How the water utility purifies the water in our apartments. Analysis of tap water Where is tap water purified?

Activated carbon, ultraviolet radiation, harmless chemical reagents and a landing of aquarium crayfish provide city residents with the water that comes into their homes every day. Its cleaning and transportation is carried out by the St. Petersburg Vodokanal, which operates 9 city water stations. The Village correspondent visited one of them, found out how the water is purified and whether it can be drunk straight from the tap.

Water treatment stations

The average St. Petersburg resident uses about 300 liters of water per day. The bulk of it goes to washing, cooking and cleaning the apartment. During the year, the load at all water stations, where water is purified and distributed throughout the city, is approximately the same. There are only two peak days when it increases. This is December 31, when people start washing before the New Year, and August 31, when everyone returns with their children from their dachas and vacations.

Water purification takes place at nine water stations, many of which were built in the pre-war period. Vodokanal is currently refurbishment existing systems, and the most modern today is considered to be block K-6, operating since 2010 at the Southern Waterworks. In the next four years, new equipment will appear at three more enterprises, and then at all other stations. Despite the difference in equipment, they all work according to a similar scheme.

million cubic meters of water per day served in St. Petersburg houses

Elena Nefedova, chief technologist of the water supply system of the State Unitary Enterprise Vodokanal: “The Neva is one of the softest rivers in the world; it contains little calcium and magnesium salts. From the point of view of the average person, it is convenient in everyday life, but is not physiologically complete for the body. One of the problems is the oversaturation of water with iron, which occurs during transportation to the consumer’s tap. We are responsible for the water that comes to the house, and for internal networks management companies are responsible. We have hotline, we accept all complaints and monitor the resolution of problems. Like the rest of the world, our water supplies are now decreasing. If seven years ago it was three million cubic meters of water, now it is two million. This happens for two reasons: an increase in the standard of living of the population and technical improvements that make it possible to reduce water losses.”


Crayfish appeared in Vodokanal in 2005. Now there are about 60 of them living at the stations. Each of them is equipped with a reservoir, where water comes directly from the Neva. That is, animals monitor it even before cleaning. Cancers work more efficiently than any physical and chemical methods, since the toxicity of water is determined within two minutes. And they react not only to a standard set of pollutants, but also to completely new substances, which can protect the city in the event of a terrorist attack.

Special sensors are attached to the shells of crayfish that record their heart rate. The data is displayed on the monitor in the form of a traffic light, where green indicates a comfortable state, yellow indicates a restless state, and red indicates a critical state. An alarm is declared if three invertebrates light up red at once.

Each animal has its own medical card. Before entering a position, he is examined like an astronaut: they look at his reaction in a suspended state, assess the speed of transition to an excited state, and identify his temperament. Vodokanal hires only sanguine people - they react most quickly to environmental changes. Strict gender discrimination also operates here: only males are hired, because female crayfish are more nervous and cannot adequately assess the condition of the water.

Perch and crucian carp swim next to the crayfish as live monitoring. But they are here more for beauty. It will take the fish several hours to react to changes in the composition of the water, and it is only possible to understand that there are dangerous impurities in the liquid if the crucian carp and perch die.

Vodokanal only takes male sanguine Cancers. They are sensitive to their environment but not overly nervous


Today, water treatment in St. Petersburg is one of the best in the country. This is the result of two innovations recent years: firstly, the water began to be treated with ultraviolet light, and secondly, chlorine was replaced with relatively harmless sodium hypochlorite. The last cylinder with chlorine, which is dangerous during transportation, was removed with ceremonies in 2009 from the Northern Waterworks.

The most modern block of Vodokanal - K-6 - processes about 350 thousand cubic meters of water, which goes to the Moscow, Frunzensky, Krasnoselsky districts. In the coming years, all stations in the city will be equipped with the same equipment.

The entire work system in the new block is fully automated; two attendants monitor the cleaning through monitors. Water from the Neva, which has already been monitored by crayfish, is first saturated with ozone. With its help, the liquid is oxidized, which makes further purification more effective. Ozone is obtained from the air through special devices right here at the station. Then a coagulant is added to the water - aluminum sulfate, which promotes the formation of sediment from impurities. After this, the water flows into the mixing chambers. In the first, with slow rotation, the coagulant dissolves well, in the second, impurities float up - dirty white foamy formations, and in the third, the sediment is already grouped into flakes, as they are called in Vodokanal.

