When to plant cannas in the spring. Cannes - planting and care in open ground, conditions for growing cannas

Heat-loving Canna flower - how to grow it correctly at home and in the garden
When you see a blooming canna for the first time, it is difficult to remain indifferent. Large bright inflorescences on tall peduncles, framed by large, juicy leaves, immediately attract the eye and remind you of lush tropical vegetation. Despite its exotic appearance and southern origin, the plant is quite unpretentious, and an inexperienced gardener can grow it at home or in the garden.

Description of the flower and its preferences

The genus Canna is the only one in the Cannaceae family. This herbaceous plant, a perennial that grows in the tropical and temperate climates of India, China, South America, and Mexico.

Canna is a tall plant reaching, at favorable conditions, 2 m. The powerful hollow stem is covered with sessile, smooth, ovoid leaves, up to half a meter in size. Their color varies from emerald to purple.

The flower is similar in shape to an iris, its color can be scarlet, yellow, pink, white, or have a light border or spots. Canna flowering begins in June and lasts all summer, until the arrival of cold weather.

Important! Canna is easily damaged by frost. It, like the dahlia, must be dug up in the fall and stored until spring in a dry and cool place.


In nature, today, there are fifty species of eland. In gardening and indoor floriculture, no more than 8 are grown. The most famous varieties of cannas.

  • Indian.

The flower grows up to one and a half meters. The stem is rich green in color and covered with elongated leaves. Pink flowers collected in a raceme inflorescence at the tip of the stem. Blooms continuously from early summer until cold weather.

  • Cochineal.

Large plant, up to 200 cm in height. The flowers are a bright red-orange hue, more than 5 cm long. Blooms all summer.

  • Garden (hybrid).

Group hybrid plants obtained from crossing different types cann. Some varieties do not produce seeds. Varieties:

  1. Lucifer(scarlet flowers with a yellow border), bush height 50 - 60 cm;
  2. Picasso(petals are yellow with red “freckles”), height about a meter;
  3. America(pure red color), plant height 130 - 150 cm;
  4. Sunny beauty (yellow flowers), canna height 100 cm.

Correct fit

As a resident of warm and humid places, for canna they choose the most sunny plot in the garden.

The flower must be reliably sheltered from gusts of wind, otherwise the tall peduncles may break. For especially tall varieties, it will be necessary to install durable stakes for peduncles.

Loose soil rich in humus with good moisture holding capacity is suitable for the plant. These can be fertile loams and even sandy loams, provided there is sufficient moisture. Before planting cannas, at least 5 kg of good fatty humus (not fresh manure!) and about 4 kg of coarse sand are added to the site. The soil is dug up to a depth of 35 cm, so the plant has a large branched rhizome.

Advice. The flower responds positively to the arrangement of a “warm bed” when fresh mullein is placed on the bottom of the planting holes. Manure is spilled hot water, is covered with soil in a layer of 25 cm, and only then the canna rhizome is planted. Burning manure releases heat, which warms the roots of the flower.

The flower is planted in May, when the threat of frost has passed. The distance between bushes is maintained at 50 - 90 cm, depending on the size of the variety. The canna rhizome is immersed 10 cm into the soil.

The necessary conditions

As soon as flower sprouts appear on the surface of the soil, it is useful to mulch the ground with straw, high peat, and mown grass. This measure will allow moisture to be better retained in the soil. And eland loves to “drink.”

The plant should be watered only with warm water, abundantly, but without allowing the soil to become waterlogged.

Stagnation of water at the roots of the canna, combined with cool weather, is especially dangerous. Fungal diseases will not keep you waiting. During the flowering period, the need for moisture increases. In autumn, watering is reduced, giving the rhizomes the opportunity to ripen.

Canna is not demanding on the subcortex; it is enough to water the plant with a fertilizer solution during the period of bud formation, and again during flowering. Phosphorus-potassium mineral fertilizers are used for flowering garden plants.

Kanna - home care

The substrate for growing canna is prepared from a mixture of peat, leaf humus and river sand. A full complex of mineral fertilizers for indoor flowers (Kemira, Agricola, Pokon) is added to the mixture, in doses according to the instructions.

For home grown You should choose low-growing varieties of cannas, but they also need a pot with a volume of at least 3 - 5 liters.

The plant is placed on the lightest windowsills, protecting it from drafts.

How to care for Canna flowers at home? Flower care consists of regular watering and fertilizing during flowering.

