Do-it-yourself stone grill drawings. How to make a barbecue out of stone with your own hands? How to install a barbecue

A stone grill, made in compliance with all construction standards and architectural norms, will become a real decoration of any suburban area. The structure is best built from natural stone, using natural materials– sand and clay. Any summer resident or home owner can construct such a structure with minimal financial investment, and the benefits from it will be significant. The structure can be made in the style of decorating a recreation area, which will further decorate the area country house or dachas. The grill is very convenient and multifunctional; it perfectly prepares dishes from meat, vegetables and fish. The amazing decorative and functional properties of natural stone are perfect for any landscape and will optimally complement it.

Selecting a location

Before you start building stone grill you need to find a suitable place for it. The structure may be located near the recreation area, in a convenient part of the site. It is very good if there is a reservoir, pond, pool or alpine slide nearby. The grill itself with an ensemble of gazebo and decorative elements can decorate anyone personal plot and become a center for landscape architecture. When choosing a location, it is necessary to take into account the fire safety of this structure. Therefore, you should evaluate in advance the priority direction of the wind in the construction area, and also pay attention to the groundwater level at the location of the barbecue and the topography of the site.

Preparatory work

Having chosen a place to build a barbecue, you should decide on its parameters in terms of height, width and length. The dimensions directly depend on the volume of food that you plan to cook, namely, you need to calculate the maximum number of skewers for one bookmark and take into account their length. To make the work easier, you can sketch out a small drawing, which will not only help during work. Using the drawing it is convenient to calculate the required amount of consumables and building materials. If you plan to attach a cutting surface to the grill, you can provide water for washing in advance and supply it to the fireplace. This is very convenient for further operation of the structure.

Construction of the foundation

You need to start building a barbecue by preparing the site and building a foundation for the structure. The foundation is necessary so that during periods of temperature and humidity changes the grill does not fall apart or move from the designated place. The foundation for the barbecue is monolithic slab made of concrete about 10 cm thick. A base is first prepared for it, a small pit is dug, which should be 20 cm wider than the planned barbecue on each side. First, crushed stone and sand are poured into the finished trench. They are carefully compacted, constantly watering them with water. Along the perimeter of the trench, formwork is erected from boards or plywood. A reinforcing frame is mounted on the prepared base from any pieces of wire, reinforcement, residues and metal. Such a frame is needed to strengthen the foundation and its strength. Pour onto the prepared base concrete mixture from sand, cement and water. You can add a little small crushed stone to the solution. The finished surface is allowed to stand for several days for the concrete mixture to set. Before continuing work concrete base covered with roofing felt or other waterproofing material.


It is advisable to use stone that is resistant to high temperatures and large temperature changes for the construction of the barbecue. The frame of the building can be laid out from natural bricks, and the firebox itself can be made from refractory bricks. If this is not found, an ordinary red building brick or a natural stone well soaked in water, which is not afraid of significant temperature loads, will do.

When preparing the structure, you must remember to leave space below for a blower. You can also provide a separate compartment for storing firewood, coals and other necessary accessories.

Brick or stone laying is carried out using clay mortar. To do this, the clay is soaked in water for several days and then mixed with sand in a ratio of 1:3. If you plan to make a canopy over the barbecue from a metal canopy, you should pre-install embedded parts into the structure for future fastening. Before laying, the brick should also be thoroughly moistened in water.

Decorative cladding

Stones for cladding are placed on cement mortar. The stones are first washed from dirt, chips are removed, and during the installation process they are fitted to the installation site so that the structure looks more dense and beautiful. You can lay out a small area with stone near the fireplace so that everything looks harmonious and natural. Outside the grill, you can provide special metal hooks for important accessories.

If you often cook barbecues in the yard, then first of all you need to buy a grill or lay out an improvised version of stones. A purchased iron grill looks banal, and if there is nowhere to put it after finishing the meal, the iron structure will quickly rust and become unusable. Moreover, you need to shell out a considerable amount to purchase it. Today we will learn how to make a barbecue from stone for a summer residence with our own hands, which will not only perform its main function, but will also decorate your garden or.