The main innovations of Vodokanal - ultraviolet water treatment And replacing chlorine with sodium hypochlorite

Block K-6, operating since 2010 at the Southern Waterworks
K-6 is the most modern unit that Vodokanal has
Following his example, all water treatment plants in the city will be re-equipped in the coming years.
Pipes through which water flows to the station after monitoring by crayfish
A hydraulic jump during which a coagulant is added to the water
Mixing chamber where water is separated from dirt flakes
Mixing chambers

Mixing chamber with flakes

Shelf settling tank where dirt flakes formed in water with the help of a coagulant stick

Shelf settling tank

Shelf settling tank
Sludge in shelf settling tank
Device for moving equipment

One of the stages of filtration through activated carbon and sand

Powdered coal removes odor and oil impurities

Ozone is obtained from the air through special devices

To remove unappetizing flakes from the water, the water is sent to settling tanks. These are huge plates on which sediment sticks while future drinking water flows away for further purification. All settled substances are sent for separate processing. They are dehydrated in a huge centrifuge, compacted, and buried at a landfill. Recently, Vodokanal has been trying to find sales points for sludge, since it can be used in the production of paving and ceramic tiles.

Aqueous sediment from filters can be used in production paving and ceramic tiles

Meanwhile, the water flows further and is filtered through activated carbon and sand, which are changed every four years. Powdered coal was introduced as a filtrate not very long ago - it removes the smell and impurities of petroleum products. By the way, the liquid for washing filters is not dumped into the Neva, but is also sent for cleaning.

Clean water tank
The water is tested in the laboratory several times a day

All settled substances are sent for separate processing
In a huge centrifuge, the sediment is dewatered, compacted and buried in a landfill.

Vodokanal is trying to find sales points for the sludge, since it can be used in the production of paving and ceramic tiles

UV camera
The water undergoes ultraviolet irradiation. These equipment rooms smell about the same as an ENT treatment room or a solarium.

Water undergoes ultraviolet irradiation

After filtration, reagents are loaded into the water: ammonium sulfate and sodium hypochlorite. We smell them when we draw water from the tap. Chlorine-containing substances are still used all over the world. They are needed so that the water retains its properties during transportation. Finally, the clean water enters the tanks, where it is disinfected using ultraviolet radiation. These equipment rooms smell about the same as an ENT treatment room or a solarium. After irradiation, the water is sent to people.


Employees of the Southern Waterworks drink tap water without worrying about their health. WITH treatment facilities The liquid leaves completely safe. It can become contaminated by rising through pipes in the buildings themselves. They are served not by Vodokanal, but by housing and communal services. Therefore, every city resident is recommended to carry out an examination and find out whether it is necessary to install additional filters on their home taps. When choosing a filter, you need to pay attention to its content. The functions of deep cleaning and softening are irrelevant for St. Petersburg: the water already lacks calcium and magnesium, which make it hard. The main thing the cleaner must deal with is the excess iron that accumulates in old pipes.

Water at modern water supply stations undergoes multi-stage purification to remove solid impurities, fibers, colloidal suspensions, microorganisms, and to improve organoleptic properties. The highest quality result is achieved by a combination of two technologies: mechanical filtration and chemical treatment.

Features of cleaning technologies

Mechanical filtration. The first stage of water treatment allows you to remove visible solid and fibrous inclusions from the medium: sand, rust, etc. During mechanical treatment, water is successively passed through a series of filters with decreasing cell sizes.

Chemical treatment. Technology is used to bring chemical composition And quality indicators water to normal. Depending on the initial characteristics of the medium, treatment may include several stages: settling, disinfection, coagulation, softening, clarification, aeration, demineralization, filtration.

Methods of chemical water purification at waterworks


At water supply stations, special tanks with an overflow mechanism are installed or reinforced concrete settling tanks are installed at a depth of 4–5 m. The speed of water movement inside the tank is maintained at a minimum level, and the upper layers flow faster than the lower ones. Under such conditions, heavy particles settle to the bottom of the tank and are removed from the system through drainage channels. On average, it takes 5–8 hours for water to settle. During this time, up to 70% of heavy impurities settle.