Attention! Once a year, it is necessary to give the flower a rest for 50-60 days, artificially putting it to sleep. To do this, after flowering, gradually reduce watering and fertilizing. The foliage and peduncle are cut at a height of 5 - 7 cm above the ground. The pot with the flower is transferred to a dry place, with a temperature no higher than +10 degrees.


Most gardeners propagate canna by dividing the rhizome, although there is also a seed method. The vegetative method is simple and effective.

In the spring, after the plant's dormant period, it is carefully removed from the container and the soil is removed from the roots. Places of roots covered with rot are cut off, the sections are dusted with coal or sifted ash.

Using a sharp knife, cut the rhizome so that on each part of the root there is a well-developed growth bud. The cuttings are placed in calcined wet sand and kept warm until roots appear.

Advice. It is convenient to use transparent plastic pots as containers. The process of root formation is clearly visible in them.

Seedlings with well-developed roots are transplanted into a nutrient substrate or open ground.

How does Canna survive winter outdoors?

In Russian conditions, eland can winter only in the southernmost regions of the country. In the rest of the territory, the flower is dug up for the winter and stored in a dry basement.

Preparation for winter begins in September, when the base of the canna stem is covered with soil to a depth of 15 - 20 cm. This measure will protect the roots from rotting.

The plant is dug up after the first serious frost, which will kill the above-ground part. The stem and foliage of the canna are cut off, and the root is dug up and placed in a pot or bucket.

Important! The root is dug up, along with a large lump of earth. The rhizome should not be allowed to be exposed before wintering.

Canna storage temperature is + 5 + 10 degrees. During the winter, the earthen ball is periodically sprinkled with water. The humidity of the soil in which the tubers are located should be about 50%.

Growing a flower in the garden

A fast-growing large flower is used to decorate unsightly places in the garden (ugly hedges, compost heaps). Canna looks great in a mixborder in the background. It is also good in the front area, planted in a flowerbed or flowerpot.

Diseases and their elimination

Canna greens are enjoyed by slugs, caterpillars, spider mite, aphids In the garden, the flower is sprayed with any insecticide (Aktellik, Inta-Vir, Aktara). At home, canna leaves are wiped with cotton wool dipped in soapy water.

Gray rot develops on the flower in cool and rainy summers. For prevention, it is useful to spray the bushes with Fitosporin.

Mosaic virus rarely affects cannas. Having noticed spots on the foliage of the plant characteristic of the virus, it is immediately removed from the flower garden, along with the roots. It is useful to shed the soil with a raspberry solution of potassium permanganate.

Video: how to care for Kanna?

Cannas are propagated mainly by dividing rhizomes and seeds, although seedlings do not reproduce the decorative qualities of their parents. Rhizomes are divided in March - April. This is done so that each division has one strong renewal bud or two or three less developed ones.

It should be remembered that a branched rhizome is formed from the lower parts of the main and lateral shoots remaining after the end of the growing season, which develop powerful adventitious roots.

Rudimentary rhizomes in the form of renewal buds are formed on the lower nodes of the annual growth. Each bud is practically capable of producing an independent plant. As a rule, such plants are more powerful and bloom earlier than those obtained from buds located higher up.

The cuttings are planted in boxes filled with nutritious soil mixture or peat, covered with the same soil mixture or peat, and watered with a 0.05 percent solution of potassium permanganate. Keep at a temperature of 25 ° C and water generously.

If the rhizomes are not well preserved after winter, it is better to divide them into large parts and only after young shoots appear, divide them into smaller ones. With the appearance of one or two leaves, the plants are taken to a greenhouse with a temperature of 15-16 ° C (for “hardening”) and only after that they are planted in open ground.

Canna seeds have a very hard shell and remain viable for an unusually long time. The French magazine Mont Jardin reported that a 447-year-old canna seed was discovered by archaeologists in ancient Indian pottery. It was germinated in the laboratory and it was determined that the plant belongs to the edible canna with a starchy rhizome.

Canna seeds do not germinate for a long time if their shell is not broken, so before sowing they are treated - scalded with boiling water, soaked in water, adding a drop of hydrochloric acid. cooled to minus 2-3 °C, then lowered into hot water and repeat the procedure several times.

The shell can also be carefully cut with a razor, taking care not to damage the seed itself. Before sowing, the seeds should be soaked for 2-4 hours in a 0.05 percent solution of potassium permanganate or in a 0.002 percent solution of sodium humate. Seeds are sown in boxes or bowls to a depth of 1-2 cm.

