The Fool tarot card is reversed. Jester (Fool) - the meaning of the tarot card

The astrological meaning of the Tarot card Fool (Jester) corresponds to the planet Uranus. It symbolizes the desire for independence. With an assigned face value of 22, this Arcana is patronized by Pluto. This planet is a symbol of the cosmic mind.

The Arcanum Jester that appears in the layout is deciphered: rely on God. In the sense, do not interfere with the events taking place, and do not interfere in any matters. Try to stay in the “cosmic flow” and follow it. Don't complicate your life with thoughts. Everything will be resolved by itself, regardless of your actions.

General meaning

If we consider the meaning of the Fool Tarot card more simply, then its meaning is that the person who received it in the layout has inner freedom. He is independently able to get rid of outdated patterns both in relationships and in thoughts.

Translated from French, Arkan Shut is written le Мв1, which means the word “mast”. Its symbol is support. The feeling of personal freedom is a reliable support for every person.

Often its meaning in the Tarot is interpreted as an inexplicable turn of events or a surprise, which may or may not be pleasant.

The inverted position of the Fool in the Thoth Tarot deck indicates that a person holds tightly to the past and is not ready to open up to the future. He is not free in his choice. The simplest explanation is that the questioner has a nervous disorder. We can conclude that a person is endowed with stupidity more than intelligence. It should be taken into account that this can also have a humorous meaning (this is typical for him).

The Fool Tarot card in combination with “bad” cards is explained as “complete detachment.” The person has no concept of duties and responsibilities. An inverted card may mean the presence of a mental illness, such as neurosis or psychosis.

The layout of the Thoth Tarot cards for entrepreneurs and businessmen has a more negative meaning than a positive one. The person should leave for a while and not take any action.

Tarot card Fool means inner freedom of a person

Direct position of the Arcana

The Fool Tarot card in an upright position suggests potential, but without a specific point of application. It is impossible to even determine its size. Often this card falls out to people who live carefree. They are freed from all the conventions accepted in society. They are characterized by creativity, they can be brave and reckless.

The Thoth Fool Tarot card is a symbol of simplicity, and a person is not always understood by others. But such people have a positive quality that sets them apart from others. Such people are endowed with eternal wisdom. She is above all the common laws and rules of everyday life, which are often selfish in nature.

A rolled Jester indicates that a person has a certain peculiarity that allows him to look at the world and current events in an extraordinary way. He is not afraid of the opinions of others.

Interesting and most typical is the behavior of the Jester in combination with the Hierophant. The interpretation comes down to the fact that a person has non-standard thinking, which even seems strange to some. But, despite this, he is characterized by an understanding of the situation and the ability to resolve it correctly.

The Jester card can be enhanced by neighboring cards

Reversed card

If the Arcanum of the Fool is in an inverted position, then this is interpreted as:

  • the birth of chaos;
  • symbol of stupidity;
  • senseless waste of energy;
  • indifference;
  • fear of taking responsibility in resolving important issues;
  • optional;
  • rashness in actions, leading to serious and even catastrophic consequences;
  • impulsiveness and rashness;
  • incredible gullibility, often bordering on real madness.

If the Fool is near the Court, then the person faces public ridicule. If the Five of Wands falls nearby, then this indicates intemperance in conversations. This leads to numerous conflicts. In a situation with the Devil, a person is predicted to meet dishonest people and scammers.


The Arcanum Jester in the love scenario is interpreted as:

  • forgiveness of past mistakes and the return of previous relationships between partners;
  • confidence in the future with your loved one;
  • a dream come true;
  • sincerity of feelings in love;
  • lack of benefits in relationships;
  • soulfulness.

The lasso falls only to the person who has noble intentions.

If there is a combination of the Jester and the Ace of Wands, then this is evidence of great passion among partners and harmony in sexual relationships. In a scenario with the Two of Cups, a person expects romantic courtship and great love.

The jester in a love reading symbolizes sincerity

Love is an inverted Fool

The meaning of the Jester in an inverted position indicates:

  • about the person’s lack of serious feelings, he is just having an ordinary flirtation;
  • about vain hopes for the future;
  • about excessive gullibility;
  • about great self-confidence;
  • about capriciousness;
  • about the inability to see obvious things.

If the Fool appears in combination with the Five of Cups, then this is a warning to the person. You shouldn't trust someone you consider your admirer. This person is dishonest and is only having fun with you.

Career - direct position of the Arcanum

This Arcana does not have a number, but some claim that its number is zero. Therefore, a person should start all matters related to professional activity from scratch. He must gain strength and try to distract himself from the current situation. You should definitely move forward, not paying attention to anything. Failures and obstacles must be left at the door.

