Which lamps are more profitable for a suspended ceiling? What lamps are best for a stretch ceiling? Lighting options for suspended ceilings

This article will be useful for those who are planning to order suspended ceilings and have decided to use spotlights as lighting. We will tell you how to choose the right lighting fixtures for a stretch ceiling, what light bulbs to equip them with, and how to install these devices.

Many people believe that implementing functional lighting on fabric or PVC canvas is difficult or impossible. In fact, suspended ceilings allow you to use any existing type of lighting products: chandeliers, LED strips, spotlights, etc.

There are only two technological problems that tension systems pose to us:

  • fabrics and films do not have their own load-bearing capacity;
  • canvases are afraid of high temperatures.

But they can be successfully solved, you just need to choose the right lamps for suspended ceilings and comply with all generally accepted installation requirements.

How to choose spotlights for a stretch ceiling

It so happened that in the post-Soviet space, spotlights took a leading position among all types of lighting. Especially when it comes to suspended (plasterboard, plastic) and stretch ceilings, where mortise models can be used. The thing is that spotlights allow you to solve a wide range of problems, both practical and purely design, and for relatively little money.

What is good about a point light source:

  • can illuminate the entire room or individual areas;
  • does not catch the eye, but creates an “atmosphere”;
  • the mortise version is extremely ergonomic (important for low ceilings);
  • has low weight;
  • inexpensive.

Lamps for suspended ceilings: mortise, semi-mortise or surface-mounted

Built-in lighting products are most widespread, since the suspended ceiling always deviates a certain distance from the ceiling. The ceiling space has a thickness of at least 3.5-4 centimeters, often this is enough to “hide” a lamp there. But keep in mind that for some models of point light sources you have to lower the canvas lower, to 70-120 mm. Recessed spotlights for suspended ceilings almost do not protrude above the surface of the ceiling and do not hide the useful height of the room. Such lighting devices, as a rule, only illuminate the room; their rays practically do not hit the ceiling and do not focus on it.

Attention! Since the lamp is completely hidden inside, the heat it generates almost completely enters the space between the ceilings. Select the lamp power carefully.

Overhead lamps are essentially miniature chandeliers that are attached to the ceiling from the outside. Such lighting devices are distinguished by a wide variety of designs; the most intricate lampshades and add-ons (crystals, cut glass) are used here. Many platform options: cast or stamped metal; under stainless steel, gold, silver, copper/bronze patina. Overhead devices are notable for the fact that they illuminate not only the room, but also the stretch ceiling fabric, which, for example, allows you to obtain very unusual effects on a glossy surface.

A semi-mortise lamp is a type of built-in model in which the body of the lighting fixture is located behind the ceiling, but a significant part of the lamp is located below the plane of the canvas. These models are mounted in the same way as recessed lamps, but similar to surface-mounted devices, they send a lot of light to the ceiling. In addition, a remote lamp emits more heat into the interior of the room, which means a more powerful light source can be selected.

Spotlights: fixed or rotating

Fixed spotlights for suspended ceilings illuminate the area that is located directly below them. In this case, we can manipulate exclusively the arrangement of lighting fixtures, placing them evenly, or some lines.

But sometimes there is a need to focus attention on a certain piece of furniture, or an area that is important from a design point of view, then rotating lamps will be the best choice. These can be built-in, semi-mortise and overhead structures, in which there is a rigidly fixed part and a movable module that includes a lamp. The most opportunities to direct light to a given point in the room are provided by outdoor spots that have fixed hinges or flexible legs. By the way, such models can be very practical if used, for example, above a makeup table or above a mirror in the bathroom. They are also good for illuminating shop windows and exhibition areas.

Focused or diffuse light

The shape and brightness of the light flux is selected depending on the tasks. Some lamps provide focused, clearly directed light (downlights), while others generate a soft, diffused glow. The first option is good for zoning the interior, and the second is preferable for calm, uniform lighting, for example, in a bedroom or living room.

As a rule, the type of luminous flux is determined by the design of the lamp. For example, a recessed light fixture with an exposed bulb typically produces a concentrated beam of light. And if the lamp is enclosed in a lampshade or covered with a frosted glass plate, then the rays soften and disperse, change color, and are partially directed to the ceiling.

Light bulbs for suspended ceilings decide a lot. Open LED models and halogen lamps generate a dense flow, while energy-saving models and white incandescent lamps shine evenly around them.

