How to fertilize the soil with chicken droppings. Chicken manure as a fertilizer: how to use, reviews and recipes for fertilizing from gardeners How to properly apply chicken manure in the fall

More and more gardeners and gardeners are abandoning “chemical” fertilizers in favor of natural fertilizers for soil and plants. Manure from various farm animals is becoming increasingly popular. In particular, farmers often prefer chicken manure as a fertilizer.

The composition of chicken manure is such that the content of useful elements in it is not inferior to most chemical fertilizers. For example, it contains 33 times more nitrogen and 8 times more phosphorus than horse manure. It was discovered in the 18th century by the German scientist Liebig. Unlike other types of manure, chicken manure:

  • accelerates the flow of biological processes in the soil layer;
  • increases productivity, accelerates ripening;
  • inhibits soil mold;
  • contains nitrogen in a form suitable for absorption by plants;
  • the beneficial effect persists for another three years after application;
  • plant roots are able to extract up to three quarters of the nitrogen in the droppings;
  • lasts longer in the soil than artificial analogues.

Biological effect: substances contained in chicken manure accelerate photosynthesis and supply plants with nutrients. In practice, this leads to faster growth, an increase in the volume of tops, leaves and fruits. However, it increases the formation and growth of tubers slightly.

Specifics of use

The unparalleled concentration of beneficial microelements in chicken manure has a downside. It can only be applied fresh, undiluted in microdoses; it destroys the root system of most cultivated plants. Even liquid fertilizer from kuryak needs to be applied between rows or holes in the beds; watering the plants themselves with it can damage their root system.

Video - Preparation of fertilizer from chicken manure

Chicken litter

Chicken coop litter is very useful in crop production. It contains all the beneficial substances of chicken manure, plus straw. Chicken owners can take care to make the litter even more beneficial for the plants. To do this, it is enough to use plant-friendly substances to line the chicken coop. You will have to give up sawdust - they are of little use.

It is best to use peat. Straw or old hay is also acceptable. You can add a little ash, mixed with rotting plant residues and excrement, it will complement their effect.
In gardening practice, chicken litter is either composted or used to fertilize the following crops:

  1. Mulching berry bushes.
  2. At fruit trees. The litter is poured into the tree trunk circle at the rate of 1-2 kg per tree.
  3. Application under cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins and melons. Fresh litter is mixed in half with soil and applied before winter to the beds where these crops will grow.

Although the litter is usually a mixture of excrement and plant matter, it should not be placed on bare roots, only on the soil.

Application of fresh litter

Contrary to popular belief, you can also use fresh chicken manure to fertilize your garden. But we must take into account that compared to animal manure and humus, it is extremely concentrated. Therefore, the doses should be smaller.

You can add no more than a glass of fresh or 2/3 glass of dried manure per square meter of bed. At the same time, there is no need to sprinkle it directly under the roots.

In order to more evenly distribute droppings over the entire area, it is often mixed with sand, ash, peat and other organic and inorganic substances that are useful for this type of plant. You can also mix fresh droppings with garden soil in a 1:1 ratio, but even this mixture should be used with caution.

Liquid fertilizers

For these purposes, fresh chicken manure is taken and diluted with clean water. There is no consensus among experienced gardeners about concentration. There are options from 1:10 to 1:20.

How to make liquid fertilizer (option 1)

Step 1. The solution obtained by mixing chicken manure with water in a ratio of 1:10 to 1:20 (the concentration varies depending on the plants and the gardener’s goals) is thoroughly mixed until smooth. The color should resemble weakly brewed tea.

Step 2. Keep the solution for two days in a dark place.

Step 3. Shake until smooth.

Step 4. Dilute in half with water and use for watering at the rate of 1 bucket per 2-3 sq.m of bed.

How to make liquid fertilizer (option 2)

Step 1. Fresh droppings are diluted half and half with water in a large closed container, for example, in a barrel or garden bucket with a lid.

Step 2. Close tightly and leave for 3-5 days.

As a result, a concentrated liquid fertilizer is obtained. It cannot be used undiluted. To ensure that the solution does not damage the plants, but stimulates their growth, pour 2 cups of concentrated infusion onto a bucket of water.

