What permits are needed to open a swimming pool? Approximate opening dates

Now in many countries (and our country is no exception), the popularity of a healthy lifestyle is rapidly growing. The number of people who are becoming adherents of active recreation, which also has a positive effect on the condition of the body, is growing faster and faster. There are plenty of options for what to do: playing football, working out in the fitness center, martial arts and much more. Everyone chooses exactly the activity that suits them. But, one way or another, there are sports that absolutely everyone can do and are suitable for almost all people. These types include morning exercises, light jogging, and swimming. To practice the first two sports, no special equipment is required, because you can do morning exercises right in your room, and run in the morning in a nearby park. But if you choose swimming for yourself, then you cannot do without a pond.

During the period from autumn to spring, it is not possible to swim in natural reservoirs due to the rather low water temperature. Therefore, people who have chosen a sport such as swimming are forced to use swimming pools.

In the summer, most people have no problem finding a place to swim. Some people live near a small river or lake, some have access to a pond, and some even have the sea coast visible from their window. The type of reservoir is not important, the main thing is that in summer you can use almost any type available to you for swimming. But from autumn to spring it is not possible to swim in natural reservoirs due to the rather low water temperature. Therefore, people who have chosen a sport such as swimming are forced to use swimming pools.

Naturally, many swimming enthusiasts are frequent guests of pools in the summer, however, artificial reservoirs experience the greatest flow of visitors precisely in the cold months of the year. In this regard, many novice entrepreneurs have a question about how to open a swimming pool.

Now in a large number of cities, the demand for swimming pool services exceeds supply.

Now in a large number of cities, the demand for swimming pool services exceeds supply. This is bad for clients, since they do not have the opportunity to choose among the existing pools exactly the one that will fully satisfy their needs - from its location to the prices for services. But for entrepreneurs, this situation is, on the contrary, positive - since there is wide scope for starting their own business in this area.

The client audience of this business is very diverse, since swimmers can be found among people different ages, different professions, different social statuses. Professional athletes are another category of regular customers. Also, according to experts, almost half of total number clients are corporate clients.

How to build a swimming pool

Building a swimming pool is not an easy task, and it requires quite a large investment. If you are planning to open an entire complex with several pools, then its construction will cost 2-3 million dollars. But such a large complex will be in demand in very large cities, such as Moscow. But in smaller cities, it is not profitable to start building such a facility - it will not pay off. IN regional cities It is more advisable to build a medium or small pool. Speaking about specific investment amounts, the construction of a small swimming pool will cost 70-100 thousand dollars. Keep in mind that the average payback period for such a pool is three years, so you won’t be able to quickly make a lot of money in such a business.

The first stage in creating a swimming pool is finding or building a suitable room. Select the area of ​​the pool depending on the desired scale of the business. The most advantageous and common pool size is approximately 20 meters with 3 swimming lanes.
The next thing to do is to purchase a bowl for the future pool. An average-sized bowl of 20x8 meters will cost approximately 50 thousand dollars. Along with the bowl, this amount already includes water heating and purification systems. Separately, you need to purchase lighting, dividing paths, facing tiles(it will cost 15-17 thousand dollars).

Also, in addition to investing in the construction of the pool itself, additional financial expenses will require obtaining a construction permit and a license from the SES. It is also necessary to conclude agreements with the relevant services for the installation of water, sewerage and energy networks.

And, of course, qualified personnel are required to operate the pool. Again, the number of workers needed depends on the size of the pool, but if you are opening a small pool, then you will need one manager, one accountant, two administrators, two medical worker, two cleaners, several instructors and swimming coaches. This set of employees is quite suitable for the first time the pool operates. Next, you will be able to hire personnel in connection with emerging needs for certain specialists.

Providing paid services in the entertainment industry is considered risky, but very profitable business. If an entrepreneur manages to guess the wishes of clients, then the demand for such an offer remains stable.

