How to choose a chandelier and not melt the stretch ceiling. How to hang a chandelier on a suspended ceiling: various mounting methods Which chandelier can be hung on a suspended ceiling

In this article we will look at chandeliers for suspended ceilings. What should they be? What to look for when choosing? How to mount such a chandelier? Let's figure it out.

Working conditions

To understand which chandelier to choose for suspended ceilings, we first describe the conditions in which it will have to work.

  • Directly above the chandelier will be the surface of the ceiling. Most often this is PVC film, which has a maximum operating temperature of no more than 60 degrees: already at 80 the fabric begins to stretch and deform.

This factor is the main one influencing the choice of chandelier: a lamp on suspended ceilings should not give off environment large amounts of heat in close proximity to the ceiling.

  • The chandelier will have to be attached to the rough ceiling using a special mounting hook. The suspension will have to partially hide between the suspended and suspended ceilings.
  • The surface at the top in the case of a glossy canvas has excellent reflectivity. If we want to hide point light sources and make the light flux on the suspended ceiling from the chandelier as diffused as possible, we will have to make sure that the light bulbs are not open from above.
  • There is free space above the surface of the stretch ceiling, which, however, is not ventilated. Theoretically, power converters for low-voltage light sources can be hidden in this space, but in practice they will inevitably overheat with inevitable rapid failure.

Tip: However, low-voltage LED lamps are the most reliable. The problem with the placement of the transformer is easily solved: wiring from the power supply is made along the ceiling in advance, and the power supply itself fits into any niche with normal ventilation.

This implies all the restrictions associated with the choice of lamp.

Choosing a chandelier

So, how to choose a chandelier for a stretch ceiling?

Ceiling mount

Depending on the type of mounting, chandeliers can be of two types:

  1. Hanging suspended on a special mounting hook;
  2. Invoices Accordingly, they use an overhead panel, which is attached to the ceiling surface with self-tapping screws.

An alternative solution is to place the mounting hook below the level of the suspended ceiling. In this case, before the ceiling is stretched, you need to take care of some modifications to the fastening.

Horn placement

One of the popular types of chandeliers for stretch ceilings is a chandelier with several arms, the so-called classic one.

When using incandescent or halogen lamps, avoid horns pointing upward. The reason is obvious: they will generate an upward flow of hot air with minimal dispersion, which will heat the ceiling above them.

In addition, many halogen and incandescent lamps have a reflector made directly into the bulb, which will focus the radiation again on the surface of the ceiling. Bright circles of light on a glossy or matte surface will catch your eye.

In addition, as already mentioned, all the details of the horn structure will be perfectly visible to the viewer in the form of a reflection in the glossy ceiling. Finally, a significant portion of the light flux from the lamps falls on the infrared part of the spectrum and will again heat the ceiling.

Ceiling lamps

A chandelier in the form of a plate (shade) on a suspended ceiling is a fairly popular solution.

What should you pay attention to when choosing such a lamp?

  • It is advisable to have a reflector on top of each light bulb in the ceiling. It is a thin sheet of stainless or chrome-plated steel and is not always present in the design. At least in lampshades with suspension.

Please note: if you plan to use LED lamps in the ceiling with a power supply located outside the lamp and suspended ceiling, you don’t have to pay attention to the reflectors: the ceiling will not overheat in any case.

  • In the case of a lampshade covering the lamps from below, it is especially important that the chandelier has a sufficiently long suspension. The reason is the same as for the requirements for the presence of reflectors: to protect and remove the ceiling surface from the heating source as much as possible.

The lampshade must have a sufficiently long suspension. The exception is lamps that use LED lamps.

Types of lamps

Let's look at the main types of light sources with their advantages and disadvantages.

  • Incandescent lamps they are the cheapest, but have a ridiculously low efficiency (no more than 3 percent of the electricity consumed is converted into light). What is no less regrettable is that all the rest of the energy they absorb is converted into heating the environment.

Before us is clearly not best choice for suspended ceilings. If you still choose a chandelier with incandescent lamps, then do not forget about the power limitation: the lamps should be no more than 60 watts.

In this case, the distance to the ceiling surface should be at least 25 centimeters, which is not achievable in all rooms.

  • Halogen lamps have slightly higher efficiency. In essence, these are the same incandescent lamps; however, the halogen environment allows you to significantly increase the temperature of the tungsten filament without fear of its evaporation. In a halogen environment, the atoms of the evaporating spiral are deposited not on the surface of the flask, but on the spiral itself.

The main advantage of halogen lamps is the spectrum that is as close as possible to normal daylight. The temperature of the flask, however, is higher; The power limit for halogen lamps in such chandeliers is no more than 35 watts.

Please note: There is another limitation with halogen lamps. When replacing or installing such a lamp in a socket, you should not handle it with bare hands. The fat secreted by the sebaceous glands from the fingers and any other contaminants, burning on the surface of the flask, will cause its local darkening; consequences - uneven heating and rapid destruction.

  • Energy saving lamps– strictly speaking, not a completely accurate name. Traditionally, this term refers to very specific fluorescent lamps with built-in ballast. Quite high efficiency and relatively low heating speak in their favor; By the way, it is primarily the power converter that heats up in them.

There are, however, two nuances associated with the use of these lamps. The flask contains mercury vapor inside. A broken light bulb should theoretically lead to the evacuation of people in the room and its decontamination; By not carrying out such procedures, you are causing serious damage to your health.

