How to make a biscuit. Chocolate sponge dough for cake

The correct sponge cake should be tall and airy. But it doesn’t always turn out that way and not for everyone. But sponge cakes are great cakes, pastries and cookies.

Biscuit dough

A lot depends on the test. For biscuit dough you need six medium-sized eggs, 130 g of flour, 210 g of sugar and vanillin (or 10 grams of vanilla sugar). All six eggs should have the yolk separated from the white. Tip: Refrigerate the eggs and they will whip faster. Neither soda nor baking powder is added to the biscuit dough. But if you don't rely on your whipping abilities, add a little baking powder - at least it won't be as noticeable in the finished product.

Add vanillin or vanilla sugar, 105 g of regular sugar to the yolks and grind the resulting mass with a fork. A whisk will also work. The mass should turn white and increase several times in volume. Therefore, you should beat quite intensively.

Biscuit flour should be enriched with oxygen. To do this, it is sifted through a sieve several times. If you want a chocolate sponge cake, add three to four tablespoons of cocoa powder to the flour.

The whites, separated from the yolks, are beaten in another bowl, clean and completely dry. To do this, it is better to take a submersible mixer and start beating at the lowest speed. As soon as foam appears, increase the mixer speed to maximum. After some time, the whites begin to thicken. Then, without stopping whipping, add the remaining sugar to the whites and beat the mass until a strong foam. Carefully add a third of the whipped whites to the beaten yolks and gently mix with a wide spatula until smooth.

Sift the flour onto the surface of the resulting mixture, mix, and then transfer everything into a bowl with the whipped whites. And, of course, mix everything carefully again. Pour the resulting dough into the mold.

Utensils for baking biscuits

You can bake a biscuit in any form you like. If you need a sponge cake for a cake, it is best to take a split tin mold with a diameter of about 23-24 cm. The bottom of the mold is greased with butter and lightly sprinkled with flour or semolina. You can line the bottom with baking parchment paper.

But the walls of the mold should not be greased. After all, the biscuit will have to rise. Slippery walls will not allow the dough to rise - it will simply slide down. When the biscuit is baked, run a knife around the perimeter, carefully separating it from the walls. If you are afraid that the sponge cake will stick to the ungreased walls of the pan, it is better to also cover them with parchment paper.

Baking process

The oven should be turned on before you start whisking and stirring. For good baking of the biscuit, 180°C will be quite enough. The oven must be preheated in advance, because biscuit dough is not pie dough and cannot be left standing. Bake the biscuit for about half an hour. No matter how much you would like to look at your sponge cake while baking, opening the oven is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, the flow of cold air will simply cause the delicate sponge cake to fall off, and the result will be a thin, sweet pancake, not a sponge cake. If you want to take a peek, look through the glass with the backlight on. The finished sponge cake springs under your fingers, and there is no sticky unbaked dough left on a toothpick inserted into the sponge cake. Tip: Place the cake on the center shelf. Otherwise, there is a chance that a biscuit placed high will crack on top, and a biscuit placed too low will burn before it has time to bake.

Cutting the biscuit is very convenient with a strong thick thread. And the cakes should be soaked after the sponge cake has cooled and stood for a while, that is, about 5 hours after the sponge cake has been baked.

Biscuit dough is quite capricious and not everyone knows how to work with it. There are many secrets that you need to know and follow to make it work. Today we will talk about them and prepare the perfect biscuit dough at home. If you follow all the tips from this article, then sponge cakes will always be fluffy, porous and tasty. Others can be found in the corresponding section.

I baked my first biscuit when I was 9 years old. He wasn't as curvy as I wanted him to be. And I started experimenting. I studied, changed recipes, tried new techniques. Over the course of a year, I achieved results that suited me quite well. I remember my mother praised me and admitted that even her biscuit did not turn out so fluffy. But her other baked goods were gorgeous, and it was she who instilled in me a love of baking.

