When to take a pregnancy test? Can the test not show pregnancy even if there are signs to the contrary? A good pregnancy test before your period is missed.

There are many reasons why a woman wants to find out about pregnancy as soon as possible or to make sure that she is not pregnant. In some cases, she plans to get pregnant in the near future. In others, she wants to be sure that the contraceptives she uses are working well. Thirdly, the woman is treated with drugs or methods, the use of which during pregnancy is extremely undesirable. Fourthly... The list goes on.

Regardless of the reason, women are looking for an accurate and effective way to detect pregnancy as early as possible. early stages. Is there a test that can detect pregnancy before the expected period, and how reliable is its result?

Principle of operation and types of pregnancy tests

After conception, changes begin in the body of the expectant mother. One of the first changes is the appearance in female body pregnancy hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin.

This hormone is produced by the placenta from approximately the second week of pregnancy. Every day its amount doubles compared to the previous one, that is, the concentration increases by geometric progression. It first appears in the blood, from which it enters the urine of a pregnant woman. This feature is used to confirm the presence of pregnancy in the early stages. What is the working principle of rapid pregnancy tests?

The pregnancy test looks like a strip or device with a urine bag and a window for displaying the result. Regardless of the design, it contains an indicator, which is a specific dye-labeled antibody that recognizes human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Typically, there are two lines on the test strip: a control line (colored regardless of the presence of pregnancy and indicates that the test is suitable for use) and an indicator strip (contains antibodies with a dye that changes color only when in contact with hCG).

In addition to the usual ones, there are special high-precision test options that contain fluorescent or radioactive molecules instead of dye. These tests are not sold in pharmacies, but are used only in specialized laboratories.

Tests available on the market can be divided into:

  • standard (react to concentrations of human chorionic gonadotropin over 25 mIU/ml);
  • hypersensitivity (sensitive to hCG content at a concentration of 10–15 mIU/ml).

Depending on the design and option for displaying the result, tests are divided into:

  • test strips or strips (a paper strip on a plastic backing with an indicator is dropped into a container with collected urine);
  • jet (no need to collect urine in a container, place it under the stream);
  • digital (urine is dripped into a urine bag, the result is displayed in a special window).

Variants of various tests are presented in the photo. All of them are sold in pharmacies, where they can be bought without a prescription.

On what day from conception can the test react to hCG?

Can a home test give a positive result if taken before my period is missed? At what point in the cycle does it make sense to conduct such testing? In order to answer this question, let’s consider the processes occurring in the female body over time.

The fusion of the egg with the sperm occurs in the fallopian tube. Within 3–5 days, the fertilized egg moves through the tube and enters the uterus. Here it is implanted into the lining of the uterine wall.

Human chorionic gonadotropin appears in the body 24–48 hours after implantation, but in the first days its concentration is negligible and cannot be recognized during testing. However, hormone production increases quite quickly and has the following dynamics:

  • 1 day after implantation – 4 mIU/ml;
  • Day 2 – 7 mIU/ml;
  • Day 3 – 11 mIU/ml;
  • Day 4 – 18 mIU/ml;
  • Day 5 – 28 mIU/ml;
  • Day 6 – 45 mIU/ml;
  • Day 7 – 73 mIU/ml;
  • Day 8 – 105 mIU/ml;
  • Day 9 – 160 mIU/ml.

Here are the average hCG levels. Different women may experience deviations from the average in one direction or another, depending on the characteristics of the body as a whole and its endocrine system in particular. Therefore, a pregnancy test before a missed period may show different results.

Features of the menstrual cycle and the dependence of the time of conception on its duration

One of the main individual characteristics influencing the results of the test when applied before a delay is the duration menstrual cycle for a specific woman. Cyclic changes can normally last from 21 to 35 days.

When making calculations, we must remember that the contact of the sperm with the egg released from the ovary does not always coincide with the date of sexual intercourse; fertilization can occur 1–2 days later. This means that the time of conception may shift by this time period, which will affect the level of hCG and the result of the pregnancy test.