Attention! Too “cloudy” lampshades significantly hinder the productivity of the lamp, and the level of illumination in the room may not be enough.

Lighting fixtures for wet rooms

Where air humidity can change, ordinary spotlights cannot be used, since the risk of short circuit and breakdown to the housing is too great (unsafe for people). When choosing lamps for suspended ceilings in the bathroom, for areas near the pool or on an unheated balcony, you need to give preference to special models that have a high second digit in the protection level (IP) marking. The higher it is, the better. For reference, a four means protection against splashes, and a five means protection against jets of water.

Attention! Lamps for wet areas always have an insulating casing for the mechanism.

Types of lamps by light source

In this case, we will simultaneously consider the types of lamps used and the technical and operational characteristics of the lighting device itself. The point is that everyone spotlight has a socket designed for a specific type of lamp. At the same time, some types of sockets can accept lamps of different power, luminous efficiency and even different glow technologies.

So, let's look at the cartridge and base. Here we can highlight:

  • threaded models (E)
  • pin (G)

Threaded sockets are designed for screwing in incandescent lamps and fluorescent light sources. Not so long ago, LED light bulbs appeared that can be used here. Based on the diameter of the thread, products are marked E27 (standard Edison class) and E14 (Mignon class).

Attention! A distinctive feature of such lamps is their large installation height, which is about 80-120 mm. The suspended ceiling will have to be lowered to this distance.

Cartridge models GU5.3; GU4; GU10; G4; GU6.35 are the most popular in point devices (the numbers indicate the distance between the conductors). Fixtures with pin sockets are designed for halogen, energy-saving and some LED lamps. It is the lamp that determines how much the ceiling needs to be lowered, since the body of these lighting devices itself is quite compact. On average, the height of such lamps together with the lamp is about 50-70 mm. By the way, in this regard, semi-mortise rotary lamps with a spherical movable module (they are also called “fish-eye”) may be somewhat preferable, since the lamp in them is placed down some distance.

Standing apart are some pure LED lamps for suspended ceilings, the so-called “tablets”. Bases and lamps famous model GX53 in total have the best mounting height indicators - about 35 mm. This corresponds to the minimum possible inter-ceiling space for tension systems, so there is no need to increase the height of the room.

Attention! Despite the versatility of the sockets, some lamps are recommended by manufacturers for specific types of lamps.

Comparison table of luminaires for suspended ceilings

Model Lamp type Mounting height, mm Mounting type Luminous flux type Heat Illumination of the canvas from the inside Cost, rub.
2746 Ferron E14, incandescent 40 W 85 built-in absent-minded There is There is 50
L-200 (IP44) Brilum GU5.3, 44 LEDs 3W 45-50 built-in absent-minded No No 320
DRG4-15-С-55 NLCO Single built-in 4W LED 39 built-in focus No No 500
88966 Eglo G4, halogen. 20 W 0 overhead absent-minded There is No 700
SEVO Eglo G9, halogen. 40 W 0 overhead rotating spot focus No No 1100
Reccagni Angelo E14, luminescent. 12 W 0 overhead absent-minded No No 3000
LD5000 Elektra Luminescent. 6 W 12,5 half-inset absent-minded No No 2000

Light bulbs for suspended ceilings

As you can see, several types of lamps can be selected for the same lighting fixture. Let's figure out what characteristics you need to pay attention to, what restrictions can become critical.

Incandescent lamps:

  1. They are the cheapest.
  2. To replace a faulty lamp, you do not need to dismantle the entire lamp.
  3. The most serious disadvantage of such a light source is the strong heat generation, therefore, for heat-sensitive PVC sheets, a power of 40 watts is considered the maximum, and for fabric ceilings 60-watt light bulbs are allowed.
  4. Another drawback is that the height of the lamp fittings can reach 120 millimeters.
  5. Many incandescent lamps have a “back” glow, which sometimes creates an unsightly effect if the ceiling panel is visible. Mirror and reflector models do not have this drawback.

Fluorescent lamps:

  1. 70-80% more economical than incandescent lamps.
  2. They emit almost no heat, so they have no power limitations.
  3. They hardly illuminate the ceiling from the inside.
  4. Allows you to select the temperature/color of the glow (from bluish-white to warm yellow).
  5. They can have a mounting height of 50-70 mm, like halogen, or up to 100 mm, like incandescent.
  6. They are relatively expensive.
  7. Sensitive to wiring quality and voltage characteristics. For example, they can flicker or flare up slowly.