In addition, the chandelier used for this type of lamp should not be mounted on suspended ceilings in rooms with high humidity. Dampness will inevitably lead to rapid failure of the power converter.

Fairly low heat dissipation energy saving lamps allows you to mount them close to the suspended ceiling.

  • Finally, suspended ceilings and led chandeliers– this is a completely and completely harmonious couple. LEDs have the highest efficiency among all light sources and minimal heat generation.

In addition, the duration of their life cycle is not only enormous, but also does not depend on the number of switches on and off. Finally, LEDs provide directional light in the full sense of the word without any reflectors: the LED emits a luminous flux into only one hemisphere.

It is optimal to use low-voltage lamps with a common power supply for all horns; in this case, as already mentioned, the power supply must be moved outside the space above the suspended ceiling. Otherwise, there will be inevitable overheating and rapid failure.

Low-voltage LED light sources are an ideal companion for a stretch ceiling.

Which chandeliers are suitable for suspended ceilings? Almost any chandelier can be installed on the hanging canvas. The main thing is to properly fix the lighting fixture and choose a suitable mounting. The chandelier can be recessed or sagging. You can insert halogen recessed or LED light bulbs into the lighting fixture. To decorate the bathroom, it is better to use the first option. In other cases, it is more advisable to use LED lamps.

If you have a large hallway or living room, it is recommended to use flat chandeliers. If they are installed correctly, such a lighting device can be recessed in the tension fabric. The distance between the flat chandelier and the base ceiling is only 20-22 centimeters.

Chandeliers can be designed in the following style:

  1. Classic. Built-in chandeliers, designed in a classic style, are elegant and symmetrical. They fit perfectly into rooms designed in the Empire or Provence style.
  2. Country. The lamps in such a chandelier can be carved or wooden. Country-style lighting fixtures go well with glossy stretch fabrics.
  3. Hi-tech. These chandeliers have an unusual configuration. Lighting fixtures designed in a high-tech style are needed if you want to focus attention on the ceiling.

When choosing a chandelier, you should definitely take into account the texture of the canvas. If the ceiling is glossy, then an unusual configuration with LED bulbs is best. It is best to use built-in ceiling fixtures designed in country style.

Choosing a chandelier for the suspended ceiling in the bedroom

Why is it best to install a chandelier in the bedroom? Designers claim that ordinary lamps will look tasteless and will not help recreate the atmosphere of home comfort. It is recommended to install dish-shaped chandeliers in the room, which are controlled by remote control.

If you prefer chandeliers made in the form of a plate, then keep in mind that it should not have a metal base. Otherwise, the device will heat up and may cause the tension fabric to catch fire.

When choosing a chandelier for your bedroom, consider a number of nuances:

  • Choose chandeliers that are located at a great distance from the tension fabric. Otherwise, you will have to install special mortgages and power converters.
  • Consider the texture of the stretch ceiling. If the canvas has a photo print with any pattern, then opt for low-power products.
  • If the bedroom has a glossy ceiling, then you need to choose a chandelier in which the internal wiring is invisible.

Chandelier for a modern stretch ceiling: how to choose

Choosing a chandelier begins with selecting a suitable mounting mechanism. The built-in chandelier can be mounted on a specialized hook or an overhead panel, which is fixed with self-tapping screws. For installation on a suspended ceiling, you should use only those chandeliers that are fixed on a hook. Lighting fixtures that are secured with a strip are not practical to use.

If you want to screw on the shades, then keep in mind that the chandelier must have a long pendant. This detail will help to avoid overheating of the tension fabric. It is also advisable to install a reflector above each light bulb.

When choosing a chandelier, you also need to take into account the types of light bulbs. Each has a number of its own advantages and features. It is worth noting that absolutely any light bulb can be screwed into a chandelier.

There are 3 main types of light bulbs:

  1. Incandescent lamps. They are used not only as spotlights, but also as lighting. If you have a square or plate-shaped chandelier that is attached to a ring, then opt for incandescent lamps. However, remember that such products have low efficiency.
  2. Halogen lamps. The efficiency of these lighting devices is several times higher. It is worth noting that halogen lamps have a power limit of 35-36 watts.
  3. LED lamps. These products have the highest efficiency. It is most advisable to use LED lamps, as they last a long time. In addition, these products rarely fail.

Material on how to choose the right lamps for a stretch ceiling will also be useful:

LED chandeliers for ceilings: advantages and features

LED lamps have become widespread due to their high performance characteristics. These products are perhaps the best replacement for energy-saving lamps. Most often, a special IR remote control is used to control LED chandeliers.

Advantages of LED lamps:

  • Long service life. LED sources The lights last 2-3 times longer than halogen lamps.
  • Economical. LED lamps consume 60% less electricity than halogen lamps.
  • Variety of color spectrums. You can even purchase colored lamps to decorate the ceiling. It is advisable to use such light sources if the room is designed in fusion style.
  • Safety. LED lamps create radiation that is completely safe for the human eye. In addition, there is no flickering effect when operating this product.

If you have suspended ceilings made of PVC panels, it is recommended to use LED lamps with external bulbs, as they do not lead to heating of the panel. In other cases, luminaires with internal bulbs can be used.

Why do you need mortgages for chandeliers under a suspended ceiling?

