How to brew bound tea - description. Related tea Green tea: drink according to the rules

Related tea. Unusual name? Surprised? Wait a minute, I'll explain everything now. Bound tea is a unique drink. This tea is made from the top buds of green, white or yellow teas, with the addition of fragrant flowers. The tea masters who knit this tea into buds know well which plant color best matches with which tea. They know exactly how to tie tea leaves together to get not only taste and aroma, but also a magnificent spectacle when brewing.

Absolutely all related tea is produced exclusively by hand. The Chinese are great wizards when it comes to production processes, but it is impossible to automate the production of this tea. The hands of a master are important here. Only by hand! One hundred percent.

Bound tea looks like this.

This is a dry and dense bud, inside of which there is always some surprise hidden. And rather than explain it in words, I’d rather show everything. So, let's go.

You may be surprised again, but the most important thing in bound tea is time. If you sit down to brew this tea, first of all you need to stop time. I'm not interested in exactly how you do this, but it needs to be done. You should be calm and relaxed. And once again - relaxed and calm. Don't rush anywhere. Don't think about anything. I shouldn't see the wrinkles between your eyebrows. I just need to hear your calm, even breathing.

Start drinking this tea only when the second hand on your watch begins to tick four times quieter. Be smoother.

Take a bud of bound tea and place it in a glass. The glass should be large enough. And definitely transparent. Then carefully pour hot water into it down the side. Try not to get on the bud itself. Place the glass in front of you. And wait. The mysticism will begin in just a few seconds.

The tea bud will begin to bloom. Each time - in a new fancy form. Yellow, red, lilac, purple, white and orange flowers will make their way through the elastic tea leaves. And before your eyes, the leaves will begin to swell, become denser and straighten out. This is an amazing sight. There is both aesthetics and eroticism here. You will see everything for yourself.

Bound tea is, first of all, an action. Contemplation. Process. This is certainly the most aesthetic and fascinating of all Chinese teas. You can brew more and more new buds, and I assure you, you will never get enough of this spectacle.

I don’t know who came up with the concept of bound tea and when, but it was definitely a genius. He combined spectacle, taste and great aroma in one process. Today, Chinese tea binding masters have no equal. In this they have achieved perfection. By the way, in modern China, related tea is experiencing a real boom. Nowadays, bound tea is perhaps the most popular drink among others.

This tea cannot be classified into any category of teas, since it is made from various raw materials. To make bound tea, the top leaves of white, green and red teas are used, which are tied around rose flowers, jasmine flowers, chrysanthemums or any others - at the master's choice.

Bound tea is always a mystery, surprise and intrigue. You can never know exactly what a new bud will blossom into. Why? Because the masters knit a huge variety of such teas - dozens of different combinations, and we deliberately mix them so that you have as few repetitions as possible.

And in bound tea its integrity is very important. The bud must be dense and elastic. That's why we package all of our bound teas in individual sealed bags immediately after we receive them from the manufactory. This is how we protect the tea from foreign odors and protect it from troubles on the road. You can be sure that the buds will reach you as neatly as they came from the hands of the master.

In addition, we put this tea in beautiful boxes of one hundred grams. One box contains 10-12 buds.

Bound tea is an amazing and vibrant drink that you need to try at least once. You just need to know what it is. After all, this is a whole layer of Chinese tea culture. Even though it is modern, it is no less interesting.

And lastly, how to brew bound tea correctly.

  1. You take one bud and fill it hot water 85-90 degrees.
  2. After two to three minutes, when the bud has fully opened, you can drink the tea.
  3. One bud can be brewed up to 5 times.
  4. Adjust the strength of the brew over time to suit your taste.
  5. Guys, I love you.)

Many people have probably come across some balls made from leaves in tea shops, which cost a lot of money. This is not a fashionable, expensive indulgence, but a real gourmet delight.

Bound tea not only has a rich taste and delicate aroma, but also turns the brewing process into a real celebration of beauty and grace. Everyone should try this variety at least once.

Many have heard about such raw materials, when brewed, flowers appear. This is the same bound tea. It is created exclusively by hand and only from elite varieties. Green tea is most often used as a raw material, but sometimes you can find white, yellow and even red flowering tea.

Experienced craftsmen collect tea leaves into a tight bud, in the center of which a fragrant flower is placed. The inflorescences of jasmine, chrysanthemum, lily, plum, and peony can be used as the middle, which then bloom under the influence of hot water. Then the workpiece is tied with cotton or silk thread, which is why the name appeared - tied tea.