Halogen lamps:

  1. Produces a compact, focused stream.
  2. They require 5-7 centimeters of free space behind the ceiling.
  3. They are inexpensive.
  4. They do not illuminate the ceiling from the inside (we choose models with a high-quality mirror).
  5. They get very hot, so use a maximum of 35-watt lamps.
  6. Glow temperature corresponding to white daylight— unavailable.

LED bulbs:

  1. Lamps are assembled from LEDs different types cartridges.
  2. Much more economical than incandescent lamps.
  3. LED lights for suspended ceilings can be very compact (height 35-38 mm).
  4. Do not heat up (high power can be used).
  5. Very reliable and durable.
  6. The luminous flux is directional.
  7. The glow is white.
  8. They are distinguished by their high cost.

How to install suspended ceiling lamps

Whatever type of spotlight is chosen, before installing the tension fabric, the following preparatory work should be done:

  1. A power conductor is supplied to each lighting fixture and securely fixed to the main ceiling so that during operation the wire does not sag and does not pull back the fabric or film. If corrugation is used, then its color (black/white/gray) is better to choose depending on the tone of the stretch ceiling (dark/light), since there are highly translucent fabrics.
  2. In place of the recessed lamp, a universal mounting platform is installed using adjustable brackets, which is selected according to the mounting diameter of specific lighting fixtures. For overhead models, a solid platform is needed.
  3. The platform is aligned with brackets to the level with the mounting profile (in the same plane as the future canvas). If the platform is poorly positioned, the lamp will either pull the ceiling down or form a depression directed upward.
  4. After stretching the fabric from the outside, protective thermal rings of suitable size are glued onto it, which protect the film or fabric from overheating and mechanical stress.
  5. And the last stage: holes are cut in the canvas, sockets are connected, lamps are installed in place, light bulbs are inserted.

Video on the topic

How to choose lamps for suspended ceilings? What criteria and characteristics of the unit should be given Special attention at the time of buying. Varieties of lighting elements suitable for installation in film or fabric ceilings. Advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Recommendations for use.

Before choosing lamps for suspended ceilings, you need to understand their classification and features.

Types of lighting sources

Several types of lighting elements are suitable for installation in suspended ceiling structures:

  • Point light sources with external and internal bulb placement. They have compact dimensions and are mounted in the ceiling using a thermal ring that protects the tension product from melting and darkening.
  • Overhead lighting elements provide good bright light. The installation features of the overhead device do not allow the use of a thermal ring. Therefore, due to the proximity of the device to the tension surface, it is necessary to use additional means of protecting the film or fabric from the heated unit. Such elements can be decorative details of the device itself.
  • Thin elements with a low base. These units can be mounted in tension coverings located close to the base surface, in pieces of furniture, etc.
  • Hanging fixtures - chandeliers can also be used in this type of ceiling covering. They are attached to anchor hooks, tires or beams. When choosing a chandelier, you need to be very careful about the selection of the lamp and the direction of the light beam from it. You should not take lamps with a power of more than 40 W, and the luminous flux should be directed either downwards or to the sides, but not at the surface of the tension product.
  • In addition to the main lighting fixtures, lighting can be used on a suspended ceiling. Most often, LED strips are used for this. The backlight can serve as both a secondary source of lighting and the role of the main light, so before deciding which lighting to choose for a stretch ceiling, decide on its purpose.

Selection of lamps for suspended ceilings

When purchasing a unit for installation in tension material, you should be guided by the following selection criteria:

  1. Give preference to lighting fixtures with LEDs. They practically do not heat up during use and are very durable.
  2. Halogen units require additional insulation from the tension product. For this purpose, special heat-resistant gaskets are used. They prevent the body of the device from heating up and thereby protect the tension material from melting and darkening.
  3. Buy devices with sides. The presence of this part will allow you to use a thermal ring when installing it in tension material. A protective thermal ring will protect the film or fabric material from excessive heat and damage.
  4. Energy-saving lamps in chandeliers will allow you to significantly save on lighting. In addition, they are very compact and can be used even in ceilings installed at a short distance from the base surface.
  5. When deciding which lamp to choose for a stretch ceiling, you can also pay attention to devices with incandescent lamps. In this case, the lamp power should not exceed 40 W. Otherwise, you risk damaging the tension product.

