Which drought-resistant flowers are best to choose for a flowerbed in a sunny area? Drought-resistant frost plants and drought-resistant flowers.

There are plants and flowers that can withstand severe dehydration, but still not lose their fertility and abundant flowering. Today we will look at which drought-resistant plants you can determine for yourself.

The presence of small fluff, thorns or a waxy coating on representatives of the flora indicates the ability to tolerate drought well and not die from dehydration. Most of them are intended for indoor growing. And for the garden, both drought-resistant and shade-loving ones mainly take the form of shrubs.

Drought immunity

You can increase your ability to tolerate drought on your own. Before sowing, the seeds need to be slightly hardened. If the plant has already suffered drought and did not die, then it becomes resistant to minimal watering.

Phosphorus and potassium in the form of fertilizers affect drought resistance. Shrubs and flowers should be well irrigated so that they can survive without watering for a longer period of time. The drought-resistant ones, which will be given below, clearly prove that for each room and area you can select a suitable representative of the flora.

How to help plants adapt to drought

The basic rule is that it is necessary to spread tree bark, grass, wood chips, sawdust, straw or other covering material on the surface of the earth where the plant is grown. This manipulation will protect drought-resistant plants:

Today, breeders have bred a huge number of shrubs that remain evergreen. Among them there are many flowering ones. There is also an abundance of choice and drought-resistant varieties. Below is a list of them. It includes beautiful and original drought-resistant plants for a garden with infrequent watering.


When this miniature tree enters the flowering stage, it becomes the most beautiful highlight of any garden plot. The bush is slow growing. Lilac has green leaves with a gray or blue tint.

During flowering, white, pink or purple tassels with small balls appear on it. But already in April-May they open. Gorgeous clusters of flowers are fragrant with a pleasant aroma. The smell can be heard within a radius of several meters from the bush.

Lilacs are usually planted along the fence. After a beautiful flowering, it becomes an equally beautiful decoration of a private estate. This bush is quite tall. Its height reaches 5 meters, its width reaches 4 meters. In addition to its sufficient resistance to drought, it does not require special soil for excellent flowering and growth. Lilacs are naturally compact and do not require special pruning.


This bush always remains green. Only in spring do yellow or orange flowers appear on it. After flowering, red berries appear in their place. Thanks to its thorns, the bush will serve as an excellent defense against uninvited guests.

Its height reaches two meters, the width is the same. After flowering, barberry is trimmed. Trimming makes it more compact and round. The bush is completely unpretentious, often growing from a berry that has fallen to the ground. You can also plant many types of this beautiful shrub.


This drought-resistant bush will perfectly decorate your garden plot or become a wonderful hedge. The most suitable for its growth are the northern and middle parts of the garden. There are about 65 varieties of this shrub. Spiraea has beautiful and chic flowering. Each species has its own shade of inflorescences.

The shrub is often planted in city parks and squares. Spirea is completely unpretentious in terms of care. It just requires good soil drainage. Sunlight has a beneficial effect on its flowering. Only in good light does spirea bloom wildly and colorfully.


It is an evergreen bush. Yucca does not require regular watering at all. It is an ornamental garden plant. It has very sharp, prickly and long leaves. During flowering, the yucca throws out an arrow. A huge plume with large creamy-white flowers appears on it.

In some varieties of yucca, thin white threads descend from the leaves. Such plants are considered the most beautiful. The bright color of this decorative representative of the flora does not change throughout the year. A hot and dry climate is suitable for good health. But yucca is also adapted to severe frosts.

Dwarf euonymus

Due to its amazing color, it is considered the most magnificent among drought-resistant shrubs. It was popularly nicknamed the burning bush. In summer it turns emerald green. Then orange and red berries appear. And in autumn the color turns fiery red.

Euonymus perfectly decorates a garden plot or lawn. The shrub is resistant to severe frosts. But in order for it to please with its rich color, it must be planted on fertile soil. Loves abundant sunlight. He is not afraid of all kinds of diseases and drought.

Drought-resistant indoor plants, care, names

You should not refuse if your house or other premises are not entirely favorable for floriculture. Some flowers and shrubs do not require high air humidity. There are many indoor plants that, with minimal care, will delight their owners with their beauty. Among them there are also flowering ones. Below is a short list of drought-resistant plants. Their names are known to all flower lovers.


