Calorie content Boiled sausage, milk. Chemical composition and nutritional value


Nutritional value and chemical composition "Boiled sausage, milk".

The table shows the nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of edible portion.

Nutrient Quantity Norm** % of the norm in 100 g % of the norm in 100 kcal 100% normal
Calorie content 252 kcal 1684 kcal 15% 6% 668 g
Squirrels 11.7 g 76 g 15.4% 6.1% 650 g
Fats 22.8 g 56 g 40.7% 16.2% 246 g
Carbohydrates 0.2 g 219 g 0.1% 109500 g
Water 62.6 g 2273 g 2.8% 1.1% 3631 g
Ash 2.7 g ~
Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.25 mg 1.5 mg 16.7% 6.6% 600 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.2 mg 1.8 mg 11.1% 4.4% 900 g
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine 0.21 mg 2 mg 10.5% 4.2% 952 g
Vitamin B9, folates 4.05 mcg 400 mcg 1% 0.4% 9877 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 0.4 mg 15 mg 2.7% 1.1% 3750 g
Vitamin RR, NE 5.4 mg 20 mg 27% 10.7% 370 g
Niacin 2.6 mg ~
Potassium, K 250 mg 2500 mg 10% 4% 1000 g
Calcium, Ca 40 mg 1000 mg 4% 1.6% 2500 g
Magnesium, Mg 21 mg 400 mg 5.3% 2.1% 1905
Sodium, Na 835 mg 1300 mg 64.2% 25.5% 156 g
Sera, S 117 mg 1000 mg 11.7% 4.6% 855 g
Phosphorus, Ph 169 mg 800 mg 21.1% 8.4% 473 g
Iron, Fe 1.7 mg 18 mg 9.4% 3.7% 1059 g
Digestible carbohydrates
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars) 0.2 g max 100 g
Essential amino acids
Arginine* 0.73 g ~
Valin 0.74 g ~
Histidine* 0.43 g ~
Isoleucine 0.42 g ~
Leucine 0.8 g ~
Lysine 0.86 g ~
Methionine 0.33 g ~
Methionine + Cysteine 0.51 g ~
Threonine 0.46 g ~
Tryptophan 0.16 g ~
Phenylalanine 0.4 g ~
Phenylalanine+Tyrosine 0.72 g ~
Nonessential amino acids
Alanin 0.6 g ~
Aspartic acid 0.77 g ~
Hydroxyproline 0.18 g ~
Glycine 0.57 g ~
Glutamic acid 1.77 g ~
Proline 0.38 g ~
Serin 0.59 g ~
Tyrosine 0.32 g ~
Cysteine 0.18 g ~
Sterols (sterols)
Cholesterol 50 mg max 300 mg
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids 6.7 g max 18.7 g
14:0 Miristinovaya 0.44 g ~
15:0 Pentadecane 0.03 g ~
16:0 Palmitinaya 4.66 g ~
17:0 Margarine 0.06 g ~
18:0 Stearic 1.52 g ~
Monounsaturated fatty acids 11.37 g min 16.8 g 67.7% 26.9%
14:1 Myristoleic 0.06 g ~
16:1 Palmitoleic 1.26 g ~
18:1 Oleic (omega-9) 10.05 g ~
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 3.1 g from 11.2 to 20.6 g 27.7% 11%
18:2 Linolevaya 2.72 g ~
18:3 Linolenic 0.2 g ~
20:4 Arachidonic 0.18 g ~
Omega-3 fatty acids 0.2 g from 0.9 to 3.7 g 22.2% 8.8%
Omega-6 fatty acids 2.9 g from 4.7 to 16.8 g 61.7% 24.5%

Energy value Boiled sausage, milk is 252 kcal.

Main source: Skurikhin I.M. and etc. Chemical composition food products. .

** This table shows the average levels of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms taking into account your gender, age and other factors, then use the My Healthy Diet app.

Product calculator

The nutritional value

Serving Size (g)


Most foods may not contain the full range of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is important to eat a variety of foods to meet the body's needs for vitamins and minerals.

Product calorie analysis


Ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:

Knowing the contribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to calorie content, you can understand how well a product or diet meets the standards healthy eating or the requirements of a certain diet. For example, the US and Russian Departments of Health recommend 10-12% of calories come from protein, 30% from fat and 58-60% from carbohydrates. The Atkins diet recommends low carbohydrate intake, although other diets focus on low fat intake.

If more energy is expended than it is received, the body begins to use up fat reserves, and body weight decreases.

  • Vitamin B2 participates in redox reactions, helps to increase the color sensitivity of the visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Insufficient intake of vitamin B2 is accompanied by impaired condition of the skin, mucous membranes, and impaired light and twilight vision.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Insufficient vitamin intake is accompanied by disruption of the normal condition of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates the acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, and is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, and rickets.
  • Here .

    The nutritional value- content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the product.

    Nutritional value of food product- a set of properties of a food product, the presence of which satisfies the physiological needs of a person for the necessary substances and energy.