Normal 28 day cycle

Most standard pregnancy tests recognize hCG concentrations of 25 mIU/ml or higher. At favorable conditions this concentration is achieved on the day that coincides with the expected date of the next menstruation. Therefore, the likelihood of a negative result from such testing is high. For early diagnosis of pregnancy, highly sensitive tests that respond to a hCG concentration of 10–15 mIU/ml are more suitable. With their help, you can determine the presence of pregnancy before the expected date of your next period.

Short cycle

Some women have a shortened cycle, the duration of which is 21 days. Shortening can occur due to the first, second or both phases. With a 21-day period, ovulation occurs on days 8–10. The concentration of hCG, which can be used to detect pregnancy using tests, in such women is reached by the time the menstrual cycle has come to an end, or even later. For these reasons, diagnosing pregnancy before the onset of menstruation is difficult.

In this case, tests with normal sensitivity are not suitable; you need to choose the most highly sensitive varieties. Before your period is missed, it is recommended to use digital tests “Evitest”, “Frautest” or “Clearblue”, which are sensitive to lower concentrations of hCG and are more likely to indicate the presence of pregnancy. The domestic version of such tests, Clever, has the same accuracy, but costs much less.

Long cycle

An extended cycle lasting 35 days has its own characteristics. Usually, the first part of the period, before ovulation, is extended, and the second lasts as long as in women with a cycle of 28 days. If you need to test without waiting for menstruation, it is also preferable to use tests that are sensitive to low concentrations of hCG, since conventional ones can give a negative result.

Is it possible to determine pregnancy using a test before the delay?

Most women have the opportunity to find out about their pregnancy before their missed period. In each cycle there is a time period suitable for fertilization of the egg, which lasts several days. It is called the fertile window. If conception occurred at the beginning of this period, then there is a high probability that the woman will be able to find out about her pregnancy even before the delay.

The accuracy of the indicators directly depends on the following factors:

  • degree of sensitivity of the test;
  • the length of the woman’s cycle;
  • the number of days remaining until the expected date of menstruation;
  • time of day at which urine was collected for analysis.

When will the test show an absolutely reliable result?

Can a test done before the delay be wrong? The percentage of confidence is a variable value, changing as the onset of menstruation approaches. In women with a standard 28-day cycle, this relationship looks like this:

  • a week before the delay, the accuracy of the analysis will be 25%;
  • for 5 days – 33%;
  • in 4 days – 42%;
  • in 3 days – 68%;
  • in 2 days – 81%;
  • per day – 93%;
  • on the day of delay – 96%;
  • after a delay – 99.9%.

In addition to the usual statistical errors, tests can show a positive result in the absence of pregnancy or, conversely, a negative result in the presence of pregnancy.

Why is a testing error possible and what are the factors influencing its occurrence? Reasons for a false negative result:

  • low concentration urine (during heavy drinking);
  • spoiled test;
  • premature testing (more than a week before the expected start of menstruation);
  • ectopic or frozen pregnancy;
  • death of the embryo in the early stages.

The test may give a false positive result:

  • after administration of drugs containing human chorionic gonadotropin;
  • with a recent miscarriage or abortion, when part of the fertilized egg remains in the uterus;
  • for some tumor diseases.

How and when should a test be taken to improve its reliability? Experienced doctors give several recommendations in this regard:

  • the analysis will show a more accurate result if it is done immediately after waking up in the morning, since the urine collected in the morning contains the maximum amount of human chorionic gonadotropin (if it is produced);
  • analyze only freshly collected urine and use clean dishes;
  • choose rapid tests with high sensitivity to the hormone;
  • carefully follow the instructions for using the test;
  • if obvious symptoms of pregnancy are felt and the test is negative, it is worth repeating it after 1-2 days, when the concentration of hCG becomes higher.

When a woman’s ultimate dream is successful conception, she waits for the desired pregnancy every cycle. The girl tries to see and feel the onset of conception, looks for early symptoms of the birth of a new life, suspicious signs indicating imminent motherhood, etc. Naturally, before the delay, the girl begins to check for the presence of conception using home express systems, hoping to see the two cherished lines. Will the test show pregnancy before the delay or is conducting research so early a waste of time and money?

An exciting period in the life of any family is the anticipation of the arrival of the baby.