How to make liquid fertilizer (option 3)

This recipe is suitable for watering plants that do not like excessive acidity.

Step 1. Two parts of the litter are poured with one part of water, and left without stirring for two days. For convenience, you can use a fabric bag, so that excess moisture does not have to be filtered separately after the droppings have settled.

Step 2. After this, the water is carefully drained if you did not use the bag, otherwise, simply remove the bag from the container - the excess water will drain off on its own.

Step 3. Then, 1 liter of the resulting slurry is stirred in 20 liters of water and left to ferment, uncovered, for a week. There is no need to re-dilute this tincture with water before use.

Sequence of preparation of fertilizing - option 3

Feeding with any manure infusion should be done after watering or heavy rain, which has well moistened the soil. This will help the nutrient liquid to be evenly distributed in the soil layer and prevent excessive concentration, which is dangerous for the root system.

All infusions can be used from the moment of planting; they are finished using them 2-3 weeks before harvesting. If some parts of the plant are eaten all the time, like lettuce or parsley, then these plants are not watered with manure infusions. The application rate is 1/2 -1 liter per plant.


The easiest way to prepare humus from manure is in a compost pit. A layer of any plant waste (this could be garden weeds, sawdust, peat, straw, etc.) and droppings is alternately placed in the pit. It is acceptable to combine it with other “varieties” of manure, especially horse and cow manure. The height of the layers should be approximately 20 cm. There is no need to make thicker layers of excrement, as this may lead to a fire. If the manure is excessively dry, the compost pit must be moistened. The pile is covered with greenhouse film, oilcloth, or otherwise prevents the access of atmospheric air. After 3-4 months the compost is ready.

It’s easy to tell if a litter has rotted. If the smell of ammonia, which many compare to ammonia, persists, then the process of overheating has not yet been completed. The stronger the smell, the “fresher” the droppings. Rotted compost should not smell different from regular compost.


Granulated, or, as it is also called, dry litter, can be bought in agricultural stores or markets. Some gardeners are suspicious of it, considering it “chemical”. This prejudice is not true. No third-party additives are used in the production of chicken manure.

The technology is simple. Fresh litter, cleaned of dirt and impurities, is heated to 600 degrees. This rids it not only of moisture, but also of odor, and also kills weed seeds, bacteria and microorganisms. After heating, the dried litter is formed into granules and packaged.

In addition, recently, a new technology of low-temperature dehydration has been used, which makes it possible to obtain dry litter without heating to high temperatures, i.e. with 100% preservation of nutrients.

There are no disadvantages to granular litter; the advantages include: absence of odor, bacteria and weed seeds.

How and when to fertilize

The options for using litter are not very diverse, but there are some nuances, and you need to know them. Chicken manure is a very concentrated and potent remedy, the improper use of which can cause great harm. Here are some basic rules that apply to all application options:

The maximum number of applications per season ranges from 1 to 4 times. It is impossible to fertilize plants more often with manure and fertilizers based on it. In addition, application rates differ in autumn and spring.

Autumn application

In areas with heavy soil, it is useful to apply rotted chicken manure in the fall, when the crop has already been harvested. After application, the beds are dug up for the winter, this allows the fertilizer to be evenly distributed throughout the soil. During the winter, soil bacteria decompose the droppings into their components; as a result of this activity, useful microelements go into the soil layer, from where crops will feed on them next year. Nitrogen is partially decomposed into its components, which removes its excess.

The recipe is simple. Rotted semi-dry droppings are taken at the rate of 1 kg per 1 hectare of land. If it is dry, its weight is taken less, if it is damp, more. If you are going to add more sand, ash or humus to the bed for certain crops that you plan to plant in this bed in the spring, you can simply mix it all with the manure and apply it together. All this is evenly scattered over the future bed and dug up. If you do not practice autumn digging, you can simply leave the fertilized beds undug.

