What vitamins to give your dog in winter. Vitamins for beloved dogs

Vitamin preparations in tablet form

What vitamins a dog needs, that’s what we’ll talk about in this post. Greetings friends! Now there is a lot of information that without vitamins, we all, including our dog, will die.

In fact, this is true; without vitamins, diseases will appear that will lead to death. Let's figure out what vitamins a dog needs, when they need to be given extra, and when this can lead to complications.

When the dog does not need to give anything extra

If you have an adult dog that eats normally and leads a normal life. That is, to put it roughly, she does not sit in the cellar for days, and she does not have chronic diseases. She looks good, is active and there are no changes in behavior, then she does not need to be given anything additional.

By normal nutrition we mean that the dog receives high-quality ready-made food, which contains everything it needs, or natural products. Not the ones you eat, but we are talking about meat products, fermented milk, fish, eggs, vegetables and others.

If your animal eats something like what I wrote above, then what vitamins your dog needs is completely unimportant. It doesn't matter to you, well, if you don't lead Scientific research, because the dog will receive all the necessary components with food.

Some cases when supplements are needed

Friends, treat mineral and vitamin preparations as medicines. You will not give your dog antibiotics because there are germs around, but will use them when he is sick. That is, you first need to calculate what exactly the animal lacks, at least indirectly, by analyzing the diet and lifestyle.

She doesn't need vitamins

Most often, such conditions of acute deficiency occur in puppyhood - rapid growth and development require a lot of materials. During this period, the puppy often eats feces, pebbles, plaster and other nasty things, this is how a perversion of appetite manifests itself.

It is quite difficult to determine what a puppy lacks; he may not have enough of a certain amino acid or vitamin, microelement, carbohydrates, or possibly several substances.

To identify the cause, you need to conduct a thorough analysis of the living conditions, feeding, and it would be good with laboratory tests. But all this is expensive and troublesome. It’s easier to normalize feeding and add vitamin and mineral supplements, then the puppy will stop eating inedible foods.

The following case is associated with a violation of the absorption of substances naturally, through the digestive tract, for example, a dog underwent abdominal surgery and part of the intestine was removed.

Or a chronic disease has occurred that affects the functioning of the intestines, in which diarrhea alternates with constipation. Or the dog suffered a large loss of blood due to injury, suffered from piroplasmosis, was exhausted, and so on.

In these cases, the question of what vitamins the dog needs will be relevant, and they will have to be administered in the form of injections. Then the substances will reach their destination, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, where absorption is impaired.

Friends, there are certainly still conditions when an animal needs to be given additional vitamins, but I want you to understand that they cannot be used just like that. Vitamins are medicines Therefore, they should be used as prescribed by a doctor.

What are the dangers of vitamins?

All the vitamins a dog needs can be divided into two large groups– these are fat-soluble A, D, E and water-soluble (main representatives B and C).

If you overfeed your dog with water-soluble ones, then nothing terrible will happen, except in special cases, the excess will simply be discarded in the urine. But too much fat-soluble can lead to illness; an overdose of vitamin A during pregnancy is especially dangerous.

Fat-soluble ones accumulate in tissues, and it is quite difficult to get rid of them, so they lead to complications.

In conclusion, I repeat once again that vitamin and mineral supplements should be prescribed by a doctor for the same indications as for other diseases or as a preventive measure. That is, they were convinced of what was missing and added it. Don't listen" good people”, which convince you that you do not know what vitamins a dog needs and that you are greedy, got an animal and do not take care of it.

Traditionally, I say that I will be glad for your comments, questions and suggestions, and for those who are more comfortable watching, please here is the video, enjoy watching.

The development and formation of the skeleton in large breed puppies continues for a long time - up to two years, and is accompanied by intensive growth, which causes significant problems with joints and ligaments. The most common orthopedic defects caused by the characteristics of large breeds of dogs are hip dysplasia (HD) and elbow dysplasia (ELD). These growing pains are not only inconvenient, but are also quite painful for the animal, causing lameness. Excessive mineralization bone tissue for dogs of these breeds is undesirable, it can even lead to growth retardation.

