Which solarium is better: vertical? Choosing the type of hook for a sewing machine

An exercise bike helps to train the cardiovascular system, strengthen leg muscles, and develop mobility of the hip, knee and ankle joints. .

This type of exercise machine is great for home workouts, and some models are so great that they can easily fit even in small apartments.

By design, exercise bikes are divided into vertical and horizontal. Here we will reveal the features of each model, their advantages and disadvantages.

Upright exercise bike

The vertical trainer completely imitates a bicycle, only without wheels. It consists of a pedal block, a seat, and handles. In most models, the seat height, tilt and steering wheel height are adjustable.

According to the degree of load, vertical type simulators can be mechanical (belt or shoe), magnetic, electromagnetic, with or without displays.

Also found among them. Such models are more popular due to their compactness and lower price compared to horizontal ones.

Advantages of a vertical simulator:

  • The closest approximation to training on a regular bike.
  • Small sizes.
  • The ability to change body positions to train one or another muscle group.
  • Efficient in burning calories.
  • Affordable prices.


  • High load on the back, in particular the spine.
  • There is not always an even distribution of weight, which can result in a large load on the joints of the shoulders, knees, and hands.

Who is a vertical trainer suitable for?

A vertical exercise bike is suitable only for those people who do not have any problems with the spine, hip joints, or kneecaps. Due to the fact that the head acquires a slight tilt on such a simulator, those who have cervical osteochondrosis can quickly get tired and feel pain in the neck.

In a word, Only healthy people should buy this type of device.

Recumbent exercise bike

The design of such a simulator differs significantly from the one described above.

The model is equipped with a backrest, and the pedal unit is located not under the seat, but under the steering wheel. Most often these are magnetic or electromagnetic models.

An exercise bike relieves stress from the spine and knee joints. During training, the body is practically in a reclining position, and the hands do not rest on the steering wheel. Although, if you wish, you can take the usual “bicycle” pose.

This model is often used in rehabilitation centers where people recover from severe injuries. This simulator is also called.

A recumbent exercise bike for home will not give you quick results; it works in a gentle mode and is designed for slow action.

Advantages of a horizontal simulator:

  • Convenience, comfort.
  • No back strain.


  • High price.
  • Bulky, heavy, large in size.
  • Doesn't give quick results.

Who is the horizontal trainer suitable for?

The horizontal type is suitable for people with spinal injuries, osteochondrosis, injuries to the knee, shoulder or hip joints. It trains the cardiovascular system better. Due to the gentle regime, it will be comfortable for people with vegetative-vascular dystonia, shortness of breath, tachycardia and fatigue to train on it.

You should not choose a horizontal exercise machine for those whose goal is to lose weight. There will be results, but you will have to increase the duration of training several times rather than doing it on a vertical simulator.

If your main goal is to lose weight, and you do not complain about your health, then it is better to choose another one.

If you have limited space in your home, this is also a reason to think about the feasibility of such a purchase. Your budget also matters. Horizontal devices are much more expensive than vertical ones.

Which exercise bike is better: vertical or horizontal?

Due to completely different designs, it cannot be said that one simulator is better than another. They shouldn't be compared because they are designed for completely different purposes.

Horizontal– for hardy, healthy people with a strong back and no joint disorders. This model is suitable for losing excess weight and pumping up leg muscles.

Vertical– for those who have had injuries, are in a period of rehabilitation, have disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and have lower endurance. The simulator is more focused on gradually strengthening the body.

Any type of simulator may differ in such parameters as the presence of a cycling computer, heart rate monitor, and other electronic sensors. The materials, build quality, and weight of the devices also vary.


To choose the type of exercise bike for yourself, you must clearly assess the state of your body, health and know why you need the tool.

This is the only way you can understand which exercise bike is best for you for training: horizontal or vertical.

Choose other add-ons (sensors, settings, etc.) at your discretion.

Useful video

This video will clearly show how to properly exercise on a recumbent exercise bike:

A solarium is nothing more than a special platform for tanning using ultraviolet lamps. A beautiful, even tan, a good mood and a healthy appearance are the results obtained in a solarium. So which solarium is better: horizontal or vertical?

Ultraviolet lamps used in solariums.