Spring application

Spring application of chicken manure is indicated for light soils. This is done either before the spring digging of the garden and marking the beds, or after that and before planting crops. In the first case, rotted droppings in the same proportion (1 kg per 1 hectare of land) are distributed in an even layer over future beds and dug up. In the second, it is mixed with straw and laid out between the rows.

For tomatoes

Even a one-time application of kuryak can increase the yield of this crop by increasing the size of the fruit. Like all members of the nightshade family, it responds well to this fertilizer.
In the spring, a one-time fertilizing is done with fertilizer (rotten dung), placing it around the planting holes at the rate of 3-4 kg/m².

During the growing season, tomatoes are watered with manure tincture at the rate of 2-3 liters per bush. If the stems and leaves begin to thicken excessively, stop feeding.

For cucumbers

If there are a lot of barren flowers in the cucumber beds, using an infusion of chicken manure will help solve the problem. Cucumbers are watered with it in the spring until flowering at the rate of 3-4 l/m².

Cucumbers are sensitive to uric acids, so precautions must be taken:

  1. Before use, leave the infusion or solid mixture in the open air for several hours.
  2. Do not allow fertilizer to get on the roots.

After flowering begins, fertilizing with droppings is not carried out.

Video - Fertilizing cucumbers with fertilizer based on chicken manure

For potatoes

Chicken manure is also good for potatoes. It does not directly affect the increase in the number of tubers and their growth, only indirectly. Firstly, strengthening the bush and supplying it with the nutrients necessary for the “building” of root crops. Secondly, it increases potato resistance to fungal diseases and late blight. However, manure cannot fully provide this crop with all the necessary nutrients, so it is combined with other fertilizers. For example, to 10 parts of humus add 1 part of potassium chloride.

It is best to apply humus prepared in this way in the fall before digging at the rate of 50 kg per hundred square meters, or into the hole when planting. At the beginning of summer, young bushes that have reached a height of 15 cm, but not exceeding 20 cm, are fed with liquid droppings. This is done strictly once.

For fruit trees

Fertilizing with tincture of droppings from fruit trees, especially apple and pear trees, has proven to work well. This is done 2 times a year, before flowering and after harvesting the fruits.

A wide shallow groove is dug around the tree, coinciding with the projection of the crown. Fill it with tincture of droppings at the rate of 8-10 liters per 1 sq.m of area of ​​the entire resulting circle. You can take a tincture prepared according to any of the above recipes.

For strawberries

This crop is fed with manure tincture in the spring, when young leaves begin to appear. The bushes themselves are not watered. A wide and shallow furrow is made between the rows, into which the infusion is poured and sprinkled with earth. This cannot be done after flowering has begun.

A one-time watering at the beginning of the growing season is enough for the plant to receive the supply of nutrients necessary for the development of large and tasty berries.

If the strawberry bed is located on clay soils, it is permissible to line the rows with rotted droppings at the end of autumn.


Like any other fertilizer, chicken manure has its drawbacks and contraindications for use.

In addition, chicken manure cannot be used as biofuel for greenhouses. It releases large amounts of ammonia, which depresses plants.

If you have chickens, then do not rush to get rid of bird droppings, because this is an excellent fertilizer option for the garden. And, although today the chemical industry works well, producing modern and easy-to-use fertilizers, many farmers still prefer to use natural organic manure. Just in this case, chicken manure is perfect. If you are just planning to have laying hens, then you will definitely be interested in knowing about the use of their manure. Moreover, our article will be useful to all gardeners and gardeners who are puzzled every year about how to get a good harvest and not harm the plants.

Chicken manure as a fertilizer is perfect in its composition for both the vegetable garden and the garden. Among all types of poultry litter, chicken manure contains the largest amount of nitrogenous substances, and is therefore considered very valuable. In addition to a large amount of nitrogen, chicken droppings contain quite a lot of microelements that are important for maintaining good soil condition. In terms of its properties on the crop, such a fertilizer acts in exactly the same way as complex purchased mineral fertilizers.

Chemical composition

If we consider the chemical composition of chicken manure, we should immediately notice that it is rich in nutrients. The concentration of chemical elements in it is three and sometimes four times higher than that of other popular types of animal fertilizers. So, in addition to the already mentioned nitrogen, chicken manure contains potassium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, sulfur, cobalt, boron and many other trace elements. In addition, there is a large supply of biologically active substances that promote the growth and rapid development of plants. These include, for example, auxins.