During the hot summer season, an outdoor swimming pool as a business can become a completely successful project. We propose to evaluate the potential pros and cons of this business idea, as well as draw up a rough plan for its implementation.

Swimming pool as a way to earn money

What does it take to make money running a swimming pool? Not as little as it initially seems:

  • develop and offer clients various health and/or entertainment programs;
  • draw up a business strategy;
  • create a high-quality material base for providing services and doing business.

Obviously, opening a summer pool and using it only as a place where you can cool off and sunbathe is the minimum that an entrepreneur can offer clients. If you approach the operation of an outdoor pool more creatively, then on the surface you can discover a number of additional sources of income that will make your business more efficient.

Based on the existing swimming pool, it is possible to provide the following services:

  • rental of gaming and auxiliary equipment;
  • minibar contents;
  • conducting training and health courses.

If everything is simple with the issues of renting equipment and the functioning of a mini-bar: it is enough to plan the costs of developing these areas of activity, then educational and health work with different groups of clients raises a number of questions for a novice entrepreneur.

For example, how to correctly divide visitors into groups? The best option- according to the age. Until five o'clock in the evening the pool is open as a children's pool, from seven to eleven o'clock in the evening the pool is open for adults.

Is it possible to ensure safe operation of a swimming pool for visitors of different age categories? Compliance is required for both children and adults different standards services.

For example, before opening a swimming pool for infants, an entrepreneur needs to take care of maintaining the required temperature in the bowl and thoroughly filtering all the water mass. It is equally important to think through and create an infrastructure for mothers and ensure the presence of a pediatrician.

Before opening a pool for older children, you need to create safe and comfortable conditions for young visitors and accompanying parents, provide it with all the necessary equipment: starting tables, water slides, lighting, etc.

Attention! If you plan to open a children's pool exclusively, consider renting space from an existing fitness center, gym or sports complex. So, already at the start you will gain a fairly wide client base. Many parents don’t mind spending time training while their child works with an instructor in the pool.

Having outlined a rough concept for the operation of the pool, you can begin to open a business.

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Opening a business

Providing services for using a swimming pool is a simple business in terms of organization.

Due to the fact that any commercial activity can only be legal after state registration, it makes no sense to consider a pool as a business without obtaining the status of an economic entity from the Federal Tax Service.

At the stage of preparation for registration, it is important to know. The choice of organizational and legal form for a future enterprise depends on the conditions in which the business is opened and what the strategy for its development is.

  • if the pool is organized by several founders, the optimal form of the future enterprise is LLC;
  • if it is planned to attract investments or credit funds for the development of an enterprise, you also cannot do without an LLC.

In all other cases, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. will help a novice businessman quickly obtain the necessary status.

Important! Any income received by an individual or legal entity as a result of doing business, is subject to taxes.

Regardless of what status the enterprise will have, before launching the pool it is necessary to obtain permits from the sanitary and epidemiological service, Rospozhnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor.

How much does it cost to open a swimming pool?

In order to open a modern, comfortable, cost-effective swimming pool that meets all sanitary and fire safety standards, you need from 20 thousand to 2 million US dollars. The stated minimum will be required if an entrepreneur is reconstructing an existing small pool or building an outdoor pool, and the maximum is creating a new sports and fitness center from scratch.

To run an outdoor pool, you will need:

  • take a long-term lease or buy a plot of land for construction;
  • purchase a construction project;
  • carry out construction and installation work;
  • put the facility into operation;
  • hire staff (administrator, two nurses, two trainers, animator);
  • order an advertising campaign.

Obviously, all necessary events need to be organized based on your capabilities. If the project is low-budget, then it will be impossible to buy a plot of land at the very beginning. However, even with a small budget, it is not recommended to save on equipment and construction of a swimming pool, since clients will identify the lack of the required quality quickly enough, and the project will suffer losses.