Purification technology is aimed at removing dangerous microorganisms from water. Disinfection installations are present in all of them without exception. water supply systems. Disinfection of water can be done by irradiation or the addition of chemicals. Despite the appearance modern technologies, the use of chlorine-based disinfectants is preferred. The reason for the popularity of the reagents is the good solubility of chlorine-containing compounds in water, the ability to remain active in a moving environment, and to have a disinfecting effect on the internal walls of the pipeline.


The technology allows you to remove dissolved impurities that are not captured by filter meshes. Polyoxychloride or aluminum sulfate and potassium-aluminum alum are used as coagulants for water. The reagents cause coagulation, that is, the sticking together of organic impurities, large protein molecules, and suspended plankton. Large heavy flakes form in the water, which precipitate, carrying with them organic suspensions and some microorganisms. To speed up the reaction, flocculants are used at treatment stations. Soft water is alkalized with soda or lime to quickly form flakes.


The content of calcium and magnesium compounds (hardness salts) in water is strictly regulated. To remove impurities, filters with cationic or anionic ion exchange resins are used. When water passes through the load, hardness ions are replaced by hydrogen or sodium, which is safe for human health and the plumbing system. The absorption capacity of the resin is restored backwash, but the capacity decreases each time. Due to the high cost of materials, this water softening technology is used mainly in local treatment plants.


The technique is used to purify surface waters contaminated with fulvic acids, humic acids, and organic impurities. Liquid from such sources often has a characteristic color, taste, and greenish-brown tint. At the first stage, water is sent to the mixing chamber with the addition of a chemical coagulant and a chlorine-containing reagent. Chlorine destroys organic inclusions, and coagulants remove them into sediment.


The technology is used to remove ferrous iron, manganese, and other oxidizing impurities from water. With pressure aeration, the liquid is bubbled with an air mixture. Oxygen dissolves in water, oxidizes gases and metal salts, removing them from the environment in the form of sediment or insoluble volatile substances. The aeration column is not completely filled with liquid. An air cushion above the surface of the water softens water hammer and increases the area of ​​contact with air.

Gravity aeration requires more simple equipment and is carried out in special shower facilities. Inside the chamber, water is sprayed through ejectors to increase the area of ​​contact with air. If the iron content is high, aeration complexes can be supplemented with ozonizing equipment or filter cassettes.


The technology is used to prepare water in industrial water supply systems. Demineralization removes excess iron, calcium, sodium, copper, manganese and other cations and anions from the environment, increasing the service life of process pipelines and equipment. To purify water, reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, distillation or deionization technology is used.


Water is filtered by passing through carbon filters, or charcoalization. The sorbent absorbs up to 95% of impurities, both chemical and biological. Until recently, pressed cartridges were used to filter water at waterworks, but their regeneration is a rather expensive process. Modern complexes include a powdered or granular coal charge, which is simply poured into a container. When mixed with water, coal actively removes impurities without changing its state of aggregation. The technology is cheaper but just as effective as block filters. Coal loading removes heavy metals, organics, and surfactants from the water. The technology can be used at treatment plants of any type.

What quality of water does the consumer receive?

Water becomes potable only after undergoing a full range of treatment measures. Then it goes to city communications for delivery to the consumer.

It is necessary to take into account that even if the water parameters at treatment plants fully comply with sanitary and hygienic standards at the water collection points, its quality may be significantly lower. The reason is old, rusty communications. Water becomes contaminated as it passes through the pipeline. Therefore, the installation of additional filters in apartments, private houses and enterprises remains a pressing issue. Properly selected equipment ensures that water meets regulatory requirements and even makes it healthy.

One of the main tasks of the enterprise is effective cleaning water obtained from natural surface sources in order to provide residents with high-quality drinking water. The classic technological scheme used at Moscow water treatment stations allows this task to be accomplished. However, the continuing trends of deterioration in the quality of water sources due to anthropogenic impact and tightening drinking water quality standards dictate the need to increase the degree of purification.

With the beginning of the new millennium in Moscow, for the first time in Russia, in addition to the classical scheme, highly efficient innovative technologies for the preparation of drinking water of a new generation are being used. Projects of the 21st century are modern treatment plants, in which classical technology is supplemented with ozonation and sorption processes on activated carbon. Thanks to ozone sorption, water is better purified from chemical contaminants, unpleasant odors and tastes are eliminated, and additional disinfection occurs.

