Calorie content of 1 chicken leg. Information for losing weight - calorie content of a chicken leg and the benefits of chicken for the body

Chicken meat is loved and regularly prepared from it; it becomes the basis of a lot of different delicious dishes. Everyone knows how healthy and easily digestible chicken meat is. It is chicken that contains the most protein, amino acids, and important microelements for the human body.

Variety of chicken leg dishes

You can prepare many dishes from chicken meat. Many people prefer to take a part of a chicken carcass for them, which is called a drumstick or just a leg. You can cook delicious and healthy dishes from it. Let's see what cooking options are used and are popular. So, the drumstick can be:

These options for preparing chicken drumsticks are usually used for main courses. For the first course, the much-loved chicken soup, broth is prepared from the legs.

Every family's refrigerator always contains fillets or wings, hangers, backs, etc. Most often, housewives prefer to have drumsticks in stock. They are inexpensive and quick to prepare. Chicken leg dishes are always nice to see on the table. Deliciously cooked chicken meat is sure to whet your appetite. Sometimes we forget that there is a danger of overeating, especially if the food is fatty and high in calories. But in the case of chicken, those who like to eat heavily, even if the drumsticks are, for example, fried, baked or smoked, should not be afraid of harming their body.

The nutritional value of the product is very high. It's impossible to imagine now our diet without it. And what attracts people to chicken is its calorie content.

Chicken meat is consumed at any age, for any disease. It is not contraindicated for anyone, unlike other meat products. Chicken meat can be served as a separate dish or with any side dish. It’s rare that a holiday feast is complete without, for example, baked chicken. Or salads, in which tender, soft chicken meat is an obligatory ingredient.

Calorie content of chicken meat

Poultry or animal meat is considered dietary because it contains a small amount of calories. It is easily digested in the human stomach. The body receives many nutrients and vitamins that are so necessary for humans. For example, chicken contains such very important and microelements useful for the human body s like:

  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus
  • and others.

Unlike lamb, beef, and especially pork, which contain a lot of fat and, therefore, calories, chicken meat is a low-calorie product. Therefore many people prefer to eat chicken so as not to gain weight. Most often, to prepare delicious dishes from it, they take part of the carcass - the drumstick.

The first advantage over animal meat, which contains a lot of calories, which makes it difficult to digest food, is that meat from a chicken leg is quickly and easily absorbed by the body.

The second benefit is that the drumstick contains approximately 16 grams of protein while containing very few calories. This is especially useful for those who decide to go on a diet, as well as athletes. It is best to eat the legs boiled.

Chicken drumsticks have different caloric content. Experts conducted research, based on the results of which they concluded that the number of calories in 100 grams of it is not the same for a number of reasons. It all depends on:

  • chicken breeds;
  • chicken weight;
  • composition of a chicken carcass.

Laying chicken drumsticks have very little calorie content. It is only 180 calories per 100 grams, but a domestic broiler, which gains weight very quickly, has almost 50 calories more calories than a laying hen.

Number of calories depending on cooking method

In addition, the method of preparing shin dishes also affects the calorie content of the product. When it is cooked in the oven, the fat in the skin on it is burned. That is why the calorie content remains within 180.

The simplest dish and method of preparing it is, of course, boiled chicken drumstick. Anyone can play the role of a chef. You don't need any special skills. And another value of boiled chicken lies in its low calorie content. For 100 grams of meat it is only 170 calories. This is the dream of any person who dreams of losing weight.

Chicken cooked in a frying pan is very tasty. Many people love this meat with an appetizing crispy crust. And also beautifully decorated with spices and herbs. However, you should not eat such dishes often. First, the calorie content of a fried chicken drumstick is 240 calories or more. Secondly, such a dish may not always be beneficial for the human stomach.

The average calorie content of smoked drumstick is 190 calories. Especially if it is cold smoked.

If you try to determine the most versatile and easy food, most people will choose chicken. Indeed, it is the lightest and most appetizing snack that gratefully accepts seasonings. And the legs are also quite fatty, and therefore men also value them. The calorie content of a chicken leg may vary depending on the method of preparation, but in any case, the indicator will surprise a losing weight person, for whom calorie content is the main factor of choice. Let's reveal the secret!

Why do we love chicken?