Chicken manure is a very strong and fast-acting fertilizer with an increased dose of potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and magnesium. That is why it is important to dose it very correctly and follow the rules of use. Otherwise, you can only harm the soil and burn the plants.

Table Physico-chemical composition of fertilizer

How does it affect the soil?

Chicken manure can be used as fertilizer for any type of soil. In terms of its properties, it is much more effective than other types of manure, and after application it retains a pronounced effect for several years. This is due to the fact that all trace elements and substances from the base of chicken droppings are released slowly and gradually. However, we must not forget one “but” - the nitrogen contained in chicken manure quickly loses its properties and, if stored improperly, turns into ammonia. That is, such fertilizer turns into poison and a toxic compound for the soil.

In order for chicken manure to benefit your garden, it is important not only to store and use it correctly, but also to even prepare it. For example, to prevent it from drying out quickly and releasing ammonia, peat chips should be used as bedding for chickens. It helps preserve nitrogen-containing compounds even during long-term storage.

Let's consider all the basic properties, why chicken manure is so valuable for the soil as a fertilizer:

  • increases crop yields by 20-40%;
  • optimizes the whirlpool in the soil;
  • accelerates the ripening of crops by 10-15 days;
  • eliminates the occurrence of mold on the soil surface;
  • helps plants survive periods of drought;
  • helps plants fight fungal and bacterial diseases.

What plants is it suitable for?

Chicken manure's composition is excellent for many plants, but it still has its limitations. This, of course, is largely due to the acidity and salinity of the fertilizer. Thus, the pH of chicken manure depends on the age and diet of the bird. On average (normal), the acidity of chicken droppings is in the range of 6.5-8.0 pH factor. These values ​​indicate a moderate alkalinity.

However, due to increased saline content, chicken manure is not suitable for acid-loving plants such as azaleas, camellias, rhododendrons, as well as heather and blueberries. As a rule, chicken manure is used as fertilizer for most vegetable and fruit crops. For example, it works great on cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, fruit trees and bushes. They can be fed with fresh solution at least twice a season. But greens, garlic and onions do not like fresh infusion during intensive growth, so they can only be fed during the growing season.

How to properly apply chicken manure as fertilizer and how much, see the table for details.

When using chicken droppings as fertilizer, farmers are able to obtain environmentally friendly and high-quality products. The volume of fruit dry matter increases by 5-10%.

Ways to use chicken fertilizer

Chicken manure as a plant fertilizer can be used in natural and dissolved form to feed many vegetable and garden crops. As a rule, in dry form it is distributed evenly over the entire surface of the soil in autumn or early spring, long before planting. As such, its norm is calculated to be 0.2-1.3 kg per 1 square meter of soil. If you use clean raw manure, then the norm is increased to 0.3-0.4 kg. Freshly diluted chicken droppings are also an excellent feeding option.

Fertilizer before planting

Garden crops

Due to its special strong composition, fresh and clean chicken manure cannot be applied into the hole and under the roots before planting the plant, so it is necessary to fertilize the soil with it in advance, best in the fall or early spring before digging up the ground. Manure can be added to the soil either dry or fresh, but the concentration will depend on its condition. Do not forget that to obtain good dry fertilizer, chicken droppings must be dried using peat. This will prevent the appearance of ammonia and the destruction of nitrogenous compounds in the base. Dry litter can be stored after complete drying in barrels or special plastic containers, but with constant access of air.

In the fall, before digging, they fertilize the soil after harvesting, scattering dry droppings evenly around the entire perimeter at the rate of approximately one bucket (5-6 kg) per 5 square meters. meters. If you fertilize your garden in the spring before digging, it is best to use compost. It is made in advance by layer composting: alternating 15-20 cm of any dry material (straw, hay, sawdust or peat) with 15-20 cm of manure. So approximately up to a height of 1-1.5 meters, with a layer of dry matter on top. Such compost can take about 2-3 months to prepare (winter), but after processing it is suitable even in its pure form.