An interesting point: each flower that is inside has its own meaning. For example, a peony can open up a person’s potential, a chrysanthemum helps to find harmony, a plum gets rid of bad thoughts, etc. It is worth studying this unusual green (white or red) tea in detail - it can bring not only taste and aroma to life, but also a little of the magic of the East.

In our stores, mostly such beautiful blossoming tea is sold in the form of balls. But in fact, there can be any number of varieties - stars, hearts, figures, etc. It all depends on the imagination and skill of the one who rolled the fragrant leaves.

But flower tea is not only a delight for the eyes. It's really very quality drink- tasty and aromatic. You can only buy it by weight, by the piece. It is impossible to find such varieties in packages, as is usually the case. And it costs significantly more than the raw materials that are sold in bulk. But this unusual drink is worth the money that was paid for it.

The benefits of a drink with flowers

Beauty and taste are not all that is worth appreciating this amazing flower tea. Like any good infusion, bound is also capable of having a beneficial effect on the body. Its effect will vary depending on which leaves were used in production.

So, green, for example, has a rejuvenating effect, red has a positive effect on the genitourinary system and has strong antioxidant properties. But all of them are able to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve digestion, speed up metabolism, improve immunity, and saturate the body with vitamins and microelements.

Each variety has its own properties, and it is worth studying them carefully before purchasing. In addition, their effect on blood pressure differs - some varieties increase it, others, on the contrary, reduce it. It is imperative to know such moments so that there are no problems with your well-being later.

But it is not enough to know all the characteristics of each species. You also need to know how to brew bound tea in order to preserve all the valuable qualities in full. Following simple rules will help preserve the properties of this amazing tea with an opening flower to the fullest.

How to brew it?

Chinese tea, when brewed, reveals beautiful flowers, differs from all others not only in this respect. The process of preparing the aromatic drink is also a little different. The technology is quite simple, but violating it can lead to the loss of the aesthetic component - you will not see how the flower opens.

In order to properly brew flower tea. in addition to the main ingredient you will need:

  • a glass teapot is a must, otherwise all the beauty of the blossoming tea will pass by;
  • clean water - its temperature will depend on what leaves were used; – no higher than 90, white – 80 – 85, yellow – about 75 degrees, red – 95.

In addition to the technical component, the mood is also important. Those who care about how to brew bound tea correctly should have a leisurely, relaxed state, a mood of contemplation. Rushing in this process is completely unnecessary.

First you need to warm up the kettle. To do this, you need to pour boiling water into it and drain it after 2-3 seconds. Bound tea is brewed in a slightly different order than the more familiar types. Here, water is first poured into the kettle and only then the bud is lowered. If you first put the workpiece and pour boiling water on it, the leaves will spread, and the whole unusual flowering process will no longer happen.

You should drink flowering tea without sugar and sweets in small sips. You can brew it several times, gradually increasing the infusion time by 10–20 seconds. You should check with the seller exactly how many brews the variety you choose can withstand. But usually you can safely insist 3-4 times.

In general, there is nothing complicated in preparing such Chinese tea - the main thing is to strictly follow all the requirements and steps. Then the drink, when brewed you can see flowers blooming, will fully give away what it is rich in.

Bound tea, also called flowering tea, became known among us not so long ago. However, it has a long history in its homeland of China. And although there is no exact data about the time of its origin, historians claim that information about it is found even in ancient Chinese chronicles.

In particular, literature that dates back to the Song Dynasty (960-1279) contains references to a certain “demonstration” tea. It was created for the emperor's amusement and consisted of tea leaves that were tied together with flowers. This is where its intriguing name comes from.

Bound tea is a tight bud of tied dry tea leaves wrapped around a dried flower (or several flowers). Typically, flower tea is made in the form of a ball, but it can also have a more complex shape, which depends on the imagination and skill of the knitters.

This tea fully lives up to its name: during brewing, the bud blooms in water, like beautiful flower. In addition to the leaves, fragrant inflorescences are used to make this tea:

  • jasmine;
  • camellia;
  • clover;
  • rose;
  • peony;
  • osmanthus;
  • calendula.

During the brewing process, the opening tea leaves reveal a unique floral bouquet. It gives the infusion an unsurpassed aroma and original taste.

Production Features

Bound tea is produced exclusively by hand. Masters who master all the subtleties and secrets of technology collect flowers and tea leaves into a harmonious composition. Such a bud, blooming in water, becomes like a fragrant bouquet.

For the production of flower tea, green tea leaves are mainly used, less often white or black. The fact is that black tea leaves are dry and brittle, while green leaves are much easier to tie with thread into the desired shape. To produce bound tea, its composition includes the highest quality raw materials: buds with upper leaves tea bush Camellia sinensis collected during the rainy season.