Shoots appear in 1-2 weeks and when sown in February - April they can produce flowering plants in the same year. Crops should be watered daily and kept at a temperature of 22 - 25 °C. After the first leaf appears, the seedlings are planted in pots, paper cups or seed boxes at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other. Seedlings should be kept at a temperature of 14-16 °C.

Before planting in open ground, they are taken out to greenhouses to harden them. After the threat of frost has passed, the seedlings are planted in the ground at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other and 40-60 cm between rows.

We suggest you choose high-quality

Kanna - the most beautiful perennial flower, which has long become a favorite of landscapers and owners of private houses. This flower has a whole host of advantages, which include ease of planting, growing, care and propagation, as well as a wide variety of varieties. It has only one drawback - canna does not overwinter well in open ground. But more on that later.

Exists ancient legend, which tells about one Indian leader. The old leader burned the peace treaty in a fire, and this led to a great bloody war. And in the place of that fire, cannas grew, with their bright colors reminiscent of flames and spilled blood.

Canna is a favorite flower of many gardeners.

Cannas have a succulent stem, the length of which varies, depending on the species, from 50 cm to 2 m. The first garden hybrid was bred by the Frenchman Crozy. All subsequent varieties bred are called “Garden Canna” and are divided into three groups.

  • Deciduous canna. The tallest of the cannas, some varieties reach 3 m. The flowers of deciduous cannas are small, about 6 cm, and the leaves are large with shades from dark green to purple.

Canna deciduous
  • Cannes Crozy. The shortest, their height is from 70 cm to 1.5 m. The flowers are large, about 10 cm, and the leaves are green or purple with a bluish cover.

Canna Crosi
  • Cannas orchidaceae. The group is medium in height, usually reaching two meters, possessing large, orchid-like flowers and fleshy green leaves with a purple tint.

Planting canna

To plant cannas, choose a place protected from the winds, which is also light and fairly sunny. Cannas prefer soil that is deeply cultivated, loose and nutritious. The most suitable mixture for them is: 1/3 coarse sand, 1/3 leaf soil, 1/3 peat. Cannas are planted in open ground after the end of frost.

Some gardeners advise making “hot mats” to make cannas bloom more luxuriantly. To do this, 20 cm of horse manure is first poured into a hole dug approximately 70 cm deep, and earth is poured on top. Thus, under the layer of soil, the manure will burn slowly and release heat, which will promote longer and more luxuriant flowering of the cannas.

Canna will do well if planted near a wall that protects from the wind.

Canna seeds need to be prepared before planting. To do this, they are first scalded with boiling water, and then placed in a thermos with warm water for 3–4 hours. The seeds are sown in the greenhouse in February. The temperature in the greenhouse should be 20–23 °C. After 2–4 weeks, the sprouted crops are planted in pots, and when the leaves appear, the cannas are planted in open ground.

But most often cannas are planted by dividing the root system in late spring or early summer. The roots are planted in holes dug at a distance of 50 cm from each other and fertilized with humus. Sprouted roots are planted to a depth of 10–15 cm, and non-sprouted roots are planted at a depth of 5–7 cm. The holes are constantly watered.

Canna seeds

Plant care

Cannas accept good care with gratitude, like any other plant. In order for cannas to bloom on time and look impressive, they need to be promptly rid of weeds and loosen the soil around the bushes. During the entire flowering period, it is necessary to remove dried inflorescences.

At making the right choice heights and varieties, cannas can be used anywhere. Massive varieties of these flowers allow you to mask the less aesthetically pleasing areas of your site.

Indian canna naturally grows along reservoirs, so this species can be planted not only along the pond, but also directly in the reservoir itself. To do this, place the flower in a large basket or flowerpot and place it in the pond so that the surface of the pot is lightly covered with water.

Vivid photos of your winter garden and the flower garden will not leave anyone indifferent.

Canna in landscape design

This flower looks no less wonderful when cut. It lasts from 4 to 8 days, and is effective both in a monobouquet and in combination with other flowers.

Gardeners claim that the minor troubles that come with growing canna, propagating and caring for it are forgotten as soon as this beauty begins to bloom. These bright flowers will delight you until the very late autumn, bringing bright variety to the gray autumn landscape. And when your neighbors choose such ordinary yellow leaves for photos, your background will be much more attractive.