My mother taught me to cook a lot of what I know. Now it was my turn to share secrets. Mom now also makes wonderful baked goods from biscuit dough. I say that it's all about the secrets and the recipe.

Types of biscuit

To bake a biscuit, you first need to understand what types of biscuit dough there are and how they differ from each other.


This is the one we cook most often. He has the simplest set of products: eggs, sugar and flour. Sometimes starch is also used in it. This basic recipe is very popular due to its ease of preparation and the use of simple, readily available ingredients. We'll talk about it in more detail at the end of the article. There I will also share my proven recipe for making a classic sponge cake.


This sponge cake differs from others in that the dough is mixed with whipped egg whites, sugar, a spoonful of water and a pinch of citric acid. After adding flour, the dough is baked. The finished baked goods are a beautiful white color with a delicate crust. A thin piece of such a biscuit looks like angel wings. It turns out just as weightless, white and tender. Yes, yolks are not used in the dough.


This pastry gets its name from its slightly moist, smooth surface. It's all about the vegetable oil that is included in the dough products. This sponge cake is most often used for making multi-layer cakes, as the baked goods hold their shape perfectly.


To prepare this biscuit, butter is used. The yolks are not beaten with sugar, but ground with soft butter, after which they are mixed with whipped whites and flour. This sponge cake is the basis for making Sachertorte. Read about it on the pages of my blog.

Biscuit Genoise, or Genoese

For this sponge cake, beat the yolks together with the whites and sugar. Add melted butter to the fluffy egg mass. And only then add flour, some of which needs to be replaced with nut flour. The result is a fragrant pastry that serves as the basis for cakes.


This pastry can be considered a type of sponge cake, although in appearance it is not quite similar to it. You will not find wheat flour in this baked goods, as it is completely replaced by nut flour (hazelnut, pistachio, etc.). To prepare the dough you also need proteins, sugar and powdered sugar. Small meringues are baked in the form of cookies, from which the French prepare luxurious desserts.

Biscuit Mona Lisa

For this baking, use 1 part wheat flour and 1 part nut flour. Butter is often used in the recipe. Among the French, the most popular is the almond Mona Lisa.

Secrets of biscuit dough

  1. Only chilled eggs are used for cooking.
  2. You don’t have to separate the whites from the whites and beat whole eggs with sugar. This is a little easier than separating the whites from the yolks and whisking the yolks with sugar separately, and the whites with a pinch of salt and citric acid. In the latter case, the sponge cake turns out a little more fluffy.
  3. The dishes in which eggs are beaten should not be greasy. It is better to wipe it with a piece of lemon (or vinegar) to remove even a hint of fat.
  4. Fine crystalline sugar is used for biscuits. Large crystals do not dissolve well in the egg mass.
  5. Beat eggs with sugar for about 10 minutes until stiff peaks form. The egg mass should increase in size by 6-7 times. Only then will the finished baked goods turn out fluffy.
  6. We use premium quality wheat flour. Before adding it, saturate it with air. To do this, it needs to be sifted.
  7. Mix the flour with a spatula, not a mixer! The movements should be smooth but confident so as not to destroy the air bubbles in the dough.
  8. As soon as the flour is distributed in the egg mass, you need to stop kneading the biscuit dough.
  9. Pour the dough into a mold, grease it with butter and sprinkle with flour.
  10. Since the biscuit will increase in volume during baking, you need to fill the mold to 3/4 of the volume.
  11. The oven must be preheated in advance for baking.
  12. Bake the biscuit dough immediately after kneading. Every second, the air bubbles in the dough are destroyed, and if you don’t bake right away, the sponge cake may not turn out.
  13. Check the readiness of the biscuit with a wooden skewer.
  14. To make it easier to remove the finished biscuit from the mold, it should be left to cool upside down for 2-3 minutes after baking.

