Calorie content of boiled beets with mayonnaise. How many calories are in boiled beets with butter or sour cream and garlic (with mayonnaise)

The homeland of beets, which have become indispensable in the kitchens of many peoples, is considered to be the Far East and India, where they are still found naturally. Beetroot gained fame and popularity back in ancient times - it was used as food in Ancient Greece, Persia and Ancient Rome, where they used not only the roots, but also the leaves of the plant soaked in wine. Main feature Beetroot is its “versatility”, because it can be eaten raw and boiled; baked fried beets, as well as dishes with its addition, have an excellent taste. This popularity is due not only to appearance and the taste of beets - they are also incredibly healthy, and besides, they are perfect for the diet table. Boiled beets are especially popular, which people rush to include in their diet after finding out how many calories are in boiled beets.

Chemical composition and beneficial properties of beets

Before you start finding out how many calories are in boiled beets, it’s worth talking about their beneficial properties and effects on the human body, for which it’s enough to study chemical composition this popular vegetable. Beets contain a large number of vitamins, including vitamin P, ascorbic acid, which has a beneficial effect on human immunity, vitamin B3, or nicotinic acid, which is involved in the body's metabolic processes. Also contains beets in sufficient quantities folic acid, or vitamin B9, which helps normalize work circulatory system. Pantothenic acid (vitamin b5) is involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, thiamine, known as vitamin B1, supports proper heart function, nervous system and digestive tract. Boiled beets also contain vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - one of the most useful vitamins.

Considering the fact that when cooked, beets retain their beneficial features, it is she who is most often included in the diet. It is useful for liver and kidney diseases; it is recommended for patients with cardiovascular diseases; beets help prevent atherosclerosis, as they have a laxative and diuretic effect. Beetroot contains many chemicals and compounds, among which iron is especially valued, improving the condition of patients with anemia. Beetroot helps remove toxins from the body and has a bactericidal effect. At the same time, it is considered a low-calorie product.

Calorie content of boiled beets

If you want to make an amazing snack for... a quick fix, you can boil the beets, grate them and mix with garlic and mayonnaise. Naturally, you will be interested in how many calories are in boiled beets with mayonnaise and garlic, and you will want to compare this value with boiled beets in their pure form. If the “weight” of boiled beets is approximately 50 kcal, then beets with garlic and sauce already contain over 120 kcal. You can reduce calories by replacing mayonnaise vegetable oil or use another low-calorie dressing. Experimenting with different types sauce, you should know how many calories are in boiled beets with mayonnaise different varieties. If we are talking about low-fat salad mayonnaise, then the “weight” of such a dish does not exceed 120 kcal.

By removing mayonnaise from the composition, you can calculate how many calories are in boiled beets with garlic, and this is a little more than simple boiled beets, because the calorie content of garlic is insignificant. For those who are worried about every calorie, we suggest replacing mayonnaise with less high-calorie sour cream, but in this case you will have to understand how many calories are in boiled beets with sour cream. If you use the traditional 20% product, then 100 grams of the product will contain approximately 55 kcal, which means that it is not only tasty, but also safe. Those who want to replace mayonnaise with vegetable oil should know how many calories are in boiled beets with oil, and this is approximately 80-90 kcal (depending on the type of oil). No matter how many calories there are in dishes with beets, it is worth knowing that in your diet, given the enormous benefits of the vegetable, beets should occupy the most honorable place.

Beets are a wonderful vegetable that is not only tasty and healthy, but also inexpensive. Especially beetroot dishes are ideal for those who watch their diet and count calories.

Raw beets contain 40 kcal per 100 g, boiled beets - 50 kcal per 100 g of product.

On my own the vegetable is low-calorie, which classifies beets as dietary products. But if you add sour cream or mayonnaise to it, you will get a nutritious dish that will fill you up and give you strength and energy for several hours.

Beets can be eaten both raw and boiled. Moreover, boiled beets are also sweet, which does not prevent them from remaining best dish for those who are trying to lose weight.