Planting canna: video

Cannes are bright beautiful garden flowers that decorate summer cottages from mid-summer to autumn. Red, yellow, variegated, white, bright orange large flowers attract attention and look very elegant and impressive. Canna is a favorite of landscape designers and gardeners who use the flower to decorate lawns, flower beds, and garden plots. Cannas look great both when planted alone and in a group with other flowers and plants, giving the composition a special charm.

Canna is a perennial herbaceous plant, the only representative of the Cannaceae family. IN wildlife there are more than 50 different varieties and types of cannas that grow in warm climates climatic conditions countries such as India, Africa, Indonesia, as well as in the tropics of South America. Eland habitats are the banks of rivers, streams, and in areas with moist soil.

The luxurious flower has erect, thin, non-branching stems, reaching a height of 80 cm to 2 meters, individual species grow up to 3 meters in height. The leaves of the plant are large, lanceolate or oblong, and can grow up to 80 cm in length and up to 25 cm in width. The color of canna leaves can be bright green, reddish-bronze, or striped, depending on the plant variety. The leaves densely cover the stem and look very attractive. Due to the number and size of leaves on the stem, canna is called a “miniature palm.” Landscape designers use some types of cannas for their decorative leaves.

But, nevertheless, canna reveals all its splendor during flowering. Canna flowers are arranged asymmetrically on the peduncle, collected in an inflorescence in the form of a brush or panicle. They have an external resemblance to gladiolus. The main color of canna flowers is deep red; through selective breeding it has been possible to develop varieties with bright yellow, pink, white and two-color petals. Canna flowers do not emit fragrance, which is their distinctive feature. Tropical beauty in the garden is an ideal plant for people with allergies or those who do not tolerate strong flower odors. Flowering begins in July and lasts until late autumn.

After flowering, a fruit is formed - a three-locular oval or cylindrical capsule with round black seeds arranged in two rows; fruit ripening time is from 30 to 40 days.
The plant has a powerful branched root system, grows in width. Canna grows actively even in poor, infertile soils.

Cannes: varieties and varieties

Among the huge variety of canna species and varieties, each of which is unique in its shape, color of petals and leaves. Indian canna is the first garden hybrid developed by the French breeder Crozy. Based on its source material, as a result of many years of selection, many varieties of the plant were bred that have common name"garden canna" There are 3 main groups of garden canna:

  • Deciduous (small-flowered) canna. The tallest canna, which reaches up to 3 meters in height. The leaves of the plant are large, dark green with a purple tint, the flowers are small, about 6 cm.
  • Cannes Crozy. Low-growing cannas that look like large gladioli. They reach heights from 70 cm to 1.5 meters. The flowers are large, about 10 cm, the leaves are green, purple with a bluish bloom.
  • Cannas orchidaceae. This group includes cannas of medium height, up to 2 meters. The leaves are fleshy, green, the flowers are large, reminiscent of a large orchid flower, and have a bright two-color color.

Popular canna varieties

  • Andenken an Pfitzer. Orchid-shaped canna, up to 1.5 meters high, blooms with luxurious bright orange flowers with purple splashes on the petals. The leaves are green with a brown tint.

  • R. Wallase. Canna reaches a height of about 1 m, blooms with light yellow flowers with crane spots. The leaves are green, the variety does not bear fruit.

  • Durban. A small-flowered canna with small yellow-orange flowers and striped leaves, which are the main decoration of the variety. The color of the leaves can be pink, bronze, yellow-green.

  • Livadia. Cannas are about 1 meter high with red-crimson flowers that effectively set off the purple leaves.

  • America. Reaches a height of up to 1.5 meters, blooms red large flowers up to 12 cm in diameter. The dark purple leaves look very decorative.

  • Clara Bulsson. The height of the plant is up to 1.2 meters, it blooms with orange-red flowers, the leaves are purple.

  • Louis Kayeux. Canna height from 1 to 1.3 meters with tender pink flowers and green leaves.

How to grow canna in spring

Luxurious cannes look equally impressive on personal plot, and in a pot, grown at home. Often, low-growing varieties of canna are planted in flowerpots, tubs, and large pots on balconies in greenhouses. Evergreen tropical plant - bright decoration winter garden.

Many novice gardeners are afraid to plant canna in open ground, considering it a capricious tropical guest, very demanding of care. Growing canna in the garden is not at all difficult. It is enough to know the peculiarities of its cultivation, planting rules and provide the plant with the necessary agrotechnical care, as in its natural habitat in the wild.