Leaf crops and berries

You can fertilize leaf crops with chicken manure a couple of months before planting them, that is, in the spring. To do this, manure is applied to loose soil and dug in a little. To plant berries, you can apply fertilizer 3 months or in the second half of winter before the plant begins to awaken. For example, it is good to mulch strawberries and strawberries with compost. As for planting bushes and trees, the rules are similar to planting berries. We also add manure 3 months before planting into a pre-made hole.

Chicken manure supplement

Garden crops

Fertilizing garden crops with chicken manure in the form of top dressing is very popular and gives good results when used correctly. To do this, either a pre-prepared concentrate or a fresh infusion is made at a rate of 1:10. If you have fresh litter, then you need to dilute it with 10 liters of water (500 grams). Apply to crops based on its type (see table). It is advisable to feed after watering or rain, when the soil is well moistened. If you dissolve dry droppings, then you need to leave it for several days.

It is convenient to make a concentrate and then use it throughout the season. To do this, you need to take a tightly closed container (barrel) and dilute manure in it at a ratio of 1:1. This infusion should be prepared for about a week in a warm place until complete fermentation. Then, for feeding, take this concentrate and dilute it with water at the rate of 1:10. It can be used all season long as needed.

Trees and bushes

Trees and bushes are fertilized and fed in a slightly different way than garden plants. The same methods cannot be used both there and there, as this will do more harm than good. As experts say, one tree will need about a bucket of droppings per season. You can fertilize 3-4 times a season, scattering chicken manure around the trunk. But with shrubs you should be careful and apply fertilizer, taking into account the type and recommended standards.

Soaked manure is best suited for feeding shrubs and small fruit trees. To do this, fresh chicken droppings are poured with water, left for a couple of days, after which this water is drained. Soaked droppings contain fewer strong concentrated organic substances, plus uric acid and toxins are removed. After this, the prepared fertilizer is buried in the tree trunk grooves or between the rows.

Chicken manure as a fertilizer is very popular and in demand both on an industrial scale and among many modern summer residents and gardeners. In addition, garden owners often have it on hand because they keep poultry.


This organic fertilizer is truly high-quality and a reliable assistant for growing a wide variety of vegetable crops. The composition of the litter is rich in useful nutrients that are simply necessary for the normal and full growth of plants.

Manure contains magnesium, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus. The concentration of each of these components is several times higher than in other similar fertilizers for garden plants.

The larger the chicken coop, the more fertilizer you have for the garden.

Chicken manure acts as a fertilizer on the land and crops in a similar way to its mineral “colleagues”. The consequences of use are quite pronounced immediately after application to the soil of the garden, but you will be able to notice them even after a few years. This fact is easily explained by the fact that all substances that make up chicken droppings can be released as slowly and gradually as possible.

If you don’t have a chicken coop, you can buy chicken manure in ready-to-use form.

Organic fertilizer will help you grow an excellent crop, which will not contain various chemical additives found in modern mineral fertilizers.

Rules for using chicken manure

Bird droppings cannot be used in their pure form, as they contain a high percentage of uric acid. It can affect the root system of all plants, so you will only harm the entire harvest you expect to receive. This harm can no longer be corrected, so the use of fertilizing must be approached seriously and thoughtfully.

For example, cow manure is low in nitrogen and phosphorus, so it can be used in its original form. But the use of a chicken analogue should be approached with greater caution.

In order for certain chemical processes to take place and the concentration of substances in the manure to decrease, it is necessary to leave this manure in the open air for as long as possible in the weather. All excess will immediately evaporate, and the resulting residue can easily be used in the fall or spring for its intended purpose.

Fresh manure can be used to prepare liquid organic fertilizer. An infusion of manure is prepared quite easily: 1 part per 2 liters of ordinary clean water. The resulting mixture must be kept in the open air for 10 days. This fertilizer can be watered between the rows so that the maximum amount of substances reaches the plants, but gradually.