Often 0 Arcana Tarot Jester falls to a person who has reached a dead end. His characteristic feature is indecision. He must find the right solution among the many options offered to him.

A person must know that no matter what choice he makes, it will be a path into the new and unknown. It is impossible to guarantee a successful outcome of this choice. But such an act must be done. It would seem that the decision is completely reckless, but it may be the most correct and correct in the future. The combination of the Fool and the Magician can prove that this is true.

If the Emperor card is nearby, then this indicates long-awaited success, that all decisions are correct.

The Emperor and the Fool symbolize long-awaited success

Reversed Jester position for career

It should be noted that 0 Arcana Tarot The Fool in an inverted position when laying out Tarot cards for professional activities is interpreted as:

  • inexperience;
  • lack of theoretical skills;
  • inability to solve problems and irresponsibility;
  • lack of system;
  • uncertainty of plans, the meaning increases in combination with the Three of Wands;
  • irrationality of thinking (with the Seven of Coins rolled);
  • the futility of planned actions has a stronger meaning with the 2 of Wands.

Combinations with other Arcana

If 0 Arcana Tarot is located next to:

  • By a magician, this is interpreted as the presence of an insane impulse, meaningless ideas and uncontrollable impulses.
  • The High Priestess is evidence of an unexpected discovery, which will turn out to be quite unexpected, but pleasant.
  • The Empress interprets this as an accidental and unexpected pregnancy. Sometimes it is interpreted as receiving unexpected money.
  • The Emperor speaks of the end of anarchy.
  • The Hierophant is evidence of a search that leads to mutual understanding.
  • Lovers - undisguised feelings, as well as trusting relationships between partners.
  • The Chariot is evidence that the current situation has become unmanageable and is causing problems.
  • Strength is interpreted as the need to limit all impulses in professional activities and in personal relationships. But with the Hermit card, this is evidence of an empty and unnecessary search.
  • The Wheel of Fortune is a warning about unforeseen changes. And also with the Arcanum Star - man is destined for the divine path.

It should also be noted that in combination with:

  • Justice primarily means future legal proceedings regarding violations of the law.
  • The Hanged Man is evidence of stupidity. It may result in entrapment, imprisonment, or injury.
  • Death is a warning of some significant upheaval.
  • Moderation is a positive conclusion to the experiments and tests carried out.
  • The devil is an opportunity to fall into the trap of dishonest people by giving in to impulse. It can be interpreted as a risk of causing great sorrows and misfortunes.
  • Arcanum Tower is ill-considered negligence that leads to trouble.
  • The moon is a passion for drugs, possibly alcoholism. Often this is an innocent deception, not committed with evil intentions.
  • The sun is a warning about future recognition.
  • Court - predicts a series of speeches in public places for a person.
  • The world is evidence that a person has to travel outside his homeland.

Moderation with the Jester - completing the tests

Spread with Wands

If the Fool appears with other Tarot cards, then in a reading with:

  • Ace of Wands - warning of fire or arson. Sometimes this situation is interpreted as a crazy orgasm.
  • The Two of Wands suggests intoxicating possibilities.
  • The Three of Wands means lack of control, and the work started is not controlled. The interpretation may be about the upcoming journey.
  • The Four of Wands is evidence of chaos in the home, sometimes this implies a madhouse.
  • The Five of Wands is a warning about future scandals and disputes that occur unintentionally.
  • Six of Wands - interpreted as meaningless imitation of the leader, sometimes this is explained as intoxication with luck.
  • Seven of Wands - speaks of existing envious people who will bring a lot of trouble.
  • The Eight of Wands is evidence of increasing madness.
  • Nine of Wands - interpreted as connivance in all matters;
  • The Ten of Wands is interpreted as the inability to concentrate and solve problems that arise instantly.

You also need to know that in combination with:

  • The Page of Wands says that a person is characterized by laziness, he is capable of skipping classes and avoiding learning in every possible way.
  • The Knight of Wands is evidence that a person must change the means and methods of transportation.
  • The Queen of Wands is a refusal to perform professional duties;
  • The King of Wands indicates approaching midlife problems.
  • The advice of the Arcana Jester is that a person should take into account his mistakes and pay more attention to those events that seem insignificant to him.

You should stop stubbornly holding on to outdated stereotypes and learn to think more rationally.

The card advises assessing any situation from the child’s perspective, looking at everything sincerely, without putting unnecessary and far-fetched meaning into events. We must learn to be more simple. There is also no need to worry and think about the consequences. The ability and willingness to take risks, as well as trust in fate, will help you avoid all sorts of problems. This option will be the most correct for a person. He will be able to work around problems quickly.

Interpretation of the tarot fool (clown, madman) in the upright position

New opportunities, new beginnings, new relationships, new business. Strength, luck and fortune should be enough for everything. Avoid excessive emotions.