Place for planting canna in spring

Canna is a native of warm countries with a humid climate, so when choosing a place in the garden you need to take its preferences into account. The place where you plant the plant should be well lit and not shaded. Canna will not grow in the shade of trees or outbuildings. Another important condition for its cultivation is reliable protection from strong wind or draft. Great option– plant the plant near the wall of the house, which will protect it from the wind. Canna ornamental plant, so you should choose the most prominent place in the garden for planting it. Using a spectacular canna to create flower arrangements, select shade-tolerant plants as neighbors for it, since the plant’s lush, dense foliage can block other plants’ access to light.

How to propagate canna for planting in spring

Cannas for planting are propagated in two ways:

  • Vegetative: propagation by rhizomes.

To propagate the plant vegetative way rhizome division is used. Using this propagation method, next summer you will get a flowering plant. In the last days of September, the eland must be carefully dug up along with a small lump of earth, trying not to damage the rhizome. The dug up rhizome of the flower is placed to overwinter in a dark and cool place. It is necessary to inspect it regularly throughout the winter season to ensure that the roots do not rot.

With the onset of spring, at the end of March, the rhizome is divided into parts. It is necessary to divide it so that on each part of the divided root there are one or two strong buds that will give rise to the growth of the young plant. The cut areas must be treated with crushed activated carbon and dried for disinfection. Then the divisions, kidney side up, are placed in a container with sawdust or an earth mixture consisting of peat, sand and black soil in equal parts, and sprinkled with sand on top. Containers with cuttings must be placed in a warm place (from 20 to 24 degrees) for seedlings to germinate. Periodically, the divisions need to be moistened and not allowed to dry out.

After the sprouts appear, which grow quite quickly, the seedlings are transplanted into small pots and placed in a cooler and brighter room (about 16 degrees).

  • Vegetative: propagation by seeds. The seed propagation method is used less frequently than the vegetative method. The most optimal time for sowing seeds is early February.

The most important condition for the seed method of canna propagation is the preliminary preparation of seeds, which promotes their rapid germination within a month.

Preparing canna seeds for planting in spring

  1. Canna seeds have a very dense shell. First you need to scald it with boiling water and then place it under running cold water.
  2. After water procedures, the seeds are placed in a thermos with warm water to swell.
  3. Mechanical damage to the shell is carried out, for example, rubbing the seeds with river sand or making small cuts.
  4. Seeds prepared for planting are planted in the ground. For sowing seeds, you can use universal soil for indoor plants or prepare a soil mixture consisting of two parts of rotted leaves with peat, part of turf soil and 0.5 parts of river sand.
  5. Containers with canna seeds should be kept at a temperature of about +25°C. After 2 leaves appear, the seedlings need to be planted in separate small pots.

Seedlings are ready for planting in open ground in May and early June.

Planting canna in spring

Young plants are planted in the spring, closer to the second half of May, when the threat of frost has passed.

Choosing soil for planting canna in spring

The soil for planting cannas must be fertile, loose, and deeply cultivated. Ideal soil composition: one third each of coarse sand, peat and leaf soil. To ensure lush, long-lasting flowering for flowers, experienced gardeners recommend creating a warming bedding of manure for the plant before planting in the spring. To make it, you need to dig a hole 70 cm deep, pour a layer of horse manure into it (about 20 cm) and sprinkle soil on top. By rotating, the manure will create a warm environment for the plant’s rhizomes and will also fertilize the soil for active growth and abundant flowering.

How to plant canna in spring in open ground

In open ground, cannas are planted in holes 15-20 cm deep, keeping a distance of at least 50 cm between them. The root collar should be deepened into the ground by 2 cm and the soil should be lightly compacted. After planting, young plants need abundant watering, at least 5-10 liters per bush. Water for irrigation uses warm water, about 25 degrees.

Cannes in spring: care

The beautiful canna, like any plant, requires care. In order for the flowering to be long and abundant, the plant must be promptly rid of weeds, loosen the soil around the bushes, remove faded inflorescences, maintain constant soil moisture and apply the necessary fertilizers.

Watering cannes

Cannes are native to countries with a humid climate, so the soil around the bush should be moderately moist. During the flowering period, watering is increased, but canna should not be overwatered. Excessive soil moisture provokes the development of fungal diseases and blackening of the buds - the canna will not bloom. In autumn, after the leaves gradually fall, the volume of watering is reduced.