Mortgages are a special platform on which the chandelier is installed. Regardless of what types of lighting fixtures are used, mortgages should be installed at the stage of installation of suspended panels. Remember that if the chandelier sags after installing the mortgage, then you should completely disassemble and change the platform.

It is recommended to use thick plywood to make the embed. This material has high fiber viscosity, as a result of which a mortgage made from plywood will be the most durable. To decorate the mortgage, a polyurethane rosette can be made.

The procedure for installing a mortgage for a chandelier:

  1. Mark a place for the chandelier.
  2. Cut a rectangle out of plywood. It must match the size of the chandelier platform.
  3. Drill a hole in the resulting rectangle and thread electrical wires through it.
  4. Sand all edges of the plywood with sandpaper. Otherwise, burrs may form around the embed and damage the hanging fabric.

We install lamps and chandeliers for new suspended ceilings

Installation of spotlights or chandeliers on suspended ceiling begins with preparatory activities. First you need to make holes in the canvas and carry out all the necessary communications. After this, you need to mark the mounting location for the lighting fixtures.

The lamps are installed in the following order:

  • Connect the necessary wires.
  • Attach special racks to which the spotlights will subsequently be attached.
  • Install the brackets.
  • Connect the wires to the terminals.
  • Press down the spring fasteners.
  • Adjust the level of the lamp.

When connecting lamps, you need to connect a wire to each device in the distribution box. Remember to wear gloves if you work with halogen lamps.

The procedure for installing a chandelier on a suspended ceiling:

  1. Cut a hole in the hanging fabric.
  2. Secure the hook.
  3. Hang the chandelier from the ceiling.
  4. Lift up the decorative cap.
  5. Secure the cap.

How to remove a chandelier from a suspended ceiling with your own hands

Removing a chandelier from a stretch ceiling is easy. First you need to dismantle the decorative parts of the structure. To do this, use a spatula, drill and a set of screwdrivers. After you remove the decorative elements, be sure to turn off the power. Otherwise, there is a high risk of electric shock. Experts recommend completely cutting off the power in the house.

Dismantling the chandelier is carried out in several stages:

  • Remove lampshades and light bulbs.
  • Unscrew the decorative cap.
  • Remove the hook.
  • Disconnect and move the wires to the side.
  • Insulate 3 wires on the ceiling.

If you have a dish-shaped chandelier installed, then you first need to unscrew the bolts. To do this you need to use a Phillips screwdriver. Before connecting the wires, check that there is no voltage using an indicator screwdriver.

Installation of a chandelier on a suspended ceiling (video)

Installing and dismantling a chandelier on a suspended ceiling is not at all difficult, provided that the basic rules and safety precautions are followed. If you decide to use a chandelier to decorate a room in which a suspended ceiling is installed, take care of choosing the optimal light bulbs. It is recommended to use energy-saving or LED lamps. Also, do not forget to install a durable plywood backing and cut holes in the panels for lighting fixtures.

Chandelier for suspended ceiling (photo)

One of the finishing touches to installing a tension structure is the installation of a chandelier. And here beginners will be disappointed, because the process of attaching a lighting device is not as simple as it seems.

The main difficulties encountered are choosing a suitable mount for installation, creating a hole in the PVC film, and choosing a suitable chandelier. We will deal with these points in the article.

There is an opinion that any chandelier will fit under the tension fabric. But that's not true.

When choosing, you should follow a number of simple tips:

  • try to avoid lighting devices that are round in shape and look like a plate. As a rule, the base of such products is made of thin material, which gets very hot. If the design of the room involves the use of just such a chandelier, then examine the base (“plate”) of the product - it should be glossy and made of high-quality materials. An important point is the quality of the foundation. It must be made of thick metal and provide high-quality reflection of light;
  • if the light source is a regular incandescent lamp, then it should be installed inside the lampshade. This reduces the risk of the film heating up, deforming or staining;
  • in the case when a chandelier with open incandescent bulbs is needed, then at least choose products in which the light sources “look” down or to the side. Often, beginners do not know which chandeliers can be hung on suspended ceilings, and make a mistake when choosing. The result is yellowing or damage to the surface;
  • pay attention to the light bulbs that are installed in the chandelier. Despite the popularity of incandescent lamps, they should be abandoned. The best option– use of chandeliers with energy-saving or LED bulbs. Such light sources are better suited for tensile structures. The advantage of the products is minimal heating of the film surface and additional savings on electricity.

Installing a chandelier on a suspended ceiling

Chandeliers can be divided into several types:

1. Hanging – installed on a special hook.
2. Overhead – mounted using an overlay panel (held in place with self-tapping screws).

As mentioned above, the type of source is also important.

Chandeliers can be equipped with:

1. Incandescent lamps. Such products are the most affordable, but have low efficiency. The main disadvantage for suspended ceilings is excessive heating. If the choice falls on chandeliers with such lamps, then the power should not exceed 60 W.
2. Halogen lamps. The advantages of the products are higher efficiency and better brightness (the emission spectrum is close to sunlight). But there is also a risk of overheating, so maximum power halogens for tensile structures – up to 35 W.
3. Energy saving lamps. Pros: high efficiency, minimal heating level. The downside is the health risk if such a lamp is damaged. In addition, such lamps are prohibited from being installed in rooms with high humidity levels.
4. LEDs. LED chandeliers for suspended ceilings look best. Their advantages are maximum efficiency(among the light sources discussed above), low heating, long life and light that is comfortable for the eye. The only downside is the cost.