How to write a business plan for an outdoor swimming pool

An outdoor swimming pool project should include a determination of initial costs, ongoing expenses and the amount of potential revenue. By comparing all this data, you can calculate the approximate payback period for such a project.

As mentioned above, to open a small comfortable pool you will need about 20 thousand US dollars.

The current costs of its maintenance cannot be called modest. According to experts, they will amount to about 3.5 thousand dollars monthly:

  • 3 thousand dollars – settlements with personnel and maintenance costs;
  • 0.5 thousand dollars – taxes and utility bills.

In order for the project to pay off in the first warm season (from May to September), it must earn at least 8 thousand dollars a month, that is, 300 dollars a day.

Considering that one entrance ticket can cost up to $2.50 per hour, it will not be difficult to get the planned income per day.

In addition, in the evening the pool can be rented out for corporate events, parties and celebrations. Proper planning will allow you to quickly recoup your investment and achieve net profit.

Teaching children to swim almost from birth has become a popular trend; parents want to help their child develop, strengthen the body and immunity. Demand for healthy image life can be skillfully used by entrepreneurs, and a business plan for a children's pool will come in handy. Indeed, in Russia, especially in small towns, there is a shortage of such services.


A business plan for a swimming pool for children is being developed with the goal of opening a center with two bowls (for babies and children 5-10 years old) and a massage room, where classes will be held for infants and pregnant women, swimming lessons for children under 10 years old, both individual and group. The target audience of the establishment will be people with average incomes from 23 to 40 years old who have children under 10 years old.

The goals of organizing a swimming pool for infants are to create a highly profitable enterprise, make a profit and satisfy the consumer market for water recreation within the populated area. To implement the project, it is planned to purchase premises with an area of ​​more than 1.5 thousand square meters. meters in which repairs will be made. The premises will be located in a densely populated area of ​​the city, where young families live and there are educational and entertainment institutions for children.

It is expected to provide the following services to the population:

  • One-time lessons with an instructor.
  • Systematic classes with a subscription.
  • Children's massage therapist services.
  • Kids room.

If we talk about the seasonality of the business, then from autumn to spring there is an approximately equal flow of clients; in the summer, the number of audiences decreases by about 2-4 times. To attract customers, it is planned to organize promotions, offer discounts on subscriptions, in addition, it is convenient to conduct renovation work or modernization of premises.


To open a pool, you will need to obtain legal status; Since it is planned to work in partnership to implement the project, an LLC will be suitable. OKVED codes:

  • 93 “Activities in the field of sports, recreation and entertainment.”
  • 85 “Education, such as swimming lessons and instructors.”
  • 86 “Health Activities” if you plan to add massage services.

In addition, the premises must obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor, the fire service and the SES. It is also planned to issue a license for massage services, as specialists will provide therapeutic massage.

At the start you will need funds to rent premises, redecorating, purchase and installation necessary equipment, promotion of services.

What you will need

Steps to implement a business project:

  • Search and rental of premises from 1.5 thousand sq. m. meters.
  • Cosmetic renovation of your own premises, including the installation of two bowls.
  • Equipment for showers, wardrobes, reception area, children's room.
  • Conducting an advertising campaign.
  • Obtaining the necessary permits.
  • Hiring staff.

Project concept

The project involves the installation of two swimming bowls: for classes with infants and parents and children under five years old (size 10x6x0.6 meters) and for classes with children five to ten years old and expectant mothers (size 10x6x1.2 meters). The premises will also have a wardrobe, an administrator area, a small massage room, a room for children, showers and toilets, and utility rooms.

The target audience of the complex is women from 23 to 40 years old who plan to become mothers or already have children from 0 to 10 years old. These are also people who care about their own and their child’s health and maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.

The pool operating hours are expected to be set from 09:00 to 21:00 on weekdays and weekends. The cost of a one-time visit to the pool is 300 rubles, a monthly subscription (8 classes) is 2000 rubles, a one-time massage service is 900 rubles, a monthly subscription (5 times) is 4000 rubles.