Design Features

We will build a solid structure, and not a simple well-shaped structure into which flammable materials will be loaded. We need to create something beautiful, durable and easy to use, so before turning your idea into reality, you need to find a person who will help you in this difficult task.

It is also worth choosing the site on which the barbecue will be built, and think about how much materials are needed for its construction. Before creating a model on a sheet, you need to think about all the pros and cons of such a structure.


  • strength and durability;
  • decorativeness;
  • resistance to frost and moisture.
  • large expenditures of time and resources;
  • strength depends on how well the drawings are drawn up;
  • materials require processing, and the structure itself cannot be disassembled.
As a result, our DIY barbecue should look like the fireplace that was previously installed in the houses of counts and barons. Only in this case we need not only to burn fuel, but also to cook meat or fish, which makes its own adjustments.

Before you start building a stone barbecue with your own hands, you need prepare drawings and assess your needs and capabilities.

If you want to the simplest design, in which there will only be a brazier and a pipe for removing smoke, then you just need to draw an option in which there will be good foundation and sufficient width to accommodate a large number of skewers or lay down a net.

It is also worth thinking about how high the pipe should be so that “waste” does not flow into the place where you will be resting. In general, the creation similar design on paper does not require any special skills, it is enough to adhere to the rule of symmetry and make the top smaller than the bottom. In this case, be sure to draw the foundation.

If you want to create something really big and multifunctional, then you will have to “sweat.” Yes, you can create a barbecue that will include a warehouse for firewood and coal, a smokehouse, a cutting table and even a special heating element that heats the water. However, in this case, you must understand that the costs will be serious, and just one stone will not be enough for you. You will need brick, iron, wooden boards or round timber and much more.

To make it easier to choose a design, you can contact a specialist who designs rooms or various objects. This way you will definitely get the right drawings from which you can build the perfect grill.

Did you know? Bulgogi-This is a Korean alternative to kebabs or grilling. This dish is a marinated tenderloin, which is cooked both over an open fire and in a frying pan. During cooking, mushrooms, onions and leafy vegetables are fried along with the meat.

Choice for location

Choosing a place is not as easy as it might seem. There should be nothing near our building that could catch fire. That is, no plastic statues, or garbage dumps.

It is also worth thinking about where the smoke from the grill will come out. If you build it in such a way that all the fumes will go to your windows or the windows of your neighbors, then such a building will provide you with more problems than benefits.

Please note that the distance from the recreation area should be optimal: not too close, but not too far, so that you can control the process, but not be a meter away from the hot coals. If the area is small, you need to build a grill of appropriate size.

Important! The grill should not be built in a draft or windy place.

Dimensions and drawings

To draw up the correct drawings, we need average indicators of the length, width and height of the structure in order to create our own version based on them.

Height. The roasting pan should be located at a height of 0.8-1 m, and it should be convenient for you to manipulate it. That is, we adjust the height of the roasting pan to your height so that it is at the level of your elbows.

Length. It depends on how many people you will invite to the feast and, accordingly, how many skewers can be placed in it. On average, the length of the roasting pan should be about 50 cm. There is no point in making it longer, unless you want to fry a whole wild boar or place a pot with yushka next to the skewers.

Width. The building should not be very wide, since we will place the skewers along the length, respectively, 20-25 cm is more than enough.

Now let's discuss the general parameters of the entire building. The height of the barbecue with the foundation and pipe must be at least 2 meters, otherwise all the smoke will pour directly into the resting place. Also, do not make the grill too high, otherwise the costs will be unjustified.

The height of the foundation in which a warehouse for logs can be built should be no more than 40 cm. The length should be about 80 cm. The total width of the entire structure (not just the brazier) should be about 80 cm.