    Vitamins, organic matter, necessary in not large quantities in the diet of both humans and most vertebrates. Vitamin synthesis is usually carried out by plants, not animals. A person's daily requirement for vitamins is only a few milligrams or micrograms. Unlike inorganic substances Vitamins are destroyed by extreme heat. Many vitamins are unstable and are “lost” during cooking or food processing.

    Have you tried making boiled sausage at home? If not, then let's do this rather interesting activity today. This homemade sausage is prepared, of course, not according to GOST standards, but it turns out completely natural and very tasty. Today on our menu is homemade milk sausage boiled in cling film. To make such a pork delicacy you will need cling film and a little free time, and my recipe with step-by-step photos will tell you about all the details of the cooking process.

    How to make milk sausage at home

    To prepare this boiled sausage, take 500 grams of pork tenderloin and 2 small onions.

    Let's pass these products through a meat grinder with the finest mesh. To make the minced meat more uniform in consistency, this procedure must be repeated 2 times.

    Add 1 chicken egg, 1 tablespoon of milk powder, ¼ teaspoon of ground black pepper or a mixture of peppers, and ¾ teaspoon of salt.

    Mix the minced meat thoroughly, while gradually adding 100 milliliters of milk with 2.5% fat content. The mixing process should take at least 5 minutes. As a result, the meat will become viscous and sticky. This means you can start shaping the sausages.

    Place exactly half of the meat mass on cling film.

    Wrap the sausage, trying to compact the minced meat under the film as much as possible.

    We twist the ends and tighten them with a tight knot.

    To prevent the sausage from falling apart, you need to wrap it with film in another 3-4 layers.

    Now it’s unlikely to be possible to tie the ends in a knot, so we’ll make a bundle from any strong thread. You can simply use special kitchen silicone strands, but you will still have to tie the edges of the sausage with thread.

    We do the same with the second part of the minced meat. As a result, we get two sausages of the same size.

    One serving can be immediately sent to the freezer. For pre-freezing, I use a regular cutting board.

    Place the second pork sausage in boiling, lightly salted water. It will cook over medium heat, covered with a lid, for approximately 50-60 minutes.

    Place the cooked product in a colander and let it cool completely.

    After this, you can cut the threads and remove the film.

    Cut the boiled milk sausage into slices and serve as sandwiches on pieces of bread.

    Homemade pork milk sausage boiled in cling film will decorate the breakfast table and is good for sandwiches and snacks. Your household will certainly appreciate your efforts, because the taste of a natural product cannot be compared with boiled sausage bought in a store.

    Boiled milk sausage is a meat delicacy that can be made at home. The preparation process is simple and does not take much time, and the result is a natural and tasty product. Sausage can be given to children without fear.

    To give the milk sausage pink color, you need to add beet juice to the minced meat

    • Number of servings: 6
    • Cooking time: 45 minutes

    Boiled milk sausage recipe

    The composition of the main products for homemade sausage is small. You can experiment with taste using different spices. If you add new spices every time, you won’t get tired of the taste.

    Cooking process:

    1. Grind the chicken meat and garlic in a blender or grind it twice through a meat grinder, mix with spices, salt and pepper. Cut the pork tenderloin into small 2-3 ml cubes and add to the minced meat.
    2. Mix cold milk with starch and slowly pour into the minced meat. Grate the beets and squeeze the juice out of them through cheesecloth. Mix well with minced meat.
    3. Place the mixture on baking paper and wrap it to form a sausage shape, securing the edges. Wrap the roll in cling film five to six times, tie the edges tightly in several places.
    4. Place the sausage in a large amount of boiling water, reduce the heat, cover and cook for 35-40 minutes.

    You can steam the sausage, in this case the cooking time increases to 50-60 minutes.

    Recipe for homemade pork sausage

    Required Products:

    • Pork – 500 gr.
    • Milk – 100 ml
    • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
    • Starch – 20 gr.
    • Salt – 10 gr.
    • Ground pepper ─ 5 gr.
    • Nutmeg – 3 gr.
    • Spices - to taste.

    How to cook:

    1. Grind the meat in a blender or grind through a meat grinder twice. Add 50 ml milk. Add the egg, salt, pepper, spices and grind again in a blender or mix well. Add the remaining milk, starch, mix with a blender.
    2. Place the minced meat in a baking sleeve, leaving the ends free, and form into a sausage shape. Wrap the ends of the sleeve tightly around the workpiece and tie it with thread in several places. Wrap in foil.
    3. Preheat the oven to 180 ⁰C and bake for 15-20 minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 150 ⁰C and bake for another 25-30 minutes. Remove the foil and bake for another 10 minutes.

    To give the sausage a pinkish tint, during the preparation of the minced meat you can add 1 tbsp. l. red wine or cognac.

    Homemade sausage can be used for dressing salads, served with festive table. If you follow the recipe, the appetizer will turn out appetizing and look beautiful. And most importantly, without harmful impurities.

    Milk sausage has been popular for a long period of time. Already from the name it is clear that the product must contain milk. The original taste and aroma is achieved thanks to certain spices. The composition of milk sausage is regulated by GOST R 5296-2003. According to this document, the product belongs to the first grade. The composition of milk sausage includes meat, milk powder, eggs, sugar, salt and spices. The only acceptable additive is sodium nitrite, which gives the product a beautiful original color.