  • new beginnings, important decisions, optimism, good opportunity
  • feverish excitement, recklessness, stupidity, extravagance, lack of discipline, extravagance

In the upright position, the Fool (Mad) tarot card represents new beginnings, new advantages in any area of ​​a Person’s life. Which one will be shown by the position in the layout. He will face important choices and decisions at the beginning of a new life cycle that was not planned. There may be difficulties associated with some risk. However, if a person approaches them with energy and optimism, the result will be positive.

The Fool (Jester) tarot card is the most complex card, a symbol of “holy simplicity”. Combines intelligence and stupidity, good and evil, truth and lies. Fool Tarot (Jester, Mad) can mean the beginning of a new cycle of life, any new things. A symbol of naivety, inexperience, but also great potential, new beginnings, change. There is energy, optimism, strength and happiness. The map shows unexpected, unplanned circumstances that can change the state of affairs. It also indicates the need to make important decisions: you are free to choose any direction, go anywhere, do whatever you want.

Interpretation of the tarot fool (clown, madman) in an inverted position

Stupidity, mistake, bad choice. Apathy, stagnation. Deception, betrayal. Face the truth and start acting smart. Change your plans to more realistic ones.

  • rash act, thoughtlessness, slowness, helplessness, suffering due to stupidity
  • hesitation, instability, madness, betrayal, negligence, carelessness, apathy

In the reversed position, the Fool (Jester) tarot card warns a person against the temptation to act rashly, recklessly in the new situation ahead of him, probably due to reluctance to accept responsibility or obligations. Proper attention is required instead of carelessness due to impatience and impulsivity.

The inverted Fool of the Tarot (Jester) speaks of restless, impulsive activity, rash actions. Symbolizes madness and alertness, a waste of energy, time and effort. Your choice may turn out to be a bad decision, fatal.

Description of the map

The figure of a man located above the abyss. He heads towards the edge of the abyss, but does not look where he is going. He can either look over his shoulder or look up at the sky; the next step will send him into the abyss, but he is unaware of the danger.

In some tarot decks, the Fool (Jester) is dressed in a multi-colored suit and a cap with bells - the outfit of a court jester. In others, he is dressed in a simple, sometimes shabby wanderer's costume. In most decks, the Fool (Jester) carries a bundle of belongings on his shoulder and can lean on a staff. In many decks, this card also depicts a small dog rising on its hind legs and either barking at the figure or grabbing the Fool by the clothes to pull him away from the edge of the abyss. In any case, the dog is trying to warn him of the impending danger. However, the Fool of the Tarot (Jester) is so immersed in his own thoughts that he does not pay any attention to the warnings.

Looking at this card, it is not always clear whether the young man is really stupid and ready to take a dangerous step, not knowing what he is doing, or whether he actually knows about the danger, but simply does not know the fear. In any case, the next step is extremely radical.

It must be remembered that his recklessness is intentional. Even the very beginning of the Tarot journey requires blind faith. No one and nothing will tell you what lies behind this faith.

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

The Tarot card Fool (Jester, Mad) warns you that it is foolish to plunge yourself into such a situation. Before you is a choice of the greatest importance for you and your future. If you continue on your way, there is a huge danger of almost imminent disaster. But if you pay attention to the warning signal, there is still a chance to avoid this disaster. In fact, if this card comes up, you are advised to watch your every move, use your head and stop deliberately being an idiot.

Comment. In most cases, the Questioner who gets the Fool (Jester) knows very well that he is behaving stupidly, but refuses to admit it because he simply does not want to notice anything.

Don't underestimate the Fool. His figure may seem ridiculous, but it is necessary to understand the lesson that he can teach. The obvious symbolism of this card is absolute recklessness. Like the Hermit, the Fool of the Tarot is a wanderer. But he does not use reason or other means to illuminate his path, and deliberately refuses to look at his feet.

Note the similarity of the imagery with the Arcana of the Tarot Wheel of Fortune. Like a figure falling from the Wheel, the Fool heads towards the edge of the cliff; but if in that case the fall was caused by blind and indifferent Fate, then your own blind recklessness is to blame.

From a mundane perspective, the Fool (Fool) tarot card describes a person who has decided to take a certain path, not paying attention to the fact that he has lost his way, ignoring warning signs and not even looking at his feet. With this attitude, this card says, you will inevitably move blindly and make a really stupid mistake.

In terms of your personal development, the Fool is saying that you are lost and are putting yourself in great danger simply because you refuse to see the truth that is right in front of you.

But the Tarot figure of the Fool (Jester) may not be as stupid as it looks. Perhaps you just have to take a leap of faith to reach the final step on the path of self-improvement, even if the leap is scary. And although it may seem to the observer that you are moving blindly towards your own grave, in reality this may be a path to transformation so far beyond the boundaries of this world that even the most sophisticated connoisseur cannot imagine it.