Large breed puppies require special food and vitamin complexes with a slightly reduced content of minerals, vitamins, proteins and calories. Their intake promotes the normal development of cartilage tissue and its transition to bone tissue, and normalizes further transformation of bone during growth. Special attention should be given to the content of calcium and phosphorus, it should be optimal and not exceed the norm necessary for the body. In addition, minerals should enter the dog’s body in the form of complex salts that are easily digestible. A large load on the musculoskeletal system requires additional supplements of chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine, vitamins A and D, which stimulate the animal’s growth and enhance the body’s immune defense mechanisms.

Vitamin complexes for large breed dogs

Popular vitamin complexes for large dogs that you can purchase at veterinary pharmacies include, for example, Biorhythm, Vita-Bon and Unitabs Brever Complex. Naturally, you should consult your veterinarian before giving any of these to your dog. In addition, it should be taken into account that the need for vitamins and mineral supplements varies depending on the age of the dog and is not limited only to the period of its growth. Therefore, when choosing a vitamin complex, be sure to take this factor into account, and also follow the recommendations for use and do not exceed the dosage specified in the instructions.

Some vitamin complexes contain tablets, some of which should be given to the dog in the morning, and some in the evening. The use of such complexes, which take into account the animal’s biorhythms and separate intake of certain mineral components that affect the absorption of each other, for example, copper and zinc, can significantly increase the digestibility and effectiveness of such additives in the dog’s diet.

A dog’s need for vitamins depends on its level of activity, age, condition, for example, pregnant and lactating bitches require an increase in dose. Each vitamin plays a specific role in providing a beneficial effect on your dog's health.

The sources of vitamins are natural products, multivitamin complexes with various scents that are attractive to dogs, so that animals eat them with pleasure, and high-quality dry and wet food already contains a balanced complex of vitamins and minerals.

Why does a dog need vitamins?

Vitamins are necessary for dogs to strengthen the immune system, develop the body, and prevent diseases, because they are involved in chemical reactions occurring in the body are responsible for correct work digestive, nervous, circulatory, reproductive systems, work internal organs. Their deficiency leads to a deterioration in the health of the animal, in particular to various skin diseases, slow growth, deterioration in the quality of wool, and other more serious diseases.

Types of vitamins

Water soluble- remain in the body in small quantities. The risk of overdose is very small, since they are regularly eliminated from the body. They need to be replenished more often than fat-soluble ones.

Fat soluble- absorbed through the walls gastrointestinal tract. They accumulate in the body and are stored in the liver. Fat-soluble vitamins are consumed as needed. The body compensates for their deficiency by using reserves from the liver, but entering the body in large quantities, they continue to accumulate, which leads to an overdose and adverse consequences.

Vitamins that dogs need

Vitamin A (retinol)

Vitamin A is important for dogs, which is an antioxidant and is responsible for the health of the coat, skin, maintaining muscle tone, vision, and promotes the health of the nervous system. Bitches especially need it, because retinol is necessary for the health of the reproductive system, and puppies need it for normal development in the womb. Its deficiency can lead to the formation of a cleft palate in an unborn puppy and to stunted growth in newborn puppies.


Newborn puppies receive vitamin A from their mother's milk. Retinol contains egg yolks, fish liver oil (fish oil), dark orange and dark green vegetables and fruits, chicken or beef liver.


Fat-soluble vitamin A is stored in the liver and used when needed. Raw liver can be given 1-2 times a week. The recommended dose of retinol is 50 international units(IU) per day per 500 grams of animal weight (1 IU = 0.3 μg of pure vitamin A).

B vitamins for dogs

B vitamins are water soluble and are all important for the health and normal development of dogs.