Watering the fresh infusion of chicken manure should not be applied to the plants in the beds, but to the row spacings

The mixture should not be poured directly into the holes themselves or under the root system. Also remember that bird manure should be used only after prolonged watering or rain.

You can prepare special compost for abundant plant fertilization:

  1. Manure must be placed on a base of ordinary grass or leaves. You can also use the remains of garden plants that are mixed with soil.
  2. Such raw materials are processed quite quickly, since the temperature in the created heap is very high. After all, the composting process generates a lot of heat. It is not for nothing that in mild winters the chicken coop does not need to be insulated or heated. A pillow of ordinary chicken excrement can maintain a full normal air temperature.
  3. If you add compost in the fall, you can use it in the spring. Excess urea leaves along with the evaporation of ammonia.

Remember that it is better to collect litter in the fall so that it can be processed. Otherwise, you will only harm your plants, from which you plan to get a large and high-quality harvest. Feeding of this nature will help you grow any crop.

Preparation of liquid fertilizer

It is convenient to collect chicken manure for subsequent composting using a special tray

Your garden requires extra strength, so you need to use fertilizer based on bird droppings. How to use it correctly?

Fermentation process

Using this method, you can recycle chicken manure-based fertilizer to add microelements to your garden. It is now easy to prepare a liquid mixture based on manure, since there are many special substances on sale that help to significantly speed up the fermentation process and achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time.

The implementation of this chemical process is quite simple:

  • A regular tray is placed under the cage with the chickens or under the pole of the chicken coop, in which droppings constantly accumulate.
  • Sawdust, which has been previously treated by fermentation, must be added to this pile. When cleaning the tray, you need to mix the ingredients and add the resulting mixture to the compost heap.
  • The height of the pile should be a meter. This is when the fermentation accelerator is added.

After this, the mixture is not transferred to the garden itself, but is simply kept outside for a month in the heat, and in winter for several months.

Outdoors, chicken manure gradually turns into useful fertilizer.

Only the dried version can be taken out into the garden, since it does not contain eggs of helminths that are dangerous to plants and the body, as well as weed seeds. There is practically no unpleasant smell.

Infusion process

You can fertilize your garden using another method, using chicken manure. This fertilizer is receiving increasingly higher ratings from professional gardeners. This fertilizer works very quickly because it contains a large amount of nitrogen, which can affect yields quickly, within just a few weeks. Therefore, do not hesitate, but start preparing organic fertilizer.

Rotted droppings should be filled with clean water, mixed and left for several days. The color should resemble freshly brewed tea, but weak. If the shade turns out to be more saturated, the infusion of chicken droppings must be significantly diluted to the required concentration.

Soaking process

It also happens that bird food is first soaked in order to completely get rid of the excess amount of acid, which causes great harm to plants. To do this, you will need to fill the droppings with a small amount of water for several days and then drain it. Then you need to carefully pour a fresh portion of clean water. This procedure should be repeated several times before fertilizing the garden.

Soaking chicken manure helps get rid of harmful substances while preserving beneficial ones.

This way you will protect your garden from unnecessary harm from acid. After such treatment, the substrate can easily be used to feed any plant, but not the root itself. The droppings are buried in special grooves prepared in advance, which are made around the trunk or in the area between the rows.

It is necessary to water the garden with such effective humus in a reasonable amount so as not to harm the future harvest. Then the feeding will be complete and will help to reap a decent harvest.

Operating rules

When working with chicken manure, you should protect your hands.

Fresh chicken manure contains a huge number of helminth eggs. For this reason, when working with this type of organic fertilizer, it is recommended to wear a special protective suit and thick rubber gloves.

Important! When you decide to use dry chicken manure, you should follow all safety precautions and also wear a protective mask, because it contains a large amount of substances harmful to the human body.

Chicken manure must be used in accordance with certain standards:

  • If this is autumn plowing, you will need 2 kg of fresh manure per square meter of garden.
  • More than 10 kg of rotted droppings are required in the planting hole.
  • For fruit trees, it is better to use 2 kg of rotted chicken manure; the humus is placed directly in the hole around the trunk.