Making classic sponge dough at home

Biscuit dough recipe with photo

To prepare a classic sponge cake using a cold method, you need the following products:

  • eggs (6 pcs)
  • wheat flour (1.5 cups)
  • sugar (1 cup)

Sometimes starch is also added. Then the proportion of flour changes and 1.2 cups of flour and 0.3 cups of starch are added. Starch is most often added when the roll is baked. Starch allows you to bake a more elastic dough that can be rolled after cooking.

Preparing biscuit dough

There's a celebration coming up, a three-tiered cream giant is in the plans, and you want to captivate all the guests with the talent of an excellent pastry chef? Then you especially need to know why the sponge cake does not bake or falls after baking, as well as at what temperature it is baked and for how long. You can get all the necessary information regarding the insidiousness of the biscuit from this post, and if you use it, success will await you.

All women have an incredible sweet tooth. Sometimes even such persistent extra pounds cannot overcome the craving for confectionery products. And in a fit of true love, many housewives try to conjure some tasty little thing for tea in the kitchen.

The “trifle” can be three-tiered cakes, rolls stuffed with cream, the most delicate cupcakes, in general, something that is based on this incredibly tasty, but no less capricious – sponge cake.

However, this “Olympus” is not so easy to conquer, and often the ardor of cooks fades away at the sight of a failed masterpiece. So much work, and everything is down the drain. It is not surprising that the confectioner’s activity, which began so spontaneously, is supported by a lot of pressing questions: “Why is the sponge cake raw inside, how many minutes does it need to be baked, at what temperature, or why does it settle?” and others, others...

However, it is worth sorting everything out in order.

Question No. 1: Why do they add starch to biscuits?

Often in recipe descriptions you can see that starchy powder is added to the dough along with the main components. In this regard, a reasonable question arises: why is there starch in a biscuit?

We should probably start with the fact that this component, depending on the plant from which it is extracted, is presented in a fairly wide range, namely, corn, soy, cassava, rice and other types of starches are used in cooking. In confectionery, they often resort to potato and wheat.

The starch in the biscuit is designed to eliminate excess moisture, which allows the product to turn out airy and tender. If, when kneading the dough, you replace 30% of the flour with wheat starch, you will notice that the volume of the cakes increases during baking, their structure becomes lighter and grainier, and the cake or roll comes out incredibly soft.

However, it is worth remembering that if you use potato powder, then it should be dissolved in dairy or fermented milk products, and also pay special attention to vanilla or any other flavoring, since starch from potatoes helps to suppress the taste of the finished product.

Question No. 2: How to make a fluffy sponge cake?

You've probably noted more than once that store-bought cakes have such thick layers that, willy-nilly, you feel a pang of envy and try to figure out how to achieve this in your home-baked goods? It should be noted that this is not one or two rules, but a whole set of measures aimed at achieving excellent results.

Question No. 3: Why does the biscuit fall or not rise at all?

Many housewives have had to deal with the problem that when baking a sponge cake does not rise, and if it does rise, it always falls down afterwards. And it becomes so offensive, because we try to follow all the subtleties and rules, but apparently we are missing something. And this is exactly so, there are several reasons for this “pigish” behavior of the cakes.

    The temperature regime is extremely important for baking such a confectionery product, so even the slightest violation of this rule entails negative consequences. An old oven can leak air, thereby disturbing the temperature; this includes regularly opening the oven door in the midst of the process. In addition, a malfunction of the oven can lead to uneven distribution of heat and the cake may end up lopsided. And this is just one of the factors why the sponge cake settles after baking. Violation of the cooking technique can also have a detrimental effect on the quality of the pastry chef. Perhaps during the process of kneading the dough, the proportions were not met, or the products were overly cooled, the whites were poorly beaten, a bad baking powder was used, and so on. Careless handling of the dough is another reason why the sponge cake shrinks. For example, if you hit or shake a mold with a mass poured into it, then, alas and ah, you should not even dream of a fluffy cake. Also, you should not hit the bottom of the baking sheet when removing the biscuit, because it is so delicate. Removing the baked goods early usually results in a nice, smooth sponge cake that resembles a bowl. Make sure the dough bakes evenly. After preparing the dough, you have absolutely no time to chat with your girlfriend or take a break with a Kit-Kat; you need to immediately put everything in the mold and sing off into the hot oven.
For the multicooker owner

Owners of multicookers, for example, often boast about their huge biscuits, but among them there are “losers” who, instead of a plump sweet bun, get a flat pancake.