Market analysis

The swimming pool market as a whole can be characterized as developing. Large complexes allow adults to engage in not only amateur swimming, but also learn from coaches, play water sports, and attend group classes. Some of these places exist on the basis of buildings built in Soviet years structures. In the USSR it was prescribed that there should be 30 thousand people per pool. In the last 5-6 years, the number of swimming pools, both independent and at fitness centers, has increased by 15%, experts say.

However, in large cities there is still a shortage of such establishments, and quality offers are several times less than the demand. The fashion for a healthy lifestyle, including swimming as a useful and accessible format of exercise, is only developing. We are still far from the indicators of Europe and America, where there are 15 thousand people per swimming pool, so investments in organizing a swimming pool are quite promising.

The most current trend is swimming pools for children. younger age, as well as for infants, since most standard pools are aimed at adults. They have greater depth, do not have special handrails and specialists who can work with children individually or in groups. The existing establishments are few, often difficult to get there, some have interruptions in operation, poor water purification systems or illiterate specialists. Any competitive disadvantages can be turned into your own advantages by paying attention to water conditions, service and pricing to make sailing accessible to the middle class.

Marketing plan

For the planned pool, we will select as the target audience women 23-40 years old with young children and those preparing for motherhood, while focusing on a healthy lifestyle, sports and active recreation. We will not focus on the male audience, since in most cases mothers, not fathers, think about the development of the baby and the selection of additional activities for him.

The pool for children is supposed to be promoted through advertising on the Internet and social networks, thematic groups and forums for parents and expectant mothers, street advertising and distribution of leaflets in the residential area where the swimming pool is located, and advertisements on radio and online publications. The establishment is also planned to be included on interactive maps and services for selecting places for leisure and children’s development.

To increase audience loyalty, it is planned to hold promotions, give away trial classes, and give discounts from partners: children's clothing stores and goods for pregnant women, children's cafes, clubs, kindergartens, schools, shopping centers. In these places, as well as in antenatal clinics and clinics it is planned to place advertisements. In addition, it is planned to conduct excursions and days open doors in complex, distribution of discount coupons through aggregator sites.

  • Creation of a website and groups on social networks (50 thousand rubles).
  • Advertising on the Internet and popular public pages on social networks (30 thousand rubles).
  • Advertisements on the street and leaflets (60 thousand rubles).
  • Media (100 thousand rubles).
  • Monthly support for some channels in the amount of 50 thousand rubles.

Total for the first year: 240 + 50 x 12 = 840 thousand rubles.

Organizational plan

To maintain the smooth operation of the pool and a high level of service, you will need to select qualified specialists, because the demand for the service will largely depend on the work of the trainers. Parents, when choosing a swimming instructor or for classes with infants, as well as a massage therapist, are very strict about their professionalism and often look at the recommendations of other clients. Therefore, the emphasis will be on experienced workers with good reviews.

Staff members:

It is assumed that the director of the company will be the owner of the project; at first he will take on the functions of a manager for personnel selection, management, financing, marketing, and then he will outsource part of the activities to specialists. It is also planned to outsource accounting and security. It is planned to select personnel through recommendations from friends, job search sites, the pool’s social networks and city public pages on the Internet.

Production plan

Below we give an example of a production plan, where we describe all the production and work processes of the company to show the viability of the project.

Monthly expenses:

  • Tax payments: 6% from the organization’s income (108 thousand rubles), 33% from employee salaries (84.15 thousand rubles).
  • Rent + utility payments: 1 million rubles.
  • Payroll fund: 255 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising: 50 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses: 100 thousand rubles.

Monthly project expenses: 1.6 million rubles (for the year 19.16 million rubles).

The initial investment in the project is variable costs, monthly expenses are fixed costs. Let's calculate the total expenses for the first year of operation of the establishment, taking into account the timing of the project (from June 2017 to August 2018): 6.14 million rubles + 1.6 x 12 = 25.34 million rubles.