After implantation of the embryo, the chorionic membrane begins to intensively produce gonadotropic hormone. Test systems are equipped with a special indicator impregnated with a chemical substance that reacts to the presence of this similar hormonal substance in the urine. Due to the presence of gonadotropin chorionic hormone, testing produces two lines.

  • If conception has not occurred, hCG levels will remain low, so test systems will not be able to detect the hormone, which will appear as a single line on the test strip. This strip is a control line; the line appears when the device is working properly and is working correctly.
  • If not a single line or only one test line appears on the indicator during testing, then such an express system is considered faulty, and therefore the results cannot be regarded as reliable.
  • If the rapid test is of high quality and all the rules for its use are followed, then the reliability of such a study reaches more than 98%.
  • Also, the reliability of test systems is affected by the timing of testing, because the content of hCG in the body increases gradually and reaches a concentration that the test can recognize only after a certain time.

All these factors must be taken into account when testing.

Test effectiveness

It is also important when you can take a pregnancy test. Gonadotropic hormone produced by the chorion begins to be produced in the blood a day after implantation. Every two days its amount approximately doubles. Can a pregnancy test be positive if there is no conception? In general this is impossible, although theoretically there are exceptions. In the body of any person there is a small amount of this hormone, only in alpha form. After implantation, the chorion produces another type of hCG - the beta form. That is why the two test strips appear only in the presence of pregnancy, because they react to beta-hCG.

The effectiveness of express systems depends on such an indicator as sensitivity. There are devices that are capable of detecting conception a very short period of time after implantation. Conventional strip strips, for example, can recognize pregnancy when hCG levels in the blood reach a concentration of 20-25 mIU/ml.

But there are also ultra-sensitive tests that can detect a hormonal substance in an amount of 10 mIU/ml; this is the typical content 7-10 days after conception has occurred. In other words, the concentration of the hormone, determined by ultra-sensitive tests, is achieved approximately 5 days before the arrival of the next menstruation, i.e., such a pregnancy test will already be able to determine an interesting position before a missed period.

Benefits of tests

A special calendar will help determine suitable days for conception

The use of home express systems has many advantages over other methods of determining pregnancy. Firstly, the pregnancy test is quite easy to use; it does not require any special skills, medical education or laboratory equipment. You just need to follow the instructions. Secondly, the use of such devices guarantees the patient absolute anonymity. You can do a study and get the result, but no one will be able to find out anything unless the patient herself wants it.

Moreover, a pregnancy test will show conception at a fairly early stage of gestation, when there are no obvious signs of an interesting position. The reliability of the pregnancy test reaches 95-100%, which is also considered a definite plus. Another advantage of express systems is a fairly large range of these devices with a wide range of prices. Therefore, any girl can choose an inexpensive and, most importantly, high-quality and most accurate test for herself.


But despite the many advantages of express systems, each test can also have many disadvantages.

  1. For example, if the system for determining pregnancy has confirmed the fact of conception, this does not mean that gestation is occurring as planned, and the fertilized egg is located inside the uterine body. Unfortunately, such a device cannot show whether a intrauterine pregnancy is developing or ectopic.
  2. In addition, it can never be ruled out that testing does not show a completely reliable result.
  3. It may also be that it will not be possible to determine pregnancy due to the poor quality of the express system or the expiration date of the device.
  4. Some types of such devices are quite expensive and therefore are inaccessible to most patients.

As you can see, there are no ideal ways to determine pregnancy before a delay; each method, even such a simple and convenient one as an express test, is not without its drawbacks.


Exist different kinds tests for home use. Strip stripes are the most popular among girls. They are first generation devices and are considered the most affordable in terms of cost. Such strips should be lowered into a portion of morning urine until the line marked on it for 10-20 seconds. Then the strip strip is placed on a dry and flat surface, and after a couple of minutes you can find out whether the girl is pregnant or not. Using the test is quite simple and convenient, and the results in most cases are reliable. Although such a device also has some disadvantages, for example, for testing you need to collect urine in a separate container, and you only need to use morning urine, otherwise there is a high probability of error.

It is best to check in the morning

More convenient means for this purpose are test cassettes, which are actually the same strip tests, only they are placed in plastic tablets. There are two windows on the tablet’s body; urine needs to be dropped into one, and a certain result is read in the other.