Important! Do not make the cavity for firewood too large, otherwise the structure will be unstable.

Thus, we get a square structure with a good base and convenient storage for logs.

Selection of materials

Let's start with the most important thing - the stone. It is worth assessing the size of the structure and, if possible, not using stones that easily crumble or are washed away by water (limestone). It is also better to put a heavier and stronger stone in the base, and for the pipe you can use a lighter one or replace it with brick.

Best options:

  • granite;
  • dolomite;
  • quartzite;
  • slate;
  • shungite
You can build a fireplace even from large crushed stone or large pebbles, nothing will change. The main thing is that the material is easy to work with and durable enough.

In addition to stones, we also need a solution that must withstand high temperatures. You can use both cement mortar and special mixtures that are resistant to temperature and moisture. It all depends on your preferences and finances.

Don't forget about the iron rods that will serve as the base for the brazier, and, if you wish, they can cover it on top if you want to create something like a grill.

Did you know? In the 70-80s of the last century, electric barbecues were popular. The heat came from the heated coils, and the skewers rotated automatically, similar to how a tray rotates in a microwave oven.

Required Tools

A stone brazier is built with your own hands using a fairly large number of tools, namely:

  • level;
  • hammer;
  • bucket and wheelbarrow;
  • tape measure;
  • sledgehammer;
  • chisel;
  • saw;
  • container for mixing the solution;
  • Bulgarian;
  • trowel;
  • rule.
Depending on the functionality and size of the grill, additional tools may be required, which must be taken into account before starting construction.

Building a barbecue, step-by-step instructions

To create any stone barbecues with your own hands, you need to follow a certain order, otherwise the structure will either stand poorly due to an incorrect foundation, or will turn out to be too fragile and will fall apart at the first use. Let's look at the entire construction process step by step.

Preparing the site. We start by removing all debris, leaves, branches and anything that will interfere with us from the site. Remember that the surface must be, so immediately after cleaning, put a level and check.

First stage construction of the structure. In order to build a simple barbecue from stone, we need to outline an even circle around which the stone will be laid out. Any iron grill, which can be purchased in the picnic department, is perfect for this.

This grill will also cover our roasting pan, serving as a grill mesh. If you want to build a rectangular grill, then, accordingly, you need to take the grate of the same shape.

We place our grate on the ground and lay stones around it, leaving a gap of 1-2 cm between them. This is necessary so that there is good traction and the fuel flares up faster. The height of the grill can be varied, but it is better to lay out 4-5 rows so that the openings between the stones do not coincide.

Important! Use a stone that is 5 to 6 inches thick and similar in shape to pavers.

After laying out the stones, the height of the grill should be approximately 50-60 cm.

Bottom preparation. After our structure is formed, we remove the round mesh and begin arranging the bottom of the grill. We place 3 bricks on the bottom so that they meet in the center, forming something like a three-pointed star. We fill the space between the bricks with small crushed stone and compact it.

Preparation and laying of rods. We will need 3 iron rods about 50-60 cm long, depending on the diameter of the mesh around which we laid the masonry. Next, mark 13 cm on both sides of the rods and bend them so that it looks like a staple from a stapler.

After preparing all the rods, they need to be connected with clamps that are used for irrigation hoses. It is worth considering that the clamps must be made of stainless steel. We connect the rods so that they are shaped like an equilateral triangle with legs hanging down.

Installation of rods and gratings. We take 2 more clamps and use them to attach our round lattice to the legs so that it looks like a “three-legged” stool. Next, we place this structure on the stones that we placed on the bottom of the grill. This completes the construction of the structure.
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4 times already

A pleasant evening with friends at the dacha means relaxed communication, a sea of ​​positive emotions and the tempting smell of barbecue. You can surprise your friends and family not only with deliciously cooked meat, but also with a unique barbecue made of natural stone, which you made yourself. The construction of this facility is not so troublesome, but it will delight you for many years.