Financial plan

The monthly attendance of the pool is 500 people, a subscription for which costs 2,000 rubles per month. Massage services will be used by 100 people with a subscription (4,000 rubles) and 100 people with a one-time visit (900 rubles per session). Manicure and pedicure services will be used by 300 people per month, the average bill is 1000 rubles. Let's also add the use of a children's room: 150 people for 100 rubles. We receive monthly revenue of 1.8 million rubles. Annual revenue will be 21.66 million rubles.

Monthly profit consists of the difference between revenue and expenses for the month; in the case of a swimming pool project, it comes out to 200 thousand rubles. Profit for the first year will be 2.4 million rubles.

The break-even point for the first year is calculated using the formula: (revenue x fixed costs) / (revenue - variable costs). We get: (21.66 million rubles – 19.16 million rubles) / (21.66 million rubles – 6.14 million rubles) = 26.7 million rubles.

Profitability = profit / revenue x 100% = 2.4 million rubles / 21.66 million rubles x 100% = 11.08%. The profitability level for a pool varies on average from 10 to 20%, therefore, our project will work in plus. To get better results, you should focus on attracting more clients. Payback = starting investment / profit for the year = 6.14 million rubles / 2.4 million rubles = 2.6 years, 30 months.

The profitability of the project can be increased five times if you buy a room for a swimming pool, but the payback will be 6.5 years.

Assessments and risks

The project to open a swimming pool for children has the following risks: the risk of starting a business, lack of demand for services, incorrect calculation of funds for starting the project and subsequent profits, legal risks, a possible increase in rent or a change in the amount of utility bills, the risk of increasing the cost of repairing premises and equipment, the risk of missed deadlines launching the project.

The advantages that the business project has: demand for a healthy lifestyle, sports for children and pregnant women; qualified personnel, the opportunity to use additional services that will reduce financial risks (massage, manicure, children's room), trouble-free operation complex, building a positive reputation for the establishment. To minimize risks, it is planned to strictly control the quality of work of equipment and personnel, maintain a positive atmosphere in the team to avoid staff turnover, create effective advertising and pricing policies that will help popularize the establishment.


The developed business plan for a children's pool with calculations showed that the project was quite profitable. Considering the growing demand of the population for services for children, the idea looks promising, although it requires high financial costs. Fixed funds will be used for equipment and renovation of the premises.

The calculations showed that a children's pool with an initial investment of 6.14 million rubles and monthly expenses of 1.6 million rubles will have a profitability of 200 thousand rubles per month. The profitability of the project will be 11.08%, and the payback period will be 2.6 years. Considering that average term The payback period for such establishments is 3-5 years; the developed project looks promising, especially if you purchase the premises outright or lease them rather than rent them.

In the future, to increase profits, you can plan to organize fitness classes for pregnant women: yoga, stretching, aerobics, dancing and ball classes. To do this, you will need to find 1-2 trainers to conduct classes, as well as prepare the premises gym and a minimum set of shells. In addition, the project can be scaled up and franchises for organizing a club can be sold in other cities of Russia.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 6 minutes


Opening a swimming pool is a business idea that many entrepreneurs take up. As for its variety - the creation of a children's pool for visitors from 0 to 7 years old, then, on the one hand, it is promising, but on the other, it raises many questions. What are the nuances of such an enterprise? How profitable is it? What permits are required? Read in this article.

Swimming pool for kids - business features

Before you begin the process of organizing a children's pool, you should take into account several significant features of this business:

  • Firstly , working with children will require highly qualified instructors and trainers.
  • Secondly , it is advisable to have a pediatrician on staff who will monitor the health of the children and determine whether the load is sufficient for them.
  • Third , the pool works effectively when organized with kindergarten or a fitness center for adults (in the second case, parents can leave their kids for classes during their workouts).
  • Fourth , the cost of classes is determined depending on the time they are held, the type and duration of the sessions.