    How to select and store?

    The taste and quality of milk sausage largely depends on the right choice. There are several recommendations that will allow you not to make mistakes:

    Use in cooking

    Milk sausage is very loved by both adults and children. Sandwiches, snacks, salads, etc. are prepared from it. Add chopped milk sausage to scrambled eggs, first and second courses, for example, to stew. Milk sausage is used as a decoration and also as a filling for savory baked goods. In general, we can say that sausage is a food product that can be combined with vegetables, cereals, pasta etc. Therefore, you can experiment, creating new and original, and most importantly delicious dishes.

    Homemade milk sausage

    Many housewives assure that preparing such a product at home is not difficult, but you will be confident in its quality and taste. There are many different recipes, we offer one of them. Take 2 kg of pork, 300 g of bacon, 3 onions, 2 cloves of garlic, egg, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of gelatin, nutmeg, semolina, vegetable oil and salt, as well as 0.5 teaspoons of black pepper. You will also need a baking sleeve.

    The meat must be cleaned and cut into pieces. Grind it together with onion and garlic in a blender or meat grinder. The result should be a creamy mass. Add the egg to the resulting minced meat and mix thoroughly. Then add the rest of the ingredients there and stir so that the spices are evenly distributed throughout the minced meat. Place it in a bag, roll it into a tight roll and tie it with a rope in several places so that the sausage holds its shape. Place it in water and cook for 2 hours after boiling over low heat. After this, the sausage should cool, then you can remove the film and enjoy the taste.

    Harm of milk sausage and contraindications

    Milk sausage can cause harm if an individual intolerance to the product is detected. It is worth considering the high calorie content, therefore, it is not recommended to abuse it in large quantities, as this can negatively affect metabolism, the functioning of the digestive system and lead to obesity. Many manufacturers use starch, flavorings and other substances in the production of milk sausage that can adversely affect health.


    Just imagine: a neat slice of fresh aromatic bread, and on top a circle of tender milk sausage, which is visible under the golden crust of baked cheese... It’s unlikely that anyone will refuse such an, although not entirely healthy, but incredibly tasty and satisfying sandwich.

    The appetizing appearance and excellent taste make milk sausage one of the favorite types of sausages among many consumers. It is not only suitable as a dish on its own, but also serves as a good decoration for any table. Tender, juicy milk sausage is an integral component of numerous salads, appetizers, main courses, savory baked goods and much, much more.

    The calorie content of milk sausage is about 252 kcal per hundred grams, which is significantly lower than other types of meat products, for example, smoked sausage. In addition, due to the good composition of milk sausage, which meets all requirements and standards, this product can be given even to children, not to mention adults.

    Boiled milk sausage: Useful properties.

    This type of sausage is rich in vitamin B1 (16.7%), vitamin PP (27%), sodium (64.2%), phosphorus (21.1%).

    “Milk” boiled sausage contains above average kilocalories, namely 252. Quite a lot of fat - 22.8. Proteins are moderate, approximately 11.7. But there are very few carbohydrates, only 0.2.

    This sausage is perfect for a simple and quick breakfast.

    According to the standard, the composition of milk sausage is subject to GOST R 52196-2003, according to which this type of meat product belongs to the first grade. So, the main components in this sausage are, first of all, pork, beef and chicken eggs. In addition, powdered milk, from which this boiled sausage gets its name, must be present.

    Milk sausage also contains flavoring additives - table salt, granulated sugar, various spices (mostly ground black pepper). If this meat product is manufactured in accordance with GOST, it should not contain stabilizers, soy additives or dyes. The only exception is sodium nitrite, since without it the finished milk sausage would have an unsightly and unappetizing gray color.

    When choosing milk sausage, you must definitely focus on appearance product. In particular, if there are smudges of broth under the shell on the loaf, then most likely, when producing the product, the manufacturer used long-term frozen meat or overdid it with the amount of water. High-quality milk sausage is distinguished by an even casing and an elastic loaf, the surface of which, when slightly squeezed, quickly takes its previous shape.

    When cut, high-quality sausage should be pink or light pink in color, and the minced meat should be evenly mixed. Existing voids indicate that it has been violated technological process, while green or gray spots indicate the development of pathogenic microbes. Not good good sign A white coating is also considered.

    Boiled milk sausage: Harmful properties.

    It would be possible to talk about the benefits of sausage in human nutrition only if these products were made from high-quality meat and natural spices. But a huge number of various flavor, smell, and color enhancers are added to modern sausage. Many of them pose a huge health hazard. As a result, excessive consumption of sausage in food can provoke the development of various diseases (gout, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, coronary heart disease) lead to dysfunction of the liver and kidneys, and some of the preservatives even have the ability to cause the formation of cancer cells in the human body. In addition, sausage contains quite a lot of fat. This is also far from the best useful property sausages, because Excessive fat consumption leads to obesity, the development of hypertension, and deposits on the walls blood vessels cholesterol plaques, i.e. to the development of atherosclerosis.