It is up to you to decide whether the Fool of Tarot is a fool who does not look where he is going and who, as a result, falls into the abyss, or is he a person whose faith is so great that he is ready to take a decisive step without wondering about the consequences. Be that as it may, he moves blindly towards his destiny. This card asks you if you will (can) do the same.

Jester + Mage (0 + I)
Crazy impulse.
Crazy idea.
Uncontrollable impulse.
Crazy manipulator.
The child is a boy.
Chaos of mind, illogicality, spontaneity of actions.
New forms of thinking.
Abstract thinking.
Inventions, new concepts in science.

Jester + High Priestess (0 + II)
Accidental or unexpected discovery.
New secrets.
Relationship with mother.

Jester + Empress (0 + III)
Unplanned pregnancy
Unexpected income.

Jester + Emperor (0 + IV)
The end of anarchy and lawlessness.
Infantile man.
New man, new order, new boss.
Unpredictable control.

Jester + Hierophant (0 + V)
Search leading to understanding.
Renewal of moral principles.

Jester + Lovers (0 + VI)
Open expression of feelings.
Unlimited trust in relationships.
New relationships (update).
Change of partner.
Random connections.
Unconventional views on relationships and family life.
Twin children.
The departure of a child from the family.
Wrong choice.

Jester + Chariot (0 + VII)
Uncontrollable situation.
Engineering abilities.
New technologies.
Unpredictability of management.
Leaving home, childhood, from under authority.
Independence from parents.

Jester + Strength (0 + VIII)
Limit your impulse.
Free love.
New sexual sensations.
Suppression of a child, violence against his personality.

Jester + Hermit (0 + IX)
A futile search.
Searching for something new.
New work alternatives.

Jester + Wheel of Fortune (0 + X)
Unexpected changes.
The first incarnation, the beginning of the cycle.
A fateful chance.
Karmic connections with children.

Jester + Justice (0 + XI)
Problems with law.
Foolishness and truthfulness.
New law.
Laws and attitudes that make marriage difficult and divorce easier.
Adoption issues.
Legal error.

Jester + Hanged Man (0 + XII)
Stupidity that could lead to entrapment, imprisonment, or injury.
Unpredictable, spontaneous, illogical act.
Insanity, mental disorders.
Difficulties with pregnancy.

Jester + Death (0 + XIII)
Drastic changes, a chance to transform.
Knowledge about life before and after death.
Sudden death.
Loss of a child.
Loss of opportunity.

Jester + Temperance (0 + XIV)
A successful experiment.
Possibility of reconciliation.
New combination, new synthesis; invention at the intersection of sciences.
New friend, assistant.

Jester + Devil (0 + XV)
There is a danger of falling into the clutches of a deceiver by giving in to impulse.
Risk of getting into trouble.
Lie, mistake.
Children's complexes.
Manipulation of children.
Mental illnesses.
Problems with pregnancy.

Jester + Tower (0 + XVI)
Negligence leading to irreparable consequences.
Destruction of the past.
New house, home.

Jester + Star (0 + XVII)
Divine path.
Ability for mathematics and abstraction.
Innocence, purity, “not of this world.”
An absolutely cosmic creature.
Independence, freedom.
Unpredictability of the future.

Jester + Moon (0 + XVIII)
Drug or alcohol intoxication.
Naivety deception.
Childhood fears. Fear of the unknown.
Neuroses. Hysteria. Mental disorders. Separation from reality, delusions, mistakes.
Ideas that came in a dream.
Illumination in a trance.
Mysticism, witchcraft.

Jester + Sun (0 + XIX)
Creative glory.
Acting, acting, the ability to transform.
Child. The “I am a genius” attitude.
Demanding increased attention to yourself.

Jester + Court (0 + XX)
Public speaking.
Miracle of healing.

Jester + World (0 + XXI)
Foreign travel.
A trip to a new place.

With the Ace of Wands card there is a danger of arson; crazy orgasm.
With the Two of Wands card there are intoxicating possibilities.
With the Three of Wands card - lack of leadership; the matter was left to chance; traveling along an unknown route.
With the Four of Wands card - a mess in the house; madhouse
With the Five of Wands card - provoke a conflict out of simplicity of heart.
With the Six of Wands card - blindly following the leader; intoxication with success.
With the Seven of Wands card - envious people who drive you crazy.
With the Eight of Wands card - increasing madness or irresponsibility.
With the Nine of Wands card - connivance.
With the Ten of Wands card - let go of problems.
With the “Page of Wands” card - skip classes; ignoring training.
With the Knight of Wands card - change the vehicle in order to speed up the movement.
With the “Queen of Wands” card - ignoring professional responsibilities.
With the King of Wands card there is a midlife crisis.