Application innovative technologies eliminates the influence of seasonal changes in the quality of natural water, ensures reliable deodorization of drinking water, its guaranteed epidemic safety even in cases of emergency contamination of the water supply source. In total, about 50% of all treated water is prepared using new technologies.

Along with the introduction of new methods of water purification, disinfection processes are being improved. In order to increase the reliability and safety of drinking water production by eliminating liquid chlorine from circulation, in 2012 the transition of all water treatment stations to a new reagent - sodium hypochlorite was completed. Due to the tightening state standard for maintenance in drinking water chloroform, targeted testing of disinfection regimes was carried out, as a result of which the concentration of chloroform in the Moscow tap water according to average data for 2018, it did not exceed 5 – 13 µg/l, with the standard being 60 µg/l.

Technological schemes for the purification of artesian waters are individual for each facility, taking into account the characteristics of the water quality of the exploited aquifers and contain the following steps: deferrization; softening; water conditioning using carbon sorption filters; removal of impurities heavy metals; disinfection with sodium hypochlorite or using ultraviolet lamps.

Today, in the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts of Moscow, about half of the water intake units supply water that has undergone technological processing.

The phased introduction of new technologies is carried out in accordance with the General Scheme for the development of the water supply system, which provides that the complete reconstruction of all water treatment facilities will make it possible to supply water of the highest quality to all residents of the Moscow metropolis.

Utility services of Russian cities claim that the water that flows from our taps is absolutely safe and suitable for drinking. But is this really so?

To understand what kind of water enters our apartments, let's track the entire path of its movement. Let's start with the fact that water for the needs of the urban population is taken mainly from open bodies of water: rivers, reservoirs, lakes. Less often from deep sources - artesian wells.

Thus, residents of Moscow receive water from the Mozhaisk, Istra, Khimki and ten other reservoirs in the region, as well as from the Moscow and Volga rivers. For residents of St. Petersburg - from the Neva River. Rostovites - from the Don and Seversky Donets rivers. Residents of Voronezh mainly from artesian sources.

Through water pumping stations The water enters special tanks where it undergoes several stages of purification. The very first is mechanical cleaning. A special filter grid purifies water from large contaminants: leaves and branches of trees, stones, fish, plastic bottles and other garbage.

Then reagents are added to it, which bind small particles of pollution and form flakes, which subsequently settle to the bottom of the tank. After this, the water is filtered: it passes through a container with sand, and then through a gravity filter. Large particles of pollution, as well as small particles of high density, settle in it under the influence of gravity.

The next stage of cleaning is disinfection. In most regions of Russia, water from bacteria and microorganisms is still purified using chlorine-containing substances. The only exceptions are Moscow and St. Petersburg, where ozone is used for disinfection.

Small concentrations of chlorine are enough to kill up to 95% of bacteria in water. But since chlorine can accumulate in the body, regular consumption of such water causes significant harm to health (hyperlink to an article about the dangers of chlorine): it causes exacerbation of chronic diseases and the development of new diseases, including cancer.

Ozonation of water is a healthier purification method, but it also has a number of disadvantages. If the concentration of ozone in water is not accurately selected, toxic oxidation products, phenols, as well as “assimilable organic carbon” are formed, which is easily absorbed by microorganisms and promotes their reproduction. Therefore, to improve water safety, ozonation should be used in combination with other disinfection methods: chlorination, ion exchange, etc.

On at this stage The water purification is completed, but its journey to our apartments is not completed: the water flows through a pipeline system to the water tower, and from there to the houses. At the same time, it sometimes passes through kilometers of old, worn out and rusty pipes. Here secondary water pollution occurs with ferrous bacteria, hardness salts and heavy metals.

According to official data, as of June 2016, the wear and tear of water supply networks in Russia amounted to 64.8%. In some regions, these figures are even higher: in the Penza region - 82%, in Pyatigorsk - 95%, in Arkhangelsk - 70%, in Nefteyugansk - 71%. Thus, more than half of Russia’s water mains are in emergency or pre-emergency condition, which leads to periodic leakage and mixing of water supply and sewer water, since water-bearing mains often pass next to sewer lines.