But the most modern stress systems are jet ones. When the test is placed under a stream of urine, the result can be assessed after a few minutes. This test will show pregnancy before the delay, because it is considered one of the best and most sensitive. Moreover, express jet systems do not require additional steps, such as collecting urine in a separate container, and therefore are considered the most convenient.


In order for pregnancy tests before and after a delay to show reliable results, it is necessary to strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations for use. Firstly, any test, regardless of whether it is done a week before menstruation or after menstruation is delayed, must be used only in the morning. It’s just that in the very first urine, which has not yet been diluted with drinks consumed during the day, the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin is as high as possible. Therefore, testing with such urine will show as accurately as possible whether the girl is pregnant or not.

It is necessary to do a pregnancy test before the delay, using at least 20-30 ml of urine, only it must be fresh, just collected; urine should absolutely not be cooled or frozen, shaken or shaken. If a girl’s circumstances are such that testing needs to be done in the evening, then she needs to limit her fluid intake so as not to accidentally dilute her urine, then the analysis will show an accurate result before the delay. If testing is carried out using a strip strip, then a clean container must be used to collect urine. The strip should be dipped into the urine for about 20 seconds, and after 3-4 minutes you can evaluate the results.

Why in the morning

Almost all instructions for tests indicate that the use of a pregnancy test before a delay should be carried out in the morning. Why is this so important?

  • The determining factor here lies in the renal activity and hormonal metabolism of the expectant mother.
  • Gonadotropic hormone is partially excreted from the body in the urine. The concentration of this substance depends on the volume of urine excreted.
  • The more it is released, the less hCG will be in the urine. Then home testing will not be able to show pregnancy before the delay.
  • Therefore, experts recommend testing in the morning with the first urine. After all, at night mommy doesn’t drink anything and doesn’t go to the toilet, so the level of hCG in the urine increases.
  • In the evening, a pregnant woman’s urine becomes diluted, and the concentration of chorionic hormone becomes minimal.
  • Throughout the day, it is gradually eliminated from the body, and by the evening it reaches very insignificant values.

If you do a test before your period, which is different high rate sensitivity, then it will show a reliable result either in the morning or in the evening. There are types of inkjet tests that have an increased sensitivity of 10-15 mIU/ml; they can be used at any time, even before the expected onset of menstruation.

Why after the delay

Good news about the long-awaited addition to the family

Test manufacturers assure that their express systems can detect conception from the first day of a missed period. It’s just that chorionic hormone is produced in the mother’s body gradually, starting from the first day of implantation. A similar process, as is known, occurs approximately 7-10 days after fertilization. Moreover, at first the levels of this hormonal substance are negligible, so long before the onset of menstruation, tests will not be able to detect hCG in urine.

But every 48 hours, the hCG level doubles, so after a week it reaches a concentration that is already detected by the test system, which means that detecting pregnancy will not cause difficulties. But many girls do not want to wait until the delay and rush to do the research earlier. But can the test show pregnancy before menstruation or not?

Test before delay

So, the girl is really looking forward to conception, and almost immediately after ovulation she begins to do tests every day. But when to carry out pregnancy tests before the delay, so that they give the most reliable results. Experts say that even the most super sensitive test systems do not show accurate results if testing is carried out before the delay.

Here we need to look into it in more detail. A woman with a regular menstrual cycle usually never experiences delays, and her ovulatory period occurs in the middle of the cycle. If menstruation begins on the 30th day of each cycle, then ovulation occurs on the 15th day, if the cycle is 28 days, then on the 14th day, etc. Fertilization can occur on the ovulatory day or within 2 days after that. The sperm fuses with the female cell, then it travels through the fallopian tube for another 7-10 days to the implantation site. At about 22-25 days of the cycle, you can take a blood test and it will be able to detect hCG and confirm the fact of conception.

But will the test show pregnancy before your period? Girls who cannot wait the right time are often tormented by a similar question. The most accurate and ultra-sensitive test systems are able to detect conception approximately 4 days before the next menstruation. If you did not know whether it is possible to determine pregnancy before a delay, then experts confirm that this is possible.