Advantages and disadvantages of halogen lighting sources

These units provide good bright, uniform illumination. They improve the visual perception of the ceiling structure. In a small room, the light from a halogen lighting fixture visually expands the room, and the glossy finish acquires additional shine. Rotating devices with halogen lamps allow you to set the desired direction of the light flux.

Before choosing lamps for a suspended ceiling with halogen elements, you should find out about all the advantages and disadvantages of these units. Their advantages include:

  • Reasonable cost
  • Quick and easy replacement of the unit
  • Bright light
  • Improving the visual perception of the room

Among the disadvantages are:

  • To install a device with a halogen lamp, you will need 6 to 8 cm of free space behind the suspended ceiling
  • The choice of lamp colors is limited. On sale you can find elements that emit a soft yellowish light

Spot ceiling lights for suspended ceilings: how to choose?

Such a device can be overhead or built-in. The advantages of these units include:

  • Easy to mount
  • Does not reduce the service life of the ceiling
  • Can be installed in areas with high humidity levels
  • Cost-effectiveness of the device (low energy consumption)
  • Compact dimensions make it possible to use the device even in a small room
  • Rotating units allow you to control the light beam
  • A wide selection of shapes and designs of such lamps allows you to choose a unit to suit your interior style

The disadvantages include the higher cost compared to other lamps, but it quickly pays for itself due to the efficiency of the device.

How to choose the right LED lamps for suspended ceilings?

LED lighting devices are the most popular. Their practicality and durability are unrivaled. The advantages of these units include:

  • Visual expansion of space and increase in room height
  • Constant uniform light
  • The technical characteristics of LEDs are much higher than those of incandescent lamps and halogen lamps
  • Durability
  • High energy savings
  • The dimensions of the device allow it to be easily mounted in a suspended ceiling


Although the features of the tension material somewhat limit us in the choice of lamps, there are still many units that can be used with a stretch ceiling. The main thing is that their power does not damage the tension surface (special gaskets and thermal rings can be used to protect it); it is also important that the dimensions of the device correspond to the free space for installation.

From us you can not only buy any lamp, but also order a call back, we will tell you how to choose spotlights for suspended ceilings.


Our company’s specialists will help you calculate the illumination, number and power of lamps for FREE. They will also advise on the location of lighting fixtures, taking into account the design and zoning of the room.

There is a very important advantage of suspended ceilings - they can hide electrical wiring underneath, so you can add and diversify the lighting in your room. To begin with, I would like to dwell on the various options.

Chandelier lighting

Today, the range of chandeliers presented on the shelves of shops and markets is simply huge. There are probably something for every taste. If you don't like standard options, that is, companies that produce custom chandeliers. But for us, as an installation organization, lighting devices divided according to the method of fastening:

  • Chandelier with hook mount. Everything is very simple here - a hook is screwed into the concrete ceiling, on which your lamp is then hung. This type of fastening is considered simplified for us.

  • Chandeliers with ceiling mounting. For them, it is necessary to place a laying platform behind the canvas. To which such a light device can be attached.

Room lighting with a chandelier is currently not inferior to recessed lamps in the frequency of use. After all, it can add sophistication. And in large rooms, sometimes you can’t do without a chandelier in principle.

Lighting with lamps

This option is very popular in small rooms or where it is necessary to separate zones or add light to the main one. Today, built-in lighting devices can be divided into three main groups:

  • Lamps with a lamp located outside the canvas. In this case, the suspended ceiling is lowered minimally, due to the fact that there is no need to retreat the distance required to place the lamp and base. This plus, accordingly, becomes a minus for those who do not like the fact that the entire lamp is clearly visible. The sockets in them are usually G4 or G9.

  • The most common options for luminaires are those with lamps with GU 5.3 or MR-16 sockets. Most of the lighting devices around you have exactly these lamps. Their variety is almost limitless. But there is one significant drawback - the height of the lamp. It is about 6-6.5 centimeters. Because of this, the canvas will drop at least 7 centimeters. Previously, such lighting devices had another disadvantage in that they only had halogen lamps, which with PVC film could be installed with a power of no more than 35 watts. 50-watt light bulbs were almost guaranteed to burn through the canvas over time. Now there is already a large assortment of lamps with LEDs - the light output of which is very high, with low energy consumption.

