Which bananas bloom with yellow flowers. A miracle of nature: what flowers of banana, pineapple and other exotic plants look like (photo)

Today we will tell and show how the most popular gifts from the subtropics grow and bloom in our area.


Many have already heard that the banana palm is actually a grass, and its fruits are berries. Few people have seen bananas on a palm tree, let alone those who have seen its flowers. An unforgettable sight! Who would have thought that bananas, so familiar to us, bloom so beautifully!

A pineapple

Thanks to the efforts of teachers and educational programs, we already know that pineapples do not grow on palm trees - they are a berry that grows on the ground. The pineapple blossoms are also very beautiful.


Avocado is one of the healthiest fruits for humans (especially for those who care about their appearance). But the blossoms of the avocado tree - in contrast to the value of the product - are very inconspicuous.

Cocoa and the chocolate we love so much are obtained from the fruits of the chocolate tree, which grows in subtropics around the world.

Photo: Penn State


Papaya fruits appear scattered right on the trunk of this low palm tree. The “melon tree,” as papaya is also called, blooms, also almost imperceptibly to the eye.

This fruit resembles strawberries in its taste and smell. But it does not grow on the ground - it bears fruit evergreen shrub. Feijoa grows in the subtropical zone - and even in Crimea and Georgia.


And so the mango blooms - a tree that can be found in the tropics of Asia, from India to the Malay Archipelago and the Solomon Islands.


Passion fruit boasts one of the most spectacular blooms - a plant native to South America- an evergreen vine with tasty fruits and berries that have high tonic properties and are used in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology.

And the only thing that can compete with passion fruit is the artichoke - a common weed, the fruits of which have a large nutritional value and benefits for humans. And every time the question arises: should I cut the buds before flowering or enjoy the beauty of the flowers...

Photos in text - DepositPhotos.

The banana plant is the largest plant without a hard trunk. The stem of banana grass sometimes reaches 10 meters in height and 40 centimeters in diameter. As a rule, 300 fruits with a total weight of 500 kg hang on one such stem.

The inflorescences are a mixture of flowers that are arranged along a "spike" and are topped by a cream-colored bract, also known as an involucre. Both the flowers themselves and the wrapper are edible. However, the outer 4 or 5 layers of the purple-red wrapper are quite tough and inedible. Banana flowers growing all year round. Banana flowers contain phosphorus, protein, carbohydrates, iron, as well as vitamins A and C. (The approximate size of the flower is 12-15 cm wide and 25-30 cm long.)

Bananas are not only yellow, but also red. Red ones have more delicate flesh, and they do not tolerate transportation. The Seychelles island of MAO is the only place in the world where golden, red and black bananas grow. Locals, of course, eat them: it is a side dish served with lobsters and shellfish.

By the way, there are bananas that are generally inedible. For example, Japanese banana and textile banana.

But those bananas that we eat (and almost all varieties!) are generally fiction. They do not exist in nature. These are various varieties of sterile artificially bred banana of paradise, which wildlife does not occur. It is precisely because this banana is sterile that many people think that the banana reproduces vegetatively: “either by shoots or something else.”
Wild bananas have seeds! Moreover, there are so many of them that there may be practically no pulp in a banana fruit.

Only one thing: Those bananas that can be found on the shelves of European stores cannot be fried or boiled. That is, of course you can try. Some desserts can even be made with fried bananas, but this has nothing to do with the version of fried bananas of the peoples of Africa and Asia. Because special varieties are fried here; they are green, hard and, when raw, more like potatoes with a slight sweetish aftertaste.

However, bananas are used not only for food. Dyes are made from bananas (black, from banana peels), the leaves are also used to prepare various foods (similar to foil or baking paper), packaging is often made from the leaves, and rafts and light buildings are made from the stems. Bananas have also found their place in medicine: the fruits help fight anemia, high blood pressure, depression, heartburn and PMS; the flowers are used in the treatment of dysentery, stomach ulcers, bronchitis and brewed for diabetes... The rest of the plant is also used for medicinal purposes. For example, young banana leaves are excellent for healing burns.

Bananas are almost one and a half times more nutritious than potatoes, and dried bananas have five times more calories than raw ones. One banana contains up to 300 mg of potassium, which helps fight high blood pressure and strengthens the heart muscle. Each of us needs 3 or 4 g of potassium per day.