B1 helps convert glucose into energy. It is found in raw fish and meat, fruits and vegetables, and milk. However, it is important to observe the dosage, since, for example, overfeeding with raw fish, which contains an enzyme that destroys thiamine, can lead to its deficiency. Therefore, the recommended dose of B1 is 20-30 mcg per 1 kg of animal weight.

B2 (riboflavin) promotes growth, metabolism, particularly carbohydrates, and the production of red blood cells. Responsible for energy production. Sources of riboflavin include dairy products, meat and organ meats. The daily dose of riboflavin is 40 mcg per 1 kg of dog weight. Pregnant and lactating bitches, as well as puppies, need more B2, so for them the dosage is doubled.

B3 (pantothenic acid) has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of dogs, controls cholesterol levels, and is involved in other enzymatic processes. Pantothenic acid is found in raw meat, liver, heart, kidneys, raw vegetables, yeast. The daily dose is 0.05 mg per 1 kg of body weight for an adult dog and 0.2 mg per 1 kg of body weight for a puppy.

B4 (choline) is involved in metabolic processes and promotes the burning of excess fat from the liver. The greatest need for vitamin B4 is in young dogs. Choline is found in liver, brain, meat, and yeast. For preventive purposes, give 30-40 mg of choline chloride per 1 kg of animal weight, and for therapeutic purposes - 50-70 mg per 1 kg of dog weight.

B6 (pyridoxine) is involved in the process of amino acid metabolism. Contained in raw liver, meat and fish, yeast and buckwheat. Pyridoxine hydrochloride is used for the prevention and treatment of dogs. The dosage is 20-50 mcg per 1 kg of animal body weight.

B9 (folic acid) is important for dogs because it helps strengthen the immune system, participates in DNA synthesis, red blood cell production and protein metabolism. Folic acid is found in raw meat and organ meats. The recommended dose is 8-15 mcg per 1 kg of animal weight.

B12 (cyanocobalamin) promotes normal cell growth and development, increases energy levels and improves appetite. Found in fish and required in small quantities. The daily requirement for vitamin B12 in dogs is 0.7 mcg per 1 kg of animal weight.

Vitamin C for dogs

Vitamin C is one of the important vitamins for dogs, because it helps strengthen the immune system, is necessary to fight viral infections and prevent the formation of bladder stones, has a beneficial effect on skin health, stabilizes blood sugar levels, which is important for sick dogs diabetes mellitus. For some dogs with allergies, vitamin C acts as an antihistamine, helping to relieve symptoms such as itching and wheezing.


Vitamin C is found in organ meats, vegetables and greens, such as cabbage, nettles, spinach, seaweed, as well as in fruits, especially apples. Citrus fruits are not recommended for dogs due to the high risk of allergies.


Water-soluble vitamin C is needed in moderation. The dog's body is able to independently produce vitamin C from glucose, and its excess is excreted in the urine. However, if an animal suffers from urolithiasis, then it is necessary to reduce the dose of vitamin C, otherwise its excess will only harm the animal. The daily dose is 1 mg per 10 kg of dog weight. It is necessary in an increased dose for puppies and pregnant bitches, as it affects the normal development of bones.

Vitamin D (calciferol)

One of the important vitamins for dogs, which strengthens bones and teeth, promotes the absorption of excess calcium and phosphorus. Important for puppies, because its deficiency leads to rickets.


Everyone knows that the sun is a source of calciferol, but calciferol is also found in dairy products, for example, cottage cheese, beef, meat and bone meal, fish oil, and egg yolks.


Vitamin D is fat-soluble and its excess in the body is very dangerous, so dosage should be observed. The daily requirement is 7-10 IU per 1 kg of dog weight. Puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches need calciferol more.

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

Participates in the production of red blood cells, promotes the absorption of fats, prevents the development of inflammatory processes, improves the condition of animal skin, eliminating dryness and irritation, and adds shine to the coat. Vitamin E for dogs serves as an antioxidant because it slows down aging.