Boiled beets with butter

This dietary salad will surely appeal to anyone who loves beets.

It is easy to do, requires very little time and few products:

  • boiled beets – 500 g,
  • apple cider vinegar - tbsp. l.,
  • vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l.,
  • black pepper, salt - to taste.

Finely chop the beets or grate them on a coarse grater. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well.

This salad can stand alone during a diet or a great addition for meat dishes.

The calorie content of beet salad with butter is 100 kcal per 100 g.

You can safely squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic into the same salad to give it a special aroma and pungency in taste. This dish will be especially useful during the cold season, when viral diseases of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections and others are active.

The calorie content of a dish with garlic will not increase much and will be 110 kcal per serving.

Boiled beets with sour cream or garlic and mayonnaise

Grated beets seasoned with mayonnaise and sour cream is a favorite dish of many gourmets. After all, it cooks very quickly, has a delicate taste, and you can add anything to it:

  • nuts;
  • raisin;
  • prunes;
  • garlic.

This salad can often be found on festive table typical Russian family. Especially in winter time When vegetables become very expensive, you can buy beets for very little money and cook several different dishes.

For those who constantly think about their figure, monitor their nutrition in every possible way and do not eat too much, beets with sour cream can be the best snack.

Depending on the fat content of sour cream, the calorie content of such a dish usually does not exceed 70 kcal per 100 grams.

Many people like to add mayonnaise to this salad instead of sour cream. Surely everyone understands that mayonnaise itself is very high in calories. Accordingly, the beetroot dish will immediately become much heavier.

However, due to the fact that the vegetable itself is easily absorbed by the body, beets with mayonnaise will also be an excellent snack for those who want to get a slim figure.

The calorie content of boiled beets with mayonnaise will be 150 kcal per 100 grams.

Knowing this value, you can easily control how many calories you consume per meal. By adding walnuts, the number of calories will increase by another 100 kcal.

If your goal is to lose weight, then try not to overuse mayonnaise or nuts. It is better to add sour cream and prunes, which in turn improves digestion and promotes the rapid removal of toxins from the body.

Beets are a healthy vegetable that can be used to prepare many different dishes. Depending on what goal you are pursuing, you can add butter, sour cream or mayonnaise to it. In any case, a salad made from grated beets will turn out very tasty and will appeal to everyone who is not indifferent to this sweet root vegetable.

Beetroot is an indispensable vegetable in the diet of those who love tasty diet salads and soups. You can’t cook borscht without beets, and just boiled beets are delicious and healthy dish, if you eat it without mayonnaise. It is interesting that although we consider this vegetable to be ours originally, modern types of table beets came to us from India, where beets have been known since time immemorial. The calorie content of beets is an eternal question that interests all lovers healthy image life, because many popular diets recommend boiled beet salads as main dishes.

Calorie content of raw beets

We only eat beet roots, whose calorie content is so low that we can recommend consuming this vegetable whenever you want something tasty and unusual. 100 grams of raw beets contain only 45 kcal, practically no fat, but 9 grams of carbohydrates. This is a nourishing and very healthy vegetable, and what’s interesting is that beets can be used as the basis of sweet dishes, as well as in first and second courses. And, in addition to being low in calories, beets contain vitamins B, PP and C, and this vegetable is also rich in magnesium, iodine, iron, calcium and potassium. Regular consumption of beets improves metabolism, because beets contain healthy fiber and also help remove toxins from the body. And thanks to the high content of vitamin B 9, beets are a very important food product for those who have various cardiovascular diseases.

Calorie content of boiled beets

Boiled beets are the main ingredient in our favorite salads such as “Herring under a Fur Coat” and various vinaigrettes. Interestingly, the calorie content of boiled beets is practically no different from raw beets, and is only 50 kcal per 100 grams, so a serving of your favorite with olive oil and garlic will not add extra pounds to your figure. But there are even more benefits in boiled beets than in raw ones, and if you boil the beets without cutting off the tip, you can preserve all the vitamins and microelements in them. In addition to such a beneficial calorie content for your figure, boiled beets contain 11 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of proteins, and absolutely no fat, so eat beets with pleasure as a source of benefits for your figure and for the body as a whole.