People call it "mother-in-law's tongue." Feels great in a room with dry air. She is very afraid of soil overflow. Therefore, you need to water it moderately. There is no need to spray it; sometimes just wiping the leaves is enough.

Sansevieria feels great in any room lighting. This is a very heat-loving flower that does not require special feeding. In the spring, it is enough to feed it once with cactus fertilizer. If it has grown greatly, the sansevieria should be replanted. Despite the fact that it is quite difficult to wait for it to bloom.


Feels great in a dry room. Watering should be done moderately; flooding is dangerous for it. No need to spray. Feels comfortable both in the shade and in the sun. Loves warmth. Feed once every six months. The plant must be replanted every 2 years. It blooms, but the flowers are inconspicuous.

Elephant Yucca

Adapts to any air. Watering should be moderate, and in winter it should be reduced to a minimum. Spraying is not necessary. Loves direct sunlight. Temperatures for elephant yucca are moderate. It is recommended to fertilize once a month, like cacti. Does not require transplantation. Only the lateral shoots are trimmed.

Crassula (crassula)

Popularly called the "money tree". Excellent tolerance to dry air. Requires moderate watering. In winter, watering should be reduced to once a month, without spraying. The fat woman loves exclusively diffused lighting. Direct sun causes burns on the leaves. It is advisable to keep it in a room with moderately warm air. Once a month, feed with fertilizers for cacti.


People call it "the flower of the bride." Tolerant of dry air, but requires abundant watering in spring and summer. In winter, watering should be minimal. In summer it is advisable to spray spathiphyllum. For abundant flowering, 18-23 degrees of heat is required. You should feed it once every two weeks, like any flowering plant. Every spring the flower requires replanting.

Drought-resistant indoor plants do not always have an unsightly appearance. This also applies to garden shrubs. Many of them delight their owners with gorgeous blooms. They will perfectly decorate any home, garden or lawn in front of the windows. And the secrets of how to grow drought-resistant plants from a whimsical flower will help you achieve good results. Go for it, and you will succeed!

By choosing drought-resistant flowers for a flowerbed in a sunny area, residents of southern regions characterized by high summer temperatures and low rainfall can significantly reduce labor costs by reducing the number of waterings. Plants that easily tolerate drought are, as a rule, undemanding to the composition of the soil and do not need fertilizing. Such qualities will greatly facilitate the care of the flower garden.

Drought resistance in a number of plants is genetically determined: nature contributed to an increase in survival, which affected not only the cellular level, but also the appearance:

  • the evaporating surface of the plant has decreased or the number of parts storing moisture has increased;
  • a powerful and well-branched root system appeared, going deep into the soil.

Not all of the drought-resistant flowers bloom lushly, but not all of them look like camel thorn either. Many plants that tolerate sun and infrequent watering are distinguished by their lushness and decorativeness despite the fact that they can survive drought. Their range is so wide that you can easily choose flowers for your flowerbed that satisfy the gardener in all respects.

Tall species

A flowerbed that combines different flowers planted in tiers looks impressive: tall ones are planted in the center of a round flowerbed or in the background of a flower bed adjacent to the wall of a building. Of the tall plants in arid regions, the following are popular:

  1. 1 Karyopteris (nutwing) delights with bright foliage from early spring, and in August and September it blooms blue fragrant inflorescences, similar to panicles, because of which in English-speaking countries it is called bluebeard. Varieties with blue and white flowers have been bred. The bushes of the plant are compact, do not fall apart, the height of the shoots is 0.5-1.5 m. With the onset of autumn, the foliage of the plant becomes especially decorative, changing color from green to various shades of brown, green and yellow.
  2. 2 Crocosmia (Montbrecia) is a bulbous iris plant native to South Africa. The smell of dried flowers is reminiscent of saffron. The height of the bushes, depending on the variety, is 0.6-1.5 m. Due to the abundance of varieties, it has an extended flowering period from June to the end of September; the flowers can be of various shades of yellow and red.
  3. 3 Mallow (mallow) is considered an annual weed, but is cultivated as an ornamental flower. This plant has 25 species, the same number of flower shapes, colors and sizes. In height (depending on the variety), mallow grows from 30 to 120 cm.