If everything is clear with a normal pregnancy, then with an ectopic pregnancy there are many ambiguities. Does the test show an ectopic pregnancy before the period is overdue? During ectopic gestation, the cell is implanted outside the uterus, so hCG is produced in small quantities. Therefore, if the ovum is ectopic, testing before the delay shows the absence of pregnancy.

Probability of error

Sometimes express systems produce not entirely reliable results. Why does this happen?

  • If you do the test before the delay, the reliability drops to 85-90%.
  • If the test is carried out too early, chorionic gonadotropin will not have time to reach the required concentration, and the test will produce a negative result.
  • A similar picture is observed if the patient drank a lot of fluid before testing, the urine becomes diluted, and the hormonal level drops.
  • An expired rapid test may give a false positive result when there is no pregnancy.

Home diagnostics using pharmacy test devices can produce erroneous results if the tests were stored incorrectly or the girl uses an expired product.

Decoding the result

Interpretation of results is important in rapid testing. A result should be considered positive if menstruation is delayed, and two clear and bright stripes are visible on the device. If testing is carried out in early period(the day before the delay or on its first day), then the second strip may be somewhat dull and weakly expressed.

The absence of pregnancy is confirmed only if one clear feature is visible, which often happens when the patient starts testing too early. With this result, it is recommended to re-diagnosis after 3-4 days. There are interesting situations when the express system does not show a single lane at all. In this case, the result is considered unreliable.

Sometimes girls begin to look for options on how to determine pregnancy without a test in order to find out about their condition long before the delay. In fact, pregnancy is considered to have taken place only after implantation, which occurs about a week before the delay. Whatever the test, it will not be able to detect conception at this stage. But a blood test for hCG may well determine an interesting situation in the first couple of days after implantation.

If a woman suspects that recent sexual intercourse has resulted in conception, she will not rest until she finds out whether her suspicions are justified.

If it were possible, she would not refuse to find out about it the very next day after the act, so that she would have time to think, be nervous or rejoice.

To the delight of such impatient ladies, today you can take a pregnancy test before your period is missed, which means you can find out about your interesting position at the earliest possible date.

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Today, pregnancy tests have become such a commonplace item that women who use them somehow do not think about their mechanism of action. Without knowing the principle of their operation, it is difficult to understand whether the test can be done before a missed period.

Recognition of pregnancy by rapid tests occurs by detecting a special substance called hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine of the expectant mother. Despite the fact that this substance is often called the “pregnancy hormone”, it is present not only in the female, but also in the male body in a concentration of about 5 mIU/ml. 1-2 weeks after fertilization, hCG begins to be actively secreted by the chorion, and its level increases 5-20 times from the original. At this very time, it is detected in the urine, which is what modern highly sensitive tests react to.

How the test works

Depending on the type of analyzer, test results are shown as bright bars or digital data. Today women use the following types of tests:

  • electronic (digital) - the most sensitive type, usually for repeated use, some of the varieties can even determine the duration of pregnancy, the result appears in the window in the form of words or plus/minus;
  • inkjet analyzers are slightly less sensitive analyzers that work directly during urination, without requiring the use of urine containers;
  • tablet - plastic tests with a window for applying a few drops of urine;
  • strip tests - the simplest analyzers in the form of strips with an indicator substance applied to them, the result appears in the form of red stripes: one means “no”, two stripes - “yes”, pregnancy has occurred.

Before using this test, a woman will have to find a container for urine in which to immerse the strip strip in it.

The testing process usually takes about 7-10 seconds for urine to contact the indicator and 3-5-10 minutes for visualization of the results. Each type of device has its own deadlines, which are usually indicated on the packaging or insert for the test.

You can take a pregnancy test at any time of the day, as stated in the instructions for using the devices. It is known that the highest concentration of hCG is observed in morning urine, so doctors recommend performing a pregnancy test in the morning, especially if this is done before a missed period.

Will pregnancy show before the delay?

Modern ultra-sensitive analyzers with a sensitivity threshold of 10 mIU/ml are capable of detecting hCG at a very early stage. If the test is carried out before the delay (about 2-4 days before the expected onset of menstruation), it will certainly show pregnancy, if it has occurred.