When purchasing a chandelier, pay attention to a few more points:

  • carefully inspect the base of the product for the presence of edges or burrs, for which Chinese products are “famous”. PVC film is afraid of sharp objects and can be deformed from such touches;
  • If the chandelier has a metal base, do not forget about the importance of a special gasket, which will protect the tension structure from overheating. As such a lining it is allowed to use sheet material, characterized by thermal insulation qualities;
  • Before installing the chandelier and tension structure, it is worth considering all the wiring features - including installation LED strip and spotlights. When all the nuances are thought out, you can start working.

Installing a chandelier mount: safety precautions

During the installation of a chandelier, the master inevitably faces several risks:

  • high voltage (220 Volts);
  • danger of damaging an expensive structure.

To avoid injuries and additional material costs, you should adhere to the following safety rules:

  • avoid pressing the PVC film tightly against the base of the light source to prevent surface deformation;
  • Drill holes in the ceiling carefully. Remember that in many houses the wires to the chandelier are laid in the ceiling and there is a risk of damaging them. To identify the location of the wiring, you should use a special probe. Most often, the wiring is installed at the junction of two panels or on the inside of the slab. Also, try not to drill towards the switch;
  • to insulate wires, use a special corrugated hose designed to solve exactly these problems. If a short circuit occurs and the input circuit breaker does not work, sparks may appear. The latter can damage the canvas and cause fire;
  • Use insulating tape at wiring junctions;
  • Before performing work, turn off the power and check that there is no voltage. In addition, use dielectric gloves that will protect against voltages of up to 1000 Volts;
  • use tools with dielectric handles.

Stretch ceilings - installation of a chandelier

Platform for a chandelier: installation options and subtleties

Above we looked at which chandeliers are suitable for suspended ceilings, and what points to give priority to. Now it’s worth understanding the options and installation features.

The following methods exist:

1. Installing the chandelier on a tension structure using a hook. The advantages of this method are reliability, ease of installation, and no need for any specialized tools.

Before starting work, it is necessary to dismantle the light bulbs and shades. In most houses, such a hook does not need to be installed - it is already provided for in the design documentation and is attached at the construction stage.

A big plus is the presence of wiring, which you don’t have to rack your brains about. The hook is fixed to the base ceiling using an anchor or a powerful dowel.

The installation process itself is as follows:

  • adjust the hook to the required level (taking into account the installation level of the tension structure). Please note that after installation is completed, the base of the chandelier should fit snugly against the PVC film sheet;
  • Reinforce the fixation site with a thermal ring. Here, pay attention to two main parameters - the tightness of the ring and the correctness of its installation. If you do not strengthen the edges when installing the chandelier on the hook, the film will sag over time and become damaged;
  • after applying glue to the ring and applying it to the surface, wait until the composition dries completely;
  • In the place where the ring is installed to the tension structure, cut a hole (along the inner diameter). It is through this that the hook for mounting the lighting source will pass;
  • set the hook reach height. This work can be done in different ways. Most often, the movement of the hook is carried out by rotating along the thread until the required position is reached. Once the hook is in the desired position, stop adjusting;
  • hang the chandelier on a hook and connect the wires using a terminal block;
  • lift the cap (if it is provided in the chandelier). This completes the installation of the product;
  • fix the cap in the desired position.

2. Installation of the chandelier on the bar. The most popular option is to fix the light source on a special bar (included in the kit). The advantages of this method are reliability, ease of installation, and no problems finding the necessary tools.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • cut a hole in the PVC film through which the wiring will be routed;
  • reinforce the edge of the hole with a heat-resistant ring;
  • To ensure a tight fit of the base of the chandelier to the canvas, install a special beam that is attached to the base ceiling. Select the height so that it is equal to the height of the ceiling structure;
  • fixation is carried out using a puncher. All that is required is to drill a hole in the base and secure the beam with a dowel;
  • Before installing the strip, inspect it for the presence of sharp edges that could damage the film. Next, screw the bar that was included in the kit using self-tapping screws. At the same time, choose products of such length that would support the weight of the chandelier;
  • connect the wiring and attach the chandelier to the bar after aligning the holes with the studs.

3. Installation of the chandelier on a cross-shaped platform. Another installation option involves fixing the light source to a cross-shaped mount. The advantages of this design are reliability. Craftsmen recommend giving preference to this design when installing massive chandeliers.

The installation of the structure is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • make a wooden platform. The thickness of the latter should be 11-13 cm. Plywood can be used as a basic tool;
  • make a hole in the center through which the electrical wiring will pass;
  • provide special legs in the corners (they can be made using metal sheets). If you can’t make the legs yourself, you can purchase them in specialized stores;
  • When manufacturing, proceed as follows. Prepare a metal sheet (1 mm thick) and cut out plates (width 20 mm). Make holes on both sides of the plate with a drill at a distance of 1 cm from the edge. Using a hammer, create a slight bend (you should get a Z-shape). At the same time, make sure that the bend angle is 90 degrees. Next, install the legs to the surface and fasten them to the ceiling;
  • All points where wiring passes through the ceiling should be reinforced with plastic or heat resistant ring. Here it is allowed to make several (for each leg) or one hole. The second option is more preferable due to the lower risk of film sagging;
  • At the last stage, the chandelier is installed. During installation, ensure that the base and support structure fit snugly against each other.