Is chlorinated water dangerous?

Chlorinated water is water that is disinfected from harmful bacteria and microorganisms using chlorine-containing substances. This is what flows from our taps and fills city swimming pools.

Chlorine is cheap and convenient, but not the safest means of water purification. What exactly is chlorine useful for and why is it dangerous? Does it harm our health in the doses contained in tap water? Let's figure it out.

Effect of chlorine on pathogenic organisms

Chlorine was first used as a disinfectant by Dr. Semmelweis in 1846. He used “chlorine water” to cleanse his hands before examining patients in the main hospital in Vienna. Chlorine began to be used to disinfect water at the end of the 19th century. With his help, in 1870 it was possible to stop the cholera epidemic in London, and later, in 1908, in Russia.

In the first years after the discovery of the disinfecting properties of chlorine, it was used only when intestinal infections appeared, and only in those regions where outbreaks of diseases were noticed. But even then Leo Tolstoy advised drinking only chlorinated water. Soon they began to disinfect water with chlorine everywhere.

The effect of chlorine on the human body

But the very properties of chlorine that save us from intestinal infections can also harm our body. After all, chlorine is a highly toxic poisonous gas that has been used more than once as a deadly chemical weapon of mass destruction. In 1915, during the First World War, German troops used it against troops Russian Empire. In world history, this fact is known as “Attack of the Dead.”

The main danger of chlorine is its high activity: it easily reacts with organic and inorganic substances. And there is an abundance of them in the purified water, since water intake is carried out mainly from open reservoirs rich in organic matter: rivers, lakes, reservoirs. The result of such reactions is harmful organic compounds: trichloromethanes, chloroform, hypochlorous and hydrochloric acids, which have toxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic properties.

In small doses these compounds are not dangerous. But they have the ability to accumulate in the body, which leads to exacerbation of chronic diseases and the development of new diseases, including cancer. Most often, drinking chlorinated water causes cancer of the bladder, kidneys, stomach, intestines, larynx and breast. It also contributes to the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart disease, and anemia.

American scientists compared a map of water chlorination and a map of the spread of bladder and intestinal cancer. They concluded that these diseases are most common in areas where higher concentrations of chlorine are used to purify water.

Professor G. N. Krasovsky has studied the effects of chlorine on the human body for more than 40 years. He claims that drinking several glasses of unchlorinated water during pregnancy in most cases leads to miscarriages. early stages. If this does not happen, then in women, regularly drinking water from the tap, there is an increased risk of giving birth to a child with pathologies such as cleft lip and cleft palate.

Even if you drink such water only occasionally, you at least expose yourself to the risk of developing dysbiosis. After all, the main reason for using chlorine is its ability to kill harmful bacteria and microorganisms. And in the same way, it kills beneficial microflora: bifidobacteria and lactobacilli living in our intestines.

It is dangerous not only to drink chlorinated water internally, but also to swim in such water, as well as inhale its toxic fumes. During long hot showers, toxic volatile organic compounds evaporating from the water are inhaled in high concentrations, so the body can absorb 6-100 times more chemicals than by ingesting water. Also, taking a hot shower or bath is the main cause of elevated chloroform levels in almost every home.

When you stay in such water for a long time, for example in a bath or swimming pool, chlorine-containing substances are absorbed through the skin and also enter the body through breathing. This negatively affects the condition of the skin, hair and mucous membranes, causing the development of asthma, allergic reactions, and breathing problems.

The scientific medical “Journal of Allergology and Clinical Immunology” published an interesting study by Canadian and French scientists. They found that 18 out of 23 athletes who trained in pools with chlorinated water suffered from one type of allergy, and also had changes in the lungs similar to changes in asthma patients.

How to remove chlorine from tap water

At the moment, the use of chlorine is the most common, cheapest and most effective way to purify water from bacteria and microorganisms. It is used everywhere. If you get water from a central water supply, then it is better to take care of additional cleaning. Our specialists will select a filter system to purify water from all dangerous contaminants. You can safely drink water, cook food, take a shower or bath, or bathe your child.