Lamps in solariums are high and low pressure devices based on the action of UV (ultraviolet), electromagnetic waves, the length of which is shorter compared to visible light.
A, B, C – index of ultraviolet rays differing in power. C - rays do not reach the ground; a person tans under the influence of ultraviolet rays A and B, which are used in all solariums. The most powerful of them is B (280-320 nanometers), the weaker is A (320-400 nanometers). A healthy tan comes from selective exposure to a UV lamp in a solarium.

The lamps used in solariums come in high and low pressure. More modern and safer - low pressure lamps. In most tanning salons, in addition to regular ones, they use pink, blue, purple or green lamps.

Pink lamps are used when there is a risk of drying out the skin, green lamps are used to obtain a basic tan, blue lamps are used for quick tanning, purple lamps are similar in effect to blue lamps, but are more effective. Sometimes mirrored booths are used; due to the speed of UV rays, there is a risk of getting burned in 3-5 minutes.

According to some reports, ultraviolet lamps in a solarium, unlike sunlight, do not emit gamma rays that cause radiation sickness, and their effects are most similar to those that appear during sunrise or sunset.

What are the benefits of visiting a solarium?

1. Obtaining vitamin D as a result of ultraviolet radiation;
2. reduces the manifestations of acne if the disease is not a consequence of hormonal imbalance;
3. warming the body during a cold accelerates recovery;
4. regulation of the tanning process by weakening or increasing the radiation power;
5. The production of endorphin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation helps to cope with bad mood, stress and depression.

However, remember: excessive exposure to artificial sunbathing leads to premature skin aging and cancer, as well as hair damage.

What should be the best solarium?

1. Spacious, dry and ventilated room (total area of ​​at least 5 sq. m).
2. Air temperature no more than +25°.
3. Periodic replacement of lamps (every 400-500 hours of operation).

How to make a choice?

Before choosing “your” solarium, you need to know your skin type, and the possible duration and frequency of the tanning procedure.

If you have light brown or red hair and light bluish-pink skin, then you have a Celtic skin type. It is better for you to give up the solarium and use a self-tanner. If you really want, you can try lamps with minimal power, but no more than 3 minutes. If the procedure was successful, it can be repeated. Maximum duration – 10 minutes. 1-2 times a week.

Brown or light brown hair and fair skin are signs of the Nordic type. It shows the use of a solarium for 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a week. The first procedure takes no more than 5 minutes.

Dark skin and dark hair are of the European type; brown or black hair and dark skin are of the Mediterranean type. For European and Mediterranean types, after 3 times a week for 20 minutes. the skin will take on a chocolate color.

In order for the tan to go on evenly, it is necessary to cleanse the skin with peeling or scrub, since the tan goes on more evenly on cleansed skin. To maintain your tan, it is good to drink carrot juice.

Types of solariums

The most famous: horizontal and vertical.

Horizontal classic with a stable position of the lamps, the body is motionless, which ensures an even tan. Periodically you need to change your body position in order to avoid white stripes of an untanned body.

Vertical solarium provides faster results thanks to its more powerful lamps. In order for the tan to be even, you need to take a certain position, for example, raise your arms, or be in motion. Modern solariums are often equipped with lift lamps and an aroma system.

If all safety rules are followed, it is impossible to get burns in such a solarium. The duration of the session depends on the skin type and wishes of the client.

Turbo solarium differs from previous types only in the presence of cooled ventilation. The tanning procedure occurs intensively, quickly, as in windy weather.

Seated solarium– used for tanning hands, décolleté and face. Powerful lamps are designed to provide quick results. People rarely visit such solariums, for example, when there is an event coming up and you need to quickly add color to visible areas of the body.

Collagen solarium involves the use of red and blue lamps. They have a healing effect: blue ones fight microbes, red ones stimulate skin renewal. They regulate metabolic processes, promote the production of elastin, collagen and the removal of toxins.

Studio solarium in beauty salons it operates like a separate professional. Consultation is given locally about the effect of the solarium.

-~- Which solarium to choose: horizontal or vertical? Continuing the conversation about, we decided to compare how horizontal and vertical solariums differ (and whether they differ at all) in order to understand which one to choose. Many beauty salons and tanning studios offer both types to choose from. In which solarium can you get the most beautiful tan?