Indeed, why do we love this gentle bird so much if we do not speak positively about its mental abilities? We compare a stupid person to a chicken, and a loud-mouthed person to a rooster. But almost everyone loves chicken on the table. Chicken meat is a very “grateful” base for any dish, be it just a roast, cutlets, minced meat or dumplings. It is surprising and pleasing that chicken is eaten almost entirely. Some housewives even adapt paws and scallops and make jellied meat based on them. But it turns out delicious! What can we say about Sometimes they are compared to sunflower seeds, meaning the fact that it is impossible to tear yourself away from fried wings, and you cannot get enough of them. Calories without skin are only 156 calories. This figure will satisfy the requirements of even those girls who adhere to a very strict diet. But the chicken leg is more fatty than other parts of the chicken.

Oh, those legs!

The beauty of chicken lies in its softness, tenderness and high cooking speed. In addition, chicken tempts with its affordable price and ease of serving. Chicken legs with skin will complement the daily home menu and decorate the holiday table. Their calorie content will be slightly higher than without the skin. By the way, even a leg with skin can remain dietary if the meat is boiled, steamed or baked without oil. But if you fry them, after marinating them in mayonnaise or any other fatty sauce, then the calorie content of a chicken leg can reach up to 210 calories. This part of the chicken is ergonomic, and therefore the meat becomes an excellent buffet dish and a universal choice for a picnic or barbecue party.

By the way, legs are the most accessible and affordable, even among other parts of the chicken. Because of this, a huge variety of recipes have appeared. A chef can cook legs every day and never repeat the cooking method. The legs are delicious to fry, boil, bake and stew. They also make an excellent base for soups, appetizers or deep-frying.

Taste Factor

The calorie content of a chicken leg allows you to supplement the recipe on this basis with a variety of ingredients. Agree, low-calorie meat will harmoniously combine with vegetables, spices, herbs and even fruits! After all, the legs can be cooked with pineapples or apples. The taste will be incredibly original! It’s even easier to chop the drumsticks and lightly sprinkle them with a mixture of pepper and salt. After this, the legs need to be fried in butter and enjoy the taste. No time wasted, but the dish seems truly festive. If the taste is good even in such a primitive recipe, then it is difficult to imagine the extravaganza of aromas in sophisticated dishes!

A little bit of imagination!

There are a great many options for cooking chicken, and they are all simple. But it’s almost impossible to spoil it! It is tender, light and tasty. The main thing is not to burn it on fire and not to overdo it with spices. If there's a festive dinner on the horizon, how about drumsticks simmered in a delicious creamy sauce and baked in a sleeve? The calorie content will not increase much, but when calculating the total energy value of the dish, you need to remember about the sauce and side dish. For the marinade, prepare a spacious bowl, into which pour about 100-150 grams of cream, a large spoon of sour cream, add grated garlic and onion, cut into half rings. Place chicken legs in the sauce so that they completely “drown” in the mixture, and leave in the cold for a couple of hours.

After the appointed time, prepare the sleeve; cut a large carrot into thin slices and place the pickled legs. The marinade can be sent after the meat. Approximately 40-50 minutes in the oven, and the legs are ready to serve. Guests will lick their fingers and definitely ask for more. You can diversify this dish with stuffing. The legs go well with mushrooms, sweet peppers and other vegetables.


To put it bluntly, dieting is not at all fun, since you have to limit yourself in the most pleasant thing - food. And it’s such a shame that the most delicious things are always forbidden. However, the calorie content of a chicken leg allows you to fit the bird into any dietary framework. You can even get creative with the side dish! For lunch, Azerbaijani soup made from drumsticks and peppers is good. And a purely Italian recipe - chicken legs in tomato paste - can also be enjoyed for dinner, as it is hearty, but not heavy.

Interestingly, not every nutritionist recommends drumsticks because of the large number of blood vessels in this part of the chicken. The leg meat is darker and tougher than the meat in the wings or breast. The value of meat is also questionable, since not every chicken is kept in good conditions. More cholesterol “settles” in the drumsticks, and if the chicken does not walk much, then fat is not consumed there at all. But the harm of meat manifests itself only due to excessive eating, and within reasonable limits, drumsticks enrich the body with vitamins and amino acids, and also treat anemia and affect the condition of the blood.