Medium height forms

This is the middle tier of the flowerbed, it is closer to the edge and therefore should be lower. There will be drought-resistant plants blooming against the backdrop of the “giants” of the previous tier:

  1. 1 Echinacea from the Asteraceae family pleases the eye with an abundance of colors - burgundy, yellow, pink and purple petals surround a convex center. Straight, rough stems reach a height of 1 m. This plant has a long (about 2 months) flowering period, starting in mid-summer.
  2. 2 Gaillardia (gaillardia) is an annual plant of the aster family, about half a meter high, with flowers ranging from yellow to red-brown in color, looks impressive against the background of the greenery of tall shrubs.
  3. 3 The bell (campanula) reaches half a meter in height. This herbaceous perennial plant blooms with purple, blue or white flowers.
  4. 4 Liatris is a corm plant that forms inflorescences with a total length of up to half a meter, blooming from top to bottom. Blooms from June to August.
  5. 5 Sandy immortelle (tsmin) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family, up to 60 cm high. The flowers do not fade and do not lose color even after cutting.

low growing flowers

The foreground of a flowerbed in a sunny area is made up of low representatives of drought-resistant flora:

  1. 1 Marigolds are often used in landscaping and offer a variety of varieties. The bushes are compact, the shortest ones are no higher than 20 cm. Not only the bright flowers with a strong scent are decorative, but also the jagged leaves. They bloom from June until frost.
  2. 2 Phlox refers to perennials with erect or creeping stems. Although the flowers are not gigantic in size, the flowering is so abundant that the size of an individual flower does not matter. The color is varied - from pure white to dark purple. The appearance of the bushes is varied even within the species.
  3. 3 Calendula (marigold) is an ornamental herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family and is also medicinal. If you promptly remove bright yellow or orange fading flowers, new ones will appear and bloom until the end of the growing season.

What are ground covers?

Look good on an alpine slide located in the open sun:

  1. 1 Thyme (thyme, Bogorodskaya herb) is an essential oil plant, a low-growing shrub with branches up to 35 cm long, woody stems, recumbent or ascending. Blooms from June to August.
  2. 2 Juvenile (stone rose) belongs to the Crassulaceae family. This is a perennial cover plant consisting of multi-leaved rosettes up to 15 cm in diameter. The fleshy leaves are not only decorative, but also serve as water reservoirs. They are grown not so much for their flowers, but for their decorative foliage.
  3. 3 Sedum (sedum) is another plant of the Crassulaceae family. Perennial, with fleshy leaves, star-shaped flowers bloom in summer or fall.
  4. 4 Saxifraga is able to grow even on rocks, this is an excellent indicator of its unpretentiousness. The low-growing plant blooms in spring or early summer. There are about 370 species in nature, and about 80 species are cultivated.

Only succulents can not be watered at all; all other flowers should still be given periodic watering days and loosening.

A little care - and a flowerbed made up of drought-resistant flowers will delight you with abundant blooms all season until late autumn.

Anyone, even a not very experienced gardener, can have a beautiful and colorful plot. And even if it is not possible to provide daily watering and they need to be planted in an open, dry area, it does not matter. Let's look at some drought-tolerant plants as examples for planting in a sunny flower bed that will bloom, delight with lush greenery and create coziness in your garden.

Drought-tolerant grasses

When designing a sunny flower bed, you should pay attention to which will help complement your flower garden with lush greenery and give it volume.

Examples of such drought-resistant plants:
  • tortuous meadow grass- forms hummocks of thin blades of bright green grass. It is not picky, tolerates frost well and is excellent for planting in an open area;
  • gray tonong- a low, drought-resistant grass of green-gray color, which explains its name. It takes root well in sunny areas and does not require any specific care;
  • reed canary grass- grows well in both sunny and shady areas. Its main feature is its white leaves;
  • - an excellent plant that absolutely does not need watering and loves sunny places. There are many varieties of tenacious, which differ in a variety of colors.
  • Sun-loving flowers for a flower bed

    There are a lot of plants in nature that we can plant in a sunny flowerbed. And when looking for drought-resistant flowers for a flower bed, we advise you to pay attention to those that do not need to be sown every year. Another advantage in favor of perennials is the fact that they are quite unpretentious and do not require special care.