Features of natural stone

Modern technologies Every year they offer us more and more new and advanced building and facing materials. But the natural beauty of the stone will always be valuable. Perhaps no other material can boast of such strength and at the same time elegance and monumentality.

The undeniable advantages of natural stone include many shapes and colors. The unique natural range of shades amazes with its diversity. These can be either solid colors or unique patterns created by nature over many centuries.

Stone is one of the few materials that is highly durable. This is why it has become so widely used. In addition, it is worth noting the fire-resistant properties, which will be extremely important when lining the barbecue with this material.

The only obvious disadvantage is the heavy weight. Everyone knows that stones are very heavy. Because of this, working with them is not so easy. But the design turns out to be truly capital.

Pros and cons of a stone barbecue

Taking into account the characteristics of natural stones, we can draw conclusions regarding the properties of barbecues built from this material.


  • uniqueness - using different kinds natural stone, you can create your own unique barbecue, the likes of which no one else will have;
  • durability - you just have to remember how many centuries buildings built of stone have stood, and it will become clear how reliable this building material is;

  • decorative – by setting up a stone grill in your dacha, you will not only solve the problem of preparing barbecue forever, but will also transform your own yard;
  • frost resistance - it is not afraid of severe frosts: even in winter you can enjoy aromatic kebab cooked on the grill;
  • fire resistance - only material that is not afraid of fire can be used in the construction of a barbecue.

In addition to its advantages, this barbecue also has some disadvantages.

  • High price. If you are not going to build a barbecue from stones that you find on the bank of the nearest river, then purchasing this material will not be cheap. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the costs of laying the foundation and other work.
  • Labor intensity. It is for this reason that many refuse to build a barbecue made of stone. Working with him is not easy. If you hire specialists, this will lead to additional costs.
  • Stationarity. It will be impossible to move the constructed object to another place if you suddenly decide to redevelop the site. This must be taken into account when carefully choosing a site for construction.

Design options

The variety of types of natural stone and its shades provide unlimited design possibilities. It all depends only on your imagination and wishes. As for the functional side of the issue, several types of barbecue designs can be distinguished.

  • Base with roasting pan. The simplest option. It does not require much space to place it on the site. It is a stone base, lined with stones, with a brazier placed on top.

  • Brazier with chimney. This model requires a more careful approach and development. It is better if at the design stage you contact knowledgeable people or specialists. They'll tell you optimal sizes and develop a drawing.
  • Stove system with smokehouse, barbecue, stove. Technically complex solution. In addition, this complex will take up a lot of space. It can also be supplemented with a table and other elements. Having spent a lot of effort and time, in the end you will get universal system for preparing almost any dish.

Selecting a location

A barbecue that is integrated into a specific recreation area with a terrace and a dining area will look most impressive. In this case, the building will not look like that lonely stove in the middle of a field from the fairy tale “Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka.” The covered terrace will fit very organically into the surrounding landscape. A huge advantage of this design is that even a little rain will not be able to disrupt your plans to dine outdoors.

When choosing a place to build a future outdoor barbecue, it is necessary to take into account not only the decorative side of the issue. Open fire is always dangerous. To avoid having to worry about the safety of other objects, consider some important factors when placing a barbecue.

  • Flammable items. The grill must be located at a safe distance from such objects to avoid accidental fire.
  • Trees. If you have a century-old oak tree or a whole one growing on your property The Cherry Orchard, then make sure that an accidental spark does not cause a fire. Place the grill away from them.
  • Hood. It will solve the problem of removing smoke from residential buildings. If you do not plan to install it, then choose a place so as not to smoke your or your neighbor’s house.

  • Dinner Zone. Of course, you can take the prepared dishes home and enjoy them there. But it will be much more convenient if the grill is located in close proximity to the table. You came to enjoy fresh air, and not sit in the house.
  • Wind. If the structure is in an open space, then you should take care that a sudden gust of wind does not blow the coals away. This can be extremely dangerous.