Important point: In the children's pool you can practice both group and individual lessons(the latter are at a higher cost).

Choosing a building for a children's pool

What are the ideal places to place a children's pool? Previously mentioned proximity or . However, is there a building in the surrounding space that meets the necessary parameters?

Essentially, there are three ways to get a structure for organizing a swimming pool for kids:

  1. Build from scratch . This option is fraught with huge costs.
  2. Rent a non-residential building . Finding one in a given place can be extremely difficult.
  3. Rent a room in a fitness center . The most acceptable option is provided that the space here is properly equipped.

Important point: When renting a non-residential building or premises in a fitness center, it is important to clarify the issues of water supply, drainage, heating and ventilation, so as not to face serious costs in the future.

What equipment will be required?

Specialized organizations should be involved in installing a pool, which can monitor issues of water drainage and filtration, the thickness of the walls and the depth of the bowl of the water tank. However, this is not the only acquisition for the future business.

For the full operation of the children's pool you will also need:

  • Efficient heating and ventilation system.
  • Paths, bedside tables and slides for the start.
  • Lockers for things, benches.
  • Administrator's desk.
  • Auxiliary devices for swimming - cylinders, wings, etc.

Important point: Special attention should be given to water purification. Since we are talking about sensitive children's skin, it is best to do this not by chlorination, but by ozonation.

Children's pool staff - number and composition

To operate even a small swimming pool for children, a fairly expanded staff will be required, namely:

  1. 2-5 instructors.
  2. 1-2 technical specialists.
  3. Medical worker.
  4. Cleaning woman.
  5. Administrator.
  6. Security guard.

At first, the responsibilities of a manager, accountant, and marketer can be assumed by the business owner himself.

Business registration and permits

Once the premises for the pool have been selected and equipped, it’s time to think about legalizing the business.

To do this you will need:

  • Register with the Federal Tax Service as an individual entrepreneur.
  • Obtain permission to operate from the regional committee for urban planning and architecture.
  • Submit certificates to the SES and fire service.

Important point: You should be prepared to be strict in your inspections since this is a toddler pool. Controlling authorities can check the composition and temperature of the water, the depth of the bowl, and the availability of auxiliary equipment.

Business promotion is the key to its success

Advertising of a children's pool can be carried out in kindergartens, developmental children's centers, medical institutions, sports clubs for adults, as well as through active activities in in social networks and on forums for young mothers.

Important point: On the basis of the pool you can organize trade in swimming accessories, provide medical consultations, and massage services for children. However, these types of activities require special permits from regulatory authorities.

Financial plan for creating a children's pool - income and expenses

To organize a swimming pool for children 0-7 years old, you will need to incur the following types of costs:

  • Rent of premises – 80,000-100,000 rubles per month.
  • Purchase and installation of equipment – ​​2.5-3 million rubles.
  • Renovation of the premises - 250,000-300,000 rubles.
  • Personnel costs – 300,000 rubles.
  • Advertising events – 50,000 rubles per month (including expenses for maintaining your own website).
  • Registering a business and obtaining permits.

The total cost of creating a children's pool can be 3.5-4 million rubles. If the minimum bill for group lessons lasting 1 hour is 500 rubles, and for individual lessons - 700 rubles, then the payback of the business will be achieved in 1-1.5 years. The profitability of the project in this situation is about 18-20%.

Nowadays, more and more people are focusing on a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, everything connected with it is promising and profitable in terms of creating your own business. One of these areas is the construction of a swimming pool along with a number of related services.

Complex services

Practice shows that the mere presence of a swimming pool will not bring the project to a successful level. It is necessary to organize a range of related services. So, it is advisable to offer at least the following services:

  • water aerobics;
  • water games;
  • sports training;
  • activities with infants;
  • classes with pregnant women;
  • working with a health group.

Over time, pedicure, manicure, massage, sauna, Gym etc.

