How to eliminate siltation in a drain hole. The cesspool has silted up - what to do? Signs of siltation and cleaning methods

When constructing small suburban or country houses Most homeowners solve the problem of sewage drainage simply - they dig a cesspool, into which all the waste of the residents is drained through pipes. But the time “H” comes and the accumulated sewage reminds of itself with a pungent odor. This means it’s time to get down to the not-so-pleasant job of pumping out the contents and removing them. How to clean a cesspool without pumping? Current advances in technology make it possible to do this without spending money on hiring professionals.

Unlike a septic tank, a cesspool is a primitive storage facility without any signs of sewage treatment. And all its contents are stored there in full until the moment of pumping out. And not just stored: an “explosive” mixture of feces, food waste and detergents is a potential threat to human health when released into soil. This is why timely cleaning of toilets and cesspools is so important: overfilling them leads to infection. environment.

In addition, a drainage pit filled to the brim emits a very unpleasant odor, which can negate the delights of living in nature.

Advice: To avoid force majeure, care should be taken to clean the cesspool at the dacha when it is two-thirds full.

Cleaning methods

Cleaning the drain pit can be done in three ways:

  • pumping out the contents with its subsequent removal;
  • treatment with special chemicals;
  • with help .

When choosing how to clean and how to remove the smell from a cesspool, you need to consider the following points:

  • the use of chemicals harms the metal components of the local sewer system;
  • presence in the house of a dishwasher and washing machine involves the use of detergents that render the use of bacteria that clean the drains useless. They will quickly die from contact with household chemicals. As a result, you will waste money and not clean the drain hole.

From this point of view, the most universal method is still the mechanical method of removing sewage, but the use of special preparations will significantly reduce the number of calls for sewage trucks.

Speaking about how much it costs to pump out septic tanks and cesspools - the price here can be in the range of 700-900 rubles per 1 cubic meter and also depends on the volume of the required machine.

How to pump out a cesspool using a pump is shown in the video.

Very often, summer residents are faced with the fact that a lot of silt settles in the cesspool. Removing it can be a major headache, so it's best to know a few ways to do it. It mainly depends on design features, that is, on what type of cesspool you use - a cesspool without a bottom, which is a pit without any frills; a sealed pit with waterproofing so that wastewater does not leak into the soil, or a septic tank. Choosing the right cleaning method will save you countless amounts of time, effort and stress.

If you use the first option - a regular cesspool, then it uses a natural method of processing wastewater, but the bacteria living in the soil are hardly able to process the sludge residues. So you need to add water to the sediment, then use a bucket and rope to scoop it out and take it out. Wait until the hole is dry and fill the bottom with gravel to make future maintenance easier. If it is very large and very dirty, it may be more advisable to bury it and then dig a new one.

If you are using a sealed pit, there are three main methods for scooping out the sludge. This could be a fecal pump, which, moreover, crushes large waste. However, with this method, you will also need to add water to the cesspool in order to liquefy the waste, then plunge a hose into it and pump out the contents. Then you will need to add water and pump it out again to clean the walls and bottom.

The second option for how to clean sludge in a cesspool is biological products in the form of powders, liquids or tablets, which contain special bacteria that reduce the amount of sludge deposits, prevent stench, and reduce the amount of solid fractions.

The third option is chemicals. Sludge can be disposed of using nitrate oxidizers, which are harmless to both humans and the environment. They will dissolve silt, remove stench, and reduce the volume of sewage, which after such treatment can be used as fertilizer.

However, even if you use chemical and biological drugs, periodic pumping will still be necessary, but this will need to be done much less frequently.

You can also foresee the occurrence of such a problem in advance and make special pipes to drain sludge from the cesspool by gravity. In this case, no effort is required from you. If you decide to install such pipes, but do not know how to do it, contact our managers and they will advise you for free.

To drain wastewater and transport it further into the ground, the private sector widely uses treatment plants - septic tanks. Here, water mixed with household and biological waste goes through several stages of purification and only after that is drained into the ground. However, it is still common to see cesspools used as a storage area for sewage. Such a homemade tank needs maintenance no less than a septic tank, especially if the cesspool fills quickly and the outflow of water from it is difficult.

What to do in this case, how to solve the problem and why this happened, we will discuss below.

As a rule, a cesspool is exactly that tank that is simply dug in the ground, but neither walls nor a sealed bottom are built, much less a septic tank is installed in front of it. The way such a pit works is that heavy particles of debris (feces, toilet paper, etc.) settle to the bottom and drain clarified water through the walls and bottom of the pit. It is noteworthy that at first the sewage drainage pit works properly. That is, the water partially leaves it into the soil. The remaining sludge must be pumped out or cleaned out. As a rule, the frequency of pumping wastewater from a pit, depending on the intensity of use of the sewer system, is once every two to three months. Sometimes more. But the problem arises when the water does not leave the storage tank and threatens to flow back into the sewer. Why? It's not always clear.