    • In April-May you can plant cornflowers. They prefer sunny places and are unpretentious to soil. These perennials must be planted at a distance of at least 30 cm, otherwise the plants will shade each other. Cornflower does not require special care after planting and is resistant to pests and diseases. To keep your sunny flowerbed looking neat, you need to remove flowers that have faded.

      Did you know? Cornflowers are perennials that are widely used in classical medicine. They are part of antiseptics and drugs for the treatment of diseases of the eyes, liver and biliary tract. In folk medicine, inflorescences are used to make various tinctures that help in cosmetology and even gynecology.

    • A sunny mood in your flowerbed will create doronicum. While other plants are just gaining strength, and the bulbous ones have already faded, Doronicum will delight you from May to June. More than 40 species of this plant are known. The flower adapts perfectly to any conditions, so a sunny flower bed is perfect for planting it. When caring, you need to take into account that the plant has a shallow root system, and carefully weed and loosen the soil so as not to damage the perennial.
    • Lush and bright, which are also planted during this period, are not only unpretentious, but also bloom twice: in June-July and August-September. They can be planted either one at a time or in groups of 2-3 plants, in which case in a couple of years you will get powerful ones. The root system of this plant is very strong and goes to a depth of 1 meter. It should be borne in mind that the seeds of this perennial are poisonous and it is necessary to cut off the flower stalks in time. But the stems of faded lupine will be wonderful for your flower bed.
    • The list of flowers that are perfect for an open sunny flower bed includes small petal, blooming throughout the summer. This plant is deservedly preferred by novice gardeners and designers. After all, when choosing this perennial, you get fluffy green bushes that also bloom profusely. The small petal is a frost-resistant, not capricious and sun-loving perennial.
    • You can also plant it at the end of May. This herbaceous plant with bright flowers has about 90 species; it can be either erect or hanging. The plant does not require special care, but during flowering it is advisable to provide moderate watering. And, of course, to maintain the well-groomed appearance of your flower bed, you should remove dried flower stalks.
    • It comes in many colors and is perfect for a sunny flower bed. In addition to the abundance of colors, it also has a pleasant aroma. All varieties of carnations go well with other plants in the flowerbed and are not fussy about their surroundings.

Drought-resistant plants are very popular, because it is not always possible to water flower beds or fence the area with trees and shrubs that will provide shade. In addition, there are many areas in Russia where precipitation is very rare.

Drought-tolerant plants are great for areas where frequent watering is not possible and where it rarely rains.

Most drought-tolerant plants grow in fairly poor soils and do not require additional fertilizing. This greatly simplifies garden care and helps create beautiful flower beds in any climate zone.

How to recognize drought-tolerant plants

Some people believe that the diversity of drought-tolerant plants is quite limited. Ugly tumbleweeds and succulents usually come to mind. Of course, over many millions of years of evolution, plants have learned to adapt to the lack of moisture and poor soils. The leaves of such shrubs and flowers most often look like thorns and are able to withstand increased water evaporation and sun burns.

Another device for preserving moisture from the leaves from evaporation is a kind of edge. It is this that creates a kind of air cushion that prevents the plant from drying out. You can also find leaves covered with wax; burns and drought are not a problem in this case.

Some plants have very fleshy leaves and stems; they contain a large supply of water, which is so necessary to maintain life.

Most dry-tolerant plants bloom beautifully. Therefore, with their help you can create incredibly beautiful compositions in the garden.

How to properly plant plants that are resistant to low amounts of moisture

It is worth remembering that drought-resistant greens do not like to grow in waterlogged soils where there is no outflow of water. Very quickly, in such a place, the roots of the plants will simply rot, which will lead to the death of the flowerbed.

Care must be taken to ensure soil drainage. To do this, you can simply add gravel or simple sand to the ground. This simple method will help improve the outflow of excess moisture and normalize air exchange. There is no need to add organic fertilizers to such soils.

In order for dry-resistant flowers and herbs to grow well, they must be planted at a short distance from each other. This will allow the roots to receive enough nutrients from the soil.

Although such plants are drought-resistant, they still need to be watered. This procedure should be carried out in the morning, when there is no scorching sun. This will help avoid accelerated evaporation of moisture and unwanted burns to the plant.

It is better to pour water at the root. Watering should be intensive, but not frequent.

You can check the soil moisture using a simple stick; just stick it into the ground.