With the Ace of Cups card - alcohol abuse.
With the “Two of Cups” card - intoxication in love.
With the “Three of Cups” card - “think for three.”
With the Four of Cups card - a hangover morning.
With the Five of Cups card - irresponsible behavior leading to loss.
With the “Six of Cups” card - a trip to your native land, where you spent your childhood.
With the Seven of Cups card - get drunk as hell; hovering in a narcotic dope.
With the Eight of Cups card - vagrancy.
With the Nine of Cups card - a love of excessive feasting.
With the “Ten of Cups” card - a return to the bosom of the family.
With the “Page of Cups” card - seduce with something.
With the Knight of Cups card - offer something from the heart.
With the Queen of Cups card - meet a noble woman.
With the King of Cups card - find a drinking buddy.

With the Ace of Swords card - a bladed weapon in the hands of a madman.
With the Two of Swords card - ignoring problems, avoiding obligations.
With the Three of Swords card - a stab in the back.
With the Four of Swords card - injury during travel.
With the Five of Swords card there is a crazy conflict.
With the Six of Swords card - hide from problems.
With the “Seven of Swords” card - cover up your stupidity, scoundrel
With the Eight of Swords card - ignore remorse.
With the card “Nine of Swords” - dissipation, leading to despair.
With the Ten of Swords card - neglect of health led to surgery or the need for health procedures.
With the “Page of Swords” card - an evil clown.
With the card "Knight of Swords" - an enraged clown.
With the "Queen of Swords" card - a crazy woman.
With the “King of Swords” card - a vengeful simpleton, danger of physical violence

With the “Ace of Denariev” card - easy money.
With the card “Two Denarii” there is a split personality.
With the “Troika Denariev” card, health requires consultation with a specialist.
With the “Four Denarii” card - stupid savings.
With the card “Five Denarii” - a path through the desert.
With the “Six Denarii” card - an imprudent waste of money.
With the “Seven Denarii” card - a meaningless investment.
With the “Eight of Denarii” card - reluctance to work and master a profession.
With the “Nine Denarii” card - ignoring material values.
With the card “Ten Denarii” - the return of the “prodigal son”.
With the “Page of Denariev” card - quit your studies.
With the “Knight of Denarii” card - unstable exchange rates or quotes; problematic financial movement.
With the “Queen of Denarii” card - ignoring savings.
With the “King of Denarii” card - unstable or unsuccessful financial transactions.

From other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Jester upright with the Major Arcana

Magician - Rash action, childishness
Magician (transl.) - Stupidity will serve for good
Priestess - Victory of the opponent
Priestess (transl.) - You will defeat your opponent
Empress - Abortion, miscarriage
Empress (transl.) - Pregnancy will continue
Emperor - Refusal of political battles
Emperor (transl.) - Successes with management
Priest - Impossibility of marriage
Priest (trans) - Marriage is temporarily impossible
Lovers - Wrong choice, path
Lovers (transl.) - Successful choice of profession
Chariot - Defeat is on your heels
Chariot (trans) - You will survive a car accident
Justice - Criminal case
Justice (transl.) - Don't flirt with Themis!
Hermit - Impossibility of taking holy orders
The Hermit (transl.) - Don't flaunt your religiosity
Wheel of Fortune - Don't rely on luck!
Wheel of Fortune (trans) - Fortune is your ally
Strength - Strength will leave you at the most inopportune moment
Strength (per) - Enough strength to get what you want
Hanged Man - The sacrifice will be in vain
The Hanged Man (trans) - Your sacrifice will pay off
Death - Change for the worse. Don't do anything stupid, there's no need to rush
Death (transl.) - Change for the better
Moderation - Time does not wait! Hurry up
Moderation (trans) - Feel free to get down to business!
Devil - Jokes with the Devil are unnecessary
Devil (trans) - Victory over vice
Tower - Everything will collapse on its own
Tower (trans) - Everything will be much better than you think
Star - Your hopes are playing against you
Zvezda (transl.) - Don't lose hope
Moon - Error of judgment
Luna (transl.) - “Non-flying weather” in every sense
Sun - Happiness is problematic
The Sun (trans) - Success is likely, don’t give up
Court - Trial
Court (trans) - The case will not go to court
World - Inability to do anything
Peace (trans) - Restored Relationships

Jester upright with the Minor Arcana

2 of Wands - Fright, sad surprise
2 of Wands (trans) - Indecision
2 Cups - “Happy Fools!”
2 of Cups (per) - Light flirting
2 of Swords - Love Delusion
2 of Swords (trans) - Illogicality
2 of Pentacles - Difficulties due to one's own stupidity
2 of Pentacles (trans.) - Frivolity, infantility, childishness