Photo of a chandelier under a suspended ceiling - help in choosing

Planning the design of a room in your head - simple task for a beginner. It's another matter when you have to take real steps, for example, choosing a suitable chandelier for the room.

This is where many people face a number of problems. Photos of chandeliers for a suspended ceiling can help you in choosing. Only visually can you see how harmoniously certain shades look with each other.

The following points are worth highlighting here:

  • a steel-colored chandelier will look beautiful on a black ceiling;
  • A product with a dark shade, which will contrast with the surface of the PVC film, is in perfect harmony with a light surface.

Before execution installation work Study the photos and decide on a few more points:

  • chandelier mounting option (focus on appearance and product weight). The easiest way to understand the intricacies of installation is to use step by step instructions;
  • features of making holes for wiring and fastening in the canvas. Conventional cutting is not suitable here - it is advisable to prepare a special ring (the technology is described above). To more accurately study the specifics of the work, it is worth studying the corresponding photos or videos.

Chandeliers for suspended ceilings photo

Saving on a chandelier: Internet sites - the opportunity to buy at a discount

Installing a stretch ceiling is a costly process that takes a large amount out of the budget. It is logical that against this background, many dream of reducing their own costs.

Here it is easy if you follow the following algorithm:

  • explore sites on the Internet that sell chandeliers. Particular emphasis should be placed on the model, price and delivery features;
  • pay attention to the discounts that the store offers. Often sales are held at retail outlets, allowing you to purchase even in-demand goods at a lower price;
  • read reviews about the selected online store. It is important that the site has a good reputation and the product is of high quality. The joy of saving will not last long if the purchased product turns out to be of poor quality;
  • try to select a chandelier taking into account the type and color of the ceiling installed in the room. To avoid any confusion, choose a color based on the design and type of product purchased.

You won't get far on spots alone. Experienced people know what they are saying: no matter how impressive and effective sometimes miniature spotlights on suspended ceiling structures are, most often it is impossible to do without basic lighting in the form of a classic chandelier (and you can read more about spotlights in the article: “Spotlights”) lamps for suspended ceilings - all types and selection features"). If you know how to hang a chandelier on a suspended ceiling correctly and without unnecessary difficulties, then you can safely skip this material. For everyone else, we have prepared comprehensive step-by-step instructions that will allow you to quickly and correctly complete the necessary installation - and later enjoy a well-organized lighting scenario in your room.

Choosing the right chandelier

Before proceeding directly to installation, you must, of course, buy a chandelier. This is not particularly difficult: every city is full of specialized stores ready to offer the buyer an endless number of variations. Anything will definitely do!

However, when choosing, you should be guided by some considerations that will help you choose the most suitable option for your premises:

  • a large chandelier - for high and spacious rooms: remember this rule, and then you will not have problems with the fact that it will hang very low and draw too much attention to itself;
  • the lampshades of the lighting device must be directed to the sides or downwards - in the case when they are directed upwards, there is a risk of noticeable spots appearing on the stretched fabric; such a direction is allowed only if the distance between the lampshades and the ceiling is at least 40 centimeters;
  • do not choose a chandelier with a large number of shades if the surface type of your stretched canvas is glossy: a mirror image of objects located in the lower part can provoke their visual doubling, which will create an unpleasant effect on the perception of the room as a whole;
  • if the lighting fixture has a wide horizontal surface, then weigh all the pros and cons before purchasing; if you have glossy ceilings, it will be difficult to avoid the constant accumulation of dust on it, but it will be displayed properly.

Tools and materials

  • stepladder or table;
  • drill (perforator);
  • pliers with insulated handles;
  • screwdriver;
  • insulating tape;
  • wire VVGng-LS;
  • terminal blocks for extending wires;
  • mounting strips of the required type;
  • anchor hook;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • dowels;
  • plastic rings for stretch ceilings;
  • block for embedding ( moisture resistant plywood).

Preparing the wiring

If you don’t yet know how to hang a chandelier on a suspended ceiling or are doing it for the first time, then pay attention to this point - the wiring must be prepared in advance, even before the stage of installing the tension fabric.

You can do this either with the help of an electrician or yourself:

  1. de-energize the room by turning the toggle switch in the distribution panel to the “off” position;
  2. take a prepared cable of the VVGng-LS format - it is different increased reliability and is not afraid of even the heaviest load - and start laying it from the switch to the place where the chandelier is directly connected;
  3. open wiring is allowed, but if desired, you can always protect the cable with corrugated plastic: this way you will prevent not only its breakthrough and any physical impact, but also a possible short circuit;
  4. if the length of the wires is not enough for connection, then it is possible to solve this problem by extending the wire through the terminal block, in which case soldering will be required, and it is best to choose a multi-core wire and always with a certain margin.

All mounting options

In order to hang a chandelier on a suspended ceiling, certain manipulations should be carried out before installing the film sheet. Character preparatory work depends on which option for attaching the chandelier to the suspended ceiling you ultimately choose.

There are 2 main types of fastening:

  1. on the mounting plate;
  2. on the anchor hook.

Each of them, in turn, has some technological features. Depending on what type of strip is used to install the lighting fixture:

  • longitudinal;
  • cruciform.

Variations with an anchor hook are also allowed - through mount using plates.

The final choice of one option or another is determined by your own skills, as well as the characteristics of the suspended ceiling structure and the nature of the lighting fixture that you are going to install.