The rules for this unit are basically similar to a conventional oven: set the temperature and time settings correctly, do not open the lid during baking, but there is one point that is quite tricky. Some people try to create an incredibly tall monster, such that when raised, it closes the multicooker valve and spoils all the circulation of warm air.

Well, dear ladies, don’t be lazy, well, better make two mediocre and successful cakes, then happiness will smile on you.

Question No. 4: Why is the sponge cake not baked in the middle and how to check its readiness?

Many newly minted “confectioners” are wondering how to determine whether the baked goods are ready, whether they are baked? There are a couple of ways to find out.

You can check the readiness of the cake by piercing it in the center with a wooden stick. If, after removing our “dosimeter” from the baked goods, it is dry at the end, then hurray, comrades, the shortbread was a great success, because otherwise the piece of wood will be sticky, with dough residues.

Another factor that signals the readiness of a sponge cake is its appearance; if you find that the baked goods have somewhat shrunk in the mold, that is, moved away from the walls, then this can be regarded as the readiness of the product.

However, such bummers often happen that on the outside the shortbread looks amazing, but on the inside it is soft, floppy and clearly unprepared. So what to do if the biscuit is not baked?

Initially, you need to determine why exactly such nonsense happened.

Big dose of sugar

Often, a half-baked cake can be the result of a technological error in kneading the dough. If, in the hope of making the future cake even sweeter, a naive housewife put twice as much sugar in it, then you shouldn’t expect a perfect biscuit. The same goes for flour, if you put in less it’s bad, if you put in more it’s the same. It is worth remembering once and for all that biscuit is not something to joke about and neglecting proportions is certain “death” for the future confectionery product.


The second and most common mistake is a broken biscuit baking mode, that is, the temperature and time were not selected correctly. Either you overheated the oven and the dough simply baked too quickly around the edges without ever reaching the center. Or, on the contrary, the degrees in the oven are not enough and the time that you have measured for baking is simply not enough.

How to finish baking a biscuit

But how can we save such a “miracle” and bake it until it’s completely ready? First, check the temperature in the stove, if it is high, reduce it, if it is low, increase it. Secondly, so that the crust, which is already sufficiently fried on top, does not burn, it should be covered with foil and left in the oven to finish baking, periodically poking it with a stick to check. That, in principle, is all science is.

Question No. 5: How long does it take to bake a biscuit?

Many recipes for sponge cakes specify a baking time of 30-40 minutes on average, but this does not mean that any cakes are baked for that long.

Of course, its taste parameters and quality characteristics depend on how long the biscuit is prepared. After all, if you overexpose the product in the oven, it will become dry, dense and tasteless, and if, on the contrary, you underexpose it, then there is a risk of getting a sticky and gloopy mass instead of a tasty and tender crumpet.

Naturally, the baking time depends on the temperature of exposure, as well as on what kind of cake you need, whether it is for a cake or for a roll, that is, the thickness of the dough is of main importance.

For rolls, the time mode varies within 10-15 minutes. For cakes, from 25 minutes to 1 hour.

Question No. 6: At what temperature do you bake the sponge cake?

Preparing a biscuit is, of course, a tricky business, in which every nuance can affect the appearance and taste of the product. Therefore, everything needs to be taken into account, even the choice of temperature for a certain type of dough.

For a butter sponge cake, the baking temperature should not exceed 180 o C. The simplest cake should be baked in a well-heated oven at 200-220 o C.

Place the pan with the dough in the oven only after making sure that it is warm enough, otherwise you will have to re-read question No. 3.