Horizontal solarium

If your legs don't tan well, your choice is a horizontal solarium. In it, you can lie on your side, so that the inner part of your thigh sunbathes, and expose the “rays” to one area of ​​your legs, then another. You can bend your legs a little to stretch the skin. Have you noticed that your knees usually get sunburned more intensely at sea? This happens because the skin stretches on them during sunbathing.

If you want to protect your face from ultraviolet rays or you simply like lighter skin on your face, this type of horizontal solarium is suitable for you, where the “facial” lamps are turned off.

If, on the contrary, you want your face to be well tanned, check whether the horizontal solarium has more powerful lamps for the face than for the whole body. In many models of solariums, facial lamps are several times more powerful.

Vertical solarium

The sides tan better in a vertical solarium: in a horizontal solarium, this area receives the least attention.

A vertical solarium is more hygienic, since the skin does not come into contact with its walls. However, if we are talking about a good tanning studio (and there is no point in going to another), then the issue of hygiene should not worry you: the surface of the solarium is disinfected after each visitor. In other cases, special disposable films are used, which are changed before each new client.

In a vertical solarium, you can move and even dance to the music - this is a great way to ensure an even tan.

Those with dark, tanned skin will be pleased with more powerful lamps installed in a vertical solarium.
The ideal option is to visit horizontal and vertical solariums in turn. Then the tan will lie most evenly, there will be no light stripes and spots, your legs will be perfectly tanned even if it usually takes a lot of time.
Sunbathe with pleasure and health benefits!

An even golden tan is a sign of human beauty and health. That's why many strive to maintain a bronzed skin tone all year round, not just in the summer. A solarium helps a lot with this. Minimum time and money - maximum pleasure and brown skin tone! At the moment, there are several types of artificial tanning machines, so many are interested in which solarium is better. Let's look at the pros and cons of each.

Types of solarium

Horizontal solarium

The main advantage of a horizontal solarium is the convenience of the procedure. You just lie back, warm up and relax. But this solarium has more disadvantages:

  • It takes longer to achieve a beautiful shade.
  • Many people don’t like the fact that they have to come into contact with the surface of the glass.
  • The tan may be uneven due to some areas of the skin being closer to the lamps than others.

Vertical solarium

A more modern type of solarium compared to the previous one. You need to stand in it, holding the handrails, the tan turns out much more even. The advantages also include the small amount of time that needs to be spent to achieve a good result. Among the disadvantages is that the legs sometimes tan worse than the torso and arms.

To the question of which solarium is better: horizontal or vertical, the answer can be unequivocal: vertical. By comparing their pros and cons, you will understand why.

Turbo solarium

What is a good solarium to visit? Of course, a turbo solarium! It is very powerful, so the tanning procedure time can be even shorter than when tanning in a regular vertical tanning system. Such a solarium may have additional functions that will pleasantly diversify your pastime: aroma installations, a music center, various tanning programs.

Even if everyone recommends going to a certain solarium, before visiting, do not hesitate to ask for a certificate with information about the radiation in the solarium, the power and the frequency of lamp replacement. Despite the fact that a solarium is very useful - it relieves stress, treats some skin diseases, and improves your mood, it can be very harmful, causing burns and skin cancer. Therefore, it is very important not to “overcook”. If you have never gone to a solarium before, start with just a few minutes, gradually increasing the procedure time. It is considered normal to visit the solarium approximately once every 3 days. If you do get sunburned, do not go to the solarium until the skin is completely restored.

The right tanning cream

You can get a wonderful tan in a solarium very quickly, and a good tanning cream will help you avoid getting sunburned. If you are a frequent visitor to the solarium, buy yourself a cream, and you will not regret it. Well, now we’ll talk about which tanning creams are best to choose.