Before making your final choice of location, take a look at this list again; if most of the requirements are met, then this is a very good and safe place to locate the barbecue.

Material selection

The variety of natural stones is truly amazing. But some of its types are most often used for barbecuing.

  • Sandstone. It has a white, gray or brownish tint. The material is very often used for exterior work and arranging borders and paths.
  • Granite. Quite expensive material. But if you are satisfied with its cost, then in the end you will get a very strong and durable structure.
  • Dolomite. It has a white or gray color with splashes and is widely distributed throughout the world as a finishing material. It is a type of Dagestan stone.

  • Slate. A very interesting rock. The unique color is due to the fact that it represents a real layered cake from various minerals. The thickness and their sequence are individual in each case.
  • Shungite. The stone is a mysterious black color. Its use in covering a barbecue will cost you a lot. But some sources claim that it is truly a healing stone. And there is nothing to say about the stunning appearance.
  • Quartzite. This is a rock. As the name suggests, it consists almost entirely of a mineral such as quartz. Depending on the place of origin, it can have different shades: yellow, crimson or almost black.

Any of these wild building materials will give the barbecue respectability and grace. Therefore, take a closer look at each of the options and choose the one you like best.

Dimensions and drawings

The layout of the future barbecue in each individual case requires individual development. After all, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances and wishes of those who will use it. Therefore, it is difficult to provide one universal scheme that will satisfy all requests at once.

You can take the drawing below as a basis. It takes everything into account design features, calculations of the optimal height and width were made. Having chosen such standard option, you can be sure that the operation of the grill will not be associated with unexpected difficulties.

Construction stages

Before starting work, it is necessary to clearly think through all stages of construction. This will allow you to avoid minor mistakes and follow step-by-step instructions.

Foundation preparation

Such a massive structure as a barbecue made of natural stone requires a well-prepared foundation. To do this, determine the final dimensions and prepare the appropriate site. As a result, you should have a leveled plane. To do this, remove the top layer of soil. Place a sand and gravel mixture on the bottom. Next, it is necessary to lay the reinforcement cage, because the large weight of the final structure can deform the unreinforced concrete mixture. The last step will be pouring concrete.

Construction of the basement

If you have already developed a drawing of your future barbecue and selected materials, proceed to the actual construction. When laying stone, apply the same principles as when laying brick. Treat each level well with the solution so that there are no gaps left. Even a small mistake can ruin the final result.

Do not strive to ensure that the outer wall is perfectly flat. Natural protrusions and irregularities will add a special charm. Use a metal rod embedded in the mortar to stabilize the entire structure. At the same stage, additional work surfaces, a stove and other elements planned for the project are built.

Today, the topic of building all kinds of stoves, barbecues, smokehouses and, of course, barbecues is very popular among owners of country houses. Everything listed above mainly came to us from abroad, and everything new is very interesting) A barbecue can be made from metal, brick, stone or blocks, it all depends on the preference of the owner and his financial capabilities. A stationary stove laid by a specialist is an expensive pleasure, but if you build it yourself, it will be quite affordable.

The basis was a granite stone measuring 20x20 cm and a cement-sand mixture. The foundation is poured, and then the base is laid out in the shape of the letter “E”. The table top is concrete.

So, let's look at what exactly is needed to build a stone barbecue?


1. granite stone 20x20
2. cement
3. sand
4. fittings
5. plywood
6. gan screening or fine gravel
7. metal barbecue grill
8. metal rod


1. shovel
2. trowel
3. mallet
4. level
5. hacksaw for metal
6. hammer
7. wood hacksaw
8. roulette

As in any other construction, it all starts with the foundation, namely, the necessary area is cleared and the top layer of earth is removed along with the turf. A hole 25-30 cm deep is dug, this is quite enough, a 10 cm layer of grit is placed on the bottom, that is, granular screenings mixed with cement in a ratio of 1:4, moistened with water, compacted and leveled in the process. Next is laid out rubble stone with a distance of 1-2 cm, and the cavity is filled with cement-sand mortar.