  • Ultra-thin lamps or, as they are also called, special lamps for suspended ceilings. Previously, they were presented mainly with the GX-53 lamp. The standard thickness of the device was only 38 millimeters. And the diameter of the lamp is about 10 centimeters. They provide a lot of light and do not lower the level of the canvas much. Currently, with the development of LEDs, ultra-thin lamps with a thickness of 15-20 millimeters have appeared. But they are still quite expensive.

With LED strip

In rare cases, this type can be called the main one; as a rule, LED strips are used as additional lighting. We will probably talk about each of them:

  • Full lighting with LED strip. As a rule, this method is chosen in small rooms - bath, toilet, corridor. In this case, the LED strip is used a lot and consumes quite a lot of electricity. But this option looks really very unusual.

  • Illumination of the level in the structure. This is perhaps the most popular solution using LED strip. It creates additional lighting and due to this, the level transition looks even brighter.

  • It is also very often installed LED backlight along the perimeter of the room, hiding the tape behind the polyurethane baseboard. This option is popular because it can be performed with my own hands. The process is labor-intensive, but technically not difficult.

  • Floating design. In this case, there remains a space between the suspended ceiling and the wall, into which the LED strip is mounted. When it is turned on, it seems that the canvas is floating in the air, since there is even light along its perimeter.

  • Stretch ceilings with hidden decorative lighting. The LED strip is mounted under the canvas, which imitates some kind of pattern or lines. When the tape is turned off, you have a simple, flat surface, but when you turn it on, it becomes very unusual and elegant.

As you can see, LED strip can be used both for the usual lighting, which many have probably seen, and to create interesting visual effects.

The downside when using LED strips is that it is advisable to install the power supplies and controller in an accessible place. Electronic equipment, unfortunately, does not last forever. This moment needs to be planned in advance.

And now our tips on lighting in individual rooms.

In the nursery

How to choose lighting for a children's room, because we want to make this room pleasant and unusual? It's hard to say for sure what will happen the best option for this room. Perhaps you decide to install a beautiful chandelier there or create a minimalist style for a teenager. Or make beautiful lighting with LED strip. Everything is limited by the height of the room, budget and your imagination. The main rule in choosing is that the illumination should be high, especially in areas where games or studies are practiced, and the ceiling should be combined with the overall design of the children's room.

In the kitchen

In the kitchen there are, as a rule, two main areas that should have a lot of light. The first is the work surface kitchen set. And the second is a dining area with a table at which people eat. The second zone is a little easier - with a good chandelier at the table there will be enough light for breakfast or dinner, but on the work surface it may not be enough. This is why built-in lights are so often installed above the set in the suspended ceiling in the kitchen. And as a rule, they leave the chandelier.

Although the bathroom is a small room, the light there should be bright and pleasant. Most often, spot illumination is used in bathrooms. The main reason is not to block the chandeliers and so on small room. Although sometimes in large bathtubs you can see both structures and large lighting fixtures. But if your bathroom is not large, but you want to make it unusual, there is an option with a completely luminous surface. Perhaps this is your choice?

In the bedroom

In the bedroom, it is advisable to create bright main lighting and additional lighting for reading books or a romantic setting. For the main lighting, as a rule, a chandelier is used, for reading or bedside lamps, or built-in lamps above the head of the bed. But for light that creates a romantic atmosphere, LED strip is most often used. It can be hidden in the transition level of a two-level structure, behind a curtain rod or in niches on the wall above the bed.

Let's sum it up

In general, it doesn’t matter in which room you are going to arrange the light space. The basic rules are simple: suspended ceilings, like lighting, must be in harmony with the overall interior, there must be a lot of light. And if you are one of those who like dim light, then it is better to divide it into bright and calm, pleasant for you. After all, it may be necessary to turn on a bright light, and if you don’t do it, then there will be no opportunity to turn it on. And the most important rule when choosing lighting is to choose what you like. We can advise, but living with the option you choose is up to you.

The market for lighting fixtures for suspended ceilings today is simply overflowing with all sorts of modifications and options for lamps. When visiting stores, your eyes are simply blown away by the wealth of choice.

Naturally, the article will not present all, but only three types of lamps most often used for installation. Let's consider their advantages and disadvantages separately.

G5.3 luminaires

The first type is lamps for light bulbs with a G5.3 base. This type is shown in the photo below:

There are halogen and LED versions. The main disadvantage of halogen ones is that the lamp reflector transmits some of the light into the stretch ceiling.