Chicken meat is used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. It is very popular because it has a good taste, is affordable, and very satisfying. You can use it to prepare dishes that are not only tasty, but also healthy. It is worth noting that different parts of chicken have different nutritional and energy values, and may also contain cholesterol. So, they divide the most dietary - these are light-colored parts (breast), and the more high-calorie parts - they are dark in color with a high fat content, which include legs. The latter have a good taste and are especially popular when fried, despite the fact that they are less healthy.

In the modern world, dishes made from poultry meat are extremely popular. That is why there are many ways to prepare this kind of culinary masterpieces, the most famous and widespread of which are fried chicken legs.


Chicken drumstick, like other parts, contains large amounts of useful substances such as proteins and various amino acids. The composition is also rich in vitamin A, group of B vitamins, iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium. Therefore, its use is indicated for people with a lack of iron in the body and diseases such as anemia. Also, it will be useful to eat legs for people with exhaustion and lack of muscle mass - the high protein content promotes rapid weight gain. In addition, taking such high-calorie food is recommended for athletes and people who experience heavy physical activity - it will quickly restore lost strength and return to normal.


Along with its benefits, a large number of calories makes this product harmful if consumed frequently. The situation is aggravated by the high fat content, so if you eat it every day, you can gain several extra pounds in a short time. For this reason, eating fried drumsticks is not recommended for those who are losing weight.

In addition, during frying, vegetable oil is used, which also has a high calorie content and additionally increases the energy value. In addition, chicken legs are a source of harmful cholesterol, which can form plaques in blood vessels. Therefore, people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, or a predisposition to them, as well as those who are obese should refrain from eating this dish.

Nutritional value, BJU

Considering the fact that people are now thoroughly concerned with their health and pay attention to the beneficial properties of food, not the least attention is paid to the calorie content of food. That is why it is worth considering the energy value of the product. After all, you really want the dish to be both tasty and healthy.

So, the calorie content of fried chicken leg per 100 g is 169.18 Kcal. The nutritional value is as follows:

  • calorie content 169 kcal
  • proteins 20 g
  • fat 24 g
  • carbohydrates 0.12 g

Now you know the calorie content of a fried chicken leg, and therefore you can take this information into account when planning your daily diet. After all, naturally, you can eat everything, but you should pay special attention to when to do it and in what quantity. Because it is overeating and non-compliance with the nutritional schedule that entails irreparable consequences.

How to reduce calories

You can make the dish more dietary if you cook the meat using an air fryer - then the excess fat will drain off during heat treatment. As a side dish, it is better to use vegetable salads without oil - this combination will allow the food to be absorbed faster.

But you may be wondering how many calories are in that chicken on your plate.

People eat various parts of chicken, including chicken breast, thighs, wings, and drumsticks. Each part contains a different number of calories and different proportions of protein and fat.

Here are the calories for the most popular parts of chicken.

Chicken breast: 284 calories

Chicken breast is one of the most popular parts of chicken. It is rich in protein and low in fat, making it an excellent choice for people trying to lose weight.

One cooked skinless, boneless chicken breast (172 grams) contains the following nutrients ():

  • Calories: 284 kcal.
  • Protein: 53.4 g.
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g.
  • Fat: 6.2 g.

A 100 gram serving of chicken breast contains 165 calories, 31 grams of protein and 3.6 grams of fat ().

This means that approximately 80% of the calories in a chicken breast come from protein and 20% from fat.

Keep in mind that these amounts are for chicken breast without any added ingredients. Once you start cooking it in oil or adding marinades or sauces, you will increase the total number of calories, carbohydrates and fat.


Chicken breast is a low-fat, high-protein part of the chicken. One chicken breast contains 284 calories, or 165 calories for every 100 grams. About 80% of calories come from protein and 20% from fat.

Chicken thigh: 109 calories

Chicken thigh is slightly more tender and flavorful than chicken breast due to its higher fat content.

One cooked skinless, boneless chicken thigh (52 grams) contains ():

  • Calories: 109 kcal.
  • Protein: 13.5 g.
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g.
  • Fat: 5.7 g.

A 100 gram serving of chicken thigh contains 209 calories, 26 grams of protein and 10.9 grams of fat ().

Thus, 53% of calories come from protein and 47% from fat.

Chicken thighs are often less expensive than chicken breasts, making them a good choice for anyone.


One chicken thigh contains 109 calories, or 209 calories for every 100 grams. Calories come 53% from protein and 47% from fat.