Tocopherol is found in meat, liver, buckwheat and oatmeal, green leafy vegetables, nuts, cold-pressed vegetable oils.


The daily requirement for fat-soluble vitamin E in dogs is 2 mg per 1 kg of animal weight.

Vitamin H (biotin)

Biotin is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids, is responsible for skin health, and helps improve hair health.


Biotin is found in the greatest quantities in liver, kidneys, brewer's yeast, egg yolks, and some types of grains. Feeding raw egg whites should be avoided as they contain the enzyme avidin, which breaks down biotin.


A dog requires water-soluble vitamin H per day in the amount of 0.5 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

Vitamin K (phylloquinone)

Phylloquinone is responsible for blood clotting and the health of the nervous system, and is also involved in the formation of the skeleton and is necessary to maintain the balance of phosphorus in the body.


Phylloquinone is produced by the dog's body. Contained in fish, seaweed, egg yolks, cabbage.


Fat-soluble vitamin K is given to dogs in tablets or administered intravenously for bleeding at a dose of 1 mg per day. Phylloquinone is given to female puppies 5-10 days before giving birth.

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid)

Nicotinic acid is involved in redox reactions, as well as in metabolism. Sources of water-soluble vitamin PP are raw fish, liver, kidneys, and brewer's yeast. The recommended dose for adult dogs is 0.24 mg per 1 kg of body weight, and for puppies - 0.4 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

How to give vitamins correctly

Dogs get most of their vitamins from food, so if the animal’s diet is balanced and includes foods necessary for health, then there is no need for additional vitamin supplements. However, during pregnancy and lactation, additional vitamins are required for the normal development of puppies in the womb. It is not recommended to prescribe them independently to sick dogs, as they can harm the animal. It is better to consult a veterinarian.

Before replenishing a deficiency of a particular vitamin in a dog’s body, you need to make sure that the dog really needs it, since an excess of them is also harmful to health. Too many vitamins can lead to physical abnormalities and changes in skeletal structure. You cannot give them to dogs thoughtlessly; it is important to remember that they must be given in combination with minerals, and also to know how vitamins interact with each other.

The most important are A, D, E, but this does not mean that they need to be given in huge quantities, because while useful, vitamins A and D in excess amounts are harmful to the dog’s health.

The most effective use of B vitamins together with a sufficient amount of vitamin C, since they are equally important in the absorption of proteins and fats.

Many vitamins interact with minerals, for example C helps the absorption of iron, copper is involved in the metabolism of vitamin C, E interacts with selenium, and D regulates the balance of phosphorus and calcium.

There are a huge number of vitamins for joints, wool, immunity, teeth and bones. With the help of some, it will be possible to increase the Biorhythm. With the help of others, you can stop the process of hair loss. Vitamin deficiency is treated with small doses.


When vitamins are missing

As reviews show, if the diet is balanced and the pet is constantly walking, there may still be a problem with a lack of vitamins in both large and medium breeds of dogs.

It is necessary to describe the signs by which it can be determined that vitamin deficiency has occurred:

  1. The pet eats cigarette butts, dirt, tries to chew bricks, etc. This indicates that there is a lack of calcium, vitamins P or B. It is worth purchasing the drug “Canina”.
  2. There has been a process of hair loss. The eyes begin to water. These symptoms indicate that treatment is necessary because vitamin deficiency has appeared. Polydex drops will help.
  3. Treatment with vitamins may be required if the bones of the forearm and hind limbs begin to bend. In this situation, calcium is needed.
  4. Vitamin deficiency manifests itself in lethargy, fatigue and decreased appetite.
  5. Cracks and pigment spots appeared on the surface of the skin, and the mucous membrane of the mouth became inflamed. You should purchase "Polydex" or the drug "Doctor Zoo".
  6. Vision deteriorated, fear of light appeared. Polydex drops will help.
  7. The fur and surface of the skin have become dull.