Bound tea ready to brew

Flowers are placed in the middle of each whimsical composition. To make it easier for the flowering tea buds to give a certain shape, they are processed on the day of collection: they are fermented and rolled, and after shaping, they are dried in special ovens, kept at a temperature of 110 degrees.

Bound tea is distinguished by its high cost due to the use of valuable raw materials (tea tips) and painstaking handmade. Only true tea masters can comprehend all the intricacies of producing this amazing product, which is often compared to a work of art. Bound tea buds are not created according to a template, so each of them is unique and inimitable.

Beneficial features

Tea leaves contain caffeine, so the infusion of the associated tea has tonic and stimulating properties. This drink also contains tannin, which is an antioxidant. It protects the body's cells from oxidation and the negative effects of free radicals.

Since green tea leaves are used to produce flowering tea, it has all the beneficial qualities of green tea: improves metabolism, helps remove toxins from the body, normalizes the digestive tract, and improves immunity. With this drink, vitamins and microelements, amino acids and tannins enter the body.

The valuable properties of tea are complemented by the beneficial qualities of the inflorescences. Almost all flowers that are used to make this drink are medicinal plants, known for their healing, restorative and preventive properties.

How to brew bound tea correctly

A drink made from bound tea gives new taste sensations and unusual aesthetic pleasure. To enjoy not only the rich taste and aroma of the tea infusion, but also the brewing process, you should use glassware.

Through its transparent walls you can observe the most interesting thing - a bewitching picture of how an unsightly-looking ball of dry tea opens up and turns into a fragrant flower.

There are several principles on how to brew blooming tea correctly:

  1. Before brewing, the kettle should be warmed up by rinsing with boiling water.
  2. The water for brewing should be soft, and its temperature should not exceed 80–90 degrees.
  3. The tea bud should not be filled with water. To see all the beauty of this elite tea, blooming like a marvelous flower, you must first pour water into the teapot and then lower the bud into it.
  4. Infusion time – until the bud opens completely, from 3 to 5 minutes.
  5. Typically, bound tea can be brewed 2 to 4 times in a row, increasing the time of each infusion by 3 minutes.

In China, the homeland of related tea, it is traditionally brewed on special occasions for the most important guests and given as a sign special attention. Recently, flowering tea has spread beyond Southeast Asia, gaining increasing popularity around the world. It evokes interest in long-standing traditions, turning ordinary tea drinking into a magical ritual.

There are many types of Chinese tea. Bound tea is radically different from all other types of this drink. Chinese craftsmen combine tea leaves with a special method, giving them a unique, distinctive shape. When brewing tea in a glass container, you can admire all the beauty of this process to your heart's content. Unsightly dry balls of bound tea are transformed into beautiful flowers of various shapes and sizes. Sometimes, during the brewing of the bound tea, up to five flower buds open.

Bound tea is gaining increasing popularity in many countries around the world. They like to serve it festive table, delighting your relatives and friends with a colorful tea ritual.

When producing bound tea, only high-quality drink is used with the addition of flowers and various medicinal herbs. Typically, green tea, jasmine flowers, camellia flowers, rose ovaries and clover are used. Sometimes several flowers are used at the same time.

Unlike the regular leaf that everyone is so used to brewing, bound tea can have a variety of leaf shapes developed by Chinese masters. Master knitters knit tea leaves with silk or cotton threads. Leaves of various varieties are used - green, white and other types. Various flowers are also added to them. It could be jasmine, lily, clover, rose or calendula.

Moreover, the entire manufacturing process is carried out manually. It begins with the collection of tea shoots during the rainy season and ends with the formation of intricate and unique shapes of tea balls. To see the whole process of blooming of bound tea balls, it is recommended to brew the bound tea in a glass teapot. The option of brewing in a bowl is also possible.

There are several types of bound tea depending on its shape: round, square, oval; tea is also bound in the shape of a pearl, star or bud.

Beneficial properties of bound tea.

The finished bound tea has a delicate aroma and a soft, refined taste. Among other things, bound tea is also very beneficial for health. This drink serves to prevent many diseases, removes poisons, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, and improves fat metabolism.

Bound tea has a positive effect on a person’s vigor, as it has a tonic and encouraging effect. Moreover, it causes absolutely no side effects. The leaves of the bound tea contain many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Bound tea has a beneficial effect on the immune system and provides protection against infectious diseases.