Chicken wings: 43 calories

When you think of a healthy part of chicken, chicken wings probably don't come to mind.

However, as long as they are not coated in breading or sauce or grilled, they can easily fit into a healthy diet.

One cooked skinless, boneless chicken wing (21 grams) contains ():

  • Calories: 42.6 kcal.
  • Protein: 6.4 g.
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g.
  • Fat: 1.7 g.

A 100 gram serving of chicken wings contains 203 calories, 30.5 grams of protein and 8.1 grams of fat ().

This means that 64% of calories come from protein and 36% from fat.


One chicken wing contains 43 calories, and a 100 gram serving of wings contains 203 calories. Calories come 64% from protein and 36% from fat.

Chicken drumsticks: 76 calories

Chicken legs consist of two parts - thigh and drumstick. Chicken drumstick is the lower part of the leg.

One cooked skinless, boneless chicken drumstick (44 grams) contains ():

  • Calories: 76 kcal.
  • Protein: 12.4 g.
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g.
  • Fat: 2.5 g.

A 100 gram serving of chicken drumsticks contains 172 calories, 28.3 grams of protein and 5.7 grams of fat ().

When it comes to counting calories, about 70% comes from protein and 30% from fat.


One chicken drumstick contains 76 calories, and 100 grams contains 172 calories. 70% of calories come from protein and 30% from fat.

Other parts of chicken

While chicken breast, thighs, wings and drumsticks are the most popular parts of chicken, there are also several others to choose from.

Here are the calorie content of some other parts of chicken (, , ,):

  • Chicken strips (small breast muscles of chicken): 263 calories for every 100 grams.
  • Chicken backs: 137 calories for every 100 grams.
  • Dark meat: 125 calories for every 100 grams.
  • Light meat: 114 calories for every 100 grams.


The amount of calories in different parts of chicken varies. Light meat has the lowest amount of calories, while chicken strips have the highest level.

Chicken skin adds calories

While skinless chicken breast contains 284 calories with 80% protein and 20% fat, these numbers change dramatically when skin is included ().

One cooked boneless, skin-on chicken breast (196 grams) contains ():

  • Calories: 386 kcal.
  • Protein: 58.4 g.
  • Fat: 15.2 g.

In skin-on chicken breast, 50% of the calories come from protein and 50% from fat. Additionally, eating skin adds almost 100 calories ().

Likewise, one skin-on chicken wing (34 grams) contains 99 calories, compared to 42 calories for a skinless wing (21 grams). Thus, 60% of the calories in chicken wings with skin come from fat, compared to 36% in skinless wings (,).

So if you're watching your weight or fat intake, eat skinless chicken to minimize calories and fat.


Eating chicken with the skin adds a significant amount of calories and fat. Remove skin before consumption to reduce calories.

How you cook chicken matters

Chicken meat alone contains relatively low amounts of calories and fat compared to other meats. But once you start adding butter, sauce, batter and breading, the calories start adding up.

For example, a cooked skinless, boneless chicken thigh (52 grams) contains 109 calories and 5.7 grams of fat ().

But the same battered chicken thigh contains 144 calories and 8.6 grams of fat. A chicken thigh fried in a flour coating contains even more, with 162 calories and 9.3 grams of fat (,).

Similarly, one cooked boneless, skinless chicken wing (21 grams) contains 43 calories and 1.7 grams of fat ().

However, a chicken wing baked in barbecue sauce contains 61 calories and 3.7 grams of fat. This compares to a wing fried in a flour coating, which contains 61 calories and 4.2 grams of fat (,).

Therefore, cooking methods that add a little fat, such as boiling, sautéing, frying, grilling and steaming, are the best choices for keeping calorie levels low.


Cooking techniques such as breading and coating the meat in sauce can add more than a few calories to your chicken. For the ultimate low-calorie version of chicken, you can boil, grill, stew, or steam it.


Chicken is a popular food item, and most parts are low in calories and fat, providing adequate protein.

Here are calorie calculations of the most favorite parts of chicken without bones and skin per 100 grams:

  • Chicken breast: 165 calories.
  • Chicken thigh: 209 calories.
  • Chicken wing: 203 calories.
  • Chicken drumstick: 172 calories.

Please note that eating leather or using unhealthy cooking methods adds calories.