The result is a picture where all the insides of the ceiling and communications are visible. Namely – fastenings, electrical wiring, mortgage.

Previously, this problem was solved in two ways:

  • the back wall of the light bulb was covered with foil
  • or simply painted over

Now everything is much simpler. It is enough to purchase LED light bulb, in which the back surface is completely opaque and the light from it passes only downwards.

The disadvantage of the lamp itself is that the bulb is set quite deep inside.

Because of this, the light diverges at an acute angle, without covering the maximum possible area, and without scattering throughout the room. It turns out that the lamp will shine as a spot.

In addition, due to the very small diameter, the power of the LEDs is limited.

Even a more developed radiator will not allow installing a light bulb of more than 7 W.

And this is if it is made of aluminum. When we are talking about some kind of composite cooling design, it is unlikely that such a lamp will last long. It will simply overheat and burn out.

In other brands, due to their larger size and better cooling conditions, you can “shove” all 15 W.

Luminaire GX 53

The second type of lamp is brand GX 53. Its main advantage is the larger diameter of the light bulb. In addition, the lamp itself is not recessed here, but rather protrudes from the plane by several millimeters.

Due to this, the light is as diffused as possible, and the lighting angle is quite wide. We can say that this light bulb shines 180 degrees.

There are two types of lamps for such lamps:

  • LED
  • energy saving

Everyone advises installing LED ones. Firstly, they last much longer, and secondly, they flare up instantly after switching on.

For energy-saving devices, this requires a certain amount of time, often several tens of seconds!

Heating of lamps

What should you pay attention to when choosing light bulbs for this type of luminaire? First of all, on the shape of the base. When you buy LED bulbs, choose ones that have cooling grilles.

Since there are specimens with a flat surface, completely covered with plastic without a hint of at least some kind of lattice.

New products with so-called composite radiators have also appeared. Externally, they can be completely smooth in shape. According to the manufacturer, thanks to the combination different materials and components (aluminum and plastic in one casting), a cooling effect is achieved similar to lamps with powerful aluminum radiators.

However, many companies are openly hack-working and follow the path of reducing their costs, while not providing the proper quality, hiding behind only catchy names. In fact, there may not be anything composite there. Here's the confirmation:

There is a common belief that LEDs do not heat up at all, but this is not entirely true. In any case, they generate heat, and this heat must be removed. And all this ultimately affects the service life.

On average, such lamps should last at least 3 years. Although most manufacturers have a 1 year warranty. Often this whole matter is reflected on the packaging in operating hours.

Lack of heating in lamps is the most important parameter for suspended ceilings. Otherwise not right choice can lead to deformation and sagging of the film, or even damage. Since the stretch ceiling is highly thermally sensitive, under the influence of heat it loses its elastic properties, melts and stains form on it.

Varieties of GX-53

GX 53 luminaires are available in a very wide range color scheme. The most popular model from Ecola GX 53 H4 has up to nine colors. Their bore diameter is 90mm.

A set of quality products should always include a thermal ring.
It is necessary specifically for installation in a suspended ceiling. Without it, the film will simply rip spontaneously in the direction you don’t want at all.

The GX53 H4 models gained popularity due to the fact that they take up very little space in the ceiling space. This lamp also has a very reliable mount.

The eyelet on which the spring is attached is made of metal and does not fall off over time.

So for similar models GX53 H6 everything is made of plastic. And plastic ages over time, especially under constant exposure to heat. This fastening breaks off and the lamp hangs in the air only due to the electrical wiring.

An additional advantage over the G5.3 is that the lamp protrudes a few millimeters from the lamp body. This results in a 180-degree diffusion of light without the formation of dark corners in the room.

True, some people don’t quite like it when the light bulb is not flush and not completely recessed into the seat. For this design, choose the GX53 FT3225 brand. It’s exactly what it’s called – a deep recessed lamp.

However, firstly, it is more expensive, and secondly, there is the same problem with the fastening plastic, and there are only three color options.

Therefore, look in stores for new H4 models, but with in-depth seat under the lamp. There are some of these too, just follow the labels on the packaging.

All of the above models are suitable for installation in ordinary rooms - living room, kitchen, bedroom. For installation in a bathroom, you need to buy waterproof ones with a degree of protection IP65. For example, the GX53 H9 lamp.