Carefully watch the following video - it provides excellent clarity, and you will only have to choose one or another method of attaching the lighting fixture to the ceiling.

Mounting on mounting plate


Ideal for chandeliers with low weight.

To give the final structure a seamless aesthetic appearance, a large cap j. The procedure, if you want to hang a chandelier on a suspended ceiling in this particular way, will be as follows:

  1. prepare a block of wood approximately 5 mm less in thickness than the distance from the concrete base of the ceiling structure to the line of the film sheet;
  2. use dowels and screws and attach the wooden block to the concrete base;
  3. secure the longitudinal strip to the block with self-tapping screws;
  4. your mortgage for the future chandelier is ready.

If you haven’t found a suitable block, it makes sense to use plywood - in this case, metal legs should be attached to the fragment used for clear fixation. Make sure this is exactly what it is moisture resistant plywood- the condition is not at all critical, but will help you protect the structure from mold and mildew.

After the installation of the tension structure has already been completed and the canvas has had time to dry safely, you need to find the location of the wooden block (or a sheet of plywood - depending on what you used) and glue it to it plastic ring. This is a fairly simple procedure, see this in the photo below.

Carefully cut out the inside of the ring and attach the longitudinal strip to the block. Use self-tapping screws for this. Your next steps:

  1. take out the wires;
  2. connect the chandelier to the power supply;
  3. Cover the area with the fixed strip with a protective cap.


This type of fastening using a mortgage is used if you are dealing with a really heavy chandelier and want to be sure of its reliability. Also indispensable when using powerful square lighting fixtures.

A significant difference from the previous option is the number of holes required for installation on an already mounted ceiling. In this case there are five of them: one large one - central, under the wires; The other 4 are small, for fixing the cross. The procedure is similar to the previous option:

  1. a double perpendicular cross-shaped strip is prepared;
  2. a wooden block is fixed to the concrete base, again the thickness is slightly less than the distance from the base to the film;
  3. During installation of the ceiling frame, a cross is installed.

When the installation of the stretch ceiling is already over and the film has had time to dry well, do the following:

  • attach all the prepared plastic rings to the canvas;
  • cut the necessary holes;
  • stretch the wires and secure the chandelier to the mounted crosspiece;
  • Fix the protective cap either with your own decorative nuts or with those that come with the lighting fixture.

In some cases, a cross-shaped mortgage is mounted on top of the stretch ceiling. Then it is advisable to first stick on a paper template and mark it in in the right places overlay to avoid rupture of the stretch ceiling. After this, all manipulations are similar to those performed when indoor installation planks:

  1. electrical wiring is pulled through the center;
  2. the cross-shaped strip is attached to the canvas and screwed to the mortgage with self-tapping screws;
  3. The chandelier is connected to the power supply and placed on the studs, after which all that remains is to securely fix it with the supplied nuts.

Hook mount

Anchor hook

Perhaps the most common option, which many people also love because in many apartments such a hook is already installed, as they say, by default. If it is missing, but there is a need to hang a chandelier on a suspended ceiling in this way, follow the basic procedure that will help you quickly deal with the problem:

  • use a drill to make a hole in concrete base diameter from 6 to 14 mm .;
  • Insert the anchor hook into the hole and tighten the hanging nut.

Have you installed a stretch ceiling? Let it dry - maintain exactly the time period specified in the performance characteristics of the film. Many beginners, who don’t really know how to hang a chandelier on a suspended ceiling, rush to complete all the operations faster - and then pay with torn canvas, not only spoiling their mood, but also significantly undermining their budget:

  1. find the location of the hook;
  2. stick a plastic ring onto the suspended ceiling;
  3. when deciding on its size, take into account the size of the cap - it should completely cover the diameter of the ring;
  4. cut out with the inside;
  5. pull out the wires;
  6. All that remains is to connect the lamp.

Through mount

Distributed mainly in private homes. In this case, not only a hook with a thread on the rod is used, but also two plates 2x2 or 3x3 mm.

  1. make a through hole and place the first plank;
  2. screw a nut onto the hook to hold the second plate;
  3. insert the hook into the hole and screw another nut on top;
  4. As a result, the 2 plates should be pulled together - all that remains is to hang the chandelier.

The further steps are nothing fundamentally new: we also fix the rings on the stretch ceiling, cut out a part, pull out the wires and connect the chandelier.

Again, when using plastic rings, keep in mind the diameter of the decorative cap of your lighting fixture - it should be slightly less so that the final installation pleases the eye, and does not make you wince from aesthetic defects on the stretch ceiling.

Connecting the chandelier to the network

Please note that it is best to entrust this work to qualified specialists, but if you want to know how to hang a chandelier on a suspended ceiling and correctly connect it to the power supply yourself, then here are excellent instructions that will definitely help with this:

  1. de-energize the room through the distribution panel;
  2. pull the wire through the plastic ring in the suspended ceiling with the hole already made;
  3. first secure the chandelier to a bar or hook - depending on which mount you have chosen: this way you will free your hands and ensure good comfort when connecting;
  4. remove the protective sheath from the power cable and measure right size cores for placement in a box with a terminal block;
  5. We strip the ends of the wires approximately 6 mm and fix them in the terminal block, observing the color sequence: yellow or green - into a terminal with a wire of the same color, this will be protective zero; blue - is the working zero and is placed in a terminal with a similar color; white is always a phase wire, and it is connected to the remaining empty terminal.