Loosening and hilling cannas

Flowerbeds and areas of the garden where cannas grow must be regularly weeded and weeded to ensure soil permeability.

In autumn, when the air temperature drops significantly, cannas hill up high to protect the root collar of the plant. Low temperature destructive for southern plants. In October, before the onset of the first frost, the rhizomes, along with a lump of earth, are dug up and stored in a cool room until spring.

Caring for cannas during flowering

A distinctive feature of cannes is its long abundant flowering from mid-summer to October. In order for the canna to bloom throughout the season, experienced flower growers recommend periodically cutting off the flowers to prevent seeds from setting. The ovaries prevent the formation of new flower buds. Cut the flower with pruning shears or a sharp knife. Cut flowers look spectacular both in a single bouquet and in compositions with other garden flowers. Cannas remain in water for 4 to 8 days.

If you notice that cannas do not bloom for a long time, it is worth observing the lighting of the plant during the day. The reason for its reluctance to bloom may be a lack of sunlight from the shade of trees, hedges, or outbuildings.

Feeding cannes

To achieve long-term and lush flowering canna, it needs regular fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers.

  1. It is necessary to fertilize the soil chicken droppings, soaked in water in proportions of 1:10. One watering with fertilizer every two weeks is enough. One bush uses 0.5 liters of liquid fertilizer.
  2. During the growing season, cannas are fed with mineral fertilizers: a mixture of potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers in a ratio of 10:12:25 g per square meter plot. The granules are scattered around the planted cannas after watering, then the soil should be loosened.
  3. During the formation of buds, feeding with crushed charcoal is effective.

How to preserve rhizomes in winter

After flowering, at the end of September or beginning of October, the cannas need to be dug up and moved along with a lump of earth to a cool room, where they should be stored until spring. The wintering room for cannes should not only be cool, but also have moderate humidity. The rhizomes are placed in boxes or containers and sprinkled with peat, sawdust or sand. Temperature changes are not desirable.

Ideal storage conditions: air humidity -50%, and temperature - from 6 to 8 degrees Celsius.
It is necessary to regularly inspect the rhizomes. If rot is detected on it, the damaged area must be cut off and the cut area treated with iodine.

Cannas can also be stored in the refrigerator in the fruit and vegetable section. In the fall, when the tubers are dug up, they are washed in running water and placed in a solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection for a day. Then dry. Each tuber is wrapped in paper.

Canna rhizomes overwinter well in normal conditions. flower pot or a bucket, sprinkled with dry soil, on a glazed loggia or balcony, where the air temperature is not higher than 15 degrees. In this case, the soil must be moistened 2 times a month.

Diseases and pests of cannas

The main problem with canna is bacterial and fungal diseases.

Both leaves and buds of the plant are susceptible to bacteriosis. At the first stage, white spots appear on the leaves, then blackening and death of the buds occurs. The cause of bacteriosis is excessive soil moisture. A plant infected with bacteriosis must be destroyed, since the disease cannot be treated. There is a possibility that it will infect other plant specimens.

In addition to bacteriosis, cannas are susceptible to diseases such as rust fungus. It appears in the form of yellowed leaves, which eventually become covered with rusty spots. To prevent rust fungus, a solution of potassium permanganate is used (4 g must be diluted in 10 liters of water).

In rare cases, cannas suffer from variegation virus, which causes the leaves of the plant to become covered with small black dots. To combat the disease, timely removal of damaged leaves and inflorescences is used.

Canna pests

Canna pests include caterpillars that eat the leaves of the plant and nematodes that feed on the roots of the plant. Insecticides are used to control pests.

Canna in landscape design

Cannas get along well with any flowers; the only condition is to take into account the rapid growth of the plant when planting a flower bed. Tall, showy cannas can drown out the blooms of their slower-growing neighbors.

Canna looks great not only in a flowerbed, but is also used as a tub or potted plant for landscaping terraces, verandas, and balconies.

A massive bright flower can camouflage or hide unsightly areas of the garden and outbuildings. Tall cannas are often used as hedges, while low-growing varieties are planted along garden paths and borders. Cannes look unforgettably impressive against the backdrop of a bright green lawn, near a reservoir or pond.

These bright flowers will delight you until late autumn, decorating the dull autumn landscape with colorful blooms.

