West Africa, where it comes from, the lyre-shaped ficus grows to a tall tree. When kept at home, the plant requires support and increased temperature conditions..

Midnight Lady (Ficus Midnight Lady)

The edges of the small dark green leaves are slightly ruffled. The trunk is straight. With proper pruning, a beautiful crown cap is formed at its top. It is undemanding in care and is a perennial.

Monique (Ficus Monique)

In Monique's appearance, the drooping, thin shoots look like lush strands of hair. If the ficus does not have enough light, its shoots become very elongated and lose color..

The leaves are single-colored, green, with a beautiful wave running along the edges. In hybrid species, the leaves may be spotted. Golden Monique is popular among flower growers.

A shrubby type of ficus with shoots in the form of vines, which are decorated with dark green foliage. The surface of the leaves is rough, the ends are pointed. After flowering it produces bright red fruits.

Undemanding to lighting, loves warmth, looks great in the interior.

Interesting fact! In its original homeland of Malaysia, Montana montana is considered a weed.

Naomi (Ficus Naomi)

In terms of decoration, Naomi's leaves are interesting. They are colored in dark green tones, have pointed tips and wavy edges.

Requires good lighting and abundant watering. Among home ficus lovers the Naomi Gold hybrid with golden-light green foliage is popular.

Natasha (Ficus Natasja)

A slow-growing type of ficus, attractive with glossy leaves that slightly curve inward. It is believed that Natasha brings happiness and love to family relationships.

Grows well in a warm and humid atmosphere. Does not tolerate sudden temperature changes. When gaining altitude, the trunk becomes exposed.

Nina (Ficus Nina)

One of the Benjamin varieties with sharp oblong leaves. Small leaf plates are painted in gray-green tones, decorated with a light yellow border along the edge.

Nicole (Ficus Nicole)

The color of the leaves is similar to the Nina variety, but the stripe is lighter than the latter. The curved shape of the trunk is identical to Viandi. The leaves are small, up to 4 cm, slightly bent in the center.

The ficus trunk is enclosed in gray-yellow bark. The leaves are thick, oval-shaped, with sharp tips. Like Ficus Sunny, this species loves diffused lighting. The crown requires shaping by pruning.

A highly decorative species with numerous liana-like branches. The leaves are variegated, oval, with sharp ends.

It produces aerial roots, which enhances its decorative effect. High humidity parameters and abundant watering are important in care.. Needs mineral feeding.

Rustifolia, or Parcel

This species has an original leaf color. White drops are scattered on the green surface of the leaf as if chalk rain had left its mark on them. The trunk is grey-brown, the crown is thick and drooping.

Parcella is easy to care for responds well to regular watering and high humidity.

Samantha (Ficus Samantha)

Samantha is another variety of Benjamin. The grayish-green leaves are decorated with white, uneven stripes along the edges. Like all variegated species, it requires indirect light.

Safari (Ficus Safari)

Safari has small leaves strewn with white and yellow spots, streaks, and dots. Bend inward along the central vein. Growth is slow.

Ficus Safari is capricious in care, places special demands on lighting and watering.

The sacred ficus is a huge tree up to 30 meters high. Grows in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka. The leaves of this tree grow up to 20 centimeters, they have a leathery surface and a dark green color.

Like Ficus Twilight, this species is dying from excess moisture and temperature surges. Pruning helps shape the crown.

Starlight Ficus Starlight

Starlight has unusually variegated leaves, dotted with white and cream spots arranged in a random artistic pattern. The length of the leaf is 4–6 cm. There is a slight bend in the leaf blade.

Ficus prefers good lighting, but without direct sunlight. If there is not enough light, the leaves lose color and fall off.

A species with high decorative qualities. A special feature is triangular leaves, with the apex of the triangle located at the base of the leaf blade.

In nature it is a tall tree, but at home it can grow up to 1 meter. Like the Panda ficus, it does not tolerate direct sunlight. In addition, it needs high humidity and daily misting.

Fantasy (Ficus Fantasy)

A hybrid of two popular varieties, Daniel and Curly. From the first, the monochrome color of the leaves has been preserved, from the second - a variant with variegated coloring. It is not harmful to care for, but bright lighting is required.

Exotic (Ficus Exotic)

Ficus Exotica is compact and easy to care for. The leaves are 6–8 cm long and colored in warm shades of green, with wavy edges. It grows quickly and tolerates diffused light and partial shade.

Eldorado (Ficus Eldorado)

In appearance, Eldorado is similar to Safari, but its variegated leaves are much larger. To preserve the varietal trait, you need to remove leaves with a uniform color.

Esther (Ficus Esther)

Esther's leaves are light green, glossy, 4–5 cm long. Crown formation required. The variety requires regular watering and fertilizing.

Rare types of ficus, their description and cultivation details

Among domesticated ficus trees there are rare varieties that require special maintenance conditions.

A beautiful legend is associated with this species, which grows in India. It says that Krishna himself drank from the leaves of this plant, that’s why they are similar in shape to a glass. The trunk of the plant is covered with silvery bark. The leaves are large (up to 20 cm), twisted at the petiole, dark green.

Reproduces by aerial roots. Easily tolerates direct sunlight, loves abundant watering and spraying.

The homeland of ficus is Africa. It got its name from the shape of its leaves. The surface of the sheet plates is glossy. Adherent to high humidity and diffuse lighting. Cuttings are used for propagation. In summer it is necessary to feed.

Ficus leaves look like boxwood foliage, and it is shaped like a banyan tree. Prefers moderate watering, diffused lighting and high humidity. It is propagated by cuttings.


The species is native to Mexico. The leaves are heart-shaped and a cool shade of green. To make it more decorative, the crown is trimmed. Prefers diffused but bright light.