The benefits of bound tea also include strengthening blood vessels, eliminating stress and headaches. It is worth noting that bound tea regulates metabolism, because it makes it an excellent assistant for weight loss. The calorie content of bound tea is 141 kcal per 100 grams of dry product. Bound tea contains about 20 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat and 4 grams of carbohydrates.

How to brew bound tea correctly?

To brew bound tea and see the whole process of a beautiful bud opening, it is best to use a glass teapot. There are rules for brewing related tea:

  • One serving of tea is poured with one glass of water. The water temperature depends on the type of tea associated (green, black, white, red);
  • First, pour boiling water over the kettle, and then pour water into the kettle;
  • Place a figurine of tied tea into the teapot. It is very important to immerse the tea in water, and not vice versa. Because hot water will damage the tea figurine.

It is recommended to serve the infusion after the process of opening the tea balls is completed; the figure should settle to the bottom, so be sure to cover the teapot with a lid. You can repeat the amazing procedure of brewing this type of tea up to five times. Each time the taste of the drink changes more and more.

You can watch the video on how to brew bound tea.

Types of related tea.

Bound tea can be green, black, white, red, etc. About fifty types of related tea are known. Among them, jasmine tea with the addition of jasmine flowers (“Lychee with Jasmine”, “Jasmine Flower”) is widely known. A set of several types of related tea can be a good gift for any celebration.

The most popular types of related tea:

  • Bound tea “Birth of Venus” - green bound tea with the aroma of jasmine is distinguished by the fact that when brewing you can observe a magnificent spectacle. Pink amaranth appears from the white foam of jasmine flowers against a background of yellow calendula. To see it all, you need to unwind the thread all the way and carefully cut it before brewing;
  • Bound tea “Fragrant Silver Bar” is another representative of green bound tea with jasmine. At first it looks like a silver ball; when brewed, pink clover “blooms”;
  • The related Jade Dragon Peach tea is considered the most beautiful Chinese tea. When brewed, the bud-shaped tea leaves turn into a chrysanthemum. The taste of the tea is very mild with a floral aroma;
  • Bound tea “Fiery Reckoning” initially looks like light lumps. When brewed, yellow osmanthus flowers rise to the surface of the water, while a beautiful bright red flower slowly opens in the middle of the vessel.


Reading time: 2 minutes


Today we’ll talk about gourmet-bound tea. He is classified as elite varieties, the price is not affordable for every buyer and the product is sold only in specialized stores. Basically, the composition of bound tea includes green and white, but there are also red varieties. It is expensive because it has a special harvesting method and special processing of the leaves.

Features of making bound tea

To produce the product, craftsmen select buds and top leaves from certain long shoots. The process of collecting leaves is carried out only in rainy weather. Tea masters bind tea by hand, giving it various shapes. The Chinese roll the leaves into a ball or ball, as they symbolize love. You can also find others, for example, a flashlight, a star, a bud. Any dry flower is placed inside the mold. The bound tea is very diverse, since in the bud you can find jasmine, peony, lily, chrysanthemum and others. The ball is wrapped with a certain thread, which is why the tea is called tied. Next it is sent to the oven to dry. The finished drink has exquisite taste qualities that true gourmets will appreciate.

When brewing tea, we see a fascinating picture, like a bud in hot water begins to bloom. The product is valued not only for this beautiful process, it is truly very tasty and aromatic. We sell it at a high price and only by the piece. How to brew bound tea?

Cooking rules

The range of tea is very wide and each variety has its own characteristics. To make it real delicious drink, follow these general guidelines:

  • To observe the process of flower opening, use a transparent teapot. If this is not the case, a deep one will do. glassware or glass;
  • First, pour boiling water over the kettle to warm it up;
  • First, pour water, and then add tea leaves. Thus, the tea bud is not damaged by the stream of boiling water and the flower slowly opens;
  • To prepare one serving of the drink, use one figurine of bound tea. The infusion time is from two to five minutes;
  • To enjoy the aromatic tea, drink it in small sips;

Some types of flower teas can be re-brewed. Ask the seller about this at the time of purchase.

The drink contains caffeine, so it perfectly invigorates and tones. It is good to drink to relieve stress after a hard day. Regular consumption of the drink will help normalize blood pressure. With its help you can get rid of several extra pounds. Green tea preserves youth because tea leaves contain tannin, which prevents the body from aging. Red normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary system. The product from the white variety fights cancer. Each type of bound tea has its own characteristics. Therefore, when buying a product, pay attention to its characteristics. Some varieties lower blood pressure, while others increase it, and this is important to know so as not to harm your health.