Organic fertilizers are excellent tools that quickly solve the problem of soil fertility, provide crops with the nutrients required by plants, and then the crops do not need them for a long time. But they need to be used very carefully and carefully, due to the fact that fresh manure can do more harm than good.

Before watering crops with chicken manure, it is usually diluted with water (1:15; 1:20). The freshly prepared mixture should stand for several days, only then it can be used.

Bird droppings are an excellent fertilizer, as they contain many nutrients needed by various crops. In addition, the form in which it enters the soil allows plants to immediately use the composition. Mineral fertilizer is often washed away from the upper layers of the earth deeper or becomes difficult to use after a year, while chicken waste lasts 4 years. And if mullein has its effect only for the 3rd year, then this remedy lasts 7 days. Its composition:

  • Nitrogen in a form easily digestible by crops: ammonium and nitrate - 4%;
  • Potassium - 2%;
  • Copper -3 mg/kg;
  • Iron - 0.3%;
  • Readily available phosphorus - 2.5%;
  • Calcium - 1%;
  • Manganese -300 mg/kg;
  • Sulfur - 41 mg/kg;
  • Cobalt -3 mg/kg;
  • Magnesium - 0.3%;
  • Zinc - 22 mg/kg.

To preserve chicken waste, it should be dried to retain maximum nitrogen. Air dry. It works great if you sprinkle it with peat, because peat absorbs water well and absorbs elements that quickly decompose. It is necessary to place the future fertilizer in plastic barrels or boxes with existing holes in order to store it for a long time.

Natural nutrition for plants: storage and preparation

Chicken manure, value:

  1. When used, the ripening of fruits, berries and vegetables is accelerated.
  2. Since it provides crops with the most important elements, their yield increases up to 40%.
  3. Copper and iron increase plant resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases, such as fusarium, late blight, root rot, and scab.
  4. After all, chicken manure has a slightly alkaline reaction and is good for improving acidic soils. After overheating, it becomes even more alkaline, so it is very useful for plants that cannot tolerate acidic soils.
  5. Fertilizing gives increased growth to crops, their abundant flowering, a greater likelihood of fruit set, and plants can easily tolerate short periods of drought.
  6. Chicken manure can be used to feed all garden plants.
  7. The amount of humus in the soil increases.
How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


But fertilizing with chicken manure has a certain disadvantage, since it contains an abundance of nitrogen in the form of ammonium. When all this decomposes, a huge amount of methane and ammonia are released, and they can destroy the culture.

Therefore, chicken waste is laid out in clean, fresh form on the ground only after harvesting.

Even a freshly prepared solution burns the leaves, so it must be used very carefully.

In addition, when the product decomposes, a specific unpleasant odor is released. Because of this, when you create your own fertilizer, make it away from your home.

One of the advantages is its versatility. The balance of the most valuable nutrients for crops is maintained, so it is placed under any plant, most often under fruit trees and shrubs, since it practically does not burn the leaves of these crops.

If you have a chicken coop, you can use bedding manure. For example, an already grown tree needs up to 1 bucket of chicken manure per season, that is, it can be scattered around the tree trunks 3-4 times after cleaning the chicken coop. It is not recommended to water it from above after this; it is best to place bedding manure on damp ground.

Shrubs need less chicken manure. Because of this, before applying the product, it is taken into account how the shrubs relate to acidic soil. For example, blueberry bushes love acidic soil, so they should not be fertilized with this composition.

Young sprouts of leafy plants should not be watered with infusion of chicken manure, as they can easily be burned. For already mature plants, fertilizer is added between the rows, and then the seedlings are thoroughly watered. It is not recommended to use litter to feed growing crops, as there is a danger of infecting them with bacteria and diseases.
Very carefully, in minimal doses, chicken waste is added under the flowers. It is better that the waste be mixed with other organic fertilizers and already rotted.