3 of Wands - Risky step
3 of Wands (transl.) - A childishly bright view of the world
3 of Cups - Heart disease
3 of Cups (per) - Feeling of the fullness of being
3 of Swords - Mental ill health
3 of Swords (trans) - Breaking up a love relationship on the spur of the moment
3 of Pentacles - Psychiatric Clinic
3 of Pentacles (trans) - "Growing Pains"

4 of Wands - Security, loss of sense of danger
4 of Wands (trans) - Does not change the meaning in an inverted position
4 of Cups - Dejection, anger, resentment
4 Cups (trans) - War of position
4 of Swords - Forced rest
4 of Swords (transl.) - Stupidity
4 of Pentacles - Restriction, retreat
4 of Pentacles (trans) - Preoccupation with one's own position

5 of Wands - Criminal case
5 of Wands (trans) - Bravely accepting a challenge
5 of Cups - Collapse of the previous union
5 of Cups (trans.) - Disappointment in the familiar
5 of Swords - Low blow
5 of Swords (trans) - Irritability, desire for destruction, misanthropy
5 of Pentacles - A harbinger of a crisis. They promise misfortune, ruin
5 of Pentacles (trans) - Life fiasco

6 of Wands - Laurels of success, extravagance
6 of Wands (trans) - Joyful moments of excitement
6 of Cups - Unfulfilled fantasies
6 of Cups (trans.) - Turbidity, darkness
6 of Swords - Reconsidering
6 of Swords (trans) - Farewell to the previous situation
6 of Pentacles - Minute Rush
6 of Pentacles (trans) - Ostentatious Piety

7 of Wands - Chatty friend
7 of Wands (trans) - Ignoring competition, envious people
7 of Cups - Spy
7 of Cups (trans) - Painful awakening from euphoria
7 of Swords - “Achilles’ heel”, position weakness
7 of Swords (transl.) - Unrespectable trickery
7 of Pentacles - Carnival
7 of Pentacles (trans) - Inappropriate haste

8 of Wands - Change regardless of your actions
8 of Wands (trans) - Spontaneity, unpredictability of events
8 of Cups - Bitter parting with the past
8 of Cups (trans) - Inability to feel independent
8 of Swords - Intellectual arrogance
8 of Swords (trans) - Voluntary restriction
8 of Pentacles - Luck, profit
8 of Pentacles (trans) - Difficulties, struggle with oneself

9 of Wands - Inappropriate advances
9 of Wands (trans) - Defensive position
9 of Cups - Crazy victories in love
9 Cups (trans) - There will be no criminal case
9 of Swords - Abuse
9 of Swords (trans.) - Remorse, unseemly act
9 of Pentacles - Deception
9 of Pentacles (per) - Large unexpected profit

10 of Wands - Gloomy moods, depression
10 of Wands (trans) - Painful doubts, futility
10 of Cups - Beneficial feeling of love. Love, its beneficial influence
10 of Cups (trans) - Overcoming all troubles
10 of Swords - Suppression of feelings, abandonment of what is dear
10 of Swords (trans) - Serious illness
10 of Pentacles - Interesting task. Some pleasant interest
10 of Pentacles (trans) - Love and attention to you

Ace of Wands - The beginning of a new cycle, new affairs and concerns
Ace of Wands (trans) - Restless impulsive activity
Ace of Cups - Undeserved Benefit
Ace of Cups (trans) - Full self-realization
Ace of Swords - “Revitalizing the situation.” Big nonsense
Ace of Swords (trans) - Wisdom, higher intelligence
Ace of Pentacles - A chance to take long-awaited peaks
Ace of Pentacles (trans) - Lasting heart connection

King of Wands - The process of maturation, maturation
King of Wands (transl.) - A subjective approach to the matter
King of Cups - Healing
King of Cups (trans) - Training. Extrasensory perception
King of Swords - Objective assessment of reality
King of Swords (trans) - Old age, loss
King of Pentacles - Realism, hard work, accuracy
King of Pentacles (trans) - The Road to Hell Paved with Good Intentions

Queen of Wands - The mustard seed of faith that moves mountains of doubt
Queen of Wands (transl.) - Hot temperament, feline tenderness
Queen of Cups - The wise sorceress who lives inside us
Queen of Cups (trans) - The need for mutual trust
Queen of Swords - Feminine liberation from dependence
Queen of Swords (transl.) - Sleep of consciousness, rejection of new creative ideas
Queen of Pentacles - Receiving an inheritance through the Inurcollege
Queen of Pentacles (trans) - Letting events take their course