In home cooking, dessert bananas are consumed mainly raw. In addition, they are used to make wine, beer, vinegar, marmalade, confiture, and ice cream.

When peeling, also remove all white threads.

When buying bananas, like other fruits, make sure that there are no spots on the peel; you can buy them unripe and they will ripen at home.

Never store bananas in the refrigerator as they will turn black at low temperatures.


A genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the Banana family (Musaceae), native to the tropics of Southeast Asia and, in particular, the Malay Archipelago.
Bananas are the edible fruits of these plants. Currently, various varieties of banana paradise, created on the basis of several species of the genus, are widely cultivated in tropical countries. In terms of the amount of harvest, bananas are in twelfth place among cultivated crops; about 102 million tons of bananas are harvested annually in the world.
The genus includes over 40 species distributed in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. The northernmost species is the Japanese banana, native to the Japanese Ryukyu Islands, grown as ornamental plant on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in Crimea and Georgia.
When the banana is ready to bloom, at the growing point short stem A long peduncle develops, which passes through the false stem and follows the leaves out.

Flowering occurs 8-10 months after active plant growth. The inflorescence is a raceme resembling an elongated lush bud of a purple or green hue, on which large female flowers are located at the base, then smaller bisexual flowers, and at the end - small male flowers. All flowers are tubular, consist of 3 petals, 3 sepals, usually 6 stamens, one of which is underdeveloped and does not have an anther.
U wild species flowering begins at night or early in the morning - in the first case, their pollination is facilitated by bats, and in the second - by birds and small mammals.

Banana flower!

Interesting facts about bananas

Fry with salt and pepper and serve hot with spicy meat... What do you think we are talking about? It turns out it's about bananas. Here are facts you didn't know about bananas.

Banana is a berry. The banana plant is the largest plant without a hard trunk. The stem of banana grass sometimes reaches 10 meters in height and 40 centimeters in diameter. As a rule, 300 fruits with a total weight of 500 kg hang on one such stem.

Bananas are not only yellow, but also red. Red ones have more delicate flesh, and they do not tolerate transportation. The Seychelles island of MAO is the only place in the world where golden, red and black bananas grow. Locals, of course, eat them: it is a side dish served with lobsters and shellfish.

Bananas contain more vitamin B6 than other fruits. This vitamin is known to be responsible for a good mood.

By weight, the banana crop is the second largest crop in the world, ahead of grapes (3rd place), and behind oranges in first place.

India and Brazil produce more bananas than any other country in the world.

Bananas are almost one and a half times more nutritious than potatoes, and dried bananas have five times more calories than raw ones. One banana contains up to 300 mg of potassium, which helps fight high blood pressure and strengthens the heart muscle. Each of us needs 3 or 4 g of potassium per day.

Mait Lepik from Estonia won the world's first speed banana eating competition. He managed to eat 10 bananas in 3 minutes. His secret was to absorb the bananas with the peel - this way he saved time.

The world record for eating bananas in 1 hour is 81 bananas.

One type of banana is called "Musa sapientum" in Latin, which means "Fruit of the Wise Man."

And more about bananas:

Banana is a perennial fruit herbaceous plant banana family. Cultivated since the 4th century BC.

Originally from South India, bananas have been cultivated for about 3,000 years, but were considered a luxury in Europe until the 20th century. Bananas are now imported from many countries.

They are transported green and brought to maturity at room temperature.

The pulp of banana fruits contains a lot of sucrose, vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, E, carotene, enzymes, microelements (especially potassium); contains organic acids (malic acid predominates), fiber, essential oil, starch.

In home cooking, dessert bananas are consumed mainly raw. In addition, they are used to make wine, beer, vinegar, marmalade, confiture, and ice cream.

When peeling, also remove all white threads.

When buying bananas, like other fruits, make sure that there are no spots on the peel; you can buy them unripe and they will ripen at home.

Never store bananas in the refrigerator as they will turn black at low temperatures.

We eat them, we eat them, but many may not have seen how they grow. And especially how they bloom... So let’s at least look at this beautiful sight in the picture.

Bananas are the fruits of a perennial herbaceous plant of the banana family. Cultivated since the 4th century BC.

The banana plant is the largest plant without a hard trunk. The stem of banana grass sometimes reaches 10 meters in height and 40 centimeters in diameter. As a rule, 300 fruits with a total weight of 500 kg hang on one such stem.