Cannes, photo

A magnificent garden is made up of correctly selected plants that have properties that allow them to coexist with other representatives of the flora and produce magnificent flowering over a long period of time.

Today we will look at how to create the luxury and elegance of a tropical Mediterranean flower garden with minimal financial and labor costs.

Canna flowers come from a tropical climate zone and require careful attention to all vegetative forms throughout the entire period of their cultivation. They do not grow wild in our country.

The most common cultivated species is the Indian canna (Canna indica), which has magnificent buds, a strong fleshy stem and a long flowering period.

The plant belongs to the Cannaceae family or monocotyledonous group. Average term The development of the plant until the release of the flower branch is 4 months. Flowering lasts up to 2 months.

Some types of crops can reach a stem height of up to one and a half meters.

The leaves, located on short cuttings, are located opposite each other. They have longitudinal leathery veins. The buds have an exotic shape, reminiscent of large ears, and the colors are very diverse - from bright yellow to rich burgundy.

An interesting fact is that in some regions of South America, canna tubers are eaten. They have a pleasant sweetish taste, similar to the taste of potatoes. In other regions, canna flowers are used exclusively as an ornamental park crop.

If pollination of the buds by insects occurs during the flowering period, the seeds ripen; they are round and dark brown in color. They are used for propagation by sowing. Although you can get flowering buds much faster when planting adult tubers.

Look at the canna flowers in the photo, illustrating the richness of shades and the possibilities of their use in landscape design:

Growing canna in the garden: photos and rules for caring for plants

How to start growing canna in a garden on a personal plot? That's right, from choosing the variety and variety that is suitable for this.

To begin with, you should choose a suitable location and decide on your design goals. You need to know that the decorative effect of a plant is not limited to its flowering period.

There are varieties and varieties with leaves that are unique in their decorative qualities.

There are rich purple and burgundy leaves, which, together with bamboo-like stems, will become a magnificent decoration of any garden.

Growing canna in the garden has only one significant drawback. The buds give absolutely no aroma. Well, difficulties in organizing wintering also affect inexperienced gardeners.

Despite this, growing canna is constantly gaining popularity - after all, once you plant these magnificent tropical flowers, you just want to contemplate this splendor endlessly.

In this regard, many try, and not without success, to grow the crop indoors. In this case, the flowering will simply be endless.

Look at the canna flowers in the photo - they deserve the work and effort that will have to be made in the process of growing and caring for the plants:

Proper care of plants when growing canna in the garden makes it possible to achieve continuous flowering from the beginning of July until the first snow falls.

Mature plants are absolutely unpretentious: they are not affected by diseases and pests, tolerate short-term drops in air temperature well, and are drought-resistant.

The rhizome with tubers deserves special attention. It grows quickly, developing in width, so for harmonious growth and development the crop requires a lot of space for its planting.

At the beginning of vegetative development, rapid growth of a powerful central stem occurs, which resembles bamboo. It can reach a height of 3 meters. On it there is a deciduous mass with a leaf length of up to 80 cm.

After 60 days, the first buds appear. Their standard size- 8-10 cm in diameter. The predominant color is red. Yellow shades are less common, the rarest color is white.

We will consider the rules for caring for plants in more detail later in the article. In the meantime, look at the photos of canna flowers, which can decorate any garden if grown correctly:

Planting canna and subsequent care (propagation by seeds and rhizomes)

Propagation by seeds and rhizomes is allowed, which can be divided in the autumn after the flowering process is completed. Sowing seeds should be done as early as possible, the best period is the end of January - beginning of February.

Before sowing, canna seeds must be thoroughly rubbed with sandpaper to partially destroy the durable protective shell. Without this measure, germination may deteriorate, and the emergence of seedlings may be delayed for up to 4 months.

After sawing, the seeds are soaked for a day in a nutrient solution of growth stimulants. Then sowing is done in the prepared nutrient soil. Any soil for indoor plants is suitable for these purposes.

The container with the sown seeds should be placed in a warm place. Only at temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius can you wait for seedlings.

Planting canna by dividing the rhizome is the easiest and most reliable way to propagate the crop in a personal plot.

With proper sowing, seedlings can appear after 4 weeks. In the phase of 2 true leaves, planting is carried out in separate containers for seedlings (picking).

Propagation by rhizome is a fairly simple method. To do this, an inspection of overwintered rhizomes is carried out in March. It is divided according to the principle - so that 1 flower bud remains on each segment.