After the completed manipulations, all you have to do is close the protective box with the terminal block and complete the assembly of the lighting fixture on the suspended ceiling.

It is important to remember that all twisted wires must be placed in a corrugation - to protect against overheating and prevent short circuits.

The entire process of installing a chandelier on a suspended ceiling is in one video.

And here the emphasis is placed on the order and how the wires need to be connected.

Functionality check

You can find out whether you now know how to hang a chandelier on a suspended ceiling right now - while checking the functionality of the assembled lighting fixture:

  • put the toggle switch in the distribution panel to the “on” position;
  • turn on the light in the room where the chandelier is installed;
  • pay attention to how the lamps burn (and are they lit at all?);
  • If you are completely satisfied with the result, and the new chandelier on the suspended ceiling pleases you with excellent lighting, then you can congratulate yourself on the useful skills you have just acquired!


The following step-by-step instructions - good way, without having proven special skills, hang a chandelier on a suspended ceiling and save a lot of money by refusing the services of official specialists. As you can see, you do not need any special super skills: the key to success is increased concentration during the entire process and compliance with basic safety precautions when working with electrical wiring. The stability of the mounted structure directly depends on the successful choice of the type of fastening - and the information received from us is the best possible way to eliminate from your experience any mistakes in trying to hang a chandelier on a suspended ceiling.

Stretch ceiling structures are good option to create an individual, stylish interior. A properly selected chandelier for suspended ceilings will help highlight the beauty of the room design.

Before purchasing, it is worth studying several nuances of operating tension surfaces:

  • the canvas can withstand temperatures of no more than 60C;
  • - a good mirror. It is important to ensure that the stretched fabric does not reflect the internal wiring of the lamp;
  • halogen chandeliers for suspended ceiling structures can only function with a power converter, which should never be hidden inside the ceiling structure.

Also an important factor is the height of the ceilings in the room. For rooms with low ceilings, a horizontal lamp is well suited. In terms of design, it is better to choose models in which the light bulbs are evenly spaced in a circle or spiral. This option provides soft lighting around the entire perimeter of the room.

When thinking about which chandelier to choose for a ceiling structure over three meters high, it is good to pay attention to structures located vertically. The height of the lamp is on average one meter. Hanging from the ceiling, it is not only clearly visible from all sides, but also allows you to evenly illuminate the room.

The lampshade chandelier is a popular model among consumers. Interesting design, modern look, this lamp adds zest to any interior. But when choosing a lamp-plate, you must remember that it can only be used with LED lamps to prevent overheating and possible fire.

Choosing a chandelier for the suspended ceiling in the bedroom

Picking up ceiling lamp In the rest and sleep room, you need to focus not so much on the illumination of the device, but on its design.

A few secrets on how to choose the right chandelier for a bedroom with suspended ceiling structures:

  • Ceiling lamps mounted around the perimeter of the room, the rays of which are directed at the suspended ceiling, will help to visually raise the ceiling;
  • Lamps located along the wall will help expand the bedroom space;
  • for chandeliers with shades, an important point is the distance from the horn to the tension fabric (it should not be less than 30 cm);
  • An ideal option for a bedroom with a suspended ceiling fabric is a fabric lampshade with soft diffused light or a ceiling lamp with matte shades looking down.

Chandelier for a modern stretch ceiling: how to choose

A correctly selected lamp for a ceiling structure will not only illuminate the room well, but will also emphasize the beauty of the stretched fabric.

Selection errors can lead to deformation of the tension fabric.

The right chandelier, what is it?

Deforming the tension fabric is quite simple. To do this, you need to heat it thoroughly.

When choosing a lamp, be sure to pay attention to the following points:

  • the lamp must be designed in such a way that the light rays do not hit the ceiling;
  • the optimal version of the lampshade is closed or directing the rays of light downward;
  • consider the distance between the chandelier and the canvas (avoid flat plate lamps);
  • calculate the height of the lamp. Keep in mind that part of the suspension will be hidden under the suspended structure.

Choosing a mount

The best option is when the chandelier is attached with a hook. An overlay panel for a crystal chandelier in a suspended suspended ceiling structure is not the best option, since the process of fixing it is labor-intensive and does not always end successfully.

Choosing a light bulb

From the variety of light bulbs, everyone chooses an option at their own discretion, taking into account the specific features of operation:

  1. Incandescent lamp. Inexpensive, but energy-consuming, heating the air around the light bulb. It is better not to use incandescent lamps for a stretch ceiling. In cases where there are no other options, the lamp should not be more than 60 W.
  2. The energy-saving light bulb does not heat the air; it can be used at a short distance from the stretch ceiling. The danger of using an energy-saving lamp is mercury pumped into the bulb.
  3. LEDs are an ideal option for a ceiling light. High efficiency, minimal heating, long service life, directed luminous flux. Dilute the positive properties LED light bulb maybe only its rather high cost.

Some designer secrets

Using a crystal LED chandelier for suspended ceilings will help emphasize the luxury and style of the created interior.

A chandelier in a bright, contrasting color can add zest to a monochromatic, calm design.

Bizarre shapes LED lamps The chic of the glossy surface of the stretch ceiling is perfectly emphasized.

Lamps with a large number of small bulbs fit well into the living room. This way you can create a particularly cozy, relaxing atmosphere.