Ingredients important for health

Only a doctor can tell you that vitamins are needed for dogs (“Canvit”, “Canina”, “Biorhythm” or “Beafar”). The most effective groups will be discussed next. There are only 10 of them.

Vitamins A

In the first place in 10 is vitamin A. It will help to achieve hair growth, improve vision, the condition of teeth and skin - in all this. It can also be used to achieve the development of joints and bones.

Vitamins for dogs can be found in sea fish. In addition, it contains Omega substance. It is worth adding fish oil, which also contains Omega, to your pet’s diet. Vitamin A is found in large quantities in the preparation “Canina”, “Doctor Zoo”. For the eyes it is worth buying Polydex drops.

Large group

Group B vitamins for dogs are the most numerous. And they were included in the 10 most effective components. They help to activate the process of hair growth and strengthen the immune system.

According to reviews, vitamins of this group are found in large quantities in raw meat. Brevers (brewer's yeast) should also be included in the diet.

Antineurological vitamin

Thiamine is an anti-neurological vitamin of group B, which cannot be ignored in this 10. Due to its lack, the pet will have a decrease in appetite, constipation will occur, and swelling with periodic convulsions will appear. Hair growth will not be achieved. The process of its loss will be outlined.

In this situation, vitamin deficiency can be cured with the help of cereals, root vegetables, fruits and vegetables. Drops of "Polydex" and the drug "Doctor Zoo" will help.

Required Ribovlafin

Ribovlafin is a fairly important component of group B, activating metabolism. Symptoms that indicate that treatment is required are the following: thinness appears, the cornea of ​​the eye becomes cloudy and cracks appear with inflammation on the mucous membranes.

Vitamin deficiency can be cured with the help of dairy and meat products, which contain Omega 3 and 6 vitamins. Polydex drops will help.

Ascorbic acid

You can achieve increased immunity with the help of vitamin C. If there is not enough of it, the following symptoms may occur: the dog will become lethargic, apathetic, and lose appetite.

Similar vitamins for dogs are found in liver (it also contains Omega), fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Vitamin deficiency can also be treated with special medications. For example, “Canina”, “Kanvit”, “Beafar”, “Biorhythm”, “Doctor Zoo”.

Vitamin D deficiency

The formation of immunity also depends on the presence of vitamin D in the pet’s body. Puppies without it suffer from rickets. Adults - osteoporosis. This problem can also be found in older pets.

The optimal remedy is Brevers and fish oil, which contains Omega. You can buy the drug "Canina" or "Doctor Zoo". For eyes and ears it is worth buying Polydex.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E helps develop joints, muscles, teeth and bones. If there is not enough, infertility may occur.

This vitamin is found in sufficient quantities in cereals, vegetable oil, egg yolks and meat products, which also contain Omega. Additionally, your dog may require calcium.

Group K

Vitamins of group K, namely K1, are little known. It stabilizes the blood clotting process. If there is not enough vitamin K1, the likelihood of intestinal and liver diseases increases in a variety of breeds. K1 deficiency can also occur in puppies. Vitamin deficiency will manifest itself in the form of hemorrhages.

In addition, vitamin K1 helps if the dog is poisoned by rat poison. Spinach and cabbage contain large amounts of K1. You can purchase the drug Vikasol. It also contains vitamin K1.

Skin problems

If your pet has problems with its fur (there is a possibility of hair loss) and on the surface of its skin, it is worth adding vitamin PP to its diet. It can be used to treat dermatitis, cracks in the skin, nervous system disorders, and diarrhea.

This vitamin contains Omega in large quantities, which in turn is found in fish. The vitamin can also be found in meat, cookies, and cheese. The photo shows a popular remedy.

Little-known but important vitamins

Not only K1 is little known, but also F and H. Vitamins for puppies and dogs have a beneficial effect on the condition of the coat and skin. The first one is found in flaxseed oil. Vitamin H is found in foods such as liver and molasses. You can buy the drug "Doctor Zoo".