How to make fertilizer from chicken waste

Application rates:

  1. In autumn, up to 3 kg/m² with peat or 2 kg/m² of pure peat is applied for subsequent planting of white cabbage. After planting the cabbage, feed it 2-3 times with chicken manure, 1 liter per head.
  2. For tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, and squash, in early spring 4 kg/m² of pure peat is added, and 6 kg/m² of peat mixed with peat. Fertilizer is poured at a rate of 5 l/m², but it must be taken into account that the plants are highly sensitive to burns. Because of this, the plants are then watered with water from a watering can.
  3. Fertilizer is applied to root crops in the fall: with peat 3 kg/m², without it - 2. Plants are fed at the rate of 4 l/m².
  4. Green lettuce, onions, and garlic are not watered, otherwise a lot of nitrates accumulate in the leaves. Only the main fertilizer is applied by October, the rate is 3.5 kg/m² with peat and 2 kg without it.
  5. For subsequent planting of potatoes, a composition with peat of 4 kg/m2 is added by October.
  6. 3 months before planting strawberries, the composition is added to the soil.
  7. Pour 2 kg per 10 m² into the holes.
  8. If the composition has fermented, then it is recommended to feed fruit trees at the rate of 8 liters per 1 m².
  9. But you need to remember that the composition cannot replace some of the compositions used, for example, for potatoes, beets, carrots it is mixed with potassium chloride in a ratio of 10:1. During autumn digging, add 20-30 kg of chicken manure per 10 m².

Foliar organic feeding of berry gardens

We can conclude that the main thing is to know when to use it in moderation, and then everything will be fine with the harvest. If the norms are exceeded, the option of “burning out” of the vegetation is possible. After this, you should give the soil a year to rest, so that this does not happen, fertilize strictly according to the recommendations.

And a little about the author’s secrets

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunching, clicking not of your own accord;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints...

Chicken manure can be called one of the most affordable fertilizers for summer residents. After all, city dwellers do not keep cows in their country houses. As for chickens, many people raise them in their dachas. Meanwhile, their manure is superior in nutritional value even to cow manure.

It is also worth using as a fertilizer because it contains a sufficient amount of phosphorus and nitrogen. When this type of manure is applied to the ground, these substances are completely absorbed by plants. After all, chicken manure is an organic fertilizer, which means, unlike mineral fertilizer, it is “living”. Phosphorus, which is part of it, does not form any compounds with soil components.

It is also good to use chicken manure as a fertilizer because it contains useful substances such as boron, zinc, copper, cobalt, etc. It also contains bioactive components auxins, which help accelerate plant growth. Such manure is used both in dry and diluted form. Both methods are quite effective.

So, let's take a closer look at how to use chicken manure. Many summer residents advise feeding their plants three times a season. In the spring, at the beginning of the growing season, that is, in May-June, in the summer during the flowering of vegetable and fruit crops and during active fruiting, in order to maintain its intensity.

Chicken manure must be used correctly as fertilizer. Most often, mash is made from it. To do this, fill the barrel a third, and then add water. The resulting mixture should stand for about 2-4 days. At the same time, it needs to be stirred constantly. To speed up decomposition, you can add a special preparation “Tamir” or “Baikal M”. (1 tbsp per bucket of water). After the fertilizer is ready, it is diluted 1 x 3 or 1 x 4 with water and applied to the beds at the rate of one and a half liters per square meter.

Many summer residents have repeatedly noted that a week or two after applying the manure, the plants begin to rapidly develop and bear fruit. That is, it simply gives them a colossal impetus to growth. So chicken manure as a fertilizer is certainly useful, and it is certainly worth using it in this capacity, if possible. Literally all plants nourished by it become powerful, strong, beautiful and healthy in appearance. With such care, the harvest will be plentiful, and the fruits themselves will be tasty and healthy.

Some summer residents also use chicken manure in dry form. This method is more universal and easier to implement. Let's look at how to fertilize a garden with chicken droppings without soaking it. This method is used at the end or beginning of the season. The litter can be used either whole or crushed. All you need to do is add it to the soil for digging. In this case, the amount of manure is calculated so that it is approximately 500 g per square meter.

Chicken manure as a fertilizer is nutritious, contains a huge amount of useful substances and microelements, is easily absorbed by plants, is accessible and easy to use. Although this type of manure is inferior in some respects to horse and cow manure, it is extremely beneficial for plants.