In addition, you should not leave the product in the oven after cooking, so as not to dry out. This rule does not apply to a multicooker. When working with this device, on the contrary, after finishing baking, the cake should be left inside for 10 minutes, this way you can avoid the rapid fall of the sponge cake.

Question No. 7: Why does the biscuit crack and rise up in a slide?

And what kind of dirty tricks does the biscuit come up with to irritate the housewives. It doesn’t rise, it doesn’t fall, and it doesn’t bake, but in addition, it does absolutely terrible things - it swells up like a slide, bursts and pretends to be a volcano, spewing out liquid dough.

High temperature

What could be the reason behind this character trait of this whimsical baked goods? High temperature! This is the main point. If you have heated the oven to hellish flames, then the sponge cake will behave inappropriately, the top will quickly bake, and inside the dough will simply boil and, under pressure, raise a mound, and in more advanced cases, it will burst and leak out.

Dear girls, remember, how long and at what temperature you bake the biscuit depends on the outcome of the entire culinary event.

Overdose of flour

However, this is not the only reason why baked goods can crack. It happens especially noticeably on cupcakes that cracks appear on top of the finished product. Everything can be explained by a banal excess of flour proportions in the recipe, or during baking you simply dried out the sponge cake.

Question No. 8: Why does the sponge cake turn out rubbery?

One of the most common mistakes in preparing biscuits is eggs, or rather, not beating them correctly. Firstly, the eggs should be very carefully divided into whites and yolks and beaten separately with sugar, and the dosage of sand should not be changed, but strictly followed the recipe. Yes, yes, biscuit is a capricious thing. If the whipped egg foam is not dense enough, then the shortbread will end up “rubbery”.

You should also mix all the ingredients as gently as possible so that the foam does not settle.

Question No. 9: Why does the sponge cake smell like eggs?

And so it was a success, chic, lush and airy. But what is this?! The smell of eggs spoils all the hard work done. The biscuit recipe contains a large number of eggs; for some, this smell is not noticeable in the finished product, but some particularly sensitive individuals simply cannot bite off a tiny piece. In addition, eggs from domestic chickens make the smell even more expressive than store-bought goods. In addition, those shortcakes that contain soda also smell of egg.

What to do in such a situation? If soda can still be replaced with a more harmless baking powder, then giving up eggs is not an option at all. Then there is only one solution, masking the smell. This is why vanillin or various artificial food flavors are added to the dough.

Another way to overcome an unpleasant aroma is to soak the cakes in syrup or confectionery cognac, which will also give the cake or roll a unique rich taste.

Question No. 10:

The originality of the baking design makes it even more attractive to those with a sweet tooth. Making a dark or striped cake is not such a difficult task, you just need to add cocoa powder to half the cakes (mix it with flour while kneading the dough).

You can also often see orange, pink and other rainbow-colored biscuits, the coloring of which is achieved using food coloring added to the dough. Such products are incredibly colorful, interesting and children like them. However, are you ready to stuff a tasty treat with chemicals for the sake of momentary beauty?

Question No. 11:

Biscuit, compared to many other flour products, has a rather modest calorie content.

The “enemy” shortbread in the classic recipe, which uses sugar, eggs and flour, has 258 kcal per 100 g. Butter sponge cake has an energy value close to 300 kcal per 100 g. If you add cream, jam and other ointments that are so generously used to coat the confectionery, then you can safely, regardless of all diets, crunch the cake without a twinge of conscience. But why not, if 0.1 kg contains more than 400 kcal, then what difference does it make, how much you eat, you still won’t become thinner.

Having measured how much time it takes to bake a sponge cake and the amount of nerves spent on it, you can wonder whether it’s worth bothering with it at all. However, having mastered the skills of cooking this seemingly simple, but terribly capricious confectionery product, you will certainly not experience problems with others.

