Calorie content of fermented milk products table. Calorie content of milk and dairy products

The energy value of foods is quantified using a unit of measurement called a calorie. It has been established that the protein and carbohydrate components of food contain 4.1 kilocalories (kcal) per 1 gram, fat is more energy-intensive and contains 9 kilocalories per 1 gram.

Thus, the total calorie content of the product is calculated by the formula:

Calories = 4.1 x Protein + 4.1 x Carbohydrates + 9 x Fat

Meat products

Meat products contain practically no carbohydrate component; they are rich in proteins and fats.

Animal fat, if consumed in excess, can cause increased cholesterol levels and the development of atherosclerosis. However, you should not give up meat products - meat and eggs contain a full set of essential amino acids that the body requires to form muscle mass.

For healthy eating choose lean meats and egg whites. Calorie table for meat products:

Meat products
Beef 187 Stewed: 232
Fried: 384
Pork 265 Stewed: 350
Fried: 489
Mutton 294 Stewed: 268
Fried: 320
Chicken breasts 113 Boiled: 137
Fried: 157
Chicken legs 158 Boiled: 170
Fried: 210
Duck 308 Baked: 336
Goose 300 Baked: 345
Eggs 155 Fried: 241
Boiled: 160
Egg white 52 Boiled: 17
Roasted: 100
Egg yolk 322 Boiled: 220
Ham 365
Boiled sausage 250
Smoked sausage 380
Sausages 235


Milk is a source of protein and some fat-soluble vitamins and minerals.

Fermented milk products supply the body with beneficial probiotics that improve intestinal function.

Cottage cheese provides the body with the slow-moving protein casein, and cheese is the record holder among all products for calcium content. Calorie content of dairy products per 100g:

Fish and seafood

Fish is rich in proteins and fats, however, as opposed to fats from meat, fish oils are beneficial for blood vessels and the heart due to their significant content of omega-3 fatty acids.

Seafood contains almost no fat - it is a high-quality protein product. Calorie content of fish and seafood in the table:

Fish and seafood Calorie content per 100 g of raw product Calorie content per 100 g of prepared product
Red caviar 250
Black caviar 235
Shrimps 95 Boiled: 95
Squid 75 Boiled: 75
Cancers 75 Boiled: 75
Carp 45 Roasted: 145
Chum salmon 138 Roasted: 225
Salmon 142 Roasted: 155
Smoked: 385
Bream 48 Boiled: 126
Dried: 221
Pollock 70 Roasted: 136
Perch 95 Stewed: 120
Herring 57 Salty: 217
Sprats 250


Almost all vegetables are low in calories, with the exception of starchy vegetables such as potatoes and corn.

Vegetables contain insoluble fiber, which is not absorbed in the digestive tract, but makes it work properly. Give preference to fresh vegetables or process them minimally. Calorie content of vegetables:

Vegetables Calorie content per 100 g of raw product Calorie content per 100 g of prepared product
cucumbers 15 Salty: 11
Tomatoes 20 Salty: 32
Onion 43 Roasted: 251
Zucchini 24 Stewed: 40
Eggplant 28 Stewed: 40
Potato 80 Boiled: 82
Roasted: 192
Baked: 90
Cabbage 23 Stewed: 47
Salty: 28
Broccoli 28 Boiled: 28
Carrot 33 Stewed: 46
Mushrooms 25 Fried: 165
Marinated: 24
Dried: 210
Pumpkin 20 Baked:
Corn 101 Boiled: 123
Canned: 119
Green pea 75 Boiled: 60
Canned: 55
Greenery 18
Beet 40
bell pepper 19
Radish 16

Fruits and berries

Fresh fruits, like vegetables, contain a large amount of fiber. In addition, fruits and berries are rich in beneficial vitamins and antioxidants that support correct work all systems in the body and prevent the development of many diseases.

Fruits Calorie content per 100 g of raw product Calorie content per 100 g of prepared product
Apples 45 Jam: 265
Dried: 210
Pear 42 Jam: 273
Dried: 249
Apricots 47 Dried apricots: 290
Bananas 90 Dried: 390
Oranges 45 Candied fruits: 301
Tangerines 41 Candied fruits: 300
Lemons 30 Candied fruits: 300
Grapefruit 30 Candied fruits: 300
Cherry 25 Jam: 256
Plum 44 Jam: 288
Dried: 290
Raspberries 45 Jam: 273
Strawberry 38 Jam: 285
Currant 43 Jam: 284
Gooseberry 48 Jam: 285
Grape 70 Raisins: 270
Kiwi 59 Dried: 285
Mango 67 Dried: 314
Peaches 45 Jam: 258
Melon 45 Candied fruits: 319
Watermelon 40 Candied fruits: 209
A pineapple 44 Dried: 268
Pomegranate 52
Avocado 100


Water, coffee and tea without milk and without sugar have zero calories.

All other drinks are quite energy-intensive and should be taken into account when calculating daily caloric content. Pay attention to the calorie content of alcoholic drinks. The alcohol contained in them has an estimated energy content of 7 kilocalories per 1 gram. This is less than fats, but almost twice as much as proteins and carbohydrates.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are rich in plant proteins, fats and fiber.

This is a very high-calorie product, but you should not completely abandon it, since nuts contain many nutrients.

You can sprinkle the seeds on your salad, and you can take a handful of nuts with you and use them as a healthy snack. How many calories are in available nuts and seeds:

Cereals and legumes

Cereals supply what the body needs for a balanced diet.