  1. Regular tanning cream will not work; you need to choose tanning cream for a solarium!
  2. Choose a cream according to your skin type. There are creams for dry, normal and oily skin.
  3. It would be nice if you got two types of creams: the first - for fair skin, will be useful for the first 2-3 sessions, and the second - for dark, tanned skin, will help achieve a chocolate shade.
  4. It would be a good idea to have some face cream and protective lipstick.
  5. The choice of tanning cream also depends on skin color. Light skin with freckles is much more sensitive than dark skin. For fair skin, a cream without bronzers is suitable. If the cream contains antioxidants, then the owner of delicate skin can be calm - the skin will be protected. If your skin is naturally dark, then a cream with bronzers will help enhance your tan. The tan will be bright after 2-3 visits to the solarium.
  6. For those who have normal, non-allergy-prone skin, you can choose a cream with a tringle effect. But such a cream is contraindicated for people with fair skin and those who are just starting to go to the solarium. Cream with tringle effect stimulates intensive production of melanin pigment. After applying the cream, the skin tingles slightly. This cream will help you quickly achieve a chocolate tan.
  7. A good tanning cream is hypoallergenic and contains no oils or alcohols.
  8. Whitening components in tanning cream are contraindicated! Be sure to check that they are not there.
  9. A good quality of tanning cream is the presence of a moisturizing component, since tanning in a solarium dries out the skin.

Which best tanning cream to choose based on price and brand, you decide for yourself, based on your preferences. Although there is an opinion that price does not play a special role, the tan turns out good with both cheap and expensive creams.

Now all you have to do is choose a suitable solarium, buy a good cream and tan to your health!

In the summer season, there is a special desire to be irresistible, to catch the admiring glances of men, to take spectacular resort pictures in a bikini, proudly showing off your smooth tanned skin. A solarium will help you achieve this combination in a short time. How to sunbathe correctly in a solarium?

Going to a solarium is the best and, perhaps, the most reasonable way to get an even and pleasant tan in a short time without the risk of sunburn. It is considered “reasonable” because before the tanning procedure you undergo a consultation with a specialist who, based on the characteristics of your skin, builds an individual tanning strategy and determines the time of each session. To get the best possible tan in a solarium, always follow the advice of professionals.

How to get a good tan in a solarium - approach it wisely

Paradoxically, tanning is a natural measure to protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays. Yes, tanning is a beauty that is accompanied by an inflammatory reaction! Do you remember how your skin “burns” in the evenings and nights? We're not even talking about sunburn, which can ruin a cloudless beach life. It's nice that today we have modern devices at the service of our beauty, which make it so easy to get a good tan in a solarium.

Before each visit to the solarium, wash off all cosmetics from your skin and do not use perfume.

The innovative capabilities of tanning beds will help you achieve a luxurious bronze skin tone and be best prepared for the beach season. So, how to sunbathe in a solarium to achieve the desired effect? First, you should understand that you cannot tan for two days in a row. After the first visit, you need to give your skin a rest for at least a couple of days. Taking “solar baths” is not exactly relaxation, but rather stress for the entire skin.

How to get a good tan in a solarium? To make you happy with the result, do not forget about moisturizing your skin. After all, beautiful tanned skin is actually dehydrated skin. If you don’t moisturize it in the required amount, you risk getting wrinkles like a Shar-Pei’s. And who needs a bronze tan with such a side effect?

To get a beautiful, healthy tan, visit the solarium no more than once every two days.

Tanned skin, contrary to popular belief, needs to be exfoliated. You don’t want to end up with spots and an uneven color instead of a tan. Using coffee grounds as a scrub will help keep your skin soft. It will help keep your skin toned and preserve its beautiful natural color for as long as possible.

What is better - a vertical or horizontal solarium?

Cabins for sunbathing come in different varieties - now you can increasingly see vertical solariums. What is better - a vertical or horizontal solarium? It depends on the individual properties of the skin.

Modern horizontal solariums, when used properly, will provide the desired effect to almost any skin type. The wide range of capabilities of these devices guarantees complete safety of the procedure. The horizontal solarium is a classic, but not everyone tolerates closed space and restricted movements equally well. It is not uncommon to get an uneven tan in horizontal solariums.

The duration of a tanning session in a vertical solarium is 2-3 times less than in a horizontal one

A new product in the cosmetic industry is a vertical solarium. Here you can take any comfortable position and get an even tan. Often, horizontal solariums are equipped with stereo systems and other technical “gags” that can make the tanning procedure as comfortable as possible. The disadvantages of this type of solarium are the use of powerful lamps, which with prolonged exposure increase the risk of burns.