There are many recipes for fluffy sponge cake for a cake in the oven, but I wanted to start with a simple, not too complicated recipe, since the sponge dough should be high and airy, but the desired result is not always obtained. This recipe is suitable for both masters of baking and novice pastry chefs, because it is easy to prepare and 90% succeeds for everyone.

INGREDIENTS (per serving):

  • 4 eggs;
  • 120 gr. Sahara;
  • 120 gr. flour;

There is no need to add anything else, neither soda nor baking powder. You will get one fluffy cake layer; for a cake it is advisable to bake 2-3.


To bake the cake, it is advisable to take a 20 cm mold. For the cream, you can use sour cream whipped with sugar and custard.

But it is worth noting one important fact! If you want your biscuit not to get soggy during soaking and to be durable, then after baking, leave it to “rest” for 3-4 hours. But at the same time it should not dry out; you can pack it in a bag or cover it with a towel.

That's it, the biscuit is ready!

Incredibly tasty and fluffy cake sponge cake in a slow cooker

If you don’t know how to properly make a fluffy sponge cake for a cake in a slow cooker, then this recipe can reveal to you all the secrets of cooking. All my readers have probably noticed that we offer you simple recipes, with minimal use of ingredients, but despite this, you get a delicious cake, and if you apply a little imagination, you can get a dessert worthy of any holiday. Let's start the cooking process.


  • 8 pcs. large eggs;
  • 240 gr. Sahara;
  • 250 gr. flour;
  • 1 p. vanillin;


This step-by-step recipe will help you bake a delicious and light cake, so you don’t have to watch the video of a simple and fluffy sponge cake, everything is already quite accessible and understandable. You can use any cream for the cake, since the sponge cake goes well with everything. A homemade cake is a symbol of home comfort and warmth.

Chocolate sponge cake. What is the secret to a fluffy sponge cake?

Preparing a delicious cake for your beloved family is not at all difficult, the main thing is to properly bake a simple and fluffy chocolate sponge cake for the cake. To your attention, my dear readers, I want to present a recipe for a chocolate sponge cake that will not leave you or your family indifferent.


  • 6 pcs. eggs;
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • 6 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 6 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 1 p. vanillin;
  • 3 tbsp. l. cocoa;
  • 1 tsp. baking powder (if the eggs are not beaten well);
  • 10 gr. butter;


In this recipe, we have revealed all the secrets of how to properly bake a fluffy sponge cake for a chocolate-flavored cake. This easy-to-prepare, but very tasty cake will undoubtedly delight your family with its unusual, rich taste. I simply wholeheartedly advise you to try this biscuit, especially if you are madly in love with chocolate.

Enjoy your tea!

Good day, my dear users. Today I want to share with you an unusual biscuit recipe, since it differs from the classic one in its recipe. The sponge cake for the cake, lush and simple, was created by French confectioners and craftsmen hundreds of years ago, but its composition has remained virtually unchanged. Biscuit has always been a leader among all confectionery baked goods, especially if it turned out airy, fluffy and light.

In this recipe, I want to tell you how to bake a kefir crust.


  • 4 tbsp. flour;
  • 6 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vanilla sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. baking powder;
  • 1 tbsp. kefir (you can take any fat content);
  • a pinch of salt;


When the cake is ready, you shouldn’t remove it from the pan right away; it’s better to wait until it cools down.

I often use this sponge cake as a base for a cake. The cake turns out tall and soft, so it can be easily divided into 3-4 parts. The variety of options for such baked goods creates a large field for the manifestation of culinary imagination. Any cream can be used.

Insanely delicious and fluffy sponge cake for eggs

Many novice pastry chefs simply do not know how to properly prepare a fluffy and tall sponge cake for a cake. That is why a website was created where you can find many options for biscuits. Today I will tell you a step-by-step recipe for making a classic sponge cake with eggs.