Water can be retained in the soil by adding simple sawdust or crushed leaves. This method will help prevent the proliferation of weeds in the area.

When designing a garden, it is worth considering that some heat-resistant flowers like shade, others like acidified soil. For one flowerbed, it is worth choosing plants with identical requirements.

Examples of drought-resistant plants

Flowers, shrubs and ornamental grasses can live in low moisture conditions. Most of these plants easily take root in a summer cottage.

Fescue should be planted in well-drained, loose soil.

Ornamental grasses that are drought-resistant look very beautiful along stone paths. Even in the hottest sun they retain their fresh and green appearance. The most popular among gardeners is elimus. Its long leaves have pointed ends and a bluish tint. Elimus bushes are quite lush and rich in leaves. You just have to limit the growth of such grass. You can simply plant it in some container, for example, in a basin or bucket without a bottom. This will help prevent the growth of elymus, which can fill half the flowerbed.

Gray fescue is also very popular among gardeners, because it has a rather unusual appearance and the blue-green color of its sharp leaves. Externally, the grass resembles a sea urchin; it is usually planted in the front row of the flower garden. Fescue is a perennial plant that needs to be replanted every 4 years. The big advantage of such ornamental grass is that it does not spread throughout the area, so its growth does not need to be limited. In addition, it winters well on the site, maintaining its decorative appearance.

Flowers to Plant in Dry Climates

There is an opinion that flowers that are resistant to moisture are inconspicuous and cannot delight with lush color. In fact, there are pink, yellow, bright orange, and purple flowers that will please even the most picky gardener.

For example, a small garden lined with stone can be decorated with yarrow, milkweed, and arabis. You will get an alpine slide, which has been so popular lately. These flowers are able to grow between stones and do not require constant watering and fertilization. You need to know that yarrow is a weed, so it needs to be controlled.

A garden plot can be significantly transformed by lavender bushes planted along paths or near the porch. Beautiful lilac flowers will not only bring bright colors to the design, but will also fill the garden with a delightful aroma. The result will be a garden in the style of French Provence.

Carnation grass tolerates drought very well and can decorate any flower bed with soft lilac flowers. It blooms for a long time from early June to September. Turkish carnation is more demanding when it comes to watering, but it can easily tolerate a short dry period. This biennial has a wonderful aroma and a large selection of shades.

Not many people know that irises are drought-resistant flowers. Gardeners can choose from several thousand varieties. These beautiful flowers will be a wonderful decoration for any flower bed.

Echinacea has great decorative appeal. Pink, yellow, burgundy and purple flowers have beautiful ray-shaped petals and a large, bright center. Echinacea purpurea blooms all summer until late autumn, when many plants lose their attractive and bright appearance.

Heat-tolerant shrubs

Shrubs can also grow with limited moisture supply. An example is sedum. It is quite popular among gardeners and decorators; it is most often used to decorate alpine slides. You can find sedum in bluish, green and yellowish shades, as well as a mixture of them. In addition, caustic sedum blooms and attracts many butterflies to its scent.

You can use sedum in landscape design to decorate the middle row of a plant composition. It can reach 60 cm in length.

The euonymus shrub is very unpretentious in care. Its leathery fruits are colored red or purple. It can be used to form hedges or to decorate rock gardens.

The evergreen shrub cotoneaster is undemanding to soil quality; it tolerates prolonged heat and drought, frost and air pollution. To maintain the decorative appearance of the shrub, it must be pruned regularly. It is easy to form a beautiful and dense hedge from cotoneaster. Old bushes need to be pruned enough to renew the green composition.

You can add an original nuance to the flower garden by planting aralia. This shrub with large leaves reaching a length of one meter is strewn with small white flowers. Aralia can be planted alone or combined with smaller shrubs or flowers that are tolerant of dry weather.

When forming garden beds, it is necessary to take into account the height of the plants in order to obtain multi-tiered compositions. The tallest drought-resistant perennials should be planted in the middle, then the middle ones, for example, cotoneaster, caustic sedum. The outer circle can be ornamental grasses or low-growing flowers.

Maintenance of such a garden will be minimal; you only need to trim the plants in a timely manner, control their growth, and in case of increased weeds, water them in a timely manner. After all, even the most drought-resistant plants require life-giving moisture.