Calorie content of beets with garlic

Garlic and beets are a classic flavor combination. That’s why it’s so tasty and so easy to prepare with just these two ingredients. delicious snack, and during Lent, salads made from garlic and beets are a must-have dish on the table. That is why the calorie content of beets with garlic is a common question among many. If you season such a salad with sour cream with a fat content of 30%, the calorie content of the dish will be only 90 kcal, so don’t be afraid to gain weight and eat favorite dish with pleasure.

Calorie content of beets with mayonnaise

Beets and mayonnaise are a favorite combination of flavors, but what is the calorie content of beets that are combined with such harmful product? In fact, if you make mayonnaise yourself and do not buy store-bought, the calorie content of 100 grams of salad will be only 102 kcal per 100 grams, and with store-bought mayonnaise, the calorie content of beets will be approximately 120 kcal per 100 grams of the finished dish.

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Man has been eating beets since ancient times. The vegetable is loved not only for its taste, but also for its incredibly beneficial properties. It is rich in calcium, iodine, iron and other trace elements necessary for the good functioning of all human organs.

Beetroot is a fairly common vegetable plant that is cultivated in many countries around the world. Root vegetables are eaten, and sometimes the tops of the plant are also used. The fruits can have a spherical, elongated, or flattened shape, and the weight sometimes exceeds 1 kg. The pulp has an intense dark red or burgundy color.


It contains a large number of useful elements necessary for the body. Among them are vitamins PP, A, E, C, K, as well as a group of vitamins B.

In addition, the composition contains dietary fiber, fiber, fatty acids, mono and disaccharides, carbohydrates, proteins, beta-carotene, choline.

Thanks to the consumption of beets, intestinal function improves, constipation is eliminated, harmful substances and toxins are removed from the body, and metabolism is accelerated. It is recommended to eat it if you have problems with the thyroid gland. Also, thanks to the presence of iron in the composition, the condition of the circulatory system and blood vessels improves, the blood is enriched with oxygen, and brain function is normalized. In addition, the product is indicated for use by pregnant women. An important factor is the low calorie content of the product, which, coupled with a high content of useful elements, makes it one of the most necessary for weight loss.

It is worth noting that it is recommended to consume root vegetables in boiled form, since after heat treatment they are better absorbed, and their beneficial properties are practically not lost. This vegetable accumulates dangerous nitrates during growth, but it is during cooking that they are destroyed.


It is not recommended to consume beets for people with intestinal disorders, kidney stones, or high stomach acidity. Those who have diabetes should not overuse the vegetable either, using it in small quantities.

Nutritional and energy value

But, the root vegetable gained its popularity not only for its valuable properties, but also for its dietary value. In its raw form it contains only 42 kcal. In turn, a boiled vegetable has 50 kcal.

Of course, the calorie content of beets is not high, but is it really so harmless? ready meals? The nutritional value of the root vegetable depends on what is prepared from it. For example, the well-known salad is beets with mayonnaise. 100 grams of ready-made salad contains 90 kcal, but since the vegetable has a low calorie count, it is mainly the fats that are found in mayonnaise, which add satiety to the salad. But it is impossible to say that it is very high in calories.

100 g of boiled beets with mayonnaise contains:

  • calories - 90 kcal
  • proteins - 1.5 g
  • carbohydrates - 10 g
  • fats - 7.8 g

For those losing weight

When losing weight, a salad made from this product with the addition of mayonnaise will be an indispensable addition to the diet, since it is a source of fast carbohydrates that provide energy, enriches the body with essential substances and at the same time has a low energy value.

How to reduce calories

You can make the salad more dietary if you use sour cream with a small percentage of fat or yogurt instead of mayonnaise. Then, within reasonable limits, you can safely eat it every day, both those who are losing weight and those who do not adhere to diets.

To reduce the fat content in a dish, you can use low-calorie mayonnaise.