Choosing a complex for your pet

The video will talk about why the most necessary different elements(A, B, C, K1, etc.) and complexes (for example, Canina, Kanvit, Volmar).

Improvement of skin and coat

The condition of the coat and skin is not always at a high enough level. The drugs “Volmar” or “Doctor Zoo” will help. The condition of the coat can indicate that there is vitamin deficiency. The process of its loss will be outlined. And this happens in a wide variety of breeds. It is to restore its structure that “Volmar” and “Doctor Zoo” are required.

By taking Volmar and Doctor Zoo, results can be seen within a few days. This will affect the coat and the surface of the skin. Canina, Kanvit, Biorhythm will help. With their help, vitamin deficiency will be cured.

Popular products

Vitamins for puppies are sold in complexes. And the most famous include the “8in1” line. With the help of the “8in1” complex you will be able to strengthen your immune system.

Excel will help correct your physical condition, restore the body, etc. Excel is available in the form of pastes, various tablets and supplements. Can be used for older and young pets. The photo shows a well-known product.

Strengthening the immune system

In addition to Excel, the drug Beafar has also gained great popularity. It should be understood as food additives. Beafar, unlike Excel, is produced mainly in powder form. With its help, you can strengthen the immune system and support the body during growth. This is facilitated by the K1 supplement. Beafar also contributes to more rapid recovery after stress and operations.

Development of bones and joints

In addition to Excel, a popular complex is the drug “Top 10”. Brand "Beafar". Such vitamins for puppies and dogs help improve immunity and vitality. Due to the presence of L-carnitine and K1 in it, the correct development of joints, bones, and teeth in puppies occurs.

Remedy for all pets

"Kanvit" is a vitamin complex. This supplement can be used when treatment is needed. "Kanvit" can be included in the diet for preventive purposes. A variety of drugs from this brand have been able to gain recognition. "Canvit" will be useful for small, large and medium breeds of dogs. It is suitable for both pregnant women and the elderly. The photo shows the product.

For puppies and small breeds

Vitamins "Excel", "Canvit" and "Beafar" improve immunity. With their help, you can achieve full growth and development. Also, such vitamins for puppies help strengthen bones, teeth and joints. Vitamins will help the coat and skin surface to look healthy and beautiful.

Suitable for pregnant dogs and for pets nursing puppies. With the help of the drug, it will be possible to compensate for the deficiency of all required substances and achieve the growth and development of the younger generation.

There are a huge number of drugs of these brands. When choosing, be guided by a specific problem. For example, one Canina brand complex is suitable for elderly pets, and a completely different one for pregnant women.

Requires calcium and vitamins

As the puppy grows, develops its bones, joints and teeth, it should be provided with calcium and vitamins. It is not recommended to overfeed. Vitamins (“Excel”, “Canvit”, “Beafar”, “Volmar” or Brevers) should be provided to the pet in combination with physical exercise and activity. For eyes and ears you can buy Polydex.

Tablets "Biorhythm"

The best option for puppies would be “Biorhythm”. This is a supplement sold in tablet form. “Biorhythm” should be added 1 tablet per day in the morning or evening.

In the morning you should give Biorhythm tablets containing all the necessary microelements. Evening tablet "Biorhythm" helps enrich the blood with oxygen. Accordingly, food will be absorbed correctly.

Supplements for different pets

For small and medium breeds of dogs, you should purchase medications that contain vitamins A, D and E. For example, “Canina” or “Kanvit”. B vitamins are also necessary. Without them, it will not form. nervous system. Components such as Omega and calcium are also needed for the health of the body. Omega is found in fish and in many drugs (Canina or Polydex).

During the process of growth and development of bones, teeth and joints, it is necessary to purchase preparations that contain calcium and B vitamins. They are suitable for large breeds of dogs. Omega and ascorbic acid are very important. For eyes and ears it is worth purchasing Polydex.

Video “On the benefits of minerals and nutritional components”

The video will go into more detail about how to keep your pet healthy.

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