Large areas are well illuminated by a ceiling lamp in combination with spotlights around the perimeter.

LED chandeliers for ceilings: advantages and features

Considering the LED chandelier from the technical side, it is a lamp in which the light sources are semiconductor devices (diodes). Unlike conventional and energy-saving lamps, LEDs have a specific luminescence spectrum. LED chandeliers for suspended ceilings consist of many diodes of different spectrums. Modern models LED lamps are equipped with a control panel and light sensors.

Advantages of using LED chandeliers:

  • environmentally friendly (there is no mercury in the light bulbs);
  • minimal risk of injury no glass flasks light bulbs;
  • the presence of a capacitor allows you to operate the lamp without a transformer;
  • the glow of the diode lamp is as comfortable as possible for the human eye;
  • LEDs tolerate sudden temperature changes, vibration, and humidity well.

The main disadvantage of an LED chandelier is its high cost. LEDs are quite sensitive to overheating. The design of the lamp necessarily provides for the presence of air cooling holes.

Why do you need mortgages for chandeliers under a suspended ceiling?

Once the lamp is selected, the problem arises of how to attach it to the ceiling. Traditional way The chandelier cannot be attached. The tension structure simply cannot withstand such a load. The lamp is fixed to the suspended ceiling using special platforms - mortgages.

The main points of installing a chandelier with embedded parts under a suspended ceiling

Before you begin, you need to decide on the type of mortgage. The best option is OSB board or thick plywood. Important: do not use regular wooden board. Wood has the property of drying out over time, which leads to the appearance of cracks and, as a result, the falling of the ceiling lamp. Particular attention should be paid to the installation of heavy, crystal chandeliers.

We mount the chandelier on a suspended ceiling with embedded parts:

  1. We select pieces of material of the required size (or cut it out ourselves) of a rectangular shape, matching the parameters with the lamp platform. A hole is made in the center of the plate through which the cables will be inserted.
  2. The edges of the board are well processed.
  3. Special O-rings are glued at the points where the mortgage is attached to the suspended ceiling. Such actions will help avoid compromising the integrity of the canvas.
  4. Through the tension fabric (seals), the mortgage is fixed with self-tapping screws.

Expert advice: you can decorate the embedded ceiling using a polyurethane ceiling rosette.

We install lamps and chandeliers for new suspended ceilings

Installation of chandeliers and lamps for suspended ceilings begins with preparatory work. All further work and the duration of operation of the installed lamp depend on the quality of their implementation.

  1. Prepare the necessary tools. In this work you will need: a sharp stationery knife, special fixing rings, mortgages, glue.
  2. When installing built-in lamps, a box with a spotlight is fixed at the previously designated points. It is important to ensure that the edges of the box do not protrude beyond the tension level of the canvas.
  3. In the center of each device, a special glue is applied to the canvas to fix the fastening rings. These elements protect the canvas from damage.
  4. In the already stretched fabric, we cut holes in the place where the base box of the spotlight is attached, through which the wiring is brought out.

It is important to ensure that each lamp has its own wire.

In a situation where the selected lighting fixture is a chandelier, the installation algorithm is slightly adjusted:

  1. On the concrete surface of the ceiling, mark the location for attaching the retainer strip or hook.
  2. Using a hammer drill, several holes are made for the dowels into which the self-tapping screws will be screwed.
  3. The fixing bar is attached so that it is slightly higher than the tension fabric.
  4. The chandelier is fixed on the bar.

Expert advice:

  • work with gloves;
  • Do not tighten the fasteners too much - the tension fabric may be damaged;
  • before making holes in concrete slab check the diagram again hidden wiring;
  • without sharp corners, with directional light bulbs.

How to remove a chandelier from a suspended ceiling with your own hands

Strict adherence to the step-by-step instructions for dismantling a lamp from a suspended ceiling will help you complete this work quickly and efficiently:

  1. Turn off the power supply to the panel. Important: simply turning off the lights is not enough. The only way to protect yourself from electric shock is to completely shut off the power supply to your home.
  2. Prepare necessary tools: indicator screwdriver, terminal blocks, step ladder and electrical tape.
  3. Before starting work, be sure to double-check that there is no electricity (just flip the switch a few times). Safety first!
  4. Carefully unscrew the light bulbs, remove glass shades and other fragile parts (decorative pendants and other decor).
  5. Using a screwdriver, unscrew the locking screw that secures the decorative cap to the hatch. It is this element that covers the wire connection, hook or retainer bar.
  6. If the lamp is hanging on a hook, removing it will be easy. A little effort is needed in a situation where the lamp is attached to the ceiling using a special strip. To dismantle, you need to unscrew the screws that secure the strip to the ceiling.
  7. The final stage is insulating the exposed wires on the ceiling. Important: to avoid a short circuit, the three wires are separated in different directions and well insulated.

Features of dismantling the chandelier - plates

Among the variety of photos of chandeliers for stretch ceilings special attention attracted by the lamp plate. To remove the lamp from the ceiling, you must first remove the glass part. To do this, unscrew the bolts that decorative plate attached to a metal base. The plate chandelier is attached to the ceiling using special fasteners (butterflies). If you do not plan to replace the plate with another chandelier model, it is better to leave the old fasteners in place.

Expert advice: before insulating the branching wires, you need to check them with an indicator screwdriver for the absence of current.

You can view the installation and dismantling of a chandelier on a suspended ceiling in more detail in the video.