Moscow's water supply is provided by four largest water treatment stations: Severnaya, Vostochnaya, Zapadnaya and Rublevskaya. The first two use Volga water supplied through the Moscow Canal as a water source. The last two take water from the Moscow River. The performance of these four stations does not differ very much. In addition to Moscow, they also provide water to a number of cities near Moscow.

Today we will talk about the Rublevskaya water treatment station - this is the oldest water treatment station in Moscow, launched in 1903. Currently, the station has a capacity of 1,680 thousand m3 per day and supplies water to the western and northwestern parts of the city.

All main water supply and sewerage systems in Moscow are managed by Mosvodokanal, one of the largest organizations in the city. To give an idea of ​​the scale: in terms of energy consumption, Mosvodokanal is second only to two others - Russian Railways and the metro. All water treatment and purification stations belong to them. Let's take a walk through the Rublevskaya water treatment plant.

The Rublevskaya water treatment station is located near Moscow, a couple of kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road, in the northwest. It is located right on the banks of the Moscow River, from where it takes water for purification.

A little further up the Moscow River is the Rublevskaya Dam.

The dam was built in the early 30s. Currently, it is used to regulate the level of the Moscow River so that the water intake of the Western Water Treatment Station, which is located several kilometers upstream, can function.

Let's go upstairs:

The dam uses a roller design - the gate moves along inclined guides in niches using chains. The mechanism drives are located on top of the booth.

Upstream there are water intake canals, the water from which, as I understand it, goes to the Cherepkovsky treatment plant, located not far from the station itself and being part of it.

Sometimes, Mosvodokanal uses a boat to take water samples from the river. air cushion. Samples are taken several times daily at several points. They are needed to determine the composition of water and select parameters technological processes when cleaning it. Depending on the weather, time of year and other factors, the composition of the water changes greatly and is constantly monitored.

In addition, water samples from the water supply system are taken at the exit from the station and at many points throughout the city, both by the Mosvodokanal workers themselves and by independent organizations.

There is also a small hydroelectric power station, which includes three units.

It is currently shut down and taken out of service. Replacing equipment with new ones is not economically feasible.

It's time to move to the water treatment station itself! The first place we'll go is pumping station first rise. It pumps water from the Moscow River and lifts it up to the level of the station itself, which is located on the right, high bank of the river. We enter the building, at first the atmosphere is quite ordinary - bright corridors, information stands. Suddenly there is a square opening in the floor, under which there is a huge empty space!

However, we will return to it later, but for now let’s move on. A huge hall with square pools, as far as I understand, these are something like receiving chambers into which water flows from the river. The river itself is on the right, outside the windows. And the pumps pumping water are on the lower left behind the wall.

From the outside the building looks like this:

Photo from the Mosvodokanal website.

There is equipment installed here, it looks like an automatic station for analyzing water parameters.

All the structures at the station have a very bizarre configuration - many levels, all kinds of stairs, slopes, tanks, and pipes-pipes-pipes.

Some kind of pump.

We go down about 16 meters and find ourselves in the machine room. There are 11 (three spare) high-voltage motors installed here that drive centrifugal pumps level below.

One of the spare motors:

For lovers of nameplates :)

Water is pumped from below into huge pipes that run vertically through the hall.

All electrical equipment at the station looks very neat and modern.

Handsome guys :)

Let's look down and see a snail! Each such pump has a capacity of 10,000 m 3 per hour. For example, he could completely fill an ordinary three-room apartment in just a minute.

Let's go down one level. It's much cooler here. This level is below the level of the Moscow River.

Untreated water from the river flows through pipes into the treatment plant block:

There are several such blocks at the station. But before we go there, let's first visit another building called the Ozone Production Workshop. Ozone, also known as O3, is used to disinfect water and remove harmful impurities from it using the ozone sorption method. This technology introduced by Mosvodokanal in recent years.

To produce ozone, the following technical process is used: air is pumped under pressure using compressors (on the right in the photo) and enters the coolers (on the left in the photo).

In a cooler, the air is cooled in two stages using water.

Then it is fed to dryers.

A dehumidifier consists of two containers containing a mixture that absorbs moisture. While one container is in use, the second one restores its properties.

On the back side:

The equipment is controlled using graphic touch screens.

Next, the prepared cold and dry air enters the ozone generators. An ozone generator is a large barrel, inside of which there are many electrode tubes, to which high voltage is applied.