Geotextiles must first be laid at the bottom of the pit.

After the foundation is ready, the master proceeds to laying the walls of the furnace.

The base is divided into 2 parts; firewood will be placed in these stoves.

The walls rise in 3 rows of these stones, it all depends on your height, of course, you need to build according to yourself naturally.

Then the tabletop is made; in this case, the author used curbs from paving slabs.

2 rows of brazier stones are laid out on the base of the tabletop.

A metal rod is placed in the seam at a distance of 10 cm from the surface of the tabletop, and the rest at a distance of at least 5 cm.

You can also improve this oven and make it closed. Here the same process only the tabletop was made separately. Formwork is made from boards on a flat surface and placed in the lower part. waterproofing material and stones are laid at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other, after which everything is filled with liquid cement-sand mortar.

The arch is laid with stone on a cement-sand mortar; a metal rod and reinforcing mesh are added to strengthen the structure.

The back wall is also lined with stone, but space is left in the upper part, it will serve as a smoke exhaust.

An evening with friends over a delicious barbecue will be decorated with a unique stone grill. Most people can make such a barbecue with their own hands. And the result will delight you for years.


If you are interested in stationary barbecues on the site, and you would like to learn more about the options made of natural or artificial stone, then the first thing you need to consider is what options there are.

Stone barbecues attract attention with their appearance. What can’t be achieved by making a barbecue out of brick. The brazier comes out rough, massive, monumental. This is easy to use in the design of the barbecue area and the entire garden plot.

It is worth deciding on all the nuances of the design. It will be almost impossible to make changes when the grill is ready.

The stone itself will require more mason skill than brick. This also needs to be taken into account. Working with a boot takes longer and requires more effort.

We see a number of pros and cons of stone barbecues.


  • Aesthetics (ruble stone masonry is beautiful and unusual in our time);
  • Strength (not all, but most types of stone are stronger than the best brick);
  • Frost resistance and water resistance (compared to brick, natural stone is the champion here);
  • Fire resistance;
  • Durability;
  • Many types of stone with different colors and textures;
  • Mastering rubble masonry is not as difficult as many people think.


  • Expensive (if you buy rubble, it will cost more than brick);
  • Labor intensity of masonry;
  • The material itself is difficult to process;
  • It is worth recalling that a stone grill is an exclusively stationary option.

Design options

It's worth talking about the functional side. The presence of certain parts collects stone barbecues into 3 large groups:

  • A simple roaster. Minimalism in everything. The foundation and an open barbecue built on it made of stone. You can place the gazebo outside or with a high-quality hood inside.
  • Brazier with chimney. A heavier and more responsible construction. This is the option most often considered for installation in gazebos and verandas.
  • Grill-smoking-stove complex. The desire to have everything that could and possibly might be needed gave rise to such a decision. This is the most difficult option, both at the moment of construction and especially at the design level. We do not recommend self-construction.

If you decide on the material at the very beginning, this will simplify the task in future work.

Selecting a location

Designing a barbecue begins with selecting a place where it will stand. This stage is important, because stationary barbecues, if you change your mind during the process, cannot be moved.

Don’t be afraid to put a barbecue in an “open field” on your site. Now there is nothing there, but later a seating area will be formed around the brazier.

But the beauty of the location is not the only issue. The main restrictions are imposed by . A fryer is a fire hazard, to one degree or another. For convenience and safety, you need to take into account the rules, there are not many of them.

  • To avoid fire, the grill should be at a safe distance from flammable objects.
  • Tree branches should not come close to the chimney or overhang the brazier.
  • The hood or chimney must safely remove smoke from nearby buildings. For an open brazier, choose a place so that the smoke does not blow onto neighboring buildings.
  • The design of the brazier should be such that gusts of wind do not cause the coals to scatter.
  • The area around the grill. It will be convenient if there is a table next to the grill, rather than taking the kebab into the house.