Consuming slow-acting carbohydrates prevents a sharp rise in blood glucose and keeps you full for several hours. In addition to carbohydrates, legumes contain a large amount of vegetable protein. Calorie content of cereals and legumes per hundred grams:

Pastries and sweets

These products carry virtually no nutritional value, however they are very energy intensive.

When losing weight, it is recommended to reduce the amount of flour products and sweets to a minimum or avoid them altogether. Such products do not contain nutrients, have a significant glycemic index, and supply the body with fast carbohydrates and “empty” calories, which are likely to be stored as fat. Calorie content of sweets:


Sauces and various dressings are usually added to salads or used with meat. Since many of them are quite high in calories, this fact should be taken into account when calculating your daily calorie intake. Calorie table for sauces:

The best foods for weight loss

The main task when losing weight is to saturate the body nutrients without adding unnecessary calories.

Pay attention to products with a low fat content; the method of preparing the dish also matters. It is preferable to steam, boil or bake food in the oven.

The best foods for weight loss in the table:

Product category Recommendations
Meat products Choose boiled chicken breasts or cook lean beef or lean pork in the oven. The egg white should be separated from the yolk to reduce the calorie content of the product. Avoid all processed meats.
Dairy Opt for low-fat milk, cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir to fill your body with protein without extra calories.
Fish and seafood Steamed or grilled fish and seafood can be added to the diet without restrictions.
Vegetables Reduce your consumption of potatoes and corn. Prefer using fresh vegetables for salads or steaming them.
Fruits Consume fruits only when fresh. Fresh fruits are low in calories, with the exception of avocado and banana, but contain a lot of fructose, which is a fast carbohydrate. If you want to lose weight, consider this fact.
Beverages Water, coffee and tea without milk and without sugar in unlimited quantities. Other drinks should be avoided during weight loss.
Nuts and seeds No more than 10 nuts per day, taking into account their calorie content in the daily diet.
Cereals and legumes Cook porridge in water. You should not avoid complex carbohydrates when losing weight - without them, you will quickly break down and break your diet.
Pastries and sweets Avoid while losing weight and limit after this period.
Sauces To dress the salad, just sprinkle it with vegetable oil, vinegar or lemon juice.

The Best Foods for Mass Gain

To build muscle mass, you should increase your daily intake. This, however, does not mean that you need to eat all high-calorie foods in a row.

For a healthy diet, focus on complete proteins and complex carbohydrates.

Product category Recommendations
Meat products Along with boiled breasts, make scrambled eggs, as well as steaks and chops from lean meat.
Dairy Any dairy products are allowed, but it is better to focus on whey protein and cottage cheese as a source of casein.
Fish and seafood Boiled, fried and steamed fish and seafood.
Vegetables Limit your consumption of fresh vegetables, as fiber will prevent the food you eat from being absorbed.
Fruits Limit sugary fruits for fast carbohydrates or use them post-workout.
Beverages Avoid alcohol - it suppresses protein synthesis in the body and reduces the ability of muscles to recover after exercise.
Nuts and seeds Limit your serving size as nuts are difficult for the body to digest and will cause discomfort in the digestive tract if consumed in large quantities.
Cereals and legumes Oatmeal, buckwheat and lentils have a moderate glycemic index and provide the body with many beneficial microelements.
Pastries and sweets Limit these foods due to fast carbohydrates. Can be used as a cheat meal or immediately after training.
Sauces Give preference vegetable oil– artificially prepared sauces contain a lot of preservatives and salt.

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Calorie table for dairy products

The detailed table below will help you quickly calculate the energy value of a particular dish with milk or dairy products.

Name Calorie content, 100 g
Varenets fat content 2.5%53
Yogurt 3.2% fat68
Yogurt 6.0% fat92
Yogurt 1.5% fat52
Kefir 1% fat40
Kefir 2.5% fat53
Kefir 3.2% fat59
Low-fat kefir31
Cow kumiss41
Curd mass232,1
Goat milk66,7
Sheep milk109,7
Milk 3.2% fat, pasteurized60
Milk 3.5% fat, pasteurized62
Pasteurized low-fat milk32
Milk 1.5% fat, pasteurized45
Milk 2.5% fat, pasteurized54
Milk 3.2% fat, sterilized60
Milk 3.5% fat, sterilized63
Milk 1.5% fat, sterilized45
Milk 2.5% fat, sterilized54
Baked milk 4.0% fat67
Curdled milk 2.5% fat53
Curdled milk 3.2% fat59
Curdled milk 1% fat40
Low-fat curdled milk30
Ryazhenka fat content 2.5%54
Ryazhenka fat content 4.0%67
Ryazhenka fat content 6.0%85
Ryazhenka 1% fat40
Cream 20% fat205
Butter 82% fat748
Cream 35% fat335,8
Sour cream 10.0% fat119
Sour cream 15.0% fat162
Sour cream 20.0% fat206
Sour cream 25.0% fat250
Sour cream 30.0% fat293
Sour cream 37% fat291,2
Sour cream 40% fat291,2
Cottage cheese155,3
Cottage cheese 18.0% fat236
Cottage cheese 11.0% fat178
Cottage cheese 4.0% fat136
Low-fat cottage cheese110

Don't forget that overuse eating dairy products can cause calcium metabolism disorders. In order to avoid this, design your menu in such a way that the amount of milk in it does not exceed 20%.