Important: the drainage pit needs quality maintenance to uninterrupted operation. The bottom and walls of the pit should be thoroughly cleaned once a year.

What to do if the cesspool fills up quickly and what are the reasons for poor water outflow can be found out from the material below.

Causes of pit malfunction

If you notice that the wastewater has stopped leaving the drainage pit through the bottom or its walls and at the same time the tank is filling up quickly, then the most common reason for this is that the cesspool has silted up. The feces and any insoluble fat end up in the drains and settle to the bottom of the tank. If there are a lot of such impurities, then over time the organic silt turns into a thick crust that does not allow water to pass through. In addition, insoluble fat clogs the porous structure of the soil and prevents the outflow of water.

The problem can be solved by thoroughly cleaning the bottom and walls of the pit. They do this as follows:

  • They call a cesspool truck and pump out all the water.
  • The remaining silt is washed away with high pressure warm water, while working with brushes along the bottom and walls of the pit. Bacteria can be used as a sludge softener, which not only neutralizes the crust on the walls and bottom of the pit, but also reduces the volume of sludge.
  • The softened organic matter is pumped out again using equipment, again washing the drainage pit.

Important: it is additionally necessary to flush the sewer system pipeline to remove grease deposits on its walls.

Important: to prevent siltation of the pit as a result of grease entering the drains, it is advisable to install grease traps on all sinks and kitchen appliances that handle water. They contribute more quality work systems. The ideal option is to use a septic tank on the path of wastewater from the house to the drainage pit. In a septic tank waste water undergoes 70-95% purification and drains into the ground in a state that is safe for the environment.

About the use of bacteria

Bacteria play an important role in septic tank maintenance. Thus, biological microorganisms cope with wastewater at a qualitatively new level. The use of bacteriological preparations is simple - just add the preparation to the cesspool in accordance with the instructions and ensure a constant flow of water into the storage tank. Because it is water with organic matter that is food for bacteria.

Important: if bacteria in the pit are constantly used, then when cleaning the tank it is necessary to leave 1/3 of the sludge as a feed for the bacteria.

The use of bacterial preparations has the following advantages:

  • Diluting sludge and reducing its volume;
  • Elimination of unpleasant pungent odor;
  • Cleaning the inside of the pipeline;
  • Restoring the porous structure of the soil and liquefying insoluble fats;
  • Preventing siltation of the walls and bottom of the pit.

Important: all biological drugs, despite the identical principle of operation, differ in accordance with the task performed.

Microbec. The main task of the drug is to neutralize fecal waste in the collector. The use of such a bioadditive in a sewage pit allows you to reduce the frequency of pumping out wastewater and improves the permeability of the pit walls.

"Vodograi". The drug dissolves not only feces in the pit, but also such inclusions as toilet paper, food peels, and fat. Most often, this drug is used for outdoor toilets. Thanks to this preparation, processed sludge can be used as compost to fertilize garden crops.

Important: you need to buy biological products for a cesspool based on the desired result. In this case, you should strictly follow the instructions for use for reliable and productive operation of the product.

Chemicals against pit siltation

Chemicals can also be used to combat poor water outflow from a septic tank. Formaldehydes, nitrate oxidizers and ammonium compounds are used as the basis for such products. All of them quite effectively dissolve silt and fatty deposits on the walls of the septic tank. But there are a number of features regarding the use of chemicals for pit cleaning:

  • Thus, formaldehyde agents kill soil for at least 7-10 years. That is, even a weed will not grow near the septic tank during this period. Therefore, formaldehyde preparations are used extremely rarely.
  • Ammonium-based preparations only work at positive temperatures. But they effectively eliminate unpleasant odors from the septic tank pit, dissolve all silt and greasy deposits on the walls and bottom of the tank.
  • The most the best option Among the chemicals used to combat poor water outflow are those based on a nitrate oxidizer. Sludge dissolved using this product can be used to fertilize gardens and gardens.

If the pit fills up quickly

Rapid filling of the drainage pit may not be associated with siltation of the walls and bottom. The reason for the rapid filling of the storage tank with waste water may lie in the small volume of the tank. It is possible that the sewer system began to be used more intensively and this resulted in an increase in the volume of wastewater. As a rule, private sector owners simply bury the drive and decide to make a new one.

But there is a simple solution to this problem. You can simply make another hole next to the first one and connect both with an overflow pipe. In this case, the total volume of the storage tank will increase several times, and the system itself will become a kind of septic tank. That is, water from the first chamber will flow into the second chamber in a clarified state. Which is much better for the environment.

Freezing of the pit in winter

It happens that the pit fills up quickly because wastewater does not leave the pit into the ground as a result of severe freezing of the soil. In this case, you can also get rid of the problem, although you will have to work. The pipeline itself for diluting the wastewater can be insulated with a special heating cable. It is wrapped around the pipe and the network is turned on. It's easy to do it yourself.

Important: it is better to use a self-regulating cable, which will equalize the temperature in all parts of the collector depending on its changes.

It is also possible to warm up the sludge in the pit of a private septic tank. To do this, you will need a long electrical cable with a plug to connect it to the network, a metal pin the length of the entire depth of the pit and hot water. You need to act this way:

  • First you need to warm up the sludge if possible hot water. That is, just pour it into the hole. If possible, the drains in a private septic tank can be heated with a hair dryer.
  • Now we heat the metal pin on one side over a fire and drive it into the layer of silt, deepening the metal into the ground.
  • A wire stripped on one side is wound around the end of the pin protruding from the hole, and its plug is plugged into the network.
  • The principle of operation of such a heater is that frozen soil acts as a good current conductor, and unfrozen ground limits the flow of current. Thus, the sludge in the septic tank is heated and water flows out of the pit. Accordingly, the pit no longer overflows.

Important: this method of heating wastewater and sludge can take from 12 to 24 hours.

One of the most common problems among owners of sewerage tanks is their siltation. If you know what to do if the cesspool has silted up, then eliminating this problem will not be difficult. Biological, chemical and mechanical means can be used as methods to combat this nuisance.

The most striking sign of siltation at the bottom of the cesspool is a decrease in the volume of the tank. Subsequently, the rate of filling of the waste tank increases, and the need for frequent pumping arises. The second “symptom” is the accumulation of fatty deposits on the walls. They also reduce the volume of runoff and interfere with the normal settling of waste.

Other signs of siltation:

Mechanical cleaning

It is also called the goldsmith method. To carry out this type of sludge removal, you need to prepare a fecal or drainage pump, a brush for cleaning the pit, a reservoir for pumping out liquid (you can dig an additional pit) and a hose of the required length (for immersing the pump).

Step-by-step instruction What to do if a sealed cesspool or septic tank has silted up:

If you don’t want to clean the sludge in the pit yourself, use the services of a vacuum cleaner. Most professional machines are equipped with suction pumps. This is a device designed to remove silt deposits.

You can watch the video below to see how the pit is pumped out using a sludge sucker:

Advantages of mechanical cleaning:

  1. You can do it yourself;
  2. Suitable for cleaning concrete, metal and stone structures;
  3. Affordable and highly effective.

Disadvantages of this method:

  1. Will not help get rid of unpleasant odor;
  2. Manual cleaning is not acceptable for plastic and open cesspools;
  3. There is no long-term effect.

Chemical cleaning

It is a universal way to get rid of sludge. Unlike mechanical, it is carried out exclusively independently, and, moreover, completely eliminates the problem of stench. To get rid of sludge using this method, compounds of nitrates, ammonium, acids or formaldehyde are used (rarely, because it is highly toxic).

Step-by-step instructions on how to clean a cesspool with chemicals:

  1. The desired type of chemical compounds is selected. Experts recommend using nitrate cleaners - they are the safest for the environment and can be used in open structures;
  2. The required amount of product is measured. Do not exceed the permissible concentration - this can poison the soil or harm workers during subsequent wastewater treatment;
  3. The compound is poured into the container, after which the pit is closed. For some time, active processes of liquefaction of sludge and solid particles (paper, soap residue, grease) will take place there. On average, it takes from 3 to 6 hours to completely dissolve waste (for a volume of up to 2 cubic meters);
  4. Liquid waste is pumped out using a drainage or sewage pump into a separate container or pit. If you plan to use another cleaning option in the future, the pit is washed with clean water.

This method is good for those who do not want to use vacuum cleaners. It is quite economical and easy to implement.

Advantages of chemical pit cleaning from sludge:

  1. Chemicals can be used even in winter. Although top part the wastewater will be frozen, acids will still be able to dissolve it. For example, biological drugs do not work in such conditions;
  2. The unpleasant odor is immediately eliminated. In addition, it is neutralized for a long time even in the absence of chemical compounds;
  3. This is a very cheap way to get rid of sludge. For example, 1 liter of Brilliance reagent costs up to $7; to clean 1 cubic meter of feces, this liquid requires 300 ml.


  1. Cannot be used in plastic barrels and open septic tanks;
  2. Has cumulative effects. The more cleanings, the longer the problem of silting is absent;
  3. It is not advisable to use bioactivators for a long time after chemical reagents. Chemistry neutralizes bacteria, so if you decide to switch to bacterial cleaning, you will need to rinse the pit thoroughly.

Biological treatment

The most effective and safe way to get rid of sludge in a cesspool is to clean the drain with bacterial preparations. Their operating principle is very similar to chemical reagents, but they do not harm the environment and the waste material.

As bacteria, you can use anaerobic microorganisms (they live without oxygen) and aerobic microorganisms (they need Fresh air). During their life cycle, they process sludge, solid fecal deposits and fats.

Step-by-step instructions for biological cleaning of a pit from sludge:

  1. The necessary bacteria are selected. It is recommended to use anaerobic for septic tanks and sealed containers, and aerobic for open drains. In addition, there are different forms of bacterial agents. Concentrated powders, granules, tablets and solutions. The easiest to use are powdered products;
  2. The required amount of bioactivator is poured into the pit. The cleaning process lasts from 3 to 10 days;
  3. After the period of bacteria action ends, liquid waste is pumped out of the pit. It is noteworthy that these wastewater do not require special disposal. They can be used as fertilizers or water for watering fields, vegetable gardens or orchards;
  4. The container is washed with clean water. If further continuous use of bacteria is planned, then a new portion of microorganisms can be immediately placed in the tank.

Doctor Robic (ROEBIC) and SANEX have gained great popularity among homeowners. They are safe for the environment and differ from their analogues in their affordable price.

Advantages of the biological sludge treatment method:

  1. Safety;
  2. Can be used to eliminate the problem of siltation in open pits;
  3. Eliminates not only deposits, but also unpleasant odors;
  4. Liquid wastewater after bacterial exposure does not need to be disposed of in special ways.


  1. Cannot be used in the cold season;
  2. Very long cleaning period;
  3. Bacteria are much more expensive than chemicals.

Among the most popular methods of cleaning structures are:

  • manual cleaning using a bucket tied to a rope;
  • pumping using a fecal pump;
  • pumping out the pit using a sewer truck;
  • biological treatment with biological products containing bacteria;
  • chemical cleaning.

How to remove sludge from a cesspool using a bucket? To do this, you need to dilute the silt itself with water, take a bucket and a rope. You tie the bucket to a rope and lower it yourself to the bottom of the hole, scoop up the waste and all the liquid, and gradually pull it out. This is a rather unpleasant procedure, as disgusting aromas emanate from the device. Moreover, it is only possible if your hole has no bottom and is of shallow depth. After completing the procedure, be sure to fill the bottom with gravel to make subsequent cleaning of the bottom easier. Cleaning sludge from cesspools manually must be carried out in a special protective suit in order to avoid toxic gases entering the body.

How to clear sludge from a cesspool using a fecal pump? This is an automated, simple method. You will need a fecal or water pump, as well as a special sealed container for dumping waste. If you have an automatic pump, then you need to place it inside the pit, it will filter out the sewage and pump it out on its own as it fills. If it is semi-automatic, then you will need to control the pumping process. Liquen the liquid before pumping it out, pump it out and dispose of the waste. Rinse the hole with water and pump it out again. The fecal pump grinds large human waste.

How to clean a cesspool of sludge by turning to a sewer? This method does not involve intervention in cleaning on your part. You will need to find a cesspool company and order a cesspool pumping service. On a pre-selected day, a sludge pump will arrive and, using a powerful vacuum pump (sludge pump), will clean the bottom of your structure. They will dispose of all pumped waste and flush the devices. We recommend that you check the availability of documents that confirm the company’s ability to provide pumping services household waste from sewer systems in order to confirm that company representatives are required to dispose of sewage.

If you have sludge in a cesspool, then you can also clean it with the help of special biobacteria. There are special biological products for cleaning cesspools. It can be powder, liquid or tablets, all of which are added inside the structure. They reduce the mass of liquid and solid household waste by 80%; moreover, they interrupt and completely remove unpleasant odors from the area, prevent the appearance of sludge, and clean sewage pipes and the walls of the device from sludge. All this increases the service life of the installation. Moreover, these biological products are completely environmentally friendly and safe for adults, children and animals. Biological products contain special microorganisms (bacteria), which, when they enter the drains, begin to act and destroy the unpleasant odor and decompose sewage. For example, you can choose . These drugs are used in all seasons except winter, as they freeze and die. All features of the use of bacteria are indicated on the back of the packages containing them. As a rule, you just need to throw them into the structure every 2-3 weeks and regularly wash the device with water.

How to get rid of sludge in a cesspool using chemicals? If your device silts up in winter, then instead of biological products you need to use a chemical product. For example, nitrate oxidizing agents. They are similar in composition to nitrate fertilizer and are considered environmentally friendly. As a result, the action produces a waste processing product that can be used for fertilizer. The use of formaldehyde and ammonium salts is strictly prohibited, as they are unsafe for humans due to toxicity.

Chemical reagents dilute sludge, eliminate unpleasant odors and reduce the volume of household waste. They work even in an aggressive environment if there is household chemical waste.