Children's swimming pool

An excellent addition to the overall range of services would be the construction of a children's pool. Although it can also be viewed as independent project. In this case, in addition to typical equipment for swimming pools, you can purchase water slides for infants.

Please note that water purification with chlorine should never be used in such a pool. The baby's skin is too sensitive to its effects. Water needs to be purified only by ozonation. For this, a special installation is purchased. And of course, how to open a children's pool without a proper ventilation system. She needs to pay special attention.

Remember that children always go to the pool with their parents or grandparents. If the pool is designed not only for infants, but also for older children, you should offer the organization of recreation for the adults accompanying them.

Stages of business project implementation

A swimming pool business plan will not cost you small investments. For the construction of the complex, at least $2 million must be allocated if a modern swimming pool is to be built. Therefore, it is better to implement the project in large cities, where there will be a large flow of visitors and investments can quickly pay off. To build a swimming pool in small towns, you should focus on budget projects no more than 100 thousand dollars

A swimming pool is a medium-term project that will pay for itself in about 3 years. The pool business plan is formed according to the following main points:

  • market research;
  • registration of an enterprise;
  • selection of construction site;
  • construction of the facility;
  • selection of equipment;
  • personnel selection;
  • formation of marketing policy.

Enterprise registration

You can register an enterprise in the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The choice depends on the scale of the project, the nature of the investment, and the number of founders. Please note that sports institutions are entitled to benefits from the state. These documents are easy to obtain, which cannot be said about other permitting documentation.

Before building a pool, you must obtain permission from the Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning. Practice shows that this may take more time than the construction of the complex itself. Then you need to conclude agreements with utility providers. After this, it is necessary to obtain permission from the State Fire Inspectorate and the SES.

Selection of a location for the complex

Next, the business plan for the pool involves choosing a location for the construction of the complex. Since it will offer mass consumption services, it is logical to look for a location in the city center or in large residential areas. Please pay attention to the fact that there is a convenient transport interchange nearby, it is easy to drive by car, and there is also a place for parking equipment.

For a large project you will need at least 50 acres of land. They can be rented, but then it is better to include the right to buy it in the terms of the contract. This is a medium-term project, so it is too big a risk to invest money in construction on someone else's land. The ideal option is to purchase it as your own.

Construction and equipment

On average, building a swimming pool takes about three years. If you use a standard project, this period can be reduced by about half. In this case, the complex is delivered disassembled and installed in a year and a half. This solution will cost approximately one million dollars.

Before installing pool equipment, piping and engineering communications. This work will require a million rubles. A typical pool is a 1.5 m deep bowl and three 25 m long lanes, equipped with a heating and filtration system. This piece of equipment will cost approximately 40 thousand dollars. The business plan for the pool should also include facing works. Behind square meter For laying tiles or mosaics, craftsmen charge $100

Equipment you will need are starting stands, dividing paths, and lighting. Separately, it is necessary to purchase equipment for modern water purification, which will cost 30 thousand dollars. Another 3 thousand dollars will be required if you build an additional bathhouse or sauna.


To operate the pool you will need two types of employees:

  • administrative and managerial staff;
  • production composition.

Among the managers in the complex, there must be a financial director and, of course, an accountant. The production staff is quite wide. You will need:

  • administrator (3 people);
  • nurse (1 person);
  • water aerobics trainer (2 people);
  • swimming instructor (3-4 people);
  • technician to monitor the operation of equipment (2 people);
  • laboratory assistants to monitor the composition of water (2 people);
  • cloakroom attendant (2 people);
  • cleaner (3-4 people).

Marketing policy

Separately, it is necessary to consider a scheme for implementing subscriptions and discounts for regular customers. Particular attention can be paid to corporate clients - this provides a guarantee of a stable income.

All of the above information suggests that it is better not for novice entrepreneurs to take on the project. It will require significant investments, which will not be returned soon.