If the question of whether the test will show pregnancy before the delay is no longer in doubt, the accuracy of its results is still not enough to determine pregnancy. Due to various circumstances, even an electronic test, which is considered to be as accurate as possible, can be wrong. Or rather, it is not the tester itself that is mistaken, but the body, releasing hCG into the urine and causing a false positive reaction of the indicator. This happens when:

  • a woman’s use of medications containing human chorionic gonadotropin;
  • recently transferred artificial interruption pregnancy;
  • the presence of tumor processes in the female body.

In addition to false positives, false negative test reactions are also possible (when there is pregnancy, but the device does not detect it).

The reasons for this result are:

  • cardiovascular and renal pathologies that prevent the full release of hCG into the urine;
  • excessive consumption of water or diuretics shortly before testing;
  • carrying out the test too early (especially with an irregular cycle).

To avoid mistakes, you should exclude all possible provoking factors that affect the concentration of hCG in the urine.

Confidence level

In the annotations to pregnancy tests, fairly high figures for the reliability of the analysis are presented. According to these data, modern electronic tests have the highest degree of reliability - from 99%, if the tests are carried out in a timely manner, correctly and in accordance with the instructions.

When determining the duration of pregnancy, the reliability of tests, especially those carried out before a missed period, is lower and amounts to 92%.

4 most sensitive analyzers

Based on consumer surveys and clinical observations, the rating of the most sensitive tests includes devices from several brands:

  1. Clearbleu DIGITAL is one of the most expensive digital tests with a sensitivity level of 10 mIU/ml and a claimed accuracy of more than 99%;
  2. Evitest proof – cassette (plate) test with a high level of sensitivity and reliability;
  3. Frautest planning – a set of tests for ovulation and pregnancy determination with disposable containers for collecting urine for each test;
  4. Frautest express ultrasensitive is an inexpensive strip test with a sensitivity level of 15 mIU/ml.

Even when using the most highly sensitive pregnancy test, you should not count on its 100% reliability, since erroneous results are possible in some circumstances.

Pregnancy can be unconditionally determined using instrumental research methods (ultrasound), which should be done after passing the test.

The earliest test that can be done

If a woman is looking for the earliest pregnancy test that can show results before her period is missed, she should pay attention to Biocard HCG. Quick response and ease of use have made this cassette test popular among similar analyzers. The sensitivity of the device is evidenced by the fact that most reviews note the ability of this test to determine pregnancy before a missed period.

One of the most high-tech and highly sensitive tests, capable of “seeing” pregnancy in the early stages (before a missed period). In addition to stating the fact of pregnancy, this digital test “can” calculate the duration of pregnancy (again, based on the amount of gonadotropin in the urine).

Incorrect decoding of data when using ClearBlue digital is excluded, since the result is assessed not by stripes, but by absolutely unambiguous signs: + or – (plus or minus). The gestational age is indicated approximately as follows: 2+, which means more than 2 weeks of pregnancy. If this function is not of interest to a woman, you can choose a less expensive, but equally effective test from the same line without the option of calculating the period.

Positive result

If the test results are positive, the woman can theoretically be congratulated. But in fact, she still has to work hard to safely carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

First, you should visit a gynecologist and register. You should not put off this important matter until a later date, since an early examination allows you to identify and eliminate possible problems with greater success than if this is done in a critical situation (for example, during). And the very fact of a positive result should be confirmed by ultrasound examination in order to more reliably determine the gestational age and calculate the due date taking into account the delay of menstruation.

Finally, get valuable instructions from a gynecologist who will “manage” the pregnancy for the remaining 7-8 months, also preferably in the early stages.

If a positive result turns out to be an undesirable event, the woman should all the more visit a doctor, think it over and accept correct solution, perhaps the most important thing in her life.


  1. , regardless of their varieties, they work according to the same principle of action - they react to hCG, which increases in the urine of a pregnant woman.
  2. If the sensitivity of the test is 10 mIU/ml, it can detect pregnancy before a missed period.
  3. Despite the stated accuracy (99%), pregnancy tests can produce both false positive and false negative data.

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On a note

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