Knight of Wands - Flame of love passion
Knight of Wands (trans) - Love's bitterness
Knight of Cups - Reconciliation/peace
Knight of Cups (trans) - Interest in the world of images
Knight of Swords - Carefully planned villainy
Knight of Swords (trans) - “Frost”, from which strong foundations crack
Knight of Pentacles - A policy of small steps, not big ones
Knight of Pentacles (trans) - Manifestation of stubbornness, callousness

Page of Wands - Fascinating, amazing something
Page of Wands (translation) - A bright stroke against the background of gray everyday life, a wait-and-see attitude
Page of Cups - The beginning of the world. The start of something
Page of Cups (trans) - Inability to correctly assess the situation
Page of Swords - Controversy, analysis
Page of Swords (trans) - Sudden cooling of a partner
Page of Pentacles - Concrete embodiment of plans
Page of Pentacles (trans) - Successful completion of the plan

The Fool (Jester) is the zero major arcana in the Tarot. Jester is an amazing card. Some tarologists consider it the twenty-second lasso and they are partly right, since zero is the absence of any number or order at all. Zero is the emptiness from which everything comes. The Fool symbolizes both the beginning and the end of the Path.

  • The meaning of the lasso in the upright position

    On the map we see a young man dressed in the clothes of a jester (buffoon). In his right hand there is only a bundle with the most necessary things for the Path, in his left hand there is a beautiful flower, symbolizing the purity of Intention. He walks towards the abyss (into the unknown), against the backdrop of a brightly shining sun (direct perception) and beautiful mountains. A dog (Mind or Reason) runs next to him, trying to prevent him from falling into the abyss.

    The jester means freedom, the beginning of a new Path from a “clean slate”. Freedom, first of all, lies in choosing where and how to go. We don’t know whether this choice will be correct and whether it will lead to success; we are only talking about the fact that something new has appeared on the horizon in front of you and requires an important decision to be made.

    The jester has high potential, but without a development vector. He does not understand where he is going, preferring to go on a whim. The person who receives this lasso characterizes him as carefree and courageous (free from the dictates of social conventions), eccentric and unpredictable, even to the point of inadequacy (recklessness). He's not afraid of anything.

    His gaze is clear and unclouded. He is able to see everything as it is because of his openness and receptivity to everything new. If you look at children, you will see that up to a certain age they transmit the frequencies of this arcana into the World. They are his guides.

    The jester, due to the fact that he is a fool, is a sage, because wisdom is always outside the mind. Wisdom is silent knowledge.

    The meaning of the lasso in the upright position

    The card speaks of new opportunities and beginnings; you are entering a new period in your life. A fool almost always appears at a crossroads. The questioner may feel that this road is not easy, that various kinds of problems may lie in wait, but there is inner confidence that everything will be resolved.

    If this situation brings any kind of discord into your daily life (although there is nothing terrible in this lasso, unless other arcana in the layout indicate this), then by approaching the matter wisely (or madly), you will come out of it winner. The difficulties themselves may be associated with various types of risks.

    And even though the outcome of the situation is unknown in advance, the Jester contains the key to how to emerge victorious. Fools always get lucky, remember? You need to live and act unconditionally. The system is destroyed, the old paths (that you have always walked) and the actions that you have always taken no longer work.

    Being in a state of trust in the Highest, with a certain amount of curiosity, sincere interest in what is happening, going beyond the limits of current perception, you will learn to live and act in the absence of any rules and restrictions. Life itself will force you to do this. This is the only way to overcome the state of uncertainty

    The appearance of a jester in a reading is a very interesting and powerful sign, because the questioner himself has no idea what he is doing and where everything will lead. It is possible that all events will take an unpredictable turn. Absolutely anything can happen! These are always unexpected and unplanned circumstances that will turn everything upside down.

    The fool blesses on the way. You have a chance that you can take advantage of. And although the goal is still far away and not visible, the path promises to be interesting, so don’t miss the opportunity! The unknown is not as scary as a familiar and understandable swamp.

    Even if you fall into the abyss, there is a huge chance that the fall will not be down, but up. Don't worry about your fate, don't take what happens to you seriously. Laugh at the circumstances, but first, at yourself. Come to the realization that life is essentially just a Game. Therefore, it doesn’t matter how it ends, the main thing is how you play your role.

    Don’t be afraid to trust the Higher Powers, and if you don’t believe in anything, then listen to the voice of intuition, where is it calling you? Trust the flow and follow them. Don't complicate it, keep it simple. There is no need to constantly think and reflect on the situation. Everything will be fine.

    State of consciousness and lesson for self-development

    The jester is non-duality. Object and subject, mind and stupidity, up and down, emptiness and fullness - all this is one and the same. The lasso also symbolizes controlled stupidity and a state of stopping internal dialogue. It is this state that will allow you to walk the Path from beginning to end. You already have the energy, vitality and happiness for adventure.