Originally from South India, bananas have been cultivated for about 3,000 years, but were considered a luxury in Europe until the 20th century. Bananas are now imported from many countries.

And these are banana flowers!

The inflorescences are a mixture of flowers that are arranged along a "spike" and are topped by a cream-colored bract, also known as an involucre. Both the flowers themselves and the wrapper are edible. However, the outer 4 or 5 layers of the purple-red wrapper are quite tough and inedible. Banana flowers grow all year round. Banana flowers contain phosphorus, protein, carbohydrates, iron, as well as vitamins A and C. (The approximate size of the flower is 12-15 cm wide and 25-30 cm long.)

Bananas are not only yellow, but also red. Red ones have more delicate flesh, and they do not tolerate transportation. The Seychelles island of MAO is the only place in the world where golden, red and black bananas grow. Locals, of course, eat them: it is a side dish served with lobsters and shellfish.
By the way, there are bananas that are generally inedible. For example, Japanese banana and textile banana.
But those bananas that we eat (and almost all varieties!) are generally fiction. They do not exist in nature. These are various varieties of sterile artificially bred banana of paradise, which is not found in the wild. It is precisely because this banana is sterile that many people think that the banana reproduces vegetatively: “either by shoots or something else.”
Wild bananas have seeds! Moreover, there are so many of them that there may be practically no pulp in a banana fruit.

By the way, banana is the fourth most popular food crop in the world. IN more They grow only rice, wheat and corn. And what types of bananas are eaten in? They are eaten raw, boiled, fried, made into desserts and baked goods, soups and main courses...

However, bananas are used not only for food. Dyes are made from bananas (black, from banana peels), the leaves are also used to prepare various foods (similar to foil or baking paper), packaging is often made from the leaves, and rafts and light buildings are made from the stems. Bananas have also found their place in medicine: the fruits help fight anemia, high blood pressure, depression, heartburn and PMS; the flowers are used in the treatment of dysentery, stomach ulcers, bronchitis and brewed for diabetes... The rest of the plant is also used for medicinal purposes. For example, young banana leaves are excellent for healing burns.

Bananas are almost one and a half times more nutritious than potatoes, and dried bananas have five times more calories than raw ones. One banana contains up to 300 mg of potassium, which helps fight high blood pressure and strengthens the heart muscle. Each of us needs 3 or 4 g of potassium per day.

The tropical part of Southeast Asia is considered the birthplace of the banana. There are more than forty varieties of it, both edible and decorative. Edible species grow in Thailand, India, China, Brazil, Vietnam, Burma, Hawaii, New Guinea, Island. Sri Lanka and Cyprus. Many countries grow bananas only for domestic consumption. There is an interesting opinion that the “fruit of heaven” in the Bible did not mean an apple, but a banana.

How it grows

Banana groves are cultivated in the tropics at an altitude of up to 2000 meters above sea level. This plant is very picky about temperature; it should range from 22 °C to 35 °C. At lower temperatures, plant growth slows down, and at 10°C it stops altogether.

In Russia, bananas grow in Sochi, but they do not have time to bear fruit due to the fact that in winter the temperature there drops to 10 degrees, which is why many plants die. banana tree has a height of two to nine meters and reproduces by shoots that grow around the trunk, subsequently replacing the old tree that has had time to bloom. Banana flowering occurs after about 10 months of growth.

Banana flowers grow in inflorescences all year round, have a reddish tint, their upper petals are hard and have a protective function, the lower ones are yellow. Flowers come in male and female types, and from each female inflorescence, a banana subsequently appears.

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Application in medicine

They are widely used in medicine; banana flowers are used to treat many diseases, such as bronchitis, dysentery, and stomach ulcers. The juice helps with indigestion, leprosy, heavy bleeding, epilepsy and neurological disorders; for diabetes, a flower infusion is brewed, and wounds and burns are healed with leaves.

Sectional photo

Quite a few people know that the banana flower is edible and is very common in oriental cuisine. It is eaten raw, made into salads, a variety of desserts, deep-fried, caramelized, baked on coals and many other wonderful exotic dishes are prepared.

In Thailand, you can try dishes made from banana flowers even on the street. Flowers have a rich mineral composition, they contain vitamins A and C, protein, iron, carbohydrates, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and potassium. In order to find out what a flower tastes like, people have come up with a little trick: they pinch off the tip of the inflorescence and taste the juice flowing from there on their tongue.

Try banana flower and you will feel the taste of summer!