This is what one tube looks like (in each generator out of ten):

Brush inside the tube :)

Through the glass window you can look at the very beautiful process of producing ozone:

It's time to inspect the wastewater treatment plant. We go inside and climb the stairs for a long time, as a result we find ourselves on the bridge in a huge hall.

Now is the time to talk about water purification technology. I’ll say right away that I’m not an expert and I only understood the process in general terms without much detail.

After the water rises from the river, it enters the mixer - a structure of several successive basins. There, different substances are added to it one by one. First of all, powdered activated carbon (PAC). Then a coagulant (polyoxychloride of aluminum) is added to the water - which causes small particles to collect into larger lumps. Then a special substance called a flocculant is introduced - as a result of which the impurities turn into flakes. The water then enters settling tanks, where all impurities are precipitated, and then passes through sand and carbon filters. Recently, another stage has been added - ozone sorption, but more on that below.

All main reagents used at the station (except liquid chlorine) in one row:

In the photo, as far as I understand, there is a mixer room, find the people in the frame :)

All kinds of pipes, tanks and bridges. Unlike sewage treatment plants, everything here is much more confusing and not so intuitive, in addition, if there most of While processes take place outdoors, water preparation takes place entirely indoors.

This hall is only a small part of a huge building. Part of the continuation can be seen in the openings below, we will go there later.

There are some pumps on the left, huge tanks with coal on the right.

There is also another stand with equipment measuring some characteristics of water.

Tanks with coal.

Ozone is an extremely dangerous gas (first, highest hazard category). A strong oxidizing agent, inhalation of which can be fatal. Therefore, the ozonation process takes place in special indoor pools.

All kinds of measuring equipment and pipelines. On the sides there are portholes through which you can look at the process, on top there are spotlights that also shine through the glass.

The water inside is bubbling very actively.

The spent ozone goes to an ozone destructor, which consists of a heater and catalysts, where the ozone is completely decomposed.

Let's move on to filters. The display shows the speed of washing (blowing?) the filters. Filters become dirty over time and need to be cleaned.

Filters are long tanks filled with granular activated carbon (GAC) and fine sand according to a special pattern.

The filters are located in a separate space, isolated from the outside world, behind glass.

You can estimate the scale of the block. The photo was taken in the middle, if you look back you can see the same thing.

As a result of all stages of purification, the water becomes suitable for drinking and meets all standards. However, such water cannot be released into the city. The fact is that the length of Moscow’s water supply networks is thousands of kilometers. There are areas with poor circulation, closed branches, etc. As a result, microorganisms can begin to multiply in the water. To avoid this, the water is chlorinated. Previously, this was done by adding liquid chlorine. However, it is an extremely dangerous reagent (primarily from the point of view of production, transportation and storage), so now Mosvodokanal is actively switching to sodium hypochlorite, which is much less dangerous. A special warehouse was built a couple of years ago for its storage (hello HALF-LIFE).

Again, everything is automated.

And computerized.

Eventually, the water ends up in huge underground reservoirs on the station grounds. These tanks fill and empty within 24 hours. The fact is that the station operates with more or less constant performance, while consumption varies greatly during the day - in the morning and evening it is extremely high, at night it is very low. The tanks serve as a kind of water accumulator - at night they are filled with clean water, and during the day it is taken from them.

The entire station is controlled from a central control room. Two people are on duty 24 hours a day. Everyone has it workplace with three monitors. If I remember correctly, one dispatcher monitors the water purification process, the second monitors everything else.

The screens display a huge number of various parameters and graphs. Surely this data is taken, among other things, from those devices that were above in the photographs.

Extremely important and responsible work! By the way, practically no workers were seen at the station. The whole process is highly automated.

In conclusion, a little surreal in the control room building.

Decorative design.

Bonus! One of the old buildings left over from the time of the very first station. Once upon a time it was all brick and all the buildings looked something like this, but now everything has been completely rebuilt, only a few buildings have survived. By the way, in those days water was supplied to the city using steam engines! You can read a little more detail (and look at old photos) in my last report.

The report turned out to be voluminous, although only a small part of the station is shown, and even less is told, even from what I know :)

I express my deep gratitude to the press service of Mosvodokanal for the invitation!