You can check whether the place is convenient using a test picnic with a portable barbecue.

After choosing a place, pause and then with a fresh look make sure that all the requirements are met and that the place is safe and comfortable.

Material selection

There are many types of rubble masonry. Let's figure out what types should be used for barbecue.

The ability to use material from under your feet is a big advantage of stone barbecues.

The stone can be natural or artificial. Natural can be more affordable (if you don't need a non-local stone), but is often more difficult to process. We recommend that you consider fake diamond, this can simplify construction, and the price of such material is comparable to purchased natural stone.

Let's consider the types of rubble for laying barbecues:

  • Sandstone is a white, gray or Brown. It is easy to process, but is essentially used as a finishing one - the brazier will have to be made of brick.
  • Granite is a strong and durable material. Which complicates processing, but the design is more durable.
  • Dolomite is a white or gray stone. Widely spread. Not recommended for laying out a brazier - use brick.
  • Slate is a stone with a layered structure. The color ranges from whitish-gray to green. Slate masonry is very decorative. For the roasting pan, use a brick.
  • Quartzite is a competitor to granite in terms of strength. It comes in black, red and yellow.

These are the most common stones for our territory. Of course, you can also consider those varieties that are found only in your area or imported. Consider frost resistance and strength, and also pay attention to whether it is permissible to lay out a firebox from the stone you have chosen (if not, use brick).

Tools and materials for construction

Required tools:

  • concrete mixer or container for mixing concrete;
  • shovels and bayonet shovels
  • Master OK;
  • hammer;
  • building level and plumb line.

Required material:

  • stone
  • refractory or oven bricks;
  • cement and oven mixture;
  • sand;
  • metal mesh or reinforcement;
  • roll waterproofing (roofing felt or other);
  • sheet metal.

Before we begin. The rubble needs to be washed and sorted into large, medium and small stones. Set aside flat stacked specimens separately.

Dimensions and drawings

Next step preparatory work There will be sizing and preparation of drawings.

There are parameters that you need to decide on:

  • Height. The height of the grill's working area should be slightly higher than the chef's waist. Usually this is 80-90 cm. This way your arms and back will get less tired.
  • Length. The number of skewers depends on the size of the company. 8-10 cm are allotted for 1 skewer. Usually, for stationary barbecues, the roasting pan is made at least 80 cm long.
  • Width. The length of the skewer determines the width of the grill. The skewer should rest securely on the fastenings with plenty of reserve.
  • Depth. There should be a distance of 15-20 cm from the coal to the meat. Taking into account the layer of coals and the thickness of the piece, the depth of the grill will be 25-30 cm.
  • Decide whether you will use the space under the grill, for example, for firewood.

Transfer all the elements that you have decided on to the diagram respecting the scale. This will help you fit them into the design without errors.

Let's do it ourselves

Before starting work, prepare all materials and tools. And our advice to you: don’t rush!


Important for masonry reliable foundation. How long the grill will last depends on the quality of the foundation. For strength and reliability, the foundation is reinforced.

So let's get started:

  1. Dig a pit. The depth is at least 30 cm. The length and width are 10 cm greater than the dimensions of the barbecue.
  2. A 10 cm sand cushion is placed on the bottom and compacted. Formwork on pegs is installed on top.
  3. Prepare concrete in the proportion cement: sand: crushed stone 1: 3: 1;
  4. Tie the reinforcement cage from two meshes. The frame is installed on the cushion through supports 5 cm high. It is poured with concrete so that the upper mesh is immersed in the concrete by 5 cm.
  5. Cover the formwork with polyethylene. After a week, the concrete will gain 70% strength and work can continue.
  6. On top part waterproofing is applied (fused to roll, mastic or roofing felt on mastic).

Instead of crushed stone, you can use small fractions of rubble.