It has its own nuances. There is a silicone gasket on top, and the lamp itself is protected by glass, which can be removed by turning it. From the side of the illuminated room, the device is completely protected from splashes of water.

However, this same protection limits the power of the lamps. All this should be indicated on the packaging.

  • for LEDs – 6W
  • for energy saving – 9-11W

More than these capacities cannot be used.

Installation of a lamp in the ceiling without a mortgage

Another plus of the GX53 H4 is that with some modification they can be mounted even without a mortgage. This may be needed if you don’t want or can’t lower the ceiling low.
The whole change takes a few minutes.

Modern design solutions when decorating an apartment or office, they require the use of the latest technical means. Therefore, having equipped the room with a suspended ceiling, you should take care of the corresponding lamp. How to choose the right lighting devices for a stretch ceiling? Let's figure this out.

Which lamps are suitable for suspended ceilings

Stretch ceilings are a panel fixed to a profile (baguette). It can be made of fabric or PVC film. The material has relatively low heat resistance. Thus, during operation, lamps with powerful lamps (primarily incandescent lamps) strongly heat the surrounding surface. When exposed to high temperatures (over 50 degrees), the fabric may turn yellow, lose elasticity, and crack. This means that its service life will be significantly reduced. To avoid this, you should choose and install the lamp correctly - that’s all.

Most often, luminaires with halogen or LED lighting sources are chosen for suspended ceilings, less often - with energy-saving fluorescent ones.

As we have already noted, the material of the tension fabric imposes certain restrictions on the power of light sources. Thus, the power of halogen lamps should not exceed 35–40 W, fluorescent lamps - 50 W. You should also take into account the design features of lighting fixtures and the shape of the lampshades. The lamps must be located at a distance of at least 15–20 cm from the surface of the canvas.

The installation of “dish” type lamps in the case of suspended ceilings is strictly prohibited. Due to the tight fit of light sources to the surface and poor air circulation, the canvas can be damaged by exposure to high temperatures!

If you still decide to opt for lamps with traditional incandescent lamps, then the distance from them to the ceiling surface should be at least 40 cm.

Types of lamps for suspended ceilings

There are quite a large number of classifications of lamps: by type of fastening, by design, by design, by lighting source... Let's talk about this in more detail.

According to the type of fastening for suspended ceilings, the most commonly used lamps are:

  • Hanging (chandeliers)
    These lamps received this name based on the installation principle - they are suspended on a hook built into the base ceiling. At the same time, the lamp itself has a special fastener, usually in the form of a triangle. This is one of the simplest mounting options. In this case, it is important that the master, before stretching the canvas, makes a hole in it in in the right place. Then all that remains is to strengthen it with a special ring and stretch the suspension through it.
    As for the price category, among the variety of pendant lamps there are both budget and luxury models - from thousands to hundreds of thousands of rubles.
  • Invoices
    To install surface-mounted lamps, you need to prepare a mounting base with power supply in advance. After the suspended ceiling is installed, overhead rings are glued on and holes are made at the location of the lamps, that is, overhead lamps are installed directly on the canvas, literally superimposed on it. Due to the nature of such designs, the power of the lamps used should be taken into account. LED lamps would be an ideal option - with such lighting, the shelf canvas heats up slightly.
    Surface-mounted lamps, as a rule, are cheaper than pendant lamps.
  • Built-in
    Such lamps are attached according to the same principle as overhead ones. At the same time, they have a spring-type fastening, which is inserted into a hole in the suspended ceiling, where the spring straightens, which allows the lamp to be tightly pressed to the ceiling lining. On the outside, the canvas is decorated with a decorative overlay. Visually, it seems that the lamp merges with the ceiling. Similar designs They attract less attention; their main purpose is to illuminate the room. Therefore, they are often used in offices.
    As a rule, these are inexpensive lamps.

Based on the number of light sources, lamps are distinguished:

  • Spot
    The peculiarity of spotlights is that they are small in size and designed for one lamp, so for complete lighting you need several of these lamps. They look good in the kitchen, bathroom, hallway. The lighting area of ​​such devices is usually no more than 30 degrees, so they should be installed in rows.
    Prices for spotlights are quite low, average cost one - 500–1500 rubles.

For general lighting fixtures, the radiation angle should be at least 60–90 degrees. For local lighting, lamps with an angle of at least 40 degrees are used.