The sections are treated with wood ash or crushed activated carbon and dried. After this, all the rhizomes are placed in a container and covered with calcined sand.

Watering is carried out every other day. The container is covered with plastic wrap and placed in a bright place.

Ideal conditions arise on the windowsill, which faces the south or east side of the house and under which the heating radiator is located. In this case, the leaves will appear quite quickly (after 2 weeks).

After this, the canna is planted in separate pots with nutritious soil.

Germination of canna tubers is a mandatory procedure in our difficult climatic conditions. This is the only way to get abundant and long-lasting flowering. It is not worth planting unsprouted tubers, as they will not have time to produce buds.

Planting canna on a personal plot in open ground is carried out no earlier than May 20. By this time, the threat of return frosts on the soil should have passed. Already grown plants with a stem height of up to 80 cm are planted.

Before planting, prepare suitable soil. A high degree of soil fertility is required - compost or humus and complex mineral fertilizer are added.

When planting and subsequently caring for cannas, experienced gardeners use various agrotechnical tricks. Thus, a “warm” pillow gives the optimal result.” To equip it, a trench is dug and the entire layer of soil is removed from the ridge.

A thick layer of hay or fresh manure is placed at the bottom. Then the earth is poured back. Due to the biochemical processes taking place in the hay layer, a constant flow of heat to the canna root system is ensured. The plant blooms 2 weeks earlier.

The planting depth of the rhizome is up to 15 cm. Do not cover the growing point on the stem. Subsequent care of plants consists of regular watering. Once every 10 days, you should add a few grains of manganese to the watering can when watering. This stimulates flowering.

Fertilizing is carried out using the root method. Preparation of a solution for fertilizing: for 10 liters of water, take 20 ml of organic complex fertilizer “Ideal” and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mineral additive “Agri-Cola” for flowers. Everything is thoroughly dissolved. 10 liters of solution is enough to water 10 plants.

How to organize canna storage in winter?

Before organizing storage, you should find out about the timing of digging up rhizomes.

Since the crop blooms for a long time, immediately after the first snow falls, work should be done to select rhizomes and tubers. Garden forks are used for this. You should dig very carefully so as not to damage the tubers.

Organizing canna storage in winter is not so easy when living in a city apartment. In a private house everything is much simpler.

The tubers are dug up and dried in a warm, inspected room for 2-3 days. Then the river sand is calcined. Tubers are placed in it. Watering should be regular, and the ambient temperature should not exceed 10 degrees Celsius.

In a private home, it is advisable to store it in the basement. But in an apartment you can try organizing storage on a loggia or glassed-in balcony.

Another option for storing canna in the apartment in winter is the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator. But here, too, sanding or sanding is required. wood shavings. The rhizomes should be inspected 2-3 times during the winter, if necessary, washed in a manganese solution and any rot that appears should be removed.

Let's say a few words about common varieties

Well, now let’s say a few words about what varieties and varieties exist. Canna flowers have been favorites of breeders for several centuries. Therefore, the existence of many varietal varieties is quite understandable.

Let's talk only about the most striking of them, since a complete catalog can take a hundred pages of text and no less number of pictures.

Indian canna is the most common species, characterized by its relative unpretentiousness to its growing conditions. This plant is considered the progenitor of all varietal species.

“Crosie” is a dwarf type, the stem grows only 60 cm. This is compensated by fantastically beautiful buds reminiscent of gladioli. The leaves initially have a dark, rich green color. Gradually they become burgundy and purple.

If you want taller plants, then you should pay attention to the “America” or “President” variety. They have a tall stem over 1 meter in height. The bright red buds are beautifully framed by gorgeous glossy foliage.

Orchid cannas are similar in their inflorescences to catleya. Their stems reach a height of up to 2.5 meters. The buds are simply huge, they reach 20 cm in diameter. And the leaves corrugated along the edges complement the unusualness and fantastic nature of the picture.

You should not pass by deciduous varieties that do not have such outstanding buds, but their deciduous mass will give a head start to any even very beautiful flowering plants.

The height of the variety reaches 3 meters. This amazing property allows them to effectively decorate a fence line and delimit landscape design plot.

The Durban variety provides the opportunity to use unusual striped leaves in creating a composition for any backyard garden.

Look at the varieties of canna flowers in the photo, the magnificent splendor of their flowering is shown: