How to improve your health by changing your lifestyle? How to strengthen your mental health How to improve your general condition.

According to scientific research, health is 50 percent dependent on lifestyle. This means that if we know how to improve the health of the body, then we can easily implement it. And nothing can stop this if you treat this goal with due respect.

Monthly Health Improvement Plan

If we take as a basis the currently popular “thirty-day” system (“a hundred-day plan” is a plan for improving oneself), then an approximate algorithm looks like this:

  1. Set a specific goal. Write it down on paper. It really works. And not abstractly, but with numbers. For example, “do exercises in the morning for 10 minutes every day.” Or “don’t eat sweets after 11.” Everyone will have their own mechanisms. We'll talk about the factors below.
  2. Draw 30 cells, hang them in a visible place, and check the boxes every day in front of the goal and its implementation. Yes, yes, no, no. Be honest with yourself.
  3. Do (or not do) everything, take stock of your recovery.

What specifically can help?

In order not to descend into platitudes, we will list only those items that can be included in your “thirty-day” (“fifty-day”, “hundred-day”). In general, improving and maintaining health is a matter of habit. And they, on average, are produced in a month. So, from this point of view, a month is a whole life. If you do it every day, you will develop a habit for life. Of course, if the desire was strong.

So, what goals can you set and how to successfully achieve them?

Proper nutrition

The mysterious expression “eat right” has its own meaning for everyone. Some people say that if I’m full, then I’m already eating right. The proof is I'm alive.

If this approach is not for you, then fight yourself. This is the only worthy battle. You can write: don’t eat fast food for 30 days, eat 1 fruit every day, have greens on hand every day.

The task is to simply watch what you eat. Do you often pay attention to the ingredients when buying food in the supermarket? Do you regularly choose fast food, or do you prefer homemade food? Do you feel heavy after eating? Is the body coping? Sometimes simple observation helps change habits for the better.

Don’t break yourself and immediately replace your regular serving of French fries. Brussels sprouts. Let the changes be gradual. No more than three tasks in total.

Add fruits and vegetables to your diet. It is a natural source of vitamins and other beneficial substances necessary for humans. If you have a sweet tooth, sometimes try replacing a bun or chocolate bar with fruit salad. It is possible that over time you will notice that the feeling in your body from a fruit dessert is light and pleasant. This can serve as an incentive to move on.

To stop eating less sweets, do “three days without sugar.” After such restrictions, cravings become noticeably less.

Don't pass it on. It often becomes a habit to fill our stomach to the limit, only then do we feel satisfied and full. This is a habitual reaction of the body that can be influenced. Try eating smaller portions and don't be afraid of feeling a little hungry after eating. Soon you will feel fuller from eating less. This will allow the stomach not to be overloaded, and at the same time the body will get rid of extra pounds.

In Japan now there is a curious diet called “glass food”. The point is simple. You can eat everything, as long as it fits in one 200-gram cup. And take a break between meals for at least an hour. That's the whole secret.

Physical activity: pleasure for health

This is a method that brings, among other things, pleasure. But there are nuances here too. Choose a physical activity to your liking. It would be ideal if you combine it with spending time in the fresh air.

This could be a pleasant walk in the park, jogging, or cycling. Or maybe you have long wanted to take up dancing. While dancing we enjoy the music and movements. The emphasis is not on physical activity. The body itself will receive the necessary portion of movements. It is important to listen to him.

If you don't have any time for exercise, you can use stairs to improve your well-being. Develop the habit of not using the elevator. This simple solution will significantly improve your well-being.

Yes, you, from the fifth floor, are you weak not to use the elevator for 30 days?

What makes us healthy is ode

Our body needs simple water. No impurities. It is often thought that pure water can be replaced with juice or green tea, but that's not true. Supplements do not always bring the desired effects, as they are “connected”.

Insufficient moisture in the body leads to lethargy. Water helps deliver nutrients to all parts of the body and also removes toxins from the body. Doctors advise drinking water on an empty stomach, 20-30 minutes before meals. If you start the day with a glass of water, it will allow your metabolism to get ready to work. In general, when proper nutrition a person consumes up to 3 liters of water per day (spends 1.5 liters for the needs of the body).


Another factor that certainly affects health. It’s easy to see that lack of sleep has a negative impact on your well-being. If we get enough sleep, the condition will certainly improve. There is an opinion that the body needs 8 hours to get enough sleep. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case. It is better for you to find out the quantity you need yourself. For some lucky people, 6 hours is enough, while others need at least 10 hours.

Procedures aimed at increasing immunity

It is especially effective to combine immunostimulating procedures with relaxation. After all, one of the main negative factors affecting immunity is stress. Great option There will be a visit to cedar and phytobarrels. Phytobarrel is a healing method based on the healing effects of steam, herbs and essential oils on the body.

Of course, you can also take a steam bath in a traditional Russian bathhouse, but it has more contraindications. A cedar barrel has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system. It also improves many other health parameters of the body. Fights chronic colds, improves body tone, and relieves accumulated fatigue from muscles. It also helps to get rid of excess weight, has a noticeable cosmetic effect, and heals blood vessels.

Good mood

Scientists have repeatedly paid attention to the relationship between emotional and physical well-being. Sometimes it seems that mood is not something we can consciously influence. However, there are several proven ways to improve your mood. These include all of the above points. This once again confirms the relationship between our body and soul. Pets have also been proven to improve your mood.
Is it possible to have a pet at home? Feel free to watch the video from the series “These Funny Animals”. This may seem a little naive to some, however, the antics of furry friends can make even the most inveterate snob smile.

Other factors

  • Posture. Correct posture not only allows you to look more confident, but also affects the condition of your organs. Among the simplest and effective ways improving posture, a Japanese exercise with a roller that takes only 5 minutes. Watch a video to help you do it:

  • Breath. By inhaling deeply, we gain contact with the body and also saturate the body with oxygen. Intermittent, shallow breathing indicates accumulated stress and unresolved problems. Sometimes, to come to a decision, you just need to stop and breathe a little. "Belly." Ask opera singers - this type of breathing is considered the most beneficial.
  • Walking barefoot. There are countless nerve endings on our feet. When we walk barefoot on uneven surfaces, a natural massage occurs.

And at 40 years old? Does age matter?

After passing the 40-year mark, the task of improving the health of the body takes on new shades. Our distant ancestors, as a rule, did not live to see 40. And all organs and systems have used up their “expiration date” by this time. Thanks to the fact that we live in comfortable conditions, we have the opportunity to increase their service life.

And this applies to both women and men. The latter, here in Russia, according to statistics, live shorter lives.

Is it possible to improve your health without quitting smoking?

A smoker's health is naturally distorted. But this does not mean that all health care means quitting a cigarette. After all, there are many worse addictions out there. It is possible to improve your health without quitting smoking. By changing your diet and water consumption (your metabolism will improve), getting enough sleep, and avoiding stress. Even a smoker can go for a massage, a herbal barrel or a traditional Russian bathhouse. Hammam, Finnish sauna. Everything your heart desires.

And without quitting smoking, you can find a truly exciting activity for yourself. Mental and spiritual well-being directly affects physical well-being.

Is it possible to improve health in old age?

There is a point of view that when “everything has fallen apart”, it is useless to monitor your health. Amateurish look. Elderly people are divided into two categories:

  • Those who are immersed in their illnesses and do not see anything around them.
  • Those who continue to follow the flow of life with passion.

There are no intermediate options. So, for your health, find something you like. Kayak trips, collection acoustic systems, playing the tam-tam, modeling... We know that in the elderly - no. There are grown children.

Improve your health after binge drinking

Helping binge drunks is useless. This is already a disease. And the only way to improve their health is to place them in a specialized clinic. Binge is the third stage of alcoholism out of four.

Alas, for Russia this is a national disaster. We don't know what died out from this scourge. indigenous people America, and the Eskimos almost became extinct. But if you just drank a lot the night before, drink a lot of water to restore normal metabolism.

How to improve a person's mental health

The worst thing is to stay with mental illness one on one. To combat the problem, a person must find his “circle”. More people - more options help in a difficult situation.

As we now know, there are several simple and effective methods how to improve the health of the body. It is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself with countless exercises and diets at once. Whatever methods you choose, it is important that they bring you pleasure. This is the only way the condition can improve - in small increments, day after day.

After all, if you do something through force, it is very easy to quit what you started and only make the situation worse. It is better to first pay attention to one of the significant factors and move in that direction.

Have you started to notice that you get tired quickly and your condition leaves much to be desired? This is the first call to the fact that you need to change something in your life. To feel good, you need to take good care of yourself, healthy image life. Not everyone does this, citing employment. If this continues, serious health problems may arise. Help you feel better simple ways that you need to gradually introduce into your life.

How to improve your well-being and performance

Early rise

Morning is the time when you want to sleep at least a few extra minutes. But it’s better to get up early so that you can do a light warm-up to some pleasant music before work. This will help you get a boost of energy for the whole day and improve your well-being.

Drink warm water in the morning

Start your day with a glass warm water. This will help you wake up quickly, cleanse the body of harmful substances, saturate it with moisture, and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Clean your tongue from plaque

If you look closely at the language, you can determine the level of human health. Ideally, it should be smooth, pink, neither thick nor thin, with no teeth marks on the sides. After waking up, you can notice a yellowish or grayish coating on it. This is the release of toxins from the body. They need to be peeled using a small spoon.

The right breakfast

There are many tips on what it should be proper breakfast. But each person has his own preferences. Choose healthy products meals that are right for you.

Eliminate dry snacks

It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. Eliminate dry snacks during the day. This will help improve your well-being. It is better to eat food at home that you have prepared yourself, or in a good cafeteria near your office. Make sure the food is fresh.

Eat fruit

Much has been written about the benefits of fruits. They saturate the body with vitamins and microelements and improve well-being. When we buy apples, oranges, bananas, we put them in the refrigerator and forget about them. It's best to keep a bowl of fruit on the kitchen counter so it's always visible, especially when you go to the refrigerator to snack on something not so healthy.

Water with lemon and mint

Everyone knows about the health benefits of lemon and mint water, but it is often forgotten. Buy a nice jug, fill it with water, add lemon and mint, and put it in the refrigerator. When you are looking for something to eat, you will see a jug and you can drink a glass of water. This will help overcome the feeling of hunger.


To give spicy taste food, use spices. This way you will reduce your intake of salt, vegetable and butter, sugar. Spices contain virtually no calories, and they also contain many antioxidants.

Olive oil

Olive oil is good for the body. It is rich in monounsaturated fats, which protect against many diseases. Moving on to this healthy product, give preference to extra virgin oil.

Healthy food

If you've eaten a few cookies, chances are they were the first to catch your eye. It’s better to keep them away, and let there be nuts, almonds, and dried fruits in the center of the table. Don't forget to peel a few carrots that will be in the foreground!

Eliminate junk food

You have heard more than once that junk food products do not bring any benefits. This is a refined food that contains many harmful additives. To improve your well-being, you need to eliminate junk food from your daily diet.

Change household chemicals

It is very important to use organic household chemicals in your everyday life. This will reduce exposure to harmful chemicals through bedding, dishwashing, sinks and bathtubs.

Avoid stressful situations

Frequent stress weakens nervous system, impair sleep, reduce immunity, and cause many diseases. Avoid severe stress, do not support quarrels, try to find a compromise in resolving this or that issue.

Enjoy every day

Welcome every new day joyfully! Drive away despondency and negative thoughts, if any. Appreciate what you have, because everything in the world is relative. Perhaps many people would like to live like you.


Dinner should be light, no later than 18.00. Food should have time to digest before you go to bed. Provide your body good conditions for proper rest and recovery at night.

Here are simple ways to improve your well-being and increase your productivity. Gradually implement them. Be beautiful and healthy for many years!

Being proactive and living life to the fullest is impossible when the body is not in order. Pain and chronic fatigue take up too much vital energy and do not allow you to express your potential to 100%. But let's face it, what does modern medicine offer? Antibiotics that completely destroy the intestinal microflora and damage the liver? Or vaccination, which destroys the immune system and the body’s natural ability to regenerate? We decided to find other ways that will help maintain health for many years, giving us the opportunity to live a full life.

Read on for 7 tips to regain your strength and improve your health using basic knowledge about how your body works!

1. More movement

The secret to a person’s well-being is proper circulation of blood and lymph. But if the former depends little on our efforts and is pumped due to the work of the heart, then lymph moves exclusively with the help of muscle contractions. What's the verdict? The more movement, the stronger the immune system, since it is the lymph that is responsible for cleansing the body of toxins, maintaining water-salt balance and protecting against viruses. In addition, thanks to physical activity, the number of capillaries in our body increases, and with it the supply of oxygen to all tissues and organs. The work of the heart muscle is strengthened, blood pressure is normalized, the strength and performance of the body increases, even the psyche becomes more resistant to stress. Do you need any more reasons to go for a run?

2. Fewer chemical drugs

Paradoxically, the more drugs there are, the more diseases flourish. Viruses and bacteria have long been accustomed to the most powerful antibiotics, and doctors’ focus on eliminating symptoms without wanting to treat the cause only aggravates the disaster. Have you ever wondered how harmful a simple headache pill can be, causing depression and liver problems? We rub creams against cellulite, which is actually a consequence of a simple metabolic disorder. We do not allow the body to overcome acute respiratory infections on its own, finishing off weak immunity with chemicals that destroy the body. But if we don’t use the immune system, it will completely forget how to protect us. Stop poisoning yourself with medications unnecessarily!

3. Say yes to vegetables and fruits

Not only do they contain a huge amount of all the vitamins and microelements we need, fruits greatly alkalize the body, supporting the harmonious functioning of all organs and systems. The more vegetables you eat, the fewer problems with the heart and blood vessels, the better the digestive system works. Natural scavenging of free radicals leads to a reduction in the likelihood of developing cancerous tumors. The high fiber content in vegetables normalizes glucose levels, leads to stabilization of blood pressure, normalization of weight, and improvement of the condition of the skin and hair. Do you want to look young and full of energy? Eat vegetable salads.

4. Remember the benefits of water

Not only are we 2/3 made up of water, but not a single biochemical process in the body can function without it. It is involved everywhere, nourishes the cells of the body nutrients, ridding them of waste products and toxins. In just two weeks of proper drinking regimen, you can completely restore the functioning of organs and systems, improve blood pressure, normalize weight, get rid of swelling, acne and even drowsiness! Water helps the lymph filter the blood, removes the stagnation of poisons in the kidneys, reduces the risk of developing arthritis by 4 times, and also participates in the burning of fats that we so dislike. Do you want to have great shape, nice complexion and to be in good shape? Drink more water.

5. Try fasting

The benefits of fasting are not an empty phrase, but a real fact, for which scientists have been awarded Nobel Prize. The fact is that periodic cleaning of the organs inside the body is simply necessary, because constant work exhausts the body, waste products clog the body with waste and toxins. To carry out “spring cleaning” from the inside, a system of therapeutic fasting was developed, which helps not only to process waste, but also to restore body cells, eliminate chronic diseases, lose excess weight and even rejuvenate! This is a great way to keep your body in shape, improve your immune strength and protect your organs from wear and tear.

6. Don't forget to get enough sleep

Healthy sleep not only restores strength, but also starts regeneration processes. After actively wasting resources during the day, the body really needs to restore its reserves, harmonize the functioning of organs, and stabilize blood sugar levels. It is proper sleep that allows nerve cells to recover, normalize metabolism, and the production of hormones and T-lymphocytes. Adequate and deep sleep serves as a prevention against many diseases, reduces the risk of headaches, and also protects a person from depression. Do you want good health and a cheerful mood throughout the day? Start going to bed on time.

7. Show yourself to the sun more often

We've all heard about how harmful direct sun rays, how the ill-fated ultraviolet destroys the skin and causes cancer. However, these warnings are given to lovers of tar tanning, which is abused. Truly being in the open sun, especially in the morning, does incredible things to our body! Hormonal balance is leveled, mood improves, stress resistance increases. And the sun's rays trigger the production of vitamin D, which promotes the absorption of calcium, thereby strengthening bone tissue.

Are you still looking for ways to restore your body's resources and restore your well-being? Then use these simple tips for health, which will help restore vitality and pleasure.

Sometimes “micro changes” that we don’t even consider changes can do more than radical decisions. It’s just that the likelihood that these tiny changes will become an integral part of life is much higher than promising to quit smoking once and for all, overeating at night, or sitting in front of the computer in the evenings.

If the proposed ideas are not suitable, you are free to come up with something else. There is only one condition: a new action, if it involves repetition, should take no more than two minutes of your time. Otherwise, the unconscious will regard the change as global, which means it will resist.

1. Sleep with an open window

Even in the center of a metropolis, the air outside is usually much cleaner than indoors. Especially at night when traffic is less intense. Leaving the windows closed means breathing stagnant, polluted air all night. A clear head, fresh complexion, more energy - you will notice these changes the very next day. Don't forget to use earplugs and a sleep mask to ensure deep and truly restorative sleep.

2. Change household chemicals

Organic household chemicals based on natural acids will improve the atmosphere in your home. Instead of synthetic fragrances, you will feel the aromas of essential oils. And the amount of chemicals the body encounters will be greatly reduced. Changes can start with bath and dishwashing products, as well as washing powder for bed linen. After all, our body comes into contact with sheets and blankets for many hours every day.

3. Clean your tongue in the morning

Language is a report card about the state of our body. It can be used to judge the state of health. Normally it is pink, smooth, soft, not too thick and not too thin. If there is a dense coating on it or there are teeth marks on the sides, then you should lighten your menu for a while, since the digestive system cannot cope.

A glass of warm water “awakens” the digestive system, stimulating bowel cleansing

It’s easy to check: every time the next morning after a heavy late dinner, the picture is the same. Plaque is toxins that the body managed to remove overnight. Therefore, it is useful to make it a rule to brush not only your teeth, but also your tongue. A brush is not suitable for this, but an ordinary teaspoon is fine. Move it with the edge from the root to the tip of the tongue.

4. Start your day with water

Getting out of bed, first of all go to the kitchen to put the kettle on, and only then to the bathroom. After brushing your teeth, drink a large glass of warm water. This “awakens” the digestive system, stimulating bowel cleansing. If you have not done this before, you will not see the effect immediately, but after a few days.

Make sure you have water nearby throughout the day. Let the bottle always be on your desk, in the cup holder of your car, or in your bag. Gradually this will significantly improve your well-being and appearance. The complexion will become more even, sebum secretion will be normalized, signs of swelling will disappear or will appear much less frequently, digestion and other vital processes will be normalized.

5. Hang a horizontal bar

And hang on it whenever you need to relieve tension. Stretch your arms, straighten your shoulders and concentrate on how your muscles stretch - this will help relax your mind. Perform the exercise for 30 seconds to two minutes. Gradually, you will begin to notice that heat flows to your muscles. This is normal: this is how the body gets rid of muscle blocks and toxins.

6. Fruit in a dish instead of candy

When laying out your purchases, immediately wash your vegetables and fruits. Let them, and not sweets or pastries, take up space in the dish that is always on the table. Having clean radishes or carrots on hand makes it easier to make healthier choices when thinking about what to snack on. And what you want to eat less of, put it in closed packages and put them in the top drawers of the closet. The less these products come across your eyes, the less often you remember about them.

7. Get a “massage” for stress.

This exercise activates the parasympathetic nervous system and relieves stress instantly. You can do it anywhere, even on public transport and at work. Tap your fingers throughout the exercise right hand along the left hand, into the hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and ring finger.

  1. Close your eyes. Open them three times, about a second apart, each time looking straight ahead. Close your eyes.
  2. Open your eyes, looking at the lower right corner. Without closing your eyelids, move your gaze to the lower left corner, and then draw a circle with your eyes. First clockwise, then counterclockwise. Close your eyes.
  3. Open your eyes, looking up. Without closing your eyelids, look down. Close your eyes.

To check how relaxing this simple and unusual exercise is, take a test. Before performing it, stand with your arms extended to the sides and turn back as far as possible, through the left side, then through the right. The pelvis remains in place. Remember where your palm was pointing. Do the same after completing the exercise. And be surprised at the difference.

1. Walking in the fresh air.

It is important to find time for a daily walk; being in nature helps improve memory, reduce stress levels, and you become more creative and kinder.

2. Exercise in the morning.

The benefits of exercise include stimulating blood flow, which leads to overall health of the body. Systematic exercise helps strengthen sleep, improve memory, you feel happier, and your libido increases.

3. Spend time with family and friends.

Psychologist Daniel Gilbert of Harvard sees relationships as an important component of happiness. Lack of connection with society leads to personal destruction or even death. Loneliness becomes the reason heart attack, blow and diabetes mellitus. Therefore, it is worth sharing good news and listening to others with interest. How to become happier? The secret is simple: do good for your family and friends.

4. Be grateful.

Gratitude helps a person experience joy in ordinary things. Makes relationships with others stronger and more positive.


A meditator is less susceptible to anxiety, depression and stress. A person gradually gains harmony with himself and the social environment.

6. Healthy sleep.

It’s difficult to deceive your body; if you don’t sleep enough, it will affect your overall well-being. In addition, the risk of getting sick will increase. It is often said to “sleep over” a thought, which means to think more thoroughly about a decision. Lack of sleep provokes strange behavior. No need to neglect nap By taking a little nap, you will increase your attentiveness and get rid of negative emotions.

7. Self-development.

Why not get involved in education? Studying foreign language provides intellectual development, develops abstract thinking. Music practice makes the mind more flexible. It's worth challenging yourself to strengthen your mind. A small effort of willpower every day will be an important factor in future success. People often regret missed opportunities, and self-education is the way to change life for the better.

8. Laughter.

Psychologists say that prolonged laughter helps cope with stress and get rid of a bad mood. People who laugh more often have stronger immune systems, live longer, and are less sensitive to pain. Laughing is as beneficial as jogging.


Touch is beneficial. They help overcome stress, give self-confidence, and improve teamwork. Hugs make a person happier.

10. Optimism.

A positive attitude is important in any business. An optimistic attitude towards life has a positive effect on health, gives a feeling of happiness and prolongs life. An optimist sees a world full of opportunities, despite failures, he moves on, this position leads to improved results.