  • Cascade
    These are built-in structures, which are a platform on which several lighting elements are fixed - screw-in lampshades or pendant lamps. Cascading designs create an atmosphere of refined elegance in the room and help to delimit zones in the room. IN last years In the design environment, there is a tendency to place cascading lamps above the dining table.
    Designers offer many original models. However, such products are not cheap.

In accordance with the ability to regulate the luminous flux, luminaires are distinguished:

  • Static and rotary
    The first ones do not have moving elements and provide “stationary” lighting. The latter have a movable external part. This makes it possible to adjust the direction of the light beam, which would be appropriate, for example, when receiving guests - to illuminate the faces of those present at a large table.

Depending on the light source used, products can be classified into:

  • LED lamps for suspended ceilings
    Such lighting devices operate using a semiconductor - LED. In it, unlike a conventional incandescent or fluorescent lamp, electricity transforms directly into light radiation. LED lamps produce warm yellowish or cool white light, hardly heat up, they are durable, have a long service life, and are also energy saving. They have, perhaps, only two drawbacks - the high price and the impossibility of replacing lamps (usually they are built into the lamp): if they burn out, the entire lighting device will have to be changed.
  • Halogen lamps
    Lamps with halogen lamps have very high-quality color rendition, high brightness and clear directionality of radiation. Compared to LED lamps, they do not have high performance energy saving. But if we compare them with incandescent lamps, then halogen lamps have a higher luminous efficiency and last twice as long.
    Usually small lamps are inserted into a halogen ceiling lamp, sometimes they are not even visible.
  • Energy-saving fluorescent lamps
    Any lamp, including one located on a suspended ceiling, becomes energy-saving when energy-saving lamps are inserted into it. fluorescent lamps. Their peculiarity is that they have a very high luminous efficiency - the ratio between luminous flux and power consumption. This allows you to save energy. However, such lamps are large in size and cannot be placed in every lamp.

If you don’t want the light to hurt your eyes when looking at the lamp, choose models with the dark light reflector function. The outgoing light beam in them is soft.

Prices for lamps for suspended ceilings

The price of lighting fixtures for suspended ceilings depends on many factors. These are: the country of origin, the materials from which the lamp is made, its design.

Thus, prices for pendant lamps for suspended ceilings range on average from 2,000 to 20,000 rubles. For example, the Bokal pendant lamp from the manufacturer Citilux (Denmark) - one glass shade, with maximum power 100 W, costs 2290 rubles. The elongated vertical shape allows it not to come into contact with the stretch ceiling. This model is perfect for lighting the kitchen.

Overhead lamps cost an average of 800-5000 rubles. Available offer: LED lamp from the manufacturer Horoz (Turkey) “Circle overlay” with an aluminum body and a power of 18 W for 1047 rubles.

Spotlights can be selected in the range of 100-1500 rubles. For example, spotlight Novotech Window 369110 from Novotech (Hungary) made of aluminum and frosted glass with a power of 50 W costs 350 rubles.

A special feature of cascading lamps is the intricacy of their design. On average they cost 20,000 and above. Thus, the cascade chandelier Cascade T522-PT40x100-G (Maytoni), made in Germany, which is a luxurious inflorescence made of crystal beads, costs 62,330 rubles. This lamp is designed for 12 lamps and has a lighting area of ​​48 square meters. m.

Thus, prices for ceiling lamps for suspended ceilings vary significantly, but the range of these products is very wide, so you can choose a lighting device to suit every taste and budget without any problems.

How to choose lamps for suspended ceilings

When choosing a lamp, you should first take into account the interior of the room for which you are purchasing it. Discreet modern, designer chic or classic luxury - it all depends on how you see your entire room.

Do not forget about the maximum power of the lamps, but we talked about this earlier.

For fabric fabric, the choice of lamps is wider, since it tolerates high temperatures well. Halogen, energy-saving, and LED lighting fixtures are also suitable. For PVC, LED lamps are an ideal option.

You can install either one lamp or a number of spotlights on a suspended ceiling, or you can use both types. notice, that modern design The premises require several light sources, so the lighting system should be carefully considered. Be sure to take into account the geometry and design of the lamps: round or square, plain or patterned, etc.

As we have seen, installing the lighting you need will not be a problem. The main thing is to take into account all the nuances of the room, specifications lamp and features of a stretch ceiling. If you approach all this thoughtfully, the result will exceed all expectations.