Rubble masonry

A basement needs to be built above the foundation. The brazier will rest on it. The division is arbitrary, but it’s easy to understand: the heat affects the fryer, but almost not the base.

The main purpose of the plinth is to raise the roasting pan to the desired height. Well, be beautiful.

Rubble masonry is similar to brick, but has its own characteristics:

  • The rows must be tied;
  • Convenient stones are placed on the front side and corners, small and inconvenient stones are placed inside;
  • At the corners there are large stones with a convenient break on one side under two planes of mating walls;
  • There should be no voids; the entire space between the stones should be filled with concrete.

A rubble is not a brick, try to maintain the horizontal row where possible. If not, correct it next row.

Don't chase perfectly smooth walls. This is almost impossible, and the protrusions and irregularities add their charm to the rubble masonry.

For strength, you can lay a mesh every 40 cm.

Mix the concrete in batches per row.

Do 1 row per day. This will allow the concrete to gain sufficient strength, and you will not experience cracking and deformation of the structure during the construction phase.

If you need to lay out an arch:

  • A supporting structure is built from wood, repeating the span of the arch. The structure must be truly supportive: not break or collapse. Estimate the weight of the stone and mortar that will go into the arch.
  • Not only face stones are carefully selected. The arch is a responsible place.
  • The masonry of a rubble arch is similar to brick.
  • Wait 3 days for the concrete to gain strength before continuing work in this place.
  • Remove the supporting structure no earlier than after a week.

Hearth and work surface

We approached the brazier. It can be done in three ways:

  • Lay out of brick;
  • Embedded parts are attached to the rubble masonry;
  • Insert grill. This steel trough, the size of the barbecue, is placed in the brazier.

How to choose the right scheme?

If the stone you are using is not heat-resistant (limestone, slate), then you cannot do without using brick.

In the future, a built-in brazier will make it easy to replace burnt-out parts, but a brazier where all the elements are embedded in the masonry looks more solid.

If bricks are used:

  • The stones on the front side are laid out as usual;
  • 2 top rows(if you look at the size of the brick) the middle is laid out with oven bricks;
  • The walls of the brazier are lined with bricks placed on their sides;
  • From the outside, all this is laid with rubble, so that the brick is not visible;
  • Use oven-safe masonry mixture.

When using heat-resistant stone Special attention Pay attention to leveling the internal planes of the roasting pan. Then it will be easier to clean.

You will need to secure the embedded parts in the masonry:

  • Fastenings for skewers (combs, staples or just corners);
  • Brackets for grill grate;
  • Rotisserie holder.

For an inset barbecue, all these brackets are attached directly to it.

All metal parts of the fryer are coated.


For the chimney, you need to extend the walls and make a transition into the pipe. Protect the top of the pipe with flexible metal or stone.

The masonry is carried out on the same principles as the brazier.


Rubble masonry is beautiful in itself, but sometimes you want to decorate a stone barbecue differently.

Whitewash. The surface of the barbecue is rubbed with concrete or oven mixture (if it is clear that such plaster will be thick, then it is applied to a mesh fixed to the masonry). And after hardening, it is whitened 2-3 times, drying each layer. A good option when perfectly leveling surfaces is not required.

Ceramic or stone tiles. Here the requirement for the surface is stricter - it needs to be leveled. The plaster composition is applied over the mesh. After drying, the tiles are attached to a special heat-resistant glue.

Some oven mixtures and clay mortar will require drying out the grill. To do this, a week after laying, heat it several times and let it cool.

What can I add?

A lid to cover the grill from debris and bad weather would be a good idea.

It would be nice to place the necessary tools nearby:

  • Poker;
  • Ash shovel;
  • Forceps;
  • Barbecue net.

It is good to cover the space around the barbecue for 3-5 meters with paving slabs.

A canopy over the barbecue area will complete the ensemble.

It should turn out beautiful and original. Your guests will be pleased. And get a great place to relax and meet.