    You don't need a plan, since the Path is not linear, it is impossible to calculate it due to the huge number of variables. The jester answers the question: “What is the best way to live this life, being in what state?” Be open to new experiences and easily accept what life gives you. Develop your acceptance.

    Career, work, finances

    The card suggests that you need to start a business from scratch. If you are starting a new business or getting involved in a financial adventure, then the Jester is more likely a negative card than a positive one. In the reading, it says that you will either come to something new or return to where you started. Think about whether there are any alternatives to what you are doing? Maybe another thing (or a different approach) will lead you to serious success?

    Abstract from the current situation, do not look for quick results. Accept the possibility of failure and take action. The combination of the Jester with other arcana is very important, which would give more information about whether success or failure awaits you. In any case, do not be afraid of negative experiences. Although the map can talk about mistakes, unnecessary steps and actions, in the end, this experience will enrich you, make you wiser and stronger.

    Or maybe it’s good for you? Why does a bird need money? With darling and heaven in the hut! In relation to finances, this lasso reflects a certain degree of naivety, frivolity, even wastefulness. A fool is not connected with the material world at all. His task is to distract you from him, shifting the focus of your attention to the Spirit.

    In love and relationships

    The jester in relationships and love can manifest itself in two ways. Very often it is sincerity, without any ulterior motives. If he tells you that he loves you. That's how it is! The jester is often considered a harbinger of romance, indicating the beginning of a new stage in life, although it does not imply any serious intentions.

    On the other hand, there are no restrictions for him, and he can tell others that he loves them. The jester is capable of flirting, since feelings are given away thoughtlessly, just ask. His intentions are not yet serious. He doesn’t belong to anyone and if something happens he can quickly pack up his belongings and leave his favorite place. An inverted lasso only enhances negative qualities, leading to betrayal.

    If you had a question about whether you will have children soon, then the lasso definitely answers yes. And most likely, with the advent of a child, your relationship will be radically renewed.

    Characteristics in straight position

    1. Freedom of choice.
    2. Openness to everything new.
    3. Acceptance of Peace.
    4. Pure perception.
    5. Interest and curiosity.
    6. Lightness and carefreeness.
    7. Cheerfulness and enthusiasm.
    8. "Blank page" in life.
    9. A new business and undertaking.
    10. Non-duality of perception.
    11. Controlled stupidity.
    12. Wisdom and vision.
    13. State of being “mindless”.
    14. Inner peace.
    15. Awareness of the illusory nature of the World.
    16. Silent knowledge and connection with the Supreme.
    17. The unknown.
    18. Simplicity.
    19. Birth of a child.

    Interpretation of a card in an inverted position

    When reversed, the Fool most often means a fool. And to put it bluntly, this is a conscious fool who keeps his stupidity under control, then this fool is simply stupid. With a high degree of probability, this stupidity will lead him to big problems. There is chaos around him. He may experience apathy and laziness towards the world around him. He absolutely doesn’t care where to go, what to do or why.

    A person is clearly not friends with his head and therefore you can expect anything from him. His decisions are rash and impulsive. He does not want and cannot take responsibility for his actions. Such a person is unnecessary and not trustworthy. His stupidity leads to mistakes and wrong decisions. The card also warns that a person is on the verge of making such a decision.

    The lasso can also indicate a high degree of naivety and excessive gullibility of a person towards everyone. His behavior is irrational and defies any logic.

    Do not entrust a responsible task to such a person, since with a high degree of probability he will not be able to cope with it. You should not take risks, since in this case this risk is not justified. Moreover, a person can play his own game, trying to deceive you. On the other hand, the jester cannot look far into the future and foresee the consequences of his actions, since he lives “here and now.”

    You are confused, and the inverted jester is telling you that you need to face the truth and start acting wisely with the utmost caution. Do not act rashly, think through your every step.

    Characteristics in inverted position

    1. Stupidity and thoughtlessness.
    2. Irresponsibility and running away from problems.
    3. Excessive gullibility and naivety.
    4. Danger due to rash actions.
    5. Extravagance bordering on madness.
    6. Unjustified risk.

    If the position in the layout indicates a place, then the Jester is most likely not tied to any specific place, the lasso symbolizes travel, constant transitions, even without a specific place of residence, since the Jester is a card of the homeless.

    Professions and field of activity

    Actor. Poet. Musician. Artist. Mystic. Traveler. Bum. Sage. Seer. Stalker. Extreme. Player.


    If, when adding the numbers in the layout, you get 22, then the Quintessence will be the Jester. TAROT advice is as follows: until a stable structure arises, there will be only chaos around the entire situation.

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