So, knowing the nutritional value of beets, we can safely say that the vegetable remains a dietary product, even in combination with a high-calorie dressing.

Beets are used in many dishes, even included in diet menu. It is very tasty and healthy. Everyone's favorite beetroot, which is low in calories, first appeared in India.

Although many people think that this is an original Russian product. It is very often used in popular diets where boiled beets are the main ingredient.

Root vegetables are used for food of this vegetable, which contains a low percentage of calories. 100 grams of raw beets contain 45 kcal. At the same time, it contains very little fat, but a sufficient amount of carbohydrates. The root vegetable can be used not only in salads, first and main courses, but is a good basis for sweet dishes.

Raw beets contain a lot of useful substances. With regular use, this vegetable can improve metabolism. After all, it is rich in fiber, which is effective in removing toxins. Also, the high presence of vitamin B9 makes it an indispensable product for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

100 g of this vegetable contains:

  • 85 g water;
  • 1.6 g protein;
  • 11.6 g carbohydrates;
  • 0.2 g fat.

Boiled beets are very often used as ingredients for salads. This vegetable can be eaten simply with garlic, seasoned with olive oil, and without worrying about gaining excess weight. The calorie content of boiled beets is also not high, only 50 kcal per 100 grams of vegetable.

Boiled beets can bring greater benefits to the body than raw ones. If you do not cut off the edges during cooking, the vegetable will retain all its beneficial substances in full. Therefore, you can use this product with complete confidence, which will benefit not only your figure, but the entire body.

With garlic or mayonnaise

This root vegetable, cooked with garlic, is the most classic flavor combination. Anyone will enjoy this appetizer, which has only two ingredients. Preparing salads with this vegetable and garlic is considered a mandatory meal when observing any fast.

Even with the addition of sour cream, which contains 30% fat, to such a dish, the calorie content of beets with garlic will not rise above 90 units per hundred grams. Pairing this root vegetable with mayonnaise is a favorite flavor combination. Many people think that mayonnaise makes all dishes very high in calories. But the number of calories per 100 grams will be 120 kcal.

This data is suitable if you choose a store-bought product. If a dish contains mayonnaise, only products will be used homemade, then the calorie content will be 102 kcal per hundred grams. Currently, there are many recipes for making homemade mayonnaise.

Stewed root vegetable

As mentioned above, boiled beets do not lose their beneficial substances. The same thing happens when stewing vegetables. This is probably the most unique product that does not lose its benefits in any preparation.

Stewed beets, in addition to the necessary microelements, also contain gamma-aminobutyric acid. It actively affects the metabolism that occurs directly in the head. Also, stewed food produces acids: malic, citric, oxalic, tartaric and lactic. All these acids are very important for the digestive process.

Stewed beets will have a unique taste if you use butter. It is worth remembering that by adding extraneous foods, the calorie content will change.

The calorie content of stewed beets will be 106 kcal per 100 grams. This dish will be useful not only for people losing weight, but also for those who do not eat fatty foods and watch their diet. Stewed food is filling, healthy and tasty.

In Korean

Making salads in Korean began to appear not so long ago. At the same time, such a product has already gained many fans. Korean dishes can now be found in almost any store. It can even be prepared at home. Cooking Korean food is not very difficult.

Any beetroot appetizer can diversify a boring menu and add some piquancy to a certain dish. It contains a lot of iron; in this indicator it is only slightly inferior to garlic.

And the combination of this root vegetable with garlic has an excellent effect on hematopoietic function. With regular use, you can forget about receiving radiation. This vegetable works well and effectively destroys cancer cells. You should be a little careful with fresh root vegetables. It greatly weakens the intestines.

Thus, we found out that the calorie content of Korean beets per 100 grams will be 124 kcal. This dish is half fat, although it the nutritional value not great. The calories of a Korean dish can be slightly reduced. To do this, you shouldn’t fry it, it’s better to just pour heated oil on it. Also, the calorie content of beets can be reduced if you use olive oil rather than vegetable oil.