  • 5 eggs (the eggs must be chilled, it is best that they are from the refrigerator, then the whites will beat well);
  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • 10 g butter to grease the pan;


This biscuit can be eaten as is, or divided into several parts and soaked in cream. For decoration you can use melted chocolate, powdered sugar or fresh fruit. In general, you can use all your imagination and then you will get an incredibly delicious cake.

Today we offer a classic recipe for a fluffy sponge cake, which is suitable for making various cakes and other desserts. There is no soda or baking powder here - the dough rises well due to the proteins whipped into an “airy”, strong mass.

This sponge cake can be divided into 2 or 3 layers and coated with any sweet cream, or cut into cubes and used in the formation of cakes like “.” The biscuit turns out very soft, tender and tasty. However, there are some nuances in the cooking process, which we will discuss below.


  • eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • flour - 160 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (10-12 g);
  • butter (for greasing the mold) - 5-10 g.

Classic fluffy sponge cake recipe with step-by-step photos

How to make biscuit dough

  1. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks and place in a clean and dry bowl. Beat at minimum mixer speed until light white foam is obtained. It is important that not a drop of yolk gets into the protein mass, otherwise it will not be possible to beat the whites to the desired consistency. Also pay attention to the cleanliness of the bowl you use so that there are no traces of grease or any debris left on it. To be on the safe side, you can first wipe the bowl with a paper towel lightly moistened with lemon juice.
  2. Continuing to work with the mixer, gradually add half the amount of sugar. We increase the speed of revolutions and be sure to beat the mass until “stable peaks” form. That is, if you tilt the bowl, the whites remain motionless. This step in the cooking process is extremely important: if you do not beat the whites thoroughly enough, the sponge cake will not turn out fluffy.
  3. Mix the yolks with the remaining granulated sugar and vanilla sugar. Grind vigorously until smooth. You can work with a whisk, a regular fork or a mixer, but in any case you need to get a mass of light color that has significantly increased in volume.
  4. Add about 1/3 of the whites to the yolk mixture and mix gently from bottom to top. Be sure to sift the flour and then add it to the egg mixture. We continue to knead the mixture from bottom to top until a homogeneous mixture is obtained without any flour lumps.
  5. Next, lay out the remaining whites and mix with the same movements from bottom to top until the components combine into a smooth, fluffy mass (the biscuit dough should not be stirred in a circle, as this may cause it to settle).

    How to bake a sponge cake so that it turns out fluffy and does not fall

  6. Take a small springform baking pan, no more than 22 cm in diameter (if you use a larger pan, the sponge cake will turn out thin). We cover the bottom with oiled parchment, and grease the inside of the mold walls with a small piece of butter. Fill the form with the prepared dough. During the baking process, the sponge cake will “grow” noticeably, so the mold should be filled with dough no more than 2/3.
  7. Place the form in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for about 30-40 minutes (use your oven as a guide). To ensure that the sponge cake turns out fluffy and does not collapse, we try not to slam the oven door during the baking process, and it is better not to open it at all for the first 20 minutes. When the dough has risen and slightly browned, lower the temperature slightly so that our biscuit does not burn and is thoroughly baked inside. We check the readiness with a toothpick by plunging it into the center of the sponge cake. If the stick remains dry, then the biscuit is completely ready. Don’t forget that a sharp change in temperature can cause the biscuit to fall, so leave it in the turned off oven with the door ajar until it cools completely.
  8. Carefully remove the split edge from the cooled biscuit. First we run a knife blade along the edge of the mold. Cover the sponge cake with a napkin and leave it at room temperature for 8-10 hours before forming the cake (a “rested” sponge cake will not become too soggy from soaking and will not crumble when cut into cake layers).

In our recipe, we tried to describe in detail all the subtleties and nuances in making a classic fluffy sponge cake, but if suddenly it falls off for you, don’t worry! Under a layer of cream it will be almost unnoticeable, but as a training just practice baking the sponge cake more often. This process requires skill and culinary experience, and much depends on the characteristics of a particular oven. Here everything is learned only through trial and error! Good luck!